Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Reasons for the ban. What happens if you take this position in your sleep? Why is it best to sleep on your back?

The information presented is not intended for self-medication. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or applicable to you. Contact medical specialists!

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. It is very important to be able to sleep correctly, so that the spine actually rests at night and is not subjected to additional stress.

There are different opinions about the correct position of the body in bed. It is especially common to hear about the dangers of sleeping on your back.

In most cases, this assertion appears to be unfounded.

Lying on your back for a long time may be harmful only for late pregnant women, as well as for very fat people. Big belly creates increased stress on the lumbar vertebrae.

The mentioned sleeping position is undesirable for “heart patients” and asthmatics, for snorers.

A healthy person is in no way prohibited from lying in a “straight” position.

Another thing is that those who like to doze on their backs need to take very careful care of the comfortable sleeping place. A bed surface that is too soft or too hard does not follow the natural curves of the spine. In the first case, we sink deeply into the cozy hole of the feather bed and wake up tired the next morning, and in the second, we cannot relax properly.

A small and not too airy pillow (preferably orthopedic) under the head and a low flexible cushion under the lower back will help solve the problem. The roller can easily be made from some fabric like flannel.

In addition, let's say that you should also sleep on your stomach only under certain conditions - with a cushion placed under your feet, allowing you to slightly bend your knees, and without a pillow under your head.

And for people who prefer to fall asleep on their side with their legs bent, we recommend that you adjust your position especially carefully. cervical spine spine and do not bend both legs towards your stomach. Bend one leg and extend the other to its full length.

Other sleeping position options

Try not to get used to strictly one position. Any pose, if assessed very meticulously, has its advantages and disadvantages; alternation compensates for the “cons” and emphasizes the “pros”.

Remember that the best adviser in finding the answer to the question “How to sleep better?” - yours own body. If you feel aches and discomfort in your back in the morning, try to remember what position you woke up in and avoid it later.

Good night to you, pleasant dreams and, of course, health!

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Pregnancy is a time of magic and endless anxiety for a woman. Health issues come to the fore during these nine months, and a considerable part of such concerns is the healthy and good sleep.

In the first three months, a woman sleeps a lot, which is facilitated by a high level of progesterone in the blood. And he does it in any convenient position. But starting from the fourth month the situation gradually changes. grows, the uterus also becomes larger and gradually begins to put pressure on the internal organs. Therefore, the question arises about which sleeping position is better and healthier.

In a horizontal position, the grown uterus can displace the liver and kidneys, press the spine, intestines and blood vessels and most importantly, it can compress the inferior vena cava. Until the end of the term, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases to 6.5 liters. To cope with pumping more blood, the heart expands slightly and increases the frequency of contractions. But it is even more difficult for the vascular system to cope with such volumes.

If arterial system works in relative comfort, the venous system experiences heavy loads and suffers especially. Most large vessel of this system – lower vena cava. In a horizontal position, the enlarged uterus can partially compress the inferior vena cava and aorta. As a result, blood pressure increases below the compression site, and blood circulation worsens. All this can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • Constipation;
  • Phlebeurysm.

In the same time poor circulation placenta harms the baby. Arises oxygen starvation, the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients. This is called fetal hypoxia and it can subsequently lead to complications. In particular, developmental delays, premature detachment placenta and future health problems. Studies were conducted that showed the following results. If the mother lay on her back, according to CHT data, the child’s heart rate immediately dropped from 130 beats per minute to 65. The child experienced stress. Mom, at the same time, could feel great.

According to statistics, more than 80% of women suffer from compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava. Especially at risk are those who wear large fruit or multiple pregnancy. But don't worry too much. Most often, the baby in the stomach itself signals discomfort. He moves and kicks energetically, forcing mommy to change to a more suitable one.

Stomach sleeping is also not recommended from around 13 weeks. Despite the amniotic fluid protecting the baby, in this position there remains a risk of injury to the fetus. All that remains is to sleep on your side. After conducting a series of studies, scientists concluded that it is most beneficial for a woman in a position to rest by turning on her left side. A right leg It’s better to bend the knee and place a small pillow under it. This pose:

  • Provides optimal blood supply to the heart;
  • Reduces the pressure of the uterus on other organs, which allows them to function better;
  • Relieves stress on the back, reducing painful sensations;
  • Reduces swelling in the arms and legs, as the kidneys work better;
  • Improves blood flow to the placenta, which is good for the baby.

