Holidays with a child at sea: where to go on holiday in Russia and abroad. Budget vacation with children at sea in summer

    Looking at the experience of my friends who travel with children, I can say that it is very difficult to travel with the smallest ones. Not only for the child himself (flight, move, especially a long one), not only for parents, for whom a vacation is not a vacation, just a change of scenery outside the window, but also for other vacationers. Therefore, it is better to travel more or less comfortably from at least three years old and not far. And no excursions.

    In my opinion, the most difficult thing is traveling with children. But reading this article I got the impression that the complexity is too high, thank you))) Good luck to everyone on your travels!

    In fact, a vacation with a child is real happiness :) Last year, my son and husband went to France, specifically to Paris. At that time, my son was 4 years old and this was his first trip outside his hometown. He endured the flight calmly, and indeed any transport movements. I was delighted with the size of the Eiffel Tower and the French language, although I understood absolutely nothing. Then he secretly told me in my ear that “these strangers talk very beautifully”)) We went to Disneyland, I have never seen such huge eyes that were full of happiness from Egor. The plus is that in There is so much to see and where to go in Paris, and their desserts are, mm, something unreal. In general, what my husband and I took away from that trip is that now the whole family will go somewhere more often (before this we preferred to go only together) , because giving your baby joy is the most important thing!

    We travel abroad with a child over two years old. I definitely don’t recommend it before, you need him to stand confidently on his feet, and you can do without a stroller. I advise you to choose countries with a temperate climate, so that there is no severe stress for the child. We personally traveled to Croatia and Turkey, and did not feel any problems there, we had a great rest, we bought what we needed on the spot and did not carry large bags.

    I have always been in favor of traveling with a child. There is nothing wrong with this, and I personally did not feel any inconvenience. My daughter and I flew to Turkey for the first time when she was 9 months old. When she was one year old we went on a bus tour around Europe. The main thing is to always have all the necessary things with you: pacifiers, bottles, toys, thermos. In general, so that everything is at hand.

    Personally, I think that taking a child under 4 years of age with you is pointless. He still doesn’t understand anything and won’t remember anything. As for older children, you definitely need to take them with you. For a teenager it will be something incredible) New places, new people, new acquaintances, souvenirs. My parents took me everywhere. and I thank them for that. I think your children will be just as happy!

    I believe that it is necessary and at the same time useful to travel with children, as they discover something new and experience different situations. As they grow up, they will remember the brightest moments in their lives that they spent with their parents. Don't forget that you need to look after your children and not forget them. I often notice that family vacations are replaced by parents’ vacations when they start vacationing without children - this is not possible!

    In November we vacationed in Egypt and took our daughter (she’s two years old) with us. We were very worried that she would not be afraid of the flight, but as it turned out, it was in vain. The child is very inquisitive, so everything went without problems. When staying at a hotel, you should immediately check whether your room has everything necessary for a small child; the hotel administration often comes to a meeting if something is not satisfactory and agrees to change the room or make some concessions.

    Last year, friends went on vacation to Turkey. Three of us went: husband, wife and five-year-old child. Everyone really liked it. Especially a child. The parents were delighted with how their son took the trip. I wasn't particularly capricious. Although he is quite restless. I think it’s worth going abroad with children. After all, this is a sea of ​​positive emotions for the whole family. And for children this is also a great trip that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

    I am absolutely FOR holidays with children. After all, this is not just a vacation, but also an improvement in health. Our country occupies most of the northern regions, and we really miss the southern sun, not to mention the children. Therefore, I think that it is simply necessary for the whole family to go to resorts. Specifically, to the southern regions. Personally, every summer, at the beginning of June, the whole family goes to foreign beaches. We took our first child for the first time when he was 8 months old (we flew to Vietnam). Since then, every year (even during the 2nd pregnancy) we arrange a ten-day vacation. Children tolerate the flight well. Therefore, I recommend everyone to arrange such trips.

    The first time we vacationed abroad with our child was when he was only 3 years old. I was more worried about the flight, since the child is fidgety, sitting still is a problem for us. But nothing, the flight went well. Well, the holiday itself was great, choose a good hotel so that the child has something to do. Our hotel had a children's water park, an amusement park, and even a mini zoo. And this is all in addition to the children's room, animators, etc. The child had fun. The food was excellent, milk porridge daily, all sorts of sweets, dietary and steamed dishes. We were pleased with our vacation and all our fears about the child were dispelled on the first day of our stay.

    Good afternoon. My child is only three years old. That's why I carefully choose trips before going abroad. Travel agencies provide various types of holidays. I like Bulgaria better. It's sunny and warm there. This country uses the "all inclusive" system. I rent a car and there are no problems. I recommend Bulgaria to everyone. Have a nice holiday.

    My two children (3 and 8 years old) flew to Malaysia, from there to Singapore and back. The only thing that was difficult was the flight. We flew in economy class for a very long time. In Singapore, everything went without any problems, the emotions were only positive. It was not easy to find a suitable place for lunch in Malaysia. Not the usual food for our stomachs. And of course, instead of the usual stray dogs, there are monkeys running around the city.

