Annual report. Annual reports Branch annual report

In 2010, the department operated with 30 beds. The location and tasks of the purulent surgery department have not changed.

The department has 2 doctors on staff. One department head. 10 nurses, 9 junior staff.

One doctor and all nurses are certified.

A comparative analysis of the department’s work for 2009-2011 notes:

831 people dropped out in 2011, which is less than in 2009 - 843 patients.

In 2011, as in previous years, everyone in need of surgical care according to the department’s profile was hospitalized. Planned hospitalization was carried out in agreement with the surgeons of the clinics. The waiting period for planned hospitalization did not exceed 7 days.

Consistently high hospitalization for emergency indications - 87.0% (in 2009 - 88.6%, in 2010 - 86.4%). Planned hospitalization - 13.0%, in 2010 - 13.6%, in 2009 11.4%

For the patients treated, the plan was fulfilled by 99.9%, which is higher than in 2010 - 97.8%. In 2009, the plan for those leaving was 101.3%.

The percentage of completion by bed days is 100.5%. In 2010 it was 94.8%, in 2009 it was 97.8%

The average length of stay per bed increased to 15.1, which is slightly higher than in 2009 (14.3) and 2010 (14.4).

In 2011, 30 people died in the department (mortality rate 3.6%). In 2010 - 20 patients. The mortality rate was 2.5%. In 2009, 18 patients (2.1%) died in the department. This is due to the fact that the department treats patients of an older age group with severe surgical pathology and multiple chronic concomitant diseases. 6 people of working age died, in 2010 and 2009 - 2 patients each.

The number of operations performed in 2011 was 503. The number of operations performed in 2010 was 573, in 2009 - 587. Operational activity was 52.1%. The operational activity indicator in 2010 was 59.0%, in 2009 - 59.2%.

The number of operated patients is also decreasing compared to previous years. In 2011, 433 patients were operated on, in 2010 - 480 patients; in 2009 - 499.

Examination of patients for syphilis is 99.2% - a stable figure over recent years. Testing for viral hepatitis and HIV is performed as indicated.

Of those hospitalized, the majority are unemployed - 554 people (66.6%), in 2010 487 people or 59.8%; in 2009, 511 people - 60.6%. Of those hospitalized, pensioners make up 43.3% - 360 people.

413 people (49.7%) were referred from city clinics in 2011. In 2010, 407 people were referred by doctors to city clinics - 50%; in 2009 - 450 people (53.4%).

The number of patients delivered by ambulance was 188 people (22.6%), in 2010 179 people or 22%. In 2009, 164 people were hospitalized for “03” - 19.5%

According to nosological forms, the following features are noted:

· The number of patients with complicated forms of erysipelas increased in 2011 to 43 cases, in 2010 - 32, in 2009 - 24 people. The average bed day for this pathology increased to 17.1; in 2010 14.0; in previous years - 15.5. The department treats patients with complicated forms of the disease, the presence of extensive necrotic changes in soft tissue, and concomitant diabetes.

· The number of patients with neoplasms in 2011 was 40 people, in 2010 - 36 people. In 2009 there were 46 people. This group is dominated by patients with gastrointestinal diseases, mainly with complications of neoplasms - obstructive intestinal obstruction, bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract.

· In 2011, there were 37 patients with endocrine pathology. In 2010 and 2009, the number was the same - 44 people. This group consists of patients with complicated diabetes mellitus: diabetic foot syndrome, purulent infections in severe diabetes.

· Patients with diseases of the circulatory system in 2011 - 164. In 2010 - 184 people (22.6%), in 2009 - 167. This group is dominated by patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities 56, atherosclerotic gangrene of the extremities - 19 people . Average k/day 14.1. The largest bed-day for atherosclerotic gangrene is 22.3.

· Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in 2011 - 128 people; in 2010 - 144. In 2009, 115 people. There were three patients with purulent complications of pancreatic necrosis, in 2010 - 6 (2009 - 4). But the average bed day for patients in this group is the largest among all nosological units - 73.3. This indicates the most severe complications, requiring long-term hospital treatment and repeated surgical interventions.

An annual report is a reporting form that reflects the activities of an organization: the composition and information content of the report will depend on the specifications of a particular enterprise. Typically, the report contains information about the financial position or business activities of the company for the annual period, which lasts from January 1 to December 31. This form of reporting is regulated by regulations of the Russian Federation, is subject to transmission to government agencies, for example, to the tax office, and serves as an information source for shareholders.

Financial report as the most important element of the annual report

The annual report reflects comprehensive information about the organization - the most valuable data is conveyed by the annual financial statements, which are used to analyze the company’s efficiency, loss ratio, etc. To correctly fill out a financial report, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which includes:

  • Inventory (including checking the company’s obligations and values ​​with writing off any detected deviations).
  • Adjustment of expenses with write-off of the calculation difference.
  • Closing accounts that should not be available by the beginning of next year.

Adjustment of expenses with the closure of accounts is accompanied by entries in the accounting system (analytical or synthetic), and the entries must be in strict order. Accounts of industries with the maximum number of consumers are closed first, followed by accounts with maximum costs. Accounts that have a minimum of consumers and a maximum of services are closed last. All information on closing accounts is entered into order journals, which are included in the General Ledger. Based on the information in the General Ledger, the organization's annual balance sheet is compiled.

