Why do you drink burdock root? And the course use of the drink will improve the functioning of the kidneys, removing unnecessary fluid without harm and stabilizing sweating, as well as

Burdock root medicinal properties and contraindications

In our difficult times, a situation has arisen that a person’s activities aimed at creating comfortable living conditions for himself, his lifestyle, poor nutrition, pollution environment, led to the fact that completely healthy people Hardly ever.

To combat diseases and stress, more and more new techniques are being developed, and industry produces widest spectrum medications, often quite expensive. It's time to turn to what nature offers us, to the knowledge passed on to us by our ancestors. The hero of our article helps to heal a huge number of ailments of the human body.

Burdock root description, photo

Large burdock, also known as burdock, burdock (as many are accustomed to calling it), belongs to the genus Burdock, which includes a dozen more species, the most famous and frequently encountered plant of this genus. This is a herbaceous biennial. They called him big for his power and size. Even with Latin name translated as "bear". Burdock can grow up to 3 meters in height. It has large (up to half a meter in size) leaves, slightly reminiscent of a heart in shape.

Flowers are thorns that constantly cling to clothing. It is considered a nasty weed by many gardeners. It can be found everywhere - in vacant lots, clearings, landfills, in vegetable gardens, ditches, along the sides of roads and paths. Loves to form thickets.

Beneficial properties have been found in fruits and leaves, but this is more true for the root. It resembles a low-branched rod. Its length sometimes reaches one and a half meters. This is well known to gardeners who try in vain to get rid of this weed in their plots.

Digging up the entire rhizome is a waste of time. It goes too far deep. The juice content in the root is maximum in the plant’s first year of life, at which time it is tender and fleshy. That's when it should be dug up.

Important! In the second year of life, the root becomes hollow and unusable.

Biochemical composition of burdock roots

The spines contain a wide range of valuable elements:

  • inulin (polysaccharide) - up to 45%;
  • protein - up to 12.5%;
  • essential oils- up to 0.2%;
  • fatty oils - up to 12%;
  • starch;
  • vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K, choline, folic acid);
  • micro- and macroelements (Na, Cr, Fe, Co, Si, Se, Zn, P, Mg, Cu, K, S);
  • organic acids (citric, acetic, malic);
  • tannins and bitter compounds;
  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • sterols and steroids;
  • tannins and resins;
  • carotene, etc.

Useful and healing properties

Burdock is a unique herb with unsurpassed qualities. It is called “a second skin woven from thin air.” The rhizome contains a unique substance, and in huge quantities. This is a polysaccharide or inulin. Its concentration can be 45%, hence the sweetish taste, which makes it possible to include burdock in recipes for diabetics. This carbon balances metabolism, participates in the removal of toxins, in the absorption of vitamins, improves immunity, reduces cholesterol and sugar, regulates liver function, and removes radionuclides.

The beneficial qualities of burdock are successfully used in the national economy:

  • for pest control of vegetable crops;
  • against skin sores in veterinary medicine;
  • in the production of soap, drying oil;
  • in cooking - raw, fried, boiled;
  • for livestock feed;
  • in the production of wrapping paper;
  • to attract bees.

Medicinal uses of burdock root

Rhizome of the plant used in different types, brings invaluable help to the human body. It has therapeutic effects on many vital systems:

  • blood purifying;
  • pain reliever;
  • antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound healing;
  • antifungal, antibacterial, disinfectant;
  • diuretic, choleretic;
  • diaphoretic, antipyretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • restoring microflora.

What diseases does burdock root treat?

Burdock root has been actively used for quite a long time to cure and prevent a wide range of diseases. It copes well when the underlying disease is a metabolic disorder. For example, with gout, purine metabolism is disrupted, and with diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Burdock is used as a medicinal raw material in cases of: skin diseases, colds, flu, sore throat, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, metabolic diseases, urolithiasis and kidney stones, oncology, trophic ulcers, jaundice, dropsy, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, joint diseases , infections with tapeworms.

Burdock rhizome is used both internally and externally. In the first case - with such serious problems, such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes, oncology. In the second - diseases of the skin, joints, hair.

Use in cooking

In many countries, burdock is grown specifically for further consumption. Especially in Asian countries. Boiled and peeled, they are added to salads. Instead of potatoes, they put it in cabbage soup and soups. For example, in mushroom soup. Boil the chopped pieces of the root like potatoes and add a handful of fresh mushrooms.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add the pepper and wild garlic. The soup is ready. The ground rhizome is added to flour. It is used in making flatbreads. You can also fry the powder in a frying pan and drink it like coffee. Marmalades and jams are also made from it. It’s easy to make this jam:

Pass the roots without skin (kilogram) through a meat grinder. Put water (liter) on the fire and wait until it boils. Pour in vinegar (50 grams). Reduce heat, add root mass. Cook until the smell of vinegar disappears. Cool. Place in the refrigerator. This dish can be eaten by sick people diabetes mellitus. You can simply boil the roots in salted water and fry them in vegetable oil.

The use of burdock root in cosmetology

Another important area of ​​application for burdock roots is the cosmetic industry. Its ability to have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair is used in the production of shampoos, rinses, and masks. Often is integral part cosmetics for facial skin. And the most unique burdock root balm is burdock oil.

Useful properties for women

When using products with burdock root, good results were obtained in the fight against mastopathy. The anti-edematous and analgesic effect extends to the breast tissue. The number of nodules decreases.

Recipes for the treatment of female diseases

Burdock decoction. Pour ground rhizome (2 tablespoons) with 2 glasses of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drink the strained drink three times a day after meals, one glass at a time.

