Why is the Boston Terrier shaking? Why is the Boston Terrier the ideal dog? Description of the Boston Terrier breed

A medium compact breed, the dog is a companion, an elegant and intelligent gentleman. Bred in the USA, in the twentieth century, by crossing an English terrier with an English bulldog, with an admixture of blood from other breeds. In 1893, it was separated from the Bull Terrier breed, and was recognized as a separate breed. The Boston Terrier has been the official state dog of Massachusetts since 1979.

Description of the Boston Terrier breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: USA.
  2. Application: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9 Companions. Section 11 Small mastiff dogs. No work exam.
  4. General form: temperamental, intelligent, short-haired dog of a balanced build with a short head, compact body, short tail.
  5. Important proportions: The height of the limbs is in good proportion to the length of the body, which gives the Boston Terrier an expressive, square appearance. The Boston Terrier is a powerful dog that does not look too skinny or rough. Bone and musculature in good proportion to weight and build.
  6. Behavior/Character: boston terrier cheerful, active breed, a wonderful companion and devoted friend.
  7. Head: square skull, flat on top, not wrinkled; with a steeply sloping frontal part.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): well expressed.
  • Nose: nose black, wide; a distinct line between the nostrils is visible. The nostrils are wide open.
  • Muzzle: The front part is short, square, wide, deep, in proportion to the skull. Not wrinkled, short. Length is about one third of the length of the skull. The top line of the muzzle from the stop to the end of the nose is parallel to the top line of the skull.
  • Lips: low, drooping, but not loose, completely covering the teeth when the mouth is closed.
  • Jaws/Teeth: Overbite or slight overbite. The jaws are wide, square with short, evenly spaced teeth.
    • Cheeks: flat.

  • Eyes: wide apart, large, round, dark. Located at right angles to the contour line of the skull; When viewed from the front, the outer corners of the eyes lie in line with the cheeks. Expression attentive, friendly, showing high degree intelligence.
  • Ears: small, erect; natural or cropped, which emphasizes the shape of the head. They sit on the outer edge of the head, as tightly as possible.
  • Neck: The length of the neck emphasizes the balanced appearance of the dog. The scruff is slightly curved.
  • Body: Looks short.
  • Topline: straight.
  • Back: Quite short, giving a square appearance to the body.
  • Croup: Slightly sloping towards the base of the tail.
  • Chest: deep, good width; The ribs are well curved at the base, extending far back to the lumbar region.
  • Tail: low set, short, thin, pointed at the end; straight or helical, cannot rise above the horizontal.
  • Note: The preferred tail length is a maximum of one quarter of the distance from the base of the tail to the hock.

  • Forelegs: located moderately wide apart and in a straight line under the tip of the scapula. The bones are straight.
    • Shoulders: Sloping, extending well back, making movement elegant.
    • Elbows: Turned neither in nor out.
    • Pasterns: short, strong. Dewclaws may be removed.
    • Forelegs: small, round, compact, neither wide-footed nor clubfooted; Well arched fingers with short claws.
  • Hind limbs: muscular.
    • Hips: powerful, muscular, well positioned.
    • Knees: Well angled.
    • Hocks: short, turned neither in nor out; hock joints are pronounced.
    • Hind feet: small, round, compact, neither in size nor clubfoot; Well arched fingers with short claws.
  • Movement: Straight, fore and hind limbs are carried straight forward in perfect rhythm, each step showing tirelessness and strength.
  • Coat: The coat is short, smooth, shiny, and fine in texture.
  • Boston Terrier Height/Weight:
  • The weight of the breed is divided into classes:

