Why does a child have caries of baby teeth? What to do when caries is detected and does it need to be treated? Treatment of dental damage in one- and two-year-old children: how to stop the process

Here's how the Mayo Clinic explains this process and the need to brush your teeth after eating, for example:

When you brush your teeth, you help remove plaque - a sticky film that forms on your teeth because of bacteria in your mouth. The bacteria in plaque causes the two major tooth-related diseases, cavities (dental caries) and gum disease (periodontitis).

It"s important to brush your teeth after you eat, because certain food and drinks cause bacteria in your mouth to release acids that are harmful to your tooth enamel. When you eat food or drink beverages containing sugar or starch, the bacteria in your mouth produce acids that can attack your tooth enamel for 20 minutes or more. Choosing nutritious foods that are low in carbohydrates and sugar and drinking plenty of water also can help reduce harmful acid production.

One caveat to brushing after you eat is if you"ve eaten an acidic food or drink - for example, orange juice. Avoid brushing your teeth for at least 30 minutes after acidic foods and beverages. These acids weaken tooth enamel, and brushing too soon can cause damage to the enamel. If you know you"re going to eat or drink something very acidic ahead of time, you may want to brush your teeth first.


When you brush your teeth, you help remove plaque, a sticky film that forms on your teeth due to bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria in plaque cause 2 main dental diseases - caries and periodontal disease.

It's important to brush your teeth after eating because some foods and drinks help the bacteria in your mouth produce acid, which damages your tooth enamel. If you eat foods or drinks that contain sugar and starch, bacteria in your mouth produce acid that can attack your enamel for 20 minutes or more after eating. Choice nutritious food, which is low in carbohydrates and sugar, and drinking plenty of water after meals can minimize the harmful acids that bacteria produce.

The only caveat to brushing your teeth immediately after eating is if you have eaten food that contains a large number of acids, such as orange juice. Avoid brushing your teeth for at least 30 minutes after eating acidic foods or drinks. This acid can penetrate your enamel and weaken it, so brushing your teeth quickly in this case can damage your enamel. If you know that you will be eating or drinking something with high content acid, then you better brush your teeth first.

So the main recommendation, at least in America, is to brush your teeth 2 times a day, once before bed and once after meals. It is not specified after what meal, but children are taught to clean after breakfast. and in kindergartens, from the age of 2 they are asked to bring brushes and toothpaste, and children brush their teeth after lunch before bedtime.

Caries of primary teeth in children early age is a common problem that requires timely treatment, because not only the beauty of the baby’s smile, but also the state of health depends on it.

This disease of the hard tissues of the tooth affects adults and children, milk teeth and permanent ones. Every year the spread of carious lesions is becoming increasingly widespread. More than 80% of children under three years of age have cavities on their baby teeth.

Distinctive features of the course and treatment childhood caries lead to the need to search for new methods of treatment and improve old ones.

Psychological trauma caused by early childhood and associated with toothache, is deposited in the subconscious for life and leads to fear of dental treatment. That is why the approach to caries treatment in young patients should be gentle and painless.


Factors that influence the development of the carious process:

  • insufficient hygiene - this procedure falls entirely on the shoulders of parents whose children have not yet reached 2-3 years of age. With the appearance of the first tooth, they should have the rule of daily brushing with a gauze pad or finger brushes without using toothpaste;
  • sweet mixtures and drinks - in medicine there is a concept “ bottle caries", which occurs from frequent feeding of the child at night with sweet formulas or sugary drinks. At night, less saliva is produced, it does not wash the teeth well enough, and carbohydrates provoke the growth of cariogenic microflora;
  • Excessive consumption of sugars (sweets) is one of the main reasons why caries occurs;
  • soft food – teeth are designed by nature to tear and grind food. When a child eats mostly soft foods and neglects hard foods such as fruits and vegetables, mechanical self-cleaning of the teeth does not occur;
  • low mineral content – insufficient intake with food substances such as calcium, fluorine and phosphorus, leads to the fact that the structural components of the enamel do not receive “building” material for strengthening;
  • heredity - the genetic prerequisites for the occurrence of childhood caries cannot be denied, because such a relationship can be traced in the example of many families.

