Organization of FBUZ Pomts FMB of Russia. Network of medical centers Privolzhsky District Medical Center Privolzhsky District Medical Center

17.08.17 21:40:04

-2.0 Terrible

How I underwent a medical examination at Polyclinic No. 1 of the POMC at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment, 2. It all started on 08/14/17 (Monday). I arrived at this clinic in the morning, asking if I could undergo a medical examination at my own expense. I received a positive response, voicing what kind of conclusion in the medical book and medical certificates I needed. The receptionist began printing payment forms and a slider with doctors' offices and appointment times. At the checkout, the cashier didn’t really understand what medical certificates we were talking about, so I ended up paying an extra 100 rubles, which became clear later. The amount is not large and I gave up on it. Having passed the tests, I went to the doctors’ offices. Having gone through everyone who could be passed without tests, I returned home full of hope to complete everything on Tuesday. Arriving on Tuesday and picking up the test results and chemotherapy at the reception, I went to the dermatologist. I waited 15 minutes, came to the reception desk and asked: “Where is the doctor?” I received an answer that it is not working today, but only Mon, Wed, Fri. I note that this is not indicated in the slider! To my indignation, why the slider does not indicate the days when the doctor sees - it was *****, not their problem. Realizing that there would be no conclusion today, I left. On Wednesday I went to the dermatologist, where it was discovered that the blood results were missing. The doctor sends it to the laboratory. I came to the laboratory, they said it was to the reception desk. I came to the reception, they said that yesterday they gave me everything, if something is missing, go to the laboratory. And then it started to “bomb” me, I shouted, the fuss began and lo and behold, results were found. After seeing a dermatologist, I went to a psychiatrist-narcologist. The doctor is gone for about 15 minutes, I go to this receptionist guessing what kind of answer I will get, which turned out to be true, the doctor will be on Thursday. Said with a smile on his face. To the question: “If you go through this doctor at Akson, will the occupational pathologist give the long-awaited conclusion?” I didn’t receive a clear answer, yes or no, only: “What do you want? Come tomorrow.” On Thursday, after seeing a psychiatrist-narcologist, I go to an occupational pathologist, I find out that the therapist is seen separately (my mistake, I’m used to the therapist and the occupational pathologist being in the same office). The therapist's office has the most ************** attitude. She asked the question: “Do you even have any vaccinations?” I say: "Yes." To which she replied: “Okay, at least this is there.” Arrogance and rudeness are her theme. That’s the end - an occupational pathologist, well, here in general... You hand over all the papers and a medical book, wait in the corridor, periodically the doctor comes out and asks all sorts of ***** (at the same time introducing everyone around me to my situation), but never I didn’t ask what kind of conclusion I needed. I’m sitting, waiting, wondering what these doctors will write for me as a conclusion. They also take certificates out of the office for verification before stamping them, taking into account the fact that all the source codes with my data are in their office. After waiting for about 20 minutes they take it out, check it and say, of course I’ll check it. And so it happened, the conclusion is wrong, I tell the doctor this, and in response I hear that this conclusion was in the source code. Not surprised, but amazed (for the conclusion they gave - not all tests were passed). I ask you to redo it (without shouting), the response is rudeness, a request not to shout at her (although I didn’t shout), accusing me of the fact that the source codes were with the conclusion that she put. She took the medical book and proudly retired to the office. In the medical book there was an old conclusion, which she successfully repeated, in the certificate there was another one, which I needed. As a result, the medical book contains 2 conclusions with different positions. While waiting for a medical book, the impression is that this is not the office of a professional pathologist, but the waiting room of a demigod in a white coat, who sits in the office and his servants run out into the corridor every now and then. Rudeness, incompetence, indifference, attitude like ***** - therapist's office, occupational pathologist, cash desk, receptionist. The other doctors did an adequate examination and were polite.

Privolzhsky District Medical Center (hereinafter referred to as POMC) was opened in 2001. Today it is a multidisciplinary healthcare institution, which is one of the most high-tech and modern complexes in Nizhny Novgorod. Today we will find out what the structure of this institution is, what kind of help is provided here, and also what people think about this medical institution.

POMC structure

Privolzhsky District Medical Center, photos of which are presented in this article, consists of the following units:

Hospital No. 1. It is located at: st. Ilyinskaya, 14.

Hospital No. 2. Address: st. Goncharova, 1d.

Hospital No. 3. Location: st. Marshala Voronova, 20a.

