Nutrition for healthy teeth. Healthy foods for gums

The foods a person eats saturate his body with useful microelements. They affect not only correct work internal organs, but also on the condition of the oral cavity. Pathologies of teeth and gums, the appearance of bad breath and increased sensitivity of enamel directly depend on dietary habits. Some foods can seriously harm your teeth, and by consuming certain vegetables and fruits you can improve your enamel and gums. Anyone who cares about health oral cavity, must know which foods are good for teeth and which are harmful.

How is food related to oral diseases?

Not only does the body function through food, but also pathogenic bacteria, populating the oral cavity. A favorable environment for their development is carbohydrates, especially sweets. In the process of life, pathogenic microbes convert sugar into acid, which provokes leaching minerals from enamel. As a result, sensitivity develops over time, cracks appear on it, through which bacteria penetrate into the tooth cavity. As a result, caries and other pathological processes develop.

The condition of the gums also depends on nutrition. Thus, vegetables and fruits with a pronounced sour taste can damage the gum tissue, causing the appearance of ulcers, as well as the development of gingivitis and stomatitis.

However, there are foods that have a beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums. By consuming certain fruits and vegetables, you can get rid of plaque and pathogens, significantly strengthen your gums, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in their tissues. In order for dental products to bring maximum benefit, you need to consume them as often as possible.

Foods and drinks harmful to teeth and gums

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To preserve your oral health, the consumption of certain foods should be limited or eliminated altogether. These include:

Too cold and hot foods cause irreparable damage to enamel. Particularly harmful to her sudden changes temperatures

When combining hot foods with iced drinks tooth surface is significantly destroyed without the possibility of its further restoration.

Teeth coloring products

Abuse certain products nutrition can change the natural color of enamel. Foods that stain teeth include:

  • black tea and coffee;
  • soy and balsamic sauce;
  • red wine;
  • beet;
  • dark-colored berries (blueberries, blackberries, currants);
  • products with high content dyes;
  • juices

The presence of coloring properties in food does not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon its consumption. It is enough just to rinse your mouth thoroughly or brush your teeth after each appointment. However, the amount of coffee and black tea, no matter how tasty they are, should be limited.

Healthy foods to strengthen teeth and gums

Along with junk food There are simple and affordable foods that are good for your teeth. These include:

Teeth Whitening Foods

As noted earlier, some foods can stain your teeth, causing them to take on an unsightly dark shade. At the same time, there are fruits, vegetables and berries that can be used to solve this problem by significantly lightening the enamel. The following have effective whitening properties:

Experts note that no product can replace professional whitening procedures.

Traditional methods of dental health

Traditional medicine has many ways to improve the health of the oral cavity. The most popular and available options Strengthening gums and tooth enamel are the following methods:

  • daily intake for 1 week 2-3 tbsp. l. chicory decoction with milk;
  • regular rinsing of the mouth with a solution prepared from 250 ml of water and 2-3 drops of tinctures of propolis and calamus;
  • adding crushed to powder form to dishes eggshells– the use of this method must be combined with the use fish oil or regular exposure to the sun;
  • chewing honeycombs for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a day.

You can also improve your teeth with stewed fish, which contains large amounts of phosphorus and iodine. Any type of it will do, but it is better to give preference to fatty varieties.

In order to always have healthy and beautiful teeth, you need to adhere to a number of easy-to-follow rules. Among them, the following important points can be highlighted:

  • drinking sour juices and carbonated drinks with a straw;
  • replacing milk chocolate with dark chocolate;
  • use chewing gum after meals (no more than 10-15 minutes);
  • establishing a 2.5-3 hour interval between meals, which will allow recovery acid-base balance oral cavity;
  • refusal of hard, too hot and cold foods;
  • rinsing the mouth after eating vegetables, berries and fruits with a pronounced sour taste;
  • chewing thoroughly.

Poor nutrition negatively affects the condition of teeth. For this reason, it is recommended to abandon constant diets and diversify the daily menu.

