Features of the course of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Catarrhal phenomena: symptoms of catarrh

Qatar top respiratory tract is called differently: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis. Pathogens: adenoviruses and bacteria. Once in the body, they can cause a number of diseases, where catarrh can be both the main disease and a secondary complication.

Qatar of the upper respiratory tract - characteristics

When the disease occurs, the mucous membranes of the bronchi become inflamed, which leads to the accumulation of large amounts of sputum and an accompanying cough or runny nose. The catarrhal process affects not only a certain area, but also those adjacent to it, since the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is a single whole.

Catarrhal diseases of the upper respiratory tract are classified depending on the spread of infection:

  • rhinitis, or runny nose,
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis),
  • tonsillitis, or sore throat,
  • pharyngitis,
  • laryngitis.

On early stages Rhinitis is characterized by malaise, impaired sense of smell, slight fever. This condition can last for several hours or days. Then they begin transparent discharge from the nose, which soon disappear. The patient gets better and his condition stabilizes. Rhinitis often acts as an addition to the onset of influenza or scarlet fever.

Sinusitis is accompanied by headaches, mucous nasal discharge (sometimes only on one side, due to inflammation of some paranasal sinuses).
This may be a symptom of other diseases:

  • aerosinusitis,
  • frontitis,
  • ethmoiditis.

In such cases, it is necessary to treat the cause of sinusitis.

Tonsillitis develops due to inflammation of the tonsils. Its appearance is provoked by fungi and bacteria or infectious diseases. With tonsillitis, growth is possible connective tissue, traffic jams, increase lymph nodes.

There are 2 types of tonsillitis:

  • chronic
  • decompensated.

Noted good effect from physiotherapeutic procedures and rinsing with disinfectant solutions.

With absence positive result appoint surgical intervention– removal of tonsils.

The cause of the development of pharyngitis can be the intake of too hot or cold food, dirty air, or poor environmental conditions. Features:

  • dry throat,
  • pain when swallowing,
  • inflammation of the palate.

If laryngitis develops, the inflammatory process moves to the larynx. The disease can occur due to vocal strain, hypothermia or other diseases. In this case, the affected areas become bright red and swell.

Reasons for the development of the disease

People of any age are susceptible to the disease, but most often the pathology develops in older people due to a natural decrease in immunity at this age.
Provoking factors of the disease can be:

  • Working with harmful substances. Chemical elements, affecting the respiratory tract in one way or another, can also become a prerequisite for catarrhal changes.
  • Cold. As with any viral infection, catarrh occurs due to hypothermia, sharp changes temperatures, in damp, unstable weather. One of the causes of inflammation can be considered cooling of the mucous membrane, but most often colds just a predisposing moment, since it leads to circulatory problems.
  • Predisposition. Anatomical features constitutions, acute or chronic diseases, excessive use alcohol or tobacco products, low immunity, poor environmental conditions - all this provokes the appearance or development of the disease.

Main forms and types of pathology

Catarrh occurs with changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
Based on the nature of changes in the mucosa, the following types are distinguished:

  • Simple chronic;
  • Hypertrophic;
  • Atrophic.

Simple chronic runny nose occurs due to prolonged, untreated acute catarrh of the nose. Most often, people complain of nasal congestion and mucous discharge. There is also a dependence of the closure of the lumen of the nostril on the position of the body.

Hypertrophic runny nose is a consequence of prolonged chronic catarrh.

At the same time, the connective tissue grows, the nasal conchae enlarge, and are no longer able to contract.

Atrophic catarrh affects not only the nasal mucosa, but also bone tissue, as a result of which crusts form in the nose and appear bad smell. His characteristic features are a feeling of dryness, causing difficulty breathing and loss of smell. It is possible to change the shape of the nose - saddle-shaped, with nostrils facing forward.

Based on the nature of the disease, there are 2 types of respiratory tract catarrh:

  • Spicy;
  • Chronic.

All manifestations of the acute form of catarrh correspond to acute runny nose. In addition to difficulty breathing, loss of smell and mucus secretion, headaches, fever, fatigue, nausea, joint pain, and malaise may appear.

In more severe forms of the disease, convulsions, a state of agitation, or, conversely, lethargy occur.

Acute catarrh is characterized not only by rapid inflammation of the mucous membrane, but also by an equally rapid disappearance of symptoms.

