Why does belly hair grow during pregnancy? Reasons for hair growth on the belly of pregnant women Pregnant belly is covered with long hair

Pregnancy is an amazing period in a woman’s life, during which many changes occur, for example, hormonal levels are rearranged, as a result of which the body presents many “surprises”. Hair on the belly during pregnancy is a problem that women often face.

Causes of hair growth

During pregnancy, a woman may experience or increase hair growth in atypical places - on the chest, back, hips, abdomen. This is caused by hormonal changes necessary for the body to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Excessive hair on the body, which includes a hairy belly during pregnancy, is called hypertrichosis. The main cause of this cosmetic defect is the production of androgens in the adrenal cortex and placenta.

During pregnancy, male hormones in a woman’s body perform many functions, including:

  • Increasing the body's endurance.
  • Maintaining proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Reducing hair loss.

Under the influence of hormones, the light fuzz on a woman’s body begins to change, the hairs darken, become denser and thicker, stop falling out and are difficult to remove.

Should I worry?

A hairy belly during pregnancy is a common and completely harmless phenomenon. Most often, excess hair growth is observed at 12–14 weeks; many experts regard this as an indicator of the normal development of the unborn child.

A doctor may be concerned about excess hair if hair in unusual places was observed before pregnancy. In this case, you should take tests and check the function of the adrenal glands in order to diagnose and identify pathology. In addition, the increased content of androgens is indicated by darkening of the skin in the form of a strip in the lower abdomen.

If increased hair growth is detected, constant monitoring by a gynecologist-endocrinologist and appropriate correction of hormonal levels are necessary.

Getting rid of unwanted hair

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up on your own appearance, so women strive to get rid of excess hair on their own or resort to the services of specialists.

If your belly hair grows excessively during pregnancy, you can:

  • Deal with them with a razor (shaving must be done after taking a shower using foam and a special moisturizing gel). This method is quick and painless, but the effect after the procedure lasts only 2-3 days, then new hairs appear.
  • Pulling out with tweezers is a long and painful procedure that can be used when single unwanted hairs appear on the abdomen. Purulent wounds may occur.
  • Carefully trim the hair with small scissors.

Is it possible to do hair removal?

Many women prefer to remove the strip on their stomach using waxing or sugaring. Doctors do not recommend using these methods, but in some cases they can be used in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications.

At a later stage, pain syndrome can cause increased uterine tone and, as a result, premature birth. Before epilation, you must consult your doctor.

Folk remedies

Pregnant women are afraid to use traditional remedies and prefer traditional methods, considering them safe for the baby. At home it is permissible:

  • Bleaching hairs with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Squeeze the juice from unripe green grapes and apply generously to areas of increased hairiness for 2-3 weeks to achieve the effect.
  • Use potassium permanganate - a light pink solution of potassium permanganate to treat the affected area daily. It is not advisable to use this method if a dark stripe appears on the abdomen, since pigmentation may intensify.

An expectant mother should not use alcoholic tinctures of herbs and nettle seeds, as they may adversely affect pregnancy. Before using folk remedies to remove unwanted vegetation, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Excess hair is not a cause for concern

Increased hairiness in the abdomen, chest and thighs is observed in many pregnant women. For most of them, the problem disappears on its own 5–7 months after the birth of the baby.

Every woman wants to feel beautiful and well-groomed, and the appearance of unwanted hair brings her a lot of unpleasant emotions. If you have excess abdominal hair during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. After examining and deciphering the tests, the doctor will select the right treatment and give effective and harmless recommendations for removing excess hair.

Growing on the body, they become coarse. Dark hairs may appear on the abdomen and chest. Women begin to be tormented by numerous questions. Why is this happening? Is it possible to remove such vegetation? Will these hairs stop growing after childbirth?

Pregnant women need to be very careful about their health

Excessive hair growth on the stomach and chest during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important that the woman has a high mood and as little stress as possible. A positive attitude helps maintain health and well-being. But sometimes pregnancy is overshadowed by the appearance of a large number of dark hairs on the body. Hair most often appears along the midline of the abdomen.

Modern girls remove hair from their bodies. The problem with excessive hair growth can worsen during pregnancy, as hairs can begin to grow profusely on:

  • stomach;
  • breasts;
  • collarbones;
  • lower back;
  • buttocks;
  • hips.

Of course, expectant mothers are not happy about the appearance of extra hairs on their bodies. Hair on the belly during pregnancy makes a girl feel ugly. Many are also afraid that the hairs will not disappear after the birth of the child.

Causes of excess hair growth

A woman's body changes greatly while carrying a child. He needs to go through major hormonal changes in order to prepare for childbirth. Changes begin to occur from the very beginning, but hair growth begins from 12-14 weeks.

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change, and body hair begins to grow thicker, longer and darker. Growth is stimulated by androgens and progesterone, and hairs almost stop falling out. There is also a positive side to this phenomenon - thanks to hormones, the curls on the head become thick, shiny and strong.

Should you worry if hair starts to grow on your stomach?

The appearance of a large number of long dark hairs on the body can terrify the expectant mother. Should you worry if you have hair on your belly during pregnancy? Doctors say this is a common and common occurrence. Normally, the entire human body is covered with tiny, fine hairs that resemble light fluff.

At 12-14 weeks, the adrenal cortex begins to secrete male sex hormones - androgens, which provoke the appearance of vegetation. Therefore, abundant hair growth indicates a normal pregnancy.

Along with hair growth, darkening of the nipples and the strip running from the navel to the pubis is observed. There is no need to worry about this, since all these unpleasant manifestations of a hormonal explosion will disappear a few months after giving birth.

There will be a boy: signs

According to popular belief, if , then a small man will definitely be born. Many believe that it is the boy's energy that influences the mother. However, doctors say that the presence or absence of hairs has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. Only the fact of darkening of some areas of the skin or the appearance of extra hairs cannot reliably indicate the sex of the child. Signs seem correct, since correct predictions are usually remembered, but incorrect ones are quickly forgotten.

How to get rid of unwanted vegetation

If extra hairs make you feel unattractive and cause complexes, then you can get rid of them. There are several ways to safely remove unwanted hair and feel beautiful and desirable again.

Ways to safely remove hair

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up on yourself. A woman needs to find a way to care for her body that will not harm her health. First of all, these are traditional means of hair removal. You can combat unwanted hair by shaving. This is a simple and safe method, but the effect will only last a few days.

The following will help remove hair for a few weeks:

  1. electric epilator;
  2. wax strips;
  3. sugaring.

It is recommended to carry out the painful hair removal procedure only for those girls who have done it before. Otherwise, fear and discomfort can harm the fetus. It is forbidden to do hair removal if the uterus is toned or there is a threat of interruption. Before the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor.

The razor will cause the hairs to become prickly and stubble will appear in a few days. Painful hair removal can cause health problems. Therefore, doctors suggest that women not remove hairs if they do not cause concern. Often it is enough to cut them short with nail scissors.

Another method is to disguise, that is, simply lighten the hairs with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To get rid of frizz, you just need to wipe the problem areas with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide. The use of other chemical brighteners is strictly prohibited.

Folk recipes

There are several traditional methods of hair removal. Among the safe folk remedies are grape juice, a solution of potassium permanganate and the method of removing hairs using a thread.

To get rid of hairs using grapes, you need to take a handful of unripe green berries, squeeze out the juice and rub the problem areas with it for several days. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate only if the skin is not pigmented, otherwise it will become even darker.

Use only products that are safe

Recently, hair removal using silk or cotton thread has become increasingly popular. Before this procedure, the skin must be disinfected. The twisted thread pulls out the hairs, which is also quite painful.

What not to do

There are remedies that pregnant women should not resort to. First of all, these are aggressive chemical compounds - creams and foams for depilation. Do not use any lighteners other than hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. You cannot use folk remedies such as datura herb and nettle seeds. Liquids based on alcohol and iodine should not be used.


Pregnant women closely monitor changes in their bodies. And such a phenomenon as excessive hair growth can plunge them into despondency. But don’t be upset, after giving birth your body will quickly return to normal. Excess hairs can be removed, you just need to choose a safe method.

It is known that during pregnancy many changes occur in a woman’s body, which are reflected in her appearance. Some of these changes make the expectant mother happy, others upset her, and others leave her perplexed. Probably, the latter includes the appearance of hair on the stomach during pregnancy. Why does hair grow in this area of ​​the body during pregnancy?


Let us immediately note that the appearance of hair on the stomach while expecting a child is a normal physiological phenomenon. As a rule, such hair is thin and soft, hardly noticeable on the skin. But in some cases, thick and dark hair occurs, which is due to genetic predisposition.

The reason for hair growth is a change in the hormonal balance in the body of the expectant mother. The culprits for this condition are the following hormones:

  • Male sex hormones. Around the end of the first trimester, increased production of male sex hormones begins in the placenta and adrenal cortex of a woman. They are what promote the growth of unwanted hair.
  • Progesterone. This hormone is also called the “pregnancy hormone”, since it is responsible for the course of pregnancy and preparing the female body for childbirth. An increase in the level of this hormone gives fullness and density to the curls, and also leads to the appearance of hair on the stomach.

In some cases, increased hair growth, including the appearance of hair in the abdominal area, may be a sign of the development of a dangerous pathology such as hyperandrogenism. With this disease, the ovaries or adrenal cortex of a woman produce an excess amount of male sex hormones. This pathology is dangerous primarily due to the high risk of miscarriage. Its symptoms also include deterioration of the skin - increased sebum secretion, the appearance of acne. If such signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

Usually, after childbirth, the hormonal balance in a woman’s body gradually returns to normal. This leads to the disappearance of belly hair, usually within 3-6 months after the baby is born.

What to do?

Pregnant women often turn to doctors with the question of what to do with belly hair. The answer is clear: nothing. They will disappear on their own at a certain time.

However, some expectant mothers try to get rid of hair by any means. This can cause harm to both yourself and the child. Thus, pulling out hairs with tweezers causes considerable pain, which is not at all necessary during pregnancy. In addition, after pulling out hairs, there is a possibility of them growing into the skin. And this will lead to the development of wounds and pustules. If you shave your hair, you can cut your skin, which is also very undesirable during pregnancy.

Electrolysis or waxing while expecting a baby is strictly not permitted. Exposure to electrical discharges or hot wax can adversely affect the health of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

If you really want to get rid of belly hair, you can carefully trim it with small scissors. Another safe way is to bleach your hair using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Several times a day you need to lubricate the areas with hair with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.

Experts consider the appearance of belly hair during pregnancy to be one of the signs of normal child development. Therefore, do not worry if you encounter this phenomenon. At the same time, if this condition is accompanied by other manifestations, you should consult a doctor to prevent the development of a possible disease.

Expectant mothers notice changes in their bodies every day. One of the unpleasant surprises can be belly hair during pregnancy. But don’t be upset, this problem is temporary and is associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Hair on the belly during pregnancy is a physiological norm

The first hairs can be noticed after the 12th week of pregnancy. A woman may feel embarrassed and stressed about this, but in most cases, hypertrichosis is temporary.

Why does belly hair grow during pregnancy?

The reason for rapid hair growth is hormonal surges. Progesterone is responsible for thick hair, which also affects the stable development of the fetus and the enlargement of the mammary glands.

The scientific name for the sudden appearance of belly hair during pregnancy is hypertrichosis. The fact is that every woman has hairs on her body: some have more, some have less, and the manifestations of hypertrichosis in dark-haired girls are much more noticeable. Thanks to progesterone, during pregnancy, hair becomes stronger, its growth and thickness increase.

What to do if hair grows on your stomach during pregnancy?

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted hair.

  • The simplest is to cut off the hated hairs, but, unfortunately, this will not stop their growth, but on the contrary, it will speed up. The same applies to a regular razor.
  • You can start fighting unwanted vegetation with tweezers. Hairs that are pulled out from the roots will grow much slower than usual. But, despite the simplicity of the method, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Painful sensations can provoke stress, deterioration of the general condition of the body with increased sensitivity. In addition, it is possible for hairs to grow into the skin and small pustules to form. Waxing is also unsafe; before visiting a specialist, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  • Another popular method is to lighten hair using safe home remedies: lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton sponge in a 3% peroxide solution and lubricate the hairs several times a day. The same can be done with lemon juice.

If new hair grows on your belly during pregnancy, do not worry about the visual changes; after giving birth, the amount of hair will drop rapidly.

Due to hormonal changes, transformations, both external and internal, often occur in the body of pregnant women.

External changes are characterized by the appearance of pigment spots on the face, dark stripes, and the formation of black hair on the abdomen during pregnancy.

These manifestations often initiate fear in girls, however, according to experts, the presence of hair on the abdomen indicates the correct course of pregnancy and does not pose any danger to the mother or child.

Hair on the belly during pregnancy: signs

There is a belief: the hair that forms on the belly during pregnancy is a sign that determines the sex of the unborn baby. Allegedly, the presence of hair on the belly indicates that a boy will be born, because dark hair and increased vegetation have been associated with masculinity from time immemorial. The absence of belly hair confirms the birth of a girl - an image of purity and purity.

In fact, such signs are fables, superstitions, and prejudices of people which, perhaps, our ancient relatives used in the days when there was no ultrasound device. In addition, judging by the communication of pregnant women on forums, any signs regarding pregnancy and the sex of the baby rarely coincide and are not related to each other.

Reasons why hair grows on the stomach during pregnancy

Hirsutism is a phenomenon in which women, including pregnant women, develop excess hair on the body: usually on the stomach, arms, less often near the nipples, on the face in the upper lip area. This effect occurs against the background of hormonal changes during pregnancy and is transitory. For example, the hormone progesterone organizes the uterus for the process of childbirth; its increased amount causes “side effects,” which is why hair grows on the stomach during pregnancy.

Hair on the belly appears in every woman to a greater or lesser extent when carrying a baby. Girls of oriental appearance - brunettes, brown-haired - have thicker and darker hair. Abdominal hair growth during pregnancy in fair-haired and fair-haired women is less noticeable, but is present. Each individual woman is characterized by her own amount of cover: some have a small fluff covering their bellies, others are characterized by lush vegetation.

As a rule, hair appears along with a dark pigment stripe on the abdomen, approximately in the second or third trimester. External manifestations disappear with the birth of a child after a year and a half. In lactating women, hair growth and brown stripes are present longer: this is explained by the fact that during breastfeeding the woman’s hormonal climate has not yet stabilized, the adrenal glands work with the same force as during pregnancy.

How to remove belly hair during pregnancy

Many women during pregnancy worry about their appearance and painfully endure any changes in the body, the body as a whole. Therefore, the increased formation of hair in the abdominal area causes some panic. And even in this position, girls try in every possible way to get rid of annoying vegetation and consult with doctors and cosmetologists on the issue of how to remove belly hair during pregnancy.

Taking into account modern technologies and products, you can remove belly hair using the following methods:

  • use of laser (laser removal);
  • hair removal, depilation;
  • sugaring;
  • removal using scissors, razor, tweezers, thread;
  • procedures using folk remedies.
It should be emphasized that not all cosmetic hair removal procedures are safe for the baby’s health. Considering that the skin of the abdomen is delicate and sensitive, methods such as sugaring or electrolysis can cause pain and lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Using depilatory products can cause allergies, rashes and clog the skin.

Hair removal using a razor or scissors is a less safe procedure, but according to experts, after such procedures the hair structure becomes thicker and it grows faster.

According to folk remedies, the hair is bleached using a 3% peroxide solution, ordinary lemon juice. The use of nettle decoction, datura seed gruel, green nut and green grape juices, and rubbing in the ashes of the poppy will minimize the growth of hair on the abdomen. However, it should be noted that products of natural origin are not always safe: allergic reactions occur to the most harmless plants.

Dark hair on the belly during pregnancy is actually a temporary phenomenon, just like a dark pigment stripe. In six months to a year the vegetation will disappear. Therefore, in order not to have to pay with allergies, rashes, and the baby’s health, forget about the unpleasant fluff on your tummy and switch to more pleasant moments.