Sweets taste good, but are they good for your teeth and your body as a whole? Candy, cakes, cookies, and other sweets that children like to eat between meals can cause damage to teeth. Some sugary foods also contain a lot of fat.

Children who eat a lot of sweets consume different kinds sugars, including table sugar (sucrose) and fructose. The starch contained in foods also breaks down in the mouth, forming sugars.

Did you know that the average American eats about 147 pounds of sugar per year? That's a huge amount of sugar! It is not surprising that every 17-year-old resident of this country, on average, has more than three teeth affected by caries!

How does sugar affect teeth?

The oral cavity is home to invisible microorganisms called bacteria. Some of these bacteria form a sticky substance called plaque on the surface of teeth. When sugar enters the mouth, plaque bacteria ferment it, producing acids. These acids are strong enough to dissolve the enamel that covers your teeth. This is how caries begins.

How to eat properly in order to protect teeth from caries?

Before you start eating, ask yourself what ingredients are in the food you are about to eat. Does it contain sugar? If yes, then think again - choosing other foods would be better for your teeth. Keep in mind that some types of sweets may be more harmful than others. Gummy and chewy candies for over long period time in the mouth, compared to foods that are easy to chew and quickly swallowed. Thus, sticky and chewy sweets result in longer tooth contact with sugar.

Besides, important has the frequency of eating sweets: do you eat sweets many times during the day or usually only during dessert after dinner. Destructive acids form in your mouth every time you eat sweets. Acids affect your teeth at least for 20 minutes before they are neutralized. Thus, the more often you eat sweets during the day, the more damage you cause to your teeth.

If you love sweets, it is better to eat them as a dessert after your main meal, instead of eating them multiple times throughout the day between meals. And every time after you eat something sweet, it is best to thoroughly brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. * If you decide to have a snack after work, feed your child after school, before bed, or at other times during the day, eat something that does not contain a lot of sugar and fat. After all, among such snacks there are also a lot of tasty things, but they are less harmful to your teeth and to the body as a whole, compared to foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, which, by the way, often have lower nutritional value.

Good choice are products such as fresh vegetables and fruits, bread and flour cookies coarse etc.

Below is a list of "healthy foods" of the main food groups, low in fat and low in carbohydrates, from which you can create your own menu.

Healthy foods - for healthy teeth

Fresh fruits and raw vegetables

  • Berries
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Pineapples
  • Pears
  • Tangerines
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Carrot
  • cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Fruit and vegetable juices no added sugar
  • Canned fruits and vegetables in natural juices


  • Porridge without sugar
  • Roasted corn without oil
  • Wholemeal cookies
  • Pasta
  • Crackers

Milk and dairy products

  • Skim or low-fat milk
  • Nonfat or low-fat yogurt
  • Fat-free or low-fat cheeses
  • Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese

Meat, nuts and seeds

  • Chick
  • Turkey
  • Steak
  • pumpkin seed
  • sunflower seed
  • Nuts

Eat foods containing sugar as little as possible. Avoid sweets between meals. Eat low-calorie or low-fat food products. After eating, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste or at least rinse your mouth.

Weight loss or tooth loss?

Dieting may affect various organs oral cavity: teeth, gums, tongue and lips, and also reduce the level of saliva secretion. Some weight loss diets include low intakes of minerals and vitamins needed to maintain good dental health. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for dental development, but are very scarce in low-dairy diets. If you comply special diet, tell your dentist about this. The dentist has necessary preparation and can always give you information about foods or diets that may be harmful to the health of your teeth and gums. In addition, some types dental treatment procedures requiring a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body - especially dental surgery - may be postponed during this period.


People who are particularly susceptible to caries should limit their consumption and frequency of use of foods containing high content Sahara.


Women are advised to increase their consumption of calcium-rich foods, including low-fat dairy products.


Women of childbearing age should eat foods high in iron (meat, fish, legumes, bakery products with whole grains and fortified with iron).

