Very, very rare items. Where to find rare mobs in WOW: Mists of Pandaria

In Cataclysm, as in previous expansions, rare animals have been added. Rare animals, or rarniks in common parlance, are special mobs that are quite rare in the game. Their revival period can be 6 hours or more. The reward for killing a rare mob is quite tasty - level 346 items, a lot of gold, epic mounts and excellent pets for hunters.

1. World bosses for 5 people

In Cataclysm, five world bosses have been introduced, which are located outside dungeons and are located one for each new play area. Each has 3-5 special abilities, but the battle process itself is not very difficult.

Lives in the Mount Hyjal location. As a reward for killing you will receive [Garr's Belt of Memories]

Mobus (Crushing Wave)

Lives in Vash'ir and, when killed, gives [Mobus's Halberd of Evil] as a reward..


It flies at the very top of the Earth Temple, which stands in the middle of the Underdark. Those who killed recommend standing in a white puddle, which gives Medzhik resistance. Reward drops [Spectral Claws of Zarion]

Akma'hat (Dirge of the Eternal Sands)

This boss roams Uldum. Reward [Belt of a Thousand Mouths]

Julak Rock (Eye of Zora)

Habitat: Twilight Highlands. Loot – [Beak of Julak-Rock]

2. Rare special purpose mobs

These two rare mobs have quite an interesting purpose. You don't just need to kill them to get what you want:

2.1 Eonax (Eozera's Consort)

Eonax, like Zarion, flies around the Earth Temple in the Underdark. But unlike Zarion, he does not need to be attacked. To interact with a dragon, you need to right-click on it and ride it. As soon as you jump on him, he will begin to fly wildly around the Underdark and try to throw you off of him. Your task is to kill the poor animal while fighting off the small dragons called by Eonax. You will be rewarded with [Reins of the Glowing Dragon].

2.2 Doremus

Enough interesting way search for this rarnik. First, we need to go to Uldum and look for strange camel figurines scattered randomly around the area. When we find it, right-click and with some chance (about 5%) we get a 20-minute buff and teleport to the Smoking Lakes

It is precisely in this zone that Doremus wanders. When killed, he has a 100% chance of dropping [Reins of the Gray Riding Camel]. It is convenient to use a macro to search for figures

/ts Strange figurine of a camel
/script SetRaidTarget("target",1)

3. Rare pets for hunters

These rarities can be tamed by hunters. I already wrote about the Ghost Crab back when I was in beta. The crab gives strong blows that really nerf all stats =) But let's go through the list:

I've been collecting information and taking screenshots of rare mobs and elites for some time now, but I haven't been able to complete this mission yet. And now WoWHead has released a cool one for rares, which I will use as a base. Below you will find a video tutorial, a translation of the guide, and my own summaries and thoughts.

In parentheses are the coordinates where you can find monsters.

Rare mobs
Enraged Sunreaver Golem(50; 91.6) - runs along the beach of Ikhgaluk Cliffs. It falls off him.

Mumta- located on top of the central building. Very simple, if only you timely move away from the ancestral spirits it calls upon.

Kulai(37.6; 83) - walks along the beach near ZaTual. While his pterowing is alive, he takes 50% less damage.

Of the year(53.7; 53.1) - a turtle half hidden in a hollow tree. The most elementary of rarniks. It hits very weakly, spins periodically - you can knock it down with a stun. Nothing at all.

Parent- located at the very top of the Ihgaluk Cliffs. There is nothing difficult in the battle, but he periodically casts an AoE that throws you down and is guaranteed to kill you when you fall. You can kite lower - to a safer place.

Altabium(44.6; 29.6) - on the northern coast of the island in the area of ​​the animal enclosure.

Giant God Ramuk(61.6; 49.8) - another simple rarnik. You need to remember three things: avoid the Impact, run away from the lightning-endowed Ramuk, and stop his self-healing.

Overseer Uru(38.2; 28.6) - walks in the Lightning Mines.

Liu Ban(54.4; 35.8) - located south of the Thunder Forges.

Moltor- funny guy, rarnik without specific place residence. I met him in two places: on the tower near the pier and in the dungeon - guarding the chest after the arcade trap.