In recent weeks, many people also prefer to sleep half-sitting. It's not very comfortable, but using enough pillows different sizes, perhaps you will get comfortable enough. Of course, it is impossible to lie in one position all night. Therefore, it is normal to change your body position several times during the exercise. The child will not allow his mother to remain in a position that is not comfortable for him for a long time.

After the 25th week, and perhaps earlier, sleep can become a problem for the expectant mother. The stomach is in the way, the baby is kicking, and it’s hard to choose the right sleeping position. A few tips will help you fall asleep soundly and have a good night's sleep. So:

  • The bedroom must be ventilated. The temperature should not be higher than 16-18 degrees;
  • It is very useful to take a walk outside and breathe in the air before going to bed. Minimum physical exercise will be useful;
  • Take a soothing warm shower. And if the doctor does not prohibit it, then lie in a warm bath with chamomile;
  • Drink a glass warm milk with honey or weak tea with mint;
  • Maintain a daily routine and a healthy diet.

What a pregnant woman should not do before bed

It is important to know what not to do without risking a sleepless night:

  • Do not drink drinks before bedtime high content caffeine and theine. Such as coffee, soda, strong tea;
  • You shouldn’t overeat at night, especially heavy and heavy ones. It’s better to limit your evening snack to a glass of kefir and a couple of crackers;
  • You also don't need to drink a lot of liquid. Otherwise, endless runs to the toilet will not allow you to get enough sleep. Bladder pregnant woman cannot hold a large number of fluids, hence the frequent urge;
  • Too active physical exercise also not recommended. A leisurely walk is better;
  • It is worth falling asleep and waking up at the same time. Normal mode days will pass only for the benefit.

In the later stages, a significant role is played not only by how the expectant mother sleeps, but also by how she gets up from bed. horizontal position. To do this correctly, you must first turn on your side, lower your legs from the bed, then raise your torso and only after that begin to rise. This way you can avoid sudden jumps in pressure and tone of the uterus. Understanding fully why a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back, you should not get too hung up on the sleeping position. Common sense, instincts and a baby in the tummy will not allow the mother to harm the child. Much more important are good emotions and positive attitude which will allow you to bear and give birth to a healthy and happy baby.

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. And first of all, it is necessary for pregnant women normal development baby.

A woman should sleep at least 8 hours a day. During this time, the body has time to rest and gain strength. If your sleep is restless or short, then during the day you may feel weak and want to lie down, and this will also affect your emotions. Lack of maternal sleep also affects the fetus.

Sleeping positions and risks

Each person chooses the position in which he sleeps (usually on his back or side), but pregnant women need to be careful, since they are responsible not only for their comfort, but also for their small lives. Therefore, at some point, every woman begins to worry about many questions about sleep. How to lie down correctly so as not to harm the baby? How can you not sleep and why? Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Consider the sleeping position by trimester:

  • In the first trimester, until the uterus and fetus are large sizes and is located mainly in the pelvis, a woman can sleep in a position that is comfortable for her (including on her stomach).
  • During the second trimester, intensive growth occurs in the fetus, the uterus increases significantly in size and begins to put pressure on the vessels, nerves, and spine with its weight in a supine position. It is not recommended to lie on your back at this time.
  • During the third trimester, doctors categorically prohibit pregnant women from lying on their back, as this negatively affects the woman’s health and, as a consequence, the condition of the baby.

Impact on a woman’s body

Doctors are often asked the question: why can’t pregnant women lie on their back? While the uterus is small, the woman will not feel much difference in her sleep, so she is allowed to sleep as she pleases. But as the fetus develops, from the thirteenth week, the uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the nearest organs: nerves, blood vessels, bones, thereby causing discomfort. Therefore, it is not recommended to lie on your back.

Due to pressure on the nerves, pain may appear in the lower back, numbness in the legs (especially in the feet), and a crawling sensation.

IN abdominal cavity located the celiac plexus, which is nerve center, and, in turn, is responsible for the productive functioning of organs. The uterus in the late stages (25–28 weeks), with the woman positioned on her back, reaches the site of this plexus and irritates it, which causes the following symptoms:

  • Decreased heart rate.
  • Decline blood pressure, as it dilates blood vessels.
  • Breathing slows down.
  • Sweating activity decreases.
  • Intestinal motility increases.
  • Enzyme levels increase.
  • There may be pain in the abdomen, sour belching, and bitterness in the mouth.

Along the spine there are important vessels, namely the vena cava and the aorta. An enlarged fetus with its weight can put pressure on these formations and cause unpleasant consequences.