    We were with a 6 month old baby in Rhodes, Greece. We immediately rented a car, an additional child seat, and traveled around the entire island. Be sure to take a kangaroo carrier with you, it will make your vacation much easier - the island is mountainous and not everywhere is convenient with a stroller. The hotel had a children's kitchen, but it was of no use to us; we used milk and cans that we brought with us. Having small children is not a reason to stay at home, travel together!

    I have a son, he is 11 months old. We have been traveling since we were 4 months old. The first country we visited was Thailand. The baby calmly endured the long flight and slept almost the entire time)) Everything was fine in Thailand too. We chose the city of Hua Hin. This is a clean city, the city of the king)) The Thai king loves to relax there)) And many people come here with their families. Since Hua Hin is considered a family resort. And there are beaches for every taste! In general, we liked it! All was good. Thais even have special toilets for infants in shopping centers. There you can wash him and change his diaper! The only thing that bothered me was that the Thais love children very much and everyone tries to touch the child. Which I think is not very good in terms of bacteria!! I tried not to let him get too close to the child. And then there were some individuals who even tried to touch the baby’s pacifier!! And I agree that with a small child it is better to choose a beach holiday. It’s difficult on excursions with children. And yet, it is advisable to take a lightweight stroller so that you can easily travel everywhere and it is not difficult to lift and fold. Since in Thailand the roads are not very suitable for walking with a stroller, so you need a small and light stroller))

    I have a child myself and he is just one year old. I have a great desire to fly abroad to relax, but I’m worried about the baby, I think it’s not right to take a child, especially up to a year, to a place where he is not accustomed and you don’t know what the consequences will be later. Let’s wait until my son is 3 years old and the family will go abroad, and most likely it will be Greece. The child will be happy and so will the parents.

    I believe that children from an early age should have the opportunity to visit other countries and learn something new, so I always try to take my son (7 years old) with me on vacation. This year we went to Prague. Since he is not interested in “boring” excursions, we visited a zoo, a water park, a chocolate museum and a toy museum. Both liked this program - it was fun and not very expensive. In general, vacationing with a child in cities oriented towards tourists is a pleasure, as there are many options for entertainment; but it is important to think through the route in advance, plan which places are worth visiting, and also buy tickets for selected events in advance, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a long line, which can cause the child to become capricious.

    My relatives went on vacation with their children to Paris in the summer. Everything was wonderful, and anyone who goes to Paris with children will have a great time. But just one caveat: you shouldn’t go there expecting to spend little money. The child will see many interesting souvenirs, beautiful children's clothing and jewelry. He will want to bring it to his friends and buy more for himself. There are a lot of shopping temptations for children, so if you do not have sufficient funds, then it is better not to upset yourself and your children with a holiday in Paris...

    Children, in general, love to travel. Especially where there is a sea. We have two daughters. The eldest is 7 years old, the youngest is 3 years old. We were in Bulgaria in the summer. Liked everything. There were some minor issues with nutrition, but they were resolved quickly. The room had a stove and microwave, so sometimes I cooked myself. Of course, this couldn’t be called a vacation for my mother, but there was a nanny there and they left the children with her for a couple of hours. In general, I liked everything.

    My daughter, her one and a half year old grandson, and her husband went to Bulgaria to the Gold Coast. They took my mother-in-law with them - my wife. It was a wonderful holiday for adults. They really had a rest, without stressing much about caring for the child, because they were constantly changing. And they lived in a rented apartment, i.e. also cooking. And the child felt some discomfort and was often capricious. I was very happy when I returned home to my familiar apartment. I want to say that holidays with children under 3 years old are more for parents, not children.

    Until she was three years old, I didn’t go anywhere with my daughter on vacation. My friends scared me that it was very difficult. That this will not be a rest, but on the contrary, supposedly I will be terribly tired. As a result, when my daughter turned 3 and a half years old, we went on vacation with her to the sea for the first time. Here, of course, everything depends on each individual child. But my girl behaved wonderfully. She just showed curiosity about anything all the time. In general, I didn’t have to get tired. My only advice is to be careful and don’t forget anything at home. Make a list of what you need for your child. Otherwise, later, if you suddenly forget something, it may not be very easy.

    Last year, my grandfather persuaded us to go by car with our daughter to Astrakhan. Of course, I was tired of sitting at home and wanted to go somewhere, so I agreed. To be honest, I won’t go alone in a car anymore, not even with a child. We ourselves traveled from the Urals for more than a day; I will never forget such a vacation. Of course, everything was great in Astrakhan, but we still had to go back home. My daughter felt great (already at the vacation spot), I am for vacationing with children, but only on a different type of transport.

    My daughter is 4 years old...we've been traveling together since she was 2 years old, we've already visited a lot of places and still have a lot to visit...we returned from Norway a week that's what I want to tell you, maybe for someone it's a vacation lying in front of the TV or sitting aimlessly on social networks, but I relax by traveling... and traveling with a child is a hundred times more beautiful... I can’t even imagine how a vacation can go without my daughter... we explore new places together, develop together and this is wonderful... but of course I would like to warn those who like active recreation - children get tired quickly and this may slightly disrupt your plans and throw off your schedule.

