Basic techniques of Chinese acupressure. Acupressure

Acupressure is a type of traditional Chinese medicine that became popular in Europe in the mid-twentieth century. Modern do-ka-za-tel-naya me-di-tsi-na dis-smat-ri-va-et that-chech-massage is purely utilitarian and believes that it can be so effective fe-ti-ven, how much the patient believes in it. In other words, acu-pres-su-ra in do-ka-za-tel-noy me-di-qi-is not considered an in-effective method of treatment, the effectiveness of something -ro-go-lu-cha-et-sya simply in the placebo phenomenon. Does this mean that acupressure does not deserve any attention at all? No, that doesn't mean it! Yes, being treated with a massage is not very wise. If you have any acute illness, then you need to go to the doctor, take pills, give injections and undergo complex treatment, but in the name of pro-fi-lak-ti -ki and no-ve-li-ro-va-niya of the consequences of non-significant changes, it is possible and necessary to use softer methods of influence on organism.

Acupressure is one of those soft methods, which is capable of influencing the ve-ge-ta-tiv-nuyu nervous system, which helps to neutralize the consequences of a number of diseases. You see, acupressure does not treat the causes of the disease, but it relieves symptoms that, through negative feedback, worsen one’s feelings -vies of a person and prevent him from living a normal life. For example, there are hor-monal and nervous diseases, which interfere with normal sleep, and with the help of massa you can partially stop the consequences of these diseases and provide yourself with more healthy sleep. You haven’t cured the problem, but the mere fact that you are getting enough sleep already has a positive effect on your condition.

On the other hand, many acupressure methodologists actually abuse listeners and readers by pouring slop into their ears, like you are a human being -ka from co-we with the help of massage and similar nonsense. This wouldn’t happen, you can’t cure cancer, kidney failure, or a fracture with a massage. Aku-pres-su-ra is not magic, it is not a panacea or even a method of treatment. All that you can achieve with the help of any massages is to relieve symptoms and partially eliminate the consequences of certain disorders, diseases or overloads . Use this in-st-ru-men like a log-gi-ka when they tell you about miracles. It is clear that everyone believes in what he wants to believe in, but even the most desperate belief is not yet a reason to despair and with-no-mother-without-judicial decisions.

Methodology for determining points

- This is a method used by massage therapists with well-developed finger senses. The essence of the method is that the massage therapist tries to touch a point in the place where it was previously located, according to the map of nerve points. In the place where the nerve point is located, you can feel “she-ro-ho-va-tost”, unevenness, something like a cross -you're getting another ball. But it is necessary to rely not only on your own sensations, but also on the sensations of the mass, since at the nerve points there are greater sensitivity. If the massage therapist puts a lot of light pressure on you, then the massage therapist should feel something like an electric current, -feeling and warmth, and sometimes sharp pain.

Anatomical and topographical - this is a method that involves using as an ori-en-ti-ra not only a map of nerve points, but also anatomical features, such as folds, high -tu-py, bone formations And so on. This method is very effective, but requires separate special study, since each nerve point has its own anatomy. Czech landmarks. There is no single principle; they just need to be remembered and applied in practice. If you plan to engage in aku-press-su-roy pro-fes-sio-nal-but, then it makes sense to do it, but if you are just an amateur , who wants to please loved ones or himself, then you can use the palpation method.

Nerve Point Map

Acupressure methodology

Stroking: this is the one massage appointment, with which any massage should begin, preparing the body for further procedures. If you do the massage yourself, then at first you can limit yourself to only this method. This does not mean that in the future it is obligatory to use other methods of acupressure, since a 1.5-5 minute point-to-point massage with the use of Zo-va-ni-em in-gla-zhi-va-niya cannot quite be a self-mo-toya-tel-noy pro-tse-du-roy with se-da-tiv-nym effect -that is, but you should not use other methods without learning how to perform acupressure correctly. In the smoothest way, you fill the soul with the end of the phalanx of any finger without displacing the mass on top of the nose. Your movements are full of to varying degrees pressure and can be flat, round and zigzag.

