Basic requirements for conducting an anthropometric study. Brief rules for anthropometric measurements

When conducting anthropometric studies, methodological impeccability and thoroughness are required in the collection and processing of anthropometric material, the use of unified methods, which makes the results of individual observations obtained by different authors comparable to each other, and allows the data obtained to be widely used.

When accumulating material, the researcher forms a sample, observing several mandatory conditions requirements for the sample:

The group of subjects should be created on a random basis, without pre-selection.

The contingent must be homogeneous, i.e. consist of people of the same age, gender, ethnicity.

All people making up the sample should be surveyed using the same instruments.

In multi-day studies, all measurements should be carried out taking into account cyclic changes in the morphofunctional characteristics of the body (monthly, seasonal and daily rhythms).

Organization and technical equipment anthropometry

Conducting anthropometric studies requires certain organizational and technical measures (Bunak V.V., 1941; Tegako L.I., Marfina O.V., 2003; Nikolaev V.G. et al., 2007). The room where the research will be carried out must be maintained at room temperature, as even as possible. It is unacceptable to take measurements in a cold room. The place in the room where the research is planned to be carried out must have even and sufficient natural light. Direct sunlight should be avoided. The floor should be covered with a mat or thick paper. The person being measured should not stand barefoot on the floor or linoleum. The floor must be level.

It is known that body length undergoes changes during the day (and uneven ones at that) depending on the daily regime. Prolonged standing on your feet increases the curvature of the spine, reduces body length, and supine position, on the contrary, it increases. That's why best time for research - morning hours. In mass studies, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the measurement of each individual takes the least amount of time (no more than 3 minutes). This requirement is dictated by the interests of not only the subject, but also the interests of the researcher, since prolonged measurement causes fatigue and a change in posture, and a change in posture can affect the accuracy of the measurement parameters.

Experience shows that in large-scale research, it is advisable for several researchers to work together, i.e. conveyor system with the distribution of researchers among instruments (the person being measured moves from one researcher to another). Another condition for the intensity of work is the presence of an assistant who enters the received data into a specially designed “Anthropometric map”, so the assistant first needs to carefully study the map and the location in it individual graph. After work, be sure to check your records.

The total time for conducting mass anthropometric studies should not exceed 3 hours, since the fatigue of the researchers themselves also affects the accuracy of measurements. The obtained data can be entered immediately into the computer, however, it is necessary to have a duplicate of the study in the form of an “Anthropometric map”, since in case of doubt about the correctness of the study and the need for repeated measurements, it is easier to work with the map.

In anthropology highest value when measured, they have direct and projected linear dimensions, since they correspond more closely to skeletal dimensions than others and do not depend on the characteristics of the development of fat and muscle components. The measured parameters in the sagittal or horizontal planes are called diameters. The dimensions of the body give a noticeable difference depending on the position of the person being measured: he is standing, sitting or lying, therefore, with anthropometric measurement great value has a pose. At the same time, when measuring the head or distal diameters of the limbs, the posture of the subject does not have a significant effect on the results.

To obtain reliable results, the subject must be completely naked (only an experienced researcher can allow measurements in swimming trunks and thin socks), therefore it is unacceptable to force the person being measured to wait in the nude. The researcher is also required to have extreme tact in dealing with the subject; it is necessary to respect the sense of modesty and the individuality of the character of the person being measured. The person being measured should be in an upright position, but not in a state of extreme unnatural extension. A straightened posture means a position when the person being measured rests his feet, close together at the heels, on the floor covering, the knees are straightened, the stomach is somewhat tucked, the arms are slightly pressed to the body and hang freely, the shoulders are at the same level and well fixed. This position should be maintained throughout the entire study. The head is fixed in a plane that passes through the tragus and the lower edge of the orbit. When working, it is necessary to observe the breathing of the person being measured, measurements, especially parameters chest, should be carried out during a respiratory pause. In order to ensure the preservation of a constant posture of the person being measured, the researcher must achieve a certain skill in working with tools (Nikolaev V.G. et al., 2007).

