Switch to healthy foods. stage

Almost every person sooner or later begins to think about their health. The reasons may be different: deterioration in health, the appearance of diseases, the desire to remain young and beautiful for many years, etc. The path to a new one healthy life, as a rule, begins with physical activity and a transition to proper nutrition. It goes differently for everyone. For some, change comes easily, for others it comes with great difficulty. To reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and “rollbacks”, it is recommended to do everything gradually. Many people take things too seriously this issue, they expect instant results and, as a result, quickly give up. We suggest you take advantage of tips on how to start eating right to avoid problems.

1. You don't have to completely change your eating habits all at once. Start with one thing. When you “adapt”, then move on. The brain will get used to the new food, begin to forget about the old one and will not resist.

2. You should not set yourself several tasks and goals at once. If you decide to switch to proper nutrition, then at the same time you don’t need to start doing major home renovations, moving, quitting your job, starting your own business, etc.

A person needs great strength, both physical and emotional, for all the changes in life. Don't overload yourself with tasks. Yes, getting out of your comfort zone is good, but when your body is constantly under stress from changing your eating habits, you won't be able to concentrate well on your other endeavors. The result is failure in business, Bad mood, breakdowns and return back.

3. Don't give up harmful things forever. Tell yourself that you have stopped eating candy, cookies, fast food, etc. for a while. If you want something sweet, then eat a chocolate bar. But the next day, add more fruits, vegetables and greens to your diet to compensate. This way, it will be easier for you to adjust.

Of course, you should not abuse this.

4. Don't get prepped for cooking healthy meals. If you have no desire or time to cook, then make a simple sandwich, but instead of sausage and cheese, put greens, avocado, tomato, etc. in it.

5. Don't think about food. During the transition to proper nutrition, this will be quite difficult to do, but try to direct your thoughts and energy to work, hobbies, and family. Every time you catch yourself having such thoughts, drive them away from yourself.

Now let's proceed to a clear and simple transition scheme to healthy eating. Below are 11 tips on products that will help you make this journey easier and more comfortable.


Fruits are an ideal solution for those who cannot live without quick snacks, so always carry them with you. If you want to grab something, then take out, for example, an apple or a banana from your bag. They will satisfy your desire to eat.


Don’t think that you can’t cook with vegetables delicious dishes. This is very misconception. In reality there is a large number of simple, but very delicious recipes, which include simple products. Start accustoming yourself to an assortment - eat fresh or steamed vegetables. On extreme case, boiled.


If you're missing taste sensations, then prepare yourself herbal teas with honey or fruit water.

Whole wheat bread

Bread is one of those products that a person “cannot live” without, and therefore it is difficult to give it up right away. IN in this case It is recommended to choose one that has been prepared from whole grain, sprouts and bran.

Whole grains

For example, sprouted wheat, green buckwheat and oats will help you replace your usual breakfasts of sweet cereals or cereals.


This type plant products will help cope with addiction to sweets. If possible, carry them, like fruit, always with you. Very tasty and healthy.


High-quality and organic tofu is a real godsend for beginner vegetarians. This “bean curd” can be added to many dishes.


You should avoid meat completely. It is one of the reasons for the loss of your energy, health and youth. If it’s difficult for you to immediately remove it from your diet, then replace red meat with fish and poultry for now.


This is not the most healthy food for good health. To give it up, start making it yourself. At least you will be confident in its composition. For the bravest, we offer a recipe. :)


They are highly addictive. If you eat them often, it will most likely be difficult to give them up. But there is a great alternative - salt-free nuts and fruit and vegetable chips. For example, from bananas, kale and tomatoes.

Experiment and take action

The horror and fear of a boring diet will begin to pass if you start constantly trying something new for yourself. Believe me, among healthy dishes a large number of very tasty ones. If you search and experiment, you will definitely find yours! ;)

So, the secret of a successful transition to a healthy diet lies in the gradual replacement of unhealthy foods with healthy ones, and also, of course, in the determination to take action.