From the vena cava, blood flows from the legs and pelvic organs to the right parts of the heart, and if you press it, then the pressure in it lower sections increases, which may result in swelling of the legs, varicose veins veins, vein thrombophlebitis lower limbs, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, venous stasis in the pelvic organs. Since less blood flows to the heart and other organs (lungs, brain), complaints of dizziness may appear, fainting states, headaches, heart pain of a compressive nature. Also in this case, there is a feeling of palpitations, lack of air, possible shortness of breath, rapid pulse.

The aorta has a stronger wall, so its compression occurs to a minimum. Due to significant pressure on the aorta, the lumen of the vessel decreases, the pressure rises and arterial hypertension can occur.

If you sleep on your back, the enlarged uterus can also put pressure on the kidneys and ureters, which leads to stagnation of urine in the collecting system. An inflammatory process may develop, pyelonephritis may develop, urolithiasis disease, hydronephrosis.

When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus with the fetus can put pressure on the hepatic duct, which, in turn, leads to the development obstructive jaundice And inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis).

The symptoms described are not necessary, but some may appear when frequent sleep lying on your back. Therefore, sleep on your back late dates pregnancy is not possible to avoid more severe complications.

Changes in the baby's body

Many women before pregnancy preferred to lie on their backs and stomachs, but with the birth of a new life, such positions cannot be taken. Why is sleeping on your baby’s back harmful and why should you avoid it?

As a result of changes in the mother’s condition, as described above, the unborn child also experiences changes that can lead to serious pathologies.

Since normal blood flow in the pelvic organs (in the uterus) is disrupted, the following consequences are possible:

  • Oxygen supply decreases and important elements to the fruit.
  • Hypoxia occurs, which can lead to irreparable problems with organs (especially the brain).
  • The child may be born weakened and with defects. This happens if hypoxia occurs in the second trimester, when active development important systems organs.

Why else should you avoid resting on your back? If the mother often lies or sleeps on her back in the second and third trimester, children may experience delayed speech and psychomotor development. Mild absent-mindedness, inattention, restlessness, and even headaches are also noticeable. The lesions are more serious nervous system as poor hearing, vision, epilepsy, encephalopathy.

You should not spend a lot of time lying on your back - this is harmful not only to the health of the pregnant woman, but also provokes the development of severe pathologies in the fetus.

It is better to wait until childbirth and only then lie down on your back and stomach.

How can you sleep?

All the problems that may arise for mother and baby if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back make you think about the question, how can you lie down?

The most correct sleeping position while waiting for the baby is lying on your side (both right and left).

To be comfortable, lie on your left side, right knee bend it, placing a pillow under it. In this pose:

  • Fetal blood circulation improves. In this case, the uterus does not compress the vessels, and the blood is normal pressure pass to the placenta with good speed.
  • The supply of oxygen and microelements to the fetus increases.
  • Kidney function improves. Renal arteries and the veins function without obstruction.
  • The risk of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is reduced.
  • Swelling of the lower extremities decreases.
  • The pressure on the liver is relieved (and accordingly the blood flow through the umbilical cord improves).
  • Pain in the lower back and legs stops.

The position at night can be changed from left to right side, but be sure to control yourself so as not to lie on your stomach or back.

To improve the quality of sleep for pregnant women, special pillows have been invented that establish the desired body position, thereby preventing nighttime turning over on the stomach.

A pregnant woman should sleep comfortably and for sufficient time so that the baby develops properly and is born healthy (according to at least, without the pathologies caused by lying on your back). And even if you can’t lie on your stomach and back, you can create comfortable conditions for yourself.

  • It is better to purchase a medium-hard (non-firm) orthopedic mattress.
  • Clothes should be loose and not tight (especially the stomach).
  • Before you fall asleep, you need to listen to your body to understand whether you are comfortable, whether something is bothering you or not.
  • It is advisable to use additional soft pillows that can be placed between the legs, under the stomach, side, or back.
  • It is better to choose a bed that does not spring, so that the person sleeping next to you does not interfere with the pregnant woman’s sleep.
  • It is imperative to occasionally turn from side to side to prevent swelling of the legs (the vena cava runs closer to right side, so lying on this side for a long time can lead to venous stagnation).
  • It is best to use an orthopedic pillow for the head (to avoid cervical osteochondrosis and, as a result, headaches).
  • You should not drink water before going to bed, as this can lead to increased swelling of the lower extremities.
  • It is useful to take a short walk in the fresh air in the evening.