Trituration: this technique can be performed both for calming and for tone, which depends on the time of performing the massage. If the massage is performed for 30-90 seconds, then it is usable, but if it is performed for 2-3 minutes, then, on the contrary, it produces mass -th in good shape. You complete this technique with the end phalanx of any finger or la-do-new depending on which nerve point is being massaged. In this case, there is a shift in the skin of the mass of the other part of the body.

Vibration: This technique is used exclusively for a tonic effect. You vibrate with the first, second or third fingers, and it can be used at the same time on two symmetrical nerve points. You vibrate for 30-90 seconds at a frequency of 100-120 movements per minute. This is quite a professional technique, which should be mastered after you have learned how to correctly speak English. -living and rubbing.

Other: This includes techniques such as pecking jiu, screwing and vy-vin-chi-va-nie, and other methods of acupressure. They are effective, you can try to make them, but for this you need to turn to either pro-fes-sio-lams for advice, or seriously - to lie in the me-to-di-ches-ly-te-ra-tu-ru, and you should start studying these techniques after you have mastered those which are stated above.

Acupressure practice

Eastern countries have been using the secrets of acupressure to improve and maintain human health since ancient times. Each of the techniques - Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese - effectively affects the functioning of biologically active points of the body, helps preserve beauty and prolong youth.

Beneficial properties of acupressure facial massage

In addition to pleasure, acupressure affects:

  • blood flow,
  • skin firmness and elasticity,
  • complexion,
  • work of organs and systems,
  • reduction of manifestations of various diseases,
  • general well-being and mood.

IMPORTANT: By giving yourself 15 minutes a day to pleasant procedure, you will see lasting positive results in 3-4 months. The main rule is regularity.

Another advantage of the practice of massage is that it helps get rid of insomnia, headaches, runny nose, etc.

Features of acupressure facial massage

  • Before starting the session, relax and take a comfortable position. Wash your face, apply a moisturizing day cream or a pleasant aroma oil.
  • Tie your hair into a bun or limit it with a cosmetic bandage so that your face is as open as possible.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before and after the massage.
  • Before performing the main movements, prepare - gently smooth your face with your hands, avoiding stretching the skin. At the same time, your fingers should glide easily over the skin.

As tools for massage, use a thumb knuckle, tufts of the index, middle or ring fingers, massage objects with a thin semicircular tip, a pen without a rod, or a toothpick.

  • Massage movements can be different - stroking, tapping, pinching, circular actions.
  • Proper hand fixation will ensure effective work without slipping. Studying with bottom face to the level of the lower eyelid, lean on your hand, from the top from the bridge of the nose - on the little finger and ring finger.
  • The main types of self-massage are relaxing and toning.

In the first case, the movements are directed from top to bottom from the forehead to the chin, in the second - from bottom to top from the chin to the forehead.

Acupressure facial massage: points of beauty and health on the face

There are many active zones on the human body. They are located on the feet, hands, head, neck, and back. These zones are shaped like meridians or points. The latter are paired and unpaired.

Professional massage therapists have perfect knowledge about the active areas of the body. But for self-massage at home, more modest knowledge is enough.

How can you understand that the active zone has been found correctly? If the pressure on the point seems noticeable to you, then you have found it correctly. For effective massage press the point for a second, release, press again - and “knock” on the point for 1 minute. Big difference no, in the position of the finger - perpendicular or at an angle to the point, the main thing is your comfortable sensations.

A quick and lasting effect from regular self-massage sessions will come if you practice it twice a day: in the morning after waking up and before going to bed.

We will take a closer look at some points on the head.

Acupressure facial massage: liver point

This is a paired point. Located between the inner edge of the eye and the bridge of the nose. Warming up the points improves blood circulation in the liver area. It also has a beneficial effect on reducing high intraocular pressure.
Warm up liver points with gentle movements for two to three minutes, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Acupressure facial massage: point for tachycardia

The points for rapid heartbeat are paired. They are located on the upper surfaces of the eye sockets closer to the bridge of the nose. Their stimulation calms excessive heartbeat and reduces arterial pressure. Before massaging the points, relax, close your eyes and “look” down. Press gently, without much effort, for 20-30 seconds. It's no longer worth it because you might lose consciousness.

