The main types of respiratory allergosis in children and methods of treatment. What is respiratory allergy? Development of respiratory and allergic diseases


Respiratory allergosis is a complex of diseases caused by damage respiratory tract influenced . The diagnosis can occur in both adults and children.

However, the disease often affects 2–4 year old children. Therapy for each case is carried out according to the presenting symptoms.

Respiratory allergosis in children - causes

Allergies in children can be caused by exposure to a powerful irritant.

The disease occurs due to various circumstances. Often a significant role is played when the disease is transmitted to the child from the parents. This explains the occurrence of health difficulties during childhood.
Significant significance is manifested in:

  • use of artificial cereals for nutrition;
  • the presence of perinatal disorders in the respiratory and nervous systems;
  • presence of atopic dermatitis;
  • ecological situation of the territory where the little man lives.

Food containing preservatives, frequent colds, skin injury, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract have a harmful effect on the baby’s health.

Respiratory allergies in children can be caused by exposure to a powerful irritant. Although not all of them are like that. Antigens that stimulate high susceptibility are taken to be weak externally. Respiratory allergosis occurs when an antigen enters the body exclusively through inhalation.

There are often difficulties with diagnosis. Parents often define the symptoms of respiratory allergy as signs of a common cold caused by an infection. A doctor can identify the exact root cause of a respiratory tract disease, who must first eliminate the possibility of an infection in the patient’s body.

Ways of manifestation of the disease

The key symptoms of the disease are copious discharge mucus from the nasal passages, burning in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the nasopharynx

Respiratory allergies in children manifest themselves individually.
Classification allergic diseases produced according to the location of the stimulus:

  1. Most often manifestations allergic rhinitis observed in childhood. The occurrence of irritation contributes to the appearance of persistent nasal congestion, small nasal mucus discharge, and conjunctivitis. In addition, the nasal passages are affected by increased itching, causing frequent sneezing.
  2. The manifestation occurs in the form of extensive swelling of the mucous tissue of the oropharyngeal organs. In some cases, the effect of inflammation extends to the tongue. The patient may complain of a feeling of a foreign object in the throat. The disease is accompanied by an intense dry cough.
  3. One of the symptoms is hoarseness. The patient is struck by powerful and prolonged outbreaks of dry cough. The symptom worsens at night and also appears strong pain in the chest.
  4. Obstructive bronchitis is a common type of illness of the allergic category. The irritation process covers lower system respiratory tract.
  5. Clinical picture allergic laryngitis acts as swelling of the larynx, which contributes to the appearance of a barking cough.

The key symptoms of the disease are copious mucus discharge from the nasal passages, burning in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the mucous tissue of the nasopharynx, head spasms, a slight increase in temperature, weakness, a general painful state and nervousness against this background.

There are often cases of erroneous diagnosis of ARVI, instead of respiratory allergosis. This often leads to incorrect assignment therapeutic therapy, which does not bring a positive result.
To exclude errors in diagnosis, some features of the disease should be taken into account:

  • allergosis does not affect the baby’s normal condition;
  • there is no disruption in the child’s appetite;
  • body temperature remains unchanged;
  • The baby's games and wakefulness continue as usual.

The main difference between ailments is the type of manifestation. When an irritant is exposed to the respiratory tract, a reaction is observed after a couple of minutes or hours. ARVI worsens the patient's condition over time.

Factors provoking respiratory allergies

The appearance of symptoms indicates recent contact with the allergen

Contact with an allergen causes rapid manifestation of symptoms of damage to the respiratory tract. After cessation of contact, recovery occurs almost instantly. Due to the fact that the development of respiratory allergosis occurs in a short time, the appearance of suspicious symptoms indicates recent contact with the allergen. Therefore, it is always important to analyze previous events, for example:

  • visiting places where you rarely visit: guests, a store, a theater, a cafeteria;
  • carrying out hygiene and beauty procedures (using soap, shampoo, cream, perfume);
  • cleaning, repair and construction work (dust, household chemicals, new wall and floor coverings);
  • odors nearby, and not necessarily unpleasant (all kinds of aerosols, smoke, spices);
  • contact with plants, especially flowering ones (a bouquet in a vase, a trip to country cottage area, walks through the forest, field);
  • the appearance of something deliberately new at home (toys, furniture elements, carpeting, clothing);
  • interaction with animals and animal food, especially food for aquarium fish;
  • using new laundry detergents (powder, bleach, conditioner);
  • eating unusual foods;
  • reception medicines.