    • less than 6.8 kg
    • 6.8 kg to less than 9 kg
    • 9 kg to 11.3 kg

    Height at withers: 23-38 cm

  • Faults: Any deviation from the above points is considered a fault and the rating is based on the severity of the deviation and the degree of its impact on the health and well-being of the dog.
    • Clumsy or blocky appearance
    • Narrow or wide nostrils
    • Eyes showing too much white or third eyelid
    • The size of the ears is not proportional to the size of the body
    • A merrily carried tail
    • Limbs with insufficient substance
    • Direct knee joints
    • Pointed paws
    • Rolling, raking, or weaving movements; shuffling movements (stepping step)
  • Severe vices:
    • Crossbite
    • Tongue or teeth visible when mouth is closed
    • Arched or sagging back
    • Flat ribs
    • Any crossing movements, whether front or hind limbs.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggressiveness or cowardice
    • Nose brown, spotted or pink
    • Eyes light or blue
    • Docked tail
    • Solid black, brindle or "seal" without required markings
    • Gray or liver color

    Dogs showing clear physical abnormalities or behavioral disturbances must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two obvious, normally developed testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    Boston Terrier color

    Quote!!! Note:"Seal" should be defined as black with a red (copper) sheen that is only noticeable in sunlight or other bright light. Dogs of this color have a black nose and brown eyes.

    Each color has white markings.

    • Required marks: white markings around the muzzle, white blaze between the eyes, white forebreast (the front, usually convex part of the dog's chest).
    • Desirable marks: white markings around the muzzle, a proportionate white blaze between the eyes and higher up on the head, White wool around the neck and on the forebreast, the forelegs are partly or completely white, the hind legs are white below the hocks.

    Note: Otherwise typical members of the breed should not be penalized for not having "desirable" markings. An individual with a predominantly white head or body must always have other special advantages to compensate for this disadvantage.

    Photo of a Boston Terrier sitting and posing for the camera

    Boston Terriers have simply wonderful personalities - they are gentle and loving, playful dogs with good manners. Quite easy to learn and train, but very sensitive. If they raise their voices at themselves, they may become upset, which will show on their cute little faces. Representatives of this breed are not fighters, but they are infinitely devoted to their family and, if necessary, will defend to the last.

    Boston Terriers get along well with older people and are suitable as companions. They love children and get along well with other pets. These dogs, due to their compact size and easy-going nature, are perfect for apartment conditions. Bostons love walks, especially with a ball. Mainly it is a companion dog, which is slightly stubborn and needs training from childhood.

    Since the Boston Terrier has been bred as a family dog ​​for over a hundred years, it is an ideal breed that prefers to spend time with its owner, regardless of the place and time of stay. In general, the character of the Boston Terrier is calm and peaceful, with a balanced psyche. Dogs of this breed are not prone to outbursts of rage, inappropriate behavior or aggression. They love communication with people, in particular, if this is expressed by active play, and also love to fool around with other dogs or with their fellow dogs.

    Another trait worth noting is “conscience.” Even if the dog has misbehaved, you will not be able to punish him, since the expression on his face will be filled with a feeling of regret and repentance.

    Boston Terrier is quite active and healthy dog, which will not deliver large quantity hassle. The breed does not require constant control or supervision, as it is quite independent, so you can safely leave it alone at home.

    However, being alone for a long time has a negative impact on any breed, particularly the Boston. Many owners get a second dog or cat if possible.

    In general, these dogs have good health However, the breed is susceptible to diseases such as cataracts, atopy, congenital deafness, and brachycephalic syndrome.

    Caring for a Boston Terrier does not require special features. It is recommended to wipe the dog's face with a damp cloth, especially after eating and walking, as dirt and dust periodically accumulate in the folds, which can lead to the development of infection.

    Boston Terrier nutrition

    Boston Terriers have a small stomach, so it is recommended to feed an adult dog twice a day, with more morning feeding than evening feeding. It is not recommended to feed your pet immediately after kicking physical activity or walks. Like all small breeds, Boston Terriers need a diet rich in protein. Overfeeding or underfeeding a dog is harmful.

    It is necessary to regulate the amount of food taking into account the age of the dog. During the first 2 months, the puppy must be fed up to 6 times a day; as the dog grows, the number of feedings decreases.