Burdock infusion. Dilute 1 tsp of boiling water in 2 mugs. burdock powder. Seal and leave overnight. Use small portions per day. Vodka infusion indicated for the purpose of resolving cysts.

Important! Pregnant and lactating women should not use burdock-based products taken orally. Due to the fact that the effects on the fetus and on infant have not been fully studied.

A solution can be found in applying compresses made from a mixture of equal amounts of flower honey to the chest at night, castor oil, grated rhizome and juice of 2 lemons. The compress should not be used if the temperature rises and there is discharge from the nipples.

Multi-component elixir that helps cope with hot flashes, nervousness, migraines during menopause

Pour into a container a tablespoon of lemon balm leaves and valerian root powder, a teaspoon of burdock root and stinging nettle leaves. Move carefully. Pour one dessert spoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink three times a day.

Beneficial properties for men

Men over 35 years of age are often bothered by unpleasant disease- prostatitis. Burdock also helps fight it, no less effectively than industrial medicines, and often more. Especially at the beginning of the disease. All remedies are taken 3 times a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Recipes for the treatment of male diseases

Infusion. Pour 3 tbsp into half a liter of boiling water. l. root powder. Insist, covered with a towel. Drain through cheesecloth and drink.

Infusion with parsley. Pour five cups of boiling water over a mixture of half a cup each of parsley seeds and burdock powder. Drink after daily infusion.

Infusion with licorice. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a saucepan and add 2 tbsp. l. ground root and licorice. Cook for 10 minutes, remove the pan and cover well for an hour. Drink 100 grams, warming up a little first.

Decoction. Scroll the spine in a meat grinder. Set aside 20 grams, add 2 cups of hot water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, then leave for at least 3 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Dosage - 4 times 0.1 l before meals.

Burdock root in gynecology

Medicines with burdock root are indicated for delayed menstruation, uterine fibroids, early stages ovarian cysts. For resorption various types For cysts, a vodka solution of burdock has proven itself well.

With uterine fibroids, even late stages course of the disease, a mixture of burdock juice with honey and oils of sea buckthorn, St. John's wort and 0.5 grams of mumiyo is a real find. A tampon is moistened with this composition and inserted into the vagina overnight.

For oncology

Important! Burdock contains an alkaloid that has antitumor activity.

Medicines based on burdock root are used in complex therapy, How additional remedy during treatment oncological diseases, helping medications. It has been scientifically proven that burdock has the ability to inhibit growth malignant tumors, it has cytostatic properties.

Recipes for oncology

It is especially effective to drink Fresh Juice from burdock in parallel with chemotherapy. Reception is prescribed for three weeks with pauses of 10 days. Repeat this cycle for up to six months.

You can prepare this decoction: chop 2 tbsp. l. rhizomes, add two cups of water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day. Do not keep the drink for a long time - maximum 2 days in a cool place.

For skin and stomach cancer, take this elixir: boil equal amounts of root and cow butter, pour in chicken yolk and eat a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Vodka tincture: pour 50 grams of powder with a liter of vodka, after a month of infusion, begin treatment. Three times a day, a teaspoon. To enhance the effect, add 1 kg of honey.

For pancreatitis

In this situation (acute and chronic form) burdock potions work super effectively. Its choleretic and anti-inflammatory qualities help relieve symptoms of the disease and prevent future attacks.

Effective course of treatment (10-12 days): add 1 tsp to half a liter of boiling water. root, leave in a thermos overnight. Drink the drug in a day. For further administration, a new portion is prepared.

An effective decoction: dilute a handful of burdock root in a glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Next cook for 15 minutes. Drink 3-4 tbsp of the cooled drink. in three steps.

For diabetes

Burdock helps in conservation normal level blood sugar appears auxiliary in the treatment of this disease (both types 1 and 2).

Important! Inulin contained in burdock is a plant analogue of insulin.

Recipes for diabetes

Place 20 grams of chopped rhizome in a thermos with 2 glasses of hot water and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass for a month, three times a day after meals.

Pour a tablespoon of powder with a glass of water, cover, wait 3 hours. Then heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink the strained drink one tablespoon before meals, 5 times daily.

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is useful to drink 1/3 cup after meals of the following decoction:

  1. Take a handful of blueberry leaves, bean pods, burdock root and chicory.
  2. Add flax seeds.
  3. Pour 3 cups of hot water into a saucepan, add 6 tbsp. mixture, put on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After an hour, leave and filter.

For gout

Products containing burdock rhizomes help remove painful sensations, reduce heat in the joint. Apply infusion. Infuse a handful of the drug in 3 cups of water for several hours. Next, boil. Dosage - 1/2 cup 3 times a day, after meals.

You can apply medicine to sore spot. Boil 1 tbsp. burdock with a glass of water. Time to insist. Make a compress with this decoction overnight. Carry out at least 30 procedures.

For weight loss

In this case, the properties of burdock are used, such as the ability to increase sweating, have a laxative effect, reduce appetite, and speed up metabolism. Leave overnight for 6 tsp. roots in 2 glasses of cold water. Boil and cool. Before eating, take a teaspoon of the drink.

You can prepare such a decoction and drink it 5 times a day, 3-4 tbsp. Pour 2 tsp. dry medicine with a glass of hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Let cool and filter.

Burdock oil properties, application

This life-giving balm actively nourishes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, and treats hair. Helps them recover from paint exposure. It has healing properties and treats burns. The balm is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

It’s not at all difficult to prepare it yourself. 80 gr. Wash freshly dug and finely chopped burdocks, pour in any heated oil (you can even use sunflower oil). Leave for a day. Then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain. Pour into bottles and put in a closet. After applying the oil to the hair, its growth increases, the hair follicles are strengthened, seborrhea stops, the scalp is moisturized and nourished.

The balm can be spread on washed hair for an hour, then rinsed thoroughly. Strengthen the effect active substances You can wrap your head in film and wrap it in a towel. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week for two months.

In addition to using oil in pure form, it is useful to add it to ready-made creams for the skin of the hands, face and body.

You can make the following hair mask once a week: mix 3 tablespoons of oil with a spoonful of honey and two egg yolks. Apply to hair and leave for half an hour.

Infusions, decoctions, ointments

To strengthen the immune system and improve overall health, you need to take a cup of infusion once every 2 days (infuse a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of root for 20 minutes). To improve digestion, it is easy to make a decoction by boiling a liter of water with two tablespoons of burdock.

For joint inflammation and pain relief, burdock ointment is used. Place a glass of water with 50 grams of dry roots on the fire and leave to simmer over low heat for half an hour. Let the water boil by half. Add a stick of cow butter to the mixture. Whisk everything and put it in the refrigerator.

Traditional recipes at home

If you mix the juices from the leaf, burdock root and sorrel, you will get an excellent cocktail for cleansing the entire body.

Important! The juice obtained from the burdock rhizome is not stored for a long time. It goes bad after an hour.

Burdock root in vodka. Fill the jar with one part of the crushed rhizome and three parts of vodka. Leave in cool room for 10 days. Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day. Useful for problems in the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis.

For cystitis you can prepare such a drink. Mix equal amount burdock root, chamomile, licorice, yarrow and sage. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into a liter of water and leave overnight. Cook for 3 minutes. Take 2 tbsp for two days. every 2 hours, on the third day start drinking half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For osteochondrosis you should take this drug: 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed raw materials in a thermos. After infusing for an hour, drink half a glass before meals three times a day.

Thrifty housewives prepare an elixir that can be stored for a year. Twist the rhizome. Take 1 liter of burdock juice, 1 liter of plantain juice, a liter of honey and half a liter of cognac. Mix everything and refrigerate. An excellent anti-virus balm that nourishes the body with microelements. Drink a tablespoon before meals.

For the treatment of sore joints Infuse 40 g of burdock into 100 g sunflower oil. Cook for 15 minutes. After straining, add 15 grams of wax and lard. Rub the ointment onto the joints and wrap them up.

If your immune system is low or you have a sore throat, you can take a tincture prepared with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20.

If you brew 50 grams of the root in a glass of water and apply it to your hair for a third of an hour, you will get an excellent remedy against hair loss and for strengthening it.

For the treatment of vitamin deficiency make a decoction of burdock root, stinging nettle, rose hips, black currants (one tablespoon of each). Take a tablespoon from the mixed mixture, pour into a glass of hot water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling and filtering, drink half a glass 3 times a day. The infusion is useful to add to water when taking baths.

Disease Prevention

IN for preventive purposes The root, washed and scalded with boiling water, should be grated. This mass can be added to food, for example, to salads. The taste of burdock root is a little like an earthen pear.

To prevent cancer, place a couple of tablespoons of crushed roots in half a liter of water and simmer over low heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink 100 ml of decoction three times a day.

Harm and contraindications

Important! Large burdock is an almost safe plant. It can be used by both adults and children. To treat diseases, to prevent them and to improve general condition body. It almost never causes allergies.

When treating fibroids, it is better for a woman not to take it if she has gastrointestinal problems. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should also not take burdock juice. For a long time You should not take infusions and decoctions to avoid addiction. If a person is intolerant to some substances in the root, they should not use it either.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Important! Compliance with the rules of raw material collection and storage increases efficiency medicines based on them.

You should be careful about where you collect the plant. There is no need to stock up on actively used roads or landfills, so as not to end up with a storehouse of toxins and pesticides instead of medicine.

The roots are dug up in May, after the first leaves appear. Strictly for plants of the first year of life (they do not have a stem). Second year samples are not suitable. If it didn’t work out in May, you can dig it up in September-October after the leaves have dried.

Carefully remove the soil with your hands, a brush or a rag. Try not to hurt the skin. Hang the preparations to dry, preferably in the sun. After that, cut them lengthwise into pieces, 10-15 centimeters each, and dry them in the oven, heating it no more than 40 degrees. After that, put them in wooden boxes and put them in a closet. In this way, you can keep it with all properties preserved for 5 years.


Dear readers, today we will continue to get acquainted with the numerous properties of a plant so undeservedly deprived of the attention of many, burdock, and we will talk in detail about medicinal properties oh and contraindications for burdock juice.

Why should we pay attention to it? It cleanses the blood, helps solve liver problems, serves an excellent remedy for the prevention of oncology, delays development malignant neoplasms, it is used when women's diseases, especially for cysts and many other health problems. I read so much about this juice, I used it myself and my friends, I will share the information with you.

Burdock juice. Medicinal properties

First, let's briefly look at the medicinal properties of burdock juice, and then we'll talk about it in more detail. The healing properties of burdock juice are as follows:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Antibacterial,
  • Antitumor,
  • Choleretic effect,
  • Diuretic properties,
  • Diaphoretic properties,
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Anti-allergenic properties and some others.

The use of burdock juice in folk medicine

It is used both internally and externally.

It is taken orally for atherosclerosis, gastritis, ulcers, colds, liver and gallbladder diseases, poisoning, cysts, fibroids, for the treatment and prevention of oncology, and for diabetes.

Burdock juice is taken externally to treat wounds, ulcers, bedsores, sore throats and oral cavity mouth, for the treatment of burns, for acne, furunculosis, hair loss, dandruff and some other health problems.

Burdock juice. How to cook

To obtain burdock juice, young leaves of the plant with petioles are usually used, but sometimes juice is also made from the roots. You can read about the medicinal properties of burdock root, as well as what diseases and how you can treat with the root of this plant in my article.

Which burdock is suitable for juice? We don't miss the subtleties

Burdock leaves are collected in April-May-June away from roads, i.e. in an environmentally friendly place.

Many people are interested: if an urgent need arises, is it possible to use summer or even autumn burdock leaves to produce juice? Can. It's better to do something than to do nothing. It’s just that the spring leaves of the plant contain the maximum amount of useful and medicinal components, but the autumn leaves, if they are still green, are not devoid of them. Carry out the treatment with those leaves that are available, and in the spring repeat the course with juice from spring leaves.

They also ask the following question: is it possible to use a decoction of the plant’s root instead of burdock juice? I think not. If it is said that juice is needed, it means juice, since in different parts plants may contain different medicinal components.

You can also buy burdock juice at a pharmacy or order it online.


How to prepare burdock juice? Here is the recipe itself.

The leaves are washed and, for better drainage of the juice, soaked in cold(!) water for 2-3 hours. Then the leaves are shaken off, slightly dried and crushed using a meat grinder (2 times). The resulting pulp is placed in gauze folded in several layers and the juice is squeezed out. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator on the top shelf for no longer than 3 days.

I myself like to use an old manual meat grinder. For some reason I trust it more than the electric one.

I wrote in detail about the beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock leaves in my article.

How to store burdock juice

It should be borne in mind that after just two days of storage, burdock juice begins to lose its essential medicinal properties. Of course, treatment with freshly squeezed burdock juice helps to achieve maximum effect, but in order to be able to continue treatment out of season, burdock juice is canned. For these purposes, use vodka or alcohol. In my opinion, alcohol is better, since in this case the juice is slightly diluted.

Burdock juice with vodka

Burdock juice is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.

Burdock juice with alcohol

To prepare the mixture you will need 1 liter. burdock juice and 200 ml. 96% alcohol.

The shelf life of burdock juice with vodka or alcohol is 12 months. The container with the liquid should be protected from light and, for greater reliability, should be stored in a cool place.

How to drink burdock juice

Burdock juice is taken both for medicinal purposes and for prevention. Since this juice is primarily very strong remedy to combat various neoplasms (cysts, etc.), including oncology, then many people, especially those who have a predisposition to these diseases or live in environmentally unfavorable regions, take it as a prophylactic agent.

A preventive course of treatment is carried out once a year.

For treatment, the regimen for taking burdock juice for most diseases has its own, but there are several generally accepted ones. Which regimen to choose depends entirely on the individual’s tolerance of this remedy, although in general burdock juice is well tolerated.

If during treatment you feel any discomfort, nausea, etc., then do not give up this remedy immediately - try reducing the dosage and/or take the juice less often. Acting in this way, after some time, slightly increase the amount of juice you take per day and observe your condition.

First regimen

1-2 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 2 times a day;

3-4 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 3 times a day;

5-30 days - 1 tbsp. burdock juice 3 times a day.

Then take a break for a month and repeat the course.

Second regimen

Burdock juice is taken 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course – 7-10 days, break – 7-10 days, etc.

Sometimes, according to this scheme, burdock juice is taken for a month, a week off and the course is repeated.

Burdock juice is taken 20-30 minutes before meals, without eating or drinking anything, since the bitterness of the juice plays a big role in the treatment. If it is difficult to overcome the unpleasant taste of the juice, or you feel nauseated, then you can eat 1 tsp. honey and only in itself as a last resort take one or more sips of water.

Burdock juice with honey

Often, to enhance the healing properties of burdock juice, it is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Also recommend this method to increase shelf life. In my opinion, this is a rather controversial issue, since the sugar in honey itself contributes to fermentation. It’s better to simply take burdock juice with a teaspoon of honey when taking it.

A more acceptable method is to mix 250 ml. burdock juice and high-quality, mature (not young) honey, add 125-150 ml. 96% alcohol. Store the mixture in a cool place.

For preventive purposes, take 1-2 tablespoons of burdock juice with honey. 3 times a day for 30-60 minutes. before meals.

What does burdock juice help with?

Now let’s talk about what burdock juice helps with and the treatment of diseases.

Burdock juice. Antitumor properties

The most striking property of burdock juice is its ability not only to delay the development of malignant tumors, but certain components in its composition program the tumor to self-destruct. On the Internet you can find descriptions of cases of complete healing from this terrible disease burdock juice.

At female oncology In addition to taking burdock juice internally, you can douche with it.

Burdock juice is also taken in postoperative period. It can be especially valuable in cases where chemotherapy or radiation is contraindicated for a person.

Treatment is carried out as described above according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for cysts

Burdock juice is strong and the main thing is that effective means for the treatment of cysts. Although they write that this remedy used for cysts on the liver and kidneys, but I found a description of a case where burdock juice was cured multiple cysts in the brain.

Treatment is carried out according to one of the schemes described above. Often a month is enough to get rid of the cyst.

Just don’t forget to do an ultrasound immediately before starting treatment. Also do an ultrasound after one course of treatment with burdock juice to make sure that the remedy is helping.

Burdock juice for women

Burdock juice can be of great help to women's health. It can truly be called a female plant. For all the diseases described below, burdock juice is taken as described above, according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for ovarian and mammary cysts

Many women actually recover from ovarian cysts by undergoing treatment with burdock juice, which allows them to avoid surgery.

This remedy also helps with chronic pain in the area of ​​the ovaries. Burdock juice is also drunk for breast cysts.

Burdock juice for mastopathy

For mastopathy, in addition to the mandatory intake of burdock juice orally, to enhance the effect, you should apply the leaves of the plant to the sore breast at night. The leaves must first be thoroughly mashed so that they release the juice, or dipped in hot water.

Burdock juice is drunk for pain or discomfort in the chest. About other recipes for the treatment of mastopathy folk remedies you can read.

Burdock juice for other diseases of the female sphere

In addition to the already listed female diseases, which burdock juice helps get rid of, this remedy is taken for uterine fibroids. It also helps normalize the menstrual cycle.

Due to its broad therapeutic effect on various female diseases, as well as its anti-inflammatory effect, burdock juice successfully treats infertility even in cases where official medicine turns out to be powerless.

Burdock juice for hepatitis

Burdock juice is used for treatment various forms hepatitis A. It also helps with various problems with the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts.

Drink 1 tbsp burdock juice. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, then take a month off and repeat the course.

Burdock juice for diabetes

Burdock juice contains a special substance - inulin, which helps increase the production of insulin by the pancreas and, as a result, reduces blood sugar levels.

Burdock juice for cleansing and healing the body

Burdock juice is used not only as remedy, with its help you can cleanse, heal and strengthen the entire body. This tool:

  • cleanses the blood, normalizes its composition and increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of metabolic products, waste, toxins, as well as heavy metals. Based on this ability, it is recommended to drink burdock juice after chemotherapy and radiation;
  • improves the function of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver and kidneys.

Based on all of the listed properties, burdock juice helps strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

I suggest watching a video about the medicinal properties of burdock juice.

Burdock juice. Contraindications

With such numerous and valuable medicinal properties, burdock juice has almost no contraindications. It is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy,
  • while breastfeeding,
  • with individual intolerance.

And for the soul we will listen today Francis Goya - Garden's Delights This is the garden of pleasures that opens before us.

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    26 Sep 2017 at 10:01


    14 Sep 2017 at 3:59


    13 Sep 2017 at 4:00








Burdock root - medicinal properties and contraindications found in folk medicine wide application.

Burdock has numerous beneficial and medicinal properties. It is used as choleretic agent. used to remove salts from diseased joints. Burdock root helps in healing skin diseases, digestive disorders, strengthens hair.

In folk medicine - an indispensable tool! A decoction or infusion is prepared from all parts of the plant, used for compresses, in the form of ointments, and burdock oil.

And has practically no contraindications, except for individual hypersensitivity, which is observed very rarely.

We can easily recognize burdock by appearance. These huge leaves and harmful thorns cannot be confused with any other plant!

Beneficial properties of burdock leaves and roots

Burdock is not just a weed, it is a very valuable medicinal plant. Traditional healers It has been experimentally discovered over many centuries which diseases burdock extracts help with.

Scientists now know for sure chemical composition plants. This allows you to clarify the indications for the use of decoctions, tinctures, and ointments from burdock.

Found in burdock roots fatty acid, such as palmitic, stearic, sitosterol, stigmasterol, inulin polysaccharide, proteins, essential oil, tannins and bitterness, mucus, vitamin C, arctiin glycoside, trace elements: zinc, boron, tin, iron, manganese and strontium.

The composition of the plant allows scientists to claim that burdock has choleretic and diuretic properties. Have a pronounced diaphoretic effect. Is a laxative. Has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. It stimulates the synthesis of enzymes in the pancreas and also cleanses the intestines. Has an extremely beneficial effect on the treatment of diseases skin. It has excellent antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal effects.

How to harvest burdock for treatment

Burdock is found throughout Russia and in countries with temperate climates. This is an inhabitant of wastelands, the edges of roads, and grows near housing.

There are several varieties of burdock, but medicinal qualities has large burdock and arachnoid (felt) burdock. They differ only in their clinging spines. And in composition and therapeutic effects both are good.

The roots are harvested either in the fall or early spring, and only the rhizomes of first-year plants are dug up. After the second year, the rhizomes are unsuitable for treatment.

So, the roots are dug up, shaken off the ground and either washed or dried, and then cleaned with a brush. Dry in special dryers, near a stove or in the oven. Air drying is not recommended as the roots will rot. The roots are stored in a dry place for 4-5 years.

The leaves are usually harvested in the spring, and the inflorescences and seeds are harvested during the flowering and ripening period. Leaves and roots are used both raw and dried. The leaves are stored for a year.

How to use burdock leaves and root

How to prepare an aqueous infusion of burdock roots
You should put 20 g of dried roots in a thermos. Add boiling water there in the amount of two glasses. Close the thermos with a stopper and let it brew for about an hour. This will be the daily dose, which must be divided into 4 times. Consumed after meals, duration up to 1.5 months or more. The indications are so broad that it was not for nothing that I wrote in the title of the article “Burdock roots help against 100 diseases!

How to prepare a water infusion from burdock leaves
You need to measure out 50 grams of dry leaves and add half a liter of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos in the same way, only longer – 3-4 hours. Drink it warm, dividing the total amount into three parts, after meals.

How to prepare an infusion of ripened burdock seeds
Take 20 grams of seeds and steam them for one hour in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Then filter and divide into 3 or even 4 doses.

Decoction of burdock roots and burdock leaves
From various parts plants can be prepared as decoctions and used for various diseases:

For a decoction of burdock roots you need to take 20 grams of dry roots and add 250 ml of water. Bring to a boil in a water bath and cook for 20 minutes. Cool and strain. Divide the entire volume into 3 parts and take after meals.

The decoction can be taken either orally or used to treat the skin for damage, suppuration, or disease. Rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats.

To prepare a decoction of inflorescences and leaves, You also need to take 20 grams of dry raw materials, in the same amount of water, but boil for a short time - 5 minutes. After cooling, this decoction is best used topically, applying gauze soaked in the solution to wounds, burns, and psoriatic plaques.

How to make juice from burdock leaves
To prepare 20-30 ml of juice, you need to take 7-8 young leaves of the plant, grind them in a meat grinder or blender, then squeeze out the juice. It should be taken immediately before meals. Dilute it in a glass of water. There should be 1 – 2 more doses during the day. Unfortunately, such juice is not prepared for future use. The course lasts 7-10 days, you can repeat it after a while if the goal is not achieved.

How to make burdock ointment
Take 50 grams of dried burdock leaves or roots, add a glass of water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. The water will boil away by half. Stir the mixture well and add 200 grams of cow butter or internal pork fat. Shake and store in a jar in the refrigerator. This ointment will help in the treatment of pain and inflammation of the joints.

How to prepare burdock oil
It's not difficult to prepare. Take 100 grams of freshly dug burdock root. Add 250 ml of whatever vegetable oil you want. Leave for 24 hours, and then cook for 15 minutes, stirring all the time. You strain it. Store in a dark bottle and use to strengthen hair.

How else can you use burdock leaves?
Regular leaves can be used for compresses for joint pain, and can also be applied to various parts of the head for headaches.

The healing properties of burdock for various diseases

Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis
IN in this case the diuretic properties of the plant and the ability to dissolve small stones are used uric acid. It is more effective to use it by combining it with other diuretic herbs.

Treatment and prevention of cholelithiasis
The choleretic effect of burdock helps to liquefy bile and prevent the formation of stones. In addition, burdock restores fat and carbohydrate metabolism substances.

Chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic stones, type II diabetes
Burdock promotes juice synthesis, relieves inflammatory processes, improves food digestion, promotes carbohydrate-fat metabolism.

Digestive tract diseases
Burdock promotes growth beneficial microflora intestines, treats inflammation, eliminates putrefactive processes, is an antifungal agent. Helps in the treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal flatulence.

It can be used to treat chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers. In this case, they are used fresh roots burdock immediately after digging. They need to be washed thoroughly, cut into small pieces and eaten, chewing thoroughly.

Treatment of arthrosis, rheumatoid joint damage, gout
Burdock root regulates water-salt metabolism, outputs extra salt from the body, relieves inflammation in tissues and improves their mobility.

Colds and infectious diseases
Decoctions and infusions prepared from burdock act as an antipyretic, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and cleansing properties for the body. Very useful for acute respiratory diseases, tracheitis, bronchitis.

Treatment of skin diseases
Burdock can be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, acne, relieve itching from urticaria, and treat bee and even snake bites. Sunburn, wounds, suppuration - all this is well treated with decoctions from the roots of the plant.

Hair strengthening, baldness
Of particular note positive effect from burdock in the treatment of hair problems. Burdock root reduces hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, promotes the appearance of young vellus hair and its further growth.

Malignant neoplasms
Burdock root and seeds contain the glycoside arctiin and arctigenin and have antitumor activity. It is especially important to use juice fresh leaves and burdock seeds during chemotherapy. This helps improve blood composition, cleanse the body and improve the immunity of cancer patients.

When should you not use burdock root?

There are practically no contraindications for using the plant. It should not be used only by pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Individual intolerance or allergy to plants is another reason why you will have to refuse treatment.

Burdock root: medicinal properties and contraindications will help in correct use it for health. The variety of components allows this medicinal plant to be used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and choleretic agent. Helps heal wounds and strengthen hair. It turns out that the medicinal properties of burdock root can really help against 100 diseases!

In our country, alternative (traditional) medicine recipes are very widely used. And if previously, mainly people from the outback resorted to drugs prepared from various parts of plants, now even those who live in large cities prefer herbal medicine. Pharmacy shelves are literally filled with herbal medicine. And the demand for them is only increasing every year.

Traditional medicine - what are its benefits?

This situation occurs due to the huge number of diseases with which a person is already born. Use the same pharmacological drugs, which are derivatives chemical industry, often causes healthy organs irreparable harm to our body. This is what pushes modern man to the time-tested grandma's recipes", preparing on the basis various plants which our country is so rich in.

Herbs are used for literally any disease, from the simplest, such as a mild cold, to such terrible ones as oncology. Anyone knows perfectly well that St. John's wort, chamomile, and burdock root have only excellent reviews as components of traditional medicine. In addition, when using them, they are not observed side effects, which often occur during treatment with tablets.

Burdock or burdock - what kind of plant?

Everyone knows about such a plant as burdock - from young to old. Who among us has not grumbled when, during a walk, we had to clean our clothes from burdock thorns clinging to them? And many people consume its ground parts as food, especially in early spring, when the newly hatched leaves have a fairly delicate structure. They are added to all kinds of salads, replenishing the vitamin deficiency in the body that has formed over the long winter months.

Burdock root is also used as food. Properties that have not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect on the body can appear even after heat treatment. Due to this quality, the roots are often added to soups or eaten fried.

In our country, where burdock grows everywhere and is perceived by everyone as a weed, its roots are very often used in folk medicine. Therefore, many people who have heard about their benefits often have a question: “What cures burdock root or its other parts?”

Burdock is an excellent folk remedy

The answer is quite simple. It can be easily found by simply turning to publications on herbal medicine. The most popular in the manufacture of all kinds of ointments, decoctions and tinctures in folk medicine is burdock root. Medicinal properties reviews from people who used it in treatment various diseases, only the best received.

This happens for a reason. Truly magical potions are prepared from the rhizomes of this plant. There is probably no disease for which it would not be used. therapeutic effect rhizomes of this wild plant. It is worth understanding in more detail what burdock root heals, so that at any time, without hesitation, you can use its healing power:

  1. Excellent results are achieved with problems with the liver or gall bladder. Juice from burdock roots restores their function.
  2. Women use them to treat diseases genitourinary system.
  3. Anyone can be cured very well with it.

But not only in fresh Burdock root is used. Dried plants also have medicinal properties, reviews confirm this. They go to production alcohol tinctures, decoctions and all kinds of infusions. Each recipe is useful in its own way.

The attitude of traditional medicine to the use of burdock for the treatment

This is all good. But many of us are accustomed to relying on the opinions of experts. So on such a question as the use folk decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants, most people will turn to medical specialists. There are two opinions about some plants here. Only burdock root has earned the most excellent reviews in traditional medicine, which are recommendations.

It is used in folk medicine as an additional remedy that does not cause side effects in the treatment of many diseases. The carbohydrate contained in the rhizomes of burdock, such as inulin, is especially widely used. It is indispensable for restoring disrupted metabolic processes in our bodies. Burdock oil, which is part of burdock oil, is also extracted from burdock roots.

For what properties is burdock root most recognized in traditional medicine?

Burdock, mostly its root, has received recognition in folk medicine for the presence in it of a large number of substances important for the body. Among them there are such as vitamins of groups B, E, A, and C, proteins, saturated fatty acids, the polysaccharide inulin, various essential oils, such as bardanova, as well as a large number of necessary for the body microelements - iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and tin.

Due to its composition, burdock rhizome has medicinal properties such as analgesic, mild laxative, diaphoretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects. So, what does burdock root cure? Traditional medicine Its effectiveness has been recognized for the following diseases:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Dentistry (treatment of toothache).
  • All colds.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.

Burdock root is the main component in most tinctures and decoctions that are used to relieve symptoms and prevent these diseases.

Burdock roots - harvesting rules

But in order for the roots of this plant to be beneficial and not cause any harm to the body, certain rules must be followed when harvesting them. The most a common question everyone who uses this plant for medicinal purposes has this: “When to collect burdock root so that it brings greatest benefit? Its importance is undeniable, because any medicinal plant that is not prepared in a timely manner loses its qualities.

In burdock, only young roots taken in the fall from the plant in its first year of life can be collected. It is during its first period that the plant accumulates in its rhizomes a large amount of useful substances necessary for further growth, flowering and reproduction. They are dried in rooms that have good ventilation, cut into small pieces and spread out thin layer onto sheets of paper or fabric.

Basic rules for preparing potions

A decoction of burdock roots also requires compliance certain rules preparations. Especially when it is supposed to indoor application. In this case, a teaspoon of dry and well-crushed root should be placed in a thermos, filled with a glass of boiling water, and allowed to brew overnight.

In the morning the result healing decoction should be poured into a jar and allowed to cool. Drink it a third of a glass before meals in the case when there are diseases of the genitourinary system. You should drink one glass of it at night. This decoction is also good for rheumatism.

People often ask about when to collect burdock root for external use and what it treats in such remedies. In this case, it is also possible to use rhizomes from the second year of the plant’s life, collected in the spring. The decoction is used both for hair care and for washing. Thanks to its healing properties, it perfectly smoothes and cleanses the skin, and also eliminates excessive dryness of hair.

Incurable diseases - and burdock root will help here

And in oncology, burdock root has proven itself to be an excellent healer. Its extract is present in almost all antitumor drugs. And the life-giving juice from the young rhizomes of this simple plant, familiar to each of us from childhood, is used to combat any malignant neoplasms.

Burdock root for oncology is taken from a first-year plant. Juice is squeezed out of fresh rhizomes, as well as young leaves, which improves the patient’s condition. The only contraindication for taking this unique miracle drug internally is the woman’s pregnancy. Therefore, in response to this question: “What does burdock root treat?” we can definitely say that almost any disease can be cured with it, or, according to at least, facilitate its course.

Burdock is rightly called one of the most commonly used in alternative medicine plants. As a rule, burdock root has medicinal properties, and to a small extent also the fruits and leaves. The leaves of the plant are collected in the summer, and the roots are harvested mainly in the autumn. The widespread use of burdock in folk medicine is due to the presence of important substances in it, such as:

  • squirrels
  • tannins
  • vitamins B, A, C and E
  • polysaccharide inulin
  • stigmasterol and sitosterol
  • essential oils (bardan oil, etc.)
  • stearic and palmitic saturated fatty acids
  • microelements - iron, strontium, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, tin

What medicinal properties does burdock - burdock root - have?

The healing properties of burdock root have been known for a long time. The root has a choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, moderate laxative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, it significantly stimulates the enzymatic activity of the pancreas, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and cleanses the intestines. Burdock root is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant, destroys germs, eliminates allergies and itching.

The table shows the main uses of burdock root in medicine.

Made from burdock root medications, used for inflammation, diabetes and wounds. Inulin, contained in abundance in the plant, normalizes the number of leukocytes in the blood, significantly improves metabolism, promotes hair growth, prevents the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder, excessive salt deposition.