Russia- a very peculiar rarnik from which it falls. When used, the dagger instantly kills you with a lot of blood and other guro. Unfortunately, I didn’t get this dagger, but I think: if things don’t break when using it, what a savings on wipes!

Elite Champions
Every week in the cave you will be given a weekly quest to kill an elite summoned champion. For the quest they give 150 AP - not a bad increase, right?

To summon champions, you need 3, which fall from rarities, drop from mobs, or come from chests. By the way, . are obtained in the same way.

There is not much information about the champions, even the loot tables are not final, for example, a number of mobs have weapons assigned to them - by name. But, apparently, it has not yet been possible to knock him out.

Ancient Mogu Guardian (53,5; 46,7).

Electric Master Ju'le(44.8; 60.6) - summoned at the discharger, in battle it uses a lot of lightning, tornado adds, and generally gives you a light.

Ki'nor- Summoned by a ritual stone near the Lightning Mines. A staff is tied to it.

Cera- A dinosaur summoned in the cave beneath the Court of Bones. There is a dagger tied to it.

Unfinished Drakkari Colossus- next to the altar near the Lightning Mines.

Windweaver Akil'amon- a troll who rules the eagles on the northern coast. A sword is tied to it.

Echo of Kross(55.2; 88) - I’m already . It hits too hard for you to fight with it outside of a tank, but in a tank you don’t have time to kill a Saurok add with 300k HP. But he didn’t have time - the boss eats him and is treated =/.

Kor'dok(30.8; 58.4) - a mogu warrior with a sword attached to him.

Spirit of the Commander Tena (35.4; 63.8) - Most of the champions I've encountered are extremely difficult to kill solo. Either there is not enough DPS in the tank, or survivability in the DD spec. No wonder this is a 3-player boss by default. However, I almost failed this one. We go to the cave under the Court of Bones and call the boss.

He is thick, but hits weakly - the main thing is to get out of the AoE cast.

But there is one small problem: during the boss battle, sarcophagi are periodically opened in which spirits live. If you find yourself a little closer to them than necessary, you will be “buried alive” and this is a 100% wipe. And the dangerous distance, apparently, is different for all sarcophagi. So you have to rotate your head 360 degrees...

In Cataclysm, as in previous expansions, rare animals have been added. Rare animals, or rarniks in common parlance, are special mobs that are quite rare in the game. Their revival period can be 6 hours or more. The reward for killing a rare mob is quite tasty - level 346 items, a lot of gold, epic mounts and excellent pets for hunters.

1. World bosses for 5 people

In Cataclysm, five world bosses have been introduced, which are located outside dungeons and are located one for each new game zone. Each has 3-5 special abilities, but the battle process itself is not very difficult.

Lives in the Mount Hyjal location. As a reward for killing you will receive

Lives in Vash'ir and, when killed, gives as a reward.

It flies at the very top of the Earth Temple, which stands in the middle of the Underdark. Those who killed recommend standing in a white puddle, which gives Medzhik resistance. The rewards are

This boss roams Uldum. Reward

Habitat: Twilight Highlands. Loot -

2. Rare special purpose mobs

These two rare mobs have quite an interesting purpose. You don't just need to kill them to get what you want:


Eonax, like Zarion, flies around the Earth Temple in the Underdark. But unlike Zarion, he does not need to be attacked. To interact with a dragon, you need to right-click on it and ride it. As soon as you jump on him, he will begin to fly wildly around the Underdark and try to throw you off of him. Your task is to kill the poor animal while fighting off the small dragons called by Eonax. You will receive as a reward.


Quite an interesting way to search for this rare book. First, we need to go to Uldum and look for . When we find it, right-click and with some chance (about 5%) we get a 20-minute buff and teleport to the Smoking Lakes

It is precisely in this zone that Doremus wanders. When he is killed, he drops a 100% chance. It is convenient to use a macro to search for figures

/ts Strange figurine of a camel
/script SetRaidTarget("target",1)

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World of Warcraft is huge world, which grows with each new addition. Friendly and hostile creatures constantly appear in it. Many low-level monsters aren't of any interest to players these days, but some can still drop some nice rare loot that enjoys in great demand on the auction. How do you earn gold? Are you sitting in the city and tricking other players into enchanting materials and other valuable resources? Or maybe you're dancing naked on mailboxes in the hope of a handout from grateful viewers? Your suffering is over. Today we'll talk about five expensive items that can be obtained from monsters in World of Warcraft.