    It is generally not advisable to travel far from home with a child under three years old. Even the sea can provide such acclimatization that mother, don’t worry. But with an older child, it’s quite possible to try abroad. Last year I flew with a 5-year-old child to Turkey, there is a lot of entertainment there for children of that age, there are animators. We were on the Black Sea a couple of years ago, and the child was suffering from boredom.

    Pediatricians do not recommend long-distance travel with children under 3 years of age. I don't see the point in this either. Firstly, not every adult tolerates the flight well, secondly, acclimatization is unknown how it will go, and thirdly, why does a child need this? And parents will have an incomplete vacation: they will not have the opportunity to go on a long excursion or go to a nightclub. Although everything is individual. Some friends flew to Turkey with their one-year-old son, everything was great. Others went with their 3-year-old daughter to the Black Sea (only 1000 km), but she got so sick that they spent a week in their room getting treatment. What would they do abroad?

    Some people take children who are not yet a year old on vacation. For example, I think this is wrong, if only because the child’s immunity has not been formed and the body is not strong. My friends started going on vacation with their child when he turned 3 years old. This is probably the best option. I think you need to travel with a child, he discovers a lot of new things, positive emotions, and develops. And for yourself it’s calmer - your beloved child is nearby, you know that everything is fine with him. This article describes the best places to relax with a child. I took note of them.

    We have been traveling with our son for 5 years out of 9 years of his life. My baby really loves relaxing on the water, so this year my choice fell on Montenegro - an inexpensive, useful and interesting vacation for both me and my son. Diving and surfing services were provided. Tried it for the first time, it felt wonderful. Don’t be afraid of something new, it’s never too late to know yourself, this is what I’ve been teaching my son since childhood. So, if you want, you can find so many interesting things to do that you won’t have enough time to see them all. I am for holidays with children abroad.

    We have a small child, one year old. This summer we vacationed in Turkey. We chose a place and a hotel in advance, which are equipped with all the amenities for a holiday with small children. No problems, great conditions. tasty and necessary food for both moms and dads and little kids. Don’t be afraid to travel with small children, I assure you that you can organize the holiday you want.

    I have three children, we vacationed in Turkey this summer, and this is what I will say. In fact, I believe that traveling with a child is necessary. In the hotel where we were vacationing, there was an animation club, I have three children, the eldest is 13, the youngest are 8 and 4. Actually, they didn’t get out of there, because it was very interesting, and my husband and I were able to relax normally, and sometimes we just fell into a when we were young, we went to them and played with them, just like that.

Are you going abroad with your child? We will tell you where to go on vacation with children in 2019. Find out where to find the best beach, active and excursion holidays!

What to pay attention to

When choosing a place to holiday with children abroad, consider:

  • Choose resorts that do not require a long flight to get to. Buy tickets for direct flights.
  • The resort with developed infrastructure is suitable for older children, but for children, on the contrary, it is quiet and secluded.
  • Find out in advance whether an epidemic is raging in the country/resort.
  • Book a family-friendly hotel with entertainment and children's menus. Better - on the first line.
  • If your child is not yet accustomed to adult food, find out where you can buy baby food.
  • For preschool children, choose short, exciting trips and excursions, and for schoolchildren, plan a rich program.
Palolem Beach in Goa (Photo © / Unexplored beaches of North Goa)

Seasons: when and where to go on holiday with children

Summer. Good on the Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas: Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, France, Tunisia, Montenegro, Albania, Georgia. It might be a little hot for kids. It’s a bad idea to go on vacation with children to Egypt and the Emirates in the summer - it’s very hot.

Autumn. The high season - September and in some countries October - is ideal for holidays abroad in the fall with young children. All of the above countries are good for beach and sightseeing holidays.

Winter. Beach - Thailand, Maldives, UAE, India (Goa), Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Jamaica. Ski holidays - Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland. Excursion - Spain (Canary Islands), Italy, Finland.

Spring. Excursion holidays in European countries, Georgia, Turkey, Israel (May). At the beginning of spring there are still good conditions for a seaside holiday in the winter resorts of Asia, but at the end it becomes hot and humid. On the island of Bali, the high season begins in May. In Mediterranean and Black Sea resorts it is already warm in May, but the water is not yet warmed up.

Observation deck in Bali (Photo © Thomas Depenbusch (Depi) /


When to go? High season in summer - average daytime temperature +25...+28°С, water +22...+25°С. It is better to go on holiday with children at the end of June and at the beginning of September. In July the sun is too aggressive, and in August algae and jellyfish can interfere with swimming.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / / Licensed CC BY-SA 2.0)


Without a visa.

When to go? Ideal weather for children in June and September: water +23...+25°С, air temperature +30...+33°С. It gets too hot in July and August, but that hardly stops anyone.

Cirali Beach in Kemer (© s_wh / / License CC BY-SA 2.0)


When to go? High season is from late May to early October. The Adriatic Sea warms up to +25°C by the end of June, air temperature +26...+30°C. The best time for a holiday with children is June, September and early October.

View of the resort of Pag, Croatia. (Photo © papposilene / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


When to go? Beach holidays - from late April to October. In June during the day +27°C, sea +23°C, in July-August it gets hotter: above +30°C during the day, sea +26°C. The most comfortable time for children is at the end of May, June and September. If your vacation is in July and August, go to the north of Greece.

