Poisoned wound. What is a wound and how to help with this damage

Injuries may be caused great harm to the human body, even if seemingly harmless. In the field of medicine, there is a classification of them, which helps to provide adequate care to victims. This article is devoted to such a problem as types of wounds and first aid for various types damage.

What is a wound: definition

Everyone has probably encountered various injuries and knows what they look like. Let's first figure out what wounds are from a medical point of view. We will look at types of wounds a little later. First of all, this concept implies mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes and adjacent soft tissues, nerves, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, ligaments, and bones.

The main sign of injury is the presence of separation of the edges of the skin and muscles, that is, gaping, bleeding and pain. Multiple or single injuries can cause state of shock due to blood loss and severe pain, and also cause infection with a variety of microbes that can harm the entire body.

What are wounds: types of wounds

In the classification of wounds and wounds, there are several characteristics that unite different signs: depth of penetration into soft fabrics and organs, the number of wounds, the nature of the wound channel, its location, the presence or absence of pathogenic microflora in the wound cavity and much more. So, let’s figure out what types of wounds exist today.

Firstly, all wounds without exception are initially divided into accidental and gunshot wounds. Accidental wounds include lacerations, bruises, crushes, scalping, stabs and chopped wounds. Firearms include those that are usually called bullet and fragmentation. Secondly, depending on what shape of the wound channel is typical for a particular case, they are divided into tangential, through and blind. This classification of wounds applies to all, both accidental and gunshot wounds.

The third characteristic that makes it possible to organize adequate care for injuries is localization relative to internal organs person. If there is damage, we are talking about a penetrating wound. In the opposite case - about non-penetrating. Such a characteristic as their number on the body also plays an important role. Based on this indicator, they can be single or multiple.

In addition, types of wounds are divided according to such criteria as the presence or absence of infection in their cavity. Thus, there are wounds that are bacterially contaminated and aseptic (sterile), infected and purulent. Aseptic ones are formed only under the conditions of their application in the operating room. In other cases, depending on the type of microbes that have entered the wound cavity, we are talking about infected wounds. Let's look at the main types of wounds that are most common in medical practice.

Lacerations, crushed wounds and bruises: characteristics

This group of wounds most often occurs as a result of transport, industrial and domestic injuries. Characteristic features for them there is a significant area of ​​tissue damage, especially the skin. Crushed and lacerated wounds heal very poorly and very often become the cause of shock due to large blood loss and general intoxication of the body. As a rule, experts call their distinctive feature a high degree of infection, which may require increased measures taken by doctors. Bruised wounds carry the risk of injury to internal organs and broken bones. Wounds from this group look very impressive, since the gaping appears over a large surface, and the damage to soft tissue is extensive.

Stab wounds

Puncture wounds are inflicted using sharp long objects: needles, knives, bayonets and others. The shape of the wound channel is narrow and deep. Often with this type of injury, not only the skin and muscles are affected, but also nerve fibers, blood vessels, internal organs. Bleeding with this type of wound is usually scant, as a result of which puncture wounds are susceptible to suppuration and infection with tetanus.

Chopped and cut wounds

Injuries caused by sharp, long, pointed objects are classified as cut or chopped. They differ from others in the presence of profuse venous or arterial bleeding, but at the same time they heal quite quickly and easily. This group is also distinguished by the fact that the edges of the damaged tissues are smooth. The main difference between a chopped wound and a cut one is the depth and force of impact of a sharp object on the tissue. Thus, cut wounds are usually shallow, that is, superficial. Others are characterized by deep damage to muscles and even bones. Chopped wounds They take a little longer to treat than cut ones due to the fact that, in addition to soft tissues, it is necessary to restore the skeletal bones.

Bites and poisonous wounds

Experts call large-scale and deep tissue damage the main feature of bites. They are also distinguished by a high degree of contamination of the wound surface with biological products unusual for humans: saliva or poisons. As a result, they are very often complicated by putrefactive processes and acute infection of adjacent tissues or the entire body. Poisoned wounds caused by reptiles, arthropods and many insects are often accompanied by the following symptoms: intense and prolonged pain, swelling and discoloration skin, the appearance of blistering formations on the skin at the site of the bite, as well as deterioration general condition the victim.

