First sensations after taking terzhinan. The use of terzhinan is effective for women's health

Quite often, women turn to gynecologists with complaints of discharge, itching and burning in the genital area. Such phenomena bring a lot of discomfort to both the woman herself and her sexual partner.

Sex ceases to be enjoyable, and your health gets worse every day. The causes of such symptoms may vary.

These include thrush, anaerobic bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms, and inflammatory processes on the vaginal mucosa. Deal with everyone similar manifestations The drug Terzhinan, widely used in medical practice due to its versatility, helps.
Terzhinan is used in case of detection of genital ureaplasmosis, vaginitis, including those caused by Trichomonas and combined, colpitis, inflammation of the appendages, and thrush.

Vaginal tablets are also administered to prevent inflammatory processes before and after surgical intervention, including during termination of pregnancy, or after installation intrauterine device. Terzhinan is also indicated as a remedy that effectively relieves unpleasant and painful sensations after treatment of cervical erosions. If a woman is diagnosed with candidiasis before giving birth, then with the help of Terzhinan it is possible to prevent infection of the child during passage through birth canal and avoid possible complications. This wide range of application is ensured by the special composition of the drug.

Composition of Terzhinan

Nystatin. The antifungal antibiotic effectively fights the growth of Candida fungi that cause thrush.

Ternidazole. The antiseptic inhibits the proliferation of Trichomonas, Gardnerella and other types of bacteria.

Neomycin sulfate. The antibacterial effect of the drug can destroy vegetative and dormant varieties of aerobic microorganisms, which include Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococci.

Prednisolone. Normally, this glucocorticosteroid hormone is in required quantity produced by the adrenal glands. If the production of prednisolone is impaired, this can lead to all sorts of manifestations on the vaginal lining, swelling, pain, redness and itching.

Excipients such as starch, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate help maintain the bactericidal acidity of the vaginal mucosa and protect it from damage.

Sex while taking Terzhinan

First of all, it should be remembered that all diseases that are treated with Terzhinan must be eliminated not only on the part of the woman, but also on the part of the man. To do this, sexual partners must undergo antibacterial treatment. If you neglect this point, then all the troubles that occur with any disease will come back. It is best to completely abstain from sex during treatment, which is also indicated in the instructions for this medicine, however, some doctors make concessions while taking Terzhinan and allow partners to live their usual sex life.

Naturally, only subject to the mandatory use of a condom, and complete absence any side effects from both genital organs. For example, some women may experience a strong burning sensation during or some time after sex, and men may complain of some discomfort and discomfort. In this case, it is better to completely abstain from sexual activity until the end of the course of treatment. It should also be taken into account that sexual intercourse must occur only before the introduction of the next evening vaginal tablet, and not after.

Features of using Terzhinan

Terzhinan belongs to the category of drugs that are safe even during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. But it is precisely at this time that the expectant mother often faces gynecological problems due to decreased protective forces body. Therefore, even if a woman’s menstruation is delayed during therapy, it is not advisable to stop treatment. One more a definite plus These tablets can be called the fact that even menstruation is not an indication for a break in treatment. This allows you to quickly get rid of the disease without adjusting to menstrual cycle. Alcohol does not affect the effectiveness of this drug.

Terzhinan is produced in the form vaginal tablets, which before insertion into the vagina must be moistened for 30 seconds in water, or held for 2 minutes in a damp hand. After administering the tablet, you should lie down for 10-15 minutes. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime. May appear in the morning yellowish discharge, which are the norm during treatment with Terzhinan. If the main goal is to normalize the disturbed vaginal microflora and relieve inflammation, then the duration of treatment is six to ten days, depending on the diagnosis and the doctor’s prescription. The reason for using Terzhinan is thrush? Then the course of therapy doubles in time. Three days after the end of treatment, you must undergo tests that will confirm your recovery. In some cases, a repeated course of taking Terzhinan may be necessary.

Despite the generally recognized safety of the drug, the possibility of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug cannot be ruled out. In this case, you should consult your doctor about replacing Terzhinan with any other effective medicine. Terzhinan has no analogues, but in each individual case the doctor will help you choose effective remedy, which will not cause allergies in your particular situation. It is also possible allergic reactions in the form of itching, swelling and redness of the genitals. Similar side effects at the first stage of treatment are not indications for discontinuation of the drug. However, you should definitely inform your doctor about them, who will decide on the possibility of further therapy.

