Leech is a unique medicine based on medicinal leech! Leech - extract of leeches in capsules.

Medical leech contains about a hundred peptides, the main one of which is hirudin. This is a highly specific inhibitor of thrombin, the main blood clotting factor. Preparations with leech extract improve blood flow, blood circulation, microcirculation, eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation. These effects occur both externally and internally.

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Beneficial properties of leeches hirudin

The main component of blood that ensures its ability to form clots is the enzyme thrombin. The glands of the head end of leeches contain the only natural thrombin antagonist - hirudin. It selectively, almost irreversibly (during circulation in the blood) suppresses thrombin activity and does not affect other coagulation parameters. The most significant pharmacological effects hirudin:

  • blocks the formation of blood clots by inhibiting the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, deactivating coagulation factors, and disrupting the binding of thrombin to platelets;
  • prevents tissue ischemia, improving the delivery of oxygen and energy compounds;
  • normalizes blood pressure in moderate hypertension;
  • reduces swelling;
  • enhances the outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid;
  • relieves pain;
  • restores microcirculation processes;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improves blood flow.

Due to its small molecule size, hirudin can not only prevent excessive thrombus formation, but also combine with the thrombin of an already formed thrombus, slowing down its further expansion. This compound can be successfully used for the following pathologies:

An important feature is the minimum number side effects, absence negative influence on blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory system, as well as withdrawal syndrome after cessation of therapy. The drug is eliminated from the body within 10 hours; there is no specific antidote.

Application of ointment and gel

External application of preparations containing leech extract is recommended for:

  • phlebitis;
  • periphlebitis;
  • previous operations to remove or veins;
  • injury, inflammation;
  • local tissue swelling;
  • hematoma.

For therapy vascular diseases lower limbs A number of drugs containing hirudin are produced.

Girudoven and Girudoven complete

These drugs are indicated for swelling, cramps, fatigue legs, soreness and a feeling of tension that are associated with venous insufficiency. They have a venotonic effect, improve blood flow and the condition of capillary walls.

The external effects of using Hirudoven gel are improvement of skin tone, acceleration of restoration of normal color and moisture in case of trophic disorders. Composition differences: Girudoven contains an extract horse chestnut, and Girudoven complete includes ginkgo biloba.

The gel is applied to dry clean skin at lung help massage from foot to thigh.

Girudalgon and Girudalgon chondro

The active components of the gel improve the well-being of patients after injuries and muscle strains. These drugs quickly eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation. Girudalgon contains leech extract, camphor, fir oil and capsicum extract. In this case, hirudin helps the penetration of other substances and enhances their anti-inflammatory effect.

Girudalgon Khodro cream contains two compounds that affect the structure of articular surfaces - glucosamine and chondroitin. They stimulate the restoration of movements in arthritis, slow down the process of destruction cartilage tissue. The drugs are applied locally to the area of ​​pain.

Cream Hirudotonus

Used for massage after removal plaster casts, with prolonged stay in supine position, muscle pain after sports, for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke. This product improves blood circulation in the skin, muscle tissue and joints, stimulates blood flow, warms tissues, prevents bedsores, increases muscle strength, increases range of motion during paralysis. Contains:

  • leech extract;
  • fir oil;
  • extract of red pepper, ginseng and rosemary.

Ointment Piyavit

Basics active substance– extract from leeches. It has antithrombotic, antisclerotic and analgesic effects. Used for vascular spasms, thrombophlebitis, swelling of the legs, obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis, minor burns, lymph stagnation. Removes pain syndrome for radiculitis, polyneuritis.

The ointment is applied thin layer onto the damaged area and rub a little. Apply 2 - 4 times a day. The course of treatment is at least two weeks. Can be used together with ultrasound for phonophoresis.

Ointment Piyavit

How and when to take the pills

Hirudin in pure form quite difficult to get. Attempts have been made to synthesize it artificially. To date, there are a small number of drugs available for internal use with this substance, classical hirudotherapy is more widespread, when the patient medicinal leeches placed on the skin.


Indications for internal administration of Piyavita capsules are:

Available in capsules containing 150 and 300 mg of medicinal leech powder. Daily dose ranges from 450 to 900 mg, divided into 3 doses. Piyavit should be taken after meals for about 2 weeks. After this course, patients are recommended to take a break for 2 months, after which therapy can be continued.


In addition to hirudin, the composition contains troxerutin and horse chestnut extract. Used in complex therapy varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoidal disease, phlebitis and vascular thrombosis, trophic complications of venous insufficiency. Capsules of 470 mg are taken once a day for 30 to 45 days.

Internal administration of hirudin is indicated for increased risk thromboembolism, circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis, chronic inflammatory processes. The advantages of leech-based drugs include low toxicity and a stable anticoagulation effect.

Useful video

Watch the video about hirudotherapy and products with hirudin:

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  • List of diseases amenable to hirudotherapy

    1. Skin diseases(psoriasis, neurodermatitis, furunculosis).

    2. Chronical bronchitis, allergies with asthmatic components.

    3. Cardiovascular diseases(atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, hypertension, dystonia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).

    4. Organ diseases abdominal cavity(genatosis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, duodenitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease etc.).

    5. Neurology (osteochondrosis, myositis, radiculitis, vertebral hernia, headaches and dizziness of any origin).

    6. Gynecology (ovarian inflammation - chronic and acute, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis).

    7. Urology (prostatitis).

    8. Endocrinology (diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases).

    9. Overweight, cellulite.

    10. Various injuries(bruises, fractures, swelling, hematomas).


    · hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia;

    severe anemia ( significant reduction erythrocytes in the blood);

    · pregnancy, children under 10 years of age;

    · treatment with anticoagulants;

    · chronic decline blood pressure;

    · rare cases allergies to leeches.

    The course and number of procedures are prescribed by the doctor individually at the initial consultation. It should be noted that a medical leech is a “disposable instrument” and is used only once, which completely eliminates infection of the patient.

    Preparations based on hirudin

    So far, only one has been obtained - hirudin, but it also has a lot of disadvantages. In particular, it causes bleeding and is eliminated from the body very quickly, so it must be taken in combination with other drugs. In addition, the production of hirudin takes a lot of time, its price is very high, which means that not everyone can afford it.

    Some analogues of hirudin have also been created - the drugs “Revask” (desulfatohirudin), “Gyrolog” (bavilirudin), “Argatroban”, etc.

    According to published foreign data, in patients with unstable angina hirudin with long-term infusion (72 hours) in to a greater extent compared with heparin, reduced the incidence of myocardial infarction and deaths(on the 7th-35th day of observation), despite the high (2 times) frequency of bleeding; In some countries, hirudin is prescribed only in cases where heparin causes thrombocytopenia.

    Baskova worked for more than fifteen years to create a drug devoid of these shortcomings. And recently “piyavit” appeared - a remedy that has no analogues in the world. It does not cause allergies and prolonged bleeding, and in the body for a long time remains in high concentration. Clinical trials showed that "piyavit" helps patients with diabetes, pathology hearing aid, suffering nervous diseases, as well as in transplantation and organ transplantation.

    Proposed domestic drug piyavit, produced in the form of capsules containing hirudin, kallikrein inhibitors, trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase and hyaluronidase. Sufficient clinical experience its use has not yet accumulated.

    “, having learned that I saved my mother with leeches, but not knowing how to handle them, they often ask me the question, what can replace a leech? Some people hate leeches, others are afraid to put them on themselves - the reasons are different. Live leeches can only be replaced with “dry leech extract in capsules.” I will tell you about the drug “Piyavit” in capsules.

    I use dry leech extract in capsules to support my mother after a stroke. More than a year has passed since the book was written. Mom is alive and her condition has improved significantly. Thanks to the Girudin factory, where I order leeches and capsules, and thanks to these boogers, my dear leeches!

    No matter how effective a leech is, it cannot be placed continuously. And I, like many of my readers, had a question: what can replace it?

    I knew that there was a drug made from dry leech - Piyavit, I decided to replace hirudotherapy with maintenance intake of this extract.

    Leech capsules are a dry extract of leech. Developed in Moscow State University, by a team under the scientific supervision of Professor Izolda Porfiryevna Baskova. The substance is produced at the biofactory of leeches "Girud I.N." in Balakovo Saratov region under the auspices of Moscow State University.