Caries of primary teeth in young children can be prevented using preventive methods. For example, on our website there is already an article about that, with games and a coloring calendar.


The appearance of these signs signals that it is time to take your child to see a dentist:

  • change in the uniformity of enamel color and the appearance of white spots (as with);
  • unpleasant sensations from temperature and chemical irritants;
  • pain when eating;
  • bad smell from mouth.

The initial signs in the structure of the enamel are hardly noticeable, so parents should be attentive to their baby’s smile and take them to the dentist’s office 2-3 times a year, because caries spreads much faster in children (!) than in adults.

The nature of the child’s complaints depends on the stage of the disease.

  1. At initial manifestations caries disease, except for changes in the appearance of the teeth, nothing is noticeable and nothing hurts.
  2. When the process moves into the next stage - superficial, then most often the child will not be bothered by anything either. At this stage, tooth decay can be treated without a drill.
  3. The appearance of crater-shaped cavities, pain sensitivity when eating food, especially those with a sharp difference in temperature, discomfort from food getting stuck, indicates a deepening of caries to an average level.
  4. On last stage Pain when chewing is added to all the previous symptoms.



There are four stages of caries development:

  • elementary;
  • surface;
  • average;

The initial form looks like whitish spots and stripes on the surface of the enamel, and this surface becomes rough, loses its natural shine, acquiring chalky spots. Loss of tooth tissue does not yet occur at this stage.

The superficial form is characterized by destruction of the tooth to the enamel border. Depending on the individual sensitivity of the child, there may be no complaints of pain. The enamel acquires a shade that varies from light brown to black.

The average form is considered to be the form to which parents independently pay attention and understand that the time has come for treatment. Here, complaints of pain from irritating substances and temperature effects arise, and a hole appears that affects the enamel and dentin. The color of the cavity depends on whether it is acute or chronic course has a disease.

The deep form can rarely be found in children, as it quickly turns into pulpitis, because the chamber where the nerve is located is wide and occupies a large area in the crown of the tooth. The child often says that it hurts to eat, and when eating, he tries not to chew on the painful side.

Video: about children's teeth at Dr. Komarovsky's school.

Caries of primary teeth in children and its treatment

Parents should understand that caries in baby teeth is subject to compulsory treatment, because it affects health not only permanent teeth, but also the body. Caries – infectious process, and the earlier the stage, the less painful the preparation will be.

Choosing a dentist for your child’s first visit to the clinic is very important. How the child will relate to this process in the future depends on the professionalism and communication skills of the doctor.

A good specialist, when working with a child, is guided by the following rules to stop the spread of tooth decay:

  1. 30 minutes is the time a child can sit quietly in a chair.
  2. Anesthesia is carried out in two stages: first, an anesthetic gel is applied to the mucous membrane where the intended injection site is located, after which the drug is injected.
  3. Drilling carious cavity It is necessary only in cases where it is impossible to remove the changed tissue in any other way.

Each stage of carious lesions has its own treatment methods.

To restore the enamel structure when initial changes remineralizing therapy and silvering are used.

  • silvering is a method that was popular among parents and doctors during the Soviet era, and is now used to treat children under three years of age. Silver has a strong antibacterial effect and prevents the enamel from deteriorating further. The procedure is very simple: a solution of silver nitrate is applied to a cotton ball, after which the surface of the tooth is treated. Due to persistent black staining of teeth, this method is in less and less demand;
  • remineralization - the action of the technique is based on the ability of the microelements fluorine and calcium to penetrate the structure of the enamel and restore its crystal lattice. The range of drugs is wide, so the dentist selects the necessary drug individually, depending on age, level of intensity of caries and its form, acute or chronic. The disadvantage is that the treatment is carried out in a course; to achieve the effect, you will have to visit the dentist almost every day if office treatment is prescribed. In case of home use, parental supervision should be exercised, since fluoride-containing drugs in large quantities can cause poisoning.

For the treatment of middle and deep caries When a cavity has formed, classical preparation is usually used, followed by filling the defect. But there are also alternative options:
  • preparation with a drill is used quite often. Typically, the doctor drills with a handpiece that operates at low speeds and also uses water cooling. Children who have previously had negative treatment experiences are afraid of such equipment, so parents should carry out appropriate psychological preparation, and the dentist uses a drill in cases where it is impossible to do without it;
  • ART-method – the principle of operation is based on the use of hand instruments to remove softened dental tissues. The use of enamel knives and excavators is completely painless and does not cause as much stress for the baby as the previous method. However, it is not always possible to completely remove carious lesions only with hand tools;
  • laser preparation – the use of lasers in medicine increases every year. It has a strictly targeted effect, removes only affected tissues and does not deliver pain. However, not every clinic has such tips in its arsenal, and to remove caries, it will take more time than using a drill;
  • ozonation – this painless procedure saturates the tooth tissue with ozone and helps in the fight against microbes;
  • depophoresis – based on penetration active substances in tooth tissue under the influence of electric current.

Glass ionomer cements, sealants, composites and compomers are used for filling. The last group of materials includes colored fillings, beloved by parents. The child enthusiastically chooses the color of the material, and then proudly shows off his unusual fillings.

Video: caries in children, its treatment under general anesthesia - the experience of a young mother.

What to do if a child is afraid to have their teeth treated?

To reduce your child's fear:

  • have a conversation about the upcoming procedure, without scaring the baby or lying;
  • It is advisable to make the first visit with the purpose of meeting the doctor and a simple examination of the oral cavity;
  • ask the dentist to show the child the tools, introduce him to the drill and let the child touch it, because, as you know, the unknown gives rise to fear;
  • the day before, do not disturb the baby, let him spend the evening in a calm environment;
  • as a thank you for good behavior You can give him a toy at the dentist or take him to an amusement park.

First impression of dental procedures should not cause moral harm and discourage the desire for treatment.


Teach your child to brush his teeth - important action to preserve their health, which should become a habit.

Caries of primary teeth in young children and its occurrence can be reduced by adhering to the following rules:

  1. Brush your teeth morning and evening, and teach your child to rinse his mouth with water after each meal.
  2. Limit your intake of carbohydrate foods.
  3. Enrich your child's diet with meat and dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  4. Offer your child solid food - this mechanically cleanses the teeth of plaque and also puts stress on the periodontium, thereby increasing the blood supply to the gums.
  5. Visit the dentist at least 2-3 times a year.

It is easier to provide a sufficient level of prevention than to then subject the child to treatment, because the condition of the primary dentition affects the health of the permanent teeth.


Neglected condition and untimely dental treatment have consequences:

  • at weak immunity child every carious tooth increases the likelihood that there will be infectious diseases in the oral cavity, such as thrush, etc. Pathogenic microflora with saliva enters gastrointestinal tract and can cause common diseases;
  • In case of severe destruction, the baby teeth will have to be removed. This negatively affects the formation of a permanent bite;
  • Bad breath creates a barrier in communication with peers.

Video: how to avoid caries in baby teeth?

Additional questions

Is it necessary to treat caries of baby teeth in children?

Yes, it is subject to mandatory treatment, because it is a source of infection for the entire body. Treat carious cavities in a timely manner and maintain the child’s mouth in good condition important for the formation of permanent teeth.

Any parent would like his child’s teeth to be strong and pain-free. However, in reality, about 70% of children suffer from a disease such as caries. Moreover, in half of the cases, parents turn to the dentist when the teeth are very deeply affected or complications arise.


The appearance of caries in children is associated with the simultaneous influence of several factors, among which the most significant are considered to be:

  • Poor oral hygiene. If a child does not brush his teeth well enough or does not brush at all, food particles will remain on the teeth in which bacteria actively multiply.
  • Excess carbohydrate foods in children's diet. The carbohydrates your baby eats are used by bacteria as a source of nutrition.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Lack of crumbs of food in the diet that require intensive chewing. Due to such chewing, salivation increases, as a result of which the teeth are cleaned naturally.
  • Deficiency of calcium and fluoride in food and water consumed by the child.
  • Due to physiological reasons, the low resistance of dental tissues in children to bacteria that cause caries.
  • Rickets, which causes tooth tissue to deteriorate faster.
  • Long-term use for feeding and drinking bottles. While the baby is sucking food, she for a long time lingers on the teeth, and drinking compote or juice at night provokes damage to the enamel on the child’s front teeth (this type of caries is called bottle caries).
  • Bite disorders.
  • Chronic infections, as a result of which the body's resistance to bacteria decreases.
  • Diseases of the mother during the formation of teeth in the fetus.

Symptoms and signs

When caries just begins to develop on baby teeth, it looks like a white (chalky) speck. There are no other symptoms at this early stage. As the disease progresses, the spots darken and cavities begin to form in the teeth. An unpleasant odor appears from the child's mouth. Kids begin to complain of pain when chewing, as well as when eating certain foods (sour, sweet, very hot or cold).

How to recognize caries in time?

It is quite difficult to detect the disease at an early stage, because most parents do not notice white spots on children’s teeth, and even a dentist sometimes needs additional methods, for example, staining teeth with red or blue dye (it only stains tooth tissue affected by bacteria).

If the child has already begun to complain that his teeth hurt, a visit dental office must be immediate. But it is much better if a specialist examines the baby’s teeth regularly until they begin to hurt. Sometimes babies do not complain of pain, but may chew food on one side or categorically refuse certain foods. This should also be a reason to show the baby to the dentist.


Depending on the depth of damage to dental tissues, caries can be:

  1. Beginners. At this stage it is formed White spot, but there is no pain.
  2. Superficial. The disease affects only the enamel, the lesions can be light or dark, and pain occurs when eating salty, sour or sweet foods.
  3. Average The process spreads to the dentin, which is often accompanied by pain.
  4. Deep. Infected most of internal tissues of the tooth.

As soon as the first signs of caries appear, you need to take action and consult a dentist

If caries has struck previously healthy tooth, such a disease is called primary, and when an infection develops under the filling, secondary caries is diagnosed. Depending on the occurrence of complications, caries can be uncomplicated or complicated. If we take into account the activity of the process, then decompensated and subcompensated, as well as compensated caries are distinguished.

Taking into account localization, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • Cervical caries. It often occurs in children, covering the area near the neck of baby teeth.
  • Approximal caries. With this form it is affected top part crowns IN childhood it can be planar, when almost the entire chewing surface of the molars is affected.
  • Fissure caries. The disease penetrates between the teeth.

Do teeth hurt due to caries?

If the disease has just begun to develop, the child will not experience pain. Many children experience no pain even with deep damage to the tooth tissue. Quite often, painful sensations appear only with a certain impact, for example, if the caries is superficial, pain may appear when eating sweets or sour foods.

Often, caries of primary teeth is not accompanied by pain.

When caries becomes medium, short-term pain occurs from a cold or hot dish. If the infection has penetrated deeply, mechanical action is added to all these irritants. Then pain appears when chewing.

Do I need treatment?

Disputes about the need to treat caries on baby teeth make no sense, because there is only one answer - it is necessary to treat teeth. And that's why:

  • If left untreated, the infection can get so deep that the future permanent tooth will also be damaged.
  • If a tooth falls out due to caries ahead of schedule, other teeth will move, which can lead to problems with bite and crooked placement of permanent teeth.
  • Caries can become complicated, and such complications will require urgent treatment and often result in tooth extraction.
  • The absence of several teeth prevents the child from chewing food properly, as a result of which he begins to suffer digestive tract child.
  • A tooth with caries is a source of infection in the child’s body, which reduces his resistance to disease.

Complications of caries

Most often, children with caries on their milk teeth experience:

  • Pulpitis. The damage extends deep into soft fabrics of the tooth, called the pulp. The child complains about sharp pains in the teeth, as well as increased sensitivity to sweets, hot and cold foods. Pain may occur when chewing and during night sleep.
  • Periodontitis. The infection spreads to the tissue under the tooth, including bone tissue. The baby is suffering from severe pain, his temperature rises and swelling of the face, called flux, appears.

Caries of primary teeth undoubtedly needs to be treated

To learn how to deal with caries, watch the following video.

Treatment methods

What substances coat teeth for protection?

If the disease was detected at an early stage, a drill will not be needed. In the most simple cases remineralization is used, during which plaque is removed from the teeth, after which the teeth are covered special composition, rich in calcium, fluorine and phosphorus. This composition helps restore the integrity of the enamel and will also protect against harmful external influences.

One application will protect the teeth for about six months, and then the procedure is repeated. This treatment is widely used for superficial caries. The stain itself, as a rule, is not removed, but its size and severity are reduced. Remineralization will also help out in situations where it is difficult for the doctor to determine whether the baby has started caries or whether the tooth enamel has not yet completely mineralized.

The second common method used in babies is silvering. After cleaning the tooth, it is coated with a silver preparation to form a protective film and have a bactericidal effect. The procedure is repeated six months later, but it has a significant disadvantage - the treated teeth darken and remain dark until they fall out.

After silvering, the child’s teeth darken and will remain so until they are replaced.

Other non-contact methods used in the treatment of childhood caries are laser therapy (helps remove affected areas of enamel), ozone therapy (used to disinfect the tooth) and dissolution of infected tooth tissue with special chemicals.

Filling and anesthesia

In a situation where caries has affected the teeth quite deeply, filling is indispensable. A drill is used to clean out infected tissue from the tooth, and anesthesia is required only when removing the pulp. However, it is often local and is represented by the application of an anesthetic gel, after which the child is given an injection. If the baby categorically refuses dental care, use nitrous oxide or general anesthesia.

Nitrogen inhaled by the child through a mask relaxes the baby, relieves fear and sometimes puts him to sleep, but this drug does not relieve pain, so the baby will be given an additional injection. General anesthesia When treating teeth affected by caries, it is rarely used, mainly in cases of complications, multiple caries and the inability to persuade a child to have their teeth treated. At the same time, such anesthesia has its own contraindications, so the child is first examined by a pediatrician.

When the carious cavity is cleaned, the baby is given a filling, which can be temporary (with medicine) or permanent (durable). The substances most often used today are those that quickly harden when exposed to light. Colored fillings are often used, which kids like. In case of complications of caries, as a rule, milk teeth are removed.

Now clinics even offer colored fillings of the child’s choice.

What to do if your child is afraid of doctors?

Unfortunately, not all pediatric dentists have the right approach to treating children, so the first visits to the doctor may be remembered by the baby as something scary and painful. In this case, you will have to pay attention to ensuring that the baby stops being afraid of the dentist.

Carefully select a clinic based on reviews and take your child on a tour. On the first visit, let the baby just examine everything. Tell your child why he needs treatment and how it will be carried out. If persuasion does not help, you will have to resort to general anesthesia.

Many parents worry because their children's teeth begin to deteriorate at an early age. This problem is especially of concern to mothers and fathers of 1-3 year old children who notice signs of caries on the teeth of their young children. We have collected information that will help you find out the cause of childhood caries, choose a treatment method for teeth affected by this disease, and prevent the occurrence of this problem in the future.

Factors leading to caries in a child 1-3 years old

Caries(lat. Caries dentiis) is a pathological process that manifests itself after teething, during which demineralization and softening of hard tissues occurs, followed by the formation of a cavity.

Causes of damage to baby teeth by caries:

  • Illnesses suffered by the mother and medications taken in the first trimester pregnancy can contribute to improper formation of dental buds in the fetus. The consequences of this may be early caries.
  • Infection with carious microbes from parents through kisses and while eating with one spoon.
  • The main cause of dental disease is insufficient oral hygiene . The child should learn to brush his teeth as early as possible.
  • Harmful food addictions – another cause of caries. For example, prolonged use of pacifiers and falling asleep with a bottle contribute to the development of “bottle” caries, which primarily affects the incisors. It is not advisable to allow your child to snack on sweets and chocolate between meals, since the carbohydrates contained in such food promote the growth of bacteria that damage the teeth. After eating these foods, you need to brush your teeth to avoid tooth decay.

How to identify caries in a child?

Signs of damage to baby teeth by caries:

  • Presence of stains on teeth.
  • Painful reactions to cold, hot, sweet.
  • Bad breath. Bacteria cause rotting of food debris, which contributes to the appearance of a specific odor in the oral cavity.
  • Dissolution of enamel on many teeth at the same time - characteristic feature caries in children.

Depending on the depth of the lesion, there are 4 stages of caries:

  • Initial caries. Characterized by the appearance of various stains on tooth enamel. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor allows you to stop the process of tooth damage that has begun.
  • Surface. It is characterized by deeper damage to the enamel. The formation of a carious cavity is possible. There is a painful reaction to sweet, salty or sour foods. Treatment involves filling the affected teeth.
  • With an average depth of damage dentin tissue is injured. Such caries is accompanied by stronger painful sensations and additional reactions to hot and cold. IN in this case filling of the tooth cavity is required.
  • Deep damage to teeth can spread to layers of the tooth such as pulp. Treatment will depend on its condition - filling or the use of special dental dams.

With absence timely treatment caries can cause complications such as pulpitis (damage to the soft tissues of the tooth, including nerves) and periodontitis (inflammation of surrounding tissues, possibly with purulent contents). In any of these cases, you must immediately contact a specialist, as the child experiences unbearable pain.

Treatment of caries in children under 3 years of age: traditional and modern methods

When children are affected by caries at an early age, they need the help of a dentist. Methods of treating young patients are reliable, safe and minimally traumatic in relation to the child’s psyche. Pediatric dentistry nowadays has a wide variety of methods for treating this pathology.

Modern methods of treating caries in children

Treatment method for caries in children How is caries treated using this method?
Laser ( photodynamic therapy) One of modern methods treatment using special medicinal materials that provide healing effect under the influence of a laser.
Silvering For superficial caries, a solution based on silver nitrate is applied to the affected area. A special film is formed that has a healing effect. The procedure must be repeated several times with a week's break.
Reminerilization Restoring the mineral composition of the tooth by applying microelements such as sodium and calcium. The treatment is quite long. The duration is determined by the attending physician. Only used with superficial damage tooth tissues.
Sponge fluoridation The special drug Enamel-liquid allows for the treatment of superficial caries effective and painless with additional long-term remineralization of tooth tissue.
Manual processing (ART-method) Special hand tools allow you to remove the affected tooth tissue, then the carious cavity is treated with antiseptics. The prepared area of ​​the tooth is filled with glass ionomer cements saturated with fluorides.
Depophoresis A solution of copper-calcium hydroperoxide injected into the affected tooth allows you to clean small tubules with deep caries damage and save the tooth. The procedure site is anesthetized
ICON technology The enamel is cleaned of plaque, then a special gel is applied to the carious stain to remove the affected area of ​​enamel. Complete the process applying a highly flowable polymer, which hardens under the influence of a special lamp. The polymer provides durable and reliable protection tooth
Preparation of a carious cavity Used for deep dental damage. The cavity is opened using a drill. After cleaning the inner layer of the tooth, the cavity is filled with calcium-containing preparations. and install a temporary filling.
Ozonation On early stages carious lesions use ozone, which allows you to remove bacteria from the surface of the tooth that causes caries.
Treatment under anesthesia It is carried out only when necessary, strictly according to indications, if the child under no circumstances allows treatment.

What should parents do to prevent the development of caries in children?

  • Get into the habit of brushing your teeth from an early age. To prevent dental diseases, it is necessary to teach your child to brush their teeth from an early age. For babies, cleansing is carried out using special finger brushes. From the age of two, children are taught to clean themselves.
  • Choose the right toothpaste. Experts have different opinions regarding toothpastes. The paste must be appropriate for the child's age. Since babies do not know how to rinse their mouths and swallow large amounts of toothpaste, they toothpaste should not contain fluorine or its amount should be minimal to prevent poisoning. Fluorides are acceptable for toothpastes intended for children over four years of age.
  • Learn how to brush your teeth correctly. It is necessary to accustom children to brushing their teeth in a playful way, so as not to discourage the child’s desire. The front teeth are brushed with vertical movements, behind the cheeks - in a circular motion. The chewing surface is cleaned with horizontal movements, back and forth. On the tongue side, the teeth must be “swept” from the gums to the top. Teeth must be brushed for 10 minutes or at least 6 movements per area. Your baby's teeth should be brushed morning and evening.
  • Organize proper nutrition to kid, because it prevents caries. It must be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It is advisable to exclude sweets and chocolate.
  • Visit the pediatric dentist with your child for a preventive examination twice a year to examine the condition of baby teeth.

Observing simple rules oral hygiene, as well as by organizing proper nutrition for your baby, you can prevent the development of caries in your baby.

In children tooth enamel thin and fragile, which makes her vulnerable. The carious process develops very quickly. If it is not stopped in time, the baby will face not the most pleasant consequences. Premature removal of baby teeth threatens underdevelopment constant root and the formation of malocclusion. At proper care behind oral cavity

caries of primary teeth in young children can be prevented.

Features of the pathology Caries is a pathological process affecting hard tissues tooth Influenced various factors the coronal part is gradually destroyed. On initial stages

There are practically no obvious symptoms, the child does not notice any discomfort. As caries progresses, increased sensitivity and pain appear.

  • Depending on the depth of destruction, pathology is divided into several types:
  • initial;
  • superficial;
  • average;

deep. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it is to get rid of the problem. Initial caries is characterized by damage only to the surface of the enamel; with deep caries, all layers of the outer coating and dentin are destroyed. Advanced disease

rarely can be corrected, and in this case the tooth must be removed.

Caries on the front teeth of a child The disease most often affects the front milk teeth, which is associated with anatomical features

If caries on a child’s front teeth affects the cervical area, a circular type pathology can be diagnosed. It begins on the front surface of the tooth in the neck area, gradually covering the entire coronal part, which can result in fracture of the affected area. Inflammation of the nerve will follow and removal will be required.

Causes of caries in children

Often, dental caries begins in a child as early as 2 years old, immediately after the crowns begin to emerge. This may be caused various factors- from illnesses suffered by the mother to a lack of vitamins in the first months of a baby’s life.

You can select following reasons caries in children:

It is recommended to visit a pediatric dentist immediately after the appearance of baby teeth. Regular visits are necessary for prevention and will prevent the development of oral diseases.

While the baby crowns are appearing, the permanent teeth are forming. As they grow, they push out the temporary ones, taking their place. If the process occurs under the influence of unfavorable conditions, and baby teeth fall out prematurely, the main teeth become vulnerable to oral diseases.


Initial caries

The symptoms of caries are quite specific, but parents may not always notice them. The lesion often begins in places that are difficult to clean and difficult to examine without special dental instruments. Therefore, if there have been no preventive visits to the dentist, a doctor is consulted only at the stage of deep caries.

Symptoms depend on the depth of dentin damage. The initial stage is called superficial caries. Barely noticeable yellowish spots appear on the enamel, varying in size and shape. They do not cause discomfort to the child. Gradually, the formations become darker, acquiring a brown or black tint.

Average caries

When the cavity goes deep into the enamel, tooth sensitivity increases. The process of eating is accompanied by pain, and a reaction to sweet or sour foods occurs.

At the stage of average caries, acute pain appears during contact of the tooth surface with hot or cold. Food debris accumulates in the cavity, adding an unpleasant odor.

When the destruction reaches the nerve or root, pulpitis occurs - the pain becomes more acute and is not associated with food intake. Signs of intoxication may be observed:

If the affected tooth is not treated, the crown part may completely collapse and lose its chewing functions. In this case, removal is recommended.

Possible complications

At the initial stage, caries is not particularly dangerous, and it is quite easy to cure. As the cavity deepens, the tooth becomes a source of infection. A slight decrease in immunity is enough for complications to arise.

The following negative consequences are possible:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation bone marrow and bones;
  • periostitis of the periosteum.

The passage of infection deep into the soft tissue provokes gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, which gradually transforms into periodontitis. The gums become painful and loose, bleed and hold the root worse. The lesion affects the tissues of neighboring healthy teeth, which affects their condition. If treatment is not started, the result will be loosening and loss of the tooth.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in young children

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in young children is carried out exclusively in a dental clinic; it is impossible to do it yourself at home. For small child Before the age of three, a visit to the doctor is a lot of stress, and it is almost impossible to explain to him that the doctor will simply cure a bad tooth.

Can be used in the treatment of caries in children 5 years of age and older. local anesthesia. During the procedure, a special anesthetic gel is applied to the gums so that the child does not feel the anesthetic injection. If the baby is very small and cannot sit through the entire process in a chair, it is recommended to use nitrous oxide - “laughing gas”, which does not harm the small body.

At the initial stage

A specialist should decide how to treat caries in children from 2 to 6 years old. If therapy begins at the spot stage, one of the painless firming procedures may be performed.

Are used following methods treatment:

  • ozone therapy;
  • remineralization;
  • silvering.

Ozone therapy does not require pain relief and does not affect the appearance of teeth. This method is suitable for treating caries in children under 3 years of age. During the procedure, a small silicone cup is attached to the tooth, through which ozone is supplied to the enamel. It makes the surface sterile in a few seconds, all bacteria, causing disease, are destroyed. The tooth is treated with a strengthening compound.

Remineralization is recommended for younger children school age, if the caries does not look very advanced. This procedure is suitable for preventing the development of caries on a “difficult” surface with big amount fissures are grooves that are difficult to clean on your own, which makes them a source of bacterial growth.

Milk teeth after silvering

During the remineralization process, special solutions with phosphorus, fluorine and calcium are applied to the teeth, which treat dentin. Electrophoresis, vacuum or ultrasound helps to enhance efficiency. The process does not last long, but at least four sessions must be done. The final decision on what to do with caries on a child’s baby teeth is made only by the doctor.

Silvering is one of the most accessible and painless methods of treating caries in children 4 years of age and younger. The surface of the teeth is coated with a silver solution, which has antibacterial properties and prevents the development of caries. The process has a significant drawback: the enamel is painted in dark color, and it’s impossible to get rid of the tint.

Treatment of moderate and severe caries

If the enamel is already destroyed and caries has penetrated into the dentin, it is necessary to carry out more serious procedures. A problematic tooth needs deep treatment; the most gentle method of correction is depophoresis. A solution of calcium and copper hydroxide is injected into the cavity, which allows you to clean and disinfect the dental canals.

As an alternative to depophoresis, preparation is used - exposing the tooth to a powerful thin stream of water or a special liquid.

After cleaning, the “hole” is sealed. For this purpose, special materials are used - silicophosphate or glass ionomer cements. Some clinics in major cities, for example, in Moscow, they propose making a special filling with fluoride. It gradually penetrates into the dental tissue and strengthens it.

The impact of the drill can be quite painful and prolonged, so it is important to prepare the child for the procedure. It is necessary to explain to the baby why he will have to sit in a chair for a long time. There is no need to refuse anesthesia: it reduces the stress of therapeutic manipulations, and the harm from it is minimal.

Preventive measures

Prevention of childhood caries should begin during pregnancy. The quality of the formation of tooth buds and their mineralization largely depends on expectant mother. Unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, diseases and severe toxicosis - all these factors disrupt the development of the baby's future teeth.

To avoid the development of caries in the child's front teeth, the mother needs to monitor her diet after childbirth - during lactation. Any product eaten affects the quality and composition breast milk. Maximum attention to diet will help to avoid many problems with your child’s teeth in the future.

Teeth brushing should begin immediately after the first incisor appears. For this purpose, there are special toothbrushes for little ones. They are made of soft materials and come in the form of a fingertip. You should wipe your teeth with it every time after eating.

Photo: this is what a children's toothbrush looks like

By the age of four, the child should already be brushing his teeth on his own. Brushes for children of this age have soft bristles and can be different forms and colors. You should take children's pasta - such products have a softer composition and are available in different flavors.

Parents need to ensure that their child’s diet contains fewer carbohydrates. Products with a high content of them provoke caries because they are a good breeding ground for bacteria. It is better to replace rich sweets with hard fruits, which guarantee self-cleaning of teeth from plaque.

The best prevention of caries is visits to the dentist, which should become regular after reaching the age of five. Only a specialist should tell how to treat a child’s teeth at 2 years of age and later. The main thing is to start therapy at the initial stage of the lesion so that the harm from the disease is minimal.