Acupressure facial massage: point to improve breathing

She's steamy, located at the very tip of the nose. Allows you to reduce symptoms of shortness of breath and relieve spasms respiratory tract, calm a coughing attack. Stimulation of this point is especially important for those who are prone to attacks. bronchial asthma And chronic bronchitis. Effectively massage the tip of the nose by grasping it firmly with the nails of one hand and squeezing for one to two minutes.

Acupressure facial massage: point of resuscitation

Located at the root of the nose, at a point forming a right angle between the nose and upper jaw. Its stimulation allows you to bring a person to his senses after fainting resulting from severe intoxication or heatstroke. Mobilizes everything with lightning speed vitality. Press hard, with your fingernail, for a few seconds - the person will come to his senses.

In addition, the resuscitation point is connected to the nose, heart, lungs, liver, and lower abdomen. Correct stimulation of this point prevents the development of deep nasolabial wrinkles, improves blood circulation in the area, stimulates the heart, and relieves abdominal pain.

Acupressure facial massage: point of the intestines and pelvic organs on the chin

It is located in the chin area and is responsible for the blood supply to the lower part of the face. It is associated with the uterus and small intestine. Correct stimulation of this point reduces menstrual pain, stops diarrhea at the first symptoms.

It is stimulated by vertical movements for 1-2 minutes.

Acupressure facial massage: point behind the ear for throat disease

Located at the base of the earlobe. This is a paired point. Pinch it with your fingers or nails and press until a tingling sensation appears. Continue stimulation until the area becomes numb.

Acupressure facial massage: point of view, hearing, smell

Unpaired point. It is easily found in the depression in the hair at the base of the skull. Regular stimulation improves how general state eyes, throat, nose, ears, and reduces the manifestation of diseases of these organs. Helps heal nervous disorders to get out of stress. Stimulate either with vertical movements or apply moderate pressure ring finger within 2-3 minutes.

Acupressure facial massage: contraindications

IMPORTANT: Along with the benefits of massage, you should also be aware of the limitations for its use. They are external and internal.

The first include the presence:

  • acne,
  • dermatitis,
  • cuts, burns and other skin damage,
  • herpes,
  • rosacea,
  • good or malignant formations on the skin.

To the second:

  • pregnancy,
  • serious malfunctions internal organs,
  • problems with intracranial pressure,
  • inflammation of the facial nerve,
  • severe mental disorders.

A consultation with a doctor will help determine whether you can have a massage and what types of massage will be safe and effective for your health.

Having briefly examined the location of the points on the face and their relationship with other organs, it is easy to see that self-massage of the face is a good habit that is worth developing and using.

Be healthy!

Video: Self-massage of the face, basic techniques


Don't believe that acupressure works wonders? Then you should try and see for yourself own experience. These techniques are thousands of years old and they really work without any harm or side effects.

It's no secret that our body has amazing abilities: pain and illness go away, if you act in a certain way on important points.

Those who practice acupuncture have known this for a long time. However, instead of needles, you can use your own fingers, with which you need to press on those very magic points or massage them.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that a person's life energy (or "qi") flows through certain invisible channels which are called meridians. If there are blocks in its path, pain or illness appears.

Studies have shown that if you press on special points, also called acupuncture points, the brain produces natural pain relievers– endorphins and can block pain signals transmitted along nerves. Also, with the help of such acupressure you can get rid of insomnia and fatigue and a host of other problems.

So where are these magic points and how to influence them in order to remove unpleasant symptoms, fatigue, get rid of ailments and pain?

There are many such points, but we will show you some of them, which you can influence yourself at home at any convenient time.

Acupressure: how to relieve fatigue after work?

Fatigue and stress are not completely relieved by many people in healthy ways, perhaps because they don't know they can do it with using massage. Massaging the points below will work wonders! Afterwards, you will be able to increase your energy levels and feel much better!

Using your thumb, index or middle finger, massage the following points forcefully for 3 minutes on the left and right:

(1, 2) Using two fingers, massage the point at the base of the skull, about 1 centimeter from the spine.

(3) Massage the depression between the thumb and index finger on both hands in turn

(4) Massage the point shown in the photo, approximately where the bend of the foot begins.