Anthropometric studies: height measurement,

Anthropometry- (from the Greek words - man and measure) - one of the main methods of anthropological research, which consists of measuring the human body and its parts in order to establish age, gender, race and other characteristics of the physical structure, allowing to give a quantitative description of their variability

Human life is a continuous process of development, in which the following stages sequentially pass: maturation, adulthood, aging. Growth and development are two interconnected and interdependent aspects of the same process. Growth is quantitative changes associated with an increase in cell size, mass of both individual organs and tissues, and the entire organism. Development - qualitative changes, differentiation of tissues and organs and their functional improvement. Growth and development are uneven.

Physical development remains one of the most important indicators health and age standards improvement, therefore, the practical ability to correctly evaluate it will contribute to the education healthy generation.

Factors influencing anthropometric indicators

Continuously occurring processes of metabolism and energy in the human body determine the characteristics of its development. Height, weight, consistency in increase various parts body, its proportions are programmed hereditary mechanisms and under optimal living conditions, they occur in a certain sequence. Some factors can not only disrupt the sequence of development, but also cause irreversible changes. These include:

External: unfavorable intrauterine development, social conditions, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle life, bad habits, work and rest schedule, environmental factor.

Domestic: heredity, presence of diseases.

By examining anthropometric indicators (height or length of the body, weight or mass of the body, circumference of various parts of the body), one can clearly and simply assess physical development.

Conditions for conducting anthropometric studies

Anthropometry is carried out using carefully tested and adjusted measuring instruments: scales, height meter, centimeter tape, dynamometer, etc. It is advisable to take all measurements in the first half of the day, on an empty stomach, or 2-3 hours after a meal; the subject should be dressed in light knitted clothing. If measurements are taken in the second half, it is advisable to take a horizontal position for 10-15 minutes.

For the objectivity of the subsequent assessment, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for measurement rules. Analysis of anthropometric indicators is the most important element of compliance research physical development age standards. The identified deviations may be risk factors or signs of certain diseases.

Methods of anthropometric measurements:

Measuring height (body length) is done in a standing position using a stadiometer. The subject stands on the stadiometer platform, with his back to the vertical stand, straightened, touching the stand with the back of his head, interscapular area, buttocks and heels. A sliding horizontal bar is applied to the head without pressure. It is very important to measure height in the first half of the day, since by evening a person’s height becomes 1-2 cm shorter. The reason for this is natural fatigue during the day, decreased muscle tone, flattening of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs and arch of the foot as a result of upright walking.

Height measurement algorithm

1. Preparation for the procedure:

1.1. Prepare the stadiometer for use in accordance with the instructions.

1.2. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the upcoming procedure, and obtain his consent.

1.3. Treat your hands in a hygienic way, dry.

1.4. Place the napkin on the stadiometer platform (under the patient’s feet).

1.5. Ask the patient to remove shoes and hats.

1.6. Raise the stadiometer bar above the patient's expected height.

2. Performing the procedure:

2.1. Ask the patient to stand in the middle of the stadiometer platform so that he touches the vertical bar of the stadiometer with his heels, buttocks, interscapular area and the back of his head.

2.2. Position the patient's head so that the tip of the nose and earlobe are on the same horizontal line.

2.3. Lower the stadiometer bar onto the patient's head.

2.4. Ask the patient to leave the stadiometer platform (help if necessary).

2.5. Determine the patient’s height on the scale at the bottom edge of the bar.

3. Completion of the procedure:

3.1. Inform the patient about the measurement results.

3.2. Remove the napkin from the stadiometer pad and place it in a waste container.

3.3. Treat hands hygienically and dry.

3.4. Make an appropriate entry about the results of the procedure in the medical documentation.

Body weight measurement

Measuring body mass (weight) - carried out on floor scales. The subject stands motionless on the scale platform. The error when weighing should be no more than +/-50 g. Weight, unlike height, is a less stable indicator and can change depending on many factors. Daily weight fluctuations, for example, can range from 1 to 1.5 kg.

Algorithm for measuring the body weight of a patient (adult))

1. Preparation for the procedure:

1.1. Check the serviceability and accuracy of medical scales in accordance with the instructions for their use.

1.2. Establish the balance of the scales, close the shutter (for mechanical structures).

1.3. Place a disposable napkin on the scale platform. 1.4. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the purpose and sequence of the upcoming procedure.

1.5. Treat hands hygienically and dry.

2. Performing the procedure:

2.1. Invite the patient to undress to his underwear, take off his shoes and carefully stand (without shoes) in the middle of the scale platform.

