What is isoprinosine tablets taken for? The use of isoprinosine for acute respiratory infections and influenza is a classic of modern pediatrics

Unique ability respiratory viruses reduce functional activity immunity for the possibility of own reproduction provides weighting clinical course influenza and ARVI, development of complications and exacerbation bronchopulmonary diseases. Modern approach to treatment viral infections consists in the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Among them, Isoprinosine, which is widely used for ARVI and influenza, is of undeniable interest.

Isoprinosine is quite actively used today to prevent ARVI.

Inosine pranobex is a synthetic immunostimulating drug with antiviral action. He belongs to the group nucleic acids and its modulating effect is associated with the activation of both cellular and humoral immunity. But synthetic does not mean harmful. Inosine is a purine derivative - chemical substance, which is part of many coenzymes in the human body. Coenzymes catalyze reactions in the production of essential proteins.

Isoprinosine regulates immune status parameters:

From the cellular (lymphocyte) level, normalization of the level of all types of T-lymphocytes is noted:

  • T-helpers - lymphocytes that enhance the immune response;
  • T-suppressors - lymphocytes that control the immune response;
  • T-killers that destroy cells infected by the virus.

On the humoral side – decreased production of IgE, increased IgG (memory cells) and IgA. Thus, excessive allergenic immunity is suppressed, and moderate production protective antibodies leads to neutralization of viral antigens.

The use of Isoprinosine for ARVI and influenza leads to the following reactions from the body:

  1. Decreased duration of fever.
  2. Reducing the duration of intoxication symptoms ( headache, weakness, body aches).
  3. Relief of catarrhal and respiratory syndrome(sore throat, redness of the throat, runny nose, dry hacking cough).
  4. Preventing the spread of influenza virus in lung tissue– prevention of pneumonia as a complication of swine flu.

As a result of strengthening the immune response, secondary bacterial complications caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma and chlamydia are prevented.

Isoprinosine helps fight bacterial complications

The drug is manufactured in Portugal, and the generic Groprinosin is manufactured in Hungary and Poland. The average cost of Isoprinosine is $14, and Groprinosin’s is $17. Release form: 500 mg tablets. each in packs of 10, 30 or 50 pieces.

When and how to use Isoprinosine?

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of viral infections in both adults and children.

Reception is indicated for the following diseases:

  1. Seasonal acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, including pandemic ones.
  2. Herpes virus infections (herpes simplex of any localization, chicken pox and its relapse - herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus infection, Infectious mononucleosis).
  3. Measles.
  4. Human papillomavirus infection in any manifestation (warts, respiratory papillomatosis, cervical dysplasia, genital warts).
  5. Molluscum contagiosum.


  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Gout.
  3. Children under 3 years old.
  4. History of allergic reactions.

Children under three years of age should not take Isoprinosine.

For the prevention of ARVI and influenza during the infection season, the dosage of Isoprinosine is 0.5 g per day in children, and 1 g in adults. The daily amount of tablets is divided into 2-3 doses. Take the medicine for 30 days, 2 times per epidemic. season (for example, November and February).

Most common side effect is a headache that goes away after stopping taking the medicine. Dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, and allergic skin reactions are rarely recorded.

Doctors and parents about Isoprinosine

In Russia, the sale of this immunomodulator began in the late 90s. Since then it has been carried out a large number of clinical trials effectiveness of the drug in various infectious diseases. Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness of Isoprinosine for influenza and ARVI are only positive.

Experts also note immunomodulatory and antiviral effectiveness in the treatment of herpesvirus infections (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex), human papillomavirus infections in 85% of patients on average.

Doctors prescribe Isoprinosine for the treatment of both acute and chronic recurrent viral diseases:

  1. Infectious mononucleosis both in acute form and as a syndrome chronic fatigue in adults - one of the objects of targeted study of the action of Isoprinosine. These diseases are initiated by the Epstein-Barr virus, which has an affinity for tissues nervous system, liver and salivary glands. Infectious mononucleosis suffered in childhood can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome in adults. The disease is not always diagnosed correctly, and when the diagnosis is confirmed, it takes a long time, but is successfully treated with an immunomodulator in combination with antiviral drugs.
  2. The human papillomavirus and the diseases associated with it are quite difficult to treat. According to the objective opinion of doctors, without the use of immunomodulatory drugs in the regimen HPV treatment, it is impossible to send the virus into hibernation. Considering the oncogenic danger of HPV, such medications should not be neglected.