Acupressure for headaches and migraines

Headache- the most common types of pain that perhaps each of us has experienced. Most often they appear and disappear on their own, but in more cases in rare cases may be a sign of more serious problems.

The most common type of headache is « tension pain», which appears if we are stressed, very tired or were very tense. It often happens after a difficult working day, after sitting at the computer for a long time, after quarrels and nerves, etc.

To get rid of this type of pain, try massaging the following points for 1 minute:

(1) Massage third eye points- a point just above the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows. Stimulating this point helps increase concentration, sharpens intuition, relieves headaches and even helps eliminate digestive problems!

Press with varying degrees of force using one or more fingers, finding the most comfortable state for you. Your body itself will tell you how hard to press for greater effect. Press until headache won't leave.

(4) Temple massage:

(5) Massage points located approximately 1 centimeter above the center of the eyebrow:

Acupressure for toothache

Toothache is also a fairly common type of pain that almost everyone has experienced. The problem lies in the fact that due to poor oral hygiene or other reasons, the teeth begin to deteriorate, which exposes the nerves. Toothache is an important signal that it is time to treat your teeth. It is impossible to endure it for a long time, and if your dentist sees you a little later, do not rush to swallow painkillers! Try to reduce toothache using acupressure on the following points (1 minute each):

(1) To relieve toothache, massage the point just below the wings of the nose on both sides.

(2) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(3) Clench your teeth tightly and locate the protruding oblique muscle in your cheekbones. Tighten these muscles and find the point on the most protruding part. Massage this point:

(4) Massage the points between the second and third toes:

(5) Massage the point below the cheekbones:

Acupressure for ear pain

Children most often suffer from ear pain, but adults can also “blow out” your ears. If you have ever experienced ear pain, you will never forget it: it is a very unpleasant, sharp or It's a dull pain somewhere inside my head. arise Ear ache maybe by various reasons. Among the most common reasons- infections, side effects colds and flu, sudden changes in blood pressure (for example, when flying on an airplane); water getting into the ears and so on.

To get rid of ear pain or at least relieve it, try massaging the following points for 1 minute each:

(2) Massage the point near the tragus of the auricle:

(3) Massage a point slightly above the tragus of the auricle:

Acupressure for runny nose and nasal congestion

Runny nose– a problem for everyone, especially in the off-season. If your runny nose does not develop into chronic stages, try massaging the points listed below to relieve symptoms. It is best to perform a light massage of these points in turn on both sides for 1 minute.

(2) Third eye point massage:

(3) Massage the points just below the wings of the nose:

(4) Massage the point near outer corners eye:

(5) Massage the point just above the earlobe:

Acupressure for neck pain

The neck contains bones, muscles, nerves, joints and ligaments; this part of our body has an important mission - to hold the head, which weighs on average about 5 kilograms! Neck pain is often due to the strain we experience while performing daily activities, especially if we hold our head in an awkward position.

For example, this happens while reading, due to an unfortunate position during sleep, after computer work for long hours, bad head turning, after sports, etc.

If your neck hurts, it can be difficult to turn; in the most problematic cases, it is impossible to turn at all! Try to do acupressure next points for 1 minute for each point.

(1) Massage the point at the base of the hand on the side:

(2) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(3) Massage the points between the second and third toes:

(4) Massage the points at the base of the palm with outside between the bones of the forearm:

(5) If you tilt your head down, two vertebrae begin to protrude: massage the point between these vertebrae:

Acupressure for shoulder pain

The shoulder joints are the most mobile joints of the whole body, so injuries, sprains, and so on often occur in this part of the body. Most of problems in this area are associated with tendon inflammation, muscle strains, bruises, glenohumeral periarthritis and so on. The pain limits mobility, but it can be relieved by massaging certain points for 1 minute:

(1) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(2) If you bend your arm at the elbow and press it to your body, the point that needs to be massaged will be located just above the bend:

(3) Massage the points between the second and third toes:

(4) Massage the points located on back surface shoulder just above the armpits:

(5) Massage points located approximately in the center of the shoulders from above.