Fats and cholesterol:

All people should limit their intake of fat (especially saturated fat) and cholesterol. Choose foods low in these substances: fruits, vegetables, fish, Domestic bird, lean meats, whole grain foods, low-fat dairy products. Use low or no fat cooking methods.

Complex carbohydrates and fiber:

High consumption of foods containing whole grain, cereal products, vegetables (including dried beans and peas) and fruits.

Memo for parents

Not all of the foods listed above have been studied to see if they cause dental caries in general. However, it is well known that all of them are much less dangerous from this point of view compared to sugar-containing foods that children often eat between meals.

But not only candy and other sweets can be dangerous for teeth. Foods such as pizza, various types of bread, and hamburger buns may also contain sugar. Therefore, when buying products, pay attention to the label; it must indicate the composition of the product, including the exact amount of fats and carbohydrates. Keep in mind that unrefined sugar, honey, molasses, and syrups also interact with bacteria to form acids, just like refined sugar. These foods are also potentially harmful to dental health.

Your child's diet should be varied and include foods from various food groups: fruits and vegetables, baked goods and cereals, meat and dairy products, etc. Some foods have a higher nutritional value than others and will have a better effect on the growth and development of your child. However, remember that even some fresh fruits, if eaten in excess, can cause harm to teeth. Just like you, children should brush their teeth with BLEND-A-MED fluoride toothpaste after eating.

Ryan Andrews

Dental health is more important than most people think. And nutrition plays a big role in this. Wondering what to eat to keep your teeth and gums strong?
Our teeth are so small, but without teeth we cannot chew. Imagine that you can no longer eat crispy raw vegetables and fruits, nuts!

We need healthy teeth and gums to eat nutritious foods. And we must eat nutritious food for healthy teeth.

When we were children, our diet influenced the development of our teeth. And as we grow older, nutrition continues to play a role in maintaining dental health.

Dental problems

If we don't take care of our teeth and gums, we risk tooth decay, gum disease, and even bone loss.

Meanwhile, the condition of our teeth and gums may indicate cardiovascular diseases, celiac disease, diabetes, infections, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux, alcoholism and much more. If our eyes are the mirror of the soul, our teeth and gums are the window of our body.


A cavity is an opening in the tooth enamel. Up to 90% of schoolchildren and most adults have at least one cavity in the tooth enamel, in other words, a hole in the tooth. Tooth decay is the result of the build-up of plaque, a sticky, mucous substance made primarily of bacteria. When you have sugar and carbohydrates in your mouth, bacteria create acids, and these acids can eat away at your teeth. This leads to pain and inflammation. So if you find a cavity, don't delay visiting your doctor.

About half of American adults over the age of thirty have periodontal disease or gum disease.

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gum tissue, is an early stage of the problem. With proper care, you can fix everything. But if you don't, the inflammation will eventually spread into the spaces between your teeth.

Bacteria love to colonize these spaces, continually destroying the tissue that connects the teeth. Symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen and discolored gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, tooth loss, and bad breath.
Harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream, leading to other chronic health problems.

Periodontal diseases are a risk factor for the development coronary disease hearts. Why? We really don't know for sure, but apparently gum disease doesn't just signal inflammation; they also increase inflammation. And inflammation contributes to coronary heart disease.

Periodontal disease is associated with low levels in the blood of vitamins and minerals. And getting enough specific nutrients is very important for successful treatment.

What do you need for healthy teeth and gums?

Protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, antioxidants, folate, iron, vitamins A, C, D, omega-3 fats. They take part in the formation of the structure of teeth, enamel, mucous membranes, connective tissue, immune protection.

What is healthy to eat and what is better to avoid?

A nutritional list is great, but when you're at the store, you still need to know what you need to buy. Luckily, you don't have to do anything special. Eat foods with big amount lean protein and fresh vegetables. Avoid eating processed foods, especially those containing large amounts of simple sugars.

Here are a few foods, nutrients, and supplements that may play a role in oral health.