Gunshot wounds

Gunshot wounds combine under one concept all injuries received through the penetration of bullets, grenade fragments, mines, capsules or other damaging particles into the body. This group of injuries is divided, in turn, into penetrating and non-penetrating, through, blind and tangential. Depending on how far deep into the body a bullet or shrapnel has penetrated, there is a possibility of broken bones, rupture of blood vessels and muscle ligaments. The entrance hole of a gunshot wound is always much smaller in size than the exit hole. Around it there is always a trace of gunpowder or other explosives in the form of a small halo.

Why are wounds and wounds dangerous?

Almost all types of wounds are dangerous to human life and health. First of all, this is due to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into their cavity. Even with a low level of infection in the wound, microorganisms can multiply, since it contains a nutrient medium - completely or partially dead tissue. It is the development of infection in the wound cavity that poses the main threat to human health.

Cut, chopped and puncture wounds are at the lowest risk of developing a secondary infection, since destruction and necrosis of tissue in them occurs in areas with which the object that caused the injury was in direct contact. In addition, with these types of injuries, blood flows freely from the wound cavity, which contributes to its spontaneous cleansing. Puncture wounds become infected less frequently for other reasons: as a rule, their edges are closed quite tightly, which means that the wound does not gape and infection cannot freely penetrate into its cavity from the outside.

The greatest danger regarding the development of infection is posed by lacerations, crushed wounds, gunshot wounds and bite wounds. Due to the large area of ​​damage characteristic of them, as well as the fact that the tissues in their cavity are practically non-viable, the risk of developing anaerobic and other infections is very high. Numerous blind pockets filled with fragments of muscle tissue and blood clots can become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that have entered them. This can cause suppuration to form even outside the wound and lead to sepsis. Lacerated wounds accompanied by tearing off a flap of skin (so-called scalped wounds) are considered one of the longest to heal, however, due to the shallow depth of the lesion, the risk of developing infection in them is somewhat reduced.

General rules for providing first aid for injuries

How correct the actions will be when any type and nature of a wound appears on the body depends further treatment and restoration of the patient's health. There are a number general rules on providing first aid for such injuries. First of all, it is worth understanding that immediate treatment with antiseptics is a guarantee that there will be fewer microorganisms in the wound. A completely different question is how to do it correctly. So, let's look at the basics of first aid:

  1. As a means to clean the wound surface, it is best to use hydrogen peroxide or other aseptic liquid that does not contain alcohol, since its penetration into the tissue can cause burns and irritation.
  2. Tincture of iodine, brilliant green and other alcohol-based products can only be used to treat the skin surrounding the wound.
  3. If there is bleeding from a wound, it is important to stop it by applying a tourniquet or tight bandage and only then treat the wound with antiseptics.
  4. Cotton wool cannot be used as an insulating material for application directly to the wound, as its fibers can cause additional infection. It is best to use a bandage or pieces of fabric for this.
  5. ARGOSULFAN ® cream promotes the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component silver sulfathiazole and silver ions helps provide a broad spectrum antibacterial action cream. The drug can be applied not only to wounds located on open areas body, but also under bandages. The product has not only a wound-healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, promotes wound healing without a rough scar. There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.
  6. Even a small animal bite without obvious damage to the skin requires treating the skin with an antiseptic and promptly contacting a specialist, as there is a risk of contracting rabies.
  7. If there are fragments of soil or other foreign bodies do not try to remove them yourself; in this case, it is better to take the victim to the nearest hospital.
  8. Moving victims with wounds in the abdomen and chest must be very careful; it is best to do this with the help of a stretcher.

Otherwise, when providing first aid, it is necessary to rely on the type of injury.