Annual financial statements (in accordance with clause 1, article 14 of Federal Law No. 402 and other legislative acts) include:

  • balance sheet (according to form No. 1);
  • loss/profit reporting (according to form No. 2);
  • attachments (as the main explanation for the balance sheet and loss/profit statement);
  • the final part of the auditors' report.

Any organization is required to submit both interim (monthly/quarterly) reports and the final annual report. On average, the financial report accounts for about 50% of the total information of the annual report - that is, this is the most important section that shareholders and government agencies pay attention to.

Another element of the annual report that legally must appear in the document is an analytical note. As a rule, it indicates the sources of funds, business development strategies, risks for the enterprise, causes of losses, etc.

Criteria for a quality annual report

In fact, the annual report is a communication tool between the organization and potential investors. Since the report reflects the objective performance of the company (profitability, risks, etc.). Therefore, the inclusion in the reporting of not only accounting data, but also an analytical note is a condition that will help inform investors about the organization’s potential.

To draw up the most correct annual report (analytical note with accounting data), it is important to adhere to the preparatory work. The preparation of the report includes:

  • early implementation of the report (in the last quarter of the year);
  • appointment of a coordinator who will monitor reporting;
  • defining the main purpose of the report;
  • determining the audience for which the report will be designed (shareholders, government agencies, investors, etc.);
  • preparation of structure and content;
  • development of a reporting standard.

It is typical that the accounting data in the report allows you to quickly assess the financial situation of the organization, but to assess the company’s potential, it is necessary to study the analytical note. Therefore, a well-written analytical note should contain the following information:

  • strategies for further development of the organization;
  • quality risk management;
  • analysis of accounting results.

Potential investors, when assessing the quality of an annual report, pay attention to the presence of attributes that characterize the report on the positive side. The inclusion of such attributes in the report automatically increases the attractiveness of companies for investors; accordingly, the organization has a chance to receive additional funding from outside for business development. The main attributes of a quality report are:

  • overview of the company's activities;
  • analysis of key performance indicators of the organization;
  • industry overview identifying growth factors;
  • risk analysis;
  • financial history of the company with the provision of ratios;
  • diagrams, diagrams, tables;
  • section for investors with an overview of the stock market.


An annual report is not just a form of reporting that reflects the financial condition and economic activities of a company. It is also a tool that increases the company's attractiveness to investors. Therefore, the report should include not only accounting information (annual financial report), but also an analytical note examining key strategies for the company’s development.

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Director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh


In 1997 she graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. Fluent in English.

Career at SDM-BANK

The story of Alla Vladimirovna and SDM Bank is more than just the story of a successful career as a top manager. According to Alla Vladimirovna, the Voronezh branch is not just a job, a service, a career. This is part of life, part of family, second home. Moreover, now we can speak with confidence about a labor dynasty: Alla Vladimirovna became the director of the branch after her father, Vladimir Andreevich Voronov. It was he who was the first head of the branch, who created it in 1995 and ensured the sustainable development of the business until 2012.

By the time of her appointment to the position of director, Alla Vladimirovna had worked at SDM-Bank for more than 15 years. She started, as befits a yesterday’s student, as an economist.

Now Alla Vladimirovna remembers with a smile that she had to do almost everything, not limited to her direct responsibilities, “except that I didn’t work as a driver or an IT specialist - and so I was on hand everywhere.” The attitude towards the branch was formed precisely by her father’s leadership: never approach tasks formally, live at work, treat the branch as your brainchild - these are the basic principles on which Alla Vladimirovna’s work was based throughout her career.

The list of Alla Vladimirovna’s positions eloquently confirms that it is precisely this attitude that is the key to success of both the business and the person in it.

  • 1997 – economist;
  • In 2000, she was transferred to the position of internal control inspector;
  • In 2003, she was appointed to the position of loan officer;
  • In 2004, she was transferred to the position of head of the credit department;
  • In 2008, she was appointed to the position of deputy director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh;
  • In 2012, she became the director of the branch.

Personal qualities

Even before Alla Vladimirovna became her father’s “right hand” at the bank, her personal achievements were impressive. She graduated from mathematics school, graduated from the University with honors and without a single B, and was one of the best students of the course. Alla Vladimirovna admits that mathematics and numbers not only do not frighten her, on the contrary, in this area her soul “sings.” That’s why he remembers working in the credit department with particular warmth. “Of all the departments, the credit department is my favorite,” admits Alla Vladimirovna.

The secret to a successful career

It is always admirable when you can see that a person is in his place and doing what he likes and what he is good at. Alla Vladimirovna admits that she was invited to work in other banks many times, but she could not leave her native bank.

Now the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh employs 28 people, and Alla Vladimirovna makes every effort to ensure that all employees at the bank are interested and that the work, no matter how much of it, is enjoyable. “In our branch there is very little staff turnover. And we are very proud of this. I try to convey my positive attitude and responsible attitude to all my employees,” notes Alla Vladimirovna.

The core team of the branch has been working together for more than 10 years. Moreover, everyone, both employees and, very importantly, clients, really like our microclimate and atmosphere. Hence the large number of regular customers who have been serving us for about 19 years. Customers remain loyal to the bank, and the branch team is also very proud of this.