#5 Worn Troll Die

A worn troll dice is a toy that can sell for a lot of money. On average across all game servers, its cost is approximately 30 thousand gold, which is quite surprising, since the toy was added to the game in the Wrath of the Lich King add-on. As you can see, there are still people willing to buy it. Troll bone can be obtained not by killing mobs, but by picking pockets, that is, you will need a robber character to get it. There is no other way to get the bone. Now many players have high-level robbers, but if you are not one of them and are going to level up your character from scratch, know that farming requires approximately level 70-74, that is average level for leveling up in Northrend locations (note: with new system scaling, the minimum level of monsters is 60). The Worn Troll Bone can end up in the pockets of a variety of creatures, the drop rate and density of monsters also vary, so you can choose the location to your liking. The highest probability is observed on a small island in the north of Icecrown, in Hrothgar's camp, where the vrykul - devasters and mist spinners - live. The chance of getting bones from the Despoiler is 1.1%, and from the Mistweaver is 0.6%. Another advantageous location is Scorn in the Grizzly Hills. There are more vrykul there than in Hrothgar's camp, but, as far as I know, there is more competition there, despite more low chance drop – only 0.19%. However, there are a lot of mobs in Skorn, so you can run around in circles almost non-stop, without waiting for your pockets to replenish.

#4 Time Box

The next item on our list is the Time Box, which teaches how to summon battle pet- a small bronze dragon. This item can still be sold for approximately 22 thousand gold. Unlike the Worn Troll Dice, which is only available to rogues, the Time Box can be obtained by any character. The box drops from Iron Horde orcs in the Blasted Lands, so if you're suffering from post-traumatic disorder, caused by the wretchedness of Warlords of Draenor, and are not prone to masochism, you will have a hard time. If you still decide to take a risk, you can farm any orcs; the drop chance varies from 0.3% to 0.8%. The most convenient place is Fort Okril'lon, formerly known as Fort Hammer of Terror. The fort is full of monsters that are quickly killed, and there is almost no competition (of course, this is actually a WoD location). And another fun fact (well, in case anyone interesting): The little bronze dragon was created by Blizzard designers back in 2004, but for some reason did not make it into the classic version of the game. In patch 6.0, the pet still became available to players, and with the same model as in the classic. So even if you have plenty of gold, you can farm the Time Box purely for nostalgic reasons, and not for sale.

#3 Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion

If you remember, in the Mists of Pandaria, when the Destruction specialization was still popular, all the warlocks were obsessed with some kind of “green fire quest”. Well, this quest can still be completed, and people are still willing to spend money to buy the Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion. But first, let me clear something up. The tome can be knocked out by a warlock, even if he has already received his green fire, that is, warlocks, like robbers, have long had their unique way earnings. If you want to make money from tomes and you don't have a warlock, it's time to level up a new character. It’s also worth remembering that the tome is marked in the game as a unique item, which means you won’t be able to put two tomes into your bag at once. This means that if you, having one copy of an item with you, knock out the second one, you simply will not be able to pick it up. So if you are lucky with the loot, immediately take your tome to the auction or mail it to another character, and only then return to farming.
Now let's move on to the main thing. The Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion drops from rare monsters on the Isle of Thunder. Most of these monsters appear once every 30-60 minutes. This is what it looks like full list these monsters and a map with their location. Despite the fact that technically the tome drops more often than the items listed in the previous paragraphs, its source is rare mobs that never stand still doing nothing because they are killed very quickly. The Isle of Thunder appeared in the game two expansions ago, but many players drop by there from time to time to run through the Throne of Thunder or kill the same rare monsters. So if you are not persevering and are not ready to run around the island in a race with competitors, I strongly recommend choosing another way to earn money. After all, for many, farming is a kind of way to relax. Some people listen to music at the same time, while others watch their favorite YouTube channel and don’t want to constantly sit in tension or listen to curses in the chat. Maybe that's why average price The Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion is still worth 57 thousand gold. This is a fairly old item, but it is still not easy to obtain.

