Why junk food is addictive. What is junk food and what do you eat it with? Chocolate bars, candies, pastries, cakes, junk foods

Oh, how much has been written and talked about the dangers of fast food, junk food and other unhealthy foods. How many sugar cubes have been laid out in motivational pictures, how many nutritionists have literally wrenched their tongues, explaining why a burger for lunch and dumplings for dinner are not what you need for health. And after all, ask anyone, everyone is aware that fast food is cheap, cheerful and harmful. But for some reason the popularity of this food shows no sign of declining. Why, you ask?

An excellent question that has several answers. So let's try to put them together.

Let's start again with why healthy lifestyle advocates criticize fast food so much. Basically, this food is devoid of nutritional value, by which we mean a reasonable balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other beneficial substances that should be supplied to the body daily in the correct proportions. But it contains an excess of fat, salt, sugar and, accordingly, calories. Candy, cookies, cakes, chips, soda, hot dogs, burgers, French fries, ice cream - everything you can find in fast food restaurants is empty calories.

Now let's try to understand why so many people are tempted by these unhealthy foods.

First of all, it's cheap. That is, you can run into a “burger shop” and quickly grab something the size of lunch for the price of a salad from an average restaurant. It's the same story in the store. Fresh vegetables, fruits and meat seriously increase the cost of the grocery basket. And something that can be poured with boiling water or eaten straight from the package is significantly cheaper. Plus, merchandisers don’t sleep and slip bright bags right under your nose.

Secondly, fast food is “fast” because it doesn’t need to be cooked. The maximum effort required to eat it is to open the microwave door and select a mode in which the contents of the package will not turn into coal. In addition, such food is usually stored for a long time, is sold in any stall and has a very predictable taste. And you don't have to bother with recipes. And you don’t need to wash the dishes afterwards either.

But we forgot about the magical service of ordering food at home. Now couriers are delivering not only the notorious pizza, which has nothing to do with the authentic dish invented by the Italians. Delivery offers sushi, soups, salads, pies and belyashi, kebabs and even shawarma. Of course, the calorie content is not indicated on the packaging.

And the magical opportunity to eat in the car. Right in the car, without even unfastening your seat belt! Moreover, most fast food is packaged in such a way as to make it as convenient as possible - unwrap it and take a bite.

Thirdly, fast food is simple and predictable. As a rule, it has three distinct tastes that our poor brain loves so much: sweet, salty and fatty. This is understandable to any person who grew up on borscht and catering cutlets; this allows you to not even try to understand the nuances of taste.

Moreover, not everyone is ready to eat food with an unexpressed or complex taste and aroma - especially such picky eaters as children. But when the smell is strong (and we remember that fast food stalls can be found just by smelling a couple of blocks away), the taste is pronounced and the same from time to time, we automatically “drool.”

In addition, not everyone likes the texture of regular food. Boiled vegetables are “rubbery”, meat needs to be chewed, and porridge is viscous and sticky. But the addition of fat, sugar and starch makes the products smooth and “creamy”; the starch in chips makes them deliciously crispy, and meat of any consistency can be stuffed under the breading.

And finally, love for fast food is just a habit. Same as smoking or picking your nose. The cheapness and ease of purchasing and consuming fast food make it a win-win option for city dwellers who are always in a hurry. And the pronounced and simple taste is truly addictive. Scientists, by the way, have already proven this by putting sweet and fatty foods on the same level as marijuana.

Of course, you say, there is no need to dramatize. No, I agree, there is nothing wrong with sometimes having a quick snack with a bun and a cutlet, eating a chocolate bar or a large portion of ice cream to understand your mood

But when such foods make up a significant portion of your daily diet, you risk more than just gaining weight. You are chronically deficient in nutrients and vitamins, and your body is working hard to cope with excess fat, salt and sugar. In the end, you lose the opportunity to eat so much more delicious food!

So, the next time you turn the corner to a familiar fast food restaurant, try stopping and just going home. And then fry yourself an omelette. A regular omelette that you probably haven't eaten in ages.

Alexey Paevsky

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Everyone has long been familiar and accustomed to the term “fast food”. Junk food is less recognizable to people, although it arose at the same time as the first concept. However, many people consume products that are classified by doctors in this category without even knowing it. An interesting paradox: people, frightened by nutritionists, begin to diligently avoid McDonald's, without thinking about the fact that they periodically harm themselves, almost more than the dishes offered there.

Origin of the term

“Junk food” is translated from English as “junk food”, “food from the trash heap”. Initially, it was not at all intended to give such a characteristic to the quality of food. This meant the garbage that was left in huge quantities around the food outlets where it was sold. All junk food was packaged in disposable dishes, bags and cups so that it could be eaten on the go. People did not take the packaging far and threw it right next to the place of purchase (or consumption, if what was purchased was intended to be eaten in a cinema or stadium). Over time, the meaning put into the term has transformed. Now the term refers specifically to “junk” food that clogs the body and does not bring it any benefit.

Differences between junk and fast

“Fast food” is, rather, not a set of specific products, but a method of consumption. This can also include a full set lunch, but it must be quickly prepared (that’s why it is usually made from semi-finished products) and eaten just as quickly, in about ten minutes. The most famous fast food is hamburgers and sandwiches, but it can also include Chinese noodles. In any case, fast food is prepared, even if it is at least heated, in the microwave. Despite all the harm it causes to the consumer, fast food often tries to disguise itself as proper food: all sorts of tomato slices and lettuce leaves hint that vitamins are still present in the hamburger.

Junk food is another matter. Its main feature is the absence of the need for any culinary processing. Open the bag and eat. Its second sign is a harmful and unbalanced composition. That is, a mass of salt (or sugar, depending on the variety), fats and a variety of chemical additives.

However, from the point of view of nutritionists and gastroenterologists, everything that is harmful from food is “junk” food. Fast food is simply a variation of it.

What is junk food?

The list can include almost the entire range of our kiosks. First of all this:

  1. all sweet (they are also included in the list of fast food);
  2. chips;
  3. crackers;
  4. nuts. By the way, they are a different story. All nuts themselves are a valuable nutritional product. Their processing and storage spoils them. All additives, flavorings, stabilizers and other additives actually nullify the beneficial properties of nuts. And storage in bags quickly leads to molding of both peanuts and pistachios. The taste of mold is clogged with artificial additives, and as a result, “junk” food poisons the body with carcinogens;
  5. all chocolate bars. If you want something sweet, it’s better to buy a natural chocolate bar;
  6. corn sticks and flakes;
  7. “coffee” drinks (3 in 1, etc.);
  8. children's favorite popcorn;
  9. snacks, salty crackers, dried fish “for beer”, squid rings in bags;
  10. bouillon cubes and instant soups (also from the fast food category).

In a word, this includes everything that can be chewed on the go, that is harmful from food and that each of us sometimes, albeit rarely, buys.

How the body reacts to junk food

Doctors warn: first of all, everything suffers. In addition to imbalance and excessive fat content, all junk food is eaten dry, which irritates the mucous membranes and causes their inflammation. At the same time, the body has to spend more energy to digest the wrong food and secrete more bile and enzymes. About 70 percent of modern people suffering from stomach ailments developed gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis from junk food. It’s even worse if children eat such food. They often experience acetone syndrome, accompanied by vomiting of unknown etiology, diarrhea and continuous nausea.

The next problem that empty calories bring with them (another name for “junk” food) is obesity. Moreover, it overtakes a lover of such products even faster than a fan of fast food. Everyone has been aware of the dangers of unnecessary, excess kilograms for a long time: cardiac ischemia, diabetes (most often insulin-dependent), hypertension, atherosclerosis, strokes.

Junk food is very dangerous for developing organisms. The bulk of these products include soy. And these beans contain a huge amount of plant estrogens. As a result, the risk of breast cancer increases sharply in girls, and in boys, problems with the prostate gland often begin very early. Moreover, some doctors believe that absorbed female hormones may well provoke the formation of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Is junk food a drug?

Recent research by doctors and scientists has yielded absolutely stunning and frightening results. It turned out that regular consumption of such food causes addiction in the body, akin to a drug. The rats that were experimented on, accustomed to eating junk food, refused to eat anything else. They preferred to starve, but wait for the food that had become habitual. At the same time, they showed some signs of drug withdrawal: they became restless and more aggressive, rushed at the cages, and barely smelled the smell of “weedy” food. Moreover, similar studies were carried out in different parts of the world - Australia and the United States - and gave absolutely identical results. Doctors believe that the harm caused by junk food is comparable in intensity to chronic alcoholism and constant smoking combined.

Worse and worse

In addition to the harm already identified, the composition of the products from which “garbage garbage” food is made is also deteriorating every year. If at the beginning of the 21st century the same chips were overwhelmingly made from natural potatoes, now manufacturers save on vegetables. A common practice is to use potato flour in them. And this is the best case scenario: many packages indicate the potato content, and often it is less than half. So, every year junk food is becoming further removed from natural food and more and more dangerous to the health of the people who consume it.

Few people can say they've seen a $5,000 hamburger or $500 milkshakes. Junk food is an American tradition. McDonald's may have tried to create establishments for healthier eating, but it was in America that a kind of cult of unhealthy food emerged. Hamburgers, milkshakes, cupcakes, pizza, hot chocolate, hot dogs, ice cream…. The list of unhealthy foods goes on and on.

The cult of junk food in America began in 1893 at the Chicago World's Fair, when two brothers, street vendors, sold quick-cooked popcorn, peanuts and candy on the street. In 1896, such “quick” food began to be packaged in boxes and sold under the name CrackerJack.

Popsicles on a stick were actually invented by accident. In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson accidentally left a glass with a spoon and soda outside overnight during the winter. It was 18 years before he filed a patent for his Episicle Ice Pop. Twinkies (yellow cookies with a cream filling) originated in 1930 during the Great Depression, when an enterprising bakery manager decided to experiment with using banana cream as a cake filling. Everyone knows McDonalds. However, before the McDonald brothers, there was also the White Castle company, which was founded in Wichita, Kansas in 1921. It sold traditional, inexpensive hamburgers and fries en masse.

However, we offer a slightly different review topic. The focus is not just junk food, but the most expensive dishes. Imagine chocolate pudding, which would cost most people a year's salary, or a hamburger, which would cost more than 5 months' rent. How do expensive junk foods differ from regular ones? Much of the difference lies in the ingredients used for preparation. For example, truffles and edible gold leaf are served in high-end restaurants in New York and Las Vegas. Some dishes are served with a bottle of expensive wine or decorated with diamonds.

10. Powder Room Milkshake, Hollywood, California: $500

A couple of years ago, the famous Kim Kardashian visited Dubai with her mother and tasted the Kim Shake, the most expensive cocktail in the world. However, this turned out to be untrue. The most expensive one was served in Hollywood. The $500 cocktail was made with Belgian chocolate, edible gold leaf and a small amount of liqueur. The Velvet Goldmine drink was adorned with a $190 Swarovski ring. The Powder Room is an original, trendy bar with a luxurious and fun atmosphere.

9. Nino’s Pizza, New York: $1000+

Nino's Bellissima Pizza is part of the Italian restaurant Positano in New York, which is widely known for its expensive pizza. In particular, a pizza with caviar with a diameter of 36 cm and costing $1000.

8. Bloomsbury Gold Phoenix Cupcake, Dubai: $1,000

The most expensive cupcake can be tasted in Dubai. The Golden Phoenix cake is wrapped in 23-karat gold, and the flour for its preparation comes specially from Italy. In 2010, a Rox Diamond Cupcake was baked especially for the Glam fashion exhibition in Edinburgh, which cost $150,000. A simple cute pink cupcake decorated with diamonds.

7. Golden Opulence Ice Cream Sundae, New York: $1,000

Serendipity 3 is a luxury restaurant in New York that has always attracted celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol. Owner Joe Calderone has created a number of pricey fast food items, including the $295 "Le Burger Extravagant." The Golden Abundance sundae is a premium vanilla ice cream coated in 23-karat edible gold leaf that is completely tasteless but costs up to $ 160 per gram. The chocolate syrup that decorates this ice cream is the most expensive in the world, and the candied fruit is imported directly from Paris. This ice cream is eaten with a golden spoon.

6. Cupcake Dress, UK: $1,275

The "cupcake dress" was a publicity stunt used to advertise the Food Network in the UK. It's made with 300 edible cupcakes in different colors: red, purple and pink. Its weight is 28 kg. It took 3 whole days to create. The dress was shown at London Fashion Week.

5. Hot dog from 230 Fifth, New York: $2,000

In New York, in the open air, on the roof of one of the skyscrapers, the 230 Fifth bar is located. They serve an excellent hot dog infused with cognac, sprinkled with mushroom dust and garnished with lobster. The hot dog is made with Japanese Wagyu beef (the gold standard of beef). The hot dog also includes sweet Vidalia onions caramelized in Dom Perignon champagne, sauerkraut stewed in Cristal champagne, and caviar.

4. Margo’s Pizzeria, Valletta, Malta: $2,420

Many who have visited the Margot pizzeria claim that this is where they serve the best pizza in the world. This establishment is an impeccable favorite among locals and tourists who travel from all over the world to the luxurious beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. Owner Claude Camilleri claims that the idea of ​​​​creating a very expensive pizza arose in order to draw attention to the quality of their food. Indeed, the pizza with a thin crispy crust, topped with buffalo mozzarella, white truffles and 24-karat gold, is able to attract the attention of every visitor. An order for such pizza must be made a week in advance, and then confirmed twice more.

3. Fleur Burger 5000, Las Vegas, Nevada: $5,000

Probably only in Las Vegas can you try a burger that costs $5,000. It is made with Japanese Wagyu beef and foie gras. The sauce is made from truffles. Finely chopped truffles are also used to garnish the burger. The base is a truffle bun. The customer will receive a bottle of Chateau Petrus worth $2,500, as well as a certificate of authenticity for the order - proof that he tasted the burger worth $5,000.

2. Serendipity 3 ‘Frrrozen Hot Chocolate’, New York: $25,000

We return again to the New York restaurant “Serendipity 3”. 'Frrrozen Hot Chocolate' is more of a gimmick than a dish, but it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive dessert in the world. It's hot chocolate, but... frozen. More than 14 different types of cocoa were needed to make the dessert. It was decorated with edible gold and diamonds on top. A surprise is added inside the dessert - a diamond bracelet.

1. Chocolate Pudding, Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel: $35,000

In one of the restaurants in Lake District, UK, you can taste chocolate pudding worth $35,000! Dessert must be ordered two weeks in advance. It consists of chocolate, gold and caviar. The owners of the hotel, whose restaurant serves this wonderful dessert, claim that it is the most expensive dessert in the world. Chocolate brownie decorated with champagne jelly and edible gold. On top is a 2 carat diamond. When ordering dessert, you need to remember to take a special bag with you to the restaurant, because the diamond that adorns the dessert can be taken home.

Garbage that is not thrown out on time litters our lives. And junk food - garbage food - not only clogs our lives, but also shortens its duration.

In principle, fast food can also be classified as junk food (the literal translation means “garbage food”), however, recently these two concepts have been separated.

So, if fast food is any fast food (lunch made from factory-made semi-finished products, hamburgers, shawarma, pasties, hot dogs and all other products from street eateries), then junk food is chips, salted crackers and nuts, various snacks , soda, packaged juices, chocolate bars, etc.

Both fat food and junk food are incredibly harmful to our health. Besides the huge
number of empty calories, mass of trans fats, food additives, dyes, preservatives, insane amounts of salt or sugar, they do not contain anything else.

Even the tiny amount of proteins that such products may contain will never compare with the harm caused by the other ingredients in the composition.

Junk food is rightfully considered the most harmful garbage in our lives, because with regular consumption of such products, human health indicators significantly deteriorate, and, therefore, the quality of life suffers.

How can junk food ruin your life?

If you still believe that chips are fried natural potatoes in spices, and snacks are made from grains, then at least pay attention to the abilities of these products.

For example, many have already tested and seen in practice more than once that potato chips burn well if set on fire. And Sprite or another similar drink poured into an electric kettle perfectly cleans the device of scale that has formed on the heater. In addition, cola and other carbonated drinks can clear clogged pipes.

Now think about what is actually included in these products, since they work like chemicals? Surely, just chemistry and nothing more.

An experiment for the sake of a film

In 2004, one American, Morgan Spurlock, voluntarily agreed to experiment in his diet for the sake of filming the documentary “Double Portion” about the dangers of junk food and fast food. Videographers filmed the life of Morgan, who deliberately ate only at fast food restaurants for a month, eating chips, drinking soda, and dining on French fries.

During filming, it was shown what was happening to Morgan’s figure and weight, how he felt, and what mood he was in. Morgan took all kinds of tests and underwent medical examinations to accurately determine his health status.

What a shock it was when, after a month of eating junk food, it turned out that Morgan had gained 10 kg of weight (exclusively fat mass!), suffered liver damage and sexual dysfunction. Doctors interrupted this disastrous experiment.

As a result, it took Morgan several months of treatment and regular intensive training in the gym to regain his health and weight after filming ended. And this is with a complete transition to proper nutrition.

Now imagine what happens to people and their health if they eat this way for many years? How many years will it take to restore the body and correct weight? And will it be possible to cleanse and restore the body completely?

By the way, in 2005, the film “Double Help” with Morgan’s participation received an Academy Award for best documentary film. This film really needs to be shown to everyone who still crunches on chips and washes down their food with soda.

The Science Behind Junk Food

However, not only actors and directors checked the dangers of junk food. Scientists have also thought about this issue. Thus, an experiment was conducted in which several dozen experimental people who voluntarily agreed to eat junk food (in addition to standard food) for 5 days in a row were tested for their health status.

As a result, it turned out that all participants in the experiment, already on the fifth day of such nutrition, experienced significant changes in metabolism, and the amount of substances in the blood that influenced changes in hormonal levels and the number of reproductive cells increased.

Seeing how we eat, our body itself worsens reproductive health in order to reduce the likelihood of having pathologically sick children. Think about this, especially if you are yet to become parents!

Analysis of popular junk food

The actors and scientists were joined by laboratory assistants seeking the truth.

They conducted research on the most popular types of junk food and put their reports up for public discussion.

French fries, salted nuts and chocolate bars were selected for the study, and this is what we found out:

French fries

Just 40 g of French fries contains 2/3 of the daily salt requirement. Even if you eat such a portion of potatoes, you will have to adhere to the principles of a salt-free diet for the rest of the day.

If you eat more (and even a child’s portion of potatoes is about 100 g!), then you will actually exceed the salt limit. What will happen in the end? Well, in the initial stages you are at risk of swelling, weight gain due to the accumulation of fluid in the body, and pressure surges.

With severe swelling and poor fluid drainage, there is a risk of developing a hypertensive crisis with the risk of subsequent heart attack and/or stroke.

Often eating very salty foods will also ruin your kidneys and stomach. In general, the prospects are not at all rosy. And if you consider that French fries are fried in a vat of oil that has already been overcooked several times, then they contain very harmful trans fats with a carcinogenic risk.

Trans fats increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and this is the key to problems with the heart, blood vessels, the same hypertension, the risk of heart attack and stroke. Trans fats clog the body, fill it with toxins, increase the amount of adipose tissue, the most dangerous abdominal fat, and have a detrimental effect on weight and figure.

Vegetable oil overcooked many times is not just trans fats, it is carcinogenic trans fats (for example, acrylamide), that is, those that, in addition to all other harms, also increase the risk of cancer. And this is no longer a joke!

By the way, chips and other snacks that are cooked in oil have similar properties.

Salted nuts

The nuts themselves are a very healthy product. They contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, plant x proteins and fatty acids necessary for the body, for example Omega-3.

But when nuts are fried for a long time in oil, with salt, flavorings, aromas, and then packaged with the addition of preservatives, then all their beneficial properties disappear. Again, there is a lot of salt in nuts, quite a lot. We wrote above what happens when you go too far with the amount of salt.

Secondly, the oil in which such nuts are fried is no better than the oil in which chips and French fries are fried. And finally, numerous spices and artificial flavor enhancers are pure chemistry.

No less interesting is the fact that packaged nuts often begin to mold, and mold also produces carcinogens. It is almost impossible to taste mold due to flavorings and flavor enhancers.

Chocolate bars

This is a real carbohydrate bomb that greatly increases blood glucose levels, causing a sharp response from the pancreas, which begins to produce insulin. As a result, you get a quickly passing feeling of fullness, increased appetite after half an hour or an hour, an excess of sugar in the blood and constant pancreas activity.

Junk food often causes excess weight, poor health, apathy and nervous tension. It fills our diet with empty calories, gradually destroying us from the inside. Be careful what you eat and don’t allow yourself to ruin yourself!

Were you interested in our article? Then like and write in the comments, have you completely given up junk food?

Most of us, if not adoring ourselves, then certainly love ourselves. And, according to psychologists, such egocentrism, within reasonable limits, is a completely useful phenomenon (by the way, the ability to say “no” when you really don’t want it is just one of the most useful skills - read more about this). However, why then, despite all the great self-love and healthy selfishness, do we allow ourselves to eat... junk food? At the same time, we are not talking about literal scraps from garbage cans, but about junk food.

About, what is it, why should you not eat junk food, what products fall into the category of such “junk” food and how can they be replaced in our diet?– our publication will tell you about all this...

What is junk food

If we literally translate junk food from English, then we will get the term trash or trash food. It is noteworthy that some food products began to be called so disrespectfully relatively recently. And, for the first time, the term junk food arose back in the 70s of the last century in America. So, they called food products that did not require much time for their preparation (so similar to modern ones), had a high but empty calorie content, and also contained a huge amount of all kinds of harmful substances - saturated fats, carcinogens, food additives, sugar and salt... That is, as you already guessed, you get “5” for your intelligence, junk food is not healthy and not the right food, which should not be in the diet of a person who is worried about his health. All those chips, salted nuts, cakes, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, chocolate bars, biscuits - despite the fact that they look attractive and cost a lot, should go where they belong - in the trash.

The most popular types of junk food

Despite the fact that theoretically you and I understand which products can be included in the junk food category, World Without Harm still decided to remind you, our readers, about the most important enemies of a healthy lifestyle and also the leaders of the hit parade of products from the junk category food

French fries and potato chips

First of all, these are French fries and chips. These signature dishes and any decent menu contain a lot of salt, so

in a bag weighing 35 grams, the entire mass of chips provides up to 2/3 of the daily salt intake of an adult.

And, if you eat a little more, in order not to upset the balance, you will have to adhere to the principles for the rest of the day. In addition, French fries and chips contain a lot of saturated fats, which have a special effect on the level of bad cholesterol - they increase it, this delicious junk food also contains carcinogens - in particular, a substance such as acrylamide, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. -intestinal tract and negatively affects the functioning of the peripheral nervous system.

Salted nuts

The second place in terms of harmfulness in the junk food category is occupied by salted nuts. Some people prefer to use them with beer (find out more about), while others prefer to drink them just like that. Well, despite the fact that nuts themselves are quite healthy products, the amount of spices and salt that the manufacturer adds to them turns them into a time bomb for your body. There can no longer be any talk of any benefit. Besides,

very often, as a result of incorrect storage conditions for these products, they begin to mold, and the mold, in turn, begins to produce carcinogens, but you can no longer determine that the nuts are expired and spoiled, since the taste of mold and its smell are overwhelmed by the aroma of synthetic spices and flavorings...

Chocolate biscuits and bars

And, closing our top three in terms of harmfulness are chocolate bars and cakes, biscuits and other sweet products created to increase your energy charge and charge your body with vigor. Everything would be fine, but in all this there is just a record amount of , and the surge of energy due to a sharp increase in the glycemic index has a short-term effect, after which you feel empty and exhausted, as a result of a sharp jump in insulin in the blood and subsequent hypoglycemia...

Unfortunately, due to its accessibility in terms of pricing policy, as well as its specific rich taste, junk food has many fans. Moreover, experts claim that they are developing a real one and the number of such addicts is increasing every year. At the same time, among those who are captured by garbage food are children, teenagers, students, sweet tooths, office workers, housewives, lonely pensioners, people who are always in a hurry and never make it on time...

All this threatens that by the end of 2015, according to World Health Organization forecasts, more than 2.3 billion adults around the world will suffer, and more than 700 million will say goodbye to their belongings, since with their obesity it will simply be impossible to wear their favorite dress . Therefore, the harm of energy-intensive foods, which are high in sugars and fat, and low in minerals, vitamins and other micronutrients, is obvious. Add to this the general tendency of most of humanity to lead a sedentary lifestyle and you will understand that we are all in danger.

How to reduce the harm of junk food

Do you want to reduce the harm of junk food in your life, and not face its consequences, which we wrote about above? Simply, give up junk food in your diet. Replace all those chocolate bars, sweet soda, beer, hamburgers, cakes with other foods - fruits, meat pies, homemade cakes, eat more simple and healthy foods - cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the role of junk food in the lives of our children. Every day, when we send them to school, we push their health to the brink with our own hands by offering an energy bar instead of a homemade sandwich, forgetting that by doing so we are creating the wrong culture of food consumption and harmful eating habits in our children. But is this what we want for our children?

So that later we don’t have to explain to them that their favorite chips and hamburgers are harmful junk food, it is better to show by our own example that these products should not be consumed, then they will not have to wean themselves off them.

Ah, now World Without Harm will offer you some options, How can you replace junk food in your menu and in your children’s diet?