The inclusion of Isoprinosine in the treatment regimen for ARVI and influenza in children with bronchial asthma. Thus, taking immunomodulatory tablets during a viral infection reduced the frequency of asthma attacks and reduced it to a minimum obstructive syndrome and reduced the need for bronchodilators.

Isoprinosine is actively used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children with bronchial asthma.

Perhaps the main advantage of Isoprinosine is the extremely rare development side effects against the background of high-quality immunostimulation.

Among parents, reviews of the use of Isoprinosine for the treatment of ARVI in children are not so rosy. Mothers note the low effectiveness of the drug during the course of the disease: the temperature remains high, the cough and runny nose do not go away. You should not rely heavily on the subjective opinions of parents on forums. Probably too much hope is placed on the medicine. You should know that not a single modern immunomodulator is capable of ridding a child of fever in an instant, painful cough and other unpleasant symptoms of ARVI or flu.

Firstly, the main task of Isoprinosine for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza is to suppress symptoms in as soon as possible, but not their complete elimination.

Secondly, the drug activates all parts of the immune system to speed up the death of the virus and prevent the addition of bacterial flora. Isoprinosine for swine flu of a pandemic nature prevents a terrible complication – interstitial pneumonia. At seasonal flu and acute respiratory viral infections, the medication prevents the development of otitis, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and others purulent lesions organs.

Thirdly, given the fact that, unlike bacteria, viruses have an affinity for almost all organ tissues, they can cause such serious diseases How diabetes, glomerulonephritis. Damage to the pancreas and glomeruli of the kidneys is often observed during influenza infection. Thanks to the optimal regulation of immunity, Isoprinosine prevents hyperimmune reactions in the body that can provoke autoimmune diseases.

Proper prevention should be aimed at strengthening protective forces body

Really, the choice of an immunomodulator with antiviral activity should be made individually and by a doctor. Not always the medicine that suits your friends will suit you and your child. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the nature of the initial gaps in the immune response and concomitant pathology. Corrective schemes for modulating immunity in frequently ill children are carried out only after laboratory research during the inter-disease period.

Isoprinosine- a drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect.
Isoprinosine is able to increase the total number of T-lymphocytes, as well as increase the production of interleukin-2, T-helper and NK cells by T-lymphocytes, and improve the helper/suppressor ratio.
Isoprinosine has the ability to block the reproduction of viruses due to damage to the genetic apparatus of viral particles, stimulate the activity of macrophages, activate the formation of cytokines and the proliferation of lymphocytes. At the same time, the availability of the drug for lymphocytes increases.
The use of Isoprinosine helps reduce clinical manifestations viral diseases, accelerating convalescence, increasing the body's resistance.
After oral administration of the drug at a dose of 1500 mg, the maximum concentration of Isoprinosine in plasma is observed after 60 minutes and reaches 6-μg/ml.
Inosine is metabolized to form uric acid. The half-life is 50 minutes. The half-life of the second component of the complex is 4-5 hours. The drug in the form of metabolites is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

A drug Isoprinosine prescribed to patients with weakened or normal immune system for: diseases caused Epstein-Barr viruses, Varicella zoster, mumps, measles, CMV, Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2; viral bronchitis; acute and chronic viral hepatitis B and C; diseases caused by the human papillomavirus; subacute sclerosing panencephalitis; chronic infectious diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems.
Isoprinosine is prescribed: for immunodeficiency conditions; during the period of convalescence in patients who have undergone serious illnesses, and postoperative patients; for prevention infectious diseases in stressful situations.

Mode of application

Isoprinosine It is prescribed for adults orally at 50 mg/kg body weight per day, for children - 50-100 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 3-4 doses.
The duration of therapy ranges from five to ten days, in severe cases The duration of treatment can be up to 15 days.
When treating diseases caused by the Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, therapy with Isoprinosine continues for two days after the symptoms of the disease disappear.
In acute viral encephalitis Children and adults are recommended to take the drug at a dose of 100 mg/kg per day, divided into 5-6 doses, for 7-10 days, followed by a break in use for 8 days. The repeated course of treatment is 7-10 days.
When treating subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in children and adults, it is recommended to take the drug at a dose of 50-100 mg/kg body weight per day (dividing the daily dose into 6 doses).
The duration of therapy and dosage of the drug may be increased if necessary. It is imperative to take a break from taking Isoprinosine for 8 days.

Side effects

When using Isoprinosine possible side effects: dizziness, headache, weakness; dyspeptic symptoms at the beginning of treatment, in in rare cases- increased transaminase activity; a transient increase in the level of uric acid in the urine and blood.


A drug Isoprinosine contraindicated in patients with gout, renal failure, urolithiasis, violations heart rate, hypersensitivity, pregnant and lactating women.


During pregnancy and breastfeeding a drug Isoprinosine contraindicated.

Interaction with other drugs

Efficacy of the drug Isoprinosine reduced at simultaneous administration immunosuppressants.


There is no evidence of drug overdose Isoprinosine.

Storage conditions

A drug Isoprinosine should be stored at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.
Keep away from light. Keep away from children.

Release form

Isoprinosine tablets 500 mg.
There are 10 tablets in a blister,
The package contains 5 blisters.


In 1 tablet Isoprinosine contains:
500 mg inosine pranobex (inosiplex).


When using the drug Isoprinosine It is recommended to monitor the peripheral blood picture, liver function and the concentration of uric acid in urine and blood.
The drug does not affect the rate of reactions.

As an antiviral drug for infectious diseases caused by viral pathogens, Isoprinosine has become widely used in the treatment of many viral diseases, especially during mass epidemics.

Reviews after taking Isoprinosine for children in the form of drops, tablets, suppositories, syrup and how you can take the medicine are covered in the article. It is also given about compatibility, dosage and side effects, indications, release form, what it is used for and its cost, interaction, mechanism of action of the drug, composition, how much it costs, photos and pictures dosage form packaged. What can replace the medicine?

Isoprinosine tablet composition

The active ingredient of the drug is inosine pranobex. No, this is not an antibiotic, the drug summary and Wikipedia say that aids components of the medicine include:

  • mannitol;
  • wheat starch;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate.

What helps, when to take?

Isoprinosine is pharmacological group, drugs from which are taken to improve immunity during outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases. As an immunomodulator and adaptogen. Isinoprinosine is intended for the treatment of viral infectious diseases in initial stages their development.

During planning and pregnancy early stages, during lactation the drug is completely contraindicated.

Isoprinosine an antibiotic or not?

Isoprinosine is a medicine for ARVI and against viral infections. Viral diseases that are affected by the drug include:

  • human papillomavirus;
  • with swine flu;
  • with bronchitis;
  • with adenoids;
  • with chickenpox;
  • mononucleosis (caused by the Epstein Barr virus);
  • with viral pneumonia;
  • for colds and flu;
  • from warts and condylomas;
  • with herpes (especially genital);
  • for the prevention of ARVI.

Isoprinosine instructions for use

How to take the drug correctly, and how to quickly recover during pregnancy? For pregnant women, the same course of the drug is used as for adults.

The pharmacological group to which the medicine belongs is antiviral. His international name in all countries - Isoprinosine. This is an immunomodulator, which, unlike Interferon, is not taken by mouth. The effectiveness of its action has been proven by a number of clinical trials. After taking it, the temperature decreases and the cough decreases. Medicines in pharmacies of this type of action these are: Viferon, Cycloferon, Valtrex, Orvirem, Pranobex Ergoferon, Lavomax, Allokin, Ingavirin, Indinol, Synonyms, Amiksin, Arbidol, Kagocel, Groprinosin, and other similar generics. It is not recommended to take several drugs of the same group at the same time, so as not to increase their side effects.