    By 9 months the puppy switches to the regime adult dog- feeding twice a day. The dog's diet should include the following foods:

    • Fish - ocean or sea, which can replace some of the meat
    • Meat should make up at least 40% of the diet. When raw (or scalded with boiling water), the meat should be approximately 70% and 30% when boiled
    • Cottage cheese (low fat) - important product during active growth
    • Greens and vegetables (should make up no more than 25% of the main mass) - it is recommended to grind and add to the main food or stew in cream
    • It is recommended to give eggs (preferably quail, do not cause allergies) every other day, one at a time in any form - boiled, raw or in the form of an omelet

    Don't forget about prohibited products:

    • sugar and sweet products,
    • chocolate,
    • tubular bones,
    • salty food, spicy, seasonings
    • fatty food.

    If you prefer to feed your pet dry food, be sure to consult with a specialist to choose the right food and calculate the correct portion.

    Don't forget that when feeding dry food, the dog should always have access to clean water for drinking.

    By following all the rules of feeding and care, your pet will always be cheerful and active.

    Boston Terrier diseases

    Boston Terrier dog on a boat - photo

    • Cryptorchidism (undescended testicles)
    • Atopy
    • Cataract
    • Congenital deafness
    • Melanoma
    • Hydrocephalus (water on the brain)
    • Pyloric stenosis
    • Mast cell cancer (mastocytoma)
    • Brachycephalic syndrome
    • A brain tumor.
    • Congenital dislocation of the elbow

    Photo of Boston Terrier

    Boston Terrier - American breed dogs developed in the nineteenth century through interbreeding English bulldogs and English terriers. More than a century ago, the Boston Terrier was recognized as a breed separate from the Bull Terrier.

    History of the origin of the breed

    The Boston Terrier is one of the breeds whose history of origin is beyond doubt and is also entirely based on documentary facts. The birthplace of the breed was Boston, Massachusetts, and the Boston Terrier itself is deservedly the real pride of American dog breeders. The progenitor of the breed was a dog named “Judge”, who was acquired by Robert Hupper and was a typical representative of bull and terriers.

    The breed, widespread throughout England, actively participated in dog fights. The purchased ship's dog "Judge" was bred with a neighbor's dog, resulting in offspring that had the genotypic characteristics of Bull and Terriers, as well as characteristic round heads, due to which the puppies received their name "Roundheads" or "Boston Bulls" "

    This is interesting! Today, the families of American dog lovers and breeders contain about thirty thousand representatives of the Boston Terrier breed, which indicates the incredible popularity of such dogs.

    At the end of the nineteenth century, the very first Bullies bred took part in exhibition shows, as a result of which they became incredibly popular not only among dog breeders in Boston, but throughout the country. The peak of popularity of this breed is considered to be the twenties of the last century, when Boston Terriers accompanied noble ladies almost everywhere and were their favorites.

    In 1981, the American Boston Terrier Club was created, and two years later the breed received full AKC recognition and was singled out as an independent breed. Thanks to the infusion of blood from other breeds, there has been a noticeable improvement in the appearance of Boston Terriers, and modern representatives are evaluated in accordance with the standards established only in 1998.

    Description of the Boston Terrier

    Modern Boston Terriers are considered a huge success by experienced American breeders, and also belong to the category of the most sought-after and incredibly popular breeds. Purebred representatives of the breed are intelligent, elegant, very noble and intelligent companion dogs, so it is difficult to believe in the fighting past of such pets.

    Breed standards

    Bitches and males of the breed differ in size, with Boston Terrier males traditionally larger than females, and also look more powerful and courageous. The height of the animal is equal to the length of its back, from the withers to the croup area, and the average weight is represented by three variations:

    • light class dogs – weighing no more than 6.8 kg;
    • middle class dogs – weighing in the range of 6.8-9.0 kg;
    • heavy class dogs - weighing 9.0-11.3 kg.