Good luck in your endeavors! ;)

If you have embarked on the path of gaining and strengthening your health, you have probably already asked yourself the question of how to switch to proper nutrition? Where to start for a person who doesn’t have the slightest idea how to get things back to normal? gastrointestinal tract, start removing toxins from the body, feel light and confident? We present to your attention 10 simple steps switching to proper nutrition.

Usually, people don’t even want to hear about giving up their usual unhealthy diet. Therefore, not only their figure suffers, but also their health. Sweet delicacies often overcome willpower, and incompatible foods take a long time to digest, tormenting the poor stomach, which does not know why, how and why it is being punished. Why the hell does he need these sweets in his borscht?..

Due to my permanent job 5 days a week I have to dine in a public canteen and it just so happens that I really enjoy watching people. When I see a chubby or pot-bellied person who clearly doesn’t think about how he can switch to proper nutrition, I pay attention to what kind of food he takes into his meal. Which, to be honest, makes me feel sorry for him.

In 99% of cases, in addition to the first and second courses, a person eats a bun and two or three glasses of compote. My surprise knows no bounds... Of course, you will be blown away like yeast dough, dear ones! Do not do it this way! It's better to start eating right. You need to know about.

Hear your body's call for help and be reasonable. Have pity on him. I think this clear and understandable step-by-step diagram should help “beginners” get on the path proper nutrition.

How to switch to proper nutrition?

1. The first thing you need to start with is to remember once and for all simple diagram proper nutrition. That is, what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In general, according to the classics of proper nutrition, we should eat food in 5 approaches. For breakfast, it is best to eat complex carbohydrates, since from them the body can receive a portion of the energy necessary for normal labor activity, By at least, before lunch. My morning always starts with preparing a mixture of cereals or oatmeal, in which .

It is strongly recommended to eat your favorite sweets before noon. Just not those sweets that are offered in stores, but homemade ones, prepared by you personally from natural ingredients. It’s better to switch only to honey and dried fruits - these sweet foods are much healthier.

When your stomach has finished digesting breakfast, you will want to have a snack. This will be the second meal. It is best to chew on some fruit, a handful of nuts, whole grain cookies, cottage cheese, some dried fruit, etc. Remember that you have started eating healthy. Where to start with your lunch meal? For lunch you need to eat foods that contain carbohydrates, protein and fiber.

For example, it could be any porridge with chicken and vegetable salad. For dinner, also prepare something protein-rich and rich in fiber. The evening meal should be without carbohydrates. It can be cottage cheese, meat, chicken, legumes, eggs and vegetable salad. A very simple scheme of proper nutrition, isn’t it? But this is only the first point in answering the question: “How to switch to proper nutrition?”

2. Before going to the store, always make a list of the products you are buying.

Include vegetables and fruits in red, green and yellow flowers. For what? It is believed that it is good for us to eat red, green, yellow, bitter and sour.

Also don’t forget to write down chicken meat, greens, cottage cheese, eggs, whole grain bread. You are switching to proper nutrition, right?

So get out of the habit of putting it in a basket or cart. familiar products- those that you buy constantly.

3. Be sure to buy more greens.

Take a look at this simple and helpful advice about how to “burp” greens, after which you can move on to the fourth step. Remember, you can never have too many “green friends”! To feel a real surge of vigor and freshness, every day eat not just a couple of green onions, but a whole plate of dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.

4. Forget canned food.

It is better to start replacing them as early as possible with frozen vegetables, fruits and berries, the shock freezing of which allows you to preserve everything in them useful elements. Pickles and fruits from a can, although tasty, often contain a lot of salt and bad preservatives, as do products in cans (sprats, bullheads, sardines, etc.).

5. Never go hungry to the shops or to get together with friends in a cafe.

Statistics show that a hungry person is much more likely to buy or order extra and unhealthy food than a well-fed person. And such nutrition can only do harm. Especially if it becomes systematic.

6. “No!” fast food.