Probiotics help prevent gum inflammation and plaque formation; bacteria found in fermented milk products may inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. One study found that using fermented milk products associated with less periodontal disease. Probiotics from any source can be beneficial in a similar way.


Cranberry and others herbal products Foods rich in anthocyanins (such as blueberries, red cabbage, eggplant, black rice and raspberries) can prevent pathogens from attaching and colonizing on host tissues (including teeth). Some studies have even shown that cranberry extract is beneficial as a mouth rinse and improves dental health! This humble berry can give you healthy teeth.

Green tea

Polyphenols are known to reduce the presence of bacteria and toxic products bacteria in the oral cavity. Tea is also rich in fluoride, which is very beneficial for dental health.

Chewing gum with pycnogenol

Chewing gum made from pine bark or sap reduces plaque and bleeding gums. Great Uncle's Remedy Really Works!

A diet that includes soy helps reduce periodontal disease.


This important amino acid can change the acidity of the mouth and reduce the likelihood of cavities.

Echinacea, garlic, ginger and ginseng

Research shows that these plants help inhibit the growth of periodontal pathogens in test tubes. But human studies are still lacking.

Whole Foods

Try to get your nutrients from whole foods. (Bonus: you give your teeth some extra stress!)


The mineral fluoride helps prevent decalcification of our bodies. In other words, it helps you absorb and use calcium effectively. Fluoride in saliva can prevent demineralization of enamel.

Fats and the oral cavity

In obesity, excess fat tissue is often stored in places it shouldn't be, such as the liver. Dental health is no exception.

Obesity is correlated with adipose tissue in the form of deposits in the mouth, inside the lips or cheeks, on the tongue, and in the salivary glands.


It is clear that controlling inflammation is important for oral health, and obesity is correlated with inflammation. This is why obesity is the second largest risk factor for oral inflammation. The only thing worse for oral health than obesity is smoking.

Why? Because high level blood sugar, changes in the composition of saliva and inflammatory processes, as a rule, accompany excess weight. Result? Increase in oxidizing agents - these unpleasant free radicals can damage the cells of our body.

Besides, fat cells the body releases inflammatory compounds. One common inflammatory compound associated with periodontal inflammation in obese individuals is orosomucoid. Meanwhile, orosomucoid has also been linked to malnutrition. It's a surprise? Maybe not, considering that many people become fat thanks to poor nutrients diet.

People who have overweight, are also at greater risk of developing diabetes, and diabetes is in turn associated with poor oral health. This is likely due to the increase in blood sugar and associated consequences.

Disordered eating and oral hygiene

Healthy eating habits can improve oral health and change the composition of saliva for the better.

Meanwhile, gluttony and malnutrition create serious threat oral health. Problems include enamel damage, tissue damage, poor salivation, swelling and sensitivity.

Aging and oral health

The risk of periodontal disease increases as we age. But the longer we support good health oral cavity, the higher the quality of our life. It is not yet clear what exactly causes oral disease as we age. Theories include wear and tear of teeth and gums, use medicines, financial difficulties (which leads to a decrease in preventive treatment), other chronic diseases, associated with oral hygiene, and immunological changes. It is absolutely clear that good care our teeth and gums at any age is important.

Sugar and oral health

Eat more sugar and get more cavities, right? Wrong. Are you surprised?
In fact, one study found no link between eating highly sugared breakfast cereals and developing tooth decay!

But here's a more likely explanation: the sheer amount of sugar we eat may be less harmful to dental health than the frequency of our consumption. This is why energy drinks are so dangerous. By sipping sugar-sweetened drinks, we expose the sugar to our teeth. Most sugary drinks are very acidic, which promotes demineralization.

A diet based on refined and processed carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. The World Health Organization suggests that no more than 10% of your total energy intake should come from added sugar. So if you ate 2000 calories a day, then 200 calories should come from added sugar, that's 50 grams. This suggests that the authors of these liberal recommendations own shares in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

Other sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame do not appear to contribute to periodontal disease or tooth decay. Sugar alcohols such as xylitol or erythritol do not appear to affect oral health. In fact, chewing gum Supplements containing xylitol after eating may even reduce the risk of cavities forming.