#2 Reins of Poseidus

Reins of Poseidus is a mount that you've probably already heard of, but I'll tell you about it anyway. average cost reins at auction range from 56 to 102 thousand gold, that is, they can still be sold profitably. The Reins of Poseidus have a unique feature - they allow you to quickly move underwater in any location. The mount appeared in the game with the release of the Cataclysm add-on; it can be obtained from a rare monster named Poseidus (drop chance - 98%). IN Lately the excitement about the reins has subsided a bit. If you're playing on a fairly populated server, chances are your auction is already full of reins, otherwise you can try to make money off of them. In patch 7.3, the developers allowed Poseidus to be beaten by a group of 5 people, and his respawn timer was reduced to 3-8 hours (for comparison, before the patch, the monster appeared approximately... once every 10 days). All this undoubtedly contributed rapid decline prices and appearance large quantity players riding Poseiduses. For example, on my server at the time of creating this video there are six lots with reins. At first glance, this is not much, but once upon a time such lots appeared very rarely and cost much more. But even despite the nerfs, some players manage to make good money on the Reins of Poseidus, and the mount itself is still considered rare and expensive.

#1 Chibu's Flaming Sword

And let's go back to the past again. Chibu's Flaming Sword was added to the game in patch 1.12 classic version games. According to Wowhead, the sword drops from three monsters - the Blackwing Spellbinder, which is found in Blackwing Lair, as well as the Core Destroyer and the Ancient Core Hound from Molten Core. Tibu's Flaming Sword is such a rare item that its drop rate doesn't even reach 0.1%, so Wowhead rounds it up to zero. So if you try to farm a sword purposefully in hopes of quick money, you will be deeply disappointed. Not the least important role is played by the fact that the monsters from which the sword falls are located in the dungeon, too far from each other, so farming in the usual way (run - kill - go out and upgrade) will be very tedious. Many players also strongly associate dungeons in Blackrock with clinical depression. So hunting for a sword for a living is worth it only to those who... well, you know, get moral satisfaction from being in unbearable conditions. But extra information won’t hurt anyone, so I’ll still tell you that the average price for the Chibu sword on all game servers ranges from 378-470 thousand gold. So if you ever accidentally end up in Blackwing Lair or Molten Core, be on the lookout and carefully dig through the corpses of killed monsters to see if you get lucky?

With the release of the latest update, 60 more rare mobs have appeared in WOW, when killed you can get very valuable loot and earn several honorable achievements. In WOW, rare mobs are divided into 8 types, located in each territory and ranked by level. For killing each one you can earn 150-300 thousand experience points. In order to find elite mobs, you can use the maps below

1) WOW rare mobs, location - Jade Forest.
1. Kor "us Night Fiend - when destroyed, a dark staff of destruction falls, which is a staff for the caster.
2. Krax"ik - when destroyed, an ax of level 420 drops out;
3. Mister Fierce - when destroyed, a duiker club drops out, which is a level 420 crushing one-handed weapon;
4. Morgrinn Cracked Fang - when destroyed, a two-handed club drops out level 420.
5. Sarnak - when destroyed, a fish-piercing crossbow drops out level 420;
6. Urobi - gives out a mysterious bowl that makes you angry for 10 seconds.
7. Ethis - gives out a one-handed club for a level 440 caster;
8. Ferdinand - when destroyed, a duiker club (club) of level 420 drops out

2) WOW rare mobs, location - Valley of the Four Winds:
1. Black Hoof - when destroyed, a battle horn drops out, blowing which can attract the attention of enemies located within a 40m radius;
2. Bonobos - when destroyed, an enchanted banana falls out, which will knock down anyone who steps on it;
3. Jon-Dar - when destroyed, a terracotta fragment drops out, summoning a soldier who will fight for the hero for 10 minutes;
4. Nal"lac - an accessory drops out - Dynasty of Steel;
5. Nashra - when destroyed, a healing seed of calm growth falls out;
6. Salin - when destroyed, gives out a battle banner, which helps to enter the shadows for a second and summon a scout, distracting all enemies and monsters nearby so that the hero can escape;
7. Selena - gives out an overgrown water lily, with the help of which the hero has the opportunity to train abilities belonging to another class;
8. Sulik "shor - when destroyed, a crystal of madness drops out, which improves the character's characteristics by 500 units. Cooldown time - 60 minutes.