Respiratory allergens exist in a wide variety. The most famous of them is plant pollen. There are a huge number of potentially harmful plants. They are divided into three categories: weeds, grass families, trees and shrubs. Obviously, an allergic reaction caused by pollen allergens will occur seasonally.

The course of respiratory allergosis is often accompanied by the appearance allergic conjunctivitis. Simultaneous inflammation of the eye area and respiratory tract is also possible with certain types ARVI, for example, with adenovirus infection. At the same time, it is almost impossible for this type of acute respiratory viral infection to pass easily - with the absence of general toxicosis and normal body temperature.

The disease can persist in a person for a long time. Prolonged runny nose a cheerful and joyful child has reason to think about the manifestation of an allergy. Predisposition to allergic reactions is hereditary. Parents with allergies increase the child's chances of having respiratory allergies.

Treatment and prevention of unpleasant symptoms

If signs of disease are detected, contact must first be eliminated

Are of great importance preventive measures against respiratory allergies. To protect the child from possible allergens, they should be started immediately after birth. The risk period is in the summer. To prevent possible development respiratory diseases In case of an expected baby, pregnant women with hereditary allergies, it is important to follow a strict hypoallergenic diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude products with various preservatives and chemical additives.

An important factor is the cleanliness of the room where the pregnant woman lives. The experience of doctors confirms that breastfeeding best protects the baby from developing allergies in the future. This happens in connection with the formation of a strong immune system in the baby, which helps the body overcome allergic reactions.

Parents should monitor the child's behavior, especially if mom or dad has a painful reaction to allergens. First of all, a reason to think is a prolonged dry cough that does not go away for a long time, unexpected difficulty in breathing, swelling of the larynx or nasal canals without a cold.

At the same time, the child can become apathetic and slightly inhibited, but allergosis will not affect his actions in any way. If you have the slightest suspicion, you should consult an allergist. After all, on time established diagnosis and the therapy provided contribute to successfully overcome illness.

If respiratory allergosis in children primarily affects the lungs or bronchi, then treatment is useful with training. For this purpose, children are best suited sports activities, developing the so-called correct breathing. These include swimming, hockey, Wushu, Taekwondo, and figure skating.

Training exercises for the respiratory system improve the condition of the body, strengthen the child’s immunity, which helps relieve irritation in the future. Such people are recommended to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, unless the factor that provokes allergies is pollen from flower plants.

Exercises promote the development of proper exhalation a certain type gymnastics There is information that wind instruments for music, through the training process lower paths breathing helps to significantly reduce the number of allergy attacks and simplify their course. Positive point Such training for the lungs is an opportunity to start practicing from a very young age.

If signs of an allergic disease are detected, it is initially necessary to eliminate contact with irritants or at least minimize it. From medicines to mandatory antihistamines or hormonal agents. The doctor's prescription may include first, second, or third generation drugs.

Antihistamine medications:

  • Suprastin;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Diazolin;
  • Zodak;
  • Claritin et al.

A child, depending on age, can be cured with similar medications, but in the form of drops. With strongly expressed allergic manifestations The dosage of Suprastin is calculated according to the age of the baby. In addition, treatment necessarily involves the use of medications to narrow blood vessels, for example, Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin.

Halotherapy against respiratory allergosis

Salt aerosol has an antibacterial effect on microorganisms in the respiratory system

The process of developing allergies is very complex, in simple language it can be described as follows: a certain substance that is contained in food, or comes into contact with the skin, or is simply present in the air, by unknown reason is perceived by the body as a danger that can destroy its internal environment.

