Why no menstruation? Possible reasons. Why a corpus luteum is formed in the female ovary: its function, size, pathology Delayed corpus luteum 15 mm

In most cases it confirms pregnancy. However, there are exceptions when the test shows a false positive result. There may be various reasons for this.

Reliability and benefits of a pregnancy test

When menstruation is late, every girl goes to the pharmacy for a test. You can find out about pregnancy from the first day of the delay, since a sufficient amount of the hormone is already present in the body, to which the test reacts.

There is a wide selection of pregnancy tests: inkjet, ultra-sensitive, cassette.

One of the most popular are test strips. They are very easy to use. It is enough to lower the test into a container with urine to the specified level for a few seconds. In a few minutes you can see the result. Pregnancy tests come in different sensitivity.

If the sensitivity of the strip varies from 20 to 25 mIU/ml, then such tests can be used on the first day of the delay.

Tests with a sensitivity of 10-15 mIU/ml are used approximately 2-3 days before the delay.The jet test can be used in any conditions, since there is no need to dip it into a container of urine. The father-in-law is placed under the stream and the result is expected. The test contains substances that, when interacting with the hCG hormone contained in the urine, will indicate. These tests, unlike regular test strips, are expensive.

There are times when a pregnancy test may show an unreliable result.The accuracy and validity of the tests depends on how you perform them. When using the test, it is important to keep it away from moisture or dirt. Do not touch the side that will come into contact with urine with your hands. To make sure that pregnancy has occurred, it is advisable to do several tests.

Pregnancy: first signs

Fertilization of the egg occurs after ovulation within 12 hours. Signs are observed when the fertilized egg attaches to the cavity. Some women may experience slight bleeding that is mistaken for menstruation.

After the egg reaches the uterine cavity, the hormonal levels in the woman’s body change.After 1-2 weeks, the first pregnancies appear.

Main signs indicating pregnancy:

  • Increase in basal temperature
  • Menstruation does not come on time
  • Increase in size
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased cervical mucus
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen
  • Changing Taste Habits
  • Mood swings

The most common and reliable sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. However, there are other reasons why your period does not come on time.

If there is no menstruation and some of the above symptoms are observed, then this is a clear confirmation that pregnancy has occurred.

During ovulation, the basal temperature should be at least 37 degrees. If the indicator does not decrease over several days, then we can talk about pregnancy. It is correct to measure basal temperature in the morning without getting out of bed. There is no point in measuring indicators during the day, as the result may change throughout the day.

More information about the first signs of pregnancy can be found in the video.

The cervix produces a special fluid, which plays an important role in the process of fertilization.Cervical mucus helps sperm move along. In order to analyze the nature of the discharge, you should take a smear from the vagina with your index finger. Next, use your thumb to determine the stickiness of the mucus. If the consistency is thick, this may indicate conception.

With increase, work decreases, which is why problems arise in the form of constipation and diarrhea.When pregnancy occurs, a woman becomes irritable.

Due to pregnancy, a woman's sense of taste and smell may change.These changes are usually associated with the growth of the hormone .

Many women perceive painful sensations in the chest as the beginning of menstruation. However, breasts during pregnancy and during menstruation are very different. During pregnancy, the breasts become lumpy, the nipples and areolas around them darken. There is also a strong burning sensation in the chest.The uterus increases in size each time, so frequent urination may also indicate a developing pregnancy.

Objective signs include: cyanosis of the cervix, softening and enlargement of the uterus, darkening of the areolas. All these symptoms of pregnancy can be seen by a doctor during an examination.

False positive test when delayed

Delayed menstruation, positive test - no pregnancy

When using home test strips, the test may be false positive in certain cases. The reasons for this result are quite varied.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced in the body after the egg attaches to the uterine cavity. Hormone production can occur regardless of the site of implantation. An increase in the hormone in the urine may indicate not only pregnancy, but also indicate other pathologies.