    For apologists of “evidence-based medicine”

    The mechanisms of action of Piyavit have been thoroughly studied. In vitro and in vivo, on animals, on humans, on patients. Some randomized trials were conducted in Germany. In January 1998, the Russian State Pharmaceutical Committee approved clinical trials of Piyavit. Clinical trials in Russia were carried out in public clinics, including at the Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs in Moscow. In the books of Professor Baskova I.P. “Scientific foundations of hirudotherapy. Humoral link" and "Hirudotherapy. Science and Practice” is described in great detail, who, where, what and how he researched. This medicinal product, registered in the pharmacopoeia, and not a dietary supplement as some people think.

    What is dry leech extract?

    Dry leech extract is not just a dried leech, it is, in a special way, an extracted secret leech saliva, applied to a dry leech and turned into powder.

    Leeches are a storehouse of biologically active substances. More than 150 protein fractions and a huge number of non-protein components, cholesterol and steroid hormones, neurotransmitters: serotonin, histamine, and others biologically active substances.

    The dry extract contains all the same substances as live leech.

    • The main indication for prescribing this medicine is the treatment and prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and microcirculation disorders.
    • Piyavit prevents the formation of new blood clots, improves the rheological properties of blood (its “fluidity”), reduces its viscosity, and slowly dissolves already formed blood clots.
    • All these properties are absolutely necessary in the treatment of patients with brain disorder blood circulation, cerebral stroke.
    • But that's it medicinal effect doesn't end. Due to the fact that Piyavit is a multicomponent drug, its action also occurs in other directions.
    • In addition to the protective antithrombotic effect, piyavit has a hypoglycemic effect in patients diabetes mellitus, acts as an antimicrobial drug, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates cellular immunity, enhances phagocytosis, suppresses humoral immunity (the antiallergic effect is based on this).
    • Normalizes lipid metabolism and has a pronounced antiatherosclerotic effect.

    Piyavit has a neuroregulatory effect

    Piyavit has been studied in cerebrovascular diseases in children and adults. This is how a neurostimulating effect was discovered. As a result of his long-term use Memory improves, skills lost during a stroke are restored. The research was carried out at Moscow State University.

    I want to emphasize:

    Piyavit and hirudotherapy are not the same thing. The bite of a live leech, microtrauma of the skin, bleeding, trigger a chain of protective reactions of the body, and Piyavit capsules are devoid of this effect.

    But they have other advantages:

    • Capsules are much easier to dose and give to the patient
    • No bleeding or contact with the patient’s blood
    • No patient anemia
    • No prefix reaction

    The only drawback is that Piyavit smells like fish. But this is only significant if you have to open the capsule.

    How to give Piyavit for a stroke?

    My mother cannot swallow capsules and I wondered whether the protein components of the medicine would be destroyed in aggressive gastric juice?

    But the pharmacokinetics of the drug have been well studied. It has been proven that active ingredients are safely absorbed into the blood from the intestines and are found in organs and tissues. This includes passing through the blood-brain barrier and penetrating the brain.

    Just in case, I wrote a letter to the developer of Piyavit, Professor I.P. Baskova and received recommendations from her. The capsules can be opened and the powder given. The substances of the leech extract themselves have the ability to suppress the activity of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.

    So, I give my mother Piyavit - powder, adding leech extract to food. I add Piyavit only to liquid porridges with water, so that there is no accidental interaction with active nutrients.

    I give the medicine as indicated in the instructions for the drug.

    Already in the first month of treatment we received excellent results:

    • Mom has become much more active, she not only recognizes us, but also speaks a little.
    • The cyanosis of the lips disappeared.
    • The cardiogram unexpectedly improved. The fact is that the biologically active substances of leeches stimulate the formation of nitric oxide, and the action of Piyavit resembles the action of nitroglycerin. Therefore, it is not surprising that my mother’s signs of myocardial ischemia disappeared.

    Indications for use

    • Piyavit is used for arterial and venous thrombosis, for the treatment of thrombolymphangitis,
    • Studied use in patients with artificial valves hearts,
    • To normalize microcirculation and lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus,
    • In patients with cystic fibrosis,
    • And even in cases of organ transplantation (kidney transplantation).

    Why was the drug Piyavit not produced on a large scale?

    Because leeches are difficult to grow. The raw materials are expensive. And the construction of new biofactories is required.

    Where to buy Piyavit?

    I buy the drug at the Girudin I.N. factory and order it on the factory’s website www.girudin.com

    The manufacturer's price is lower than in online pharmacies.

    If you have any questions about the use of Piyavit, you can ask me, or find the answer in scientific.


    Doctor A. Novocidou