Holidays in Crimea for Russians. Budget holidays in Crimea: prices and full description of resorts

From the south and west the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, and from the east by the Azov Sea. Along the entire Crimean coast, the climate is similar to the Mediterranean. The swimming season begins in mid-May and ends in mid-October, and at this time the water is rarely colder than +21+23ºС. In summer it is always sunny here, and the air, compared to the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus, is much less humid. Therefore, relaxing on the peninsula is very useful for people with respiratory problems, as well as for children.

In Western Crimea, in the area of ​​Evpatoria and the city of Saki, the climate is coastal-steppe. Warm winds filled with the scent of herbs from the Crimean steppes often blow here. Local sanatoriums and boarding houses are in great demand and use the mud and brine of Lake Saki and healing mineral waters for treatment.

Tourists love the eastern part of the peninsula for its secluded bays, excellent pebble and sandy beaches and picturesque foothills. Excursions to the famous Genoese fortress and reserve at the foot of the ancient Kara-Dag volcano, the ancient city of Acre and the house-museum of Maximilian Voloshin are popular here. Small villages lying between Feodosia and Kerch guarantee a more secluded holiday in Crimea. Without intermediaries, it is possible to rent cozy cottages, apartments and hotel rooms.

The picturesque southern coast stretches beyond the ridge of the Crimean mountains. The most fashionable hotels in Crimea were built here. Compared to other parts of the peninsula, the South Coast has the most expensive housing in Crimea. Vacationers in Yalta, Alushta, Gaspra and Foros enjoy excursions to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, get acquainted with the beautiful Crimean palaces, and also travel to the top of Ai-Petri, the Chatyr-Dag plateau, to the bizarre Demerdzhi rocks and to the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Housing in the private sector of Crimea

You can rent housing in Crimea in any part of the peninsula. Compared to large hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums, the private sector in Crimea offers a larger selection of options and affordable prices. Private owners always react flexibly to changes in demand, annually carry out the necessary repairs and try to ensure that their housing meets the modern requirements of vacationers.

During the summer season, Crimeans are happy to rent out rooms and separate houses to tourists, which have everything necessary for a comfortable stay - comfortable furniture, refrigerators, air conditioners, TVs and Internet access. In addition, modern guest houses and private mini-hotels have been built at all resorts on the peninsula. Their owners are always ready to offer their guests an inexpensive transfer from the Simferopol airport and assistance in organizing excursions.

Crimean housing prices in the private sector in 2019 differ slightly from the previous tourist season. On the South Coast, housing is traditionally more expensive, but in other resort areas you can find quite budget options. To make rent inexpensive, you need to rent housing without intermediaries, and also book it at least 3 months before the trip. Economy class housing is usually rented in small resort villages and not on the first line from the sea.

Booking rooms in hotels in Crimea

Hotels in Crimea are located in settlements with good resort infrastructure. Holidays in such places have a number of advantages - there is a well-developed public transport and food system, there are medical facilities and shops. Almost all Crimean hotels offer their guests full service, meals, parking and transfer. It is also convenient that vacationers can use hotel laundries, hairdressers, beauty salons, gyms and playgrounds.

Prices for 2019 in Crimea compare favorably with expensive resorts. At the same time, private guest houses and mini-hotels are usually cheaper. Many hotels offer discounts on rooms if booked several months in advance.

Without intermediaries in Crimea, tourists can rent comfortable economy-class apartments or inexpensively rent boathouses located on the seashore, right next to the beaches of Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Nikolaevka and Shchelkovo. All such housing was built on the peninsula in recent years, that is, it is modern and comfortable.

Villas are perfect for a large family, several couples, a group of friends or colleagues. They are located in the picturesque green areas of Crimea and have closed areas. By renting a villa for the whole summer, you can negotiate significant discounts.

How to relax in Crimea

Many tourists do not limit themselves only to sea swimming, but also like to visit modern water parks. It is also interesting to attend spectacular shows in which Black Sea bottlenose dolphins take part.

Diving is very popular in Crimea. The most interesting diving points are located near the coast of Sevastopol, Sudak, New World and Koktebel. Active recreation enthusiasts can enjoy rock climbing, horseback riding and speleology.

It’s good to diversify your beach holiday in Crimea with excursions where you can see the archaeological monuments of ancient Tauris, cave cities, beautiful mansions and beautiful waterfalls. In addition, in the summer, several colorful festivals take place in Crimea - the Feodosia festival “Genoese Helmet”, the Crimean Aviation Games, the “Wine Festival” in Koktebel and the festival of fish lovers “Rabulka”.

Tourism today has become the most favorite form of recreation. Isn’t it interesting to visit a new area, meet new people, bask in the warm rays of the sun and swim to your heart’s content in the sea? In addition, a vacation on the sea coast helps strengthen the immune system, which means that the body will be protected from infectious diseases for a long time. It is not true that this requires a large amount of money. Today you can have a good rest even on a small amount. A cheap holiday in Crimea is possible.

How to choose a place for an inexpensive vacation

After an endless winter, you definitely want to visit the sea. Why not go to Crimea? This is an excellent Russian health resort. It has everything: well-groomed sandy beaches, warm sea, beautiful nature. A huge number of boarding houses have been built along the Black Sea coast. The rooms are equipped on different levels. You can always find cheap rooms. If you are interested in where the cheapest one is, you should consider the private sector. Local residents rent out housing at the lowest prices. For these purposes, they always have premises prepared and equipped with the most necessary things. It should be borne in mind that there will be no luxury services there, but it is important that there is a place to relax and basic amenities. Often tourists don't need much. They spend most of their time on the seashore or at exhibitions and excursions. Therefore, the main thing is to have a bed for the night and a place where you can eat. Let’s figure it out further where it’s cheaper to vacation in Crimea.

How to choose the cheapest area

There are many amazing and unique places in Crimea, each corner is good in its own way. The central regions are quite expensive, and a cheap holiday in Crimea is only possible in remote areas. In mid-summer, the cost of living for one person is about four hundred rubles per day. Those with average income go to Yalta and Alushta. Interested in where it’s cheaper to vacation in Crimea? If you go a little further - to Malorechenskoye or Rybachye, then your vacation will be half the price. Where is the cheapest holiday in Crimea? In Nikolaevka. This is a small village on the west coast. If the pebbles on the beach don’t scare you, then your vacation will be wonderful.

Rest in Feodosia

This is also a cheap holiday in a place that has long been famous for its beautiful surroundings and good beaches. If you are in good health and have the strength to climb the slope every day, then you can rent rooms in a boarding house. The cost of living in them is quite affordable, and besides, there will be no problems with food. It can be one-time or three-time. Often right at the station you can see people with signs like “Crimea. Rest. Private sector. Cheap". Usually this way you can rent an entire house for a family. And there is also a separate courtyard, kitchen, shower. The average price of such a service is about two hundred rubles per day per person. Often, to make vacation even cheaper, many families unite and rent a house together. This is not only saving money, but also an opportunity to spend time with friends, in a fun company. There is a lot in the area, so there will never be problems with food.

Holidays in hotels

Seaside cities are always happy to host everyone who wants to relax. Many hotels and inns were built for these purposes. Holiday organizers take into account that people’s financial capabilities are completely different. Double rooms are quite expensive (during the high season - sometimes about a thousand rubles). But you can rent the same room for four people, then the price will be halved. Many hotels provide meals for their residents. If you compare its cost with prices in restaurants or canteens, it is not much different. And how many times to eat, tourists decide for themselves. Usually, in hot weather, a person does not need a lot of high-calorie food; it is quite possible to get by with one lunch, and the rest of the time snack on salads, fruits, and dairy products. All this can always be bought in stores. A little advice for vacationers in Crimea: you shouldn’t buy everything in central stores. It is better to buy products in remote areas - they are more natural, tastier and cheaper.

Holidays for "savages"

Crimea always welcomes guests. Holidays by the sea are possible cheaply. This is confirmed by many tourists who prefer to relax as savages. You just need to buy a train ticket and get off at a station in any town near the Black Sea. Visitors are always greeted by people with offers of housing. Different prices. It all depends on the location and condition of the house. But experienced tourists suggest making such inquiries from those who have already been to the peninsula. In such cases, there will be no overpayment to intermediaries, the price will be significantly lower, and besides, the place of residence has been verified.

Crimea today

After the latest political events, many Russians go there on vacation. You no longer need to obtain a passport; you can come and enjoy a wonderful vacation at any time. Those who have already visited Yevpatoria, Saki, Chernomorskoe, Feodosia, and Kerch note that cheap holidays are possible in these areas. A lot has been built in Crimea. On the western and eastern coasts, you can rent a separate guest house for only nine hundred rubles per day. About four people can live in it. There are also canteens, buffets, and shops. And if you move a little further from large populated areas, then the cost of living there per person averages about two hundred rubles at the height of the season.

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. People with different incomes can travel to Crimea. The main thing is to choose a place and decide for yourself exactly how you want to relax. If you want to spend time with children, then a quiet town with a shallow sea will be an ideal option. Prices in small resorts are quite reasonable, and good accommodation is not difficult to find. The only advice for vacationers: inquire in advance what recreation centers, boarding houses, and hotels are located there. If you want to rent a separate house, it is better to do this in advance. If the family does not have small children, then it is quite possible to take a risk and find housing when leaving the train. Such services have long been developed in coastal areas.

Crimea is known for its favorable climate, magnificent landscapes, warm sea, beautiful beaches, developed infrastructure and reasonable prices. A budget holiday can be found in Crimea if you purchase a hot tour or pre-book a room or room online. There are many small resort villages on the peninsula, where fairly cheap housing is also available.

  • When is the best time to go to Crimea?
  • Rybachye village
  • Morskoe village
  • Peschanoye village
  • Nikolaevka village
  • Chernomorskoe village
  • Maly Mayak village
  • With. Malorechenskoe
  • Zander
  • Simeiz
  • Evpatoria
  • Parthenite
  • Gurzuf
  • Alupka
  • Alushta
  • Sevastopol
  • Feodosia

When is the best time to go to Crimea?

It should be understood that there are two options for holidays in Crimea: “low” and “high” seasons.

IN “low” season (January 15 – May 15 and October 15 – December 15) there is a decline in the influx of tourists. It is during these periods that the most budget holidays in Crimea are possible, since prices for accommodation, food and entertainment here fall 2-3 times compared to the “high season” period - from June to August. During May 15 – June 15 and September 15 – October 15 You can also save on a Crimean vacation. Although prices at these moments are slightly higher than the minimum of the “low season,” the weather is quite favorable for a pleasant holiday - you can sunbathe, and the most daring vacationers can even take a dip in the sea at the end of spring.

You need to be able to choose the right resort for an inexpensive vacation. Crimea is replete with villages that live by accommodating vacationers. Some of them have a fairly developed infrastructure, so vacation and accommodation there will cost significantly more. Even if a vacationer is looking for a budget vacation in Crimea for September in the South Coast, where the most famous resorts of the peninsula are located (Alushta, Alupka, Yalta), then there he can only find offers that are several times more expensive than in the resorts of the western and eastern Crimean coasts ( Mezhvodny, Black Sea, Beregovoy).

Rybachye village

If you drive about 30 kilometers from Alushta towards Sudak, you can get to the village of Rybachye, where you can have a great rest with children. The village has many shops, bars and cafes, and there are several entertainment centers for families. There is a spacious beach of small pebbles, which is much nicer than sand and, especially, large stones. It offers rental of umbrellas and sun loungers, sale of ice cream and soft drinks, and a variety of attractions.

Rybachye has very cheap accommodation. You can rent a room in the private sector for 200-700 rubles per day, and the fee does not change depending on the number of residents. A room in a mini-hotel by the sea costs from 1,300 rubles. There are mountains nearby, from the tops of which you can admire the surrounding landscapes.

Rybachye has good connections with many parts of Crimea, so local vacationers can go to Feodosia or see Yalta at night at any time.

Morskoe village

The village of Morskoye is located 20 kilometers from Sudak. This is not just a resort, but also a hospital, in which comfortable sanatoriums and boarding houses were built back in the Soviet period. Morskoye has a well-developed infrastructure, there are water parks, shopping centers with free playgrounds for children, excursions to the mountains and the sea, and to other resort areas of the peninsula are organized.

Housing in the village of Morskoye is very inexpensive; you can rent a room from private individuals for 400 rubles. Well, why not a budget holiday in Crimea in the summer of 2018?

There is also a public beach here, accessible to any vacationer, but it is very narrow. For this reason, during the peak season, when especially many vacationers come to Crimea, you will have to look for a place on the local beach.

Peschanoye village

The village of Peschanoye is located fifty kilometers from Simferopol. This is a good destination for an inexpensive Crimean holiday. In the summer, buses and minibuses from Simferopol run here at intervals of half an hour, so getting to Peschany is not difficult. This resort is especially good for family holidays, for which there are ideal conditions: tranquility, silence, warm and shallow sea, excellent pebble and sandy beaches, a variety of entertainment.

Boats equipped for scuba diving, pleasure boats, catamarans, children's attractions and trampolines are available here for vacationers; you can go windsurfing and kiting. You can spend the evening on the embankment, where there are several bars and cafes, and discos for young people.

The cost of living here per day is as follows:

  • double room in a hotel – 1400-1600 rubles;
  • triple room in a mini-hotel – 2000 rubles;
  • cottage – 1500-1700 rubles per person, including meals, and 800-100 rubles without meals;
  • recreation center or boarding house – 400-500 rubles per person;
  • private sector - from 300 rubles per person.

Nikolaevka village

The village of Nikolaevka is an excellent place for leisure, as there are cafes, bars, restaurants, attractions, youth clubs, and a water park located not far from the village. There is a large free beach here, so in Nikolaevka it is reasonable to plan a budget holiday in Crimea with children. The sea here is shallow and the bottom is flat – just what kids need.

In Nikolaevka you can find different accommodation options:

  • guest houses - from 300 rubles per person;
  • double room in a mini-hotel – from 1500 rubles;
  • double room in a cottage – from 2600 rubles;
  • private sector – from 250 rubles per person.

Chernomorskoe village

In the north-west of Crimea, at a decent (200 km) distance from Simferopol, there is the village of Chernomorskoye. However, it is a great tourist destination.

Daily accommodation in this village will cost:

  • in the private sector - from 200 rubles;
  • recreation centers and guest houses - from 200 rubles;
  • in mini-boarding houses and private boarding houses - from 300 rubles;
  • in private hotels – from 1200 rubles, including breakfast.

Maly Mayak village

On the southern coast of Crimea, the village of Maly Mayak is the most inexpensive and environmentally friendly, with beaches with small pebbles and unique climatic conditions. Maly Mayak is located between Yalta and Alushta. The range of entertainment here is about the same as at the popular resorts, but significantly cheaper.

You can live in a double room in a wooden cottage and look out the window at the mountains for 600 rubles a day.
A place in a comfortable boarding house costs 3,000 rubles, but the cheapest holiday, as usual, is in the private sector - from 200 rubles, and this will be the most budget holiday option in Crimea.

With. Malorechenskoe

20 kilometers from Alushta in the south of Crimea is the village of Malorechenskoye, on whose territory there are numerous boarding houses and sanatoriums, and additional shopping and entertainment centers are being built. The local infrastructure has just begun to develop, but there is also a plus in this, which is that a budget vacation in the summer in Crimea is still possible here.

Hotels and the private sector require about 700 rubles for a room, but they don’t have many clients, since most of them are “wild” tourists.


This old Crimean resort has seen rapid resort activity in recent years. At night it is difficult to sleep here because of the discos that thunder until the morning, so it is most suitable for young people and couples without children. Pike perch is quite compact - you can walk around it entirely in a couple of hours. The only attraction here is the fortress wall that falls steeply into the sea.

In Sudak you can find cheaper accommodation than in Yalta, but to do this you need to go not to hotels located near the shore, but about a kilometer away from it. Here the price has already dropped by half, and the minimum cost of renting housing will drop to 400 rubles. The private sector offers guest houses and costs about the same - 400-500 rubles.


Simeiz, located near Yalta, is one of the warmest places in Crimea. It has a special climate because it is surrounded by mountains. It has a developed infrastructure: boarding houses, hotels, attractions, entertainment centers - all this can be found in Simeiz. Here it is worth noting the magnificent landscapes, with a variety of shrubs and trees.

In the private sector you can find housing from 500-700 rubles per day.


This famous resort town is small, and only in summer its population increases 2-3 times. This resort has over 3 dozen different medical institutions and boarding houses where certain diseases, for example, the musculoskeletal system, are treated.

This classic resort is very suitable for families with children, for whom there is a lot of entertainment here: playgrounds, attractions, a circus.

For a 24-hour stay at this resort you will have to pay approximately 2,000 rubles.

The resort town of Miskhor is famous for its parks, which stretch, replacing each other, along the coast. Above them you can see health resorts, of which there are over twenty. Miskhor is surrounded by a pine forest, which purifies and heals the local air and makes this place even more picturesque.


A budget holiday in Crimea in the Partenit area can be pleasant, around which there are many places to relax, and the prices here are not very high. You can spend a day here on one of the public beaches with a variety of attractions (including water ones), restaurants, and cafes. In the evening, a vibrant nightlife begins with competitions and discos.

The range of prices is quite wide - you can find a room for 300 rubles, or a two-room apartment for 600 rubles per day. Comfortable hotel rooms will cost from 1000-1200 rubles.


This town is very ancient, which is evident from its appearance with numerous historical and architectural monuments, museums with ancient artifacts. In terms of the holiday itself, everything is also excellent here - all the conditions have been created for a comfortable holiday: hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals - everything that an ordinary resort town has.

The private sector offers its services for 300-500 rubles. One-room apartments will be a little more expensive - 600-800 rubles.


Since Alupka is the most popular Crimean resort, a budget holiday in Crimea 2017 on local beaches is hardly possible. But it's still worth spending money to see this wonderful corner. Since the recreational conditions in Alupka were specially thought out for children, families of vacationers flock here first of all.

The cheapest accommodation option here can be found starting from 800 rubles, but these are usually booked in the spring. The main price range is 900-1500 rubles per day.

This is a very ancient city with an interesting history, which is a large Black Sea fishing, trading, and most importantly, Russian naval port. Attractions are located here at every step, so usually everyone who comes to relax in Sevastopol strives to get to know at least a part of them.

Holidays in Sevastopol are relatively inexpensive - on average, housing here can be rented for 800 rubles per day. The city has free play areas and entertainment centers where you can bring your children.


Feodosia has beautiful, well-kept sandy beaches. Everything here is open to vacationers, for whom one day in Feodosia costs 1,700 rubles. Moreover, you can live both in the city center and in Greater Feodosia, which is the resort villages surrounding the city.

Mini-hotels and private houses offer rooms for 500-800 rubles. 1-room apartments will cost from 1000 rubles per day.

Have you already vacationed in Crimea? How budget-friendly was your vacation? Share your experience and current information with our readers in the comments!

Choosing the ideal resort in Crimea for the summer of 2019! Where is the best place to relax for families with children, young people and the elderly? Where is it inexpensive on the peninsula? Where can lovers of active or, on the contrary, secluded recreation go?

Crimea can be compared to a jewelry box - any of its resorts is worthy of attention and admiration. Some people love the subtropics and panoramas of the South Coast, others prefer the steppes, and the sandy beaches of Feodosia and Yevpatoria have been attracting vacationers with children for many decades.

Last minute tours search on the services and - they will find the best offers among different tour operators. Want to save money? Explore our.

Search for hotels and inns with discounts on Hotellook. Here are the main ones.

(Photo © Nick Savchenko / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Where to have an inexpensive holiday in Crimea

Yalta and Alushta are the most popular resorts on the peninsula; it is believed that this is the best place to vacation in Crimea in the summer. These cities have the most developed tourist infrastructure, entertainment for every taste, very beautiful embankments and parks. The location of the resorts is also unique - they are securely surrounded by mountains, while they themselves stand on relatively flat terrain. Therefore, it is not surprising that these cities hold the high price bar.

Next come New World, Evpatoria, Sudak and Sevastopol. You can save a lot of money by settling in villages near these resorts, especially if vacationers’ plans do not include intense excursion holidays and vibrant nightlife.

A little more affordable, but still expensive, a holiday in Gurzuf, Alupka, Miskhor, Simeiz and Livadia. These are cozy villages immersed in subtropical greenery, here are the most beautiful parks and the best pebble beaches, to which you need to go down steps or serpentine roads. In Livadia there is even an elevator for descent and ascent; some sanatoriums of the South Coast have their own cable car to the beach.

You can have an inexpensive holiday in Crimea in the following cities and towns: Feodosia, Kerch, Shchelkino, Rybachye, Solnechnogorskoye, Malorechenskoye and the resorts of the most distant part of the peninsula from the Kerch crossing - the West Coast: Nikolaevka, Mezhvodnoye, Chernomorskoye, Saki, Olenevka. They not only have good beaches and a flat steppe zone, but also excellent housing five minutes from the beach, but there is little entertainment in some villages.

Resorts with the most developed infrastructure

The best developed tourist infrastructure is in large cities and their environs: Alushta, Sevastopol, Evpatoria. The largest number of sanatoriums, recreation centers and hotels, well-equipped and clean beaches are concentrated here. Here are the best nightclubs and restaurants, amusement parks, dolphinariums, zoos, water parks and other places where you can have a great time with the whole family. There are ships at the pier, ready to take travelers out to sea at any moment.

Resort villages are simpler in this regard. There are no such luxurious embankments or none at all, but there are shops, mini-markets, cafes and children's attractions. Soviet-era sanatoriums and recreation centers are constantly being supplemented with new private boarding houses.

According to reviews from tourists, in 2019 the best places to vacation in Crimea are in the resort villages of Alupka, Simeiz, Miskhor, Foros and Livadia. There are fewer tourists and lower prices, but the nature and beaches are excellent. Here are the most beautiful parks and architectural structures, many of which have a history of more than a century.

(Photo © Vasiliy Efimenko / / License CC BY 2.0)

Resorts for active holidays

Crimea provides great opportunities for active pastime. Here they engage in diving, horse riding and cycling, hiking in the mountains and exploring caves. The natural attractions of the peninsula allow people who are far from sports to actively relax - hiking along trails, visiting caves and trips to waterfalls are popular.

Where is the best place to relax in Crimea in the summer of 2019 for lovers of active recreation? According to reviews, in Alushta, Yalta and Koktebel tourists fly paragliders, go horseback riding and hike in the mountains. You can drive jeeps and ATVs in Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai, Alushta, Yalta and Sevastopol. You can do rope jumping in Bakhchisarai, Alupka and Sevastopol, kayaking in Balaklava, flyboarding and diving in Sudak, hot air ballooning in Belogorsk and Feodosia, and sailing in Sevastopol. A very interesting underwater world at Cape Tarkhankut (Olenevka). Caving tourism is best developed in Simferopol, Yalta and Alushta, mountaineering - in Yalta and Simeiz.

(Photo © Ekaterina Sotova / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The best places for a secluded holiday

Where is the best place to relax in Crimea if you want peace and tranquility, a wild holiday? Romantic natures and lovers of privacy will be able to find almost deserted places on the East Coast - this is the area of ​​​​Feodosia, Koktebel, Kerch. In the Western part there are many such places in the area of ​​Lyubimovka, Popovka, Okunevka, Cape Khersones (Sevastopol), Cape Bolshoy Atlesh (Chernomorskoe). The wild beaches of Balaklava, Laspi Bay and Cape Fiolent are beautiful and inaccessible to most tourists.

The most difficult thing is to find a piece of “uninhabited” land on the South Coast. This is the most popular part of the peninsula among tourists, but even here you can find places untouched by civilization. There is a small wild beach in Simeiz near Mount Koshki, and also a small, inaccessible bay squeezed between the villages of Rybachye and Malorechenskoye in the Alushta region.

(Photo © Lasspi / / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

The best resorts for cultural and excursion holidays

Now we’ll tell you where it’s better to stay in Crimea for those who plan to diversify their beach holiday with excursions and sightseeing. Crimea itself is not a very large peninsula, the most remote part is in Kerch; it is better to see this city separately. Having settled somewhere in Yalta-Alushta, it is easy to explore the entire southern coast; all you need to do is use public transport.

From Yalta it is convenient to visit the zoo, the aquarium, the Glade of Fairy Tales, the Ai-Petri plateau and the Uchan-Su waterfall, the Livadia, Vorontsov and Massandra palaces, the Swallow's Nest, the Massandra winery, and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. From Alushta it is convenient to go to the mountains to the Jur-Jur waterfall, visit the karst caves of Chatyrdag and the famous Valley of Ghosts. Trips to Bakhchisaray and cave cities are no less popular among tourists - they are also conveniently accessible from Sevastopol, from where buses regularly run to Bakhchisaray.

The main attraction is the Genoese fortress. In the summer, an annual festival is held here, attracting admirers of knightly romance. The village of Novy Svet is rich in natural bays and grottoes, one of the most popular trails among tourists is located here - the Golitsyn Trail, and it’s easy to cool your hot head with a glass of local sparkling wine. to Cape Meganom, Feodosia and Koktebel.

Excursions around Sevastopol have been consistently popular for many years. Sevastopol is a city of military glory; according to some sources, there are about two thousand monuments and memorable places. In addition, here is the ancient city of Chersonesos and the cave city of Inkerman. There are many historical monuments in Evpatoria. The most popular of them are the Juma-Jami Mosque, Karaite Kenas, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Turkish Baths and the Yegiy-Kapai Synagogue.

Many people dream of coming to our southern peninsula all their lives, and only the popular myth stops them that such a trip is affordable only for a select few. We hasten to reassure you - there is a cheap holiday in Crimea, you just need to make a little effort. Even if you compare where it is cheaper to relax, in the Crimea or in Sochi, it becomes clear that the peninsula is significantly inferior in price to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, there are many more attractions and interesting places, and there are more than enough options for cheap housing!

Which city in Crimea is the cheapest to vacation in?

Crimean resorts have a lot to offer: well-equipped sanatoriums and hotels, many boarding houses and holiday homes, excellent beaches and a whole range of summer entertainment, from attractions and concert venues to excursion services and luxurious restaurants.

It’s not easy to say exactly which city is the cheapest, because many reasons lead to the formation of prices at resorts. If you are looking for where it is cheaper to relax in Crimea, pay attention to the following factors on which you can save the most:

  1. Resort location. As expected, prices are much higher at the most famous resorts. In Crimea, prices are highest on the South Coast, but on the western and eastern coasts they are much lower, especially in small villages.
  2. Comfort level. When choosing housing, decide whether it is important for you to live in a large hotel or whether you will be quite satisfied with a room in a private house. If you are not going to spend time at the hotel for days on end, give up the hotel in favor of a small guest house, recreation center or private housing.
  3. Holiday date. Prices rise on the eve of major festivals and holidays, so if you do not necessarily have a goal to attend such events, try to choose a vacation date away from mass celebrations. At the height of the season, in July-August, prices also rise above average, but at the beginning and end of the season you can save significantly.

In general, vacationing in Crimea is cheap and good, you can do it in almost any city and town, only in large ones you will have to choose housing in advance (already in March you can start looking for options for the summer), and perhaps sacrifice amenities or settle far from the sea.

How to cheaply relax in Crimea on the west coast

The west of the peninsula is famous for its sandy beaches and shallow, warm sea, and if you add low prices to this, your vacation will be excellent. If prices in Evpatoria, Saki and Sevastopol are high enough for you, pay attention to the following resorts:

  1. Peschanoe village is located 50 km from Simferopol, accessible by minibuses that run every half hour. It is quiet and calm here, there is a well-warmed sea and gentle sand, there are many water attractions on the beaches, and there are bars and discos for young people.

Educational entertainment in the village itself includes a tour of the ancient Scythian settlement, walks along the Alma River, and an excursion to the Alminskoe settlement. If the soul asks for a holiday, it can be arranged in Sevastopol (35 km), in Bakhchisarai (24 km), in Simferopol (50 km) or in Evpatoria (70 km).

The most important question is the prices, and they will please you:

  • A room for two people in a hotel will cost 1400-1600 rubles, and if you also have a child with you. You can get accommodation in a private hotel or guest house for 2,000 rubles.
  • A room in a cottage will cost 800-1000 rubles, the same room with meals will cost twice as much.
  • Recreation centers and boarding houses charge 400-500 rubles. per person, in the private sector the price is reduced to 300 rubles.

The cheapest holiday in Crimea is “wild”; there is just such a tent camp on the outskirts of Peschany.

  1. Nikolaevka village is even closer to Simferopol - only 40 kilometers, and if you are looking for a cheap place to relax in Crimea with children, then you won’t find a better place. The beaches are sandy, equipped with everything necessary, free, there are all kinds of water attractions for children and adults, and there is a water park nearby.

Restaurants, bars, cafes and nightclubs are always open in the village; there is a rope park for children. From here you can go on excursions in the same way as from all other cities of Crimea.

Housing prices are low:

  • a room for two in a cottage will cost 2,600 rubles, and in a private hotel – 1,500;
  • room in a guest house – from 300 rubles. per person, the private sector costs even lower - from 250 rubles.

  1. Olenevka village. If you are an extreme sports enthusiast and are looking for a cheap holiday in Crimea in 2019, this is the place for you. This is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts, although ordinary tourists will also find a lot of interesting things here. Firstly, it has an amazing coastline with coves, cliffs and sandy beaches. All this is ideal for sea sports, from diving to surfing. Secondly, nearby is Cape Tarkhankut, the most beautiful place in Crimea. Housing prices here are:
  • a private hotel with breakfast will cost from 1200 rubles;
  • a room in a private boarding house - from 300 rubles, guest houses and private housing rent rooms from 200 rubles. per day.

Where in Crimea to relax cheaply and well on the east coast

Prices in Feodosia, Koktebel, Sudak and the New World are higher, because these places are widely known as excellent resorts. Local holidays in Crimea, where accommodation is cheaper, can be found at the following resorts:

  • Kerch. This is a good resort, although compared to other cities it is less popular. Prices here are much lower, but the infrastructure, entertainment and attractions are excellent.
  • Shchelkino. A village on the Sea of ​​Azov, which has recently become increasingly popular among tourists. The sea here is warm, the beaches are sandy, and prices are affordable.
  • Marine, Resort, Ordzhonikidze. Not bad options for budget tourists, especially since they are located close to major resorts.

The cheapest housing here is private (from 300 rubles), the recreation center will have to pay 500 rubles, while a hotel room will cost from 800 rubles.

The cheapest resorts of the South Coast

If you are looking for a cheaper place to relax in Crimea in 2019, but definitely want to live on the South Coast, we can recommend the following options:

  • Small Mayak village, located between Yalta and Alushta, compared to other cities it has affordable prices. The cleanest air and sea, excellent mild climate make it invaluable for children's holidays. Accommodation in a comfortable hotel, of course, will cost more, but for a double room in a wooden eco-cottage you can pay only 600 rubles, housing in the private sector is even cheaper - from 200 rubles. per day.
  • Solnechnogorskoe village, near Alushta. Cheap summer holidays in Crimea are quite possible here. This is not the most popular place, which does not affect the infrastructure in any way: the beaches here are wonderful and the nature is very picturesque. Private housing can be rented for only 200 rubles. per day.
  • Malorechenskoye village is also located near Alushta. Vacationers note the unusually beautiful nature and good free beaches. Private housing and a room in a mini-hotel can be rented from 200 rubles.
  • Village Rybachye in the Alushta region is famous for its beautiful nature, luxurious bays and a large beach. The sea here is shallow and the bottom is flat, which is very convenient for families with children. There are campsites and recreation centers here, so to stay at the very edge of the sea, you just need to drive off the road and pitch a tent on the shore.

For those who are not used to living in spartan conditions, they offer a choice of rooms in mini-hotels by the sea from 1,300 rubles. per person or private housing from 200 rub. per person. Shops, markets and cafes on the embankment will provide food, and for entertainment, you can very quickly get to Alushta, Yalta or Alupka.