3) WOW rare mobs, location - Krasarang jungle.
1. Gaarn - after destruction, you can pick up striking leggings, which are level 440 leg armor for the caster;
2. Go-Kan - after destruction you can pick up golden trousers, which are level 440 chain mail trousers;
3. Ku "us - level 440 plate leg armor drops;
4. Zhuun - level 440 leather leg armor drops;
5. Khmyzen - after destruction, level 440 leather trousers drop out;
6. Torik - after destruction, you can pick up unique leg armor, upgraded to level 440;
7. Kurnif - you can get a silk robe;
8. Arness - level 440 leg armor drops.

4) WOW rare mobs, location - Kun-Lai Summit.
1. Ahon - you can get a launcher to launch fireworks;
2. Borginn - after destruction, a box with stolen puppies drops out;
3. Havak - gives out a fragment of a cornerstone that turns the hero into a statue. After transforming a character into a stone statue, he cannot be attacked by an enemy for 5 minutes;
4. Korda Thoros - after destruction, mining gloves drop out, allowing you to collect resources in Pandaria much faster;
5. Nessos - after destruction, a reinforced shell drops out. As soon as it is in the character’s hands, he can calmly knock out the enemy in the saddle;
6. Skryab - a peace pipe falls out, increasing the reputation of the inhabitants of Pandaria by 1000 units. Recovery takes 7 days;
7. Ski"tik - gives out the wand of the amber sculptor. If it is directed at the enemy, then after a couple of seconds he will be covered in amber and will lose the ability to move for 60 seconds;
8. Zey the Outcast - after destruction, a mollusk that lives in deep waters falls out. With its help, the character gains excellent visibility underwater and can create water drops.

5) WOW rare mobs, location - Tunlun Steppes.
1. Ishilon - a huge bag of rags falls out;
2. Kah"tir - a large bag of weapons drops out, containing 2 epic items of level 420 and 440;
3. Lit"ik - after destruction, a large bag filled with gems falls out;
4. Lon - a large bag overflowing with herbs falls out;
5. Norlax - a large bag containing unique items drops out;
6. Silstriss - a large bag filled with leather falls out;
7. Harassment - after destruction, a large bag of food drops out;
8. Yul Wildpaw - after destruction, a large bag of various items that are valuable for the Enchanting profession drops out.

6) WOW rare mobs, location - Creepy Wasteland
1. Ai-Li Heavenly Mirror - after destruction, a mirror drops out, which allows the character to flicker for 10 minutes;
2. Dak the Crusher - an accessory drops out with which you can inflict 50 units of AOE damage on enemies and knocks them down for 2 seconds;
3. Garlock - an accessory drops out that will restore the hero’s life and energy by 90% within 6 seconds;
4. Ik-Ik Agile - after destruction, a hozen ball drops out, transforming the character into a hozen in a T-shirt, who has a scoop and a bucket in his hands,
5. Karr the Bringer of Darkness - a satellite falls out;
6. Krol Blade - an elixir of ancient knowledge drops out, increasing the level of experience gained by 300% for 60 minutes. It is worth noting that it does not affect the experience of players who have reached level 84.
7. Nalash Green - pet drops - Hollow Reed;
8. Omnis Greenlock - an accessory drops out that increases the amount of gold received from mobs.

7) WOW rare mobs, location - Vale of Eternal Blossoms
1. Kan the Soul Stealer - a stone falls out that transforms the character into a stone that can move;
2. Major Nanners - a Vicky scroll drops out, which summons a hozen, after communicating with him you need to eliminate 50 mobs to get a bag with useful items;
3. Moldo One-Eyed - after destruction, Pan's flute falls out, forcing animals nearby to follow the hero for 15 minutes;
4. San Tide Hunter - a water gem drops that increases swimming speed by 50%. The hero can also stay and breathe underwater for 10 minutes;
5. Urgolax - gives out a mysterious cup that makes the hero angry for 10 seconds.
6. Yorick Sharp eye- after destruction, produces a brass compass that releases memories of the missing first mate;
7. Ai-Zhan Flying Cloud - after destruction, the essence of the wind drops out, which gives the hero lightness. As soon as he wants to jump, it will seem as if he is flying.
8. Kal"tik Pathogenic - after destruction, the hero will be thrown up, and then land in his original place.