Dosage for children

The children's version of taking the medicine is It Heals viral pathology. The dose for children is half a tablet per 5 kg of body weight per day. Komarovsky advises how to give antiviral medicine on his channel and website ru. Prescribed to children only from three years of age.

Dosage for prevention in adults

When treating viral diseases, adults, according to the recommendations of immunologists, are advised to take the drug daily.

The description and advertisement of the medicine states that injections and ointment can help with human papillomavirus infection, when the same forms of the drug, as studies say, with rotavirus infection may not be effective. And it doesn't help with thrush. For each person, it is best to compare the effects of Isoprinosine and how often it should be taken.

Adults take 50 mg/kg body weight tablet. divide into 3-4 doses. In total, 6-8 tablets per day are obtained.

For ARVI, flu, colds

The drug is used for acute respiratory viral diseases occurring in acute phase except for hepatitis.

For the treatment of severe viral diseases, doses of up to 100 mg/kg body weight/day are used. And maintenance therapy as an immunomodulatory agent and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections can be taken for up to 30 days.

The drug is taken before meals, so it will cause less harm to the gastric mucosa.

Reviews from doctors

Since Isoprinosine has low toxicity, it is sold without a prescription. Its analogues are groprinosin and sinupret. On the question of which is better, the opinions of doctors differed. Some drugs are cheaper. But according to experts, which is confirmed by official statistics and clinical trials, this is worthy of attention antiviral drug. At the same time, the domestic manufacturer bears full responsibility for its products.


Contraindications to taking Isoprinosine is an allergy to any of the components of the drug. It is also not recommended to prescribe antiviral treatment in acute stage course of parenteral hepatitis.

Absolute contraindications for use are insufficiency of humoral immunogenesis and pregnancy. In this case, the medicine will not be effective and dangerous. An important role in prescribing a medicine is that while taking it, a delay in menstruation may occur, and those who have been helped by it say that this good alternative more expensive antiviral drugs. Although it is banned in the USA.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active substance: Inosine Pranobex (Isoprinosine) - 500 mg; Excipients: mannitol, wheat starch, povidone, magnesium stearate.
Description: Oblong tablets of biconvex shape, white or almost white with a slight amine smell, with a notch on one side.

Pharmacological properties:

Isoprinosine is a synthetic complex purine derivative with immunostimulating activity and nonspecific antiviral effect. Restores the functions of lymphocytes in conditions of immunosuppression, increases blastogenesis in the population of monocytic cells, stimulates the expression of membrane receptors on the surface of T-helper cells, prevents a decrease in the activity of lymphocyte cells under the influence of glucocorticosteroids, and normalizes the inclusion of thymidine in them. Isoprinosine has a stimulating effect on the activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, the functions of T-suppressors and T-helpers, increases the production of immunoglobulin (Ig) G, interferon-gamma, interleukins (IL)-1 and IL-2, reduces the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines - IL-4 and IL-10, potentiates the chemotaxis of neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages. The drug exhibits antiviral activity in vivo against Herpes simplex viruses, cytomegalovirus and human T-cell virus type III, polioviruses, A and B, ECHO virus (human enterocytopathogenic virus), encephalomyocarditis and equine. The mechanism of the antiviral action of Isoprinosine is associated with inhibition of viral RNA and the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase, which is involved in the replication of some viruses, enhances the synthesis of lymphocyte mRNA suppressed by viruses, which is accompanied by suppression of the biosynthesis of viral RNA and translation of viral proteins, increases the production of lymphocytes with antiviral properties interferons alpha and gamma. When administered in combination, it enhances the effect of interferon-alpha, antiviral agents acyclovir and zidovudine.

Pharmacokinetics. After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of ingredients in blood plasma is determined after 1-2 hours.

It is quickly metabolized and excreted through the kidneys. Metabolized similarly to endogenous purine nucleotides with the formation of uric acid. N-N-dimethylamino-2-propranolone is metabolized to N-oxide, and para-acetamidobenzoate to o-acyl glucuronide. No accumulation of the drug in the body was detected. The half-life is 3.5 hours for N-N-dimethylamino-2-propranolone and 50 minutes for para-acetamidobenzoate. Elimination of the drug and its metabolites from the body occurs within 24-48 hours.