As for stevia, it doesn't seem to have any effect negative impact on oral health. But necessary additional research, of course.

Maintain good oral hygiene. Seriously. Don't floss yet? Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day? If not, then start.

Brush your teeth not only with toothpaste, but also baking soda. Baking soda has an alkaline effect on the oral cavity and reduces the risk of caries.

Avoid smoking. Smoking can cause gum and tooth decay.

Drink green tea. Drinking green tea improves the health of your teeth and gums as it reduces inflammation, makes your mouth more alkaline, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, prevents tooth loss, can slow the progression of oral cancer, and freshens breath by killing odor-causing bacteria. Wow! Green tea can help you get rid of obesity too.

Chew xylitol gum after meals. Xylitol increases saliva production and prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth that produce acids that cause tooth decay. But don't overdo it, because even though sugar alcohols won't damage your teeth, they can cause gas and bloating.

Eat mostly whole, nutritious foods that provide adequate amounts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin K (especially K2) and vitamin D. Foods good for dental health: leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, cheese, yogurt, beans and mushrooms . Oh, and make sure you get enough sunlight.

Eat raw, crunchy vegetables and fruits every day. Raw foods clean teeth very well (apples, carrots, Bell pepper etc.). Eating apples as a dessert after lunch will help remove plaque. In addition, apples contain natural xylitol.

Limit your sugar intake, as it can be found in foods and drinks - fruit juices, energy drinks, candy, etc. Energy drinks are especially harmful because they contain sugar and are acidic. If your diet revolves around energy bars and energy drinks, you'll probably have no teeth left by your 45th birthday.

Support healthy weight bodies. Excess fat can contribute to poor health, including poor oral hygiene.

Increase the amount of arginine in your diet. Eat more spinach, lentils, nuts, whole grains and soy.

Exercise regularly exercise. Exercise protects against periodontal disease.

Healthy teeth and gums are a wonderful decoration for the face. In the old days, teeth were used to determine a person’s health and performance.

Today beautiful smile is an important attribute of human attractiveness. It facilitates the establishment of social contacts and helps to achieve success in society. In addition to the social and aesthetic function, teeth and gums have a very important anatomical significance.

The encyclopedia says that teeth are bone formations in the oral cavity, which serve to grind food. In addition, they play a significant role in the pronunciation of many sounds. The teeth are located in the dentogingival pockets. The main function of gums is to protect teeth from loosening and falling out.

Healthy foods for teeth and gums

  • Carrot . Contains carotene, beneficial for the oral mucosa and gums. Strengthens tooth enamel. In its raw form, it is an excellent simulator for teeth and gums.
  • Milk . Contains calcium, which is building material for teeth.
  • Fish . Contains phosphorus, which is also necessary for teeth.
  • Greenery. An excellent source of organic calcium.
  • Sea kale. Thanks to the high content of iodine and other useful microelements, it restores metabolism in the body.
  • Apples . They perfectly massage the gums, cleanse them, and remove plaque.
  • Pumpkin . Contains fluorine, zinc and selenium. Perfectly whitens teeth, makes them stronger and healthier.
  • Chicory. Restores metabolism. Stimulates blood circulation in the oral cavity.
  • Onion . Contains vitamin C, phytoncides. Helps strengthen gums.
  1. 1 The health of teeth and gums depends on the health of the whole body. Therefore, doctors recommend regular exercise, which stimulates blood circulation in the body and strengthens the immune system.
  2. 2 The diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits of non-acidic varieties, which are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, consuming them raw stimulates blood circulation in the oral cavity, cleanses and massages the gums, and strengthens tooth enamel.
  3. 3 Daily finger massage of the gums is an excellent prevention of periodontal disease.
  4. 4 The most important source of fluoride is water. With a lack of fluoride tooth enamel
  5. weakens. If there is an excess of it, the teeth become covered with black dots. Therefore, it is advisable to drink only water that is as healthy as possible for your teeth! 5 It is believed that tooth powder is more beneficial for teeth than toothpaste. You can also brush your teeth with crushed salt and vegetable oil
  6. . True, this recipe is not suitable for everyone’s taste. But this method was approved even by the USSR Ministry of Health! You can also brush your teeth with the ashes of banana or eggplant peels. They say that this powder whitens teeth enamel well.
  7. 6 Yogis and some adherents of a healthy lifestyle use twigs of cherry, pear or oak as a toothbrush. To do this, one end of the branch is flattened to separate it into fibers. Use like a regular toothbrush. 7 A sufficient amount of water on an empty stomach puts the whole gastrointestinal tract
  8. , which is a good prevention of dental plaque and the key to proper digestion.
  9. 8 Eating food that is too cold or too hot increases the risk of tooth enamel cracking. It is advisable to consume foods only at room temperature. 9 Caries can be stopped by restoring the body's defenses. The main thing is to establish a diet, nutritional value daily ration

. Hardening procedures and feasible physical activity also help get rid of the main destroyer of teeth - caries.

  • Traditional methods for healing teeth and gums
  • In some cases, a decoction of chicory with milk is good for restoring tooth enamel. Condensed milk with chicory will also work. Take a few tablespoons a day for at least a week. At the same time, eat stewed fish more often, which is an excellent source of phosphorus and iodine. Propolis tinctures with calamus are considered the most strong remedy V to strengthen teeth and gums. Before rinsing, a few drops of propolis and calamus tincture are mixed in a glass.
  • Rinsing relieves inflammation of the gums and strengthens tooth enamel. Propolis is very beneficial for the entire oral cavity. In addition, it is one of the main components of many medications for periodontal disease.

Calcium-containing powders are also used to strengthen teeth and restore enamel. For example, crushed eggshell powder is suitable.

  • But for its absorption, the presence of vitamin D is necessary, which must either be consumed in the form of fish oil or sunbathing. Harmful foods for teeth and gums Peeled and unpeeled roasted sunflower seeds.
  • When peeling seeds from the hard shell with teeth, it occurs mechanical damage
  • tooth enamel. If repeated frequently, the enamel may not recover. A large amount of peeled sunflower seeds can lead to chemical damage to tooth enamel, due to the content of substances harmful to teeth in fried seeds, which cause fragility of the outer shell of the tooth.
  • Rusks and other roughage. In large quantities it harms the enamel and can injure the gums. Bakery and fast food. Those who like to eat such foods should think about the condition of their teeth and gums in the future. Since purified and soft food cannot provide a full chewing load. With a regular preference for such products, the gums become loose, posing a threat of tooth loss, and tooth enamel becomes fragile and thin, which creates conditions for infection to penetrate into the teeth.
  • Lemonade, Coca-Cola and other sweet carbonated drinks. Contains harmful to teeth
  • chemical substances. They destroy the enamel.

Sugar and oatmeal

. Block calcium absorption. Cherry, currant

and other sour berries fruits.

Research by French scientists has shown that hard cheeses are useful for protecting tooth enamel. These cheeses are low in salt and high in calcium and phosphates. Due to these properties, a piece of cheese helps maintain a normal pH balance in the oral cavity, preventing excess acid, which promotes the growth of bacteria. And the calcium and phosphorus that cheese supplies the body with strengthen the enamel.

What to do: Instead of a sweet dessert, train yourself to eat a 15-gram piece of cheese (size 22 cm) after lunch and dinner as a means of protecting your teeth.


These small fruits contain much more vitamin C than many others. For example, one is enough large fruit almost completely covers daily norm vitamin, which is very important for gum health. Research by scientists from medical center in Sydney showed that with a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, collagen production decreases, tissues become more vulnerable to bacteria, gums begin to bleed, and periodontal disease may even develop.

What to do. Add one kiwi fruit, cut into slices, to your porridge (preferably oatmeal) in the morning.


Some fresh leaves parsley or mint are excellent breath fresheners. These plants contain a lot of easily evaporating essential substances, which, together with the blood flow, quickly reach the lungs and refresh the air you exhale, acting like a deodorant.

. Block calcium absorption. Add 1-2 tbsp to prepared dishes. spoons of finely chopped parsley and fresh mint.


English doctors from the Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital have proven that celery is very good for dental health. If you use it every day, it protects your teeth twice. First, celery leaves require chewing thoroughly, during which saliva is released to neutralize bacteria. Secondly, during the chewing process, the gums are massaged and the teeth are cleaned of plaque.

. Block calcium absorption. Chew a stalk of celery or a small carrot once a day as an afternoon snack. Or add celery to salads and mix with fresh cottage cheese and other herbs.


This is not only a seasoning for many dishes, research by doctors at the Center alternative medicine The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences showed that horseradish reliably protects teeth and gums. The fact is that the substances that give horseradish a burning taste also prevent the proliferation of bacteria responsible for the occurrence of caries.

. Block calcium absorption. Horseradish should appear on your table several times a week. You can add it to salad sauces. Take 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 3 tbsp. spoons of rice wine vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil, mix thoroughly and season the salad with this mixture fresh vegetables. You can dissolve half a teaspoon of grated horseradish in a glass warm water and rinse your teeth with this solution after eating.

Shiitake mushrooms

IN Lately American and Japanese doctors pay the most serious attention to studying useful properties these mushrooms. In addition to the beneficial effect on the immune system, it turned out that these mushrooms contain special substances that prevent the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

. Block calcium absorption. Add 4-5 sliced ​​shiitake mushrooms to soups or vegetable side dishes 2-3 times a week. Both fresh and dried mushrooms are equally useful. The latter completely restore their properties when soaked for 25 minutes in hot water.


Russian dentists recommend drinking enough water to avoid dehydration. In addition, drinking water allows you to produce a sufficient amount of saliva, and this is a natural neutralizer of harmful bacteria. Do not forget to rinse your mouth more often, this will help you get rid of food debris in a timely manner, the rotting of which contributes to caries and bad breath.

. Block calcium absorption. Drink at least 6 glasses of pure or mineral water throughout the day. After every meal, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.


This vegetable contains so many natural antibacterial substances that it can destroy a huge number of different bacteria. This fact has long been confirmed by numerous scientific research. We try to avoid fresh onions due to bad breath. And this is wrong, because it can be neutralized by other means: chew a sprig of parsley or eat a refreshing menthol tablet.

. Block calcium absorption. Every day, add at least a few rings of fresh fruit to your salad. onions or put it on sandwiches.

Green tea

American doctors have discovered that the catechins contained in the infusion of green tea leaves are lethal to bacteria that cause caries. They also get rid of bad breath.

. Block calcium absorption. Drink at least 2-5 cups of regular or decaffeinated green tea every day. For convenience, take a thermos with tea brewed the day before to work or on trips. Pour 4 cups of boiling water into a thermos, add 3-4 teaspoons of green tea. After five minutes, strain and healing drink ready. Drink it after lunch and every snack, cold or hot, preferably without sugar. You can add milk to tea.

4 rules for a beautiful smile

NO snacks. When you chew constantly, you not only lose normal weight, but also “feed” the bacteria that are always present in the oral cavity. Make it a habit to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth thoroughly after every small snack.

NO sugary drinks. Sweet carbonated water or syrups “enrich” teeth with sugar for a long time, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Drink mineral water or green tea without sugar.

NO chewing gum. Don't assume that sugary chewing gum or candy will freshen your breath or clean your mouth. On the contrary, they provoke caries. Fight with unpleasant smell natural means– chew a few leaves of parsley, mint or preventative chewable lozenges with extract of clove and tea tree oils.

WITHOUT dessert. The habit of finishing lunch with a sweet dish has a detrimental effect on the health of your teeth and gums. For dessert, eat a piece of cheese.