Foamy stools in infants: causes and treatment. Foamy stool in a breastfed baby

Baby's stool is one of the main indicators children's health, in appearance and chemical composition which can evaluate the functioning of the digestive organs. It is especially important to observe stool in the first year of a baby’s life, when formation occurs. intestinal microflora, and production improves digestive enzymes. This process usually takes about 3-6 months, but in some children the digestive tract is finally formed only by 8-10 months.

Until this time, the child's stool may often change its consistency, smell, appearance. One change that can occur at any age is the appearance of foam in the feces. Not always this symptom indicates pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, but in some cases it may require careful diagnosis and treatment, so parents of infants need to know why a baby may have foamy stools and what to do in this case.

In the first days after birth, a baby’s feces look like an unformed, viscous, sticky mass of predominantly black color. This type of stool is called meconium (original stool). Meconium is organic in nature and consists of epithelial cells, bile components, and hair, which fall from the child’s body and are digested by his intestines during intrauterine development. Meconium also contains a significant portion of water and amniotic fluid, mucus, mineral salts. The original feces of a newborn who has no health problems are odorless and are completely passed within 1-3 days after birth.

On the fourth day of life feces the baby's milk acquires a light yellow, yellow or light brown color, a mush consistency, and may contain particles of undigested milk. If this does not happen, and impurities are found in the feces that are not typical for the stool of a healthy baby (foam, large number mucus, blood), the mother and child may be left in the maternity hospital or transferred to a children's hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Lactic sugar intolerance

Lactose is a disaccharide found in dairy products, whole milk and breast milk (milk sugar). Lactose intolerance in most cases is associated with lactase deficiency. Lactase is a group of digestive enzymes necessary to break down milk sugar into galactose and glucose molecules. In healthy children, lactase is synthesized by intestinal cells and is located on the surface of the membrane membranes small intestine, in which the absorption of all nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts.

In infants, lactase deficiency is quite common, since until six months of age the body is not able to produce the necessary amount of enzymes to ensure comfortable digestion. Signs of lactase deficiency may include:

  • foamy, foul-smelling stools that are yellow or brown;
  • excessive regurgitation after feeding (the discharged masses contain undigested lumps of milk, reminiscent of sour cottage cheese);
  • anxiety during feeding (the baby lets go of the breast 1-2 minutes after the start of feeding, knocks his legs).

Children with lactase deficiency may be delayed in weight and height, and physiological development usually remains within the age norm.

Important! True lactase deficiency occurs in only 3-5% of babies, so there is no need to worry if a child under 6 months shows signs of lactose intolerance. For correction, the child may be prescribed enzyme preparations(for example, "Lactase Baby"). If the child is on breastfeeding, the use of adapted milk formulas is shown.

Allergy to breast milk

Very rare form allergies, the prevalence of which is less than 3.8%. Allergy to breast milk is not related to the diet of a nursing mother and is most often caused by intolerance to lactoglobulins, which are found in large quantities in mother's milk. Symptoms of a true breast milk allergy may include:

  • loose stool with foam and pungent odor;
  • skin rash, itching, diathesis, occurring mainly after feeding;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles (the child cries, restlessly jerks his legs, and vomiting is possible).

To confirm allergies are carried out special tests and samples. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby must be switched to feeding hypoallergenic formulas. If the signs of an allergy become too severe, you can give your child an antihistamine as first aid. Children over 1 month of age are allowed Fenistil drops. The dosage for children in the first year of life is given in the table below.

Dosage regimen "Fenistil" for children up to 12 months

The drug should be given 3 times a day.

Meconium ileus

This rare pathology, which is detected on the first or second day of a child’s life. Meconium ileus (meconium ileus) is an acute surgical pathology in which original stool has increased viscosity and gets stuck in the intestine, forming a blockage of its lumen. From anus The baby may produce a dark, odorless foam that may contain mucus and blood streaks.

Treatment of the disease is always surgical and is carried out immediately after diagnosing the pathology.

Pay attention! In 90% of cases, meconium ileus occurs against the background of cystic fibrosis of varying severity - genetic disease, in which the glands are damaged internal secretion with severe respiratory dysfunction.

Common reasons

Foamy stool in a child, not associated with pathological factors, can occur for a number of reasons, some of which do not require any treatment or correction.

Incorrect attachment to the breast

They teach how to properly put a baby to the breast in the maternity hospital, but, as practice shows, many mothers have difficulties with organizing feeding for several weeks after arriving home. Incorrect attachment not only increases the likelihood of intestinal colic (due to excessive swallowing of air), but also contributes to digestive disorders. If the baby only latch onto the nipple, he will only be able to pull out foremilk, which is 95% water. Hindmilk, which is rich in fat and has a higher nutritional value, enters the milk ducts when the baby intensively squeezes the areola.

If a child receives a large amount of foremilk for a long time, the fermentation processes intensify, which leads to the appearance of copious foamy stools. The urge to defecate may become painful, so your baby may become restless, cry, and act out. Almost always, fermentation processes are accompanied by bloating and increased formation of gases, the movement of which causes painful intestinal colic.

To avoid this, it is important to properly organize the feeding process. A diagram of proper breastfeeding is shown in the figure below.

Taking antibiotics

The baby's intestines continue to populate beneficial bacteria within 4-8 months after birth, which can cause stool changes and digestive disorders. If the infant has been prescribed antibacterial or antimicrobial agents, the few colonies of beneficial microorganisms die under the influence active ingredients. Intestinal dysbiosis may be accompanied by foamy, foul-smelling loose stools, abdominal pain, vomiting and regurgitation.

To prevent pathology, it is recommended to start taking bifid medications from the first day of treatment antibacterial agents, maintaining an hour interval between their reception. Children in the first year of life can be given the following medications:

  • "Bifidumbacterin" (contraindicated for lactase deficiency);
  • "Bifiform Baby";
  • "Linex" powder;
  • "Acipol" (mix the contents of the capsule with liquid).

Probiotics should be taken for 7-10 days. In some cases, the doctor may recommend more long-term use– about 20-30 days.

Errors in the introduction of complementary foods

Many mothers try to introduce their baby to new foods and tastes as quickly as possible and begin introducing complementary foods at 3-4 months. This big mistake, since the baby’s digestive tract is not ready to cope with such a load and reacts to it by changing the stool. The stool may become thin, foamy, watery, and may have an unpleasant odor.

To make the introduction of complementary foods comfortable for the child, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

  1. Breastfed babies do not need additional foods or drinks until they are six months old (provided mom has enough milk and a healthy, varied diet).
  2. For children receiving milk substitutes, complementary foods can be introduced from 5 months.
  3. Although the labeling on some finished products baby food allows use from 3-4 months; they should be administered at this age only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  4. You should start getting acquainted with new tastes with hypoallergenic fruits and vegetables (green apples, pears, zucchini). To prepare the first porridges, it is better to use buckwheat or oatmeal.

Foamy stools can be caused not only by the early introduction of complementary foods, but also by the abundance of foods in the menu that cause flatulence and fermentation processes. One of these products is zucchini. The rate of its consumption in the first weeks of complementary feeding is no more than 40-50 g per day. The same picture can be observed when a child eats too many prunes - they can be included in the menu no more than 1-2 times a week in the amount of 30-40 g.

Foamy chair – when should you worry?

In some cases, foamy stools may be a worrying sign indicating serious illness. To differentiate the norm from possible pathology, it is necessary to assess the child’s condition and monitor his well-being.

Infectious inflammation of the intestines

Intestinal infections in children of the first year of life are quite common. In most cases, acute infection occurs in children over 6 months of age receiving complementary foods. The causative agent of infection can be contained in poorly processed and stale meat, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese. Failure to maintain hygiene of hands and toys can also cause infection to enter the child’s digestive tract, so it is important to regularly carry out wet cleaning and disinfection of the surrounding area.

It is especially necessary to monitor the cleanliness of objects that the child constantly puts in his mouth: pacifiers, pacifiers, rodents, teethers. They must be washed with soap and water hot water after each use, and is best stored in a plastic bag (chewers and teethers can be put in the refrigerator).

The main symptom of any intestinal infection is diarrhea. Stools with diarrhea may be watery or foamy. Foamy feces are more often observed with salmonellosis and dysentery. Some viral infections caused by rotaviruses and enteroviruses can also present with loose, foamy stools. Stool has a foul, pungent odor and may contain streaks of mucus, drops of blood, and particles undigested food. In addition, the child also exhibits other signs:

  • vomiting (usually profuse, repeated, not bringing relief);
  • refusal to eat;
  • pale skin;
  • dry lips and mucous membranes oral cavity(caused by dehydration);
  • high temperature (can rise to 40°).

Important! Treatment of intestinal infections in children of the first year of life should be carried out in a hospital setting, since children of this age group are part of the group increased risk lethality. At home, the child needs drinking plenty of fluids(1 teaspoon every 10 minutes), food rest (fasting). Before the doctors arrive, you can give your baby any enterosorbent (Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel). At severe vomiting You can give Motilium syrup - its dosage is determined by the child’s weight and measured using the dispenser syringe included in the package.

Infection with worms

Helminthiasis in children infancy occur quite often. The main cause of infection with worms is non-compliance with personal hygiene and rules for sanitizing the surrounding area. If there are pets in the house, they can also be a source of helminthiasis, so treatment anthelmintic drugs must be carried out at least 2 times a year. It is important to monitor your child’s behavior outside: many worms live in contaminated soil, sand, and water. There are especially many worms in puddles, in which children of any age love to play.

Acute helminthiasis manifests itself quite characteristic features, which may include:

  • thick, foamy stool with a pungent odor;
  • irritation in the area anus(especially common with enterobiasis);
  • vomiting and excessive regurgitation;
  • increase in temperature within the subfebrile range;
  • pale skin;
  • skin rash.

If the disease progresses to chronic form, the symptoms “erased”, and the only manifestations of the pathology may be abdominal pain, intestinal colic, spasms, accompanied by tension in the abdominal muscles. Almost always, chronic helminthiasis is accompanied by abnormal stool: stool can be liquid, watery, and may contain foam and mucus.

Choice of drugs for treatment helminthic infestation in children of the first year of life should be carried out by the attending physician, since they have high degree toxicity and negatively affect the functions of hepatocytes that make up the liver tissue. Some of the medications in this group are allowed to be taken only from a certain age, so before giving your baby medicine for worms, you should consult your doctor.

List of drugs for the treatment of helminthiasis in children of the first year of life

Name of the medicine and release formImageAt what age can it be given?Dosage regimen
From 6 months125 mg once during or immediately after feeding. For infestations caused by hookworms, the drug is prescribed for 3 days at a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight
Approved for use in children whose weight exceeds 12 kg.1 scoop of suspension (12.5 ml) for every 10 kg of child’s weight once
From 10 months125 mg once during feeding

Video - Baby stool: what is normal and what is not

About hygiene

If your baby produces foamy stool, it is important to ensure there is sufficient hygiene care, which consists of daily bathing and washing the genitals after each bowel movement. If conditions permit, it is better to do without diapers until stool normalizes, since prolonged contact with such feces can cause severe irritation and burning. After hygiene measures It is recommended to arrange air baths lasting 20-30 minutes. If signs of irritation appear (redness, red spots, diaper rash), you should lubricate the skin 2-3 times a day with dexpanthenol-based ointment (“ Bepanten», « D-panthenol"), baby cream or liquid vitamin E. During treatment, I must exclude zucchini, prunes and other foods that contain a large amount of water and help thin the stool.

Daily human body must be cleared of food processed in the gastrointestinal tract. They are eliminated through bowel movements up to three times a day, which is considered normal. When the body is healthy, stool does not cause any difficulties or discomfort. But if any deviations or problems arise, a person is forced to pay attention to them. After all, they significantly disrupt the usual rhythm of life.

One of the possible troubles is the appearance of foamy stools.

Why foamy stools appeared: reasons

The appearance of foamy stools most often indicates so-called fermentative dyspepsia. This term means functional disorders digestion. The development of dyspepsia is promoted by impaired motor skills digestive tract, making it difficult to digest food normally. It is accompanied by flatulence and significant release of gases, rumbling in the stomach and foamy stools. Bowel movements are loose and frequent. They are lightly colored and contain a large number of gas bubbles. The smell of the stool is sour and pungent.

Reasons that provoke the appearance of fermentative dyspepsia:

  • insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes by the body;
  • long-term poor nutrition.

A lack of digestive enzymes causes the following ailments:

  • Dysbacteriosis (in the intestines)– the normal mobile balance of the microflora living in the intestines is disrupted. Changes in the composition of microbial associations, both qualitative and quantitative, cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth and flatulence in a person. Lethargy develops, symptoms of complete intoxication of the body appear: vomiting and foamy diarrhea.
  • Intestinal infection, flowing in the form:
    • gastritis;
    • gastroenteritis and enteritis;
    • enterocolitis.

    Each of these ailments is accompanied by diarrhea (often foamy), vomiting, pain in the various areas abdominal cavity. Most serious consequence intestinal infections - significant loss of water. This may provoke renal failure and even lead to dehydration shock.

    A serious factor causing the presence of foamy stools is poor nutrition, which has lasted for a long time.

    As a rule, a person is too fond of food containing a significant amount of carbohydrates. His diet is dominated by white bread, cookies, pastries, cakes, sweet fruits, legumes, cabbage. A significant place is devoted to sugar and honey, beer or kvass. This menu helps create in the intestines favorable conditions for digestive disorders. Eating hastily, snacking on sandwiches, and insufficient chewing of food contribute to this.

    Treatment for foamy stools

    Foamy stools can be an episodic and short-term phenomenon: a person has eaten some stale product, and the body rejected it. Then the problem is solved without the intervention of doctors. Enough to drink just in case activated carbon and go hungry. Don't forget to replenish your body with water.

    You need to rush to see a doctor if:

    • the temperature rises;
    • visiting the toilet too often;
    • spasms and persistent pain appear;
    • weakness increases.

    Since any changes in feces are primarily associated with gastrointestinal pathology, the doctor will definitely prescribe the following:

    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
    • coprograms;
    • general blood and urine analysis.

    Treatment established after diagnosis can be carried out on an outpatient basis, and in severe cases– stationary. Typically, it involves taking medications orally and through intravenous and intramuscular injections. It is also possible to administer medications using droppers.

    A strict diet is prescribed that will help normalize the intestinal microflora. Eating rice boiled in water without salt and fat is quite effective. It can be supplemented rye bread and bananas.

    You need to drink a lot. First of all - clean water, the amount of which should be at least two liters per day. It needs to be supplemented herbal teas: chamomile, linden, raspberry and currant.

    To prevent a relapse, you need to avoid fatty and spicy foods and very carefully return to your normal diet.

    If serious pathologies internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, has not been identified, and diarrhea with foam does not go away, you can turn to proven folk remedies medicinal products. Here's one of them.

    Approximately 400 grams walnuts split and remove the internal partitions. Place them in a deep vessel and pour half a liter of alcohol. The partitions are soaked in alcohol for several days. After that alcohol tincture You need to take ten drops three times a day.

    It is possible to prevent problems with bowel movements if you take your diet seriously. You can do without medications by following the rules of proper nutrition.

The first months of a baby’s life are considered the most important for parents, because their responsibilities include not only caring for the baby, but also strict monitoring of any changes in his condition. Often parents have to deal with the phenomenon of foamy stools in newborns.

Some mothers, guided by Dr. Komarovsky’s colorful explanations that foam in the stool is not considered an anomaly and everything will go away on its own, ignore this symptom, endangering the life of their baby.

In fact, foamy stool can indicate many serious illnesses, if the foaming of fecal matter lasts more than 3 days. Moreover, any delay can cause serious health problems for the newborn.

Often parents do not know why the nature of bowel movements changes dramatically when switching to formula or mixed feeding. The nature, frequency, and volume of fecal clots undoubtedly depend on the type of feeding. Breastfed babies have mushy, yellow stool. Normal stool frequency is 2–4 times, after 6 months — 1–2 times.

When receiving artificial mixtures, feces become pasty, crumbly, whitish-yellow, with putrid smell, the number of bowel movements per day decreases, the volume of feces increases. This is due to poor digestibility of protein from the mixture.

If parents notice signs of foamy stool in a baby, they should also pay attention to the frequency of bowel movements, the color of the stool, and the smell. In small children, feces are a mushy, homogeneous mass, yellow with smell sour milk. More liquid stool may also be evidence of pathology. The appearance of undigested food particles, discoloration, foam or mucus may indicate problems with the digestive tract and other health problems.

Most often, foam in the stool appears due to the following disorders:

  • – completely sterile intestinal tract The baby begins to work fully after 3–6 months, when the microflora is fully formed. But sometimes an insufficient amount of bifidobacteria enters the baby’s body, and fermentation processes of undigested food begin to occur in the intestines, accompanied by the formation of gases. This process may be accompanied by green, foamy feces with a pungent putrid odor. In this case, it is recommended to contact a pediatrician, who will probably prescribe a course of bifid medications, sorbents, etc.
  • Infectious diseases - foam and mucus in the stool may indicate an acute intestinal infection in the baby's body; in most cases, this problem is accompanied by fever, diarrhea or vomiting, sometimes it goes away more mildly and is accompanied only by bloating and pain in the tummy and too light-colored feces. Often changes in stool are the first symptom staphylococcal infection. In this case, the stool takes on a distinctly green tint.
  • An allergic reaction can also cause foamy stool in an infant. Allergies can be caused by improperly selected nutrition when artificial feeding, improper nutrition of a nursing mother while breastfeeding, as well as the mother or child taking antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals. It is important to understand that any medicine during breastfeeding is unsafe for the baby and can only be used with a doctor's prescription.
  • Early or Not correct introduction complementary feeding often causes changes in stool (about the correct introduction of complementary foods). It is recommended to feed your baby no earlier than 6 months. Some parents start using feeding purees much earlier, when digestive system The baby is not yet strong and is not ready to digest denser food. This causes indigestion, colic, and greenish foamy stool that looks patchy and has lumps, sometimes with balls of mucus. Earlier use in the baby’s diet can lead to the same consequences. cow's milk, which is poorly perceived by the child’s body.
  • represents a lack of a trace element that helps process lactose. In some quantities, an enzyme such as lactase is produced in the child’s body independently, the rest additional part passes into breast milk. If the baby is bottle-fed or is not properly applied to the breast, there may not be enough lactase in his body for full nutrition. digestive process. If you have been having slimy, bloody, or foamy stools for several days and feeling unwell baby, mothers using formula should switch to food that does not contain lactose. For breastfeeding mothers, it is recommended to adhere to a diet and attach the newborn to the breast in such a way that he drinks not only early milk, but also later milk containing lactase. If the baby does not drink completely from the breast during one feeding, at the next feeding he should be placed on the same breast until he completely empties it.
  • – may also be accompanied by watery or foamy stool. Therefore, if the baby’s feces are foamy or watery for several days, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • The use of medications for colic and bloating can also affect the appearance of stool, but the color and frequency of stool does not change. In this case, no measures need to be taken.
  • At poor nutrition mother who is breastfeeding her baby. Eating legumes, grapes, smoked meats, cucumbers or cabbage can cause bubbles in the stool. In this case, it is necessary to exclude prohibited foods from the diet.
  • During teething, some deviations in the form of frequent or foamy stools may also be observed. This condition also does not require special intervention, other than pain relief with the help of special gels.
  • The introduction of a new product into the infant's nutrition system can also change the quality of bowel movements. This symptom usually disappears after 2-3 days.

Primary diagnosis

Violation of the consistency of stool is not always evidence severe violations. Foamy stool is considered a symptom of the disease when there are accompanying symptoms, such as green color of stool, the appearance of mucus, wateriness, bloating, pain, loss of appetite, etc.

Tracking a child's condition up to one year can be an excellent diagnostic element. If related violations no, and the foam disappears after a day or two, which means that the baby is not in danger of any diseases. But if additional symptoms appear, it is important to visit a pediatrician.

The hospital will analyze the excrement for the presence of carbohydrates, its results will confirm or reject lactase deficiency. Additionally, an analysis for dysbacteriosis and tests for antibodies to allergens can be carried out, based on the results clinical trials specialized treatment is prescribed.

It is important to remember that the baby’s condition must be monitored very carefully, because untimely appeal The baby's health may need to be seen by a specialist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate - this can also lead to disastrous consequences.

To avoid digestive disorders in an infant, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • When introducing a new product into a baby’s diet, it should be done gradually and in small portions, and if foam appears, it is recommended to delay complementary feeding.
  • During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should monitor proper nutrition and not take any medications on her own. It is important to feed the baby correctly, making sure that he drinks not only foremilk.
  • When artificially feeding, parents should monitor the newborn’s reaction to nutrition in the first days of life. If symptoms of indigestion begin to appear, the mixture should be changed.
  • If foam appears in your baby's stool, it is recommended to monitor general condition baby and carefully analyze whether malnutrition could have caused the problems.
  • You should not make diagnoses on your own and try to treat the baby. Pediatric intervention – often necessary measure For wellness newborn

The baby needs not only regular nutrition and diaper changes, but also constant contact with his parents. This is relevant in the first months after birth, when the baby’s immunity is not formed, and the baby’s body undergoes adaptive changes. Subject to constant contact with adults, negative symptoms problems in the baby’s body will not go unnoticed and the child will be provided with timely assistance.

At least once in his life, any person has encountered such a problem as diarrhea, which is also called diarrhea. Loose stools occur several times a day and may be mixed with foam, blood, or mucus. Short-lived diarrhea, caused by eating poor-quality foods, fatty foods, or simply overeating, often goes away on its own without serious treatment. But if diarrhea is foamy, then the reasons for this can be serious, so an appropriate approach and adequate treatment are required.

Signs of illness

Doctors call functional digestive disorders the term “dyspepsia.” It is this that manifests itself as foamy diarrhea, which has the following symptoms:

  • feces contain undigested food fibers, starch grains, gas bubbles;
  • frequent, foamy stools, mostly with a sour odor;
  • no pain during bowel movements.

Diarrhea with foam: reasons

Foamy stool appears various reasons, in which there is a disturbance in the digestion of food in the intestines. It could be:

  • overeating;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and other drinks;
  • stressful situations;
  • consumption of rough, fatty foods, as well as stale foods;
  • infectious or inflammatory lesions intestines;
  • intolerance to any medications or products;
  • diseases of other organs of the digestive tract (hepatitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.).

Foamy stool in an adult

Sometimes such an ailment may be the only manifestation of intestinal diseases, but more often diarrhea with foam in an adult is accompanied by symptoms indicating general intoxication:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • the presence of mucus, foam, blood in the stool;
  • stomach pain.

If such symptoms continue for more than two days, then it is recommended to consult a doctor. Intoxication and dehydration of the body can cause sharp deterioration well-being, a drop in pressure and disruption of the heart. Diarrhea with foam is especially dangerous for weakened and elderly people.

Foamy stools in children

If small child feeds only on breast milk, then the occurrence of foamy diarrhea is explained by a reaction to the immunity of the food that the mother ate. A child may have diarrhea with foam from 8 to 12 times per day. In this case, feces are often green in color and contain blood, foam, and mucus.

Lactose intolerance

Diarrhea with foam in a baby usually occurs as a result of a conflict between the front and rear breast milk. Most often, a small child sucks out the foremilk because it is easiest to obtain, while the hindmilk remains in the breast. In this case, the baby has difficulty digesting large amounts of lactose, which leads to lactose deficiency. It appears as follows:

  • deterioration of the child’s well-being;
  • loose, foamy stools with an unpleasant sour odor;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature.

The diet is aimed at restoring intestinal function, so it is necessary to exclude foods that irritate it. If you follow these recommendations, your stool will normalize after a while. To avoid relapse of the disease, you should give up spicy and unusual foods, and return to your usual diet gradually.


Many people do not take diarrhea seriously, but one cannot ignore this disease. Diarrhea with foam requires mandatory examination body, as it can be a symptom of many serious illnesses. In no case should you self-medicate, because there is a high probability of complications. Following a diet also brings good result in the treatment of loose stools.

After birth, the child’s body continues to improve, including the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. The baby’s intestines begin to receive a completely new type of food for him, and therefore the consistency of the baby’s stool can change quite often.

Pediatricians warn parents that frequent changes a child's stool during his first year of life is quite normal reaction. Infants who are bottle-fed or supplemented with formula milk have fewer options for normal stool. But here, too, there is no parameter for children’s feces that both pediatricians and young parents could focus on.

The appearance of foamy stool is always a cause for concern, but is it really that bad?

Causes of foamy stool in babies

Foamy stool in infants is in most cases normal for babies under one year of age. Although it is possible that foamy feces are a signal of disturbances that have occurred in a small organism.

If the foam appears once, then do not worry. Most likely, this is a reaction to a drug or food (if mommy ate something). But, if the feces are accompanied by foam constantly for a long time, then such a symptom cannot be ignored.

The most common causes of foam in the stool of infants are:

Allergic reaction to food products And medicines

Everyone knows that not all products are adequately perceived by the adult body. A baby's fragile intestines can react very violently if the mother ate something new or unusual. For the most part this is isolated cases diarrhea, the cause of which was an error in the mother’s diet.

It is also worth noting that the introduction of a new infant formula can also cause foamy stool.

Almost every woman in postpartum period takes medications or undergoes courses antibacterial therapy. Most medications pass into mother's breast milk, which affects the baby's digestion. The result: loose, foamy stool.

Intestinal dysbiosis

The disease is always accompanied by problems with the child's stool. The baby's constipation gives way to severe stomach upset, and the contents of the diaper become foamy and liquid. Almost always, undigested food remains are present in the baby’s stool.

Imbalance of mother's milk

If the baby does not suck milk from the back of the breast, which is the most nutritious and healthy portion, then the baby may experience common problems with a chair.

Lactase intolerance

Breast milk consists of many carbohydrates, but the most valuable is lactose. But the baby’s body is not able to independently produce a sufficient amount of the enzyme necessary to break it down. The baby receives the main part of the necessary enzyme from the rear portion of the mother's milk. And if the baby constantly eats only the front liquid portion, then he suffers from digestive disorders. In this case, in addition to the foamy consistency, the child’s stool will also have a strong sour odor.

Child malnutrition

If a newborn regularly does not receive enough nutrients and enzymes from the rear portion of milk, then a biological deficiency appears in the child’s body active substances. In such cases, the baby's stool may also foam and take on a darker shade.

Gas formation

Quite often during colic and high level gas formation in newborns, foamy stools are observed. You just need to endure this period, trying to alleviate the baby’s suffering. Do not forget that if the mother’s diet is violated, gas formation only intensifies. Quite often, the main recommendation of pediatricians is to exclude cow's milk from a nursing woman's diet.

Intestinal infection

No one is immune from intestinal infection, and even a baby who has just been born can become a victim of this. unpleasant disease. In such cases, stool disturbances always occur. The main symptoms include loose, foamy stools, vomiting, high temperature body and loss of appetite.

How to treat foamy stools in infants

The reasons why a child has foamy stools can be completely different. And choice medicine It depends on what caused the baby’s stomach upset. Just remember that only a specialist observing the child can make any prescriptions.

In most all cases, the liquid contents of the diaper are a completely acceptable deviation that does not require the intervention of a doctor. And if the child continues to remain active, then there is no reason to worry. But sometimes loose stools in a newborn indicate serious problems and you can’t do without medicine here.

If a child has been diagnosed with dysbacteriosis, then he is prescribed to take bifidumbacterin, bifiform and others similar drugs. The bifidobacteria contained in their composition help restore the natural intestinal microflora.

If the reason is that the child does not receive lactase in required quantity, then in this case drugs are prescribed that include it in their composition. Additionally, the child is prescribed a diet containing minimum quantity lactose. If the child is artificial, then it is necessary to replace the mixture with a lactose-free version. It is recommended that the mother express the front portion of milk and add enzyme to it, and only then offer the bottle to the baby. In this case, the baby must also be offered the breast. In this case, the baby also receives fattier hind milk.

Sometimes the cause of foamy stool in a child is the usual food allergy. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult an allergist. The doctor will not only make approximate diet mother of the child, but will also appoint antihistamines. Additionally, the use of sorbents may be prescribed, which promote the rapid removal of toxins from the child’s body.

And of course special attention requires identified intestinal infection. The severity of the condition is aggravated by other symptoms, but the possible dehydration of the baby’s body is of particular concern. As a rule, to avoid this, they are prescribed special drugs, in particular, rehydron.