If you are a lover of ready-made food from supermarkets, then forget about this addiction forever! Leave the finished packaged dumplings and dumplings in their place. This will be the right decision.

7. Say “that’s it!” white bread.

This is what you should give up! I advise you to start eating only whole grain bread and buy whole grain flour. Products containing yeast are best avoided.

8. Forget about refined sugar and candy, and consider switching to honey and fruits.

These natural ones will only bring you benefits, unlike the first ones. Excess sugar entering the bloodstream disrupts all stability.

9. Always put all sorts of “useful things” in a visible place.

Let fruits and cereal cookies occupy place of honor in the center of the table and will be visible.

Its lack causes your cells to suffer from thirst instead of bathing in water. Clean drinking water for excellent health it is necessary every day in sufficient quantities.

That's all! Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to switch to proper nutrition, where to start and what to follow, feel free to take action. Pamper yourself with the right and compatible foods.

Denis Statsenko was with you. Healthy lifestyle to everyone! See you

Modern people are increasingly thinking about how healthy foods they eat. Such thinking is logical, since an accelerated daily routine leads to the consumption of fast food and other junk food. Hence the need to switch to proper nutrition. Many people believe that healthy diet requires considerable financial costs, but this judgment is erroneous. All you need is time. The frequency of meals reaches 5 times a day, with each meal having its own dish.

Features of proper nutrition

  1. The basis of the daily menu is fish, beef and veal, pork, poultry, and fish of any origin. In short, you eat all these foods almost every day, so additional funds no purchase required.
  2. Another main point - fresh vegetables, greens (required!), fruits, seasonal berries. The listed products should always be available in the refrigerator, since they should be consumed in the amount of 30-40% of the daily food volume.
  3. To inexpensive products included in correct menu, also includes low-fat milk, cereals and legumes, eggs. From white bread will have to be abandoned; it will be replaced by whole grain products.
  4. Maintaining proper nutrition is not complete without water. You will need to radically reconsider your lifestyle and, if necessary, install an application on your smartphone. It will signal that you need to drink. It is advisable to choose melted or filtered water; mineral water without gas is suitable.

The process is not difficult, but includes certain nuances. Let's talk about them in order.

Rule #1. Change your habits

  1. If you are used to eating a lot, but rarely, it’s time to get rid of such addictions. The main rule of proper nutrition is to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. The meal consists of 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. The interval between them should not exceed 3 hours. Roughly speaking, the day is divided into breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack, dinner, and another snack (optional).
  3. If you are determined, prepare yourself to completely avoid drinking alcohol. This especially applies to beer and strong alcohol. Once every 3-4 weeks you can treat yourself to a glass of dry wine (no more than 150 ml).
  4. Proper nutrition is associated with in a healthy way life. Once you get into the rhythm and start eating on a schedule, sign up for the gym. Stop smoking, tobacco contributes to the blockage of blood vessels.
  5. Drastically change the arrangement of products in the kitchen. If you live with other family members, put away the sweets and junk food in the far corner of the closet. Place a basket of fruit on the table and push the milk forward in the refrigerator.
  6. A portion of food with proper nutrition does not exceed 300 grams. Therefore, there is no need to keep large plates with you. Replace them with small bowls and saucers, exclude dishes in red and yellow shades (these colors make you feel hungry).

Rule #2. Keep drinking regime

  1. Water activates all metabolic processes in the body, saturates cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Never neglect this rule, drink more water.
  2. The average person needs to consume about 2.3-2.5 liters. clean liquid. Depending on the time of year, individual characteristics body and physical activity, the indicator can fluctuate by 200-300 ml.
  3. Among other things, water intake should be supplemented with drinking natural yoghurts, milk, freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas. It is necessary to exclude sweet soda, packaged juices, sugar compotes and fruit drinks from the diet.
  4. For amateurs green tea You should be careful, you should not drink it more than 4 times a day, 250 ml. The composition flushes calcium from the body, resulting in damage to hair, nails and skin.
  5. Get started morning awakening according to all the rules. Woke up, washed, drank 300 ml. melt water from lemon juice and honey. This move will push the body to the point that it’s time to swing faster.