First aid for wounds caused by cuts, punctures and bruises

It is important to first isolate bruised, chopped and cut wounds and stop the bleeding, for which a tourniquet or tight bandage is applied just above the location of the wound. An important point In this process, the duration of tissue compression is a maximum of 20 minutes. Too much exposure of this kind can lead to necrosis of a body part. After applying a tourniquet and stopping the bleeding, you can clean the wound of visible contamination using aseptic technique and apply a bandage.

First aid for gunshot wounds

A gunshot wound in itself is very dangerous, as it often leads to large-scale destruction of tissue inside the body. When limbs are injured, it is important to immobilize them as much as possible by applying a splint, as there is a risk of bone fracture. If you are wounded in the stomach or chest, the victim also needs to be kept at rest. Gunshot wounds should not be attempted to be freed from ammunition fragments; it is enough to cover them with a clean cloth and, if there is bleeding, apply a tourniquet or tight bandage.

First aid for poisoned wounds

Injuries caused by poisonous reptiles and insects are dangerous both in themselves and in relation to the condition of the body as a whole. First aid for this type of wound should be provided as quickly as possible. If there is a sting in the wound (from a bee, for example), it is important to carefully remove it, while being careful not to squeeze the bag of poison. After this, you can treat the wound with alcohol-containing antiseptics. If large swelling occurs, strong burning sensation or pain, rash at the site of the bite, you should consult a doctor.

Snake bites are treated with antiseptics and covered with a clean bandage. Some experts recommend applying cold to such wounds and using a tourniquet to avoid the rapid spread of poison through the bloodstream.

Any type of injury requires contacting a clinic, even after providing first aid to the victim, as this will help avoid various risks, as well as speed up a full recovery.

A frequent type of injury is a wound - this is damage directly to the skin and mucous membranes with a violation of their anatomical integrity due to mechanical action.

The wounds are different circumstances occurrence: they can be inflicted accidentally, received in combat, or arise as a result of surgery. So, let's take a closer look at what types of wounds there are and what first aid needs to be provided.

Classification of wounds and their characteristics

Each injury has its own characteristics, but there are also common signs: internal and/or external, physical pain, gaping, that is, separation of the edges of the wound surface.

Depending on how the injury occurred and what object it was inflicted with, the injury can be: stab, cut, chopped, torn. There are also bruised, bitten, scalped or gunshot wounds.

A scratch, ulcer, erosion, rupture of organs without violating the integrity of the outer covering of the skin is not considered a wound.

First aid depends on the type of wound. Next, you will be presented with the types of wounds and their characteristics, methods of treating them, and what first aid should be provided depending on the type of damage.

- this type of injury has small size puncture, the skin damage is insignificant, but the traumatic object very often touches the internal organs, since the depth of the wound is most often greater than its diameter.

Distinctive signs of puncture injuries:

  • Smooth edges of the entrance puncture;
  • Slight redness around;
  • The bleeding is not severe;
  • When the striking object remains in the wound, its edges are turned inward.

Puncture wounds are most often caused by an awl, nail, sharpening, pin, awl. The longer the tool, the further it penetrates directly into the tissue, the greater the risk of injury. These types of injuries occur in a criminal environment, in domestic conflicts, as well as in careless handling of sharp objects at work or at home.

– this type of injury occurs due to the action of a sharp flat object. Clear edges can be easily matched, so the wound heals faster.

The severity of the injury will depend on the force of the impact and the size of the striking object. The clinic can be different if the object touches the neurovascular bundle, large vessels and nerve fibers are damaged.

Signs cut wounds:

  • Wide clearance with different depths;
  • Deep soft tissue defect;
  • Heavy bleeding;
  • Gaping surface;
  • Unbearable pain.

The victim experiences shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, and possible loss of consciousness. When pathological microorganisms penetrate the wound, symptoms of intoxication occur: chills, headache, nausea, fever.

– can be inflicted by a heavy object with sharp edges: an ax, a shovel, a saber, as well as machine parts in production. They are rare, but severe damage often leads to disability in patients.

Features of chopped wounds:

  • Large depth and area of ​​damage;
  • A massive object causes bruising and proliferation of adjacent tissues;
  • Moderate wound gaping;
  • Internal organs are often damaged, and physiological amputation is possible.

The chopped type of injury has high risk infection and purulent complications. causes noticeable cosmetic defect, normal tissues are replaced by connective ones.

Irreversible contractures develop in the limbs, in which it is impossible to bend and straighten in one or more joints. The functioning of internal organs is impaired.

– appear as a result of application with a blunt object: a stone, a brick, a stick, a bottle. The wound is often shallow, but high energy damage often damages internal organs. Head injuries cause brain damage, chest injuries damage the lungs and heart.

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Appearance of a bruised wound:

  • Edges and fabrics are wrinkled;
  • The injury follows the contours of the inflicting object;
  • The wound surface is saturated with blood;
  • Does not bleed or does not bleed much;
  • Vessels in open areas are thrombosed.

If the blow is struck at an angle, the tissue bursts under its force, the base has a triangular shape. When the angle of application is greater than 30°, reproduction occurs evenly throughout the entire depth.

A bruised wound can be caused by a fall on a hard surface, by severe compression and stretching of tissues, or by road accidents. The bruised wound surface does not heal well, leaving a rough scar in its place.

– occur when the skin or mucous membranes are damaged by a hard, blunt object, accompanied by damage to muscles, blood vessels, and nerve fibers. The causes of injury are car accidents, accidents at home, at work, hunting or fishing.

Features of the lacerated wound surface:

  • The edges are uneven with an irregular shape, crushed;
  • Intense bleeding, hematomas;
  • Sensory impairment;
  • The painful syndrome is clearly expressed.

Small areas of skin may peel off; the damaged area is often contaminated with sand, glass fragments, and pieces of clothing. These injuries are often combined with limb fractures, chest, spinal column, pelvic bones, skull.

When wounded in the stomach, it often ruptures bladder, spleen, liver.

– applied by animals or humans, their appearance resembles torn surface, but the difference is the presence of jaw prints. They are always accompanied by an abundant colonization of microbes from the oral cavity, often causing tetanus or rabies; their prevention is mandatory in emergency rooms.

Small bites affect only the subcutaneous layer; deep lesions damage fascia, muscles, large vessels, ligaments, and bones. Sometimes severe defects and amputations occur: fingers, hands, etc.

Treatment should be aimed directly at combating wound infection. Deep injuries are treated under local anesthesia, sometimes under general anesthesia. Blood clots are removed from the wound, the edges of the injury and necrotic tissue are excised. At great risk In case of suppuration, sutures are not recommended; in some cases, drainage is installed.

– occur when safety precautions are violated as a result of a limb or hair getting into the moving blades of mechanisms, as well as during transport accidents, in everyday life due to improper or inept use of household appliances.

Scalping is characterized by extensive detachment of the skin, deeper layers and internal organs are not directly affected. This lesion is accompanied by heavy bleeding, unbearable pain, and possible pain shock. There is a high probability of developing purulent-septic consequences and pronounced cosmetic defects.

– arise as a result of firing a weapon during combat operations. The wound has big size damaged tissues, severe general reaction, prolonged healing, severe complications.

Features of gunshot wounds:

  • The integrity of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels is damaged;
  • There are fractures of the bones of the limbs, torso, and head;
  • Hollow and parenchymal organs (lungs, liver, spleen) are damaged;
  • Often end in death.

A gunshot wound can be shrapnel or bullet, depending on the nature of penetration - blind, through or tangential. A necrotic zone of dead tissue forms around the wound.

Types of wounds according to the presence and severity of the infectious process

With any injury, various pathological microorganisms enter the affected area; it is believed that all accidental injuries are infected.

According to the severity of infection, wounds are:

Other injury classifications

According to the number of injuries, wounds are: single, multiple - a wound is caused by one object several times, combined - with simultaneous injury to several anatomical areas.

Injuries of the head, neck, torso and extremities vary by location.

By type of complication: complicated and uncomplicated.

Types of wounds depending on the type of healing:

  • Healing with primary intention without inflammation;
  • Healing secondary intention with suppuration and granulation;
  • Healing under the scab.

Classification of wounds according to the nature of tissue damage:

  • With damage to soft tissues;
  • With damage to nerve fibers;
  • With damage to arteries and large veins;
  • With damage to bone and joint structures;
  • With damage to internal organs.

According to the amount of damage, injuries are divided into:

  • With a small area of ​​skin damage– the edges are barely noticeable, the area of ​​necrosis is minimal. Such wounds include stab, cut, and surgical wounds;
  • With a large area of ​​damage– there is a lot of non-viable tissue, extensive hemorrhages, for example, with bruises, lacerations, gunshot injuries.

General first aid for wounds

First aid depends on the type of wound. For any type of injury great importance It has . First of all, it is necessary to determine its type. and the bleeding is stopped by applying a tight pressure bandage - using. Be sure to call ambulance.

When treating a wound, the following manipulations are prohibited::

It is necessary to take anti-shock measures: apply cold to the wounded area, immobilize, and place the victim in a comfortable position for transportation.

During rendering first aid you need to constantly talk to the victim, maintain verbal contact with him. When is arrival medical personnel is not expected soon, try to deliver the victim to medical institution on one's own.

Now you know, in order to provide first aid correctly and in a timely manner, you need to know the types of wounds and their signs.

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, both outside and inside the body. The characteristics of wounds can be completely different, but they are always accompanied by painful sensations and bleeding. All injuries have their own classification, which depends on how the injury was received. By the way, this point is also important when providing first aid, since, for example, superficial injuries do not require treatment as quickly as crushed wounds.

Main types of wounds

The first sign by which damage is distinguished is how deeply the components of the body are affected. If rupture and damage occur to the skin or mucous membrane, then such injuries are called superficial, and if the spread of the wound has reached nearby soft tissues, then these are deep injuries. Wounds can also be penetrating, when the channel goes into the body, for example, into the chest, joint, head, etc.

The types of wounds are as follows:

  1. Incised wound. Such damage can be caused by trauma sharp object, for example, with a knife, razor, scalpel, piece of glass, etc. The appearance of such damage will be smooth, that is, the edges of the skin along the cut will be even. This category has additional divisions depending on appearance. The wound may have a gap, patchy surface, or skin defects. Such injuries always bleed due to the fact that blood vessels are affected. But at the same time, if qualified assistance was provided and the cut was carefully stitched, the scar on the body will remain invisible.
  2. . This type appears as a result of unwanted exposure to an ax, saber or other similar bladed weapon. Such a wound has uneven edges and is accompanied by bruising of nearby tissues. Often the damage is so deep that the bone is also affected. Despite heavy bleeding, it quickly stops, as blood clots are actively forming in damaged vessels due to crushed tissue. If the wound has an arcuate shape, then you can observe how one part of the skin moves away from the body and becomes a flap.
  3. . As the name implies, in order to get such a wound, it is necessary to injure yourself with a piercing object - an awl, a nail, etc. Externally, this type of wound is small in size, but the degree of damage in this case is assessed not by its width, but by its depth. With a puncture wound, there will be no external bleeding as such, since all the blood remains in the resulting passage. Such penetrating wounds are dangerous because they are the ones that most often fester, which is why it is so important to take first aid measures in a timely manner.
  4. Bruised wounds. This form occurs due to the impact of a blunt object or a fall. A crush wound also falls into this category. This form is observed in people who have survived a traffic accident. In this case, the injury will have uneven (crushed) edges, which quickly turn gray or blue. With bruised injuries, the nerve fibers are severely damaged, so the victim may not feel much pain. As in the previous version, a large number of clots clog damaged vessels, which is why there is not so much blood. Such injuries tend to take a long time to heal, and they often begin to fester due to blood stagnation.
  5. Lacerations. This form of injury occurs when a person is caught in a machine, such as a hand being pulled into a manufacturing machine. These wounds are also called scalped, since in most cases big picture shows the separation of some areas of skin from the body. When providing assistance in medical institution Not only the patient is delivered, but also all artificially rejected organs and particles, including skin. There, the victim will undergo engraftment and plastic surgery.

Other types of wound

How dangerous are injuries?

As a result of negligent treatment of even the most minor wound, a number of undesirable consequences can arise:

  • suppuration will occur, due to which everything nearby tissues, even if they were not initially affected, they will begin to become inflamed;
  • the course of the wound may tend to penetrate deep into the body, for example, an umbilical wound may expand into the abdominal cavity;
  • if bleeding is observed, whether arterial or venous, it can even lead to death, especially in the first option.

If there are no first aid skills, then it is better to call specialists so as not to aggravate the victim’s condition. After all, if a cut can be bandaged after pre-treatment, then wounds inflicted by stabbing objects require a special approach, especially if the object remains in the body. The same knife, for example, serves as a blockage to the wound, which means that as soon as it is removed, severe bleeding will begin.

Injuries that do not heal or cause discomfort require special attention. Therefore, if the wound itches or becomes inflamed, you need to consult a specialist to avoid unwanted consequences.

Clinical signs of wounds

Common signs of wounds are:

With each injury, the severity of any given symptom may vary. Here, a big role is played by how deeply the tissues are affected, whether the nerve endings and what caused the injury. Attention is also paid to which part of the body was injured and how much internal organs were affected. For example, if you break an eyebrow, there will be a lot of blood, since there are a large number of blood vessels located here. But if the abdominal cavity is damaged, then there will be a completely different picture.

Additional concepts about wounds

In medicine, the essential components of any wound are noted: the wound cavity, walls and bottom. The definition of “wound channel” is used if the ratio of the depth of the cavity exceeds its width, for example, in case of injury from a nail.

The injury may be intentional or accidental. According to this, another classification of injury can be distinguished:

  1. Surgical incisions are considered intentional ones. They are made for a good purpose. Since special instruments are used, the edges of such a wound will not only be smooth, but also disinfected. Such wounds are also called aseptic. A deliberate wound is almost always gaping.
  2. If the wound arose as a result of injury, then this will be a random category. The category of accidental includes just cut, chopped, stab, bruised, lacerated and other wounds. In this case, infection is difficult to avoid.

The wound can also be through (there is an entrance and exit), blind (there is only an entrance), tangential (only the top fabrics). The number of damages can be either single or multiple.

First aid for injuries

Regardless of what kind of wound was received or from what, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed. It is quite possible that this will help save a person’s life. So:

  1. A sterile bandage is applied to the damaged area. At the same time, it is important to take measures to cleanse the nearby skin of contaminants in order to minimize the risk of infection. It is usually recommended to use a weak soap solution. The direction of movement when cleaning should be from the wound to the edges.
  2. In case of bleeding, the bleeding must be stopped. To do this, apply a pressure bandage made of cotton wool and gauze. The injured limb (or the entire body) is given exalted position. For arterial bleeding (the blood is bright in color and pulsates), the bandage is applied above the wound site, for venous bleeding (venous blood is dark and flows slowly) - below.

If a tourniquet is applied, a piece of fabric is placed between the skin and the bandage so as not to injure the skin. If living tissue is crushed, it can cause additional swelling.

You should definitely attach a note with the time of application of the tourniquet, since such a bandage cannot be kept for more than two hours.

If the damage has a large area (even if it is superficial wounds), then it is important that the person remains motionless. At the same time, if he is tormented by chills, the victim should be covered with a blanket, and if it is hot, undress as much as possible.

If the victim is tormented severe pain, then it is permissible to give him analgin, pentalgin, Nise or another painkiller.

If the wound does not have gaping edges, then it is quite possible to help yourself: disinfect the wound, apply a bandage and take a painkiller tablet.

You need to know all these small recommendations, because it is quite possible that such measures will help save the life of the victim. But you should always call an ambulance first, and then engage in resuscitation measures.

Wounds are the most common type mechanical damage. This problem relevant for all people, regardless of gender and age. Wounds may be minor or, on the contrary, extensive, but they are all equally dangerous, since even a small wound can cause infection. Small cuts can be easily dealt with at home, but extensive damage is difficult to localize with improvised means, so they are one of the most common reasons why people go to emergency rooms. Whatever the wound, measures to treat it should be taken immediately after discovery. Delay in taking action can lead to serious complications.

A wound is a soft tissue injury that occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. Wounds are classified according to a number of parameters. Such as the cause of occurrence, depth, localization and so on.

There are many types of soft tissue injuries. Types of wounds are distinguished by the size of the damaged area. The most common types of wounds: punctures, cuts, lacerations, as well as wounds with damage to blood vessels.

Puncture wounds have smooth edges, but the depth of the damage exceeds its length. Such wounds are dangerous because they exclude the possibility surgical intervention, and are also most susceptible to infectious complications.

With cut wounds that have a shallow depth, smaller in size, and smooth edges, the damage has a small area. Such wounds heal easily and are less prone to suppuration.

Lacerations are characterized by large areas of soft tissue damage, contamination, and necrosis. Such wounds include scalped, bruised and crushed wounds.

Of particular danger are wounds with damage to blood vessels, which are characterized by large blood loss and increased vulnerability to various kinds infections; in addition, such wounds are less likely to self-epithelialize and require additional measures.

To solve this problem, wound dressings have become increasingly used. One of essential functions Such a coating is to protect the damaged area from environmental pathogens, as well as provide mechanical protection. However, now the functionality of dressings is not limited to protecting the damaged area from infection; modern dressings promote rapid healing of damaged tissue. To make dressings, many manufacturers use various ointments, as well as cluster.

The type of dressing used is determined mainly by the nature of the injury.

For the treatment of puncture or incised wounds, dressings containing special ointments, antiseptics or silver. This coating absorbs blood and other secretions, tightens the edges of the wound and promotes its speedy healing. This whole process lasts about 5-7 days. During this time, daily dressing changes are necessary.

When lacerations, most effective means are tamponable dressings with an absorbent effect or consisting of fibers. They are installed directly inside the wound. The absorbent pad absorbs exudate and the contents contained therein medicinal substances, quickly restore damaged soft tissues. While the alginate dressing, due to secretions, turns into a gel that fills the wound throughout its entire depth. In addition, in both cases the moist environment necessary for healing is maintained.

For purulent wounds, and those in which the formation of necrotic tissue occurs, dressings that can dissolve purulent discharge and dead tissue.

For infected wounds, sterile ointment dressings containing silver ions and antiseptics are best.

In addition to the above types, there are also a number of other dressings designed to speed up the healing process not only of one type of wound, but also universal ones that promote epithelization of the damaged area of ​​the skin, regardless of the nature of the damage.

There are also those that are suitable for the treatment of trophic ulcers and bedsores different degrees. These dressings help quickly dissolve necrotic tissue, relieve inflammation and restore the skin.

The method of applying each type of bandage is only partially individual. However, do not neglect reading the instructions.

For most wound healing coatings, the following application method is applicable:

Remove the bandage from the packaging

Remove the protective layer from the surface adjacent to the skin

Apply a bandage so that its edges protrude 2–3 cm beyond the wound

In the case of ointment and non-adhesive dressings, the product should be secured with a secondary dressing

Wound dressings, as a rule, do not have any special contraindications; the only limitation in use may be special sensitivity to certain substances included in the product. Before using bandages, you should consult a specialist.

Summing up, it is worth saying that with all the variety of existing dressings, it is important to find the one that suits you. For various injuries, both serious and minor, it is worth understanding that the bandage is only part complex treatment which the doctor will prescribe. It's no secret that we live in an unsafe world, and wounds are one of the most common and potentially dangerous problems. Many, as a rule, do not pay due attention to this seemingly insignificant problem. However, it is worth remembering the importance of your own health and the health of your loved ones.