Uncrushed oatmeal (oats, food grains). Whole grain oat porridge with water

Porridge can be made from oatmeal or cereal. Before cooking, the cereal is soaked for several hours and cooked for quite a long time: about 30–40 minutes. But it is also the most healthy and delicious.


There are different types of flakes:

  • Extra No. 1 - thin, large and the healthiest of oat flakes. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • Extra No. 2 - thin flakes of a smaller size, cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extra No. 3 - thin and smallest, suitable for baby food. Cook quickly: 2–5 minutes.
  • Hercules - thick large flakes, steamed and therefore less healthy. Cook for about 20 minutes.
  • Petal flakes are thick flakes, but more tender than rolled oats and cook faster: about 10 minutes.

Always read the instructions on the package: they indicate the exact cooking time for a particular type of cereal.

In what proportions should I cook oatmeal?

Porridge can be cooked with milk or water. The volume of liquid depends on what consistency you want:

  • for liquid oatmeal, take 3–3.5 parts of liquid for 1 part of cereal or flakes;
  • for semi-viscous - proportion 1: 2.5;
  • for viscous - 1:2.

For one serving, half a glass of oatmeal or cereal is enough.

What can you add to oatmeal?

Usually porridge is cooked with sugar or honey: for one serving - about one tablespoon of sweetener. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small pinch of salt and a piece of butter.

Additional Ingredients:

  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or cocoa;
  • vegetables: carrots or pumpkin;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves or others (to taste).


Heat water or milk. When the liquid begins to boil, add cereal or cereal, sweetener and a pinch of salt. Stirring, bring the porridge to a boil and reduce heat.

Cook the porridge until cooked, remembering to stir. Then remove from heat, cover and let stand for a couple of minutes. At the end, add toppings, a knob of butter and serve.


Combine oatmeal, water, sugar and salt in a bowl. Place in and cook on maximum power for 1.5 minutes. Then stir the porridge and turn on the oven for another 20-40 seconds.

Make sure that the oatmeal does not escape: if it boils, it means it is almost ready. Remove the porridge and let stand covered for a few minutes.

It is better not to use milk for cooking in the microwave: it runs away very quickly. It is also better to take instant cereals.


If cooking oatmeal in the morning is a feat for you, do it in the evening. Simply pour hot milk or water over instant cereal (Extra No. 2 or 3), add the remaining ingredients, cool to room temperature, cover and put in the refrigerator. Overnight, the oatmeal will absorb all the liquid and the porridge will be ready. In the morning, all you have to do is heat it in the microwave.

Porridge, or oatmeal, is called the dish of the English lords, and even on the table of the royal family it is a mandatory attribute of breakfast. Following the British, the whole world became addicted to this simple dish. Possessing very modest taste properties, oatmeal is recognized as one of the healthiest foods.

Recipes for oatmeal with milk

Whole oat porridge

The healthiest morning meal is best made from whole oatmeal. It consists of steamed oat grains, freed from the shell.

It takes a long time to cook such porridge, so we soak the oatmeal for at least 5 hours, it is better to do it overnight.


  • Whole oat grains - 1 cup (250 grams)
  • Milk - 2 cups (0.5 ml)
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Butter - to taste


  1. Wash the pre-soaked oatmeal well.
  2. Pour the milk into the pan, place it on the burner and wait until it boils.
  3. Pour oatmeal into boiling milk, stirring continuously. When the contents begin to boil, reduce the flame to a minimum.
  4. Cover the vessel with a lid, leave on low heat and after about 40 minutes remove from the stove.
  5. We wait 5 minutes until the porridge is infused and the grains increase in size. Add butter, a little milk, mix, cover again and put in the oven for another half an hour.

The porridge with milk is ready, we invite the family to the table!

If milk has too high a fat content, it is better to dilute it with water.

Classic English recipe

The British prepare oatmeal with milk, after boiling the oatmeal in water.


  • Whole grain oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Salt - to taste
  • Milk

We wash the cereal well, pour it into boiling water, add salt, mix thoroughly and cook over low heat. After 40 - 45 minutes, remove from the stove and let the porridge brew for 5 minutes. After this, add hot milk (cold milk is possible) and mix again. In this form, serve the dish on the table in deep plates.