Video of using Terzhinan

In the video, the pharmacist talks about the drug Terzhinan, the active ingredients included in its composition, method of use, side effects and contraindications. The video is recommended for viewing by a wide audience

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Terzhinan. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Terzhinan in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Terzhinan in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of thrush (candidiasis), vaginitis, vaginosis, trichomoniasis and others infectious diseases female genital area, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Menstruation and discharge while taking the drug. Is it possible to have sex while taking medication?

Terzhinan - combination drug for local use in gynecology. The effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components.

Composition and effect of the drug components

Ternidazole, an imidazole derivative, has a trichomonacid effect and is also active against anaerobic bacteria, in particular Gardnerella spp.

Neomycin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group.

Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic from the polyene group, highly active against fungi of the genus Candida.

Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of the excipient ensures the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and constant pH.


Pharmacokinetic studies of Terzhinan have not been conducted due to low systemic absorption.


Treatment of vaginitis caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • bacterial vaginitis caused by banal pyogenic or opportunistic rod microflora;
  • vaginal trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis.

Prevention of vaginitis:

  • before gynecological operations;
  • before childbirth or abortion;
  • before and after installation of the IUD;
  • before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
  • before hysterography.

Release forms

Vaginal tablets, in packs of 6 and 10 tablets (sometimes mistakenly called vaginal suppositories).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

Prescribe 1 vaginal tablet (suppository) per day before bedtime. Average duration course of therapy - 10 days; in case of confirmed mycosis, it can be extended to 20 days. Treatment should not be stopped during menstruation.

Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet should be kept in water for 20-30 seconds.

Side effect

  • burning sensation;
  • local irritation (especially at the beginning of therapy);
  • allergic reactions.

Discharge when using the drug is not typical; you should consult your doctor for advice.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to use Terzhinan during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) according to indications.

special instructions

It is necessary to simultaneously treat the sexual partner due to the risk of re-infection. Also, during treatment with Terzhinan, sexual contact (sex) with a partner should be avoided.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant drug interactions The drug Terzhinan with other drugs has not been identified.

Analogues of the drug Terzhinan

The drug Terzhinan has no structural analogues of the active substance.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Terzhinan is a vaginal tablet that has antifungal, antitrichomoniacal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Suitable for complex treatment infectious gynecological diseases, less often - for prevention. Effective against sexually transmitted diseases, prescribed for candidiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Composition of the drug Terzhinan High efficiency

  • The drug is due to the effect on the fungus of four active components, the combination of which ensures rapid recovery:
  • nystatin is an antibiotic that acts against fungal infections;
  • ternidazole – an antifungal substance;
  • neomycin – have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms, regardless of their origin;

prednisolone is a hormone that has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects, relieves the symptoms of the disease.

Indications for use

  • Terzhinan is prescribed not only for thrush (acute and chronic), but also for other gynecological diseases:
  • trichomonas vaginitis;
  • combined colpitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • gardnerellosis and chlamydia;

inflammation of the appendages. The drug is prescribed for prevention inflammatory diseases in pregnant women, after treatment of cervical erosion, before and after surgical interventions

. It is recommended to take Terzhinan before childbirth for women with a predisposition to thrush.

Who are contraindicated for suppositories?

Terzhinan is well tolerated by the body and is suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation. A contraindication is individual intolerance to the components included in the drug. Tablets are not prescribed to young girls under 16 years of age due to the lack of information about the safety of the components on the children's body.

How to take the pills You need to take Terzhinan for thrush according to the following regimen: 1 tablet every day. The doctor decides how many days the treatment lasts, but for women suffering chronic form

candidiasis, you will need to administer suppositories for 10 days. The tablets are dry, so they need to be slightly moistened before use. warm water , and then insert deep into the vagina and take. Carry out the procedure before going to bed to avoid the candle falling out or leaking out in an already dissolved state.

Side effects in women after using the drug are rare; a burning sensation and irritation of the intimate area may occur.

If long time If your condition does not improve, you will need to adjust your treatment with your doctor. Women experience a decrease in itching and burning after one (maximum three) Terzhinan suppository. And if the tablets do not bring results, you will need to undergo a re-examination or combine the drug with other drugs to treat candidiasis.