    According to FCI standards and the ICF classification, Boston Terriers are classified as decorative dogs and companion dogs having the following basic characteristics:

    • the square-type head has a wide forehead, pronounced eye sockets and cheekbones, a noticeable transition of the bridge of the nose from the forehead to the muzzle;
    • lips are thick, but not “raw”, covering lower jaw and covering not overly powerful teeth with a bulldog or pincer bite;
    • the mouth is square-shaped, deep and wide, with a not too strong grip;
    • the nose is large, with well-defined nostrils and a lobe divided by an even groove;
    • eyes large sizes, round in shape, set straight and wide enough, with an intelligent, friendly and cheerful look;
    • ears are rounded, deep and small in size, erect and set wide apart, with allowable docking to a standard triangular shape;
    • the body is square, with a curved and proportional neck that flows very smoothly into the withers;
    • the back area is wide and flat, turning into a sloping croup almost equal in width to the shoulder girdle;
    • rib cage with moderate width and depth at the ulnar level;
    • limbs are elongated and clearly harmonious;
    • the tail is short and neat, tapering at the end.

    The standards accept brindle with spots white, black and white and reddish-brown with white spots colors. White markings between the eyes, around the muzzle and in the chest area are encouraged. Also, such markings are welcome on the paws and collar. The coat should be short and close-lying, with some shimmer in bright light conditions.

    Dog character

    Boston Terriers are dogs that have both advantages and some character flaws, but all representatives of this breed are cheerful and playful. Such a pet will enjoy active walks, as well as active games in the fresh air. As practice shows, Boston Terriers are fast-learning dogs, especially if the training process is carried out in a playful way. Dogs of this breed are very good at freestyle.

    Many years of breeding work were aimed, first of all, at breeding not just an ideal companion for humans, but also a problem-free family dog, perfect for keeping in an ordinary city apartment or private country house.

    Care and hygiene

    Despite its innate activity, this breed is completely unpretentious in care. The coat of Boston Terriers is quite short and thin, so the dog practically does not shed, and the entire process of competent coat care is limited to periodic combing with a brush with stiff bristles and standard water treatments once a month.

    Due to some innate characteristics, the Boston Terrier's muzzle must be systematically wiped with a damp cloth. soft cloth or a sanitary napkin. Skin, nose, ears and eyes should be checked regularly for infectious discharge. Among other things, you must try to trim your pet’s growing claws in a timely manner.

    Dogs of this breed prefer not too long, but regular walks with active games, which are able to fully satisfy the Boston Terrier's need for exercise. active movement. Limitation on daily walks makes such a dog very irritable.

    It should be noted that Bostons are quite difficult to tolerate being too low and very high. temperature conditions, which is caused by genetic breathing problems. Even an adult pet of this breed is completely unsuited to independent control of body temperature, so on hot days you need to limit the animal’s exposure to the sun and minimize it motor activity. On frosty days, it is necessary to protect your pets with clothing and shoes.

    What to feed your Boston Terrier

    Most important feature Caring for Boston Terriers involves maintaining a routine and monitoring their diet. It is important to remember that eating large amounts of high-protein food during puppyhood causes slow growth. bone tissue and active muscle building, which causes the development of pet enough severe violations dystrophic in nature.

    Diet in the form natural nutrition must be presented:

    • meat – 40%;
    • sea ​​and ocean fish;
    • cottage cheese at the rate of 15 g/kg body weight of a pet;
    • boiled eggs or omelet;
    • vegetables and herbs;
    • crumbly porridges.

    This is interesting! Experienced breeders recommend using it in feeding Boston Terriers ready-made rations: Orijen Six Fish Dog, Bozita Naturals Dog Reindeer, Wolfsblut Green Valley Adult and Arden Grange Adult Rich in Lamb & Rice.

    In the first two months, the puppy needs to be fed wool once a day, and then the number of meals should be reduced: at four months to five times, at five to six months - up to four times, and from nine months - a couple of times a day.

    Diseases and breed defects

    Boston Terriers have good health and excellent immunity. However, the following diseases are typical for the breed:

    • congenital deafness. Genetic disease is an obstacle to using the animal for breeding;
    • brachycephalic syndrome. Violation respiratory function provoked by the special structure of the muzzle. The presence of such a diagnosis is accompanied by a narrowing of the nostril lumen and tissue proliferation soft palate. IN severe cases possible pulmonary edema;
    • melanoma. Pathology is most often observed in aged and weakened animals. Diagnosis on early stages can be treated surgically, but later such a severe pathology is incurable;
    • cryptorchidism. The disease is transmitted at the genetic level, so all puppies with this pathology are subject to castration.