Every pregnant woman should understand that she is responsible for the life and health of the baby she carries under her heart. And in order to avoid health problems in the future, it is necessary to create conditions that are comfortable primarily for him, and not for himself. It is for this reason that you will need to abandon your favorite sleeping positions and choose a position only on your side.

The supine position is one of the most popular resting positions. In this state you can relax, put your hands behind your head and enjoy restful sleep until the morning. But won't this comfortable position harm the growing fetus? Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

I trimester

On early stages During pregnancy, the expectant mother can take any comfortable sleeping position. Until 12 weeks, the uterus does not extend beyond the womb, and the growing baby does not interfere with work in any way internal organs. At this time, a woman can sleep peacefully on her back without fear negative consequences for the fetus. Many expectant mothers can only get enough sleep in this position and get a boost of energy in the morning for the whole day.

The only problem that awaits a woman in the early stages is toxicosis. In the supine position, increased nausea and bouts of vomiting are observed. In case of severe toxicosis, a comfortable sleeping position will have to be changed. To alleviate the condition, it is best to roll over on your side and slightly tilt your head down.

II trimester

In the second trimester, the expectant mother should focus on her own well-being. Many women sleep comfortably on their backs for up to 22-24 weeks without experiencing any discomfort. If in the chosen position there is no shortness of breath, palpitations or other unpleasant symptoms, you can immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus without fear of harm. own health and the condition of the baby.

III trimester

After 24 weeks of pregnancy, the position on the back is not very favorable for the woman and the fetus. In this position, compression of the inferior vena cava occurs - large vessel, collecting blood from the lower extremities. The growing uterus puts pressure on the vein, causing blood stagnation and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness.

This state of affairs may end short-term loss consciousness. When the first unwanted symptoms You should turn over on your side and take a comfortable position that ensures free flow of blood through the inferior vena cava.
The supine position also affects the condition of the fetus. Compression of the vena cava leads to disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord. Oxygen ceases to flow to the baby in the required volume. Hypoxia develops - a condition characterized by a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues of the fetus.

Short-term hypoxia does not affect the further development of the child in any way. As soon as the woman changes position, blood flow in the inferior vena cava and placenta will be restored, and oxygen will again flow to the fetus in the required volume. Serious consequences occur only when long-term compression vessels. If the expectant mother is used to sleeping on her back and stays in this position all night, the baby may suffer from the development of chronic hypoxia.

What threatens the lack of oxygen to the fetus? Prolonged hypoxia primarily affects the formation of structures of the nervous system. The brain suffers, the conduction of impulses between nerve fibers. In the future, this condition will affect the development of the child after his birth.

Many women notice that when lying on their back, the baby begins to move more. Promotion motor activity fetus is also associated with the development of short-term hypoxia. Lack of oxygen causes the child to move more. After changing position, the baby calms down for a while.


The position on your back is not the best best pose for sleep. During pregnancy, you can sleep on your back only in the first trimester, when the uterus does not extend beyond the womb. Starting from 16 weeks, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her condition. If shortness of breath, tachycardia and other symptoms appear when lying on your back unpleasant symptoms compression of the vena cava, the sleeping position needs to be changed.

In the third trimester, the expectant mother needs to spend as little time as possible on her back. It is best to completely abandon this pose, even while resting during the day. Sitting comfortably on the pillow, the expectant mother can fall asleep. While a woman sleeps on her back, the inferior vena cava is compressed. Blood flow in the placenta worsens, and the baby suffers from hypoxia. To prevent this condition, you should choose a comfortable sleeping position in advance without putting your child’s health at risk.

During pregnancy, a woman has to undergo numerous examinations. Ultrasound, Doppler, CTG, measurement of the height of the uterine fundus - all this is performed in the supine position. There is no need to worry. All studies are completed fairly quickly. Nothing will happen to the baby in 5-10 minutes. After the examination is completed, the woman will be able to change her position, and blood flow in the placenta will immediately be restored.

What to do if the expectant mother cannot spend even a few minutes lying on her back? You must inform your doctor about this condition. The gynecologist will try to take all the necessary measurements as quickly as possible so as not to cause discomfort to the woman. Ultrasound and Doppler can be performed in the lateral position with a slight turn on the back. CTG in many clinics is performed while sitting.

It is known that a comfortable position during sleep largely depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus. For the expectant mother you should listen carefully to your feelings and take the position that seems comfortable to you this moment. Active movements The baby will also be helped to navigate and find the optimal position at each stage of pregnancy.