Immunity, in turn, is designed to protect the body from all kinds of threats; it perceives a dangerous substance as an antigen and produces antibodies. As you know, antibodies remain in the blood. At repeated action on the body dangerous substance, antigen and antibodies cause an allergic reaction. Thus, the body reacts to.

What is respiratory allergy?

Respiratory allergosis is an allergic disease of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the bronchi, nasopharynx, nose, and trachea. Respiratory allergosis can be caused by infectious (bacteria, viruses, microorganisms) or non-infectious allergens.

Non-infectious allergens are in turn divided into:

  • Household products that play a major role in causing respiratory allergies. Homemade has a complex composition and if the patient increased sensitivity to all components or at least to its individual part, then respiratory allerosis is inevitable. House dust mainly consists of the secretions and excreta of house dust mites and cockroaches. Mites are found in toys, carpets and even bedding.
  • Pollen, we're talking about about all kinds of plants and flowers, poplar fluff and no matter how strange it may sound, mold spores. Their spores are smaller in size than pollen and spread easily, especially in places with high humidity.
  • Food allergens are less aggressive, but eating fruits or some other product can cause allergic reactions, laryngitis and even bronchial infections.
  • Medications, various antibiotics, and even aspirin are active.
  • Chemical, this applies to chemicals and preservatives, products and various components of products.

Symptoms of respiratory allergy

The main symptoms are copious fluid discharge from the nose, burning sensation in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and eyelids, headaches, slight increase fever, drowsiness, general state malaise and irritability against this background.

Treatment primarily involves removing or limiting the body's exposure to the allergen that causes the allergic reaction. The next stage of treatment is pharmacological. The patient must take medications prescribed by an allergist-immunologist. Without consultation this doctor self-medication is fraught with serious consequences for the body. In some cases, speleotherapy is prescribed.

This treatment method involves staying in the microclimate of a cave or salt mine, because... any allergic reaction is a consequence of contaminated environment, being in a clean environment has a positive effect.

It is very important to accurately determine the cause of respiratory allergy. After all, it is not always possible to permanently remove an irritating allergen, for example, house dust No matter how much you wipe it, it appears on the furniture again. In this case, the allergen is injected under the patient's skin with a gradual increase in dose.

Respiratory allergosis in children

Predisposition to allergic diseases is transmitted at the genetic level, i.e. by inheritance. If the child's parents have allergies, this fact increases the likelihood of the child contracting respiratory allergosis.

Children aged 2–4 years are most susceptible to respiratory allergosis. It is at this age during the transition from feeding breast milk children are faced with new foods immune reaction to aggressive allergens.

Most often observed in children following forms respiratory allergy:

  • allergic laryngitis, accompanied by swelling of the larynx, “barking” cough, hoarseness;
  • allergic tracheitis, accompanied by coughing attacks, redness of the face, vomiting;
  • allergic bronchitis, accompanied by paroxysmal cough with frequent relapses.
  • allergic pneumonia, accompanied pathological change lungs, x-ray reveals local edema lung tissue;
  • allergic rhinitis, accompanied by difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, itchy nose, sneezing, headache, malaise, conjunctivitis. This form of allergosis is seasonal or year-round.

Seasonal rhinitis is associated with allergies caused by pollen from flowers and trees.

Respiratory allergosis has received wide coverage in the new book by Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky entitled “ARI: a guide for sensible parents.” This book is a guide that comprehensively reveals the problem of acute respiratory diseases in children. The author set himself the task of uniting parents and the pediatrician in the fight for the child’s health, so that their efforts would be joint and effective.

Komarovsky does not change his style and comprehensively describes the issue in simple and intelligible language. Many parents will find answers to their questions regarding childhood acute respiratory diseases. Now you can easily find out how to get rid of snot and how to get sick less often.

Treatment of respiratory allergosis in children

When treating respiratory allergosis in children, the main thing is to eliminate contact with the causative allergen, and the sooner the better. A noticeable relief in the child’s condition will immediately follow. Unfortunately, these measures alone are unlikely to succeed. Drug treatment will also be required.