Rule #3. Buy healthy products

  1. Before going to the supermarket, make a list of only healthy foods. Eat heartily so as not to add harmful ingredients to your basket (snacks, sausage, etc.).
  2. Make a list so that it contains 30% of the daily volume of vegetables, 20% of fruits, 20% of greens. Be sure to buy eggs, lean meat, whole grain bread, low-fat milk (cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir, milk).
  3. With proper nutrition Special attention is given Chinese cabbage and Iceberg salad. The listed ingredients can be eaten at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. Each dish is complemented with salad.
  4. Buy wheat, rye, flax bran. They should be added to kefir, first and second courses, soups, milkshakes, etc. Be sure to include legumes in the list, in particular beans, they contain a lot of protein.
  5. Since the morning begins with breakfast, make sure you have oatmeal in your basket (not in packets with sugar and cream). If desired, mix rolled oats with chia or flax seeds.
  6. Vegetable salads are dressed with peeled olive oil first class or apple cider vinegar(concentration 6%). You can eat butter twice a week.
  7. Buy hard or soft, not very salty cheese at the hypermarket. It will be a useful purchase fish fat in capsules, the drug is sold in pharmacies. Take the course once every six months.

Rule #4. Eliminate junk food

  1. Switching to a healthy diet involves eating steamed food. Completely rid yourself of fried foods, add less salt and hot seasonings. Avoid sausages.
  2. It is not recommended to eat canned food (sprats, vegetables in oil, etc.). Replace crispy ones salted cucumbers and other products marinated with frozen vegetables and legumes. You can buy a mixture of beans, eggplants, mushrooms, bell peppers, rice, etc.
  3. White bread causes enormous harm to the figure and the entire body, especially the intestines. It doesn't have any benefit, so this product should be excluded. Replace the wheat product with diet bread, an integrated whole grain product.
  4. You should forget about beet sugar forever, use brown sand, honey or stevia (a natural substitute). Avoid baked goods, sweets and other sweets. If necessary, eat some dark chocolate.

Rule #5. Don't forget to have breakfast

  1. Breakfast should be 1/3 of the daily meal. If you work long hours or there is a strong exercise stress, allocate half of the daily food intake for the morning meal. If desired, divide the amount into 2-3 meals every half hour.
  2. Start your day with a glass lemon water, after a quarter of an hour, start your meal. A mixture of flaxseed and oatmeal porridge with seasonal berries and fruits is ideal for breakfast. You can also eat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, yogurt, milkshake, cereal bars.
  3. Coffee stimulates the appetite and burns calories, a controversial drink. You shouldn't give it up. Drink 40-50 ml. pure espresso after meals. Add a spoonful of honey or stevia if desired. Drink the drink without milk or cream.
  4. If you consider yourself to be one of the people who never eat breakfast, try eating at least 1 sandwich with cheese. The main thing is to send a signal to the brain to activate all metabolic processes. You are allowed to eat chocolate in the first half of the day, the portion is no more than 30 grams.

Rule #6. Don't forget to have a snack

  1. As mentioned above, a healthy diet should include 2-4 snacks. For example, in the morning you had breakfast, half an hour later eat an apple, pear or grapes. After about 1 hour, have breakfast a second time, after 30 minutes, have a snack with a cereal bar.
  2. Snacks should be the right ones, this is the move that will allow you to eat and not gain weight. If you eat only healthy foods, snacking will no longer be limited by time and portions.
  3. As an intermediate meal, you can enjoy vegetables or fruit salads, nuts of any type (no more than a meal per day), dairy products, bread with fish or cheese.
  4. Don't eat on the go; give yourself 10 minutes of time to feast. Eat in silence, do not turn on the TV or music. Focus on moving your jaw and tongue.
  5. Experienced nutritionists recommend preparing cocktails from skim milk, honey and seasonal berries. You can add to the drink a raw egg or pure protein (available at the store sports nutrition). The cocktail quickly fills the body and keeps you feeling full for 1.5 hours.
  6. If, due to the nature of your work, you cannot eat properly in the corporate cafeteria, prepare your food in advance. Pack it into containers and go to work. Try not to eat the dish without preheating it.

Switching to proper nutrition does not require special effort or finances. Agree, the listed products are much cheaper than daily use fast food at McDonald's, KFS or Burger King. All you need to worry about is having the necessary ingredients in the refrigerator.

Video: how to start eating right

The right path to beauty and health is proper nutrition. However, giving up your favorite buns and burgers is not so easy! In addition, the transition to PN is invariably accompanied by a restructuring of metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. BeautyHack shares the secrets of switching to proper nutrition.

On the way to the cherished goal

  1. Eat breakfast yourself. In winter, with a lack of sunlight, waking up in the morning is especially difficult. The consequence of this is skipped breakfast and a double portion of calories at lunch.

If you ignore your morning meal, reduced performance during the day is guaranteed. So start your journey to healthy eating with a daily breakfast. And if waking up in the morning when the alarm rings seems like an impossible mission for you, put it where your hand can’t reach - you’ll still have to get up to turn it off.

  1. Don't give dinner to the enemy. Dinner is the same mandatory meal as breakfast. Many PP adherents urge not to eat after 18.00. However, nutritionists say that this rule is not entirely true and the last meal should be three hours before bedtime.

Skipping dinner can cause bad sleep and eating breakdowns at two in the morning. Another thing is that it must be correct. Eat more plain protein for dinner, pairing it with vegetables (ideally: half raw vegetables, half steamed). The latter should be twice as much as the protein product.

  1. "Dear Diary". Start food diary. A regular notepad is quite suitable for these purposes. But if writing is not your option, download an application with a user-friendly interface. Write down in your food diary not only all the foods you eat during the day, but also plan your menu for the coming week - this way you will have every chance of not eating too much.
  1. Balance. Healthly food does not imply giving up carbohydrates and fats, as some people think. Proper nutrition is the daily maintenance of a balance of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in a ratio of 1:1:4 for an adult. If you are exercising, your fat percentage should be reduced to 0.7, due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Complete refusal from lipids or carbohydrates can cause serious illness.
  1. Rule 5 servings. American scientists conducted studies involving more than 830 thousand people, during which it was found that increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases. Recommended daily norm- 5 servings. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which removes toxins from the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Start by adding fruit to your cereal in the morning. Then replace the side dish with a salad and don't forget about snacks! But remember that fruits are high in carbohydrates, so you shouldn’t load up on them at dinner.

  1. List. Make it a habit to make a grocery list before every trip to the store. This will save you not only from extra costs, but also from extra calories in your grocery basket. Think through the menu in advance! Otherwise, some of the products may be useless.
  1. The simpler the better. Avoid complex dishes. One meal should include no more than 4 ingredients, otherwise the food will become a serious burden on the stomach. How simpler dish, the faster and better it is digested. Wherein daily diet should be varied: mono-diet and PP are different things.
  1. Simple scheme. We are sharing a simple and, most importantly, universal scheme for proper nutrition. Breakfast: complex carbohydrate+ protein. First snack: nuts, whole grain bread, dried fruits or cottage cheese. Lunch: proteins + carbohydrates + fiber (for example, salad from one type of vegetable, buckwheat and chicken breast). Second snack: proteins + a small amount of carbohydrates (1 apple, for example) Dinner: fiber + protein.

Don't forget that everything needs to be done gradually. If just yesterday you ate fried potatoes, washing it down with cola, do not expect that you will immediately begin to enjoy baked vegetables - your taste buds and gastrointestinal tract need to adapt to new mode work. Start with proper breakfast. After a week, replace the complex side dish. Drink one more glass of water every day. And don't forget about snacks and menu planning.