Terzhinan for pregnant women

Terzhinan does not cause concern among pregnant women and gynecologists, since its safety for the fetus has been proven by many years of experience in medical use. During the period of waiting for the baby, candles have advantages over competitors:

  • even with long-term use substances do not accumulate in the body and are practically not absorbed in the blood, so the drug has no effect on the child;
  • high efficiency makes it possible to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of thrush within a couple of days after starting treatment, which during pregnancy is no less important than proper treatment;
  • candles have wide range actions and are effective against many pathogenic microorganisms, which makes it possible to use just one drug to treat several diseases.

Terzhinan is prescribed from the second trimester of pregnancy, but studies conducted in Europe have shown that the drug has no effect on the fetus or on early stages. But precaution in our country comes first, so tablets are not prescribed earlier than 12 weeks and are not allowed for use for a long time. The gynecologist decides how long the course is. For pregnant women, the treatment regimen is adjusted individually after examination..

The drug is not contraindicated during lactation. A young mother may not stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Features of taking Terzhinan

  1. There is no need to stop treatment with the onset of menstruation. The suppositories take a long time to dissolve without being washed away by menstrual blood.
  2. Terzhinan can be taken together with other drugs, including local ones. But it’s worth dividing the reception into different time, or use a second medicine after 1-2 hours.
  3. At first (2-3 days), Terzhinan relieves symptoms, then begins to fight the infection. Therefore, you cannot discontinue the drug yourself when signs of the disease disappear. If you do not get rid of the fungi, the thrush will worsen again.
  4. You cannot use Terzhinan without interruption while self-medicating. This leads to a decrease in immunity and strengthening of infection in the body.
  5. Thrush should be treated simultaneously with your sexual partner. During therapy, it is advisable to refrain from sexual contacts, or limit it to a minimum and be sure to use barrier contraception.
  6. Candles are not canceled if menstruation is delayed, if there is a possibility of pregnancy, or if it is confirmed successful conception. It is important to finish treating thrush because it affects the fetus more than pills.
  7. The tablets dissolve in the vagina, but are not absorbed into its mucous membranes. The next day after evening administration, yellowish liquid discharge, which is normal during treatment.

The safety of the drug for women, pregnant and lactating, should not encourage self-medication and uncontrolled use of pills for a long time. After completing the course, smears are examined to determine the state of the microflora. Based on the test results, the doctor decides whether to prescribe further therapy.

Sometimes the joyful moments of pregnancy are overshadowed by trips to the hospital. And it makes me sad expectant mother not so much the trip to the medical institution itself, but the reason that caused it. One of the most common ailments that manifests itself in women during pregnancy is what is popularly called. According to statistics, mushrooms of the genus Candida different dates make themselves felt to seventy-five percent of pregnant women. And here the question arises: “What to do if in a “special” situation not any treatment is possible?” There is no need to panic, because there are still some drugs that can relieve a pregnant woman of the disease and not harm the unborn baby. These are Terzhinan vaginal suppositories. Let's see how effective and safe this drug is during pregnancy.

Terzhinan is approved for use in pregnant women

In addition to treating thrush, Terzhinan is able to cope with bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. That is, these suppositories are used during pregnancy for treatment various diseases caused by an imbalance of the microflora that is located in the woman’s genital tract. Terzhinan has antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects.

During pregnancy, Terzhinan is not dangerous to the fetus because it has local action and is not absorbed into the blood. This fact allows the drug to be used at any stage of pregnancy. In addition, the use of Terzhinan is also safe during breastfeeding.

Sometimes Terzhinan is used for prophylactic purposes. For example, this is relevant for women with pathogenic flora birth canal. To protect the baby and minimize the possibility of infection, Terzhinan is “treated” with Terzhinan in the last trimester (and most often immediately before birth).

How to use Terzhinan suppositories?

Terzhinan suppositories, as we have already noted, are available in the form of vaginal tablets. They are inserted into the vagina while lying on your back. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime. This will ensure that the drug stays inside for a longer time, and, therefore, will have best effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to administer the drug at other times of the day. Unless the woman will be able to lie down for at least 3-4 hours after the injection. But this, you see, is extremely inconvenient and practically impossible.

As a rule, Terzhinan suppositories are administered once a day.

Contraindications for use and side effects

A contraindication to the use of Terzhinan is individual intolerance to the components. These points are clarified with the doctor.

In addition, the use of suppositories, especially at first, can provoke a burning sensation in the genital tract. Typically within a few days this symptom passes. But this does not mean that you have to endure in silence. Call your doctor and tell them about it.

No matter how effective and safe Terzhinan suppositories are, under no circumstances prescribe them to yourself! At the slightest sign of discomfort, immediately go to the doctor. Remember: no article on the Internet can replace qualified advice from a specialist.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

From Guest

Thanks to the doctors, it came down to +++ yeast, and all despite the fact that I was constantly complaining. And to a friend in private clinic I was immediately prescribed Ecofemin so that there would be no problems with the smear. So think about where it’s better to be observed, maybe it’s not in vain that they pay money there - according to at least, they don't have such problems,

From Guest

At 37 weeks I started getting thrush (after an acute respiratory infection) and my immunity weakened. And the doctor prescribed me TERZHINAN suppositories! She said that it would get rid of thrush and before childbirth it would be very good for the birth canal!)) I was very pleased! The result was visible within 3 days!! I put it on overnight!)) Now I will only keep these candles in mind!! Hexicon is truly garbage, it can only be suitable as a preventative agent!!

From Guest

I couldn't get pregnant for 2 years. We were preparing for HSG and then for IVF. Before the HSG they found in the smear elevated white blood cells. Terzhinan suppositories were prescribed. I started inserting the day before ovulation. I tracked ovulation using tests and a BT schedule. And in the same cycle (with Terzhinan suppositories) I became pregnant. It's already week 8.

From Guest

Suppositories, tablets... Girls, ask your doctor about Metrogil vaginal gel. It is administered using an applicator, it’s a very convenient thing and quickly relieves all the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, and also normalizes the vaginal flora, so you don’t need to be treated for thrush later. It is a pity that not all doctors yet know about this drug.

From Guest

I can’t say anything about Terzhinan; it was Metrogyl gel that helped me. I caught this infection, bacterial vaginosis, in the middle of pregnancy. How this happened, I don’t know myself... I even thought it was a sinful thing to do to my husband. I read a lot of different fears on the Internet. And the doctor later confirmed that if you don’t get treatment, you may not carry the fetus to term. Bacteria can penetrate into the amniotic fluid. And there, anything you want can happen... a miscarriage, and premature birth, and abortion. Metrogyl gel turned out to be the magic wand that quickly relieved the disease. And most importantly, it didn’t hurt my son!))

From Guest

And I was diagnosed with chlamydia at 1-2 weeks (I didn’t even know I was pregnant yet), the doctor prescribed Terzhinan for 14 days, 1 tablet before bed. It helped! Chlamydia disappeared =)

From Guest

This drug seems dangerous to me for pregnant women, as you know, there is both a hormone and an antibiotic. At 36 weeks I was prescribed vaginal Metrogyl for vaginosis, but there was just metronidazole and that’s it. But I don’t recommend terninan.

From Guest

Terzhinan was prescribed before childbirth. Just 2 weeks after giving birth, I began to experience itching and burning, which turned out to be bacterial vaginosis. The clinic doctor explained that this may be due to the use of Terzhinan, because... it kills all bacteria, including beneficial ones, and against this background, bacterial vaginosis may well develop. I was cured with Metrogyl vaginal gel, especially since it normalizes the balance of vaginal flora, which negates the possibility of developing bacterial vaginosis and acts specifically on the pathogen, and does not affect beneficial bacteria.

From Guest

I used vaginal Metrogyl when I had bacterial vaginosis. Everything went very quickly, I didn’t even expect such an effect from this super gel.

From Guest

When I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, my doctor immediately advised me to use Metrogyl vaginal gel. He helped me cope with this problem very quickly, I am very pleased with the effective action of this gel.

From Guest

After pregnancy I had bacterial vaginosis. I took Metrogyl vaginal gel and was very pleased. Everything happened in just a week. As it turned out, metrogyl vaginal gel is an effective and also inexpensive medicine.

From Guest

I used vaginal Metrogyl without being pregnant, but I can say that the drug is effective and very easy to use.

From Guest

And I was prescribed Metrogyl at 26 weeks, because even before pregnancy I was treated with Terzhinan and it caused a terrible burning sensation, so I immediately refused it. And Metrogil turned out to be soft drug, the gel form is much more convenient than suppositories and helped immediately, and a control smear after treatment showed the norm, and I was generally pleased with the price - terzhinan is much more expensive.

From Guest

I was also prescribed Terzhinan during pregnancy. But, to be honest, I didn’t notice much help. After giving birth, bacterial vaginosis occurred again. Terzhinan was prescribed, but the pharmacy advised me to replace it with vaginal metrogyl gel. Everything was fine here. Within a week I dealt with my illness.

From Guest

Very good effect

During pregnancy, the drug Terzhinan is taken in the form of suppositories inserted into the vagina to treat diseases caused by the proliferation of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. In 70% of women expecting a child, a violation of the optimal balance of the microflora of the genital organs occurs in the body due to changes in the functioning of the hormonal, immune and digestive systems. Terzhinan is prescribed to pregnant women not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of this pathology.

What is Terzhinan

When carrying a child, women often develop diseases of a bacterial and fungal nature - vaginitis, candidiasis, hidden sexually transmitted infections. Terzhinan suppositories are used during pregnancy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease on the genital mucosa and suppress pathogenic microbes. This combination remedy effectively treats and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

Active substance

Therapeutic effect the drug is associated with the content of the components included in its composition - such as:

  • Ternidazole is a substance with antibacterial activity. It is most effective against Trichomonas.
  • Nystatin is an antifungal component that fights candidiasis.
  • Neomycin - this substance belongs to the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics that treat purulent complications infectious infection.
  • Prednisolone is a corticosteroid that stops the development of inflammation.

Terzhinan – hormonal or not

The drug contains four active components, one of which belongs to the group of corticosteroids. Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid that quickly reduces local inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, itching, and burning. The dose of this substance is small - 3 mg per 1 tablet. Terzhinan is classified as hormonal medications, therefore its use is prohibited without a doctor's permission.

Why is it prescribed to women?

Vaginal suppositories and the tablets are safe for correct intake. This tool prescribed to ordinary patients and women expecting a child. Treatment can be carried out during menstruation. Terzhinan is prescribed for several conditions of the body and for the treatment of such infectious pathologies, How:

  1. colpitis;
  2. vaginitis;
  3. purulent discharge from the birth canal;
  4. prevention of infection due to surgery;
  5. recovery period after treatment of cervical erosion or installation contraceptive device;
  6. preparation for surgery and childbirth;
  7. after suturing the cervix due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  8. to prevent the development of inflammation while wearing an unloading obstetric pessary;
  9. genital ureaplasmosis;
  10. trichomoniasis;
  11. gardnerellosis;
  12. candidiasis;
  13. gardnerellosis and chlamydia;

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should receive treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor assesses the patient’s condition during a periodic examination and based on the results laboratory research. Terzhinan for thrush during pregnancy and for the treatment of other infectious diseases of the genital organs is prescribed according to the same system as for women who are not expecting a baby. Having a local effect, the drug practically does not penetrate into the blood, so it is not considered dangerous to the fetus, but only at later gestation.

Terzhinan in early pregnancy

At vaginal use Terzhinana during pregnancy active ingredients penetrate into the bloodstream in small quantities. In the first three months of bearing a child, using the drug is strictly prohibited. This is the period active formation internal organs and systems of the baby’s body, and the components that the medicine contains can cause congenital pathologies. To suppress infections in the first trimester, it is recommended to use more gentle means.

In the 2nd trimester

For pregnant women in the second trimester, prohibitions limiting the use of a number of medications, but antibiotics are not included in this list. Terzhinan contains components that inhibit the activity of microorganisms, but it is approved for use. The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets, so the amount of substances that can penetrate the blood will be small and at this stage of the baby’s development they will not cause harm.

In the 3rd trimester

Terzhinan and pregnancy in the third trimester are compatible. This is very effective drug, used for treatment and prevention infectious inflammation. The indications for prescribing Terzhinan during long-term pregnancy include treatment of the birth canal immediately before the birth of the child in order to protect the baby from infection during the birth process.

How Terzhinan works

The drug Terzhinan during pregnancy has high activity against a number of pathogens: Trichomonas, gardnerella, fungi and other bacteria. Local application the drug protects the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and supports physiological acid-base balance internal environment of the vagina. Terzhinan, used during pregnancy, maintains the optimal ratio beneficial bacteria with opportunistic microorganisms living on the genitals.

Prednisolone, which is part of the drug, reduces the manifestation local allergies, amount of exudate, inflammation. Ternidazole inhibits the proliferation of protozoan microorganisms (Trichomonas) and some anaerobic bacteria. Neomycin kills staphylococci, coli, streptococci, shigella. Nystatin effectively fights fungus. Microorganisms slowly develop resistance to Terzhinan.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

Ratio active substances The drug is selected so as to cause a synergistic, mutually reinforcing effect on pathogenic microbes, without affecting the natural microflora of the vagina. The medicine is available in the form of vaginal tablets/suppositories yellow color. The active components in its composition are contained in the following quantities:

  • prednisolone – 3 mg;
  • ternidazole – 200 mg;
  • neomycin sulfate – 100 mg;
  • nystatin – 100 thousand IU.

It is advisable to take Terzhinan immediately after menstruation, but menstruation is not considered a contraindication to the use of the drug. To prevent re-infection with pathogens, the sexual partner must also undergo treatment. The product is allowed to be used not only by pregnant women, but also by lactating women, because it does not penetrate breast milk. In addition, it was noted that the drug does not affect the reaction rate.

How to enter

The use of Terzhinan, like other medicines, has certain features. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina, following simple recommendations:

  1. Before administration, rupture the shell of the drug, place it in boiled water room temperature for 30 seconds.
  2. Insert the wet suppository/tablet deep into the vaginal cavity, lying on your back with your knees bent.
  3. After placing the medicine in the birth canal, lie down for 15-30 minutes.
  4. It is better to administer the tablet before going to bed and not get up after that, so that the melted drug does not leak out when you get up.
  5. If menstruation begins, continue the course of treatment.


The drug does not affect the effectiveness of drugs taken orally, because the dose of active components that penetrate into the blood is small. During pregnancy, Terzhinan is taken intravaginally, one capsule per day. The product should be injected deep into the vagina, preferably before bedtime. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. According to the decision of the supervising physician, in case of complicated vaginitis, the drug is prescribed to be taken for 3 weeks. IN for preventive purposes The product should not be used for more than 6 days.

Side effects of Terzhinan

Only the attending physician can prescribe the drug, because sometimes Terzhinan can cause side effects. In most cases, such a reaction is observed in the first days of treatment. Patients feel itching and burning, but gradually everything unpleasant symptoms pass. Nuances:

  1. If side effect the drug is intensified, then you should contact a specialist so that he replaces Terzhinan with similar drug.
  2. Suppositories act locally, so overdose is almost impossible.
  3. To avoid possible complications, follow your doctor's recommendations.

Discharge after Terzhinan during pregnancy

Sometimes, while taking the drug, a woman may become frightened when she sees vaginal discharge. In such a situation, you need to decide why this is happening. Terzhinan is well tolerated during pregnancy, so the main reason for the appearance of liquid is the melting of the substance that makes up the suppository. The vaginal mucosa absorbs only part of the active components, the rest flows out. Liquid preparation may come out of the vagina for several hours. These discharges are not considered pathological. To avoid staining your laundry, use sanitary pads.

Burning sensation from Terzhinan

At the beginning of treatment with Terzhinan suppositories, the vaginal mucosa may burn slightly and itch. After two or three days, such unpleasant phenomena should completely disappear as the inflammatory process. If the patient has an individual intolerance to any component of the drug, then the listed symptoms will intensify. In this case, she needs to urgently seek help from a doctor and stop taking the prescribed medication.


Terzhinan during pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated in the first trimester. During this period, the formation and development of the fetus occurs, and the drug contains active components, even small doses of which can cause significant harm to the child. IN severe conditions when the expected benefit to the mother exceeds possible risks For a child, the decision to prescribe the drug should be made by the doctor.

In addition, contraindications for the use of the drug include individual intolerance individual components included in its composition, and allergic reactions. Most cases of burning after taking the drug do not require discontinuation of the drug. This feeling goes away within a few hours. If the unpleasant symptoms intensify and swelling of the mucous membranes develops, then you need to take some kind of allergy medicine and no longer administer suppositories.

Terzhinan price

Prices this drug practically do not differ in different cities. Vaginal tablets, manufacturer - Bouchard laboratory, France, packaging No. 6 cost from 336 to 363 rubles, No. 10 - 435-466 rubles. In addition, it is possible to purchase medicine in an online pharmacy. Purchases can be received by mail or choose delivery to the addressee by courier company.