2.2. Hold the patient's hand while standing on the measuring panel of the scale and monitor his balance during the measurement process.

2.3. Open the shutter of the scale (for mechanical structures), determine the patient’s body weight (in accordance with the instructions for use), close the shutter of the scale.

3. Completion of the procedure:

3.1. Tell the patient the result of the body weight test.

3.2. Help the patient get off the scale, holding his hand (if necessary).

3.3. Remove the napkin from the scale platform and place it in the waste container.

3.4. Treat hands hygienically and dry.

3.5. Record results in appropriate medical records.


Indications: assessment of physical development, determination of anthropometric indicators during various states and diseases (for example, physiological loss of initial body weight, weight loss due to dehydration), to calculate the dose of drugs.

Body weight measurement

Body weight measurement is carried out in the morning before meals, preferably with the child naked. It is recommended to weigh weakened children along with their clothes, then subtracting their weight from the resulting value.

To assess the child’s physical development, the data obtained are compared with the calculated required values. A more accurate assessment is carried out using centile tables.

Body weight in children under two years of age is measured on scales for weighing infants (electronic or cup). Electronic medical scales consist of a base, side walls, a casing and a lifting platform. On the front of the casing there is a digital indicator, to the right of it is the “T” (tare) button. On the right wall of the scale there is a grounding terminal and a power cord outlet.

Medical cup scales consist of a body, a tray, a shutter, a movable rocker with weights and two division scales: the lower one in kilograms, the upper one in grams.

Measuring body weight in different age periods has some features. Thus, in children under 6 months of age, body weight is determined in a supine position, after 6 months - while sitting. Body weight in children over two years of age is measured on a lever medical scale.

Measuring body weight on electronic medical scales

Material equipment:

Medical scales;


Phantom doll.

Preparatory stage

1) Place the scale on a stationary surface (usually on a bedside table near the changing table).

2) Plug the power cord into the network, and the frame on the digital indicator will light up. After 35-40 seconds. numbers (zeros) will appear on the display. Leave the scale on for 10 minutes.

3) Check the scales: press your hand with slight force into the center of the tray - the indicator will display readings corresponding to the force of your hand; release the lifting platform - zeros will appear on the indicator.

4) Treat the surface of the scale with a disinfectant solution. Wash and dry your hands.

5) Place a diaper on the lifting platform - its weight will be displayed on the indicator. Reset the weight of the diaper into the machine’s memory by pressing the “T” button - zeros will appear on the indicator.

Main stage

6) Undress the child.

7) Carefully place him on the platform first with his buttocks, then with his shoulders and head. Legs should be supported. After some time, the indicator will display the value of the child’s weight; to the left of the weight value there is a “0” icon, indicating that weighing is completed. If the scales are overloaded, the message “END” will appear on the display. After 5-6 seconds, you can reset the result. The weight value is fixed for 35-40 s, then, if you do not press the “T” button, the scale readings are automatically reset to “0”.

8) Remove the diaper from the scales. The scales are automatically set to “0”.

Final stage

9) Disinfect the working surface of the scale.

10) Wash and dry your hands.

Measuring body weight on a medical cup scale

For material support, see “Measuring body weight on electronic medical scales.”

Algorithm for performing the manipulation:

Preparatory stage

1) Place the scale on a stationary surface.

2) Treat the tray part of the scale with a disinfectant solution. Wash and dry your hands.

3) Balance the scales by first moving both weights to the zero division. Balancing is achieved by rotating the counterweight. If the arrow-shaped process of the rocker arm is raised up, the counterweight rotates to the right, if downward, to the left. With balanced weights, the sagittal process will be at the same level as the process that is fixedly attached to the body.

4) Close the shutter.

5) Place a diaper folded several times on the scales. It is changed after each weighing and is not used for swaddling.

Main stage

6) Place the child on the scale. The head and shoulders should be located on the wide part of the scale, and the legs should be on the narrow part.

7) Open the shutter, move the weight on the lower rod until it falls down. After this, move the weight one division to the left. Then begin to smoothly move the weight on the upper bar until it reaches the equilibrium position. Determine the weighing result using the scale to the left of the edge of the weight.

8) Close the shutter and remove the child from the scale. Set both weights to the zero division, moving them as far as possible to the left.

9) Weigh the used diaper (clothing, if the child was dressed). Subtract their mass from the original total mass.

Final stage

10) Disinfect the working surface of the scale.

11) Wash and dry your hands.

Body length measurement

Measuring body length in young children

Body length in children under 1 year of age is measured with a horizontal stadiometer. It has two vertical stops: a fixed wall and a movable bar. The movable bar easily moves along the centimeter scale printed on the left side of the stadiometer board. When measuring body length, it is not necessary to expose the child; it is enough to remove the cap, booties, and outerwear.

Body length in older children is measured with a vertical stadiometer. On the vertical board there are two division scales in centimeters: on the right - for measuring height in a standing position, on the left - for measuring height in a sitting position. A plank slides along the board. At a level of 40 cm from the floor, a folding bench is attached to a vertical board for measuring height in a sitting position.

Body length in children from 1 year to 3 years is measured using a vertical stadiometer, but instead of the lower platform, a folding bench is used and the body length is measured using the scale on the left.

Material equipment:

Horizontal height meter;


A container with a disinfectant solution for disinfecting surfaces;

Phantom doll.

Algorithm for performing the manipulation:

Preparatory stage

1) Place the horizontal stadiometer on the table with the scale facing you.

2) Treat the stadiometer with a disinfectant solution. Wash and dry your hands. Place a diaper over the stadiometer.

Main stage

3) Place the child on the stadiometer so that the head tightly touches the crown of the head to the stationary bar, top edge the tragus of the ear and the lower eyelid were in the same vertical plane. The child's legs should be straightened with light pressure on the knees and pressed against the stadiometer board.

4) Move the movable bar of the stadiometer to the feet, bent at a right angle to the shin.

5) Determine the length of the child’s body using the scale. The length of the body is equal to the distance between the fixed and movable bars of the stadiometer.

Final stage

6) Disinfect the working surface of the stadiometer.

7) Wash and dry your hands.

Features of measuring body length in older children

The measurement is performed using a vertical stadiometer. The child is placed on the stadiometer platform with his back to the vertical stand so that he touches it with his heels, buttocks, back and parietal region. Arms should be lowered along the body, heels together, toes apart. The head is placed in a position in which the lower eyelid and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in a horizontal plane.

Then, without pressure, a movable bar is lowered to the head and from its lower edge the length of the body is determined on a scale.

Measuring head and chest circumference

The head and chest circumference is measured using a centimeter tape. The chest circumference in young children is determined only at rest, in older children - at rest, during inhalation and exhalation.

Material equipment:

Centimeter tape;

A container with a disinfectant solution for disinfecting the tape;

Phantom doll.

Algorithm for performing the manipulation:

Preparatory stage

1) Lay down (sit down) the child.

The main stage of measuring head circumference

2) Pass a measuring tape through the occipital protuberance from behind and along brow ridges front.

3) Determine the head circumference using the tape.

The main stage of measuring chest circumference

4) Place a measuring tape at the back under the lower angle of the shoulder blades, at the front along the lower edge of the areola.

5) Determine the chest circumference using the tape. It is recommended to tighten the tape and lightly press the soft tissue.

The final stage of measuring the circumference of the head and chest

6) Disinfect the measuring tape, rinse under running water with soap and dry.

Features of measuring chest circumference
in girls of puberty

In girls with developed mammary glands the tape is passed in front at the level of the upper edge of the 4th rib above the mammary glands. The arms should be freely lowered along the body. It is necessary to control that the child does not raise his shoulders or move his arms forward or to the side.

Anthropometry of newborns

Anthropometry of newborns in the delivery room has some peculiarities. After skin treatment, the newborn is wrapped in a sterile diaper and weighed. The mass of the diaper is subtracted from the data obtained. Body length is measured using a horizontal stadiometer. The circumference of the head and chest is determined according to the usual method using a sterile measuring tape or a medical oilcloth tape included in the individual kit of the newborn. If tape was used for measurements, it is compared with the divisions of a centimeter ruler on the side of the changing table. It is prohibited to touch the edge with the tape.

Anthropometry is the main method of anthropological research, which consists in measuring human body and its parts in order to establish gender, race, age and other characteristics of the physical structure, which make it possible to give quantitative characteristics of their variability.

Life is a continuous process of development, including stages of maturation, mature age and aging. Development and growth are two interdependent and interconnected aspects of one process. Development is characterized by qualitative changes, differentiation of organs and tissues and their functional improvement. And growth represents quantitative changes that are associated with an increase in cell size, mass of tissues and organs, and the entire organism as a whole.

Physical development is one of the most important indicators of human health and age-related standards of improvement. The practical ability to correctly evaluate it contributes to raising a healthy generation. In this article we'll talk about the algorithm for measuring height and weight.

Factors that influence anthropometric indicators

The processes of energy exchange and metabolism continuously occur in the human body, and they determine its developmental characteristics. Weight, height, consistency in increase different parts bodies, proportions - all this is programmed by hereditary mechanisms. The sequence of development may be disrupted under the influence of certain external and internal factors. The first include social conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable intrauterine development, poor nutrition, improper work and rest schedules, bad habits, and the environment.

Internal factors include heredity and the presence of various diseases.

Knowing the algorithm for measuring height and weight, you can clearly assess

Conditions for conducting the study

Anthropometry requires the use of carefully adjusted and tested instruments: stadiometer, scales, dynamometer, etc. It is recommended to take measurements in the first half of the day on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating. The clothes the person is wearing should be light - knitted. If measurements are planned to be taken in the afternoon, you should first take a horizontal position for ten to fifteen minutes.

For subsequent assessment to be effective, an algorithm for measuring the patient's height must be followed. It should be remembered that the analysis of anthropometric indicators is the most important element research into how physical development corresponds to age standards. Detected abnormalities may be a sign of a specific disease or a risk factor.

Measuring height while standing

Since in the evening a person becomes one or two centimeters shorter, which is due to natural fatigue, flattening of the arch of the foot and intervertebral cartilaginous discs, and decreased muscle tone, it is advisable to measure height in the first half of the day. The algorithm includes three stages: preparation for the procedure, measurement and completion of the procedure. Let's talk about each of them.


  1. In accordance with the instructions, prepare the stadiometer for use.
  2. Introduce yourself to the patient, tell him about the upcoming procedure and obtain his consent.
  3. Clean hands hygienically and dry them.
  4. Place a napkin on the stadiometer platform (under the patient’s feet).
  5. Ask the subject to remove his hat and shoes.
  6. Raise the bar of the stadiometer above the expected height of the subject.

Taking a measurement

  1. The patient should stand on the stadiometer platform so that the back of the head, interscapular area, buttocks and heels touch the vertical stand.
  2. The subject's head should be positioned so that the tip of the nose is on the same horizontal line.
  3. The stadiometer bar must be lowered onto the patient’s head without pressing down.
  4. Ask the subject to leave the site and, if necessary, help him do so.
  5. Determine your height using the bottom edge of the bar on the scale.

End of the procedure

Measuring height while sitting

The patient's height in a sitting position is somewhat different from that described above.

  1. It is necessary to ask the subject to sit down on the folding seat of the stadiometer, previously covered with oilcloth.
  2. The patient should sit so as to touch three points - the shoulder blades, the back of the head and the buttocks - to the vertical bar with the scale.
  3. The subject's head should be positioned so that the earlobe and the tip of the nose are on the same horizontal line.
  4. The measuring bar must be lowered onto the patient's crown, pressed against the scale and asked to stand up.
  5. You need to take readings on the left side of the scale, then lower the bar.
  6. Similarly to the above, record the results and inform the patient about them.

Measuring the height of a pregnant woman: algorithm

First, you need to explain to the pregnant woman the goals and progress of the procedure. The algorithm for measuring height is as follows:

  • Stand to the side of the stadiometer and raise its bar above the level of the expected height of the subject.
  • Ask the pregnant woman to stand on the stadiometer platform so that her buttocks, heels and shoulder blades touch the stand of the device, and her head is in such a position that the outer corner of the eye and the tragus of the ear are on the same horizontal line.
  • The stadiometer bar should be lowered to the crown of the pregnant woman and the number of centimeters from the bottom level of the bar should be determined using the scale.
  • The obtained data must be entered into the patient’s individual card.
  • The height gauge should be treated with a rag soaked in a solution (0.5%) of calcium hypochlorite.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly.