Balos Beach, Crete (Photo © Riccardo Romano /


When to go? In July-August in Cyprus it is +34°C and higher, so it is better to travel with small children in June or September, when the air temperature is +30°C and the sea is +24°C.

Nissi Beach in Ayia Napa (Photo © anexxx/


When to go? It is better to vacation with children from the second half of June to the end of September. It is not recommended to travel with children in August - it is too hot. In June during the day +26...+30°С, the sea is still cool +20...+22°С. In July-August above +30°С, sea +24...+25°С.

Beach in Calella, Spain (Photo © 1116239 /


Without a visa.

When to go? The season lasts from the second half of June to October. July is the most popular month. During the day +30°С, sea +23°С. It is better to come with children in September, when it is not hot and the sea is still warm.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani /


Without a visa.

When to go? January and February are the best months for families with children, because there is no strong humidity and heat. In winter in Thailand: on average the air temperature is +28°C...+32°C at different resorts, the sea is about +27°C.

Jomtien Beach in Pattaya, Thailand. (Photo © / Dusit Grand Condo View)


Without a visa.

When to go? It is ideal to vacation with a child in October and November. The weather is also good in January, February and March: +23...+25°С, sea +21...+24°С. But in the period from May to September there is terrible heat.

Beach in Dubai Marina, UAE.

India (Goa)

Or a visa on arrival for vacationers on a tour.

When to go? From November to March. In winter during the day +28...+30°С, water +25°С, no wind. The downsides are inflated prices for tours and hotels, as well as a lot of tourists.

Many people prefer to holiday abroad with their children in winter and choose Goa. Most often, vacationers stay in 5* family-type hotels or rent a villa in South Goa - it is quieter and more peaceful there. Read

Hello, dear readers! On the eve of summer I asked myself a question about a holiday with a child at sea: where to go? How much will it cost in 2018? Where is it better to go with a very small child: to Russia or abroad?

If you are looking for answers to the same questions, don’t bother, because I found everything for you, compared it and wrote about it below.👌 You will learn about the pros and cons of each option for a holiday with a child at sea, approximate prices, and definitely decide on a family vacation. All prices are for a family of two adults and one child under 6 years old. Study the information carefully, especially if this is your first trip to the sea with your baby, because Vacationing with a small child in foreign lands is an extremely responsible matter.

Where to go on holiday with a child abroad


Sunny Türkiye is the most popular holiday destination with children. Gone are the days when she was a curiosity! Now every second person has visited Turkey and knows that it is rare to find such a service at an affordable price. Türkiye is the best suitable for families with small children, because everything you need can be found right at the hotel. Five meals a day on an all-inclusive basis, swimming pools, playgrounds, massage, animation, beach - all this is literally under your nose.

I’ve been to Turkey twice and, to be honest, I was a little bored (I wanted parties and adventures for my butt). But since we were going to the sea with a two-year-old child, we chose this quiet place not far from Alanya. The baby survived the trip perfectly, without acclimatization at all, and this is the most important thing. By the way, prices in Alanya are more than affordable - a tour for two adults with a child can be found for 80,000 rub. for two weeks, though most likely it will be a second beach line and a small area.

Now I understand that our first hotel in Turkey was gorgeous. Its own water park, a lot of food and bars, an amphitheater with extremely funny animators, discos, excellent playgrounds and towns, its own large sandy beach with awnings and sun loungers. I would return here with my family and I advise you - the hotel is called Saphir Hotel. During the season, the cost of the tour will cost approx. 115,000 rubles in 14 days.

I would also like to mention one of the best places to relax with children - Belek city. This is an artificial, but skillfully created area with fashionable hotels, golden velvet sand and all the conditions for a comfortable life. Hence the high prices - on average from 150,000 rubles.

Advantages of holidaying with a child at sea in Turkey:

  • All the food and entertainment without leaving the cash register.
  • Budget vacation. Even movers vacation in Turkey! And this has its downside, see below.
  • A short flight - only 3 hours to Antalya airport. You can just fit in your child's nap.
  • Most places have gorgeous sandy beaches and good access to the sea, which is very important for swimming children.
  • Service is up to par. This means you don’t have to fix the faucet yourself, wash your towels, or wait a long time for drinks at the bar. Smiling Turks will always come to the rescue!
  • They also love children very much. That's very true.

Disadvantages of holidays in Turkey:

    There are too many Russian people who came to have a good time. Moreover, this also applies to family men who get completely drunk on the plane. Because of them, hotels can be a bit noisy, and your children will probably learn a new swear word. :)

    Alanya is located 133 km from the airport, which is about three hours on the road. It will be difficult for a small child to travel so much on the bus.

Features of holidays with a child in Turkey:

    Choose a hotel with maximum services and a large territory, since usually there is absolutely nothing to do outside of it.

    July and August are quite hot months for a baby. It is better to choose June and September, and prices during this period are lower.

    Book your tour either much in advance (3-4 months in advance) or the day before. This way you can save a lot - the first time we bought a ticket 2 days before departure, and it was much cheaper.