Indications for use:

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

The tablets are taken orally after meals with a small amount of water.

The recommended dose for adults and children over 3 years of age (body weight from 15-20 kg) is 50 mg/kg per day, divided into 3-4 doses. Adults - 6-8 tablets per day, children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg/body weight per day. At severe forms for infectious diseases, the dose can be increased individually to 100 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 4-6 doses. Maximum daily dose for adults 3-4 g/day, for children - 50 mg/kg/day.

Duration of treatment:

Acute diseases: the duration of treatment in adults and children is usually from 5 to 14 days. Treatment must be continued until disappearance clinical symptoms and for another 2 days in the absence of symptoms. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased individually under the supervision of a physician.

For chronic recurrent diseases in adults and children, treatment must be continued in several courses of 5-10 days with a break of 8 days.

For maintenance therapy, the dose can be reduced to 500-1000 mg per day (1-2 tablets) for 30 days.

At herpetic infection adults and children are prescribed for 5-10 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear, in asymptomatic period- 1 tablet 2 times a day for 30 days to reduce the number of relapses.

For papillomavirus infection, adults are prescribed the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day, children - 1/2. tablets for 5 kg/body weight per day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days as monotherapy.

For recurrent genital warts For adults, the drug is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times, for children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg/body weight per day in 3-4 doses per day, either as monotherapy or in combination with surgical treatment for 14-28 days, then with three repetitions of the specified course at intervals of 1 month. For cervical dysplasia associated with the human papillomavirus, 2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day for 10 days, followed by 2-3 similar courses with an interval of 10-14 days.

Features of application:

After 2 weeks of using Isoprinosine, the concentration of uric acid in the blood serum and urine should be monitored.

At long-term use after 4 weeks of use, it is advisable to monitor liver and kidney functions every month (transaminase activity in blood plasma, creatinine, uric acid).

It is necessary to monitor serum uric acid levels when isoprinosine is prescribed in combination with drugs that increase uric acid levels or drugs that impair renal function.

Impact on management ability vehicles and other mechanisms. There are no special contraindications.

Side effects:

The incidence of side effects after using the drug is classified according to WHO recommendations.

Often:>=1% and<10%.

Sometimes: >=0.1% and<1%.

From the gastrointestinal tract: often -, pain in the epigastrium, sometimes -,.

From the liver and biliary tract: often - a temporary increase in the activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma, an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood plasma.

On the part of the skin and subcutaneous fat: often - itching.

From the nervous system: often - weakness; sometimes drowsiness, insomnia.

From the urinary system: sometimes -.

From the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue: often - joint pain, exacerbation.

Interaction with other drugs:

Immunosuppressants may reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors and uricosurics (including diuretics) may contribute to the risk of increased serum uric acid levels in patients taking Isoprinosine.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- gout;
- ;
- ;
- chronic;
- children under 3 years of age (body weight up to 15-20 kg).

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the safety of use has not been studied.


Not described.

Storage conditions:

Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package. List B. Store at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C in a dry place, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions:

On prescription


Tablets 500 mg. 10 tablets in a blister of PVC/PVDC and aluminum foil. 2, 3 or 5 blisters in a cardboard pack along with instructions for use.

When is Isoprinosine prescribed and how should adults and children take it correctly?

Isoprizine is a drug that shows high effectiveness against viruses while simultaneously enhancing immunity. This drug is considered a good remedy for combating the herpes virus, condylomas, measles, molluscum contagiosum and a number of other infections. You will learn how to use Izoprizin correctly, as well as its contraindications, from this article.

Release forms

You can buy Izoprizin in tablet form at the pharmacy. The medicine is not available in other forms. Each tablet contains 500 mg of a substance called inosiplex. The drug also contains excipients: mannitol, starch, magnesium stearate, etc. The tablets are white and have a score line on one side. The tablets may have a specific odor.

