Autumn scenarios in kindergarten. Scenario for the holiday “to visit autumn” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various types activities.


Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, and motor activity in preschoolers.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Here again autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaves onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

Second child:

In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

I fluffed up my braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

That is why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks towards us with a cautious step.

Paints the leaves on the branches,

He will collect migratory birds.

The wind sweeps the paths

And rustles the fallen leaves.

You came to us, golden autumn,

We are glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal tears

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves flying from the branches,

They are circling in a motley crowd.

This is golden autumn

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful you are autumn!

The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

That's it, you give us autumn!

2nd child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Behind the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Now back, now forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind tears them apart.

It's been raining all day long

Pulling threads through the forests

As if they were repairing painted ones,

Golden sails...

3rd child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

Fragile ice on the icy river

It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

4th child:

Look like in the picture,

The scarlet grapes are burning.

These are thin mountain ash

Trying on their outfit.

The sun scatters sparks,

The leaves began to spin.

And on golden branches

The raindrops are trembling.

5th child:

The wind died down. Stopped

There are clouds in the blue sky.

The sparrows gathered in flocks.

And the river gurgles and gurgles.

All the paths and paths,

As if in motley shreds.

It's autumn carefully

He walks around with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you amazing story, which I heard from the birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to her friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn paths

Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I'll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes out to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help with a cheerful song carry out.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
There's a stump on the way,
I'll sit down and rest
I'll wait out the rain here.

Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can’t bear to know:
Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - My sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Petya the Cockerel lives there.
He will help you
Of course, whatever he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's here, not far away.
Turn it by the bump
And then diagonally,
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Let me pick some berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick some delicious berries
Put it in hot tea,
Mashenka will be healthy
And he will laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you, my dear friends,
Without you I would not have found the viburnum.

Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

- How glad I am that the viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again,
Autumn will come to you again,
He will bring a fairy tale again.



Autumn Festival in kindergarten AUTUMN STORY. Scenario

Target : Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various types of activities.


Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, motor activity in preschoolers.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Here again autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaves onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

Second child:

In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

I fluffed up my braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

That is why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks towards us with a cautious step.

Paints the leaves on the branches,

He will collect migratory birds.

The wind sweeps the paths

And rustles the fallen leaves.

You have come to us, golden autumn,

We are glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal tears

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves flying from the branches,

They are circling in a motley crowd.

This is golden autumn

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful you are autumn!

The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

That's it, you give us autumn!

2nd child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Behind the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Now back, now forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind tears them apart.

It's been raining all day long

Pulling threads through the forests

As if they were repairing painted ones,

Golden sails...

3rd child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

Fragile ice on the icy river

It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

4th child:

Look like in the picture

The scarlet grapes are burning.

These are thin mountain ash

Trying on their outfit.

The sun scatters sparks,

The leaves began to spin.

And on golden branches

The raindrops are trembling.

5th child:

The wind died down. Stopped

There are clouds in the blue sky.

The sparrows gathered in flocks.

And the river gurgles and gurgles.

All the paths and paths,

As if in motley shreds.

It's autumn carefully

He walks around with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you an amazing story that I heard from a birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to my friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn paths

Nastenka appears, walks and speaks.

Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

The Boletus mushroom rises from under a leaf. A child in a suit covered with a yellow cloth plays a mushroom.

Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I’ll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Competition game “Collect mushrooms”.

Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Game-competition “Cross the swamp”.

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes out to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help us out with a fun song.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
There's a stump on the way,
I'll sit down and rest
I'll wait out the rain here.

Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can’t bear to know:
Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - My little sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Petya the Cockerel lives there.
He will help you
Of course, whatever he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's here, not far away.
Turn it by the bump
And then diagonally,
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Let me pick some berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick some delicious berries
Put it in hot tea,
Mashenka will be healthy
And he will laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you, my dear friends,
Without you I would not have found the viburnum.
You helped me, surrounded me with kindness -
Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

Autumn (brings out a fruit basket):- How glad I am that the viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again,
Autumn will come to you again,
He will bring a fairy tale again.

Autumn is leaving, music is playing, everyone is leaving the hall.

Goals and objectives:

    Expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

    Create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children.

    Strengthen song and dance skills, ideas about vegetables, and the characteristics of the autumn period.

    Cultivate a love for nature.

    Continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other and towards adults.

(Children and the presenter, to the music of B. Mokrousov “Autumn Leaves”, enter the hall, stand in a line in the children’s hands, two leaves each).

Presenter: - Autumn again, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm region.

And again an autumn holiday

He comes to our kindergarten.

Autumn is a very beautiful and a little sad time of year. But today we will not be sad. We will organize a real holiday with songs and dances in honor of the golden sorceress of autumn.

Presenter: Guys, let's sing a song about autumn, she will hear us and come to visit us. You agree with me.

Children: Yes!

Presenter: That's good.

Children sing the song "Autumn." at the end they throw the leaves on the carpet and sit down on the chairs.

Autumn enters


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

I am Golden Autumn.

I came today, children,
Celebrate the holiday with you,
And through the forest after me

The mischievous rain was rushing down.
Showed me off a little

And all the paths got wet.


Hello Autumn!

Hello Autumn!

It's good that you came

We, Autumn, will ask you,

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn . I brought you flour.

Children . So there will be pies.

Autumn . I brought you some buckwheat.

Children . The porridge will be in the oven.

Autumn . I brought you some vegetables.

Children . Both for soup and cabbage soup.

Autumn . And apples are like honey!

Children . For jam and compote!

Presenter: Autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn...

Children. "Thank you!".

Autumn : And also on an autumn day. I'll rain on you!

Presenter: There is no need to water us with cold autumn rain, we will get wet and get sick. Let's play a game instead.

Autumn: Fine. Tell me quickly, how much rain do you know?
Game "How much rain do we know?"
How much rain do we know? (we spread our arms to the sides)
Count quickly! (counting fingers)
Rain with wind (we shake our hands above our heads),
Mushroom rain (we make a “house” above our heads),
Rain with a rainbow-arc (“draw” a rainbow above your head)!
Rain with sun (hands up, palms open),
Rain and hail (stomped with feet),
Rain with quiet leaves falling (we slowly squat, lower our arms down)!

Autumn: Well done.
Presenter: Yes, guys, Autumn is a wonderful time of year! In the forest, the cool sun shines through the branches, and it’s so quiet that if you listen, you’ll hear the leaves falling...

(A dance is performed with autumn leaves, at the end of which the children leave the leaves on the floor and sit down.)

Autumn: Hurry up, guys, hurry up,
Remove the carpet of leaves.

(Children collect leaves in an autumn basket)

Presenter : And now, guys,

I will tell you and Autumn riddles,

Tell me in order -

What's growing in the garden?

Presenter : Wow, I scared you!...Who are you?

Scarecrow. I am the Garden Scarecrow, a watchman in the garden, I know everything about all vegetables and I myself will tell you riddles!

Autumn: Okay, Scarecrow, tell your riddles!

Riddles (riddled by the Scarecrow).

1. They threw the golden feathers off Yegorushka,

Made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet)

3. Alena dressed up in her green sundress,

Her hair is curled thickly, and her name is...(cabbage)

4. How they grew in our garden bed

Well done people are growing in the garden -


5. And in this garden bed there are long riddles.

In this garden bed, Santa Claus hides his red nose in the summer. (carrot).

Scarecrow. Well done guys, you know the riddles well.

Presenter: Thank you scarecrow for your interesting riddles.

Scarecrow. But I have a problem, the vegetables quarreled among themselves, maybe you can resolve the dispute?

Presenter: Guys, can we help the scarecrow?

Children: Yes!

(Children read poetry. The children have hats with pictures of vegetables on their heads.)

Scarecrow: Blue eggplants, red tomatoes
They start a long and serious argument.
Which of them, vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?
A pea popped out - what a braggart!
Polka dots (fun). Sema
I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.
Scarecrow: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:
Beet(important). Violetta.
Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beet!
Cabbage(interrupting). Olya
You beet, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster Bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

Cucumber(perky). Venya
You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!
Radish:(modestly). Anya
I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!
Carrot(coquettishly). Matvey B.
The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and bite the carrot -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!
Scarecrow: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:
Tomato: Don't talk nonsense, carrot.Matvey M.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and enjoyable
Of course, tomato juice!
Presenter: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!
Potato: I, potato, am so modest.Light and Peace
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both big and small.
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty and healthy...Matvey P.
Scarecrow: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!
What are you arguing about, friends?
Eggplant: Which one of us is from vegetables?Matvey P.
Everyone is tastier and more necessary?
Who with all the diseases
Will it be better for everyone?
Scarecrow: To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

The kids say everything . All useful, all necessary and all important.

Scarecrow: Thank you guys for resolving the dispute and now I’ll go to the garden, I have a lot more to do there. Goodbye!

(The scarecrow leaves.)

Autumn: Guys, I didn’t come to you alone, but with my little friends, meet the five gnomes.

(Dance of the gnomes to the song “Motley Cap” by Georgy Struve)

Presenter: And now the guys and I will go into the forest to pick mushrooms, take baskets and collect mushrooms.

Children dance in a circle with baskets and collect mushrooms (younger group).

Presenter . Look guys, what mushrooms are basking in the sun here. You know what they are called.

Children : (No).

Presenter: Well, tell me about the mushrooms about yourself. Better yet, sing.


1st mushroom (Venya).

The month in the sky is like a basket,

You play, play, accordion,

I, a fungus, climbed onto a stump

And I play all day.

Plays the harmonica.

2nd mushroom (Violetta).

Cute toadstools

They are dancing in the clearing.

They don't spare the heels,

Have fun for all mushroom pickers!

Plays spoons.

3rd mushroom (Matvey).

Like ours, honey mushrooms

A whole kindergarten has grown up.

All sons and daughters

Hiding in the leaves.

Plays the tambourine.

4th mushroom (Olya).

Make way, people!

The fly agaric is coming!

Sings. The apron is new,

Maple leaf

It's time for me, guys,

I'll pack up and leave

Visit the Fly Agaric!

Dancing, mushrooms playing.

5-mushroom ( Matvey P)

Cleverly hide in the forest

I have a habit

And I look like a fox

Red chanterelle mushroom.

All. The little ones grew in the thicket,

Putting on bright caps,

Mushroom pickers walked there in a crowd,

And took them home! All!

Presenter . And now, dear friends,

It's time for us to sing for Autumn!

(Song about autumn. ... children's words and music: S. Nasaulenko)

Autumn : Thank you dancers, thank you singers,

We had a lot of fun today!

Autumn: (brings out a large mushroom)

A big mushroom grew in my forest,

And he, guys, is not easy.

Here for all the guys

Gifts from autumn are lying around.

In autumn, all children are treated to apples.

Presenter: Guys, let's thank Autumn and say goodbye to it.

Autumn: Goodbye, goodbye! Wave goodbye.

Well, in next year I will come to visit you again!

Autumn is leaving.

In September-October 2019, the Autumn Festival is held in kindergartens. We offer a script for a matinee for the older group, including scenes at an autumn festival in kindergarten.

In the hall decorated balloons and autumn leaves, children enter.

- Look, guys, how beautiful it is here today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday are we celebrating? Of course, a holiday of autumn!

Autumn knocked on the door again -
Golden, generous time.
With a harvest of colorful leaves
She came to our kindergarten for the holiday.

The song “Where are you, where are you, dear autumn?” is performed.

The skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday continues with poetry reading.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind...

They rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!

Then, at the autumn festival in kindergarten, you can stage funny scene, in which Autumn and Lesovichok participate.

– My dear guys, I’m glad to stay with you. (Sits on a tree stump.)

However, it turns out that the stump is alive. This is Old Lesovichok. Autumn tells him that she and the guys are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.

Old Lesovichok:
– If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh! Okay, I’ll help you, just do something fun for me.

A musical skit begins for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

Autumn reads the following lines:

All the leaves on an autumn day
So beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The guys perform the song “Golden Leaves” (words by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko).

Old Lesovichok:
- Thank you, you amused me. Here's a little ball, follow this ball and you'll have fun celebrating the fall holiday with songs, dances, and jokes.

In the next scene at the autumn festival in kindergarten, Autumn walks through the fields and forests.

Hello birch trees,
Hello, aspens!
Hello girls,
Hello boys!
Hello lawns,
Hello fields!
Golden Autumn has come to visit you!

Children perform the song “Beautiful Autumn” (words and music by G. Azamatova).

In the following skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday, the presenter says:
– The autumn mushroom season has arrived. I'm going mushroom hunting with friends in the morning.

The children recite together:

We run barefoot along the path,
Boxes and baskets in hands.
Let's take each basket together,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

The holiday ends with a musical skit for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, in which the song “Picking Mushrooms” (words and music by L. Abelyan) and the dance “Honey Mushroom” are performed.

Organization: MDOU No. 1 “Caramel”

Locality: Vologda region, Vologda

Leading Summer flew by quickly

The wind rustled.

Autumn is looking through our window,

Frequent rain knocks.

The doors were opened by the wind,

She unfurled a fan of leaves,

I collected birds for the journey,

She brought us a treat.

The soundtrack of the song is playing "Autumn has knocked on our door" Following Autumn, children appear in the hall and dance. At the end they stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading Look how much light there is

And smiles and guests!

This is a good omen

So, the holiday is at the door.

Autumn I came today, children,

Every year I come to you,

I always find you funny.

I am preparing my outfits for you,

Are you happy about my arrival?

Children of Rada!

1 child Autumn at a fox's pace

Sneaks through the ravines

Along the rivers and rivulets

And along the forest edges.

2 reb. Sneaks and at the same time

We paint everything with fox color:

The birch tree turned yellow,

Rowan has turned red...

And the maples turned red,

And Autumn, closer, closer... (comes to the fore)

Autumn Yes! I, children, walk through the forests

With paints and a brush,

So that the trees and bushes

Give fox coloring.

The song “Like Autumn” sounds ginger cat» music Kulikova (jailed)

Leading The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly,

The aspen dresses became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

Autumn I come to visit as a sorceress

And I delight you with my beauty.

I'm like a good fairy in nature

I give you a crimson and gold outfit.

Dance “Golden Autumn”

3 reb. The leaves are spinning again

In a golden dance,

Only the sun is getting less and less often

He comes to our house.

4 children The days are getting shorter again

There is no more heat.

And the nights became longer -

Autumn has come to us. (M. Eremeeva)

Autumn shows the children a basket.

Autumn I came with a basket,

It brought surprises.

5 reb. What surprises are in your basket?

Tell us quickly!

Autumn Every little surprise -

This is Autumn's whim! (takes out a piece of paper)

I want it in this room

Now we have played with you.

Finger game "Leaves" (all)

Autumn rustling with leaves, shaking their hands above their heads

Autumn is golden.

Spun the "Lanterns" up in the air

Having fun playing. "Lanterns" down

Here is a birch leaf Bend your fingers one by one

Here is a rowan leaf,

Here's an oak leaf

Here is an aspen leaf.

A maple leaf Spread your fingers and lower your hand down

He immediately fell under our feet.

Only the Christmas trees stand Connect your fingers like the top of a Christmas tree

They don't want to drop the needles. Shaking their heads and wagging their fingers

Leading Multi-colored leaves are falling,

Autumn has come to visit us again.

Again she pleases us with colors,

This time is wonderful.

Dance “The most gentle waltz” music. L. Gortsueva

Autumn I came today, children,

Celebrate the holiday with you.

And through the forest after me

The mischievous rain was rushing down.

6 children A drop fell from a cloud,

Autumn rain, prickly rain

It's drizzling lightly,

He's in a hurry to get the guys wet!

7 children The rain teases: “Hey, guys!”

He plays hide and seek with us.

It will let you go, then it will go away,

It will disappear, then it will return.

The rain is getting louder and louder

Along the branches and along the path.

Autumn takes a bell from the basket and says:

Dili-don, dili-don

This is a bit of a ringing sound.

Take the bells

Yes, tell me about the rain.

Song "Mischievous Rain" music. Vikhareva (children play bells to the intro music)

Autumn It really rained

All the trees sparkled.

Come out and dance

Celebrate the Autumn Festival.

Dance “Don’t be sad” (Autumn holiday dropped by...) At the end, the children remain standing in a circle.

Leading Autumn is golden

Came to visit us

And there are many gifts

I brought it for the children.

Game "Gifts of Autumn"

Autumn (walks in a circle towards the children)

I walk along autumn paths,

I will find a gift for everyone,

Make-believe on the palms

I'll give a little bit to everyone.