For children in the treatment of allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, antihistamines of the I, II and III generations are prescribed, these are drugs such as Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin, Gistalong, Telfast, etc. To relieve nasal congestion, vasoconstrictors are often recommended, for example, Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin and etc.

If it is impossible to avoid contact with the allergen, children are also given injections of the allergen under the skin.

When a child high sensitivity, start with minimum quantity. Only if there are no symptoms and the child is feeling normal, the procedure continues with increasing the amount of allergen administered. Sometimes such treatment lasts several years. By strictly adhering to the doctor’s instructions, the disease will certainly recede.

Another method of treatment is considered physiotherapy, it helps the body resist, trains breathing. It should be noted that patients with respiratory allergosis must be registered with a local doctor and an allergist.

Traditional methods of treating respiratory allergosis

Despite the level of development of medicine, many people only trust traditional methods treatment various diseases. Respiratory allergosis is no exception. ethnoscience I have a few recipes for this disease:

Tripartite sequence:

For allergies caused by household allergens, it is recommended to take an infusion of the tripartite series. Five grams of dried herb are infused in one glass of boiling water for 24 hours. Next, you need to strain the infusion and take a glass twice a day. The exact duration of treatment with the tincture has not been determined; it is advisable to take the tincture for a year.

Herbal Blend:

For allergies caused by dust, it is recommended to drink a tincture of horsetail, centaury, St. John's wort, as well as dandelion and rose hip roots. equal proportions. All this is filled with water and put on fire. When the mixture boils, it should sit. It is recommended to take it three times a day for three months.


When allergic reaction Dandelion is recommended for flowering ragweed and poplar. When the dandelion blooms, you need to collect its leaves, wash and chop them. Then put it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice for its subsequent dilution with water in a one-to-one ratio and boil. Take three tablespoons of the decoction before meals twice a day.

Cedar oil and nuts:

It should be noted that all of these recipes strengthen the immune system and improve the body’s ability to resist external stimuli and allergens.

Respiratory allergosis is a combination of various pathologies through which the respiratory tract is damaged due to interaction with the source of the allergy. The disease can occur in a child or an adult. But, in most cases, it is observed in children 2-4 summer age. The use of treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of this pathology.

Respiratory allergens have two types of appearance: through infection or without its penetration.

With any of them, the respiratory tract or a certain part is damaged:
  • nasopharynx;
  • larynx;
  • trachea;
  • bronchi.

If the allergy penetrates through infection, the activity of the respiratory organs undergoes some changes due to the penetration of bacteria, viruses or foreign elements.

But when non-infectious nature infection, the disease manifests itself as a result of certain reasons:
  • symptoms appear due to the penetration of allergens, which include: plant or grass pollen, dust particles with elements contained in it, mites and pet hair;
  • irritation occurs as a result of exposure to food allergens on the body;
  • the development of allergic diseases is associated with the use of certain medications;
  • Often, symptoms of respiratory damage appear due to close interaction with chemicals and cosmetics.

Depending on the presence of certain causes in a sick person, immediate examination is necessary. medical institution.

Based on the results, a necessary treatment only a specialist in this field.

Respiratory allergosis in children can manifest itself through various forms, which have some features in eliminating the source of infection.

Their classification:

Often, the signs of respiratory allergosis are compared with acute respiratory viral infections. As a result, it is compiled Not correct treatment, which can cause serious complications.

Despite this there are distinctive features, with the help of which two such concepts can be distinguished:
  • if the baby has allergies, then physical activity does not differ in any changes;
  • the child’s appetite is good, no problems are observed;
  • missing and heat body, characteristic of ARVI;
  • the periods of wakefulness and sleep are not disturbed, activity and mobility are the same as in healthy people.

An essential feature of respiratory tract diseases is the nature of their occurrence. That is why, when observing the first symptoms of respiratory damage, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.

Basically, they appear some time after certain actions that can cause the development of the disease. But with ARVI, the state of health worsens after some time.

When respiratory allergosis is diagnosed in children, treatment occurs with the use of certain antihistamines, which must be prescribed by a doctor. A specialist can prescribe medications that are produced in the first, second or third generation.
Thus, drugs that have an antihistamine effect include:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Gistalong.
  3. Claritin.
  4. Telfast.
  5. Diazolin.

For young children, therapeutic measures are carried out using special drops. These include Zyrtec, Fenistil and Zodak. However, in case of serious complications, Suprastin is still used, and the dosage of the drug will be calculated taking into account the age of the baby. In addition, it is assumed therapeutic actions aimed at accelerating recovery.

Such actions can be carried out through the use of vasoconstrictors:
  1. Nazivin.
  2. Otrivin.
  3. Tizin.

They help relieve swelling of the nasal passages, prevent runny nose and mucus discharge from the nose. In addition, they are aimed at normalizing activities respiratory system, through which full breathing is possible. Therapeutic measures can be carried out in conjunction with the use of some other medications, the use of which is vital. However, such changes while taking medications should be discussed with a specialist.

You can eliminate the source of the allergy and remove it from the body with the help of certain medications: Enterosgel, Smecta and activated carbon. All of them have a beneficial effect on the cause of allergies and short term will help get rid of pronounced signs of the disease. It is also possible to restore the intestinal microflora through the use of certain probiotics: Hilak-Forte, Lactusan and Duphalac. They are used in cases of similar problems in newborns. The recurrence of symptoms of respiratory allergosis can be eliminated through the use of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Positive effect can be observed:
  • from baths;
  • from speleotherapy;
  • from inhalation.

For the child, you need to use therapeutic exercises, which will help restore well-being and strengthen the general condition of the body after getting rid of the signs of the disease. .

For successful elimination To determine the causes of the disease, it is necessary to influence the irritant by eliminating the person from contact with the allergen. If it is not possible to carry out such actions, then treatment should be carried out aimed at restoring the immune system. However, the use of this method is possible only in some cases on the recommendation of a specialist, otherwise it can provoke the development of more serious complications.

Respiratory allergosis includes a set of diseases in which the respiratory tract is affected by allergens. It can manifest itself in both adulthood and childhood. However, most often lesions of this nature appear in 2–4 year old children. Treatment of each disease is symptomatic.

Causes of diseases

Respiratory allergosis affects the airways

Respiratory allergosis can have two types of origin: infectious and non-infectious. For each of the diseases, damage to the respiratory tract or part of it may occur:


If the lesion is infectious in nature, then the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted by the penetration of viruses, bacteria or microorganisms of fungal origin.
At non-infectious form Allergosis occurs for a number of reasons.

    Symptoms of damage occur when aeroallergens penetrate. These include plant pollen, dust with the secretions of cockroaches and mites contained in it, as well as animal hair.

    Irritation may occur when exposed to food allergens.

    The occurrence of allergic diseases is influenced by taking medications.

    Often symptoms of respiratory tract damage are observed upon contact with household chemicals, cosmetics.

Depending on the causes, the symptoms of the disease may vary. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only after a mandatory examination by a doctor.

Forms of allergosis and their symptoms

Headache in a child

Respiratory allergosis in children can be expressed in various forms. They differ in the localization of the reaction when exposed to a stimulus.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis often appear in childhood. When irritation occurs, a person experiences congestion in the nasal passages, slight mucous discharge from the nose, and conjunctivitis. In this case, the child develops an itchy nose, which causes sneezing. He can feel headache, malaise. Allergic rhinitis often appears during the flowering period of plants, but can also occur year-round.

    With allergic pharyngitis, extensive swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx is observed. In some cases, inflammation spreads to the tongue area. In this case, children often experience a sensation of a foreign object in the throat, a lump that does not go away. Pharyngitis is characterized by a strong dry cough.

    When allergic tracheitis occurs, hoarseness appears. A person may experience attacks of dry cough, especially at night. In this case, pain is felt in the chest area. Tracheitis can manifest itself over a long period of time, either exacerbating or reducing symptoms.

    The most common disease is allergy obstructive bronchitis. The defeat in this case is observed only in lower sections respiratory tract. In some cases, the disease is associated with bronchial mild asthma forms.

    With allergic laryngitis, swelling of the larynx occurs. The child appears barking cough, as well as hoarseness.

Often the symptoms of respiratory allergosis are confused with ARVI. Therefore, incorrect treatment is often prescribed, which does not lead to positive result. However, there are some characteristics that distinguish allergosis from a viral disease.

    With allergy, the child is in a normal state.

    The baby's appetite is not affected.

    There is no rise in body temperature.

    The child plays and stays awake as usual.

The main difference between the diseases is the nature of the manifestations. At allergic lesion respiratory tract reaction is observed after a few minutes or hours. With ARVI, the condition may worsen gradually.

Treatment of diseases

Suprastin is an antihistamine

Since the disease is allergic nature, treatment of children includes mandatory use of antihistamines. The doctor may prescribe first, second or third generation drugs. Among drugs with antihistamine effect highlight:





In children, treatment is carried out in the form of drops. These include Zyrtec, Zodak, Fenistil. But for severe allergic reactions, Suprastin is often used, the dosage of which is calculated based on the age of the child.
Therapy is also required vasoconstrictor drugs. Among them are:

Activated carbon removes allergens

They relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, preventing the appearance of a runny nose and mucous discharge. They also help make breathing easier.
Treatment involves taking enterosorbents in combination with prebiotics. You can remove the allergen from the body using Enterosgel, Smecta, Activated carbon. You can normalize the intestinal microflora with the help of prebiotics Hilak-Forte, Duphalac, Lactusan. They can be used from the first day of the baby's life.
You can cope with the manifestations of respiratory allergosis with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures. The effect is observed from:



The child is recommended to undergo therapeutic exercises aimed at general strengthening body. During such exercises breathing is trained.
It is important to immediately eliminate contact with the irritant to avoid increased signs of respiratory allergosis. If this is not possible, then immunotherapeutic treatment is performed. However, this method is not suitable for all children, as it can enhance the development of the reaction.

The most common respiratory allergies in children include rhinitis and tracheobronchitis. One of the most dangerous allergic reactions in a child is angioedema, which requires emergency care. Other respiratory allergies also need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, but if the patient’s condition is not critical, it is possible home therapy in strict accordance with the recommendations of a professional allergist.

Respiratory allergosis is an allergic disease that affects various parts of the respiratory tract. They can be caused by many factors. But the most common of them in childhood are food products and respiratory viral infection. Against the background of a viral infection, in addition to rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, laryngitis, and tracheobronchitis can develop. A child's skin may also react to a respiratory infection in the form of a rash (hives). If it lasts more than six weeks, then it is already regarded as chronic. A respiratory viral infection can be a harbinger. Permanent colds gradually destroy the mucous membrane, and accordingly it decreases protective function, which creates favorable conditions for development bronchial asthma. This one is especially intense the process is underway V children's body when the immune system has not yet fully strengthened.

To prevent respiratory allergic diseases in children, promptly pay attention to minor changes skin and mucous membrane external manifestations allergies when walking outside during the flowering period of plants, as well as when eating foods that can cause allergies. Proper treatment started on time, compliance hypoallergenic diet and observation by an allergist or immunologist will help achieve stable remission.

Below you will learn about the symptoms of respiratory allergies in children and their treatment at home.

Allergic disease laryngitis in a child

Such allergic disease in children, like laryngitis, may occur against the background respiratory infection. Allergic laryngitis in a child is often accompanied by cross allergy. For example, it has been noted that intolerance to birch pollen is accompanied by an allergic reaction to the following herbal products: pears, apples, cherries and carrots.

Symptoms. Typically, attacks of this allergy in children begin at night. The main symptom of allergic laryngitis in a child is a rough barking cough, accompanied by blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, associated with a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues. If such a cough suddenly appears at night and the child begins to choke, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Treatment. Before the doctor arrives, the child should be provided with an influx of fresh air, make warm baths for hands and feet, give warm alkaline drink. To treat allergic laryngitis in a child, steam alkaline inhalations are performed (1 teaspoon of baking soda per 500 ml of boiling water).

Allergic rhinitis in a child: symptoms and treatment

Children who attend nurseries are most likely to develop allergic rhinitis. kindergarten, school, i.e. places where the risk of contracting a viral infection is maximum. The cause of the disease can also be hypothermia of the child.

Symptoms. The very first sign, along with the general symptoms of a respiratory infection, is a prolonged runny nose (rhinitis). Most often, children begin to sneeze, their nose is usually stuffy, and the amount of mucus discharge increases. Or, conversely, sneezing may be minimal, but then a symptom of allergic rhinitis is severe nasal congestion.

Treatment. Held complex treatment, consisting of limiting contact with the allergen, antiallergic drugs (nasal drops - histimet, allergodil; orally - H1, histamine blockers) and rational vitamin therapy to boost the child’s immunity.

At home, to significantly ease nasal breathing To treat allergic rhinitis, you can put drops in your child's nose. Good in in this case Vasoconstrictors will act, preferably those made on an oil basis, as they envelop the nasal mucosa. When caring for a child with this allergic disease, keep in mind that it is recommended to use nasal drops for no more than 4-5 days.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Allergic conjunctivitis in children is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), with allergies it is usually bilateral.

Symptoms. The first signs of the disease are swelling severe itching conjunctiva and lacrimation. There is also sticking of the eyelids in the morning and pain in the eyes. Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in children in initial stage resembles respiratory viral infection. First arise general symptoms: weakness, malaise, tearfulness, decreased appetite, increased body temperature. May also be observed catarrhal phenomena(sore throat, nasal congestion), and only then the first signs of conjunctivitis. More often The lymph nodes increased.

Treatment. Held symptomatic treatment. The first task is to eliminate itchy eyes so that the child does not scratch or rub them. To do this, you need to wash his eyes at home. This must be done with sterile wipes, separate for each eye.

Soak a gauze napkin in chamomile infusion or tea leaves and gently wipe the eyelids in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. In the future, for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in children, you should contact an ophthalmologist who will carefully examine the child’s eyes and prescribe necessary drops(histimet, allergodil, opatanol). Also, instilling drops in combination with ointment will give best effect For get well soon. In the treatment of this respiratory allergosis in children, it is prescribed orally antihistamines– Zyrtec, Cetrin.

Allergic reaction Quincke's edema in a child

Quincke's edema is the most common allergic reaction requiring emergency care.

Symptoms. The most characteristic feature This allergy is swelling of the soft tissues: head, neck, upper and lower limbs, internal organs. Quincke's edema usually develops acutely and is characterized by severe attack suffocation.

Look at the photo showing the symptoms of this allergic reaction in a child:

Treatment. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance team, which will provide emergency assistance and transport the patient to the hospital. Before the doctor arrives, you can give your child antihistamines(suprastin, claritin, ketotifen, ebastine, etc.). After administration of glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone), diuretics (furosemide) and improvement of the child’s condition, a rational complex therapy, which includes the use of vitamins and drugs that enhance immunity.

Allergic tracheobronchitis and alveolitis in a child

Allergic tracheobronchitis is an inflammation of the trachea and bronchi as a result of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms. Allergic tracheobronchitis differs from laryngitis in that the cough is dry and hacking.

Treatment. At home, when treating this allergic disease in children, distraction therapy is carried out: do steam inhalation, hot bath for feet, give your child a warm alkaline drink. Be sure to call a doctor.

Allergic alveolitis is an inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the lungs, allergic process, which occurs in the lungs when exposed to a very small respiratory allergen. When it hits lung tissue a complex immune reaction occurs.

Symptoms. Alveolitis usually begins acutely. In this case, the signs of the disease can be very diverse. The most common are fever, dry cough, pain in the chest, muscles. Most often the disease is accompanied by headache and general weakness. Later, rhinitis develops, breathing becomes hoarse. After a certain period of time, the doctor may hear moist rales in the lungs. When contact with the allergen is stopped, the body's reaction gradually returns to normal.

Treatment. It is practically no different from the treatment of other allergies. Need to do general analysis blood to determine the degree inflammatory process, if necessary, conduct allergy skin tests.

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