If you want to have breakfast like English aristocrats, then you should know that real poridge is prepared without sugar or any other additives.

Recipes for milk porridge with oatmeal

In modern cooking, “rolled” cereals, or oatmeal, are more popular. They cook faster, so less time and effort is spent on preparing breakfast.

There are several types of oatmeal:

  • Hercules
  • Petal oat flakes
  • Extra

“Hercules” is the most famous Russian brand, which gained widespread popularity among consumers back in Soviet times. The very name of this product evokes quite justified associations with strength and health.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge


  • Oatmeal "Hercules" - 1 cup
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Salt and sugar - to taste
  • Butter - to taste


Place the cereal in a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Boil the milk in a separate bowl. After boiling, pour it into a bowl with the flakes, mix and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add butter, cover the pan with a thick kitchen towel and let the porridge brew. After 5 - 7 minutes we serve breakfast.

Porridge recipe without cooking

To save yourself from standing at the stove and save precious morning time, you can prepare an original breakfast with milk in the evening. “Extra” oat flakes are very suitable for it. Preparing the dish will only take 5 - 10 minutes, but the porridge will turn out extremely tasty and healthy.


  • Oat flakes “Extra” – 100 grams
  • Currant berries - 100 grams
  • Liquid honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 0.5 liters

We put all the components of our future breakfast in a glass or plastic jar, fill it with milk, mix and close the lid. We put the jar in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning we heat up our finished dish in the microwave. With a minimum of time and products, we get the most delicate delicacy with a unique taste and a full bouquet of vitamins and minerals.

Instead of "Extra" you can use other flakes. The recipe can be varied by changing some ingredients each time.

What foods does oatmeal go with?

It is good to diversify the dish with various additives: sugar, honey, steamed raisins and other dried fruits, jam, cream, nuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, candied fruits, cinnamon.

You can cook oatmeal in milk with fresh berries, slices of apples, pears, oranges and other citrus fruits, bananas, and kiwis. Everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences.

Low calorie content coupled with high nutritional value makes oatmeal an indispensable source of energy.

The main result of regular consumption of oatmeal with milk will be your health and beauty. You just need to remember that even such a healthy dish cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Step-by-step recipes for various whole grain oatmeal: classic, quick, with vegetables, mushrooms, meat

2017-11-07 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

4 gr.


10 gr.

92 kcal.

Option 1: Classic whole grain oatmeal with butter

A variation of simple oatmeal porridge. There is no need to pre-soak it. Dish on water with butter. If desired, you can make a sweet version, the amount of liquid will not change, you just have to add sugar. Cooking takes a lot of time, it is advisable to take a good pan with a thick bottom.


  • 100 g whole oatmeal;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 0.3 tsp. salt.

Step-by-step recipe for classic whole grain oatmeal

Sort the grain, rinse it, put it in a pan for cooking porridge. Add water and heat on the stove.

When boiling, foam will appear on the surface, and small specks may float to the surface. Remove with a spoon. After this, reduce the heat and cover the pan. Cook the oatmeal for about 50 minutes. Periodically you need to lift the lid and remove the jelly foam that will float up. It is viscous and can ruin the finished dish.

About ten minutes before the end of cooking the oatmeal, you need to add salt. For the sweet version, sprinkle granulated sugar. By this time, the water should be almost completely absorbed into the grain, the mass will increase approximately three times.

Add oil to the prepared porridge, stir quickly, cover, and let the oatmeal brew for a little while. If desired, add pepper, herbs, and any spices. For a sweet option, granulated sugar is enough.

This dish can be seasoned with honey, added nuts and dried fruits, and a little condensed milk or jam. Whole oatmeal porridge can be used in dietary nutrition, as it contains a large amount of dietary fiber. If necessary, you can replace butter with vegetable oil or completely eliminate fats.

Option 2: Quick Whole Grain Oatmeal Recipe

To cook whole oats quickly, the grain must be pre-soaked. It is best to leave it in cool water overnight. It is not advisable to use warm or hot liquid. Also, you should not add a lot of water, as valuable substances will leak into it.


  • a glass of whole oatmeal;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil.

How to quickly cook oatmeal from whole grains

Wash the oat grains, cover with cold water and leave for at least two hours. If you do this overnight, you can put it in the refrigerator.

Rinse the swollen grain, place it in a saucepan, add a little salt and water. Since the oatmeal has already plumped up well, the liquid should only cover it a few millimeters. If you want a sticky dish, add more water. Place on the stove. Turn on the highest heat.

When boiling, skim off the gray foam with a spoon. Cover the pan. Turn off the heat and cook the porridge until the grains are completely soft. The exact time will depend on how swollen it is.

At the end, add butter or vegetable oil to the cooked porridge and stir.

This whole oatmeal dish can also be cooked in a slow cooker. The cereal is prepared in the same way, laid, and water is immediately added to lightly cover it. You can use the pilaf, buckwheat or just cereal program, it all depends on the multicooker model used.

Option 3: Whole grain oatmeal with vegetables

A savory version of whole grain oatmeal that makes a great dinner or lunch. This dish is similar to vegetable pilaf, but much healthier than the white rice option. You can add any seasonings, including spices for regular pilaf.


  • 2 onions;
  • a glass of grain;
  • carrot;
  • 40 ml oil;
  • 1 pepper;
  • spices;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

How to cook

Soak the grain for several hours so that it swells a little. Then rinse, place in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender, but do not overcook. Drain off excess liquid. Leave the porridge covered.

Chop the onion and place in hot oil. After a minute, add the grated carrots, hold for a little longer, and add the diced bell pepper. Cook the vegetables for a few minutes until golden brown.

Add cooked porridge to the vegetables, add chopped garlic, salt, pepper or other spices. Stir everything thoroughly, cover and simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

You can prepare this dish with zucchini or eggplant, which are also fried until almost done with onions and carrots. It is tasty and unusual when prepared with pumpkin, which must be steamed or baked in the oven in advance.

Option 4: Whole grain oatmeal with mushrooms

This porridge can be prepared from fresh, dried, or frozen mushrooms. Here are champignons; if desired, you can slightly reduce or increase their quantity. Oats need to be soaked for several hours in cold water so that the grain swells and cooking does not take much time.


  • 200 g oat grains;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • 35 ml oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • spices.

Step by step recipe

Combine the soaked oats with water and place on the stove. When boiling, remove the foam, cover and cook until soft. The slimy jelly that will appear on top must be carefully removed.

Place the oil in a frying pan. Turn on the stove. You can take a saucepan or cauldron. Chop the onions, add to the oil, and fry until translucent for about five minutes.

Wash the mushrooms. They can be cut into arbitrary pieces, for example, cubes or slices. But you don’t need to make large pieces, small slices are better. Add the mushrooms to the onions, fry together over moderate heat until tender, add salt and pepper.

Combine the prepared porridge with mushrooms fried with onions. Stir everything well, cover and heat for a few minutes. The tastes of the products must combine.

This dish can be cooked in the oven in pots, but only after first boiling the grain until half cooked. If the mushrooms are dried, then before frying they need to be soaked in cold water and boiled for at least 15 minutes.

Option 5: Whole grain oatmeal with meat

The advantage of whole grain oatmeal is that it can be prepared and combined with any food. It can easily replace white polished rice and other cereals. This dish can be prepared not only with meat, but also with poultry.


  • 180 g oat grains;
  • 300 g meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • laurel;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 carrot (optional)

How to cook

Soak the oatmeal and let it sit in cold water for a while while the meat is cooked.

Rinse a piece of meat, add a liter of water, add a bay leaf, crush the pepper and pour it into the broth. Cook until done. Remove the meat from the broth and let it cool.

Drain the water from the grain, add it to the meat broth, and cook until soft.

While the porridge is cooking, cut the meat into cubes. Also chop the onion. You can also use carrots if you wish. Cut it into the same cubes or grate it.

Heat the oil. First, put the vegetables in it, fry until almost done, then add the chopped pieces of meat, heat together for another five minutes. Season with spices.

Also add salt to the porridge, add the prepared meat and vegetables, and stir. Cover the pan, turn off the stove, and leave for half an hour.

For a dietary version of oatmeal porridge, you don’t have to fry the meat and vegetables in oil, but simply combine everything together while cooking.

Option 6: Whole grain oatmeal with milk

A dairy version of delicious whole grain oatmeal porridge. The cereal must first be soaked in water for a couple of hours. You can use any milk: whole milk, soy milk, diluted dry concentrate.


  • 0.5 cups oatmeal;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 170 ml milk;
  • 20 g butter;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

How to cook

Pour water over the slightly swollen oatmeal, place on the stove and cook until soft for about half an hour. Add a pinch of salt.

Boil milk and add to porridge. Immediately add granulated sugar, bring to a boil again and reduce heat. Simmer covered over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.

Add butter, stir and remove oatmeal from heat.

The finished dish can be additionally seasoned with cinnamon, berries or fruits. It turns out delicious with baked apples and pears. It is not advisable to use this dish in the diet of young children. Since whole oat grain contains coarse fiber, it can cause bloating and colic.

Rolled oatmeal rinse, pour boiling water over a couple of centimeters and leave for 4 hours. Rinse the swollen cereal, transfer it to a saucepan and place on low heat. Cook after boiling for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam.
Whole oatmeal soak overnight and cook for 1 hour, skimming off the foam - then wrap in a towel. Cook for 1 hour without soaking, then put in the oven at 80 degrees for 2 hours.
Cook oatmeal in a multicooker on the “Stew” mode.

How to cook oatmeal porridge

Crushed oatmeal - 100 grams
Water - 400 grams
Raisins - 2 tablespoons
Prunes - 3 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt - to taste

How to cook oatmeal porridge
Pour boiling water over oatmeal and place in a bowl. Soak in hot water (for 1 cup of oats 2.5 cups of water) for 4-8 hours in a saucepan.
Soak dried fruits in boiling water for 40 minutes.
Bring oatmeal and water to a boil without changing it and cook for 30 minutes until soft. Salt the porridge, rub through a sieve, add vegetable oil, mix well. Add dried fruits and heat the porridge.

How to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker
In a multicooker, cook oatmeal porridge for 30 minutes on the “Milk porridge” mode.

How to cook oatmeal porridge in a double boiler
Cook the porridge in a double boiler for 40 minutes.


- Oatmeal and rolled oats(oatmeal) is not the same thing at all. Oatmeal (whole oats) is used to make crushed flattened grains, as well as oat flakes - a dietary product and very easy to prepare. Meanwhile, it is unprocessed oatmeal that contains the original amount of microelements and vitamins, although the method of preparing oatmeal is more labor-intensive and takes longer.

Oatmeal makes great garnish, if you cook oatmeal in meat broth and then fry it with onions and carrots. Or you can stew semi-cooked (boiled for 30 minutes) oatmeal along with meat. If you serve such oatmeal along with marinades and pickles, you will get a real old Russian dinner - by the way, very relevant during Lent. :-)

- Price whole oatmeal - from 90 rubles/1 kilogram (in Moscow as of June 2019). You can buy oatmeal in bags, but its benefits will be less. Cook the oatmeal from the packets for only 20 minutes.

- Calorie content oatmeal - 360 kcal/100 grams.

- Best before date oatmeal - about 1 year.


What are oats:

Sowing oats, or fodder oats, or common oats (Avéna sativa) is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Oats (Avena), a cereal widely used in agriculture.

Sowing oats is a plant that is unpretentious to soils and climate with a relatively short (75-120 days) growing season, the seeds germinate at +2°C, the seedlings tolerate light frosts, so the crop is successfully grown in the northern regions.

Oat grains are used to produce rolled oatmeal, oatmeal, flour and special oat coffee. Oatmeal porridge (“oatmeal”) is prepared from oatmeal. Oatmeal is used in the baking industry and confectionery production (bread, oatmeal cookies, pancakes, etc. are baked from it). Flattened oat grains (oat flakes) are the main component of muesli. Oatmeal jelly is prepared from cereals, flakes, and flour.


Oat groats:

Oat groats. Contains a relatively large amount of vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content, which are necessary for a growing body to form bone tissue and teeth. It contains a lot of magnesium and iron. Oatmeal contains the largest amount of vegetable (healthy) fats and is rich in fiber. Experts consider oatmeal to be a typical northern food - it is very high in calories and warms up the body well.

The following cereals are produced from oats: steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled rolled oatmeal, rolled oats, extra flakes, petal flakes and oatmeal. In Russia, not only porridge, but also jelly was previously made from oatmeal - unleavened, sweet, with berries. After the invention of all kinds of muesli, oats are experiencing another peak in popularity. And oatmeal in the morning is the best start to the day.

Uncrushed oatmeal

There are premium, 1st and 2nd grades. The product with the greatest amount of useful substances, incl. fiber. The properties are as close as possible to whole grain. Can be used for therapeutic nutrition.

Rolled oatmeal

There are premium, 1st and 2nd grades. For flattening, grooved rollers are used, which produces a grooved pattern that reduces cooking time.


This is oat flour obtained from grinding oat kernels with the maximum possible preservation of the nutritional benefits of all fractions of the grain (unlike regular oat flour). Compared to regular oatmeal, oatmeal is more nutritious because... is produced with the maximum possible preservation of all fractions of the oat grain, in contrast to oat flour, where the peeled parts of the grain go to waste.

Oat flakes Hercules

Smooth rollers are used for flattening, which produces a smooth pattern, resulting in longer cooking times compared to rolled groats. Thick flakes made from the most refined grains.

In Soviet times, cereals were produced under the brand name “Hercules” and since then the expressions “Hercules porridge” and “Oatmeal flakes” have come into use. The Hercules brand still exists today, but in addition to it, you can find cereals from many other manufacturers on the shelves.

Oat flakes Extra

Grade 1, made from whole grains - large flakes. Of all the cereals, they are considered to have the most retained beneficial qualities and have the greatest amount of fiber. Often used for weight loss purposes.

Grade 2, made from chopped cereal - small flakes. Also used for weight loss.

Grade 3, made from chopped cereals - the flakes are the smallest, most delicate, and quickly boiled. Often used for children.

Benefits of oatmeal:

Numerous laboratory studies prove that oatmeal is rich in vitamins of various groups, fiber and nutrients that have a positive effect on the human body.

Oats are rich in folic acid, niacin, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 (find out which foods contain vitamin B5). It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, K (phylloquinone), and choline. Microelements include copper, manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Oatmeal in the morning helps stabilize weight, strengthen the immune system, and also get rid of intestinal diseases.

In addition, oatmeal contains a lot of proteins and complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the body is recharged with energy for the whole day.

The special benefit and value of oatmeal is that it contains beta-glucans - soluble dietary fiber, which is not found in wheat, rye, barley, or the bran of these cereals. Oat fiber contributes to a more complete removal of toxins that enter the body from the outside (with air, water, food) and accumulate in the intestines.

Beta-glucans also clear the blood of excess low-density cholesterol (the so-called “bad cholesterol”), which stimulates the development of atherosclerosis and angina and contributes to clogged arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Oatmeal copes well with increased stomach acidity, while simultaneously allowing you to cope with various ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with its periodic use, you can cope with constipation and indigestion.

Porridge also normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver, significantly improves memory, develops thinking, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant that improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Many people consider oatmeal to be bland, without appreciating its taste properties. Nuts and dried fruits will help give oatmeal the desired taste and aroma. You can simply pour kefir or milk over the oatmeal, add honey, let it sit for a while with the lid closed, and in a few minutes you will have a quick, tasty and healthy breakfast on the table.

People with excess weight problems need to have fasting days, and oatmeal is great for this. Fasting days on oatmeal are easily tolerated. Such days will cleanse the body and saturate it with useful substances.

There is a special oat diet. It is designed for 10 days, during which you can only eat oatmeal dishes. Even people with stomach problems can go on an oatmeal diet.

Calorie content of oatmeal per 100 g of product - 303 kcal:

Proteins - 11.0 g

Fats - 6.1 g

Carbohydrates - 65.4 g

How to cook correctly:

Here is what V.V. writes about this. Pokhlebkin in the book “Secrets of Good Kitchen”:

Everyone knows that oatmeal is good for both children and adults. But both of them often don’t like her. One reason is that oatmeal for adults should be prepared completely differently than for children.

Moreover, there is oatmeal only for adults, and there is oatmeal only for children. They differ in preparation and grain itself.

However, it often happens that children are prepared with porridge for adults, while adults are offered children’s porridge. No one suspects that a terrible confusion has occurred, and both parties are unhappy with such food or even refuse it.

But once you get everything in line, oatmeal will become a truly favorite food for both adults and children.

How to do this? And what should be done?

First of all, adult oatmeal is considered to be porridge made from whole, uncrushed and uncrushed oat grains. This grain should be handled in the same way as rice. Moreover, it can be mixed with rice and cooked together. The proportions of the mixtures are arbitrary, but it tastes better when there is a little more rice.

This oatmeal or oatmeal-rice porridge, like any hard, crumbly porridge, can be seasoned with oil and/or fried onions.

Baby oatmeal is any porridge made from crushed, whole (pressed) or ground oat grain (oatmeal).

Because children, with their delicate oral mucous membranes, do not readily perceive hard, tough, crumbly oatmeal with its dense shell, which is valued by adults, especially men, precisely for its toughness and density (there is something to chew!).

Crushed grain, and even more so ground (oatmeal) is completely devoid of shell, cooks quickly and produces one sticky-mucous mass, the consistency of which is pleasant for a child. But this mass is tasteless. Therefore, it is customary to sweeten it, to brighten it with sugar. And the child eats with all his might, with persuasion and sayings, getting used to eating sweetened porridge at any time of the day.

What needs to be done? And How?

First: boil rolled oatmeal or oatmeal in water (preferably soft).

Second: pass the porridge through a colander or a fine metal sieve in order to retain parts that cannot be boiled - oatmeal, residual husks, etc. These hard parts hurt painfully, scratch the mucous membrane of the child’s mouth, causing him to spit out all the porridge, being unable to do so himself. separate small hard particles from the entire mass in the spoon.

Third: add milk, cook so that you get not a sticky mucous mass, but a thin, almost flowing paste that you can even drink and swallow very easily.

Fourth: now you need to bring the pulp to taste. Sweeten very carefully, but so that the sugar is not felt, but only beats off the damp taste of boiled grain. Then lightly flavor with anise or star anise, cinnamon, and if they are not available, then with dried lemon or orange zest, ground into powder. If you don’t have it, then take fresh lemon or orange zest, boil it in a quarter glass of water and pour a spoon or two of this thick, aromatic broth into the pulp, stirring it well.

Now the pleasant consistency and softness of the porridge will match the pleasant taste.

To improve the taste, any other fruit and berry flavoring, marmalade (boiled) or cream and butter are suitable (they are added to the finished porridge unboiled, because cream cannot stand boiling and loses its creamy taste).

Such oatmeal will no doubt be received with joy by the child, and the ability to change its flavors will help prevent it from becoming boring.

Water porridge recipe:


  • Whole grain oats or rolled oats 1 cup
  • Water 2 glasses
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter 50 g


  • We wash the oatmeal with cold boiled water; the porridge can be soaked first.
  • Pour the oatmeal grains into a saucepan, add water and place on the stove over low heat.
  • After the porridge begins to boil, gradually remove the foam from it. This is done so that the dish does not have a bitter taste.
  • Cook the oatmeal for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly so that the porridge does not burn.
  • When the time is up, remove from heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Let the porridge sit for a while.
  • When serving the porridge, you can add a little butter, honey, jam and other additives - all at the discretion of the cook.

Oatmeal with water is ready to eat.

Recipe for porridge with milk:


  • 1 cup whole grain oatmeal;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 50 g butter.

Rinse the oatmeal grains thoroughly. You can even soak them briefly in a pan of water to shorten the cooking time. Cooking time for oatmeal depends on the density and size of the grains.

Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat. Stirring, bring to a boil. Do not leave milk unattended, it can run away in a matter of moments. Pour the oatmeal into the boiling milk and stir well. Boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew for another 5 minutes. During this time, the grains will increase in volume. Add butter to the porridge. Cover again and leave for another 5 minutes.

Now the porridge is ready. You can add honey, fruits, berries, jam, candied fruits, nuts to it - whatever your imagination tells you.

Harm of oatmeal:

Along with its benefits, oatmeal can cause harm to the body. The fact is that phytic acid was found in its composition. It interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body. This is the only downside to eating oatmeal. Otherwise, it brings exceptional benefits to the body.

You can’t eat oatmeal every day, as it removes calcium from the body. A lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis and bone deformation in the future.

People with a disease such as celiac disease are contraindicated in eating this porridge.