At chronic form transformations of the respiratory tract can be diametrically opposed:

  • Expanding connective tissue, dilated blood vessels, enlarged glands.
  • Thinned mucous membrane, increased epithelial cover, discharge of crusts or clots.

The main factor in the appearance of chronic catarrh can be long-term or constantly repeated exposure to various allergens on the mucous membrane.

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Main symptoms of the disease

General symptoms Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract is almost the same for all types respiratory infections:

  • labored breathing;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • temperature increase;
  • dry cough;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • general malaise, body aches.

Each type of respiratory infection has its own characteristics.

With a sore throat in the background general malaise join:

  • difficulty swallowing,
  • sore throat and sensation foreign body,
  • gray plaque on the tonsils, sometimes - formation purulent plugs and lacunae.

If catarrh of the respiratory tract is accompanied by bronchitis or tracheitis, then the symptoms come to the fore:

  • painful dry cough that gets worse at night,
  • dyspnea,
  • With further development of the disease, the cough becomes wet,
  • wheezing may appear,
  • With a cough, phlegm begins to come out.

If such symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate. To avoid the development of complications, you should seek medical help.

If the immune system is weakened and treatment is not started in a timely manner, complications of the disease may develop:

  • pneumonia,
  • sinusitis or sinusitis of another localization,
  • purulent sore throat.

Treatment of airway inflammation

Initial signs diseases such as runny nose can be cured by using topical remedies.

If the disease progresses and inflammation descends further down the bronchial tree, then the treatment of catarrh should be systematic.

In this case therapeutic measures are aimed at:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • getting rid of inflammatory processes and pathogens.

The following drugs are used for this:

  • expectorants “Bronchicum”, “Doctor MOM”, “Erespal”,
  • antimicrobial “Bioparox”, “Gexaral”, “Faringosept”, “Stopangin”,
  • anti-inflammatory “Faringomed”, “Doctor Theiss”, “Strepfen”.

In some cases, with the development of a pronounced inflammatory process, the use of antibiotics is indicated. Medicines and dosages are prescribed by the attending physician.

To strengthen the body's protective properties, it is also possible to use herbal infusions, aromatherapy and massage in consultation with your doctor.

An effective means of getting rid of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract is independent acupressure:

  • Using oiled fingers, press on the points on the sides of the bridge of the nose. Make circular movements clockwise at least 40 times;
  • For a couple of minutes, lightly tap simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (middle and index) on the upper part of the nostrils.

Prevention of catarrhal diseases

In order to avoid the disease, during the season of epidemics of respiratory diseases - spring and autumn - it is enough to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Eat less heavy and junk food. Include chicken meat, broths, and natural juices in your diet.
  • Keep your feet warm. Steam or make mustard compresses periodically.
  • Include garlic in your diet.
  • Drink tea or decoction from fresh berries: currants, sea buckthorn, raspberries. They contain vitamin C.
  • When a cold begins, do not forget to lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment.
  • Rinse your throat and nose with a solution of salt, soda and a couple of drops of iodine.
  • Drink immunostimulating drugs, especially in autumn and spring, during vitamin deficiency, when resistance to disease drops sharply.

Do not forget that preventing infection and the development of disease is much easier than treating it.

Necessary diagnostic measures

For a correct diagnosis of upper respiratory tract catarrh and subsequent adequate treatment, it is necessary:

  1. Conduct an assessment clinical manifestations. Basically, there will be a runny nose and cough, catarrhal manifestations in the pharynx, respiratory failure, fever, pain in the head and muscles, and intoxication.
  2. On auscultation, moist rales in the lungs may be present.
  3. General blood analysis. When performing a blood test, an increase in the number of white blood cells will be present.
  4. Saliva analysis. As a result of the analysis, leukocyturia will be observed (especially in infants and younger age).
  5. X-ray examination chest. Prescribed in the presence of shortening percussion sound and the presence of wheezing, as well as if there is a rise in body temperature above 38 degrees for more than three days. As a result, the x-ray will show an increase in the vascular pattern and shadows of the roots of the lungs.

Features of nutrition in pathology

When the disease is present, in most cases there will be accelerated exchange substances and loss of nitrogen due to the breakdown of tissue protein. As a result of these processes, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to special attention relate to the patient's diet.

Newborns and young children should eat mother's milk or a mixture. It is recommended to give kefir, fruit and vegetable juices. As for older children, their diet should be varied and include the same foods as for healthy children.