    Disqualifying faults include light nose, blue eyes, docked tail, and color irregularities: solid black, solid brindle, or solid black with brown spots without white markings. Liver brown and gray colors are not acceptable.

    Defects may be represented by:

    • clumsy appearance;
    • narrowed or wide nostrils;
    • eyes with abundant sclera or conjunctiva;
    • the size of the ears is not commensurate with the size of the head;
    • bone defects;
    • straightened knee angles;
    • loose paws;
    • with a prancing step.

    Serious breed faults include a misaligned jaw, a lolling tongue, a hunched or sagging back, a slat-like chest area, and crossed hind or fore legs. Remember that American breeders have a certain point of view on the breed, according to which Bostons should not be aggressive towards humans or other animals, therefore Americans harshly cull dogs that show aggression.

    Education and training

    Despite the initial non-conflict and obedience of the Boston Terrier, raising dogs of this breed must be done correctly. Puppies are fairly trainable, but mastering basic commands can take a long time.

    Important! Boston Terriers belong to the category of quite emotional dogs, so during education and training, the dog must be praised and encouraged often.

    Initially people-oriented Boston Terriers are incredibly active at an early age, so it is advisable to conduct classes in a special training area where there are no distractions.

    Brought out in the USA, it is consonant with the name of the city where its history began. Boston is the heart of Massachusetts, where during the migration of Europeans to the continent, about two or three centuries ago, a huge number of dog species were brought, the most interesting of which were English breeds.

    Interesting feature Of this type, what adds to their charm is their extremely expressive facial expressions, which more than convey all the feelings of the four-legged animals.

    First amateur club boston terrier breed was created in the city that became her homeland. This event happened more than a hundred years ago. It was at this time that the standards defining purebred representatives of the described variety were approved and approved, which have not undergone any significant changes to date.

    But the names of the breed, of which more than one was mentioned in the chronicles of its existence, changed, and not all of them stuck. It is worth clarifying that this type was originally called: round-headed boules.

    The first registered representative of the breed was the cable Hector. And although there were some problems with recognition, soon boston terriers on exhibition, where a cute dog named Topsy became the champion, had a worthy debut.

    This happened in 1896. And the coming 20th century brought real popularity to the breed. At the beginning of the mentioned century, the spread of this type was greatly facilitated by ladies from society, who preferred to appear in public in the company of such four-legged “gentlemen.”

    Description of the Boston Terrier breed (standard requirements)

    Representatives of this breed are medium in size and resemble miniature bulldogs, characterized by a wide chest, tucked belly, elegant neck and straight limbs.

    As seen photo of boston terriers, are well-built animals of medium build, reaching a height traditionally, according to breed standards, equal to the length of the back, measured from withers to croup.

    The average height is about 40 cm. The usual weight of adult specimens ranges from 6 to 12 kg, girls are slightly more compact, males are larger and more courageous. The activity of the dogs is in complete harmony with the powerful and muscular structure of the body.

    Important detail The exterior of this breed is the square format of the body, head and jaws. The forehead of these creatures is steep and wide; the length of the muzzle is less than its depth and width; The cheekbones are pronounced, as are the eye sockets.

    A nose with large nostrils must be black; the skin of purebred representatives is without folds; ears are set wide apart, erect, small in size, often cropped; eyes dark color, round, large, eyelids tightly fitting; the lips covering the lower jaw are full.

    The diet should definitely include the main dish - meat, which should be given half raw or simply scalded with boiling water. Adult dogs benefit from seaweed.

    And for puppies - tender cottage cheese for the best formation of bones and well-cooked meat. It's not bad to give quail eggs one piece weekly. An important element food includes vegetables and herbs, given in grated form or stewed in cream, as well as apples, which are good for teeth. You should not feed tubular bones and chocolate, abuse sugar, salt, fatty foods and spicy seasonings.

    The history of the Boston Terrier breed dates back to 1860, when English bulldogs were crossed with English terriers to produce a dog with the small body of a terrier and the head of a bulldog.