It is important to remember that the dosage of the active substance in the drug is always the same: 500 mg. The numbers 30 and 50 on the package indicate the number of tablets that are in the cardboard box.

Advice! Isoprinosine tablets have an expiration date. Therefore, you should not buy a large package if the course of treatment is short-lived. According to doctors, taking an expired drug is strictly prohibited. The price of the drug is quite high (from 600 rubles for 50 tablets): it is better to ask in advance how many tablets you will need.

The effect of the drug on the body

Isoprinosine has a combined effect on the body. Firstly, it actively fights viruses, suppressing their reproduction. Secondly, it stimulates the immune system, thereby speeding up the healing process.

After taking the drug, the body begins to actively produce natural immunity factors: gamma interferons and interleukins. Thanks to this, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. The source of inflammation is reduced, while the normal metabolism of the affected cells is restored.

Also, the active ingredient of the drug activates the work of T-lymphocytes, the main function of which is to destroy cells affected by viral particles.

It is important that under the influence of Isoprinosine, not only systemic, but also local immunity increases. This means that a large number of immune cells accumulate in the affected tissues. Thus, the drug activates the immune system at almost all levels, due to which it is considered one of the most effective medicines designed to combat viral infections.

Important! Sometimes Isoprinosine 500 mg is prescribed in combination with drugs such as Zidovudine and Acyclovir. This is due to the fact that the listed drugs enhance the effect of each other. Therefore, with combination therapy, it is possible to achieve a faster cure for a viral infection than when taking Isoprinosine alone.

When should I take Isoprinosine?

The main indication for taking the drug is a viral infection occurring against a background of weakened immunity. In this case, Isoprinosine is the drug of choice, that is, the drug that is recommended to patients in the first place.

The product is used in the following cases:

  • influenza and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • diseases that are caused by the human papillomavirus (warts, genital infections in both women and men, etc.). Isoprinizine for HPV is used in conjunction with topical drugs;
  • infections caused by the herpes simplex virus (rashes on the mucous membrane of the lips, genitals, oral cavity);
  • cytomegalovirus infections;
  • measles and chicken pox;
  • Molluscum contagiosum.

The drug can also be prescribed if the patient suffers from chronic infections of the genitourinary and respiratory systems. After long illnesses, the drug is recommended in order to increase the patient’s immunity and speed up the rehabilitation process. Also, taking Isoprinosine can achieve good results in the treatment of AIDS.

Important! Many patients believe that Isoprinosine is an antibiotic. However, it is not. The drug has no effect on bacteria, so taking it for bacterial infections is unlikely to be advisable. The only exception would be a situation in which a viral infection joins a bacterial infection (and vice versa). Also, for bacterial infections, Isoprinosine 500 mg can be recommended to increase immunity in diseases caused by pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

How to take the drug correctly?

The drug should be taken after meals with a sufficiently large volume of water. For adults, the maximum daily dose is 3-4 grams. Under no circumstances should this dose be exceeded.

The duration of the course depends on the diagnosis, as well as the severity of the symptoms:

  • for chronic infections, Isoprinosine tablets are taken in courses of 7-10 days, with a break of a week between courses. The drug should be taken until the patient’s condition improves;
  • for acute infectious diseases caused by viruses, the course of treatment is from one to two weeks. After the symptoms disappear, the drug is taken for another 2-3 days: this allows you to consolidate the achieved result and avoid the development of complications of infection;
  • As a maintenance therapy, Isoprinosine is prescribed in a minimal dosage (1-2 tablets per day), while taking the drug can last from two weeks to a month.

Important! The amount of the drug, as well as the course of duration of its use, is determined by the attending physician. You should not voluntarily stop taking the drug or change the dosage.

Isoprinosine - instructions for use for children

When choosing a dosage for children, you should take into account not only the child’s diagnosis and the severity of his condition, but also body weight. If the child is from 3 to 11 years old, one tablet is prescribed per ten kilograms of body per day. That is, if a child weighed 45 kilograms, he should take 4.5 tablets. Children weighing 35 kilograms take 3.5 tablets per day, respectively. The total dose of the drug is divided into several doses. Regardless of the severity of the child’s condition, you should not give him a dose exceeding 50 mg per kilogram of weight per day.