Acupressure for abdominal pain

Almost every person has experienced it at least once and knows perfectly well what it is stomach ache. There can be a lot of reasons and the nature of the pain is also very different. If the problem is not particularly serious, the pain can be relieved by massaging certain points. For example, in this way you can eliminate problems such as constipation, indigestion, increased gas formation in the intestines, pain due to poisoning, and menstrual pain in women.

(1) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(2) Go down about three fingers kneecap from the front, then turn to the outer edge a few centimeters from the bone. The picture below will help you find the right point for massage:

(3) Massage the points between the second and third toes:

(4) Just above the foot on inside legs there is a protruding bone. Go up about 4 fingers. Massage the point indicated in the picture. By the way, massage of this point also relieves stress and insomnia!

(5) Massage a point located approximately 2 fingers below the navel:

(6) Massage a point located approximately 1 thumb above the navel:

(7) Massage a point located approximately 4 fingers above the navel:

Acupressure for back pain

Most of us are now driving sedentary image life and move little, so the problem of back pain is a very common phenomenon. Important reasons the appearance of pain in this area are muscle tension and spasms, displacement of the vertebrae and serious illnesses. This type of pain can be relieved by massaging the following points for 1 minute on each side:

(1) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(3) Massage the points that are located on the back, at the level where your navel is located, but approximately 2 fingers away from the spine:

(4) Massage the points located below the points (3), approximately 2 fingers apart:

(5) Massage points located approximately in the center of the thigh under the buttocks:

(6) Massage the points located in the center of the knee bend on the back side:

Acupressure for knee pain

Knee pain is most common in older people, but younger people can also suffer from this problem, especially those who have excess weight. Most often, older people experience knee pain either due to injury or joint disease. These pains are usually chronic and interfere with normal movement. Massaging certain points helps relieve problems:

(1) Massage the point between the thumb and index finger:

(2) Massage the points between the second and third toes:

(3) Massage the points located in the center of the knee bend on the back side:

(4) Massage the points located on the most convex part of the knee:

(5) Massage the points located on the inside of the kneecap:

Massage(French massage, from Arabic mass - to touch) - mechanical impact using special techniques on the surface of the body or any organ for therapeutic or hygienic purposes. Increases sweat and sebum secretion, improves blood and lymph circulation, metabolism. It is carried out with hands, less often with tools.

Acupressure is a direction in traditional Chinese medicine, implying a healing effect on the body Organism(from the medieval Latin organizo - arrange, impart a slender appearance) - a living being that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. Most organisms have cellular structure. The formation of a complete organism is a process consisting of differentiation of structures (cells, tissues, organs) and functions and their integration both in ontogenesis and phylogenesis. a person by mechanical contact of fingers (or special instruments) with certain points on the body. It is the oldest method, the first mention of which dates back to the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Acupressure massage is widely used throughout the world as reflexology Reflexology - common name a number of treatment methods based on irritation of biologically active points on the body surface, the impact on which causes reflex reactions various organs and body systems. Among these methods, the most famous is acupuncture, or acupuncture (the introduction of special needles into biologically active points of the body)., with the arrival in Europe received Latin name– acupressure (“acus” – point, “pressurum” – I press).

The impact of acupressure on the human body

Chinese acupressure allows you to achieve the following results:

Theoretical basis of acupressure

From the point of view of ancient Chinese medicine, the proper functioning of the human body is based on the internal balanced exchange of “vital” energy “qi”, which flows through the invisible meridian channels of the body. IN healthy body“Qi” is evenly distributed through the lines between all organs, nourishing them. Vital activity of all organs human body interdependent. The resulting imbalance (excess or deficiency of “qi”) in one part of the body causes general disorder flow of energy leading to illness Disease- disruption of the normal functioning of the body, caused by functional and/or morphological changes. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the impact on the body harmful factors external environment(physical, chemical, biological, social), with its genetic defects etc. .

In total, there are 12 paired and 2 unpaired main (“classical”) meridians, along which 365 “vital” points lie. By influencing them with the help of massage, it is possible to correct the flow of energy passing through the channels, bringing the nutrition of each organ back to normal.

"Yin" and "Yang"

According to the ancient Eastern theory, the nature of any living creature has two sides: negative (negative) “yin” and positive (positive) “yang”. The first embodies the maternal principle, which is characterized by passivity, coldness, receptivity, and variability. The second personifies masculinity, which is characterized by light, obvious, proactive, constant. In the human body, “yin” and “yang” are in constant conflict. Acupressure is designed to establish a balance between two opposites.

Main principles of acupressure

There are three principles that are strictly adhered to when performing a massage:

Point location technique

The location of biologically active points (BAP) is not directly related to nearby internal organs. For example, when affecting the pelvic organs, BAPs located on the feet or hands can be actively stimulated.

Each “vital” point has a set of specific properties of the skin:

Acupressure begins with a preliminary determination of the location of the necessary biologically active points by pressing the fingertips on the surface of the skin Leather- the outer covering of the body of animals and humans. Protects the body from external influences, participates in touch, metabolism, excretion, thermoregulation. In an adult, the skin area is 1.5-2 m2. The cells of the outer layer of skin are renewed in 20 days. The surface has a strictly individual pattern that does not change with age. Skin derivatives: hair, claws, feathers, nails, etc. Skin diseases: dermatitis, etc.. When hitting vital points, a person may experience sensations such as tingling, numbness, warmth, and pain.

Pinching– massage is performed by grasping muscle tissue between the thumb and forefinger until a strong tide forms;

Friction– massage is carried out by applying medium force to the BAP in peripheral parts limbs using fingers;

Longitudinal stroking along the canal– massage involves causing short-term and medium-term superficial irritation of the BAP on the outer side of the arm with a slow transition to the elbow part;

Fast rotation– massage with a circular trajectory of movements in the area of ​​the body with increased pain sensitivity using your fingers, inner surface hands, ribs of the palm;

Intense tapping various groups muscles– tonic massage in the back area using the edge of the palm or fist;

To achieve what you want therapeutic effect In the process of performing acupressure, several techniques are used, successively replacing each other.


Acupressure has a number of advantages over other areas of physiotherapy:

Find something else interesting:

Acupressure has become known to us since ancient times. The relationship between human health and natural phenomena was identified by doctors. Since then human body began to be considered as a single mechanism with nature or as a part of it, in which literally everything interacted.

It was believed that if a person began to get sick, the entire body was involved in this, and not specific organs. This happens because when one organ becomes diseased, the entire system changes. Doctors of those times believed that if a person began to get sick, it was the result of disharmony between the body and nature.

Over time, studying theoretical and practical methods, were identified various ways fight against diseases. Studying everything in detail, biologically active points were discovered on the human body, through which it is possible to influence certain organs.

Then they opened entire channels and meridians of active points, through which they discovered a functional connection with important organs. After time, scientists found that biologically active points are significantly different from all other points, even those located nearby. It was found that in the area of ​​the points there is 2 times less electrical resistance. It was also discovered that BAP has a high electrical potential, strong absorption ultraviolet rays

. We discovered a change in metabolic processes - it is at these points that they occur most quickly. During acupressure, the patient experiences a response from the body - aches, “goosebumps” on the skin, a slight pain syndrome

, warmth, lightness, impulse. If you repeat the same massage on nearby points, they will not give the same result. This principle began to be used by specialists to find the necessary points on the human body. Comparing this type of massage with others, it has a number of advantages. For example, it is easy to carry out, affects a small area, it can be performed as an addition to the main type of treatment. The massage of biologically active points in itself serves as an excellent addition to the main modern look treatment. Therefore, it should not be considered a panacea, take into account modern medicine

still needed. The effects of biologically active points on the body are based only on the teachings of ancient. The movement of BAP flows along meridians that are not visible and not defined by science to this day. A total of 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridian paths were identified. They are called classic. In addition to these, there are 15 secondary and 8 “miraculous” meridians. Smooth circulation of energy along these meridians promotes health and harmony in the body. If there is “stagnation” of energy in one of the pathways, this affects the state of health and the person gets sick. This is not an empty statement, it is based on the teaching of biorhythms, which has been proven by modern science.