Body weight measurement

To conduct anthropometric studies, it is not enough to know only the algorithm for measuring height; you also need to be able to determine a person’s weight. Body weight is measured using floor scales. The patient must stand still on the platform so that the weighing error does not exceed +/-50 grams. Unlike height, weight is an unstable indicator and can change under the influence of many factors. Thus, daily fluctuations in body weight can reach one to two kilograms.

Knowing how height is measured, weight will be extremely easy to remember. The procedure also consists of three stages.

Preparing to measure your weight

  1. First, in accordance with the instructions, you should check the accuracy and serviceability of the medical scales.
  2. It is necessary to establish the balance of the device; if mechanical structures are used, close the shutter.
  3. You need to place a napkin on the scale platform for one-time use.
  4. The person performing the procedure must explain to the patient the sequence of upcoming actions.

Executing the procedure

  1. The subject should be asked to undress to his underwear and also take off his shoes. Ask him to carefully stand on the scale platform in the middle.
  2. When standing on the scale measuring panel, the subject must be held by the hand; during the measurement process, it is important to monitor his balance.
  3. If a mechanical design is used, the scale shutter must be opened.
  4. Following the instructions for use of the device, it is necessary to determine the body weight of the subject.

End of the procedure

  1. The patient should be informed of the weight measurement results and helped to get off the measuring panel, holding his hand if necessary.
  2. You need to remove the napkin from the scale platform and place it in a container intended for waste.
  3. Hands should be sanitized and dried.
  4. The results must be recorded in appropriate documentation.

Algorithm for measuring height in children of different ages

The most stable indicator of physical development in children is height. It reflects the development process of the child’s body. As a rule, significant growth disorders are accompanied by pathologies of other systems and organs. Thus, in the case of slowing skeletal growth, often in less or to a greater extent differentiation and growth of the brain, myocardium, and skeletal muscles slow down.

How is a newborn's height measured? The algorithm requires a stadiometer in the form of a board 40 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long. On the left side of the device there should be a centimeter scale with a fixed transverse bar at the beginning and a movable transverse bar at the end that easily moves along the scale.

Technique for measuring baby growth

  1. The baby must be placed on his back so that his head touches the fixed transverse bar of the stadiometer. It should be positioned so that the upper edge of the ear tragus and the lower edge of the orbit are in the same horizontal plane.
  2. The baby's mother or the measuring assistant should firmly fix the baby's head.
  3. The newborn's legs should be straightened by easy pressing on the knees with the palm of one hand, and with the other hand you need to bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, while the feet should be bent towards the shins to a right angle. The distance from the fixed to the movable bar will be the child’s height. It is necessary to mark the length to the nearest millimeter.

How to measure height in older children

The algorithm for measuring the growth of a child under one year old was presented above, but what technique of performing the procedure is suitable for older children? In this case, a stadiometer is required in the form of a wooden block eight to ten centimeters wide, about two meters long and five to seven centimeters thick. The front vertical surface of the bar must contain two division scales in centimeters: on the left - for measuring height while sitting, on the right - while standing. There should also be a movable twenty-centimeter bar. A bench is attached to a vertical bar at a level of forty centimeters from the wooden platform to measure height while sitting.

The algorithm for measuring height in children aged one year and older is similar to that used for adults.

Child's body weight

Compared to height, a baby’s weight is a more labile indicator, which reflects the degree of development of muscle and skeletal systems, subcutaneous fatty tissue, internal organs, and depends not only on constitutional features, but also on factors external environment such as mental and physical activity, food, etc.

Usually the algorithm (like the height measurement algorithm) does not cause difficulties. Children under three years old weighing up to twenty kilograms are weighed on a cup scale consisting of a rocker arm and a tray with lower (in kg) and upper (in g) division scales. Children aged three years and older are weighed on lever scales.

Terms of control using anthropometry

One of the main indicators of the health status of children is the level of physical development, which shows compliance or any deviation in their development and health.

Monitoring the physical development of a child using the method of planned anthropometry should be carried out systematically, in strict established deadlines. Such control is usually carried out by a doctor or in children's preschool institutions. Anthropometric examination of a young child and preschool age includes full program examination procedures: measurement of body weight and height, head circumference (for a child of the first year of life) and chest, posture, degree of body fat and other indicators.