    Guard qualities
    Security qualities
    Attitude towards children

    External characteristics of the Boston Terrier

    The height of a dog of this breed ranges from 38 to 43 cm, and the weight can be from 4.5 kg to 11.5 kg. They live for about 15 years.

    The color is brindle, evenly distributed throughout. White markings are located symmetrically: collar-front, muzzle, front legs, even mark on the forehead, hind legs to the hocks.

    The head is square with a steep forehead. The muzzle is short, the nose is wide, black, flattened, the jaws are square. Upper lips completely cover the teeth when the mouth is closed.

    The tail is short, thin and low set.

    Character of the breed

    This is very funny playful dog, who loves the ball and walks. First of all, this is a companion breed. He is a little stubborn and therefore requires education from childhood.

    Despite small stature, this dog performs watchdog functions well. However, they are too trusting of strangers and may even leave with a stranger.

    Boston Terriers are easy to train and get along well with people, following commands from all members of the owner's family. They get along well with children and other pets.

    They can behave aggressively towards other dogs and exhibit an independent character, especially when protecting their family. Boston Terriers are loving and gentle dogs with good manners. However, some sensitivity is noticeable. If you raise your voice at Boston, he will become noticeably upset.


    Boston is hardy and unpretentious. Its weak point can be called big eyes who are often injured.

    Like all dogs with a shortened muzzle, the Boston Terrier snores and is prone to sinusitis and allergies. At the age of 8-12 months, cases of juvenile cataracts occur.

    There are dyskinesia and intestinal diarrhea, as well. Therefore, the breed needs careful diet planning. It is better to feed adult dogs twice a day and cut the food into small pieces.

    Due to the large heads of puppies, bitches are given C-section. There are only 3-4 puppies in the litter. Many male dogs refuse to breed bitches on their own, and artificial insemination is often used.

    Bostons are also prone to congenital deafness, hydrocephalus, mast cells and brain tumors.

    In cold weather, these dogs need clothing and shoes.

    Features of caring for Boston Terriers

    This is exceptional domestic dog, quite easy to care for. They do not need constant supervision and long, exhausting walks; a half-hour walk twice a day is enough.

    A big advantage is their short coat, which practically does not shed. There is no need to wash Boston frequently. To do this, they are guided by the purity of the white areas of the fur.

    Boston Terriers' coats should be brushed periodically with a stiff-bristled brush. It is recommended to wipe the face daily with a cotton pad or damp cloth.

    Breed price

    The minimum price for a purebred puppy, rejected from a litter with minor deviations, is about 150 dollars. The maximum price for an exhibition or breeding specimen reaches 1500 dollars.

    Average puppy price from good parents with an exhibition perspective is about 850 dollars.

    Photo of Boston Terrier

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    The Boston Terrier is a dog with refined manners, a sharp mind, and at the same time he can be very wayward and stubborn. This is an excellent companion, cheerful, active, and his touchingly charming appearance cannot leave anyone indifferent. What is important for future owners to know about this extraordinary dog?

    Work on breeding Boston Terriers began in 1861, when American breeders decided to cross two representatives of English breeds - terriers and bulldogs. Then bulldogs looked different - they were massive dogs with short limbs, but quite active.

    English terriers, which today, unfortunately, have disappeared, were dogs with a voluminous sternum, strong neck and muscular paws. They were actively used for hunting and exterminating rodents.

    In 1878, the breed was first presented at an exhibition in Boston. Several individuals became participants, but at that time they were called "bull terriers." Later they were called bullheads, bull and terriers, and American bull terriers.

    Later, when it was possible to obtain individuals of the same type, a standard was developed and the breed received official recognition. Today, Boston Terriers are popular not only in their homeland, but also in other countries, although they have not become as widespread as French bulldogs.

    Description of the Boston Terrier breed

    The Boston Terrier is a strong, energetic dog with a muscular body and aristocratic charm. Just looking at him, it becomes clear that this is a smart, hardy and determined dog that will not give in to difficulties.