How to find points

Determine the most sensitive finger. Using the pad of this finger, perform sliding movements, through which you can identify BAP - in their place you will find a feeling of warmth and roughness, as well as the greatest stickiness and pain.

The points are determined by anatomical landmarks. These landmarks can be identified by various folds, fingertips, nose, depressions, and protrusions of the tubercles.

Individual Cun

Individual Cun is more exact method point definitions used in China. It is considered to be the distance between the folds of the middle phalanx when the middle finger is bent. Women count on it right hand, and for men - on the left. It is also calculated by the width of the thumb.

Before you start performing acupressure, you should thoroughly study the location of the points, their effect and the power of regulation. You need to start the procedure with a minimum of time, since you first need to check the body’s reaction to the effects of the massage. Please note that if any discomfort and after 5 minutes they have not disappeared, there is no need to continue the procedure.

Execution technique

Acupressure technique involves the mechanical impact of fingers on biologically active points that have a reflex connection with internal organs. If you have identified the points correctly, you will feel a feeling of aching, rubbing and numbness. This is all a normal process. Pain is also felt. By the way, according to pain points you can determine the disease of a particular organ.

The acupressure technique consists of following techniques: stroking, rubbing, vibration, pressure, grasping.

  • Stroking

The technique is performed using the pads of the thumb or middle finger in a circular motion. Most often, this technique is used to massage the head, face, neck, arms, and also at the end of the entire procedure.

  • Trituration

Rubbing is also done using the thumb or middle finger. Movements are carried out clockwise. As a rule, rubbing is carried out independently after all acupressure techniques.

  • Kneading or pressing

Kneading is done with the tip of the thumb. If two symmetrical points are massaged, in this case two thumbs. The middle and index fingers. Circular rotational movements are performed with increasing intensity - first slowly, then increasing pressure. If there is a feeling of fullness, the pressure weakens, etc.

  • Capturing

The grasping technique is performed with three fingers - thumb, index and middle. Location biologically active point grab, begin to warm up and rotate at a fast pace in 3-4 lifts. In the process, there is a feeling of numbness and swelling in the area where the massage is performed.

  • Vibration

Vibration is performed using the thumb or middle finger. The movements are performed quickly and oscillatingly, without lifting the finger from the massaged point.

  • Calming

The calming technique is performed with slow, continuous, deep pressure movements. Rotational movements without any shifts of the skin are also used. If vibration is performed, it is performed gradually with increasing force. Then there is a pause, then vibration again, without lifting the finger from the skin.

The procedure helps to relax the muscles of the whole body, and also relieves spasms and any, even the slightest, tension. Massage helps to activate microcirculation and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  1. This point, located at the top of the head, is very important. It connects the top points ears. Massage of this point will be useful for those people who suffer from insomnia, headaches, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also helps relieve symptoms of migraines.
  2. Point 2, located at the edge of the eye, is called “clear light”. Massaging this point will help restore visual acuity and also help with nasal congestion.
  3. This point is located at the beginning of the eyebrows. Massaging this point will help cope with dizziness and pain in the front of the head.
  4. The location of this point is on the outer part of the eyebrow. Point 4 massage will help people with poor eyesight, will eliminate headaches of vascular origin.
  5. Most used point. Helps people suffering from insomnia, dizziness, and headaches.
  6. Massaging this point is very helpful for migraines.
  7. This point is called the “sun”. Very useful for people with headaches, eye diseases and general emotional instability.
  8. This point is located 1 cm below the pupil. Effective for speech disorders, dizziness, headaches.
  9. At the site of this point, a small depression is felt. It will be useful for speech disorders. It also helps with cervical myositis.
  10. Point 10 is effective for fainting, shock or hysterical attack. The Chinese call this point “the middle of a person.” It is useful for facial swelling and nervous tics.
  11. Massage of this point activates the work of internal organs and is also useful for brain function.
  12. The point is located in the center of the inner part of the chin. It is very useful in stressful situations.

The point technique can be different: one for the face, completely different for the feet. Only one thing remains unchanged - therapeutic effect receives every centimeter of the body, regardless of the technique performed. In any case, the body will receive a charge of health and positive effects.