For a child under 1 year of age, anthropometry should be performed once a month, on his birthday (+/- 1-2 days); at the age of 1 year to 2 years - 1 time in 3 months (within the period corresponding to the date of birth: 1 year 3 months, 1 year 6 months, 1 year 9 months, 2 years; deviations within 5 are allowed in the date of examination days). A child aged 2 to 3 years undergoes an anthropometric examination once every 6 months; from 3 to 7 years - once a year (also within the period corresponding to the date of birth: at 4 years, 5, 6 and 7 years; with permissible deviations up to 7 days).

In addition to the above periods, monitoring of physical development, for example, the child’s weight, is carried out more often (from 2 to 6 months - once every 10 days; from 6 to 12 months - once every 15 days; from 1 year to 3 years - 1 time per month; from 3 years and older - 1 time per 3 months). This frequency of measuring body weight allows you to detect the beginning of a possible lag in weight gain, which may be caused by insufficient nutrition or wrong diet(especially in a young child), or, conversely, excessive weight gain due to overconsumption food or an incorrectly selected diet.

Conducting an anthropometric examination physical condition children of early and preschool age must comply with a single unified measurement methodology, which is based on the following rules:

1. Measuring and weighing the child should be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach, or after nap(also on an empty stomach) at the same time.

2. Before taking measurements, you need to make sure that all instruments are in working order and their indicators correspond to the true ones.

3. In order to measure a child’s height, it is recommended to use two types of stadiometers: a children’s wooden horizontal stadiometer(to measure the height of a child under 2 years of age), since in early age height is measured in horizontal position(measurement must be carried out by 2 people); And vertical height meter for measuring the height of a child over 2 years old with an attached or folding bench installed at a height of 25 cm from the level of the stadiometer platform. In this case, you need to ensure that when measuring the height of the child’s heels, buttocks and shoulder blades should touch the stadiometer (regardless of its position: horizontal or vertical), the arms are extended along the body, and the head is tilted back so that the tragus of the ear is on one horizontal line with the corner of the eye.

4. To measure body weight, the following types of scales are also used: cup scales (children’s) for weighing a child under 2 years of age (such scales allow you to record fluctuations in body weight up to 10 g; maximum load such scales up to 25 kg) and medical scales. It is recommended to weigh the child in the morning on an empty stomach. Before weighing, the child is undressed or left in shorts and a light vest.

5. Measuring the head circumference is carried out by applying a centimeter tape from behind at the level of the occipital protuberance, from the front - above the eyebrows. A child of the first year of life should be held in the arms of an assistant during the measurement.

6. The chest circumference is measured by placing a centimeter tape at the back under the lower angles of the shoulder blades, at the front - along the lower edge of the isola. For a child under 3 years of age, the chest circumference is measured in a horizontal position.

Chest circumference measurement

Principles for assessing a child’s physical development

An objective assessment or conclusion about the state of the child’s physical development is made by comparing data obtained by anthropometric measurements, with average indicators of physical development - centile series, local standards.

The evaluation tables contain average indicators of the main signs of physical development in children in accordance with their age (height, weight, head and chest circumference). In addition to the average indicators, the tables indicate the maximum permissible deviations (+/- sigma) in the direction of increase or decrease. When comparing permissible deviations with individual indicators, the level of physical development and individual deviations are determined. Note that general characteristics The physical development of a child is given only on the basis of a set of signs - it is impossible to objectively assess the level of physical development on the basis of only one sign (weight or height, head or chest circumference).

To objectively assess the harmonious development of a child, it is necessary to take into account indicators of weight, head and chest circumference with growth indicators.

If the ratio of height and body weight in a child is greater than the established norm, disharmony in physical development can be suspected. Detection of disharmony in the physical development of a child helps to timely diagnose more serious health problems (for example, disorders endocrine system which lead to metabolic disorders: obesity (enzymopathy), which leads to metabolic disorders digestive function, or malnutrition of varying degrees).

In preschool institutions, mandatory anthropometric measurements are carried out medical staff. Final grade the state of the child’s physical development is carried out only by a doctor who compares the examination data obtained and makes an appropriate conclusion.