Many people highly recommend Greece for a seaside holiday with a small child, but I don’t quite share this point of view. Of course, this country is very beautiful and diverse. You can and should travel along it. The islands of Crete and Rhodes deserve special attention... But going around all this with a small child is unrealistic. And sitting the whole vacation in a hotel where there is no special entertainment or territory is boring. Many even say that it is difficult to find a children’s playground in Greek resorts!

Advantages of a seaside holiday with children in Greece:

  • European service is perhaps the best in the world, and the Greeks themselves are very friendly people.
  • The clean Mediterranean Sea and fine sand are ideal for children.
  • Low price compared to other European resorts. You can find a tour to the island of Crete from 80,000 rubles for two weeks(most often, without food).

Disadvantages of a seaside holiday in Greece:

    Need a visa. The cost for two adults and a child under 6 years old, according to my calculations, is 7,600 rubles. Plus take into account the processing time - about a week.

    Entertainment includes ruins, monuments, temples and a couple of mediocre water parks. Not very interesting for small children.

    The island of Crete itself is completely unsuitable for the holidays of children from about 2 to 7 years old in terms of the lack of playgrounds and other children's entertainment.

What to pay attention to:

    Most budget hotels only provide breakfast. You will have to eat on your own in a cafe, and this will cost a pretty penny (it’s a euro, after all).

    July and August, just like in Turkey, are too hot months. For vacation, choose September and October.


One of the most successful places for a seaside holiday abroad is the island of Cyprus. The cozy town of Protaras has everything for the needs of small children - a shallow approach, a sandy beach, children's playgrounds, all-inclusive hotels. And parents won’t have to get bored - Ayia Napa is nearby with a lot of entertainment - a water park, singing fountains, an amusement park and even fashionable clubs.

We once visited Ayia Napa and were completely delighted. The price of the tour at that time was quite low, and even now you can fly inexpensively on your own. Our hotel was just a “C” hotel, located near a local road, with a small area and simple food. For a couple of students - just right. However, traveling with children already requires more comfort, for which you have to pay...

Thus, the cost of a trip to Protaras for a family with one child starts from 120,000 rubles for two weeks(breakfast + dinner). In this case, you will have to have lunch and afternoon snacks on your own, and the price of a tour with meals around the clock will be higher - from 150,000 rubles.

Pros of holidays with a child in Cyprus

  • Clear sea, sandy beach, smooth sunset (in Protaras).
  • Cyprus only requires a multiple visa, which is done automatically in 1-2 days.
  • Nice locals - very helpful, friendly people.
  • Perhaps it is important for some that the official religion in this country is Orthodoxy, and this leaves its mark on the mentality of the Cypriots.
  • The island's suitability for families with children - playgrounds, entertainment, food.

Disadvantages of holidays in Cyprus

  • High price of the tour.
  • In my opinion, there are no more minuses :)).


When discussing seaside holidays with children, I noticed that travelers practically do not mention such a country as Montenegro. It seems that they are undeservedly bypassing one of the most beautiful and inexpensive places for a seaside holiday that I have been able to visit!

I think the main reason for this injustice is that hotels in Montenegro are quite expensive. In addition, there are, generally speaking, few hotels there. However, all the cities of Montenegro abound in guest houses and apartments, which are sometimes more convenient for traveling with children. And much cheaper. So, we rented a large room with its own kitchen and an impressive terrace overlooking the sea for some 30,000 rubles for 14 days. Food in Montenegro is one of the cheapest in Europe; a hearty lunch cost us only 15 euros for two. The price of air tickets starts from 30,000. In total, the trip will cost 95,000 rubles for two weeks excluding entertainment.

So, if you are not afraid to take an independent trip, I highly recommend going to the sea with children in Montenegro. The nature of this country is simply amazing - there is the crystal clear Adriatic Sea, and the most beautiful lakes, rivers, forests and, of course, tall mountains. Interesting fact: 90% of the territory of Montenegro is made up of mountain ranges.

You can buy inexpensive tickets to this wonderful country on the aviasales website. This is what I have been doing for many years!

Advantages of a seaside holiday with a child in Montenegro:

  • Gorgeous nature and healthy, clean air.
  • Affordable compared to other European countries.
  • Lots of entertainment in resort towns. If you have older children, be sure to go rafting on the Tara River with them - it is still one of the most memorable experiences of my life!
  • No visa required.

Disadvantages of holidays in Montenegro:

  • Often hotels and guest houses are located on a slope, so you will roll downhill to the sea, but you will have to climb uphill. If children can be placed in a stroller, this will not be a big problem.
  • To travel around the country, you need to take a car or a tour. The serpentines of Montenegro are very dangerous, so it is better not to take risks with small children and take less long and extreme excursions - to Kotor, to ride a boat.
  • Most beaches have pebbles, sometimes large ones. By the way, there are small pebbles like sand in Becici, a suburb of Budva. This is where I would advise staying with a child.

Where else can you go on holiday abroad with children?

It is impossible to cover everything. Above, I described in detail the most preferable options for holidays with a child abroad. But there are other places that can be considered - these are Abkhazia, Bulgaria and the increasingly popular Georgia. These are relatively inexpensive countries, but I don’t have a very good opinion of them. Cheapness is attractive, but are you ready to risk the health of your children and your, perhaps, only vacation of the year?

Thus, vacationers in Abkhazia and Georgia often complain about various infections that they were unlucky enough to contract while on vacation at sea, as well as about the general pollution of resorts and poor service.

Bulgaria, according to many tourists, is not very different from Anapa, but to travel there you need a Schengen visa, which also costs money.

Where to go on holiday with a child at sea in Russia

Let's consider places to relax with children at sea in Russia. In our area you can also have a good rest!


Oh, this famous children's resort! It was here that we came as children with our parents and grandmothers to get to know the sea for the first time. This is where it is still recommended to go with small children to swim in the Black Sea and bask in the sun’s rays. But is this place really a good place to relax?

My family and I also considered Anapa as a vacation destination for 2018. We even planned to stay for a month in the village of Dzhemete due to the cheapness of the resort. However, having familiarized ourselves with the real prices and possible problems, we doubted the decision...

Having calculated the approximate costs of a vacation in Anapa with a small child, we came to the conclusion that the vacation would be more expensive than in Turkey, for example. Now I’ll give you the prices I used myself: 40,000 rubles. (apartment rental for 14 days) + 35,000 rub. (plane tickets) + 20,000 rub. (meals in a cafe) + 15,000 rub. (entertainment) = total 110,000 rub. For two weeks. As for quality...

More than half of my friends, while vacationing on the Black Sea, contract E. coli. Practice shows that the likelihood of getting sick at our sea is much higher than with some Coxsackie virus. The fact is that the resort is overcrowded during the season, and compatriots take sick children to the sea, or they get sick on the spot, infecting others. There are also problems with water purity in Anapa. In short, I didn’t want to take any risks.

But most families still prefer to vacation with children on the Black Sea. Most often, they rent an apartment and cook themselves; they are not looking for entertainment. Then really you can save a lot on your vacation, but the level of rest will be lower.

Advantages of a seaside holiday with children in Anapa

  • The territory of Russia means that the insurance policy is valid, the stores have familiar products, and the pharmacies have the necessary medications.
  • Low price when taking into account self-service.
  • Shallow sea and sand on the beach are very good for small children.

Disadvantages of holidays in Anapa

  • There is a high risk of contracting E. coli.
  • A lot of Russians can also be a minus :)
  • The Black Sea is not very clean, there may be algae and jellyfish.

Features of a seaside holiday with a child in Anapa:

  • If you are still considering the option of a seaside holiday in Russia, I advise you to go not to Anapa itself, but to its suburbs - Dzhemete or Vityazevo. There are much fewer people there, the sea is cleaner, prices are lower. Smart people go there with small children.
  • Under no circumstances travel to Anapa by train. Sometimes it is cheaper to fly by plane, but stuffy train cars contribute to the development of all sorts of infections - and children can get sick on the way.

Many Russian tourists, accustomed to vacationing in Turkey and Egypt, are wondering where to go on vacation with their kids. So, 7 fresh “sea” ideas for summer 2016!

1.​ Bulgaria: Golden Sands

The euro exchange rate is breaking records this year, so Bulgaria is especially attractive for many tourists with children. It is part of the European Union, but has retained the local currency - the leva, which has a positive effect on prices - they do not “bite”, like in the rest of Europe. There is one more pleasant circumstance: since 2016, the Bulgarian visa for Russian tourists has fallen in price from €35 to €10, and visas are issued to children under 16 years of age free of charge.

Almost the entire Black Sea coast of Bulgaria (which is 378 kilometers) is covered with white-golden sand. And, of course, the beaches of the Golden Sands resort are famous for their special beauty, where tourists with children are especially calm. Children will appreciate the attractions, amusement parks and playgrounds, and adults, if necessary, can use the services of nannies and teachers from leisure centers.

When buying a tour to Bulgaria, keep in mind that warm weather sets in at the country's resorts in the second half of June; At the beginning of summer, winds and rains are possible.

2. Montenegro: cozy Petrovac

Montenegro has a wonderful climate, well-established infrastructure, good service and a friendly attitude towards children, so families often flock here. Which resort should you choose? You should not go to popular Budva with children - it is noisy, crowded and in some places the beaches are not the cleanest. Herceg Novi may attract you with its fabulous atmosphere of ancient castles, but the influx of tourists will not let you relax. Kotor is also hardly worth recommending for a holiday with children because of the difficult descent into the water - it is better to go there on an excursion and visit the famous national park.

So which resort in Montenegro should you choose?

The town of Petrovac, ideal for a family holiday, is located 17 km from Budva. This tiny resort is surrounded on all sides by pine forests and olive groves - on the one hand, it is good for health, on the other hand, there is a place for walking in the heat. The sea there is always calm, it is safe even for children to swim, and the reddish fine sand is ideal for building fortresses.

3. Israel: the white sands of Haifa

Few people know that children can only swim in the Dead Sea from the age of 6, since the salt, when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes in such a concentration, causes a strong burning sensation. That is why families with children vacation mainly in Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea.