The hCG hormone can be produced in the following cases:

  • Abortion
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Use of certain medications
  • Hydatidiform mole
  • Neoplasm
  • Menopause

After childbirth, the hCG hormone remains for two months. Therefore, using tests in this interval may give a false positive result.

A false result may indicate the presence of inflammatory organ diseases, miscarriage or hormonal imbalance.

If the pregnancy was terminated, the woman had an abortion, then hCG cannot be completely eliminated from the body. The hormone will remain in the body for some time, so doing a test after curettage is not recommended. The hormone may be present early in a miscarriage, when the woman may not even be aware of it. Carrying out the test during this period will give a false positive result.The level of hCG in urine may be increased with the development of tumor formations. To diagnose and detect pathology at an early stage, you should consult a doctor.

With the help you can diagnose pregnancy after 4-7 days. The concentration of hCG in the blood during fertilization will be above 50 IU/l.

In the early stages, gonadotropin levels will increase every 2-3 days.

You must follow the rules for taking tests:

  • Blood to determine the level of hCG is taken from a vein.
  • Typically, blood is drawn from a vein in the morning.
  • Donate blood on an empty stomach.
  • If it is not possible to do this in the morning, then you can do it in the middle of the day.It should be taken into account that the interval between taking tests and eating should be at least 5 hours.
  • P Before taking a referral for tests, you should tell your doctor about the medications you are taking. Some of them may affect the result.

A urine test for hCG is the most reliable, as its accuracy is 98%. An average portion of urine is taken for analysis. It is advisable to use a sterile container.

With the help you can detect and confirm pregnancy. In the early stages, it is performed mainly transvaginally, i.e., a sensor is inserted into the vagina. Using this method, you can determine the size of the fertilized egg and the location of attachment.

The corpus luteum is a sign of puberty in a healthy female body. Such a neoplasm appears in a woman’s ovary every month and this does not indicate that there is a disease of the organ.

The formation of a temporary endocrine gland occurs only in one of the ovaries after ovulation of the egg and resolves on its own after a certain period.

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland of the body's endocrine system, which produces large quantities of progesterone, the female hormone. The gland also synthesizes in a smaller volume the hormones estrogen, oxytocin, relaxin and other hormones responsible for preparing the internal tissues of the uterus for pregnancy.

The yellow pigment of the luteal hormone gives the gland a yellow color and the corresponding name is “corpus luteum.”

To understand why the corpus luteum is formed in the ovary, what it is and its purpose in the female body, it is necessary to understand the principle of its functioning, its effect on organs and its period of action.

Corpus luteum in the ovary. What it is? It is a temporary endocrine gland

First of all, you should know that this endocrine gland is temporary, which is formed in the body to preserve the reproductive capacity of a mature egg. The gland synthesizes hormones that promote the fixation of the fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus, its viability and development until the formation of the fetal placenta.

If fertilization does not take place, the corpus luteum dissolves with the onset of the next menstrual cycle and is formed again after the egg matures in one of the ovaries. The gland is formed in the ovary in which the egg has matured.

How is the corpus luteum formed?

The formation of the gland occurs during the luteal period of the menstrual cycle. when a cell leaves an ovarian follicle. Simultaneously with the release of the cell, intensive synthesis of luteal hormone begins, under the influence of which blood enters the capsule formed from the walls of the follicle.

The process of division of granulosa cells and the formation of blood vessels inside the gland begins, providing increased blood circulation to the corpus luteum. Subsequently, the gland produces an increased amount of hormones to prepare the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and mammary glands for possible pregnancy, fixation of the embryo in the uterus and the formation of placental tissue.

If the cell is fertilized, then the temporary gland continues to work until the phase of formation of the fetal placenta for 10-12 weeks, until the placenta itself begins to synthesize the required hormones.

If the fertilization of the egg is negative and pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum begins to slow down the synthesis of progesterone and other hormones.

Over the course of 17 days, the gland cells stop working and die completely. On the body of the ovary, a scar forms in its place, which resolves over time.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the corpus luteum

If the regularity of menstruation is disrupted or delayed, experts insist on conducting an ultrasound examination of the woman’s reproductive organs of the pelvis. Such an examination allows you to determine whether the corpus luteum is present, the condition of the ovaries and what caused this disorder.

The ultrasound method determines the presence and condition of the gland, its size and development, and also identifies possible pathologies and diseases of the female organs. The gland is visible on the monitor in the form of a heterogeneous capsule in the area of ​​the ovary of different sizes at different stages of the menstrual cycle.

The presence of several corpora lutea indicates the possibility of multiple pregnancy. Ultrasound diagnostics determines the ovulatory ability of the gland, which is useful in planning pregnancy, the presence of a cyst or infertility and the possibility of eliminating them.

Function of the corpus luteum

With the onset of pregnancy, the temporary gland increases in size, increasing its ability to ensure the development of a fertilized cell in the uterus by synthesizing progesterone in sufficient quantities.

It is needed for:

  • formation and growth of the placenta;
  • preventing the formation and release of new eggs;
  • cessation of menstruation;
  • control of the body’s hormonal balance until the placenta appears;
  • ensuring the preservation and healthy development of the fetus.

If pregnancy does not occur, the gland cells die, the amount of hormones decreases, the woman begins menstruation and a new stage of follicle formation begins.

If fertilization has occurred, the corpus luteum begins to rapidly increase in volume and perform proper functions in the body.

Development of the gland and its size

At different periods of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum has different sizes. The size of the diameter of the endocrine gland determines the level of synthesis of the amount of necessary hormones.

Yellow body size:

  • up to 10 mm indicates the presence of pathology and the body’s inability to maintain pregnancy;
  • from 17 to 21 mm corresponds to the body’s readiness for pregnancy;
  • from 19 to 29 mm, in the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, is normal;
  • from 22 to 29 mm without an egg in the uterus indicates the possible presence of a corpus luteum cyst;
  • from 29 to 39 mm confirm a follicular cyst if there is no pregnancy.

An increase in the size of the gland over 30 mm during pregnancy indicates the presence of a cyst, but with a further slowdown in the growth of the formation, it does not have a negative effect on the development of the process of bearing a child.

With a rapid increase in size, medical intervention is necessary to avoid rupture of the capsule body and possible bleeding.

If iron is not detected during diagnosis, this is also a sign of disease or infertility. In this case, a full examination is necessary to prescribe a course and method of treatment.

Corpus luteum as a sign of pregnancy

The corpus luteum found in the ovary during an examination in no way confirms the fact of pregnancy, but indicates that this is possible. This formation notifies the release of a mature egg from the follicular sac, ready for fertilization, which confirms the correct and healthy functioning of the reproductive organs.

The gland formed from a burst follicle signals the body’s readiness to provide the fertilized egg with the necessary set of hormones and successful conception.

The absence of the corpus luteum warns that the egg has not matured during the menstrual cycle, or has not formed at all, as a result of which pregnancy cannot occur.

The formation of a temporary gland in a healthy female body occurs monthly, but pregnancy can occur only after the fertilization of the egg and the implantation of the embryo on the inner wall of the endometrial layer of the uterus.

The role of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

An important factor in the successful development of pregnancy is the presence of a corpus luteum of the appropriate size. From the first days of the existence of a fertilized egg, the endocrine gland ensures its viability by intensively producing the required complex of hormones, progesterone and estrogen.

These components ensure the movement of the fertilized egg into the cervix, prepare the inner surface of the uterus for attaching the egg to the wall of the uterine endometrium. Lutein hormones promote the growth of the endometrial inner layer of the uterus and the formation of the fetal placenta.

When pregnancy occurs, it is always diagnosed whether there is a corpus luteum in the ovary. What it is and what its mission during gestation can be understood from the system of its functioning.

The temporary gland actively participates in the formation of the embryo, amniotic placenta and prepares the mammary glands for the future lactation period.

Simultaneously with these processes, progesterone produced by the endocrine gland:

  • blocks the maturation and ovulation of new eggs in the body;
  • eliminates tone and contraction of the uterine muscles;
  • stops menstruation.

The resulting gland functions actively during the first 12-15 weeks of pregnancy until the placenta is fully formed. Then the role of the corpus luteum in secreting hormones is taken over by the resulting placenta and adrenal glands, and the gland begins to decrease in size and gradually ceases its action.

In the absence of the corpus luteum in the body, the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus and will not be able to develop, due to the unpreparedness of the endometrial inner lining of the uterine walls.

If pregnancy has occurred, and the corpus luteum is underdeveloped or of insufficient size, then the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy before the formation of the placenta, in order to exclude the possibility of miscarriage.

Development and size of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, the size of the corpus luteum in the ovary constantly changes. This is due to the fact that the body’s need for the amount of hormones that are produced by such a temporary gland increases.

As the fetus grows and placental tissue forms, the size of the gland also increases to ensure the full functioning of the female reproductive organs. At the very beginning, the size of the luteal body can be 10-12 mm, but with increasing pregnancy, its size also increases to 27-30 mm.

The formation of blood vessels of the fetus and placenta, their formation requires a constant increase in the amount of progesterone and estrogen, as a result of which the size of the corpus luteum itself increases. Depending on the stage of development of the embryo, the condition and size of the gland depends.

By the 15th week of pregnancy, the formation of the placenta ends and the corpus luteum stops producing hormones, transferring this function to the placenta. The size of the gland begins to decrease, and the body, in most cases, gradually dies and dissolves.

The process of death of the corpus luteum is not typical for all cases; sometimes the gland is present in the body until the end of pregnancy.

This phenomenon does not pose a danger because the gland stops producing hormones and does not affect the female body or the health of the embryo.

Does the corpus luteum affect the sex of the child?

The current version of expectant mothers that the sex of the child depends on whether the corpus luteum is formed on the right or left ovary is a mistake. A temporary endocrine gland is formed in the ovary in which the egg has matured and left the follicle.

The luteal body is formed at the site of the burst follicular sac. The neoplasm of the endocrine system does not have any effect on the sex of the fetus and has no relation to the sex of the unborn child.

Norms and pathologies of the corpus luteum

The norm for a healthy female body is the presence of a corpus luteum, measuring 10-15 mm in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle, after the release of a mature egg from the follicle. It is also normal for the size of the luteal gland to increase by 2-3 mm in the next few days, which means the organs are preparing for a possible pregnancy.

When the egg is fertilized, the gland grows further in accordance with the development of the embryo. In the absence of pregnancy, the luteal body remains the same size and gradually decreases until it completely transforms into a white scar on the body of the ovary.

The absence of the corpus luteum in the ovary during an ultrasound examination, a small size of up to 10 mm, or an enlarged size of more than 30 mm indicates the presence of pathologies of the temporary gland.

  • They are:
  • In the absence of a temporary luteal gland, the possibility of becoming pregnant and bearing a fetus is practically excluded.
  • The reduced size of the gland indicates its poor development, but pregnancy is possible. In such cases, specialists prescribe hormonal drugs before the period of formation and the beginning of independent functioning of the placental membrane of the fetus.

The increased size of the endocrine temporary formation indicates the presence of a cyst. Surgical intervention in this case is extremely rarely required, since the corpus luteum cyst does not turn into a malignant tumor, but resolves on its own with the onset of menstruation or pregnancy.

The condition of the corpus luteum is monitored by a doctor using ultrasound for further pregnancy planning or timely elimination of pathologies. Once identified problems and proper treatment will allow you to conceive and bear a healthy child.

A corpus luteum cyst at an early stage is determined only by ultrasound examination. This formation appears in the ovary after the rupture of the follicle and resolves along with the luteal gland.

This disease passes without symptoms, has a reverse function, which does not require surgical intervention, but requires constant supervision by a specialist.

If the size of the cyst does not exceed 8 mm, then there is no need for surgery; after 2-3 months the cyst dissolves. The formation of a cyst occurs from excess ovulation fluid when the walls of the follicle thicken.

The reasons may be:

  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • inflammatory processes in female organs;
  • hormonal imbalances due to frequent abortions or operations;
  • nervous stressful situations;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • hereditary predisposition to ovarian cysts.

Surgical intervention is necessary in case of twisting, suppuration of the cyst or intensive increase in size over 35 mm.

In this case, the cyst may already rupture, the symptoms of which are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spasmodic attacks;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dizziness and vomiting;
  • bleeding or spotting without menstruation.

Regular monitoring of the behavior of cystic formations will help prevent the unpleasant consequences of rupture and removal surgery.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst

Once a luteal cyst is identified, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations to determine the need for treatment. This type of cyst belongs to the functional type, often dissolves on its own within a few months and no special treatment is required.

If the cyst increases significantly and becomes inflamed, the doctor prescribes medication treatment depending on the degree of inflammation and growth of the tumor.

Typically treatment therapy includes:

  • hormonal preparations of progesterone and estrogen of natural or synthetic origin;
  • contraceptives;
  • painkillers to relieve pain and spasms;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

If there is no effect from hormonal treatment, the cyst continues to grow and become inflamed over several months of treatment, and surgical removal of the tumor is prescribed. The operation can be performed laparoscopically, through a small, up to 2 cm, skin incision in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the ovary.

This method of removal is also used when the cyst stalk is twisted, suppurates or ruptures. After surgery, pregnancy is often recommended to restore the reproductive functions of the female organs and prevent the formation of a new cyst.

  • The electrophoresis procedure promotes the delivery of drugs through the skin through pulses of electrical current.
  • Ultrasound therapy improves blood circulation and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • The photophoresis procedure prevents the formation of adhesions using wave ultrasound.
  • A course of magnetic therapy affects the treatment area using a magnetic field.
  • Acupuncture therapy.

Physiotherapy is used to treat corpus luteum cysts without surgery, to accelerate the resorption of cystic formation and in combination with drug treatment. Treatment of cysts with herbs and various folk methods is allowed.

When does the corpus luteum disappear?

After the egg has not been fertilized and pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum dies and dissolves until the new egg matures. If cell maturation does not occur, then iron will not form.

This situation is typical during menopause in older women; at a young age, for girls and women, this is a sign of a disease of the reproductive organs and needs treatment.

Possible consequences

The consequences of the disappearance of the luteal body are the complete exclusion of the possibility of becoming pregnant and bearing a child, atrophy of the functions of the reproductive organs, and possible disease.

After 50 years, the fact of the absence of the corpus luteum is natural and natural for the female body, and at a young age it is necessary to undergo examination and prescribed treatment.

The presence of a woman's corpus luteum in the ovary is a signal about the possibility of becoming pregnant, which may be indicated by a delay in menstruation. Such an endocrine formation, by its size, can suggest exactly what function it performs in the body at a given time and at a given stage.

Video about the corpus luteum in the ovary

Corpus luteum in the ovary, functions and purpose:

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

2016-08-25 08:28:49

Elena asks:

Good afternoon. I had my period on 07/20/16, the cycle was 30 days, today it’s 37 days. Delay 7 days. At 32 d.c. I did an ultrasound and found a corpus luteum cyst of the left ovary measuring 4.4*4.1. In the middle of the cycle (days 15-17) there were signs of ovulation, discharge similar to egg white, then it stopped, but at 23 days. I also had this discharge for one day. There was a PPA just at 20-25 b.c. I donated blood for hCG at 33 dc - the result is negative. Now it’s 37 dc. The breasts are very sore and engorged and the body temperature stays at 37 for several days, there are no periods. Could there be breast tenderness and temperature with a gastrointestinal cyst? or is it pregnancy? Should the hCG be at 33 d.c. Is there already something to show in the blood or is it too early? What if ovulation was just at 23 d.c. when I saw discharge... but it was also in the middle of the cycle... Please tell me.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena! If the hCG test is negative, then pregnancy can be ruled out. If you wish, you can retake the hCG test again, but pregnancy is 99% excluded. I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs to determine the cause of the delay.

2015-01-24 06:30:16

Ekaterina asks:

Hello. I’m 28 years old. I’ve never had any female health problems. I’ve had one pregnancy, one birth. There have been no abortions. I have one and permanent partner. A year and a half ago, a corpus luteum cyst... of the left ovary ruptured. The ovary was preserved. Internal hemorrhage was 1.5 liters. .then 10 months of taking OK Dimia. decided to give birth to a second... 3 cycles did not get pregnant... on the 4th cycle there was a delay, again cysts, only on both sides on the ovaries. large cysts of 5 cm... 5 days of injection progesterone, period came. cysts went away along with period. second month on Dimia again... today is the 27th day of the cycle, 3rd empty pill, still no period... feeling like something is moving on the right side. could it be recurrence of cysts when taking OK.

2014-10-10 18:27:10

Natalya asks:

Hello. I have a delay of 6 days, the test was positive on the 7th. I went for a month. Three days later they stopped, the test was tested again. The day was clear, then a brownish discharge appeared and my lower back and left abdomen began to hurt. Two days later I tested again and positive. Today I had an intravaginal ultrasound, the doctor did not see where the fertilized egg was, the last menstruation before the delay was on August 28. A tube was removed on the right and a corpus luteum of 1 cm was found on the right. On the left there were formations in the amount of 5-9 pieces, size 7 mm. The uterus is not enlarged, the ovaries are normal. The fallopian tube is not differentiated. They didn’t really say anything. They prescribed hCG. What could this mean? thank you

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! Your doctors’ tactics are correct; first of all, you need to donate blood for hCG to assess whether there is a pregnancy or not. If pregnancy is confirmed, then a week later you need to undergo a control ultrasound to assess the location of the fertilized egg, it is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. Good luck to you!

2014-05-15 11:59:32

Natalya asks:

Hello, please tell me, my lower abdomen hurts and my period is late for about 2 months, but there are no signs of pregnancy. A month ago I had heavy bleeding after my period. I went to the doctor for an ultrasound. Ultrasound showed persistence of the corpus luteum of the left ovary against the background of adnexitis and varicose veins of the pelvic cavity. How to understand this, please explain? The gynecologist diagnosed ovarian inflammation and prescribed hemostatic and anti-inflammatory tablets. Another ultrasound showed the left ovary - a deformed body of 18 * 10 mm, and the right ovary - slightly up to 5.6 mm. Could there be a delay due to the bleeding that occurred?

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

It's difficult to navigate based on your description. Inflammation of the ovaries and varicose veins cannot lead to a delay in menstruation. If desired, send a specific conclusion from the latest ultrasound scan. Such a delay can be caused by a hormonal disorder, for example, polycystic cyst, etc.

2014-04-18 20:08:39

Natalya asks:

I really need advice. My period was late. I took a test (yesterday) on the 9th day of the delay, the test turned out to be positive. Throughout almost the entire delay, there were sometimes nagging pains in the lower abdomen, as at the beginning of menstruation.
The next day (today, on the 10th day of the delay) I discovered spotting, bloody-cinnamon discharge. I went to the gynecologist. The gynecologist did 3 ultrasound examinations using different machines and said that she could neither rule out nor refute an ectopic pregnancy, because she couldn’t see a uterine pregnancy either. In the right ovary there is something similar to a corpus luteum. We took a test for hCG, it will be ready only the next day. I was not prescribed any treatment. When I returned home, I took another test and it was positive. I’m very worried, this is my first and long-awaited pregnancy. Please tell me what this could be and what should be taken to maintain pregnancy. Thank you in advance.