All dishes should be served to the patient in liquid, semi-liquid and ground form. It is recommended to steam them. On the first line of the food pyramid in in this case milk and dairy products cost, it can be given in boiled form, in the form of kefir, with tea or coffee. You can also add milk when preparing various dishes (milk soups, porridges, mashed potatoes).

The diet should include vegetables and fruits large quantities. They are served in the form of juices, jelly, jellies and compotes.

To relieve intoxication syndrome, the patient needs to drink a lot of liquid: sweet tea, juice, compote, fruit drink, infusions of vegetables and fruits.

The number of meals per day will depend on general condition patient and appetite. In case of normal health and preservation of appetite, the diet should be the same as that of healthy person. If the patient’s condition is severe, food should be given in small portions and quite often (every two or three hours).

When the condition of a sick person improves, the diet and cooking of dishes can be the same as during normal life.

Treatment of this pathological condition using traditional medicine

Except traditional methods therapies prescribed by a doctor, you can use the products traditional medicine. When they are combined, the treatment will be comprehensive and will lead to a quick recovery.

  1. Take equal parts of linden flowers and raspberries. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water. It is best to drink this tea at night before bed.
  2. Mix two parts of raspberry fruits and coltsfoot leaves and one part of oregano in one container. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into 250 ml. water, boil for 20 minutes. Use warmed with a tablespoon of honey.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve honey in 250 ml warm water or milk. Drink a drink at night.
  4. 1 tbsp. l. Brew chokeberry flowers in a glass of water. Take in the evening, adding 1 tbsp. l. honey
  5. 2 tbsp. l. raspberries pour 250 ml of boiling water. Drink before bed adding a tablespoon of honey.
  6. Tea with clover. Brew a tablespoon of sweet clover with a glass of water. Drink half a glass before bed.
  7. Take 1 tbsp. l. viburnum bark and lemon skins, pour 250 ml. boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink the resulting drink throughout the day, one tablespoon every two or three hours.
  8. Take 2 tbsp. l. raspberries, linden flowers and peppermint, pour in a liter hot water and leave for 60 minutes. Strain and drink instead of tea.
  9. Raspberry jam and infusion from the leaves and stems of this plant. After all, raspberries have a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
  10. Althaea officinalis. The rhizome of this plant must be filled with liters of water cold water and leave for twenty-four hours. Take a dessert spoon four or five times a day. A good effect is observed, because this medicine has properties to relieve inflammation and helps to expectorate phlegm, especially when taken by children.
  11. Take 8 cloves of garlic, mash them and pour 250 ml. milk. Bring to a boil and cool. Take a teaspoon a couple of times a day.

Aromatherapy treatments have also received positive reviews. It is recommended to use lemongrass, lemon balm, and eucalyptus oils for inhalation. It should be noted that thyme and eucalyptus oil also have antimicrobial properties.


A large number of people know about such a treatment method as inhalation. To carry it out, it is necessary to make a funnel from cardboard, taking into account the size of the vessel over which the procedure will be carried out. It needs to be fastened and the end, which is thinner, cut off, forming a kind of mouthpiece.

Most often used for inhalation:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • aroma oils;
  • pine branches or buds.

It is these procedures that help ease breathing and improve sputum discharge. One more positive side use this method treatment is considered to have a warming, softening and bactericidal effect.

Possible consequences and complications

It must be remembered that if any, even minor, pathological symptoms, it is necessary not to self-medicate and mandatory Seek help from a qualified professional.

As for our case, when untimely application With treatment or without such treatment at all, the patient’s condition may worsen.

As a result of the addition of an infection of bacterial origin, the following complications may appear:

  • otitis media;
  • mastoiditis;
  • meningitis;
  • abscess of the brain and soft tissues;
  • encephalitis;
  • thrombosis of cerebral sinuses;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis.

Unfortunately, some of these complications are very difficult to tolerate. human body, can lead to irreparable consequences and, no matter how scary it may sound, even death.

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It is an extremely common disease and can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. In many cases, the development of catarrh is attributed cold. Cooling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can be considered as a direct cause of inflammation, but more often, apparently, a cold is only a predisposing factor due to the local circulatory disorder it causes.

Quite often, catarrh of the respiratory tract is observed during various infectious diseases, which indicates their bacterial origin. In such cases, catarrh of the respiratory tract may be the underlying disease or represent a secondary complication.