Hospital No. 4. Address: st. Tropinina, 41a.

Clinic No. 1 is located at Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment, 2.

Clinics No. 2 (dental) and No. 3. Location: st. Marshala Voronova, 20a.

Clinic No. 4. Address: st. Tropinina, 41a.

Clinic No. 5. Address: Oksky Congress, 2a.

Inpatient surgical care

Each hospital of the Volga District Medical Center provides assistance to people within the walls of its institution in the following areas:

Surgery, oncology. Liver and kidney transplantation is carried out; Surgical treatment of bile ducts, tumor and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas is performed. Therapeutic punctures and drainage of the bile ducts are performed. Abdominal surgeries, etc. are performed.

Urology. In an inpatient setting, various problems with the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and prostate are treated. Laparoscopic operations are performed. Malignant tumors on the male genital organs are removed.

Transplantology. A consultation and inpatient examination are carried out before being placed on the waiting list for liver or liver surgery.

X-ray surgery. Foreign bodies are removed from the cavity of the heart, blood vessels, etc.

Colonoproctology. A resection of the rectum or colon is performed. Surgeries are performed on the colon and perineum, tumors and polyps are removed. Specialists eliminate fistulas, fissures in the rectum, etc.

Gynecology. The following activities are carried out: surgical treatment of a tumor of the uterus or its appendages; treatment of problems with fallopian tubes and ovaries. Surgeries are performed due to abnormalities in the development of the genitals. Plastic surgery is performed on the external genitalia and vagina. Specialists treat the problem of miscarriage.

Reproductology. IVF and ICSI programs are available for couples wishing to have a child.

Otorhinolaryngology. Surgery is performed to treat patients with purulent otitis media, rhinosinusitis, and various forms of hearing loss.

Ophthalmology. Surgical assistance to get rid of cataracts, glaucoma; laser treatment of myopia.

Neurosurgery. Areas of work: elimination of herniated intervertebral discs in the lumbar and cervical region, disc prosthetics, body replacement surgeries on the vertebra, etc.

Plastic surgery. Surgeries are performed to correct the ears (protruding ears, reduction of the auricle), plastic surgery of the nose, breasts, abdominal shape, hips and buttocks. Various types of liposuction. Facial surgeries are performed: lifting, elimination of wrinkles, eyebrows, etc.

Reviews from people about the surgical profile of the institution

All specialists who perform surgical interventions on various human organs receive only positive assessments from people. The Nizhny Novgorod Volga District Medical Center, judging by the reviews of patients, is the best clinic in Nizhny Novgorod. Women and men speak only flatteringly about the surgeons who perform the operations and about the successful performance of surgical interventions. Hospital doctors are people who treat patients with care and attention. They care deeply about each of their patients. And the operations are carried out at the European level: with high quality, quickly and without side effects. In short, the surgeons at all four hospitals are excellent specialists.

Therapeutic profile

The Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution (FBUZ) “Privolzhsky District Medical Center” includes not only inpatient surgical care, but also therapeutic care in the following areas:

Cardiology. Diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm and blood clotting disorders are carried out. Drug therapy is prescribed and physical rehabilitation programs are selected for coronary heart disease and hypertension.

Psychotherapy. In an inpatient setting, doctors help a person get rid of stress, increased irritability, aggressiveness, insomnia, depression, absent-mindedness, anxiety, phobias, etc. The hospital widely uses group forms of work, and methods of relaxation psychotherapy are created.

Nephrology. Kidney studies are being carried out. Various urinary tract infections are treated, including pyelonephritis. Also in the nephrology department, patients are prepared for hemodialysis.

Neurology. Vascular diseases of the nervous system, neurological complications of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, kyphosis, etc.) are treated here. Doctors also help to cope with the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, get rid of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, tremor, etc. Treatment methods in the neurological department: massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, skeletal spinal traction, the use of special drug blockades, etc.

Positive reviews from people about the work of therapeutic doctors

On the Internet you can find various responses from patients who underwent inpatient treatment within the walls of the hospitals of this medical center. Patients who are satisfied with the work of the staff of this institution note the following positive aspects:

Professionalism. People write that the doctors are all wonderful, they are experienced, polite, and attentive. It’s not scary to trust such specialists with your health and life.

Quality of services provided. People write that the doctors at this center help to get rid of various diseases forever. And often this district center remains the last place where patients are treated.

Excellent awareness. Patients write that they have never met such doctors who advise so thoroughly and inform patients about various manipulations. Experts inform about the benefits and possible risks after carrying out a certain therapy.