Moreover, burdock root is the main component of some decoctions and tinctures used to eliminate a variety of symptoms and diseases. Among them:

  • gastritis, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, with gastropathy after taking NSAIDs
  • chronic pancreatitis
  • cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver dysfunction, hepatitis
  • dermatitis, skin ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, acne, poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers, burns (limited lesions)
  • urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis disease, swelling
  • gout, uric acid metabolism disorder
  • haemorrhoids
  • as an antipyretic, detoxifying agent for feverish conditions, infectious diseases
  • diabetes mellitus as a prevention and treatment (polysaccharides included in burdock improve the insulin-producing function of the pancreas)
  • poisoning toxic substances, alcohol intoxication
  • possible effect during development malignant tumors as a preventive measure
  • in the form of “burdock oil”, which is an infusion of almond and olive oil, used to give strength, shine, strengthen hair
  • arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Stomach ulcer

In particular, stomach ulcers, as well as chronic gastritis, are treated with fresh roots of young burdock. The roots must first be washed well and then eaten raw. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that useful material and the medicinal properties of burdock root do not last long, so it is advisable to use it as early as possible, immediately after digging it up.

Intestinal diseases

Various disorders in the functioning of the intestines, including colitis () and constipation (all) can be successfully treated with a decoction of the plant and its seeds. First of all, you should pour two cups of boiling water over the burdock seeds and leave them for half a day. Then the infusion should be strained well and drunk after meals.

Eczema, rheumatism

For rheumatism and eczema, an ointment that is applied to damaged areas is very effective. It is made from the fresh roots of a young plant. After application, the patient should go to the steam room for half an hour and drink a glass of warm decoction of burdock roots in small sips. This drink increases sweating, but you cannot leave the steam room until the patient is completely dry. In case of thirst, it is recommended to drink whey. After this, the sore joints should be reapplied with ointment and bandaged. These procedures are best performed immediately before going to bed. The ointment recipe is as follows: crushed burdock roots are combined with water, then this mixture is boiled until the original volume is halved and added butter in combination 1:4. The ointment can also be used for burns.

Cancer prevention

Burdock root in the form of powder, decoction and infusion is recommended for use during the development of tumor diseases. To do this, you need to take honey, medical alcohol and burdock root in equal proportions. This mixture is infused for two weeks, after which it is consumed three times a day.


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (,) can be treated quite well with a decoction or infusion of burdock. The infusion is made in the following sequence: burdock root is poured with a sufficient amount of boiling water, left for half a day and consumed several times a day. To prepare the decoction you also need a spoonful of burdock roots, which is poured with boiling water. The mixture is heated over low heat for at least 10 minutes and consumed 3 times a day.

Hair strengthening

A decoction of burdock roots and willow bark perfectly strengthens hair follicles, eliminates fungus and dandruff, and cures itchy scalp. The components for the decoction are taken in approximately equal quantities. Burdock oil is also widely used to strengthen hair and slow down the process of baldness.

Skin diseases

Burdock infusion is very beneficial for facial skin health. For it you will need 2 parts of the plant root and 1 part of the leaves of black elderberry, fumaria and soapwort. The mixture is poured with water, infused for two hours, boiled for about 10 minutes and after 20 minutes filtered thoroughly. The infusion is drunk 2 times a day at intervals between meals for 6 weeks.


For patients with diabetes mellitus, you can make the following collection: equal proportions: bean pods, burdock root, blueberry leaf. Then pour 50 grams of this collection with 1 liter of cool water, leave overnight, and boil for 5 minutes in the morning. 2 hours after the infusion has cooled, strain and use 150 ml orally 5 times a day.

Also, the medicinal properties of burdock root can be used for mouth rinsing for gum inflammation. For various, for, inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Burdock root contraindications

It should be used with particular caution by pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as people prone to developing allergic reactions ( , )

How to make burdock oil yourself?

Effective and effective burdock oil can be made independently at home. First of all, you need to grind the freshly dug burdock root. Three spoons of powder from the root need to be poured vegetable oil, preferably high-quality olive (), in an amount of 200-250 ml and leave at room temperature throughout the day. The resulting mixture is simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes, then filtered and cooled. It must be stored in a cool place. Burr oil promotes fast healing wounds and strengthening hair.

Instructions for use of pharmaceutical ready-made herbal raw materials - burdock root

Pharmacological group: herbal antispasmodic
Pharmachologic effect: Burdock root has a number of medicinal properties - choleretic, diuretic, moderate wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
Indications for use: Externally - with trophic ulcers, acne, eczema, burns, furunculosis. Inside - for cholecystitis (), cystitis (see), urethritis, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis.
Contraindications: Increased sensitivity to medicinal plants, hay fever.
Dosage: Externally - rinsing, wet dressings, compresses, irrigation. Orally as a decoction 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day, 100 ml, for a course of 2-3 weeks, according to indications can be extended to 4-5 weeks.
The instructions for crushed burdock root raw materials indicate that the decoction should be prepared as follows: 10 g of dry raw materials are placed in a bowl, poured with a glass of boiling water, covered, and boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then cool for 10 minutes, filter, the resulting broth is diluted with water to 200 ml.
Side effects: Patients prone to allergies with hay fever have a high risk of developing allergic manifestations.
Average price in pharmacies: 40-50 rub. for 50g. dry crushed raw materials .

In online pharmacies, private manufacturers offer various options Dietary supplements - extracts from burdock root, among them:

  • Burdock – 100 capsules with burdock (burdock) root and leaf extract
  • Burdock Root (burdock roots), manufacturer Vitalain, 100 caps.
  • Burdock root extract - 75 ml in a plastic bottle, manufacturer Biolit LLC