Why I'm always cold: causes, treatment. Why do people freeze when it's warm?

A constant feeling of cold without fever can sometimes be the only symptom of a very serious disease, which the person himself is not even aware of. What diseases cause prolonged chills? We find out the details in the article.

Two main groups of causes of chronic chills

All the main reasons for feeling cold can be divided into 2 large groups: those in which a person’s body temperature is actually elevated, and those in which there is no fever. In the second case, chills are one of the manifestations of intoxication, that is, the body’s natural reaction to the action pathogenic microorganisms, or occurs when oncological process. It is necessary to look for the root cause of the disease and eliminate it, if possible, and elevated temperature They will go away with chills as they recover.

A rarer, but at the same time alarming situation occurs when the patient experiences a feeling of cold, but his body temperature is normal, there are no signs of infectious or cancer No. In this case, the reason must also be determined, as it can sometimes be very serious.

Sudden fluctuations in blood pressure

Very often, chronic chills develop in people suffering from hypertension and, conversely, prone to low blood pressure. A sharp feeling of cold combined with severe headache is one of the leading symptoms of a hypertensive crisis. In this case, the cause is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. It may be accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and numbness in the fingers and toes. The main way to find out whether there is a connection with hypertension is to change blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor. A reading above 140/90 indicates excess permissible norm However, hypotensive patients may not tolerate lower blood pressure well. If a person has lived his entire life with a level of 90/60, then hypertensive crisis he can develop even at 130/85. In this case, an appointment is necessary antihypertensive drugs: First aid drugs are captopril, nifedipine and clonidine.

A sharp drop in blood pressure or constant hypotension may also be accompanied by a feeling of chills. True, unlike hypertension, low blood pressure does not require taking any medicines. In this case, a cup of strong warm tea or coffee with 2-3 slices of dark chocolate will help.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

Chills are one of the most common symptoms pathology thyroid gland. Most often, patients with hypothyroidism, that is, a disease in which the production of hormones in this organ is reduced, complain about it. Its cause in most cases is autoimmune thyroiditis, but the exact genesis endocrine disorders can only be found out in one way: take a test for TSH, T4, T3 and undergo ultrasonography thyroid gland.

Patients with hypothyroidism complain of constant fatigue, apathy, reluctance to do anything, weight gain despite loss of appetite, headaches, constipation. Their skin acquires a characteristic yellowish tint, and there is some swelling and pastiness of the tissues, including on the face. They are constantly cold, even if all other family members note that the apartment is hot and stuffy. This condition requires mandatory examination and selection of treatment. Usually within 2 weeks from the start of therapy hormonal agents patients feel significant relief, including chills.

Feeling cold can be a symptom of something else pathological condition, in which the amount of synthesized hormones, on the contrary, is sharply increased. It's about about thyrotoxicosis. In this case, patients experience a whole range of unpleasant sensations, among which there is often an alternation of chills and a feeling of heat against the background of normothermia. Trembling in the body and limbs, sudden weight loss, mood lability, anxiety, palpitations and a feeling of interruptions in the heart - all these and other symptoms indicate possible thyrotoxicosis. This disease is very serious and requires mandatory medical examination and treatment.


Menopause is a difficult period in a woman’s life. Hormonal fluctuations, the feeling that life is entering the sunset phase, stable weight gain, in which regular diets and sports help much worse - all this cannot but affect emotional state representatives of the weaker sex. Many of them say that they often experience peculiar hot flashes: against the background of complete well-being, suddenly a woman feels that she has been doused ice water, she begins to suddenly freeze, after a few seconds, on the contrary, she begins to sweat heavily and experience a feeling of heat. All this can last for several minutes, after which she feels normal again.

Hot flashes are one of the symptoms of a natural flow menopause. However, if they extremely bother a woman, unsettle her, and she cannot work fully, then in this case she should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Perhaps he will determine her indications for prescribing replacement therapy. hormone therapy, which will help smooth out discomfort and more calmly survive this difficult period in her life.

Stress, overwork

Stress, emotional turmoil, constant overwork at work, frequent night shifts without the opportunity to get a good night's sleep after them, work associated with increased responsibility - all this takes its toll on the body. Constant activation of the sympathoadrenal system, which is a kind of doping, in order to withstand these loads, sooner or later affects the heart and blood vessels. The feeling of chills that occurs as a result of vascular spasm is one of the symptoms that the body is working for wear. Coffee, smoking cigarettes, alcohol, which are very often taken to relieve stress and calm down, actually do not help with this.

Alcohol disease

Chronic alcoholism leads to a number of complications from all organs. Long-term systematic intake of alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of alcoholic neuropathy, damage to the central nervous system, blood vessels and heart. Most often, chills develop during abrupt withdrawal. alcoholic drinks, is one of the components of everything known condition, which is popularly called " delirium tremens" Sometimes patients with toxic hepatitis or acute alcoholic pancreatitis are brought to hospitals, who also, among other things, feel severe chills without increasing the temperature.

The only way to treat alcoholism is a complete ban on drinking alcohol. A narcologist can help with this and will select a treatment option for each individual patient.


Diabetes mellitus is serious disease, which increases blood sugar levels. Over time, this affects the functioning of the entire body, complications develop in the nervous system (neuropathy), kidneys (nephropathy), blood vessels (angiopathy), etc. Patients suffer especially hard from sudden surges in blood sugar caused by errors in nutrition and long periods of fasting. , skipping insulin injections, stress, intense physical activity. In most cases, during a hypoglycemic state ( strong decline glucose levels) diabetic patients experience trembling, sweating, weakness, headache In addition, they often develop speech impairment, numbness of the lips or limbs, including chills.

“Experienced” people already know that in this case it is necessary to eat a piece of bread, drink sweet tea or a couple of shares of chocolate as quickly as possible. Otherwise, hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness and even coma. A similar picture can develop not only in a diabetic patient, but also in a person adhering to a very strict diet with limited or complete refusal from carbohydrate food. Most likely, it will not come to a coma, but it is urgent health care may be required.

Increased blood sugar levels are not as difficult for diabetics to bear as they are a sharp decline. However, if the patient violates the diet and does not inject insulin on time, a hyperglycemic state may occur. He feels thirst, headache, increased urination, dry skin, weakness, etc. Chills are not a symptom of hyperglycemia, but are more indicative of low level glucose.


A pregnant woman is a completely separate category of patients. Their diseases proceed differently; very often they experience a range of different sensations that are not pathology at all. One of them is constant feeling cold. There can be many reasons for this: hormonal changes, frequent vomiting in the first trimester, emotional lability, especially if a woman continues to work and experiences stress, low arterial pressure etc. In these conditions, chills only complement general state and creates a feeling of a slight cold. However, this can be considered normal in the first weeks of pregnancy.

But there are a number of situations when sudden severe chills are accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. sharp increase temperature,

2. rise in blood pressure,

3. blood discharge from the genital tract,

4. severe pain in a stomach.

All these situations can threaten the life of the fetus and mother, and then the woman should get an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible, or call ambulance. The cause may be the threat of miscarriage, gestosis, miscarriage, frozen pregnancy and the onset of premature birth. Therefore, you cannot delay for even a minute.

While breastfeeding

The lactation period and the first weeks after childbirth are a difficult period for a woman. It is associated with very great physical fatigue against the backdrop of responsibility for the life of a tiny creature. They are complemented by constant lack of sleep and irregular nutrition. Many young mothers complain of feeling sweating and chills. They are either hot or cold. They are afraid to open the window in the room so as not to catch the baby's cold, but they still often experience chills. In addition to endocrine changes, the cause of this condition can be lactostasis. Should a young mother skip feeding time or wait a gap of more than 4-5 hours (if, for example, the child quickly switched to long-term night sleep), then they feel aching, pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands, they become dense, lumpy, touching them causes discomfort. At the same time, severe chills without fever may occur, or sometimes it increases slightly.

The main healer in this situation is your own baby - you need to put him to the breast as often as possible. After the end of the period of lactation, which is 3-4 weeks, the mammary glands adapt to the needs of the baby and produce as much milk as he needs. For this reason, lactostasis most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth.

Very dangerous symptom is chills combined with increased intensity postpartum hemorrhage. IN in this case You can’t waste a minute, you need to call an ambulance, because this condition can be life-threatening.

Rarer causes of chills without fever

In addition to these most common causes of chills in the background normal temperature There are also rarer bodies. These include taking certain medications (mainly psychotropic drugs), Raynaud's syndrome, hypopituitarism, various serious diseases of the central nervous system (tumors, hemorrhages), severe electrolyte disturbances. In any case, all these conditions are a reason to consult a doctor and have a full examination.


If you begin to notice your increased sensitivity to temperature, this is serious reason take a close look at your health and think about the lifestyle you lead.

The basis for a person’s sensations of cold or warmth is the process of thermoregulation. Thermoregulation of the human body is physiological process, ensuring the maintenance constant temperature bodies. Thermoregulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, a part of the human brain that is responsible for optimal body temperature. The optimal temperature for humans is 36.6. Temperature changes in the environment are detected by thermoreceptors, which transmit an impulse signal to the brain and activate the hypothalamus. If the mechanisms of thermoregulation are disrupted, then the body is not able to compensate for heat loss, and a violation of heat exchange occurs between the body and environment. At the same time, the person feels chills.

More often increased sensitivity to cold is associated with impaired capillary circulation, for example, in cases of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The disease occurs in people with low resistance to stress, highly emotional, as consequences infectious diseases and a sedentary lifestyle. Such people are characterized by lower average temperature limbs - feet, hands, fingers, nose. A person freezes even in a warm room and reacts painfully to sudden change weather, he has headaches, and his heart rate increases.

Sensitivity to cold may be caused by cardiovascular diseases. If the heart cannot cope with the load, blood circulation is disrupted, especially for the extremities - fingers and toes, which freeze first.

Symptoms of increased sensitivity to temperature appear during hormonal changes in adolescence, at cervical osteochondrosis or personality characteristics, such as anxiety, excessive suspiciousness.

At constant feeling chills, you should pay attention to the condition of the thyroid gland, blood sugar, because endocrine diseases may be the root cause of increased sensitivity to cold.

Hands and feet may freeze in a person with low hemoglobin, diseases female organs, with Raynaud's disease, in which spasm occurs blood vessels, disruption of the arterial blood supply to the hands and feet, under the influence of cold or emotional overload.

Bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle can also affect the condition of blood vessels and lead to a lack of blood circulation in the extremities.

Also, the causes of chills without fever can be nervous tension, lack of sleep, stress, excitement, and overwork.

A person freezes even during acute infectious and viral diseases when body temperature rises. In this case, body temperature is a compensatory phenomenon, indicating that the body is struggling. Typically, signs of ARVI include, in addition to chills, cough, runny nose, and redness of the throat. In this case, you should definitely see a therapist.

If increased sensitivity to cold worries you for a long time You will need an examination by specialists - a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist.

For your part, try to change your lifestyle to a healthier, active, mobile one. Do exercises every day, walk more in the fresh air. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, drink more vitamins and herbal decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks, increasing blood circulation. Healthy food, hardening, fresh air will improve the supply of oxygen to tissues and activate metabolic processes.

Perhaps they say about you or your loved ones “freezing” or “freezing”: these people are cold both in winter and in summer, they are constantly looking for ways to warm up. Some people really don't tolerate it well. low temperatures. For example, those who belong to the southern genotype, for whom the cold is unacceptable in principle. But most likely the culprit will be one of these 10 reasons.

Sauna syndrome or iron deficiency anemia

Or even simpler: insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood. It causes a delay in the delivery of oxygen by blood to internal organs and tissues. The body tries to improve oxygen supply to the body, and the vessels dilate to increase blood flow. They behave the same way if the heat is stifling or you find yourself in a sauna. Accordingly, heat transfer increases - the body is deprived of the necessary supply of “heating” and freezes.

That is, in the heat, our body tries to cool the body, but here it does the same thing when you don’t need it.

This means that you urgently need to increase the level of iron in your blood. The easiest way to do this is by adjusting your diet. Enrich the menu with red meat, offal, beets, buckwheat, nuts, eggs. IN as a last resort, buy hematogen at the pharmacy and use it.
Daily norm iron should be 15 mg.

Lack of fats and vitamins A and E

It is these substances that are responsible for the balance of biochemical processes in the liver that promote heating. Their deficiency can lead to constant chilliness even in warm weather.

In general, a certain amount of these substances is already in our body. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth reintroducing foods containing high concentrations of retinol and tocopherol into your diet. Eat more carrots, pumpkin, cereals, red vegetables and fruits. With your doctor's approval, you can take synthetic vitamin complexes.

Also reconsider your attitude towards fats. The main thing is to use healthy fats, which, by the way, are not only necessary for the body, but also contribute to weight loss. This fatty fish, cheese, eggs, etc. Avoid harmful trans fats.

Excessive thinness or fatness

The golden mean is golden because it is difficult to achieve. Excessively thin people are characterized by “freezing”, since it is quite difficult for them to accumulate and retain heat in their tissues. It is necessary to gain weight, and not necessarily fat, more muscle. In the absence of the required volume of muscle and fat tissue, the cold penetrates to the bones faster.

There are also a lot of “freezers” among the fat ones. Excess body fat is a tight compressor. By squeezing blood vessels, it leads to a narrowing of blood flow, which means poor nutrition internal organs oxygen. Heat transfer increases again - heat goes to the side, and the person freezes. In this case, you need to lose weight.

Thyroid problems

For example, the cause may be hypothyroidism, a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This organ is responsible for regulating energy processes in the body - distributing energy reserves, including for heating.

For example, with hypothyroidism (thyroid dysfunction), heating processes are disrupted. The formation of heat from calories received from food is inhibited.

You can understand that the problem is in the thyroid gland by paying attention to your feet - they are cold at any time of the day. If you notice this in yourself, you need to contact an endocrinologist.

Low blood pressure and vascular dysfunction

Still, most often cold feet (and sometimes hands) are a sign of impaired peripheral capillary circulation. The heat simply does not reach the extremities.

Hypotonics (people with low blood pressure) know what increased “freezing” is: a decrease in pressure leads to impaired blood supply, which, again, causes internal “coldness”.

In this case, it is worth taking a course of vitamins, increasing physical activity, add walks in the fresh air, adjust your diet (add vegetables and fruits, remove refined foods). Hypotonic patients can drink more than 1 cup of tea or coffee per day to slightly increase their blood pressure.

By the way, deterioration vascular functions may be related to age. That's why constant chilliness often characteristic of older people.


This disease causes metabolic disorders, as well as serious problems with the cardiovascular system. In such cases, patients often complain of constantly cold feet, which also lose sensitivity. This should be reported to an endocrinologist, who will select adequate treatment.


Often, “frozenness” can be associated with an overloaded nervous system and stress. Moreover, a person begins to freeze the more, the more worried, nervous, scared or angry he is.

Raynaud's disease

There is also a specific cold syndrome - Raynaud's disease. It is expressed in disruption of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. At the slightest emotional stress, as well as under the influence of too cold or warm temperatures, such people experience severe vascular spasm, disrupting thermoregulation.

ABOUT weakening of the immune system And hormonal imbalance in the body can cause a feeling of constant cold.

To find out exactly the causes of your discomfort, you should visit an endocrinologist, cardiologist, vascular surgeon, phlebologist or neurologist.

Prepared using materials: radostysnami.ru, aif.ru, mjusli.ru

According to statistics, every third woman is a “freezer” who will feel chills even at a temperature that is quite comfortable for many. Men encounter this problem less often due to a more stable thermoregulation system. AiF.ru found out why people are cold all the time and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Important Iron

The feeling that you are constantly freezing appears if you have anemia or even if your hemoglobin level just begins to drop a little. Oxygen transport by blood deteriorates, tissue nutrition is disrupted, and blood vessels dilate to speed up blood flow and warm up. Because of this, heat transfer increases, the body loses its heat reserve and begins to freeze.

Some foods help restore balance. To do this, your diet should include red meat, liver and kidneys, buckwheat, pearl barley and rice, dried fruits, eggs, apples, fish, cheese, cabbage and dill. The daily iron intake should be 15 mg.

Lack of vitamins

Everyone knows that a lack of vitamins has a bad effect on human health. But few realize that they constantly experience a feeling of cold due to a lack of vitamins A and E. It is these two substances that are responsible for the balance of biochemical processes in the liver that promote heating.

Excessive fullness

It is traditionally believed that overweight people are always hot. In fact, fatty deposits, accumulating, compress the blood vessels and lead to the fact that blood flow worsens, and then everything happens, as in the case of iron deficiency.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is extremely important organ, whose work is often underestimated. The gland, despite its small size, plays an important role - it distributes energy reserves. If any problems develop, for example, hypothyroidism, it works “at half strength” and slows down the metabolism. Then the person begins to feel that he is freezing from the inside. You can understand that the problem is in the thyroid gland by paying attention to your feet - they are cold at any time of the day. If you think that the problem is in the gland, it is worth examining it and if there are any abnormalities, be sure to treat and correct them.

Pressure and blood vessels

Hypotonics, i.e. those who have low blood pressure know firsthand what increased “freezing” is: a decrease in pressure leads to impaired blood supply, which, again, becomes the cause of internal “coldness”.

Vascular problems also often lead to a person freezing at any time of the year, even under a warm blanket. Firstly, the vessels may lose the desired tone, which is why the blood begins to “run” through them more slowly. Secondly, freezing can be caused by spasms: with a sharp compression of blood vessels, problems with blood supply begin. Thirdly, the feeling of cold can cause disruption of the peripheral capillaries, which is why the blood does not “reach” the fingertips.

In this case, you should take a course of vitamins, increase physical activity, add walks in the fresh air, adjust your diet (add vegetables and fruits, remove refined foods).

"Cold" diabetes

At diabetes mellitus a person can also easily feel the “inner cold.” This disease causes metabolic disorders, as well as serious problems with the cardiovascular system. In such cases, patients usually complain of constantly cold feet, which periodically lose sensitivity. This should be reported to an endocrinologist, who will select adequate treatment.

Dangerous malnutrition

A simple lack of calories can make you feel cold at any time of the year. For example, people who eat little do not receive their quota. This means that they seriously lack energy “for heating” and the body has nowhere to replenish reserves. Therefore, people are often thin and leading sedentary lifestyle lives have reduced temperature bodies.

A constant feeling of cold without fever can sometimes be the only symptom of a very serious disease, which the person himself is not even aware of. What diseases cause prolonged chills? We’ll find out the details together with MedAboutMe.

Two main groups of causes of chronic chills

All the main reasons for feeling cold can be divided into 2 large groups: those in which a person’s body temperature is actually elevated, and those in which there is no fever. In the second case, chills are one of the manifestations of intoxication, that is, the body’s natural reaction to the action of pathogenic microorganisms, or it occurs during an oncological process. It is necessary to look for the root cause of the disease and eliminate it, if possible, and the fever and chills will go away as you recover.

A more rare, but at the same time alarming situation occurs when the patient experiences a feeling of cold, but his body temperature is normal, there are no signs of an infectious or oncological disease. In this case, it is also necessary to find out the reason, since it can sometimes be very serious.

Sudden fluctuations in blood pressure

Very often, chronic chills develop in people suffering from hypertension and, conversely, prone to low blood pressure. A sharp feeling of cold combined with severe headache is one of the leading symptoms of a hypertensive crisis. In this case, the cause is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. It may be accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and numbness in the fingers and toes. The main way to find out whether there is a connection with hypertension is to change blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor. A reading above 140/90 indicates that the permissible norm is exceeded, however, hypotensive patients may not tolerate lower blood pressure well. If a person has lived his whole life with a level of 90/60, then he can develop a hypertensive crisis even at 130/85. In this case, it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs: first aid drugs are captopril, nifedipine and clonidine.

A sharp drop in blood pressure or constant hypotension may also be accompanied by a feeling of chills. True, unlike hypertension, low blood pressure does not require taking any medications. In this case, a cup of strong warm tea or coffee with 2-3 slices of dark chocolate will help.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

Chills are one of the most common symptoms of thyroid pathology. Most often, patients with hypothyroidism, that is, a disease in which the production of hormones in this organ is reduced, complain about it. The cause in most cases is autoimmune thyroiditis, but the exact genesis of endocrine disorders can only be determined in one way: take a test for TSH, T4, T3 and undergo an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

Patients with hypothyroidism complain of constant fatigue, apathy, reluctance to do anything, weight gain despite loss of appetite, headaches, and constipation. Their skin acquires a characteristic yellowish tint, and there is some swelling and pastiness of the tissues, including on the face. They are constantly cold, even if all other family members note that the apartment is hot and stuffy. This condition requires mandatory examination and selection of treatment. Usually, within 2 weeks from the start of hormonal therapy, patients feel significant relief, including chills.

A feeling of cold can be a symptom of another pathological condition, in which the amount of hormones synthesized, on the contrary, is sharply increased. We are talking about thyrotoxicosis. In this case, patients experience a whole range of unpleasant sensations, among which there is often an alternation of chills and a feeling of heat against the background of normothermia. Trembling in the body and limbs, sudden weight loss, mood lability, anxiety, palpitations and a feeling of interruptions in the heart - all these and other symptoms indicate possible thyrotoxicosis. This disease is very serious and requires mandatory medical examination and treatment.


Menopause is a difficult period in a woman’s life. Hormonal fluctuations, the feeling that life is entering the sunset phase, stable weight gain, in which regular diets and sports help much less - all this cannot but affect the emotional state of the fairer sex. Many of them say that they often experience peculiar hot flashes: against the background of complete well-being, suddenly a woman feels that she has been doused with ice water, she begins to suddenly freeze, after a few seconds, on the contrary, she begins to sweat heavily and feel a feeling of heat. All this can last for several minutes, after which she feels normal again.

Hot flashes are one of the symptoms of the natural course of the menopause. However, if they extremely bother a woman, unsettle her, and she cannot work fully, then in this case she should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Perhaps he will determine her indications for prescribing hormone replacement therapy, which will help smooth out the discomfort and more calmly go through this difficult period in her life.

Stress, overwork

Stress, emotional turmoil, constant overwork at work, frequent night shifts without the opportunity to get a good night's sleep after them, work associated with increased responsibility - all this takes its toll on the body. Constant activation of the sympathoadrenal system, which is a kind of doping, in order to withstand these loads, sooner or later affects the heart and blood vessels. The feeling of chills that occurs as a result of vascular spasm is one of the symptoms that the body is working for wear. Coffee, smoking cigarettes, alcohol, which are very often taken to relieve stress and calm down, actually do not help with this.

Alcohol disease

Chronic alcoholism leads to a number of complications from all organs. Long-term systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of alcoholic neuropathy, damage to the central nervous system, blood vessels and heart. Most often, chills develop with a sudden withdrawal of alcoholic beverages; it is one of the components of the well-known condition, which is popularly called “delirium tremens.” Sometimes patients with toxic hepatitis or acute alcoholic pancreatitis are brought to hospitals, who also, among other things, feel severe chills without fever.

The only way to treat alcoholism is a complete ban on drinking alcohol. A narcologist can help with this and will select a treatment option for each individual patient.


Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease in which blood sugar levels rise. Over time, this affects the functioning of the entire body, complications develop in the nervous system (neuropathy), kidneys (nephropathy), blood vessels (angiopathy), etc. Patients suffer especially hard from sudden surges in blood sugar caused by errors in nutrition and long periods of fasting. , skipping insulin injections, stress, intense physical activity. In most cases, during a hypoglycemic state (severe decrease in glucose levels), diabetic patients experience trembling, sweating, weakness, headache, in addition, they often develop speech impairment, numbness of the lips or limbs, and chills.

“Experienced” people already know that in this case it is necessary to eat a piece of bread, drink sweet tea or a couple of shares of chocolate as quickly as possible. Otherwise, hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness and even coma. A similar picture can develop not only in a diabetic patient, but also in a person adhering to a very strict diet with restriction or complete abstinence from carbohydrate foods. It will most likely not lead to a coma, but emergency medical attention may be required.

Diabetics do not tolerate an increase in blood sugar levels as hard as a sharp decrease. However, if the patient violates the diet and does not inject insulin on time, a hyperglycemic state may occur. He feels thirst, headache, increased urination, dry skin, weakness, etc. Chills are not a symptom of hyperglycemia, but rather indicate low glucose levels.


A pregnant woman is a completely separate category of patients. Their diseases proceed differently; very often they experience a range of different sensations that are not pathology at all. One of them is a constant feeling of cold. There can be many reasons for this: hormonal changes, frequent vomiting in the first trimester, emotional lability, especially if the woman continues to work and experiences stress, low blood pressure, etc. In these conditions, chills only complement the general condition and create a feeling of a slight cold. However, this can be considered normal in the first weeks of pregnancy.

But there are a number of situations when sudden severe chills are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in temperature,
  • rise in blood pressure,
  • discharge of blood from the genital tract,
  • severe abdominal pain.

All these situations can threaten the life of the fetus and mother, and then the woman should get an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible, or call an ambulance. The cause may be the threat of miscarriage, gestosis, miscarriage, frozen pregnancy and the onset of premature labor. Therefore, you cannot delay for even a minute.

While breastfeeding

The lactation period and the first weeks after childbirth are a difficult period for a woman. It is associated with very great physical fatigue against the backdrop of responsibility for the life of a tiny creature. They are complemented by constant lack of sleep and irregular nutrition. Many young mothers complain of feeling sweating and chills. They are either hot or cold. They are afraid to open the window in the room so as not to catch the baby's cold, but they still often experience chills. In addition to endocrine changes, the cause of this condition can be lactostasis. If a young mother skips feeding time or waits for more than 4-5 hours (if, for example, the child quickly switches to a long night's sleep), then they feel aching, pain in the mammary glands, they become dense, lumpy, touching them causes unpleasant sensations. At the same time, severe chills without fever may occur, or sometimes it increases slightly.

The main healer in this situation is your own baby - you need to put him to the breast as often as possible. After the end of the period of lactation, which is 3-4 weeks, the mammary glands adapt to the needs of the baby and produce as much milk as he needs. For this reason, lactostasis most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth.

A very dangerous symptom is chills combined with increased intensity of postpartum bleeding. In this case, you can’t waste a minute; you need to call an ambulance, because this condition can be life-threatening.

Rarer causes of chills without fever

In addition to these most common causes of chills against the background of normal body temperature, there are also more rare ones. These include taking certain medications (mainly psychotropic drugs), Raynaud's syndrome, hypopituitarism, various serious diseases of the central nervous system (tumors, hemorrhages), and severe electrolyte disturbances. In any case, all these conditions are a reason to consult a doctor and have a full examination.