Inhalation harmful substances, acting on the mucous membrane in a chemical, mechanical or thermal manner, can also cause catarrhal changes. This includes changes in the respiratory tract that are possible in the absence of necessary preventive measures, in some industries. These are the causes of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Causes of Qatar Upper Respiratory Tract

Predisposing factors include: various shortcomings of the constitution, general diseases, How anemia, diabetes, tuberculosis, syphilis, alcohol and tobacco poisoning, poor climatic and living conditions, lack of individual resistance, etc.

Upper respiratory tract symptoms of Qatar

Objective signs of respiratory tract catarrh are a reflection of pathological and anatomical changes, expressed by hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane and the release of serous, mucous or purulent exudate. In cases of specific inflammation, the exudate can be hemorrhagic, fibrinous and even diphtheritic in nature.

Subjective disorders in the stage of hyperemia are expressed by a burning sensation, great dryness, sharp irritation(sneezing, coughing), and sometimes even a feeling of pain. In the infiltration stage, the phenomena of swelling of the mucous membrane come to the fore and discharge appears, the quantity and nature of which depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process!

Types of Qatar upper respiratory tract

Catarrh of the respiratory tract may be sharp And chronic. These forms differ from each other not only in the duration of the process, but also in the characteristics of the reaction of the mucous membrane. Acute catarrhs ​​are characterized by a rapid increase in inflammatory phenomena and the rapid disappearance of all pathological changes.

At chronic forms there is a slow development of catarrhal phenomena, protracted course and the formation of persistent changes in the mucous membrane. The latter are the result of the organization of exudate and are expressed by the proliferation of connective tissue. In the future, due to tissue wrinkling, causing circulatory disorders, the development of an atrophic process may occur.

Qatar Upper Respiratory Clinic

Clinical manifestations chronic catarrh characterized by particular lethargy. Subjective sensations are not so pronounced. Disorders caused by anatomical changes in the mucous membrane come to the fore: difficulty in nasal breathing, persistent change in voice, sputum production in the form of viscous clots or crusts, a feeling of dryness or excessive moisture and reflected diseases of neighboring organs.

Treatment of Qatar upper respiratory tract

Treatment of catarrh of the respiratory tract is a rather thankless task, since it is not always possible to eliminate sufficiently persistent inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane. Therefore, it should be brought to the fore preventive actions, which boil down to systematically hardening the body and protecting the respiratory tract from irritating moments.

clinical form acute tonsillitis, caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and characterized by local inflammation of the lymphoid tissues of the tonsils. The main symptoms are sore throat and moderate pain when swallowing, low-grade fever, feeling of weakness, weakness, decreased performance. Pharyngoscopy reveals hyperemic and swollen tonsils, as well as the palatine arches. Regional lymph nodes are often enlarged and painful on palpation; a blood test may show slight leukocytosis and an increase in ESR. Treatment is an exception physical activity, antibiotic therapy, gargling, physiotherapy.

General information


The clinical picture of catarrhal sore throat is similar to many other throat diseases and infectious diseases, and therefore requires a thorough diagnosis with the participation of medical specialists various profiles: pediatrician and therapist, otolaryngologist and infectious disease specialist.

  • Physical examination. Pharyngoscopy can detect the presence of diffuse hyperemia of the palatine tonsils and the edges of the arches, their swelling and increase in size. In this case, purulent contents in the lacunae and on the surface are absent and not noted accompanying symptoms inflammation back wall throats. In some cases, hypertrophy and tenderness of regional lymph nodes can be detected.
  • Laboratory research. To identify the etiological agent, bacteriological or virological tests of a throat smear are prescribed. The activity of inflammation is determined by performing a general clinical blood test ( increase in ESR and the number of leukocytes), signs of kidney damage - the presence of changes in urine analysis (the appearance of protein and red blood cells, an increase in the number of leukocytes). The development of rheumatic carditis and polyarthritis can be detected by analysis biochemical parameters blood (increased CRP, RF, ASL-O).

Differential diagnosis is carried out with other diseases of the throat and nose (rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, adenoids), acute respiratory infections and influenza, secondary lesions tonsils for diphtheria, scarlet fever, mononucleosis. In this case, the symptom of tonsillitis is only one of the manifestations of infection, along with which there are signs of damage to the nasal passages and the wall of the pharynx, bronchi and lungs, digestive tract And skin, blood systems.