Comfort and coziness in the rooms. In the cardiology, neurology and other departments of hospitals, they are cleaned and washed every day. The attitude towards patients is excellent.

Negative feedback about the work of therapeutic doctors

Unfortunately, the Privolzhsky District Medical Center has not only flattering, but also disapproving reviews. Some people write that doctors sometimes forget to come into their room, and the work and attitude of nurses leaves much to be desired. Patients note that food in this center is delayed, and linen is never changed and garbage is not thrown away.

Clinics of the center

There are only 5 of them. Each clinic of the Volga District Medical Center has the following staff:









These outpatient facilities provide various types of examinations:

X-ray: fluorography, radiography.

Thyroid gland, abdominal organs, mammary glands, bladder, prostate, scrotum, etc.

Daily blood pressure check, electrocardiogram, etc.

The federal budgetary healthcare institution "Privolzhsky District Medical Center" was established by order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2001 No. 375 in order to optimize the use of federal budget funds. It includes 4 hospitals, 5 clinics in Nizhny Novgorod and 5 branches. Main task The center provides medical assistance to persons with harmful and especially dangerous working conditions (including during diving and caisson work), workers in water transport, the nuclear and space industries, and government civil servants. The number of the assigned contingent is 260,806 people. The Center's branches operate within the framework of territorial compulsory health insurance programs. They are located on the main waterways and are as close as possible to the locations of fleet bases and hydraulic engineering facilities, which, along with the use of a corporate computer network and telemedicine technologies, makes it possible to organize the effective provision of therapeutic, diagnostic, and advisory assistance locally and ensures timely hospitalization of patients. The main clinical areas of activity FBUZ "POMC FMBA of Russia" are: organ and tissue transplantation, common oncological processes of the abdominal cavity, surgical hepatology, reconstructive operations for tumors of the genitourinary system, operative and conservative ophthalmology, minimally invasive interventions for surgical, urological, gynecological and ENT pathologies. Center occupies a leading position in Russia in the number of liver resection operations performed and is one of the five medical institutions in the country where liver transplantation is performed. The Federal Medical Institution "POMC FMBA of Russia" is the clinical base of 7 departments of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy and 3 departments of the Military Medical Institute. Since 2002, 6 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations have been defended. Work is underway to write 6 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations. Received 3 patents for inventions. One of the areas of scientific work is participation in 3 grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research: near-field microwave radiometry of biological objects, non-invasive express diagnostics using radiophysical methods of the viability of parenchymal organs in critical conditions, intraoperative ablation of tumors of parenchymal organs using microwave field energy. Currently at the institution powerful personnel, material and technical potential is concentrated to ensure the provision of highly specialized medical care to the population at the most modern level.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 09.07.2009

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 253

Operator name: Federal budgetary healthcare institution "Privolzhsky District Medical Center" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Operator location address: 603001, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, emb. Nizhnevolzhskaya, 2,

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2004

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Nizhny Novgorod Region

Purpose of processing personal data: 1. Maintaining personalized records when carrying out medical activities. 2. Processing of personal data of employees to formalize labor relations.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed.2. Documents have been approved defining the organization's policy regarding the processing of personal data and establishing procedures aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the law. Such documents in particular include: - an action plan to ensure the security of personal data, - a list of personal data subject to protection, - a list of personal data information systems, - a provision on restricting access to personal data, - an order approving the list of persons authorized for processing personal data, - regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, - policy regarding the processing of personal data, - rules for processing personal data without the use of automation tools, - order on approval of places of storage of personal data and persons responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of personal data during their storage .3. Elimination of the consequences of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, as well as in accordance with the instructions to the personal data security administrator and in accordance with the procedure for backing up and restoring the functionality of hardware and software, databases data and information security tools.4. Internal control of the compliance of personal data processing with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area is carried out in accordance with the internal audit plan, the instructions of the security administrator and the regulations on the processing and protection of personal data. The rules for access to personal data are approved in the relevant regulations and are technically implemented using information security tools. Employees authorized to process personal data undergo information security training, sign a non-disclosure agreement, and become familiar with documents on the protection of personal data against signature.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, education, profession, income, nationality, state of health, state of intimate life, Gender, passport details, place of work, compulsory medical insurance policy number, INN, SNILS, address of permanent residence, registration address at the place of stay, home telephone number, work, social status.

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, removal, destruction.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Article 92 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia