There is a feeling that something is in the way in the eye. Get rid of eye discomfort as soon as possible to preserve your vision! Diagnosis of foreign body sensation in the eye

The human eye is an almost unprotected organ. Eyelids reliable protection“they don’t count”, they very rarely manage to cover them in dangerous situations.

There is hardly a person who has not encountered the feeling: “something is bothering my eye”. Symptoms of the condition: lacrimation, pain and pain, redness of the conjunctiva and sclera, maybe photophobia...

This feeling is familiar to contact lens owners - if the rules of use are violated optical accessory, then the surface eyeball gets injured. This feeling can be explained by visual fatigue - overstrain has an adverse effect on the eyes.

But it happens that, seemingly for no reason, there is a feeling of a speck in the eye, but there is nothing there. What to do in such a situation and should you consult an ophthalmologist?

Something is bothering the eye - what should I do?

If there is a feeling of being hit foreign body, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist. Sometimes it is impossible to remove a foreign body from the eye on your own - it has penetrated the eyeball, injuring it, or "hid" deep under the eyelid. If the eyelid is not turned out, then "garbage" will not be able to be detected.

The object may penetrate so deeply that it is damaged and epithelial layer, and the eyeball itself, and even the iris - and this is extremely dangerous.

Currently, the following examinations are performed to detect a foreign body:

  • radiography of the eye orbit;
  • biomicroscopy – examination using a slit lamp;
  • ultrasound;
  • visualization with an ophthalmoscope;
  • diaphanoscopy of the eye and its appendages - transillumination with a directed light source;
  • test visualization - the organ of vision is examined using a gonioscope.

At home, it is only possible to check visual acuity, and even then it is not very accurate. For testing to be reliable, adequate lighting must be provided.

If - despite all the examinations - a foreign body is not detected, then at the same time the doctor will make a diagnosis explaining why there seems to be something in the eye, but there is nothing there.

Sensation of a foreign body in the eye - causes

The causes of the unpleasant feeling - a foreign body preventing normal viewing - may be the following factors.

  1. A thorn that has just begun to develop. This is what people call leukoma - clouding of the cornea.

The cause of leukoma - if it is not a birth defect:

  • infectious diseases in which inflammatory process spreads to the organ of vision - syphilis, chlamydia, tuberculosis;
  • ulcers or thinning of the cornea;
  • promotion intraocular pressure;
  • eye burns;
  • damage left by a foreign body.

IN in rare cases Leukoma can be caused by ophthalmic surgery.

Signs of conjunctivitis:

  • pain and pain;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of individual parts of the organ of vision - conjunctiva, sclera;
  • the appearance of discharge - viscous, transparent or purulent, of various colors and consistency.

The feeling of a foreign body in the eye appears when a chalazion or stye develops, after exposure to unfavorable factors - strong winds in the cold, a long stay in a room with dry air, after a swimming pool...

Treatment for foreign body sensation

If after an ophthalmological examination you feel that something is bothering you normal vision, it is confirmed that the foreign body is removed and medications are prescribed local action to prevent post-traumatic infection. Usually ophthalmologists recommend dripping "Albucid", "Ophthalmodek", put eye ointment behind the eyelid - that is, to warn infectious process means of antiseptic and antimicrobial action.

Treatment for leukoma is possible if it is in active phase– there is an inflammatory process. When a thorn has already formed, the goal of therapeutic measures is to reduce it.

For this we use:

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the thorn.

For conservative treatment cataracts drops can be used: “Vitafacol”, “Vitaiodurol”, “Vicein”, “Oftan Katahrom”, “Pirenoxin”. Once the cataract has matured, it is removed through surgery. Success is achieved with 95% of surgical treatment.

Conservative therapeutic measures to stop the development of glaucoma consist of the use of drugs that lower intraocular pressure and improve blood supply and metabolic processes in eye tissues.

Treatment is selected individually. As an example we can give drops: "Pilocarpine" or "Isocarpine", lowering intraocular pressure; "Okumed" and "Bepontik" reducing the synthesis of intraocular fluid. If conservative methods They didn’t help, they are doing surgery. Laser surgeries are the safest and most effective.

If the sensation of a foreign object in the organ of vision is caused by injuries, therapeutic measures are chosen depending on the nature of the damage.

If you experience any discomfort in the eye area, you should contact an ophthalmologist. Call at the first symptoms - quick release from discomfort and prevention of dangerous ophthalmological diseases, affecting the quality of visual function.

When the patient feels as if something is bothering the eye, this may mean that he has inflammation in the visual apparatus or some kind of disease. Such sensations can be provoked by various irritants. Usually a person has a persistent feeling that there is something in the eye, he feels dryness and itching. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to examine the affected area. If the irritant is not detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of discomfort

Similar symptoms can be caused by various factors. Eye diseases can cause dryness and discomfort in the visual apparatus. A thorn can provoke the feeling that there is something in the eye. This is a clouding of the cornea that can develop after injury. This is an inflammatory process, which in some cases may be congenital.

Glaucoma often causes similar symptoms in patients. This chronic illness. Itching, redness, pain, and the presence of a foreign body can occur due to the fact that the pressure in the visual apparatus increases greatly. Subsequently, fluid begins to accumulate in the eye, and it does not come out. This may be caused by the presence of neurovascular disorders. In addition to the main symptoms, patients with this disease exhibit high sensitivity to the light. And when examining light sources, multi-colored circles often appear before the patient’s eyes. The contours of objects are often unclear, and their shape is distorted.

Cataracts may be the cause of these symptoms. This is clouding of the lens, which is associated with impaired blood circulation and nutrition of the organ of vision. Such a deviation develops if the patient has diabetes mellitus, pathological eye diseases, severe injuries, long-term work in conditions where the temperature is very high.

Conjunctivitis often causes the patient to feel as if there is something in the eye. The foreign body symptom is very strong and difficult to get rid of. The disease can develop as a result of contact with the visual apparatus. large quantity dust, various contaminants, long work at the computer, at poor lighting, if a person has a metabolic disorder and under the influence of many other factors.

Trachoma is a chronic infectious disease that is accompanied by the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms. The patient's eyes almost immediately become red, severe itching and it always seems that there is something under the eyelids. The patient experiences similar sensations when he has stye. In addition to diseases, there are other reasons that provoke pain, burning and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. Such symptoms can be caused by bright sun, strong wind, debris, chlorinated water, allergic reactions.

How to eliminate the feeling

First of all, the patient needs to determine what is happening in his visual apparatus. If in fact it hurts, itches and itches as a result of dust or dirt getting under the eyelid, then it is enough to simply eliminate the source of irritation.

If you are allergic to dust, flowers, or wool, and you know that prolonged contact with allergens causes similar symptoms, then try to avoid this contact. But only an ophthalmologist can distinguish the development of a serious illness from simple fatigue.

Before checking to see if you have a foreign body in your eye, wash your hands well and equip yourself with sterile wipes. If the object was not detected, then you need to apply eye light bandage and go to the hospital immediately. This is necessary to ensure that the eyes move as little as possible. Because otherwise you can make the situation worse.

If the object shell irritant, is located under the eyelid, then use a napkin to carefully remove it. Do not try to do this with tweezers or any other sharp object. You can also just pull it upper eyelid, hold it in this position for a while and release it. The patient should begin to produce profuse tears, which will lead to the elimination of the irritant.

If under upper eyelid With the help of such an examination it was not possible to find anything, then put the person on his back, ask him to open his eyes and pull his upper eyelid further. Determine the position of the stimulus. In this position it will be much easier to reach it. Avoid getting cotton fibers into the eye apparatus. Therefore, you cannot use cotton pads or swabs during the procedure. To make it easier for the person examining your eye to detect a foreign body, try to look down.

At the same time, pull the eyelid up a little.

If nothing was found during such an examination, this may indicate possible availability inflammatory process. In this case, you need to go to the doctor.

Depending on your disease, he will prescribe treatment. It will be aimed at eliminating a specific ailment. If your eyes are simply dry, you are overtired, or for a long time were in a strong wind, you will be prescribed special drops that will soften the surface of the eye.


When something bothers the eye, the patient feels severe discomfort. In this case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Treat similar violation by using traditional medicine possible, but this process must be agreed upon with an ophthalmologist. Especially if you have been diagnosed with a specific lesion visual apparatus. To eliminate discomfort you can use:

  • aloe juice;
  • baking soda;
  • colloidal silver;
  • Castor oil;
  • chamomile;
  • turmeric;
  • yarrow.

Almost all herbs that are found in nature and that have an antiseptic effect can be used for eye damage. Before infusing decoctions or making drops yourself, consult your doctor. You may not be able to make the medicine in the proportions in which it was originally presented.

Most safe way treatment - apply compresses and rinse the eyes. You can use aloe juice for compresses. You need to squeeze a small amount into a small container, soak cotton pads in it and place it on your eyes.

The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to squeeze every day Fresh Juice, rather than preparing the medicine several days in advance.

Take 1 tsp of dried chamomile flowers and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. Let the medicine sit for 7 minutes, then let it cool to a temperature that suits you. After this, soak cotton wool in the broth and put compresses on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. This infusion can be used to wash the eyes. Only in this case, the medicines should not be very concentrated. In order to dilute the decoction, you can add 70 ml of clean cool water to 150 ml of medicine.

To prepare the decoction you will need barberry root. Take a teaspoon of root powder, pour 250 ml of water into it and let it brew for half an hour. If the medicine is very concentrated for you, then it can be diluted clean water. The decoction can be used for washing the eyes and for various compresses. The duration of the procedure depends on your desire.

You can prepare a decoction of honey and eyebright. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. l. flowers and leaves of eyebright, mix them and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After this, close the container and let the medicine brew.

After the broth has cooled, you can strain it and add 3 tbsp. l. fresh honey.

Soak cotton wool in the medicine and make compresses.

The sensation of a foreign body in the eye without a speck in it is familiar to almost everyone. Discomfort, pain, photophobia and lacrimation cause discomfort. The causes of this condition can be an ingrown eyelash or mechanical damage corneas, and many vision-threatening diseases. If not treated in a timely or competent manner, they can significantly affect visual acuity.

1 Presence of a foreign body

If you were unable to detect a grain of sand or a microscopic speck in your eye, this does not mean that they are not there. Sometimes these particles are so small that only an ophthalmologist using an ophthalmic (slit) lamp can see and remove them.

There are more reasons to suspect the presence of a speck if you previously had to be in the wind, in a dusty room, or work with welding or diffuse materials.

To get rid of the unpleasant sensation, you will need to remove the unwanted object. During the examination, the ophthalmologist will examine the cornea of ​​the eye under a lamp and, if necessary, use a special dye (fluorescein). It will clearly indicate a foreign object in the eye and the extent of erosion (damage) to the cornea.

Yellow spot on the white of the eye: what is it and how to treat it

2 Ingrown eyelash

Among the reasons that cause a feeling of something disturbing in the eye is an eyelash that grows incorrectly. It affects the cornea and causes discomfort.

When blinking, the eyelash damages the cornea, causing redness and the feeling of a foreign body. At the same time, the eye is very watery, as if it were pricking. When you search for a grain of sand in your eye, you cannot find it, because there is nothing there. An ophthalmologist can see an ingrown eyelash during an examination by carefully turning out the eyelid.

Here, during the examination, he removes it, after which the patient is prescribed eye drops, and he goes home.

Causes and treatment of a red spot in the eye

3 Damage to the cornea from contact lenses

When wearing contact lenses, the cause of the sensation of a foreign object in the eye may be due to improper use. In this case, the upper layer of the cornea is damaged, which causes lacrimation, photophobia, pain, and a feeling of speck, although nothing has gotten into the eye.

Corneal erosion from exposure to contact lenses can be detected during an examination by an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination and recommend treatment.

If corneal erosion is diagnosed, you will need to stop wearing lenses for a while.

If a large area of ​​damage is detected, the prescribed drugs will include:

  1. 1. Keratoprotectors for restoring damaged corneas: Vidisik, Oftagel, Hydropromellose, Visimetin, Oksial, Karakol.
  2. 2. Hydrocortisone or antihistamines to relieve inflammation with severe swelling and redness.
  3. 3. Levomycytin, Floxal or Tobrex to prevent bacterial infection.
  4. 4. Taufon to accelerate the improvement of recovery processes.

If you have corneal erosion, you should not:

  1. 1. Rub your eyes as this will cause more damage.
  2. 2. Touch your eyes with cotton swabs or sponges.
  3. 3. Self-prescribe eye drops.

Corneal erosion occurs when the top layer is damaged by debris, eyelashes, contact lenses and other traumatic factors.

If the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to formidable complication(neovascularization of blood vessels), which leads to complete blindness .

Nystagmus of the eyeball: causes, symptoms, types and methods of treatment of the disease

4 Dry eye syndrome

Swelling and redness of the cornea, a feeling of pain, the presence of a foreign body that is not there may be a sign of dry eye syndrome.

The causes of the pathology may be:

  1. 1. Frequent stay in rooms with dry air (heating radiators, air conditioners) or exposure to the wind.
  2. 2. Pathologies of the eyelids that provoke their non-closure.
  3. 3. Working at a computer, watching TV for long periods of time, or driving at night. These activities provoke infrequent blinking, which negatively affects the hydration of the eyes.

Dry eye syndrome is caused by drying out of the cornea, which occurs when there is insufficient amount of tear fluid washing it.

When in a dry room, tears dry out very quickly, and this leads to drying out of the cornea and provokes unpleasant symptoms.

Determine availability initial stage of this disease A simple test will help:

Symptoms encountered over the past 7 days Constantly Often 50 to 50 Rarely Never
Hypersensitivity to light 4 3 2 1 0
Feeling of dust on the cornea 4 3 2 1 0
Pain or redness of the cornea 4 3 2 1 0
Fog before my eyes 4 3 2 1 0
Decreased visual acuity 4 3 2 1 0
Types of activities that had to be done last week
Reading 4 3 2 1 0
Driving a car in the dark 4 3 2 1 0
Staying at a computer monitor 4 3 2 1 0
Watching TV 4 3 2 1 0
Having a feeling of discomfort in the following situations with and the past 7-10 days.
During windy weather 4 3 2 1 0
In areas with very dry atmosphere (humidity below 30%) 4 3 2 1 0
In air-conditioned rooms 4 3 2 1 0

The points in the cells with the selected answer options are summed up. A result in the range of 36-48 points indicates a possible severe degree pathology, 24–35 - moderate, 12–23 - mild.

Under increased loads, to reduce discomfort, it is necessary to drip medications such as “artificial tears” into the eyes: Visin, Hilo-Komod, Vidisik, “Artificial tears”. If the air in the room is too dry, it is advisable to humidify it. But in any case, you will need to consult a doctor for advice.

Conservative treatment of the syndrome is long-term and requires reducing the time spent working at the computer, watching TV and driving at night. If there is a threat of corneal ulceration, tamponade of the lacrimal canal and other therapeutic measures will be required.

5 Glaucoma

With glaucoma, the eye reacts very sensitively to light, and the slightest increase in its brightness causes photophobia and a feeling of specks in the eye. If you have a severe headache, nausea, or floaters, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

An acute attack of glaucoma requires hospitalization and urgent treatment, as there is a rapid drop in visual acuity, which is then not restored.

If there is a sensation of a foreign body in the eye for more than 2-3 days, severe itching or pain, copious discharge tears, you should seek help from an ophthalmologist. He will determine the cause of the discomfort and recommend how to get rid of it.

6 Inflammatory processes in the eye

Among the inflammatory processes that cause discomfort are conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis. They can be viral, bacterial or allergic origin. For viral and bacterial diseases the infection enters the eyes both from other sources in the body (flu, acute respiratory infections, otitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, boils, etc.), and from sick people, animals, birds (with conjunctivitis). Allergic pathologies are the body's reaction to an allergen.

Along with the feeling of a speck in the eye, itching, swelling, redness of the eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea, profuse lacrimation, pain, and photophobia occur.

Treat inflammatory diseases It is necessary under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, since self-medication often provokes the spread of infection into the deeper structures of the eye.

7 Hyperthyroidism

When hormone levels are exceeded thyroid gland In the blood, many body systems fail. Irritability, nervousness, and constant fatigue appear.

Frequent symptoms of the disease are visual pathologies:

  • sensation of a foreign object;
  • eye pain;
  • redness of the cornea;
  • protrusion of the eyes.

If the feeling of a grain of sand in the eye is present for a long time, but no ophthalmological pathologies are detected, you should visit an endocrinologist.

8 Purulent formations

The causes of unpleasant sensations, especially under the upper eyelid, can be chalazion or stye, including internal stye - meibomite. In the infiltration stage, when white spot no, but inflammation is already present, there is severe itching, redness of the edge of the eyelid, the eye seems to be tingling, and a sensation of a foreign body appears.

Treatment of such formations at the infiltration stage involves dry heat. Good help folk remedies: applying baked onion gruel to the sore spot, rubbing with garlic (subject to precautions). Other methods will become available after the pus has matured. With meibomitis and chalazion, the abscess is opened surgical methods and only then treatment with eye drops is carried out.

If the cause of the discomfort is unknown, and the pain does not go away within 3-5 days, be sure to consult a doctor. Launched form Any disease is much more difficult to treat.

Today on the website we’ll talk about why the eye under the upper eyelid hurts, what disease causes such a symptom. How to treat correctly and what absolutely should not be done during the recovery period.

Causes of discomfort

Pain when blinking or pressing can occur when a speck or eyelash gets under the upper or lower eyelid. A foreign body interferes, and a feeling of discomfort arises. You can solve this problem yourself. It is necessary to make gentle stroking movements until the tear washes away the speck.

If the eye hurts severely under the upper eyelid, you should find out the cause of this symptom. There may be several of them:

  • inflammatory process on the sclera;
  • the formation of a stye or boil on the upper eyelid;
  • insomnia, nocturnal lifestyle;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • incipient glaucoma;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

In order to promptly minimize possible consequences disease, it is necessary to begin treatment on time.

If inflammation occurs

The eye is susceptible to viruses and bacteria. When immunity is reduced and contact with a carrier of the virus occurs, healthy man gets sick too. Even a slight inflammation in the body (for example, untreated caries or acute respiratory infections) can lead to complications in the eyeball in the form of redness and itching. The eyelid swells and becomes painful when pressed.

At viral infection mucous membranes the following drugs are prescribed:

  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antihistamines (to relieve swelling).

Eye pain persists under the upper eyelid until it goes away acute signs inflammation.

Barley and boil

Barley appears when the meibomian glands are clogged. This happens when the gland produces more lubricant and fat than necessary. Swelling, the abscess causes painful sensations eyes under the upper eyelid. People who work in the cold are susceptible to this disease and often suffer from viral and infectious diseases.

A boil also occurs due to malfunction iron The disease progresses quickly, the abscess rapidly grows in size and takes on the shape of a cone. The eyelid turns red, swells, and it hurts to blink.

In some cases, surgery is appropriate to remove the growth. Untimely treatment can lead to abscess and blindness. This complication threatens human life.

How to treat stye under the eye? >>

Intraocular pressure

With increased pressure, the eye under the upper eyelid hurts, it hurts to press on it. Often this condition occurs against the background of overwork, in those who suffer from ICP. Office workers are more likely than others to suffer from this disease.

However, increased blood pressure may be a consequence endocrine disorders. In this case, the disease develops over a long period of time. There are symptoms of swelling in the eye. The vessels may gradually collapse and the cornea may become thinner.

For cardiovascular pathologies, bad work kidneys, when fluid is retained in the body - high blood pressure a common symptom in the eyes.

Some people get similar manifestations as a result of stress, lack of sleep or overwork. Therefore, it is important to structure your working day, take breaks on time, and give your eyes a chance to rest.


When an eye is injured, there is not only pain when pressing. Accompanying symptoms:

  • decreased vision;
  • the eyelids may close involuntarily;
  • photophobia appears;
  • the sclera turns red;
  • the eyelid may swell;
  • tear production increases.

After any eye injury, you should definitely consult a doctor. As a rule, if the contusion is not severe, it is prescribed antibacterial drops which help relieve the inflammatory process. A cold compress should be immediately applied to the affected area.

About treating the eye after an injury >>

For serious contusions, indicated additional examinations, since the deep structures of the eye and/or brain may be affected. In this case, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest, certain medications to avoid the consequences of intracranial injury.

How to relieve the condition at home?

When the eye under the upper eyelid hurts, not everyone knows what to do. The website will tell you more about this.

When a stye or boil appears, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial drops and/or ointments. In order to relieve inflammation and prevent possible consequences of complications.

After some time, the abscess opens and its contents come out. If this does not happen, the growth may open under conditions day hospital. In difficult cases, tableted antibacterial drugs are used.

Inflammation of the eyes is relieved with drops, as mentioned above, if the disease is viral in nature, it is prescribed antiviral drugs. When the disease becomes more complicated bacterial infection, the doctor prescribes special medicines that fight germs and bacteria.

If a skull injury occurs, the eye hurts under the upper eyelid, or it hurts to blink, it is important to immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Prevention methods

  • wash your hands before touching your face;
  • get a good night's sleep;
  • try to lead healthy image life, move more;
  • do not get too cold;
  • When working at a computer, try to take breaks on time and do eye exercises.

Simple rules will help you avoid possible problems. Do not forget that all medications for treatment are prescribed only by a doctor after diagnosis. Take care of your eyes!

Probably every person has encountered such a problem as the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

This is a rather unpleasant feeling, which is associated with irritation of the receptor apparatus of the conjunctiva.

It may be accompanied by lacrimation, hypersensitivity to light, burning or itching, redness of the mucous membrane.

Causes of foreign body sensation in the eye

The reasons why a foreign body sensation may occur in the eye are very diverse:

  • Weather. Strong wind, dry and hot air, as well as direct sunlight in most cases cause discomfort in the eyes.

    It occurs due to the rapid drying of the tear film covering the surface of the eyeball. People describe this feeling differently: some talk about dry eyes, while others feel like there is a speck in their eyes;

  • Features of professional activity. A number of professions (welders, loggers) are inevitably associated with constant eye discomfort.

    At the same time, the sensation of a foreign body can be either true (that is, something actually penetrates the eye) or false (due to the drying out of the tear film).

    To avoid discomfort, you need to use protective masks or goggles;

  • Wearing contact lenses. At the beginning of using contact lenses, almost everyone can complain of a feeling of a foreign body in the eye. This is not surprising, because no matter how high-quality the lens is, it still irritates the receptor apparatus.

    After some time, the eye adapts and stops feeling it. To alleviate the symptom, you can use drops of artificial tears: Lacrisify, Vidisik, Visin, artificial tear, Hilo-chest, Lacrisin (here you can see how to choose the right lenses);

  • Inflammatory eye diseases (keratitis, blepharitis or conjunctivitis);
  • Dry eye syndrome. This pathology can safely be considered a disease of civilization. This is due to the fact that the rapid development of computer technology has a very negative impact on the functioning of the visual analyzer.

    While working at a monitor, a person strains his vision, which is accompanied by a decrease in the frequency of blinking movements of the eyelids.

    As a result, the tear film is damaged and the eye begins to dry out. Some people feel it as a burning sensation, while others feel as if something has gotten into their eyes;

  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, in which excess thyroid hormones are released into the blood.

Treatment of irritation

If you have a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, you should immediately examine the eye in the mirror to find out whether something really got there.

It is best if an ophthalmologist does this, since it is impossible to carry out a thorough examination at home.

First aid

If you see a speck in your eye, carefully remove it using gauze or a corner of a clean towel.. At the same time, try not to rub your eye with your hand. The figure below shows how to properly remove a foreign body from the lower and upper eyelid.

If the foreign body is very small, it must be removed by rinsing the eye. For this, ordinary boiled water at room temperature can be used.

Sequence of eye rinsing steps is this:

  • Fill a syringe or syringe with water;
  • Sit comfortably and tilt your head back. If the speck is in the right eye, the head should be slightly tilted towards left side and vice versa;
  • With one hand, pull the lower eyelid down, and with the other, squirt water under gentle pressure. The eye should look down.

The described manipulation is much more convenient to carry out together.

You can do it differently. Place in any container boiled water and completely immerse your eyes in it. Now, while in the water, make blinking movements with your eyelids. This manipulation in some cases helps to get rid of a foreign body.

It happens that a foreign body penetrates deep into the tissues of the eye. Then you cannot do without the help of an ophthalmologist.

Repair of damaged tissues

Now that the foreign body has been removed, care must be taken to prevent eye infection.

No matter how small the speck is, it in any case leaves microscopic scratches on the mucous membrane, which can become an entry point for infection.

Antibacterial eye drops are used: albucid, chloramphenicol, tobrex. Instead of drops you can use eye ointments with erythromycin, tetracycline or gentamicin. These medications are prescribed by a doctor for 5-7 days.


To avoid the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, follow these recommendations:

  • Visit an ophthalmologist's office at least once a year;
  • Protect your eyes from direct sunlight;
  • Rigorously follow the rules for using contact lenses;
  • Break the habit of rubbing your eyes with your hands;
  • Protect your eyes from dust, welding, shavings, etc.;
  • Treat eye diseases promptly;
  • Every 40 minutes continuous operation Take a break from the computer for 5-10 minutes.

Almost every one of us has felt at least once that there was something in the eye that was bothering us. The reasons for this can be subjective and objective.

Objective reasons Entry of a foreign body

This can be the result of professional activity (chips or metal shavings, stone dust), or ordinary garbage, dust and microparticles raised into the air by a gust of wind. Flies, pollen, and poplar fluff can fly into the eye.

Usually large enough objects cause sharp pain, reflex production of tears. In this way, the body tries to wash away the irritating object. As a rule, this helps, and the speck can be found in the corner of the eye near the tear lake. But if a penetrating injury occurs and, for example, chips get stuck in the membranes of the eye or vitreous body, then it can only be pulled out with the help of an ophthalmologist.

Invisible microparticles also cause your eyes to water. Small sizes usually cause discomfort, but the pain is tolerable, the eyes itch more than they hurt. Most often, a foreign body is felt under the upper eyelid. It makes a greater amount of movement when a person is forced to blink. In this case, the foreign body moves and the cornea is injured. As is known, on this shell there are 500 times more nerve endings than on any other area of ​​the skin, which is why the pain is so noticeable.

Also, contact lenses can rightly be classified as foreign bodies. According to patient reviews, you usually don’t feel soft contact lenses, but with them long-term wearing or when the cornea dries out, their presence is felt more strongly and causes irritation.

Damage to the cornea that disrupts its smoothness and integrity causes a sensation as if something is in the eye. This can occur due to chemical, thermal or light radiation burns.

Such damage can cause:

  • volatile acids or alkalis, other chemicals;
  • hot steam, splashes of boiling water or oil;
  • welding work;
  • hot or icy air.

Infectious diseases

Infectious and inflammatory diseases can affect not only the structure of the eyes, but also assistive apparatus– eyelids, lacrimal glands, muscles, fiber of the orbit.

The colonies of the pathogen themselves, as well as purulent-inflammatory exudate, swelling, and damage to structures in the eyeball, give the feeling of the presence of a foreign object.

A characteristic feature infectious disease viral or bacterial origin is the appearance of signs in both the right and left eyes.

The following ophthalmic infectious diseases are worth mentioning:

  • Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea of ​​various nature; deep damage to the upper layer of the eye can leave scars that do not resolve and create a similar sensation.
  • Inflammation hair follicles eyelashes In common parlance, the disease is called barley. It looks like a small growth on the edge of the eyelid, which is actually a pus-filled head.
  • Inflammation around the meibomian glands, which can also be present at the edge of the eyelid, is constantly present, but does not cause pain - chalazion. This dense elastic formation gives the sensation of a foreign body when closing the eyelids.
  • Inflammation of the eyelid tissue from the cartilaginous frame - blepharitis.
  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the membrane covering inner surface century, passing onto the eyeball. During inflammation of the eye, it waters, stings, itches, eats painful sensations. Why does it seem like there is something in the eye? There is a film form of the disease, when a grayish-white film forms on the cornea, which can be easily removed. Films also form in more serious diseases. For example, with diphtheria conjunctivitis, when force is required to remove the film, and after this a wound bleeding surface necessarily forms on the cornea.

There is also a follicular form with the formation of many small bubbles, which are perceived by the sensitive surface of the eye as foreign bodies. Similar symptoms has trachoma - viral disease, provoking the formation of multiple follicles.

Postoperative sensations

In the first days after operations performed using the LASIK or PRK technique (with the formation of a flap from the corneal layer), a sensation of a foreign body may appear in the eyes. A similar feeling can occur after replacing the lens or implanting a phakic lens inside the eye. But with proper care, these phenomena disappear within two to three days.

Subjective reasons

This is how you can characterize the sensations when there is nothing on the cornea or eyelids, but the feeling of a foreign body is present.

This is the case when a vessel bursts in the eye and microhemorrhage forms. This often occurs when overwork, increased intracranial or blood pressure, being in a head down position.

For some people, increased intraocular pressure due to glaucoma may be perceived as the presence of something foreign in the eye.

Also causing discomfort is “dry eye syndrome,” in which the dry cornea reacts especially sensitively to any touch.

Some are nervous or psychosomatic diseases may give unjustified sensations of a foreign body in the eyes and the desire to constantly rub them.

External signs

  • If the size is large enough, the foreign particle can be detected visually.
  • There is also profuse lacrimation.
  • Redness.
  • Corneal irritation or visible injury.
  • Swelling of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • Pain when blinking or moving the eyes.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Blepharospasm in response to pain.

Ophthalmological examination

As a rule, if external inspection does not give results, the ophthalmologist can make a diagnosis using a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope. A narrow beam of directional light allows you to evaluate not only the outer layers of the eyeball, but also look into its internal environment. Microscopic particles can also be detected by staining with safe fluorescent dyes under a UV lamp. If the particle has penetrated deeply, then an MRI or ultrasound examination may be prescribed. If you suspect bacterial cause An examination of a smear from the cornea or conjunctiva and the secretion of the lacrimal glands is prescribed.

A thorough eye examination is necessary

How you can help

If a particle that has entered the eye has not penetrated its layers, you can try to rinse it abundantly with water or with a sterile napkin or cotton swab try to gently remove it.

Use a clean napkin

You can dip your face in a container of water and blink in this position.

You cannot hold back the tears that begin to roll down profusely.

You can't rub your eyes. This contributes to random damage to the cornea.

Objects that have penetrated into the thickness of the eyeball should be removed by a specialist. You cannot do this yourself, as there is a high risk of further deepening of the object, additional injury and infection.

Usually, after such procedures, the doctor prescribes drops with antibiotics and painkillers, as well as agents that promote tissue regeneration.

People with good eyesight They often don’t think about what wealth they have and begin to appreciate the opportunity to see well only when they are faced with the fact that something seems to be in the way in the eye. It may just be a speck, but it may be the first sign of a serious eye disease. Therefore, it is very important to seek help from an ophthalmologist in time.

Causes of discomfort in the eye

The feeling of a foreign body in the eye is familiar to most people. Its reasons can be objective and subjective.

Foreign body entry

This often happens to people in working professions.. Dust, shavings, pieces of stone, various microparticles, very small flies and pollen can get under the eyelid.

It is worth noting that sharp pain only cause large objects caught under the upper or lower eyelid. It is accompanied by profuse lacrimation.

Excessive lacrimation is a protective reaction of the body that wants to get rid of a foreign particle. Tears in most cases wash away the foreign body from the eye and it stops hurting.

Lacrimation is ineffective when a foreign object has damaged the outer shell of the eye and is stuck in it. In such cases, the patient says that it feels like a needle is stabbing in his eye. This problem cannot be dealt with without the help of an ophthalmologist. Moreover, if you delay the visit, then after a while the patient will begin to see poorly.

Small particles and dust do not cause severe pain, but provoke pain and lacrimation. Patients say that their eyes simply itch and they want to blink frequently.

Reflex blinking at least and is a defensive reaction, but more often aggravates the damage caused to the visual organs by foreign objects. The fact is that frequent movement eyelid causes the speck to move across the surface of the eyeball. Such movements cause microtrauma to the cornea, so even after removing small particles from the eyes, discomfort can persist for a long time.

By the way, contact lenses are also foreign objects for the human visual organs. No wonder doctors forbid wearing them for a long time. Even soft lenses can cause discomfort in the eyes when worn for a long time.

Corneal burns

We are talking about damage to the cornea, causing disruption the integrity of its surface. The traumatized person says that there is something in the eye that is bothering him. Moreover, it is impossible to get rid of the foreign body.

A corneal burn can be chemical, thermal or light. Such damage can occur in the following cases:

Such injuries are very dangerous because they can cause scars to appear on the cornea, which will significantly reduce visual acuity. Therefore, it is prohibited to treat burns yourself.

Infectious diseases

Inflammatory processes provoked by bacterial agents often involve not only the structural elements of the eye, but also neighboring structures: eyelids, glands, muscles and fatty tissue.

Inflammation is always accompanied by local swelling, the appearance of pus and tissue damage. All this creates in a person a feeling of having foreign body under the eyelid.

The infection can affect the right and left eyeball at the same time.

The following infectious diseases can cause discomfort:

Discomfort after surgery

The feeling of a speck in the eye under the upper eyelid very often appears after various surgical interventions performed using LASIK and PRK technology. Also such sensations appear in patients who have undergone lens replacement or phakic lens implantation.

It is worth noting that discomfort after eye surgeries at proper care passes in just a few days.

These are conditions when there are no foreign objects or defects on the eyelids and cornea, but the person still complains about the presence of interference in the eyes.

For example, a small vessel burst in the eye and hemorrhage formed. This often happens to people who are overtired and have increased intracranial pressure. Externally, there are no signs of pathology, but the patient complains that his eye hurts.

This discomfort can also be caused by dry eye syndrome. An insufficiently moistened cornea begins to react in an atypical way even to normal blinking.

Finally, the feeling of a speck under the eyelid can provoke some psychosomatic diseases. Nervous diseases and may even provoke a desire to constantly rub your eyes.

Reasons for the development of pterygium

In recent years, ophthalmologists, when examining patients who complain of the presence of a foreign object under the eyelid, are increasingly discovering a neoplasm called. Most often it has the appearance of a cloudy film and represents conjunctival tissue that has undergone pathological change. This film tends to grow, and if you don’t get rid of it in time, it will take over most eyes, which will negatively affect the quality of vision.

Despite the fact that ophthalmologists have been familiar with this pathology for quite a long time, they have still not been able to determine the exact causes of the formation of pterygium. Doctors know only the factors that provoke the development of the disease. These include:

Pterygium often develops in people who suffer from infectious eye diseases.

It is worth noting that doctors are also unable to identify categories of people at risk. Statistics show that the disease can equally affect a person of any age. Professional activity has no effect on the risk of disease.

Stages of film development

Pterygium has only 2 stages of development. At the first stage, symptoms of the disease, if there are any, are mild. The patient does not pay attention to her. Closer to the second stage, the patient experiences swelling of the eyes, irritation of the conjunctiva and decreased visual acuity.

In the second stage, the disease becomes aggressive. The film on the eyeballs begins to actively grow. In some cases, it completely covers the cornea.

The disease can be treated at any stage, but good results can be obtained only with treatment at the first stage of pterygium development.

Ophthalmological examination

The doctor can determine the presence of a foreign object in the patient’s organs of vision by visual inspection. If such an examination does not produce results, then the ophthalmologist resorts to the help of various instruments. The most commonly used methods are the slit lamp and ophthalmoscope.

These instruments not only allow you to evaluate the outer layer of the eye, but also look inside the eyeball. Moreover, foreign microscopic particles lying on the surface of the cornea and not visible under normal lighting most often begin to glow in ultraviolet light. To enhance their glow, the doctor can use safe fluorescent dyes.

If foreign objects are not detected using simple instruments, the doctor prescribes an MRI and ultrasound for the patient. If you suspect infectious pathology Corneal and conjunctival smears may be prescribed.

As a rule, after a full examination, the source of the ailment is identified, which allows the doctor to develop a treatment plan.

Film treatment

In front of a person’s eyes, it can appear due to conjunctivitis. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibacterial eye drops and ointments. This is quite enough for treatment.

In the case of pterygium, drug treatment does not give the desired effect, so the doctor first monitors the development of the disease. If the film does not increase in size and does not impair vision, then the ophthalmologist does nothing. When the disease becomes aggressive and the film begins to grow rapidly, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Today this operation is performed using a laser and lasts no more than 30 minutes. The laser instantly seals damaged vessels, which avoids bleeding. In addition, the energy beam sterilizes the surgical field, minimizing the risk of infection.

During surgical intervention the doctor removes the tumor down to the sclera. A graft is placed on the exposed area of ​​the eyeball, which is first cut out from the conjunctiva.

The operation ends with the application of an eye patch, which the patient must wear for several days.

To prevent postoperative complications the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and special drops to relieve swelling.

After surgery, the patient will have to stop washing his face for a week to avoid accidentally getting moisture into the eye.

After successful operation and in the absence of postoperative complications, the film on the eyeball in most cases no longer appears. If a relapse occurs, you must immediately notify your doctor about the problem.

Any of us can experience the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. If it is short-term and goes away after the speck is washed away with tears, then there is no need to worry. But when the unpleasant sensation does not go away for a long time, then you need to go to the doctors to find out why the discomfort appeared. Malaise may be hiding serious illness. The sooner doctors begin treating it, the greater the chance that it will pass without consequences for the patient.

Attention, TODAY only!

A feeling like something is blocking the eye is a common symptom. It can indicate many diseases of the organs of vision. But not only eye diseases may cause a sensation as if something is blocking the eye. Nervous ailments, as a result of which the mechanism for transmitting impulses from the organs of vision to the brain is damaged, can also provoke pain, lacrimation, photophobia and other unpleasant sensations.

Understanding the reasons

Various types of inflammation are the first thing an ophthalmologist will suspect when he hears that a patient has complained that something is bothering him in his eye. Acute conjunctivitis is the first of many diagnoses faced by doctors who treat eyes. This disease occurs due to pathogenic microorganisms(cocci, micrococci, and others), which multiply on the mucous membrane of the eye. A microbial attack, in turn, is often a consequence of a weak immune response of the body. Injuries to the mucous membrane and cornea, non-compliance hygiene requirements and contact lens changing patterns are also common causes of conjunctival disease.

Dry eye syndrome is very common among knowledge workers. After all, almost all of their workplaces these days are equipped with a computer. Prolonged eye contact with the monitor means that there is increased strain on the eyes. The muscles that are responsible for the mobility of the eyeball are in a static position for a long time. In addition, when a person stares at something for a long time and intensely, blinking (during which the cornea is wetted by tear fluid) becomes very rare.

The lack of air conditioning, dusty conditions, and the use of lenses make the syndrome much more likely to occur. You can reduce eye strain by ventilating more often and monitoring general state body. For the final diagnosis of the syndrome, it is necessary to conduct ophthalmological tests and undergo tests. In some cases, it is necessary to inject special dyes into the eye to evaluate the effectiveness of tear formation. Some systemic diseases(including hormonal ones), chronic fatigue and frequent vascular headaches can greatly complicate the diagnosis of diseases of the visual organs

It is rare, but it happens that the causative agent of the infection is the Demodex mite. Put accurate diagnosis A dermatologist will help. One of the sure signs of demodicosis is increased itching (the eyelids and eyelash area are especially affected) near heat sources (lamps, radiators) and in the sun.

Nervous diseases and their effect on the visual organs

A consultation with an ophthalmologist may not reveal the causes of pain in the eyes. In this case, the patient will be referred to a neurologist who will rule out diseases facial nerves. After all, their pathology can also serve as a source of feeling as if something is bothering the eye.

In this case, treatment will be systemic rather than local. Another cause of unpleasant sensations may be a neurotic fixation on one’s body. In this case, a person suffering from a similar pathology may feel tingling or “goose bumps” without any apparent reason. Or for a long time after the cause has been successfully eliminated. Such neurotic symptoms should be treated after they have been ruled out. physiological reason eye problems. Perhaps in some cases simple auto-training will help, in others it is necessary to undergo a course of desensitization.