However, the Israeli Mediterranean coast also deserves attention. White sand, delicious shells, a smooth descent into warm water, like fresh milk, the temperature of which in the season is 25-26 degrees (you don’t have to worry about the children getting hypothermic). The Mediterranean resort of Haifa is especially popular among tourists. In addition to excellent service, cleanliness, quality food, there is an amazing zoo with almost no cages. Together with your child, you can visit lemurs, colorful birds and other harmless animals.

Among the pleasant moments: Russians do not need a visa to Israel and most of the staff speak Russian.

4. Spain: with bated breath, heading towards Port Aventura

Because of the euro exchange rate, Spain is losing some Russian tourists, but not its attractiveness, because all conditions have been created here for a family holiday. The Costa Dorada is the most popular among Russians, because in addition to the warm sea and famous sandy beaches, there is the Port Aventura amusement park, where even an adult will temporarily turn into a restless child.

At Port Aventura you can ride the extremely fast roller coaster Furius Baco. The Dragon Khan attraction will make you freeze in horror 8 times when at a speed of 100 km/h you will make another “dead loop” (“Mom, take me away from here, please”). For kids, there are calmer attractions without extreme adventures - an entire Sesame Street is dedicated to them, no one will be bored!

5. Greece

Among European destinations, Greece is considered the most budget destination with all-inclusive hotels. One of the best places for a beach holiday with children is, of course, Halkidiki: golden sand, clear water of the Aegean Sea and the unique air of pine forests.

The Greek islands are ideal for families with children. They are all worthy of attention, but it is most convenient to vacation where there is an airport, well-developed infrastructure and... there are no refugees who sailed to the islands located next to Turkey last summer (Kos, Lesbos and others). A good option for a summer holiday with children this year will be Zakynthos, Santorini, Kefalonia, Rhodes, Peloponnese and Crete - they are calm, always sunny and have many unforgettably beautiful bays.

6. Abkhazia

Abkhazia promises a budget holiday. True, tourists with children will have to get used to some of the nuances of the service, which is still at the development stage. If you are ready to close your eyes to some remnants of the Soviet past, you will be pleased with the sandy beaches in Gagra, a smooth entrance into the water, and a water park with 8 swimming pools with sea and fresh water. Having reached Sukhumi, you can visit the famous Monkey Nursery - when you enter it, it’s as if you find yourself in Kipling’s kingdom of Bandar-logs. The climate in Abkhazia is subtropical: high humidity, eucalyptus and cypress trees grow. Gagra has the warmest air (the city is covered on all sides by mountains), Pitsunda has the warmest sea (but pebble beaches). You need to fly to Abkhazia via Sochi. By the way, about this...

7. Russia: time to go to Sochi

The city of Sochi has radically changed its appearance for the Winter Olympics, and it’s worth a look. In addition to good hotels and excellent service, you will find a lot of entertainment here. With kids you can take the city funicular or cable car, visit the zoo, from there go to Sochi Park - a theme park, go to the water park, arboretum or see all kinds of fruit trees in the Tree of Friendship garden-museum.

What to take with you when traveling with a child?

✔ Children's first aid kit.

✔ 2-3 pairs of shorts or breeches of different lengths (knee-length and below).

✔ 2-3 knitted T-shirts and shirts for excursions and traveling around the city.

✔ 2-3 T-shirts or T-shirts for going to the beach. They can be worn on the beach to protect your back and shoulders from sunburn.

✔ Swimming trunks.

✔ Socks are simple and warmer (3-4 pairs).

✔ 3-4 sets of T-shirts and panties.

✔ Warm blouse in case of cold weather.

✔ Windbreaker with hood.

✔ Rubber beach slippers (they are comfortable to walk on pebbles and hot sand).

✔ Sandals.

✔ Sneakers (in case of bad weather).

✔ Audio books on your tablet.

✔ Towel.

Spend your summer profitably, and let your vacation bring you only positive impressions!

My dear readers, hello. Summer is in full swing, and you are still wondering where to go with your child? Then you have come to the right place, because today I will tell you about the most beautiful and unique places in our great country that are worth visiting with the whole family.

Do you need sea and sun, or forests and mountains, or maybe ancient cities with unforgettable architecture? After reading the article, you will find the ideal vacation spot for you and your child. Go!

Black Sea resorts

“How I don’t want to go to our south! A lot of people, a dirty sea, poor quality service,” yes, that’s what a large number of Russians think, and they are very mistaken. There are places that are not very popular yet, but in terms of their service and quality of service they are not inferior to large resort cities.

Where to go with a small child on the Black Sea?

Among such places I would like to highlight the towns of Kabardinka, Khosta, Divnomorskoye, Sukko, Krinitsa, Shepsi, Dagomys and others. By the way, you can read about holidays in Kabardinka.

You won’t believe it, but in almost all these places there is a clear sea, a beach, a small number of tourists and simply an unforgettable vacation.

If you want to relax in any corner of our country and enjoy its beauty, then choose a hotel and just book tickets. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to the most popular travel site.

What can you do there with your child? Such resorts are more suitable for a quiet family vacation with a child under 5 years old, although there is always ideal entertainment for older children. In the evening, people walk on the embankments, small amusement parks are open, everyone, like in the good old days, takes pictures with animals, draws cartoons with portraits.