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

Firstly, you need to wait for the hCG result, it will definitely tell you whether you are pregnant. In addition, after 2 days the test must be retaken; normally, during intrauterine pregnancy, the indicator should double. At the moment, I can only say that there is a pregnancy, but only a gynecologist can say which one after receiving the test results. If there is discharge, the gynecologist will prescribe a progesterone drug for support.

2014-04-01 05:21:23

Ksenia asks:

Hello! My period is 20 days late, the test is negative. Six months ago I gave birth to a baby (I gave birth myself). In addition, before pregnancy I had a corpus luteum cyst on the right, and irregular menstruation (2-5 days later). After giving birth, my period came 3 months later , also changed her place of residence. I had my period on February 17, now it’s already April and it’s gone. I felt nausea, dizziness, tingling in the lower abdomen (intermittent), pain as if something was bothering me or tickling. At the same time, there are no sharp pains, the chest does not hurt, the discharge is normal. While pregnant, I was diagnosed with HSV and CMV. What could this be?

2014-03-05 18:47:51

Galina asks:

Hello. My husband and I want a child. Ultrasound analysis showed: the body of the uterus is determined, position in anteflexio, dimensions 46*38*50 mm. The myometrium is homogeneous, the endometrium thickness of the functional layer is 20 mm, taking into account the day of the cycle, it is thickened. The structure of the structure is isoechoic, moderately heterogeneous, closer to the secretory type. The cervix is ​​determined by its size, the structure is not changed, the cervical canal is not dilated. The left ovary measures 31*15*15, volume 3.6 cm in kV. The structure is with a corpus luteum of 18*16 mm; with color circulation, active blood flow is not recorded. The right ovary is determined to be 26*15*14 mm, volume 2.7 cm cubed. The structure is not changed - follicles are 4.6 mm in diameter, in a section up to 8 mm. Conclusion Ultrasound signs of endometrial hyperplasia. I donated blood for hCG, the result is 0-5, there is no ectopic pregnancy, but my period is 10 days late. Can the above diagnosis affect pregnancy? I was prescribed Duphaston tablets, I will take them from March 6th.

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

You are not pregnant, you have a hormonal imbalance, which is why you were prescribed duphaston in order to induce menstruation. Are your periods heavy? If yes, then endometrial hyperplasia can indeed be suspected.

2013-12-02 21:34:57

Alina asks:

Hello, I am 28 years old. The first day of my last period was October 23, 2013. On November 26, 2013, I went for an ultrasound scan because there was a delay, where the doctor gave the following conclusion: the echostructure of the myometrium is heterogeneous, due to: an intramural subserous fibromatous node on the posterior wall of the uterus measuring 19*18 mm, 7*9 mm. HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE REAR WALL OF THE UTERUS? The right ovary is without features, and the left one is also without features but contains a corpus luteum with a diameter of 18 mm, the capsule is not thickened. The doctor said to wait for my period, but on December 2, 2013 I didn’t get it, despite the fact that after taking 4 pregnancy tests, they all show two stripes, although the second one is not as bright as the first. I went to the doctor and was sent for a repeat ultrasound. Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. My chest hurts, sometimes I feel a tug in my lower abdomen, I don’t feel sick, in general I feel good. I’m very worried that it’s suddenly ectopic, but my husband and I really want a baby! Thank you!

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

First of all, I recommend donating blood for hCG over time, every 2 days; normally, the indicator should double. During an ectopic pregnancy, the hCG level does not increase at the same rate. The knot, if it does not deform the uterine cavity, will not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy.

2013-09-24 03:31:50

Elena asks:

Hello! I am 26 years old. I have never been pregnant. Treated inflammation of adnexitis, 2009,2011. In 2005, the erosion was cauterized. Periods are sometimes painful, sometimes not. Three months ago my husband and I started planning a pregnancy, for some reason the cycle lengthened. In the last month I went for an ultrasound with a delay of 5 days (but at the same time I had a little cold). The ultrasound showed the right ovary was slightly enlarged, the corpus luteum in the left ovary was 17 mm, the endometrium was 9 mm, no additional formations were detected. And on the same day my period came. The doctor prescribed vitamin E 400 mg. and Utrozhestan on the 16th day of the cycle and on the 25th day. She said small endometrium. (But I looked on the Internet that on the first day of the cycle this is the norm.) She prescribed hormone tests. After reading the reviews about Utrozhestan, I’m afraid to take it.. Maybe in my situation I can use another drug?

In a woman’s body, complex cyclic processes are carried out monthly, aimed at the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. It is thanks to them that a woman is able to conceive and bear a child and experience the greatest happiness in the world - the joy of motherhood. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, then it dies, and the woman begins her next menstruation. If pregnancy occurs, then hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, contributing to its preservation, growth and development of the fetus.

What is the corpus luteum?

The maturation of the egg in the ovary occurs in a small vesicle - it is also called a “follicle” or “Graafian vesicle”. After the egg reaches its maturity, the walls of the vesicle rupture and it comes out. The cavity of the vesicle is filled with blood and special granular cells begin to actively form and develop in it. They in turn produce a yellow substance called lutein. The tissue formed at the site of the burst follicle is yellow in color, which is why it is called the “corpus luteum.” At its core, the corpus luteum is an endocrine gland, because it synthesizes progesterone. This hormone is necessary for the attachment (implantation) of a fertilized egg and the further development of pregnancy.

The corpus luteum formed in the ovary very quickly reaches its prime. Its further fate directly depends on whether the egg was fertilized or not.

  • If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum functions for 12 to 15 days, after which it dies and the woman begins menstruation. In this case they speak of the corpus luteum of menstruation.
  • During pregnancy, the corpus luteum actively develops within 15 weeks. After which its functions are transferred to the formed placenta, and it itself gradually ceases its activity. A very small whitish scar forms at this place.

Corpus luteum as a sign of pregnancy

Some women mistakenly believe that if a corpus luteum is found in their ovary during an ultrasound examination, this is an accurate sign of pregnancy. However, it is not. In fact, the corpus luteum forms in the ovary after ovulation, and it can only indicate that the egg is mature and the woman’s body is ready for a possible pregnancy. That is, if the corpus luteum is in the ovary, then pregnancy is quite possible. Well, if there is no corpus luteum, it means that ovulation did not occur in this menstrual cycle, and there can be no pregnancy. It is possible to assume the presence of pregnancy only if, 1 - 2 days before the start of the expected menstruation, the corpus luteum is clearly identified by ultrasound and its size does not decrease.

Quick navigation to the article "Dangers associated with the corpus luteum":

  • Treatment for functional deficiency or absence of the corpus luteum

Size of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

The main task of the corpus luteum is to produce hormones necessary for the further development of pregnancy. Therefore, at different times it will have different sizes. In the first days of its appearance, the corpus luteum has a diameter of 15 -20 mm. Then it increases in size to 25 - 27 mm and remains this way until about the 15th week of pregnancy. After which its functions gradually cease, and its size decreases.

In some women, the size of the corpus luteum during pregnancy can be more than 30 mm, in these cases they speak of a corpus luteum cyst. However, there is no reason to worry - this cyst does not pose a health hazard and does not disrupt the course of pregnancy, since it also secretes progesterone. Some expectant mothers get scared if, during an ultrasound, the doctor does not find a corpus luteum in them. But, as a rule, the problem is not at all in the woman - most often this happens when conducting research on old equipment that has low resolution, or if the ultrasound is performed by an insufficiently unqualified doctor. Simply repeat the procedure at another medical facility.


In any case, there is no need to worry and worry unnecessarily. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your gynecologist and do not refuse the treatment he prescribes. Remain reasonable and calm, and then your pregnancy will be easy and safe, and very soon you will become the happiest mother of a long-awaited baby!

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