    When assessing an individual of this breed, judges pay attention to the harmony and proportionality of the physique. An equally important aspect is the coat pattern - the spots must be located in a certain way.

    Sexual dimorphism in Boston Terriers is well expressed - males are larger in size and are much more courageous than females. Height representatives of the breed is equal to the length of the back, weight bodies can be of three types: light - does not exceed 6.8 kg, medium - 6.8-9 kg, heavy - 9-11.3 kg.

    According to the standard, purebred pets look like this:

    Coat and possible colors

    The Boston Terrier's coat is very short, close-lying, almost the same on all parts of the body. There are purebred individuals of three colors:

    A distinctive feature of the breed is the presence of a tuxedo - the chest, neck and muzzle are covered with white hair.

    Features of the disposition and character of Boston Terriers

    To briefly describe the dog, he is an excellent, vigilant guard, a positive companion and a charming family friend. He is a bundle of energy and, when bored, is capable of “getting things done.” Of course, in this case you cannot do without punishment, but you should not be zealous, the Boston Terrier is a very sensitive animal, even raising your voice can cause serious offense.

    The representative of the breed is a playful, sociable pet who is happy to take part in all family events and does not mind attracting everyone's attention. Owning a Boston Terrier is recommended for families with children; the dog loves to play with toys and run around with balls and rings. They will definitely find joint activities that will captivate both the child and four-legged friend.

    In addition, the dog easily finds mutual language with other pets. She can not only coexist with other pets, but often develop real, strong friendships.

    Problems may arise during walks - the Bostons inherited some pugnacity and cockiness from their fighting ancestors. Therefore, when meeting with his brothers, he can try to measure his strength. In this case, it is advisable to take the pet to a place where there are no possible competitors.

    As for the attitude towards a person, the dog often shows amazing gullibility and can even leave with a stranger. But how does this happen, since Boston Terriers are essentially guard dogs? In fact, a pet can be suspicious of strangers after special training and education.

    Raising and training a pet

    Despite the fact that representatives of the breed are initially non-conflict and obedient, they still need education and training. Puppies learn the material well, but they need long-term consolidation of the acquired knowledge and skills - the owner better be patient.

    It is recommended to exercise with your pet on a special area. Of course, the dog will be distracted by extraneous stimuli every now and then, but this will help him learn obedience faster. Moreover, this important point socialization and the opportunity to see how mature, well-mannered brothers behave.

    Boston Terriers are very emotional, so it is important not to skimp on well-deserved praise during training. The dog should associate learning with joy, looking forward to the next lesson. If you treat a naughty “student” with rudeness, then his attitude towards learning will change dramatically - the dog will perceive it as a duty, carrying out commands somehow, just to fall behind.

    Pet care

    As already noted, these dogs have a thin, short coat that does not require complex care. They shed lightly and it is enough to periodically brush your pet with a stiff brush and treat it with a rubber mitten to keep the coat shiny and looking good.

    The dog's shortened muzzle should be wiped with a damp cloth every day, removing dirt and food debris. Dogs are rarely bathed, only when necessary, as they get dirty. Pets' nails are trimmed using a nail clipper when they grow back.

    Eyes are one of the Boston's weak points; they need to be examined regularly and when primary signs rinse infections antiseptic and apply for veterinary care. Otherwise further development infectious process will cause heavy defeat visual apparatus.

    Bostons are not working dogs, which means they do not require intense exercise. It is enough to walk your pet twice a day, play with it and visit the training area a couple of times a week. These dogs have scanty fur, which means they are not able to tolerate too low and high temperatures. During these periods, walking time should be reduced; in hot weather, the pet should be taken outside in the evening and morning hours.

    Breed diseases

    Unfortunately, Boston Terriers cannot be considered to have good health; more precisely, their health often becomes the main problem. First of all, the disorders are associated with a specific, brachycephalic shape of the skull, which provokes a number of diseases. But most pathologies are not fatal, and pets live for the prescribed 12-14 years; individuals living for 15-16 years are less common.