Treatment of catarrhal tonsillitis

The main goal of treatment is the elimination of the causative agent of infection, the rapid elimination of inflammatory activity, and the prevention of complications. For bacterial etiology, penicillin antibiotics, macrolides or cephalosporins are prescribed; viral sore throatsantivirals. The prescription of medications with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and restorative effects, and vitamins is indicated. Widespread local treatment using antiseptics for gargling, as well as symptomatic remedies in the form of aerosols and lozenges that eliminate or reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment of tonsillitis with catarrhal changes is usually carried out at home, with bed rest in the first days of the disease and maximum limitation of physical activity. Average duration illness – 4-6 days. The addition of complications requires continued treatment in the otolaryngology department with the inclusion of glucocorticosteroid hormones, medications that support the function of the heart, respiration, kidneys, central nervous system. With the development of purulent-inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissue, surgical intervention with

All people, both adults and children, are susceptible to colds and infectious diseases. In this case, you can hear from the doctor such a term as catarrhal phenomena. These are processes associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and they manifest themselves as cough, runny nose, and swelling.

Where do catarrhal symptoms come from?

The causative agents of infectious diseases enter the human body through the air and settle on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. They provoke the well-known flu, sore throat, measles, ARVI, rhinitis and other diseases. So inflammatory processes People with reduced immunity are mainly susceptible, and especially children. Almost always, infectious diseases are accompanied by mucous discharge from the upper respiratory tract. The so-called catarrhal phenomena are a runny nose, sputum released during coughing, swelling and sore throat. This is the result of the body’s defensive reaction to microorganisms that attack it. Such symptoms must be treated, otherwise serious complications may occur in the future.

Catarrhal sore throat

The cause may be infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus, less often with other microorganisms. Favorable factors for the development of the disease are overwork, lack of sleep, weak immunity, stress, hypothermia. Main symptoms: sharp pain in the throat, especially when swallowing, redness, swelling, soreness, dry mouth.

Usually accompanied elevated temperature from 37.2 to 39. For treatment use antimicrobials local purpose, for example, "Biseptol" or "Streptotsid", antipyretics (but only at temperatures of 38 degrees and above), such as "Paracetomol", as well as antihistamines. It would be a good idea to use local analgesics and antimicrobials medicines for irrigating the throat. Shown bed rest for faster recovery and reduced risk of complications. It is recommended to use immunostimulants, for example, echinacea extract has a good effect. The doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics, but only on his recommendation should you take them.


This is an infectious disease with clear symptoms. In addition to the fact that the patient exhibits catarrhal symptoms in upper sections respiratory tract, the eyes also become inflamed, and a red rash appears on the skin. The virus mainly affects children and is transmitted through particles of sputum or saliva when a patient sneezes or coughs. You can only get over this infection once, and then a strong immunity is formed for life.

The disease lasts for a long time, only one incubation period may take more than two weeks. The first signs of the onset of the disease are catarrhal phenomena. This is the initial period, its duration is 3-4 days. Gradually, the symptoms intensify, the temperature rises, and a rash appears on the skin. Red spots may appear on the mucous membrane of the throat. Pigmentation on the skin remains for approximately 10 days.


The most common disease in the autumn-winter period, when the human body is weakened. Often in everyday life it is called a cold. Manifested by fever, sore throat, dry cough, lacrimation, runny nose.

The disease begins rapidly, catarrhal symptoms may appear earlier than other symptoms. Enlargement of the mandibular lymph nodes is often observed. Cough and runny nose are the main signs of the disease, so ARVI without catarrhal symptoms is a rather rare case.


It can be called the most dangerous type of viral infections, as it often causes complications. Therefore, treatment must be started quickly, carried out correctly and under the supervision of a doctor. Basic treatment - drinking plenty of fluids and bed rest. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor. This is a serious virus, you need rest during treatment, you cannot carry it on your feet. By the way, influenza without catarrhal symptoms sometimes occurs and is manifested only by fever and weakness.

Children often get sick due to weak immunity. Cough and runny nose are common in children. But it also happens that a child heat without catarrhal symptoms. In children, such a symptom does not always mean a viral infection; there are other reasons for this. Teething, overheating in hot weather, allergic reaction, stress, reaction to medications or vaccinations, impaired thermoregulation - all these factors can cause fever without a cough or runny nose.

What is a cough?