Important! Under no circumstances should Isoprinosine be given to children without a doctor's prescription. The drug has a number of contraindications, so it must be taken under strict medical supervision.

Can pregnant and nursing mothers take the drug?

For pregnant women, viral infections pose a huge danger. Some viruses can cause birth defects in the fetus, cause premature birth and lead to other complications. However, it is not recommended to take Isoprinosine during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that there is no reliable data on the safety of the drug for the body of a developing baby. There is also no information about the effect of the drug on a breastfed child.

Important! Isoprinosine, the instructions for use of which are described in the article, can be used to treat warts. However, single warts do not require the use of drugs that affect local immunity. Taking Isoprinosine may be advisable only when the immune system is weakened, accompanied by the appearance of numerous rashes on the skin.

Isoprinine and alcohol

Many people are concerned about whether it is possible to take Isoprinasine and drink alcohol. Doctors give a clear answer to this: during the course of treatment you should give up alcoholic drinks, even light ones. This is due to the following factors:

  • alcohol increases the side effects of the drug;
  • the active ingredient of the drug affects the liver. Alcohol has high hepatotoxicity. Therefore, if you combine Isoprinosine with alcohol, complications such as hepatitis, jaundice, etc. may occur;
  • Isoprinosine, as mentioned above, activates the production of interferon. This substance enhances the negative effects of alcohol on the body. Therefore, the combination of alcohol with Isoprinosine can cause disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by the appearance of depressive disorder, suicidal ideas, as well as numbness in the limbs and other unpleasant symptoms.

If you are undergoing treatment with Isoprinosine, you should never drink alcohol! This can lead to unpredictable consequences!

Important! When taking Isoprinosine for a long time, the amount of uric acid in the blood and urine should be measured every two weeks. If the course of therapy is long, the condition of the liver and kidneys is monitored. If their work is disrupted, the course of treatment is interrupted.

Side effects

Isoprinosine may have the following side effects:

  • headache, increased fatigue, drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia;
  • loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, pain in the abdominal area;
  • allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria and Quincke's edema. It is important to remember that the latter complication can be life-threatening: if the airways become swollen, a person may suffocate. Therefore, at the first signs of allergy, you should stop taking the drug and consult with your doctor about a possible replacement of the drug;
  • pain in the joints.

Can I continue taking it if side effects occur? It is advisable to consult a doctor about this. Sometimes the side effects of Isoprinosine go away after the body adapts to the drug. However, in some situations, the drug may be more dangerous to health than the disease it is intended to treat.

Particular care should be taken if Isoprinosine is prescribed for children: reviews indicate that, despite its effectiveness, the drug can cause quite serious side effects in young patients.

Important! According to doctors, the use of the drug may cause drowsiness, so you should stop driving during the course of treatment.


In no case should you take Isoprinosine, the instructions for taking which are described in this article, in the following cases:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • arrhythmia and some other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The drug should not be taken by children under three years of age. In addition, Isoprinosine 500 mg is not recommended for children whose body weight is less than 15 kilograms. For them, it is better to buy another, safer, antiviral agent. An absolute contraindication to taking the drug is the presence of an allergy to the components of Isoprinosine.

There are a number of cheap analogues of the drug Isoprinosine: Amiksin, Arbidol, Giporamin, etc. Only a doctor can decide which is better, Isoprinosine or another drug. You should not buy a similar drug just because it is cheaper: the choice of drug depends on a number of factors, so self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Important! Isoprinosine especially often causes side effects in elderly patients. Therefore, their treatment requires constant medical supervision.

The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. You should not buy Isoprinosine at the pharmacy just because your friends recommended it to you or you read about the effectiveness of the product on the Internet. Only the doctor decides how long to take the drug and what the dosage should be. It is especially important to remember the need for medical supervision if the drug is prescribed to a child. You can learn more about the drug and its analogues from this video: