Why is a dog chasing its tail - normal behavior or an alarming symptom? Why does a dog chase its tail?

Should you worry if your dog is chasing its tail? It’s hard to believe, but this issue is constantly and very hotly discussed on canine forums. It turns out that owners are faced with this strange habit pets year after year. The reasons and conclusions drawn are quite varied. Behavior correction techniques are even more difficult. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's deal with everything in order.

What to do if your dog is chasing its tail? At first, just observe and track the triggers. Your task is to understand what pushes your pet to circle and chase. If the problem is not recurring, there is most likely nothing to worry about. No matter how categorical dog handlers may be, It's normal for dogs to sometimes (!) play with their own body parts.

However statistics show if the puppy runs after its tail and this habit does not go away, it’s not a matter of “features”, but of health problems. If a dog at any point in its life begins to chase its tail excessively, bite it, or show other obsessive interest, you need to be wary. Among the harmless, so-called acquired reasons, we can highlight:

  • Seeds, spines or tangles in your pet's fur– perhaps the dog is whining and chasing after a painful place that causes discomfort. Since the pet physically cannot reach the back of the thighs, it looks like he is chasing his tail.
  • Skin irritation anus – a common consequence of minor injuries. The tissues that are healing itch, and the dog strives to eliminate the discomfort. In this case, again, the pet is not chasing the tail, but the cause of the inconvenience.
  • Blockage or– cause severe itching, pain, discomfort and general malaise. The anus itches so much that some pets itch the carpets and floors. There is nothing good about this; the problem will not be solved by itself, but if ignored, it will get worse.

Important! Cleaning of the anal glands should only be done by a doctor after appropriate diagnosis!

  • Exhaustion.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Deterioration of skin and coat condition.
  • Itching and bursting sensation in the anal area.

A dog animatedly spinning around its axis in an attempt to catch its own tail looks funny. Sometimes even owners who know their pet well mistake this behavior for a game. However, experts say: the animal in this moment It might not be fun at all. Often attempts to reach with teeth back torsos talk about different problems with health.

If a puppy or adult dog has new habit– chasing your own tail is a reason to take a closer look at it. There are several reasons that may prompt an animal to do this:

  1. Boredom and the desire to entertain yourself. In this case, there is nothing to fear, but you should choose the right course of action so that this fun does not develop into a bad habit. You should not encourage the animal, praise, pet or treat it. Otherwise, this will become his favorite means of manipulating the owner.
  2. Bad feeling. If something is bothering the dog in the tail area, it will try to solve the problem on its own. Reaching this hard-to-reach place with your teeth can cause itching, burning, painful sensations or other type of physical discomfort.
  3. Problems psychological nature. Dogs are no less susceptible to them than humans. An unreasonable obsessive desire to catch his own tail indicates that there is a disorder in the dog’s head. The problem that has arisen must be resolved immediately.

When faced with this behavior, the first thing you need to do is check the dog’s health. Let's look at the diseases that can be signaled by a dog's attempts to catch its tail.

Attention! Sometimes the problem can be solved very simply. Discomfort can be caused by burrs stuck in the tail area or adhered dirt. It is enough to remove the irritant, and the pet will calm down.

Helminth infection

Vestibular syndrome

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for coordination in space in any living organism. Its “center” is located in the brain, the “periphery” is in the middle and in inner ear. As soon as an imbalance occurs in its work, the animal begins to behave strangely. Chasing your own tail is just one of the possible manifestations.

This disease is very serious. It can occur as a result of head trauma, the appearance of tumors and polyps, hormonal imbalances or inflammatory processes. If treatment is not started on time, the results can be disastrous. The animal will begin to stumble and fall, and then completely cease to navigate in space, begin to relieve itself, and after a while it will become disabled or die.

Other symptoms of vestibular syndrome may include:

  • change in head tilt, frequent cases falls;
  • eye twitching;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • hearing loss;
  • lack of appetite.

If at least 2-3 signs of the above are detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Delay in this case is fraught with serious consequences. Young, physically strong dogs have a fairly high chance of beating the disease, but only if timely appeal for help.

Hormonal imbalances

They can also cause itching in the anal area. In this case, the dog who experiences other discomfort, will become nervous and irritable.

Hormonal imbalances can be caused for various reasons. They often occur in female dogs in heat or in male dogs castrated as adults.

It will not be difficult to relieve your pet from discomfort. Literate veterinarian will prescribe treatment that will remove all unpleasant sensations.


Allergic reactions can also occur in the anal area, causing itching and irritation. Examining the animal will help rule out this option. In this case, you can easily detect other signs of the disease: rashes, the appearance of bald patches, deterioration in the quality of the coat.

This problem can be solved quite easily. It is worth changing the food, choosing one that does not contain “dangerous” ingredients, and after a few days the dog will calm down and forget about the bad habit.

Attention! The most common allergies in dogs are chicken, fish and dairy products.


Injuries can also cause anxiety in a dog. If you notice that your pet is trying to catch its tail, you should examine it. Perhaps he was injured during a fight or playing with his own kind, or pinched his fifth limb somewhere.

It is necessary to feel the tail to make sure that all the vertebrae are located evenly, there are no tumors, displacements, or wounds.

Particular attention should be given to puppies that have recently undergone docking surgery. As a result wrong actions veterinarian, the edges of the stump may remain sharp and injure the skin. In this case, the baby will constantly experience painful sensations. In order to save him from this, you will have to contact a specialist again.

Catching Tail Syndrome

This psychological illness, to which domestic dogs may be susceptible. This pathology refers to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Simply put, it presupposes the presence of obsessive desires, which even a well-trained dog will sooner or later begin to fulfill.

Catching the tail with this disease looks special. First, the animal tries to look at its backside. At the same time, it can make different sounds: growl, squeal, bark. Then it begins to spin around, trying to grab the tail with its teeth. This action can last up to ten minutes and be repeated several times a day.

Attention! Representatives of such breeds as bull terrier, collie, Jack Russell terrier, and German shepherd are more often susceptible to catch-tail syndrome.

Tail catching syndrome is usually diagnosed in a fairly early age. Individuals susceptible to it are immediately excluded from breeding, since the disease is transmitted genetically. Other signs may include:

  • increased nervousness;
  • frequent licking of paws;
  • gnawing off one's own fur;
  • eating excrement, both one's own and others';
  • aggression.

A pet with this disease requires special care and regular monitoring by a veterinarian. He needs extra attention and should be protected from stressful situations. It is not possible to completely cure the syndrome, but it is quite possible to minimize its manifestations.

Attention! Over time, the problem may get worse. IN severe cases the dog will not just chase the tail, but will begin to chew it, causing pain to itself and risking infection.

Video - A dog chases its tail: a psychological problem

Tail catching as a way to have fun

Sometimes a completely healthy animal can have fun with its tail. However, this is not a reason for the owner to relax. If, as a result of the examination, no diseases were revealed, but the dog continues to stubbornly entertain itself by catching a limb, it means that some oversights were made in the maintenance.

Often young dogs or even puppies begin to catch their own tail. Thus, they have a hunting instinct that makes them catch everything that moves. However, a puppy receiving adequate physical activity, only in in a rare case will be enticed by such prey as a part own body. That is, this is the first signal to the owner that the dog does not have enough games and entertainment. If you do not stop this activity immediately, it can become a habit.

Sometimes even quite adult dogs begin to catch their tail. The reason is still the same - boredom and lack of workload. In addition, in this way they can try to attract the attention of the owner. The animal's logic is extremely simple: if it manages to arouse interest with such behavior once, it will repeat it again and again.

The best thing that the owner of a tail hunter dog can do is to start spending more time with him: walking longer, praising and stroking him more often, giving commands, playing.

How to wean your dog off a bad habit

Dog handlers have no doubt that chasing your tail is a bad habit. Firstly, the desire to indulge in your favorite activity can arise at any time. Sometimes it's very inconvenient. For example, during an exhibition or on a walk. Secondly, hunting for yourself rarely takes place in silence. More often it is accompanied by barking or growling. And this can already cause negative reaction at the neighbors.

You can wean your dog off this, but you will have to be persistent. The owner of such an animal is recommended to:

  • buy new toys;
  • spend more time with your pet, play and walk;
  • ignore it during such games.

But punishments or restrictions will not bring the desired results. Having found out that he can get hit in the butt with a newspaper for hunting, the dog will begin to go out secretly, that is, when the owner is not around.

Attention! Dogs are in dire need of their owner's attention. From their point of view, even punishment is better than being ignored. A deprived dog will do everything possible to get attention. IN as a last resort will persistently commit actions for which he is scolded.

If you put him in a cage or send him to his place, the boredom will only worsen. This means that he will take the first opportunity to drive her away and begin to play with what is available at that moment. And this is precisely its own tail.

In any case, catching a tail is a kind of signal to the owner that not all is well in the life of his pet. If you find your dog doing this, you should carefully examine its health and start paying more attention.

Video - How to stop a dog from chasing its tail

Surely few people have asked themselves the question: “why does a dog chase its tail” - after all, it is generally believed that this is such a funny game. But, in fact, this behavior signals serious problems with health. There are several significant reasons behind the dog's continuous running.

Reasons for behavior

If previously the pet did not show any interest and did not try to catch the tail, did not want to lick or chew it, then the owner must definitely pay attention to this entire area. It is important to exclude any skin lesions, attached thorns or formed tangles. If visually nothing has happened to the tail, then it is recommended to take the dog to the veterinarian.

Itching in the anal area indicates the presence of helminths or inflammatory processes in the paraanal gland. Conduct research independently and prescribe rational treatment Not everyone can do this, so it is important to bring your pet to the clinic or call a doctor at home. It will clean the glands without any problems and collect the necessary biological material for analyses. If necessary, he will prescribe a course of appropriate treatment. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use special drugs semiannually. To exclude worms from the list of reasons, feces It is important to take several days in a row.

A dog chases its tail after surgery. It is not uncommon for puppies to have all or part of their tail removed, but this procedure is not always successful. There may be a fragment of the spine formed by a chain of bones, or the veterinarian, on the contrary, did not leave enough muscle and connective tissue. All this causes the formation of injuries on adjacent tissues, which is why the dog spins behind its tail. It is important to show your pet to specialists. It’s a pity, but most often this problem is solved exclusively through surgical intervention.

Trauma as the reason why a dog chases its tail

The dog could have been injured, which caused disruptions in work nerve endings hind limbs, if she starts to press him. In this case, the pet will also demonstrate misbehavior.
If a dog is chasing its tail and at the same time its coordination of movements is impaired, then one can suspect the presence of problems with the organ that perceives changes in the position of the head and body in space. If impaired coordination occurs in parallel with deterioration general condition: the dog has become lethargic, appears upset, or is vomiting, this signals malfunction liver. Also, coordination is often impaired when increased content blood glucose. This is especially noticeable in pets of small breeds.

Owners often believe that incorrect behavior signals that the pet is simply bored. This is easy to check, just change his everyday environment, start having fun and playing with him. All this should stop the chaotic whirling. If the dog does not stop spinning or immediately starts doing it again after playing, then the problem is not hidden in boredom. Dogs are social animals, so it is important for them to have human contact. Alas, they often do not receive enough attention, in which case they try to somehow attract it. For example: they play pranks, carry the owners’ favorite things, and don’t even follow the rules of going to the toilet.

And this is just to attract attention. Most often, when all of the above does not help, the dog begins to run chaotically in a circle, because he does not know whether the owner will scold him or, on the contrary, will play and pet him. If the dog managed to attract attention to itself in this way, it will actively use it in the future, knowing that it has found an effective lever of influence. But it is worth noting that such behavior occurs as an exception, so it is important to determine whether your pet has enough attention or not.

Often, pets can behave this way because increased level anxiety. In addition to performing chaotic actions, they may not ask to go to the toilet and behave aggressively.
Often anxiety is accompanied by howling, barking, and destruction of property in the apartment. At the same time, the dog’s breathing quickens, the pupils become several times wider, the secretion of saliva increases, and the ears retract back. There are many reasons for anxiety, and it can arise regardless of the stimulus. So, someone in childhood could tease a puppy when he ate, and every time throughout his life when the dog is in similar situation, she will be aggressive. Therefore, the dog chases its tail to distract itself from stress.

To solve this problem, it is important to change the pet’s routine environment and do everything possible to radically change the feeding situation. Let him eat alone, change his bowls or place for feeding.

Also dogs are sometimes afraid loud sounds, so they may also behave inappropriately.
Any noise can provoke negative behavior, loud music, or even a morning alarm clock. Also, for example, a dog may be frightened by a sudden knock on the door, a barking dog, or a crying baby. IN in this case mixed increased activity, which requires mandatory adjustment. Don't forget that your pet is also a member of the family and it is the owner's responsibility to take care of it.

If a dog chases its own tail, tries to lick itself excessively, bites off fleas that are not there, sucks a paw, pulls out pieces of fur, tries to eat inedible items, behaves extremely aggressively - this is not a sign of bad manners, but the first symptoms of neurosis. When buying a dog, owners often lock it in an enclosure where it spends the whole day. Thus, the pet is physically limited in activity, which can also cause chaotic tail chasing.

Help from specialists

The unwanted behavior itself can be removed, but this will not affect the psychological decision. Moreover, it is difficult to perform a stereotypical action without causing anxiety. The important thing here is not to scold the dog, but to understand what factor provokes negative behavior and remove it. It is important for a pet to understand that it is the owner who must control its behavior. Simply put, learn new movements.

Initially, the dog is taught well-known commands. First, this is done in the absence of stimuli, and then, when she has completely calmed down and adapted, they are gradually introduced. At first this is done in a weakened form, while the degree of irritability increases each time. For example, if your pet is annoyed by a ringing call, then you should record its sound on your phone and turn it on quietly.

It is important not to rush things here, because when unwanted behavior occurs, it is important to pause the training and take a few steps back. To improve the result, it is important not only to constantly praise the dog, but also to treat it with treats. The dog handler himself draws up a schedule for the exercises and determines when to move on to the next stage. The training process can last from several weeks to a month.

In parallel with training, veterinarians recommend that the dog undergo a course of treatment medicines. Surely many had no idea that a pet’s innocent play with its tail can signal serious problems that owners should definitely pay attention to.

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If your dog is running or pacing in circles and is overly agitated, his condition will often cause anxiety. The reason for this behavior may be completely harmless or indicate illness or psychosis.

Why does the dog run in circles?

To understand the reasons for your dog's restless behavior, pay attention to several factors:

  • Dog age

  • Are there any other accompanying symptoms?

  • Has anything changed in Lately Or has she always behaved this way? If it has changed, analyze what could have provoked this behavior.

The situation is typical for puppies

Walking or running in circles can be normal, natural behavior for puppies. It is likely that the dog is not receiving enough of its natural load. To put it simply, she needs to throw out her energy somewhere. A daily walk may not be enough. This behavior sometimes continues for up to five years.

What to pay attention to: This behavior of a young dog is often accompanied by a playful mood. In addition, you can trace a pattern after which it begins. If this happens after a daily walk, bathing, feeding, or returning home of one of the owners, and there are no painful symptoms, most likely this is just a sign of a harmless case.

The second case is neurological problems: fears, phobias, psychoses, stress.

For example, a dog is in a small confined space that it cannot leave itself, or freedom of movement is limited by a chain. Or the living conditions of the animal leave much to be desired. Stress can be triggered by various reasons, including the behavior of the owners - when they behave harshly, aggressively, and pay little attention to their pets.

What to pay attention to: the above does not necessarily lead to stress and problems. What causes anxiety in some dogs is completely normal for others. However, if you suspect neurological problem and its cause, you can talk about this with a veterinary neurologist.

The third case is a serious illness

The described situation is accompanied by other symptoms, which may indicate serious illness, For example hepatic encephalopathy(hepatoencephalopathy). This type of disorder is associated with nervous system and is considered potentially reversible. It is caused by metabolic disorders. Moreover, the symptoms most likely depend on the amount and type of metabolites. In case of acute liver failure lethargy or agitation, as well as drowsiness, are possible. Different parts of the brain are affected, and cerebral edema is possible. Clinical picture includes neurological and clinical disorders. An infectious disease can contribute to the development of hepatoencephalopathy.

What to pay attention to: in this case, epilepsy attacks, vomiting and diarrhea with blood are sometimes observed. However, each case is individual, so diagnosis is necessary. After calling your veterinarian, you may need to do a blood ammonia test to check your ammonia tolerance and blood levels. bile acids in serum. Your veterinarian can get the information you need from: x-rays abdominal cavity.

What to do if your dog is walking in circles?

  • If you conclude that the dog is walking or running in circles due to age and unspent energy, and you do not observe signs of illness, then you can do nothing. Or, as an option, simply direct the dog’s energy in the right direction: train, give commands, and reward them with treats for correct execution.

  • In situations where a dog suffers due to conditions of detention, stress, fear, lack of freedom or attention, the conclusion suggests itself. It is necessary, if possible, to correct the deficiencies that led to the dog’s restless behavior. If there are any other alarming symptoms, it may be worth talking to your veterinarian. For psychosis, the doctor will help you individually select psychotropics, vitamins, and immunocorrectors.

  • The most difficult situations often require inpatient treatment and rehabilitation. In case of illness, the veterinarian will tell you which diagnostic method is optimal for your pet. An examination by a neurologist will almost certainly be required. For hepatoencephalopathy, most likely, you need intravenous infusions Reamberina. Also, if necessary, Plasma, Refortan, Ringer, Glucose with hepatoprotectors, gastroprotectors, antibiotics, immunostimulants, and so on are prescribed.

As often happens, owners uninitiated in medical subtleties see only a symptom, the tip of the iceberg. In order to prevent the development of a serious disease, loving dog owners prefer to call a veterinarian at home or go with the animal to the clinic.

A dog is an active, inquisitive and playful creature. However, a passion for one's own tail can also indicate serious health problems for the animal. Let's look at your pet's behavior and determine whether there is cause for concern.


Exists a whole science about the behavior and education of dogs - cynology. Experts say that a dog rarely chases its tail due to Have a good mood. This is normal behavior for most puppies. But if the habit does not go away with age, the animal’s interest in body parts increases, measures need to be taken.

It is necessary to find out what motivates your four-legged friend to action. Pay attention to the nature of the chase. It may be accompanied by barking, howling, and an attempt to bite itself.

Most problems four-legged friends unable to decide on my own. They try unsuccessfully to get to problem areas, and people perceive it as a game.

Inaction leads to severe consequences. The main measures to eliminate symptoms are as follows:

  • prevention of worms;
  • inspection for ticks, lice, fleas;
  • If external signs There is no infection, the dog needs to be shown to a veterinarian.


Your doctor can help you determine why your dog is chasing its tail. The reasons often lie in:

  • irritation of anal tissue - manifestation of the consequences of minor injuries, allergies and diarrhea;
  • inflammation or blockage of the anal glands is accompanied by severe pain and itching - pets crawl with their butts on any surface (floor, carpet, ground);
  • violation vestibular apparatus– the animal suddenly begins to spin around its axis;
  • liver disease - in addition to chasing the tail, vomiting and diarrhea occur.

The vet may not find any health problems.

Psyche and genetics

If the cause has not been identified, the pet probably requires more attention from its owners. The dog no longer cares whether they laugh at it or scold it. She seeks any reaction to her existence.

There are individuals with serious deviations caused by DNA. If a dog runs after its tail and bites it, this may indicate a mental disorder. Wean your pet off bad habit, in this case, is not realistic. A group of medications and special exercises will help correct behavior, but the gene pool cannot be changed.

The disorder accompanies the animal throughout its life, periodically manifesting itself in bursts of anxiety and aggression. Even tribal representatives, no matter what characteristics their breed has, are not allowed for breeding. Mental disorder will be given to the puppies.

The question of the psyche has been poorly studied. The disease is diagnosed when the puppy is 3 months old. Until this time, his chasing the tail is perceived by the owners as a harmless game. Previously, people did not attach any importance to the psyche problem. Some seizures were considered symptoms of other diseases.

If you have symptoms, you should seek help from experienced professionals. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of why a dog chases its tail. Many points require additional study.