    The structure of the skull has been so changed during the selection process that the head no longer even remotely resembles the head of a terrier. But internal organs have not adapted to the changes, and Bostons suffer from breathing problems. This is expressed in the form of wheezing, snoring and snorting. Due to difficulty breathing, it is recommended to take breaks during classes so that the dog can rest and catch his breath.

    In addition, such a pet should be protected from heat, as it has a high risk of getting sunstroke. More often than other diseases, representatives of this breed are diagnosed with deafness, cataracts, and allergies.

    Owners of bitches should be aware that puppies are born large-headed, so in most cases they are born by caesarean section.

    Feeding rules

    Dogs of this breed have a small stomach, so it is recommended to feed even an adult pet no more than 2 times - in the morning and evening hours. More food should be given in the morning, leaving a more modest portion for the evening.

    It is important for Boston Terrier owners to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • It is forbidden to give your pet food immediately after walking or physical activity;
    • most of the diet should consist of foods that are sources of animal protein;
    • You can’t either overfeed or underfeed your pet.

    As soon as the puppy appears in the house, you will have to feed it at least 6 times a day. Gradually the number of feedings decreases. A dog can be switched to 2 adult meals a day by the age of 9-10 months.

    At natural feeding The dog's menu must include the following products:

    • fish– sea or river, boiled and deboned;
    • meatminimal amount– 40% of the total food volume; 70% of the norm should be given raw, 30% – boiled;
    • cottage cheese– low-fat is best, especially important in the first year of life;
    • vegetables with herbs– make up a quarter of the diet, it is advisable to grind them and add them to main dishes; you can stew them in cream;
    • eggs– give 3-4 times a week, boiled, raw, scrambled eggs; but this is for adult dogs, puppies are treated only to boiled egg yolk no more than once a week.

    A great snack for Bostonians is a piece fresh apple. It is beneficial for the condition of teeth and improves the processes of digestion and peristalsis.

    To avoid serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth excluding tubular bones from your pet’s menu. In addition, the list of prohibited foods includes the following foods:

    • confectionery, especially chocolate;
    • smoked, salted, pickled, fatty dishes;
    • food with hot spices and seasonings.

    Modern owners often decide to feed their four-legged friend dry industrial food. When selecting one, you can consult with the breeder or veterinarian.

    Some manufacturers have lines of diets designed specifically for feeding dogs of this breed, for example, Brit Premium Junior S (for puppies and young adults) or Brit Premium Rice with Lamb (hypoallergenic diet).

    When feeding dry food, it is important that the dog has 24-hour access to clean drinking water.

    Dogs of this breed are very compact, so you can have such a pet even in a small apartment. Due to their short coat, Bostons are only suitable for indoors and never outdoors. In addition, the dog needs regular communication, which is impossible when the pet lives outside the home.

    It is advisable to arrange the place away from drafts and heating devices; it should be warm and moderately light. It is desirable that the pet can keep family members in sight from its bed. The playful Boston needs toys and various activities that won't let him get bored when there is no one in the house.

    Photo of Boston Terrier

    Video about Boston Terrier

    Buying a puppy

    Despite the fact that in terms of distribution, Boston Terriers are inferior to dogs that are very similar to them - French bulldogs, the breed is not rare. There are monokennels in Russia, and many breeders are also breeding Bostons.

    There are 2 nurseries in Moscow where you can purchase purebred puppies:

    • Golden Rosses http://www.zrossy.ru/kont.html;
    • Boston Style http://www.bostonterrier.ru/ru/history/history_ru.html.

    Buying a puppy from random sellers is highly not recommended, since representatives of this breed are prone to diseases, even with a competent approach to breeding, let alone the results of random matings, without culling.

    A pet will not be cheap, a baby for the soul costs about 30,000 rubles, but for a puppy high class- the future champion, you will have to pay about 80,000-100,000 rubles.

    Boston Terriers make excellent companions - loyal, active, capable of lifting your spirits with just their appearance. Such a bundle of energy brings joy, positivity, and a lot of positive emotions into the home. It is not surprising that owners forgive their charming pets for minor pranks, but how could it be otherwise?