Moreover, these villages are located near major resorts. You can always take a taxi or take a minibus and get to them without any problems. Separately, I would like to mention the Golden Bay water park in, which is one of the largest water parks in all of Europe.

I was there personally, so I can tell you that this is really true. The impressions from him are unforgettable.
There is also the opportunity to ride in jeeps to the mountains, where you and your children will experience a lot of emotions. You will swim in mountain streams, ride horses, ride ATVs. Particular attention should be paid to nature - the sea on one side and the mountains on the other - it’s simply unforgettable.

Resorts of the Azov Sea

I would like to immediately note the advantages of a holiday on the Sea of ​​Azov:

  • The sea is shallow, due to which it warms up faster. That is, you can go there already at the end of May, even with small children;
  • Clean, warm sand. Almost all beaches in Azov are sandy.
  • Inexpensive accommodation. You will be gladly received both in hotels and in private mini-hotels (and I prefer the second option);
  • Remoteness from noisy cities, which means clean, fresh air;
  • A large number of entertainments for children - dolphinariums, water parks, zoos.

Where you can go on vacation with a small child on the Sea of ​​Azov:


With the admission of Crimea to Russia, new horizons opened up for travelers with children. Our government is doing everything to develop this direction again. Still wondering where to go in the summer with children? Don’t hesitate - take tickets to Crimea. Clean sea air can improve your child’s health for the whole year ahead.

The main place for a holiday with a child at sea is Evpatoria. There are amusement parks, a water park, a dolphinarium and other places. Among the more budget-friendly options, I can suggest the resorts of Chernomorskoye, Bolshaya Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, and Feodosia.

To be honest, you can’t count all the towns and villages on the peninsula. Almost everywhere you will be received with warmth and great hospitality. Most sanatoriums and hotels will offer you a children's menu, a lot of entertainment, as well as many excursions for older children.

How to get to Crimea

If you want to get to Crimea, the most convenient way to do this is by plane. Now Simferopol airport receives planes from 16 Russian cities.

And since May 16, 2018, the Crimean bridge has been open! So you can easily travel by car. No more queuing for the ferry.

If your children are already adults, and you don’t want to lie around under the scorching sun, but dream of mountains, unforgettable nature, and a comfortable vacation, then you need to go to Altai. In fact, they even vacation here with babies under one year old, but it is better to take children from 4-5 years old with you.

This place is famous for its unforgettable nature. Anyone who has ever visited Altai will return there again. The purest rivers, winding paths, untouched forest - this is only a small part of what awaits you in this fabulous place.

In summer, you can swim with your children in mountain rivers or in the warm lakes Mazherokskoye and Aya. The recreation centers also have their own swimming pools.

For entertainment, in addition to hiking, you can be offered horseback riding, cycling, quad biking, and boating. And evening gatherings around the fire with heartfelt stories and songs will help your whole family get closer. What else do you need from a vacation?

This is the sweet word Kamchatka

This is an ideal place for an extreme holiday with teenagers or at least schoolchildren. Hard-to-reach but incredibly beautiful Kamchatka attracts tourists with its volcanoes, geysers, turbulent rivers, and thermal springs. It is not for nothing that Kamchatka has one of the seven wonders of our country - the Valley of Geysers.

Yes, the trip is not cheap, but it is definitely worth visiting. If your child loves extreme sports and unforgettable nature, then Kamchatka is for you.

This is a great place for your child to recover and relax. Numerous mother and child boarding houses and health camps located on the shores of lakes will provide you with enough time to communicate with your child. Walking through the forests in search of mushrooms and berries, children's fishing, catamaran and horse riding - this is just the minimum entertainment in Karelia.

Most recreation centers are located near Petrozavodsk, so you can easily visit this wonderful city with beautiful architecture and culture.

By the way, people also vacation in Karelia with children in winter. You can ride a dog or reindeer sled, visit trolls, and visit chums - the traditional dwellings of the northern peoples of Russia.


Yes, vacationing on Lake Baikal with children is a reality. Here children can explore nature, swim, fish, sunbathe, and wander through the forests. This type of rest strengthens your immune system and improves your health. You rarely see a noisy company here, but you can see a father and son sitting on the shore of a lake with fishing rods.

The most popular places on Baikal are:

  • Olkhon Island;
  • The cities of Slyudyanka and Baikalsk;
  • Listvyanka village;
  • Peschanaya Bay;
  • Ushkany Islands.

Excursion holidays

In the summer, as well as at other times of the year, you can safely go on various kinds of excursions. Fortunately, in our country there are a lot of places that have their own unique architecture, monuments, and culture.

Such cities include St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal and other cities of the Golden Ring. Each city will greet you with its own flavor.

Such a vacation is for adult children, but small children also love everything new. And if you are organizing a trip by car, then why not?

I advise you to watch a fascinating video about our Black Sea resorts:

Winter holidays

But where can you go in winter with a child? The answer is simple - to Veliky Ustyug - the residence of the Russian Father Frost. Your child will visit Grandfather's shop, where numerous workshops operate, see Father Frost's mail and meet Santa Claus himself and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

In addition to this, horse-drawn sleigh rides, ice skating, skiing, sledding - this is just a small list of entertainment in Veliky Ustyug.