This is a protective reaction of the body when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract or mucus accumulates in it. In the second case, it will be catarrhal phenomena (catarrh in medicine is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract). Mucus is formed as a result of the body's resistance to infections transmitted by airborne droplets. Coughing is a reflex act of clearing the mucous membrane with a sharp release of air. It can be dry and wet, barking, depending on the nature of the disease. Could be a consequence of common cold, and more serious illnesses respiratory tract. These are tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, tuberculosis. In such cases, the doctor, if necessary, can prescribe antibiotics, as well as drugs that facilitate the removal of sputum from the lungs - "ACC", "Ambrobene", "Mukaltin". It happens that the cough does not go away long time without increasing the temperature. This is a reason to consult a doctor, as this may be the cause hidden form illnesses, such as pneumonia.

Catarrhal rhinitis

Frequent acute respiratory infections, weak immunity, high air pollution - all this can cause catarrhal rhinitis. This is a non-purulent inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Its manifestation is catarrhal phenomena. This is a runny nose, swelling of the nasal sinuses.

The result is difficulty breathing, lack of sense of smell, and sometimes snoring. Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis consists of the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, nasal rinsing, and physiotherapy.

Catarrhal phenomena often manifest themselves; they are perceived by people as a common situation with a cold and do not cause any particular concern. But they must be treated in order to avoid serious complications.

Qatar of the upper respiratory tract

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), outdated acute respiratory infections(acute respiratory disease), KVDP(catarrh of the upper respiratory tract), in common parlance cold- common viral disease upper respiratory tract. The main symptoms of ARVI are runny nose, cough, sneezing, headache, sore throat, fatigue.

Note: The word "cold" sometimes refers to the manifestations of herpes on the lips, and not to a disease of the respiratory tract.


ARVI is the most common infectious disease V developed countries On average, an adult gets ARVI at least 2-3 times per year, a child - 6-10 times a year.


ARVI is caused by a large number of pathogens, including at least 5 various groups viruses (parainfluenza viruses, influenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, reoviruses, etc.) and more than 300 of their subtypes. What they all have in common is that they are very contagious, as they are transmitted by airborne droplets. There is evidence that ARVI viruses spread effectively through physical contact, for example, by shaking hands.


In the initial period of the disease, the virus multiplies in the “gates of infection”: the nose, nasopharynx, larynx, which manifests itself in the form of pain, runny nose, soreness, and dry cough. The temperature usually does not rise. Sometimes the mucous membranes of the eyes and gastrointestinal tract are involved in this process.

Differential diagnosis

Due to the wide prevalence and heterogeneity of various acute respiratory infections, there is often a need to conduct differential diagnosis in order to establish the exact cause of the disease. Knowledge of principles differential diagnosis various ARVIs are necessary to prevent various complications and correction of patient treatment tactics. The most common causative agents of ARVI are influenza (acute onset, high fever, the possibility of developing severe forms illness), parainfluenza (milder course than influenza, damage to the larynx with the risk of suffocation in children), adenoviral infection (less pronounced onset than influenza, sore throat and lymphadenopathy, damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes, severe runny nose, possible liver damage), infection with respiratory syncytial virus (damage to the bronchi and bronchioles, the possibility of developing bronchopneumonia, a milder and longer course than the flu).

With severe inflammation of the tonsils (especially frequent with adenovirus infection) must be excluded sore throat And Infectious mononucleosis.

Of the more exotic diseases, the first symptoms of which may resemble ARVI, it should be noted hepatitis, AIDS etc., therefore, if the symptoms of ARVI in the previous few weeks were preceded by events that were dangerous due to infection with these diseases (contact with a patient with hepatitis A, unprotected sexual contact with a casual partner, intravenous injections under non-sterile conditions), consult a doctor immediately.

Prevention and treatment

Prevention of ARVI consists of general health improvement, strengthening the body and stimulating the immune system through hardening, physical education fresh air, skiing, skating, swimming, eating nutritious, vitamin-rich foods, and in late winter and early spring - moderate amounts vitamin preparations, better than natural origin.

At the height of the infection, it is recommended to limit attendance at public events, especially in indoors, avoid too close contact with sick people, wash your hands as often as possible. The same rules should be followed by patients: take sick leave, do not visit public events, strive to use public transport as little as possible, avoid close contact with healthy people, wear a gauze bandage.

see also

  • Rotavirus infection (“stomach flu”)
  • Algorithm for differential diagnosis of ARVI-like diseases



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