Who accepts the gift?

He presses his palms to himself (shows)

Who doesn't take a gift?

He will throw up his hands! (shows)

Carrot. Tomato...

Watermelon rind,

Milk mushrooms, mushrooms,

Swamp hummocks,

Pine nuts,

Oak acorns,

Golden leaf fall,

Torrential autumn rain...

A tub of sauerkraut

Bug-eyed frog

Apples and pears

Dirty ears

There's jam in the jar

To everyone's surprise

And a pie with potatoes,

And the first little white snow?

Would you like some cucumbers?

You guys are great! (sit down)

Leading Golden Autumn,
Red-haired beauty!
It's your holiday guys
I really, really like it.

Autumn Ball is in full swing! Songs and laughter!

Music calls us all

Have fun, dance,

Just don't imagine.

They boldly gave their hand to a friend,

Became in pairs in a circle!

“Dance “Clap-clap-clap” l.n.m. (sat down)
Autumn I am grateful to you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
I'm happy to have fun at the holiday,
But soon I’ll be on my way back.
8 children What are you, Autumn! It's too early to rush!
We want to have some more fun during the holiday.

Dance "Boom-boom"

9 children Oh, what a miracle it is

Autumn golden forest!

And they fly from everywhere

The leaves are a motley crowd.

10 reb. How many different sounds:

The cone will fall from the tree,

A branch crunches under your feet,

The bird will fly from the tree.

Autumn I have in my basket

Wonderful surprises.

Delicious surprises -

Main whims.

Who can guess the riddle?

My surprise gets:

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his foot.

The leaf stuck to it on top.

Did you find out? This...

Children Mushroom!

Autumn Yes, there are countless mushrooms in the forest,

There are all kinds of mushrooms.

You hurry up and stand in a circle,

Yes, play with the mushroom.

Game “Pass the fungus” r.n.m. “Oh, you, canopy” (parents and children stand in a circle)

Hey guys, don't yawn, They sing and pass the fungus around

You are transmitting the fungus.

Who has a fungus in their hands -

Come out and dance in a circle! Who ended up with a fungus?

songs, comes out in a circle and dances

All other participants clap

11 children You're still a little bit, Autumn,

Play with us.

A cheerful round dance

Get up quickly.

"Colorful game" music. Savelyeva (together with her parents)

Autumn I have a basket in my hands

It contains autumn gifts

Everything I'm rich in

I brought it for the kids.

We had a lot of fun

I am very grateful to you!

And for this I give gifts

I’ll give you autumn ones.

Autumn It’s time to close the autumn holiday,
And I was very glad to see you, kids.
But you can't turn back time.
The time has come when it’s time for me to hit the road.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading The autumn holiday is over,

I think it lifted everyone's spirits.

I want to sing and always smile

Children, do you agree with me?

Leading Well, our holiday has come to an end. Until we meet again in this hall.

“Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!”

What do children usually expect in kindergarten? Of course, a holiday! Even if there is no significant date on the calendar, why not have a holiday in honor of another event, for example, the onset of Autumn?

October 18, 2012 in MDOU No. 24 p. Semyonovskoe passed festive event, dedicated to Autumn.

“Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!” - That was the name of our autumn holiday, in which the children of the senior group took an active part. It was slushy and cold outside, but there was a warm, friendly atmosphere in our hall. The children danced in a circle, sang songs about autumn, played fun games, read poetry. At the festival, children were transformed into different heroes: and a squirrel, and a bear, and a hedgehog, and a handsome fly agaric.

Children's autumn holidays- this is a sea of ​​smiles and fun, because even though they say that autumn is sad time, but children, like no one else, are able to enjoy the golden fallen leaves under their feet and the rain, under which it is so interesting to walk under an umbrella, wearing rubber boots and putting on a raincoat. That's why the autumn holiday in kindergarten is one of the children's favorites!

A holiday in kindergarten is always amazing miracles, magical colors and ringing laughter of the pupils.

The holiday was a great success.

Musical director

MDOU No. 24 p. Semenovskoe Yu.A. Sokolova.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Autumn holidays in preschool educational institutions. Scenario "Autumn, we invite you to visit us!" for younger children

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Scenario for an autumn matinee in the senior group “We ask you to visit us in autumn”

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