Why does a dog have a warm nose? Dry nose in a dog - causes and treatment of pathology

Most dog owners believe that if a dog has a dry nose, then the dog has some kind of inflammatory disease.

Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Condition of the nose in a healthy dog.

Communicating with a dog throughout the day, its owners usually have their true friend They note that the dog’s nose is moist and cool to the touch. But sometimes they notice that for a short time the nose can be dry and warm.

Physiological causes of a dry nose in a dog:

  • After a walk, during which your dog played actively and became quite tired.
  • During sleep, as a result of a decrease in metabolic processes in the dog’s body, including a decrease in the secretion of the nasal mucosa.
  • Indoor dogs living with a person in an apartment during the heating season (there is consistently dry and warm air in the room).
  • In puppies, during the period of change of milk teeth, permanent teeth. In addition, it is considered normal for puppies to be dry and warm nose when they are at external inspection They look healthy, move actively, eat well and take care of their physiological needs.
  • During a sudden fright or nervous overstrain.
  • Is a reaction to sudden change atmospheric pressure, strong wind, etc.
  • As a result of the sudden change hormonal status the bitch is in heat.

Pathological reasons:

  • The dog has an infectious disease of bacterial or viral etiology.

Canine distemper is especially dangerous for dogs.

Carnivore plague(Pestis) - highly contagious viral disease carnivores characterized by fever, acute catarrh mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, disorder gastrointestinal tract, cutaneous exanthema. In some cases, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system(meningitis, encephalitis).

Another viral disease in which one of the symptoms is the presence of a dry nose in a dog is adenovirus.

Canine adenovirus(canine cough), Adenovirosis cani is a highly contagious disease of dogs caused by a DNA virus of the Adenoviridae family. The disease manifests itself primarily in the respiratory system, less commonly digestive organs and conjunctiva. Occurs in the form of massive and sporadic outbreaks.

Epizootological data. The source of adenovirus is sick dogs, foxes, wolves, arctic foxes that are sick with this disease and secrete the virus with discharge from the nose and eyes, as well as virus carriers. In cities, the main reservoir of adenovirus is stray dogs. Dogs are susceptible to adenovirus disease various breeds, with puppies aged 1.5-6 months being most susceptible. Dogs over 10 years old rarely suffer from adenovirus. The main route of entry of the pathogen into the body healthy dogs- airborne droplet (aerogenic) virus is transmitted by coughing and sneezing of sick dogs. In rare cases, nutritional infection is possible. With aerogenic introduction of the virus, the main signs of the disease and pathological and anatomical changes are noted in the bronchi and lungs. Predisposing factors are tracheal anomalies and bronchiectasis. Isolated cases diseases are recorded all year round. In the spring-summer period (when puppies appear), epizootics are often observed among dogs. The spread of the disease is facilitated by crowded housing of animals, exhibitions and “bird markets”. Recovered animals long time are virus carriers. Dogs that have recovered from adenovirus acquire long-term immunity.

Clinical signs. Incubation period is 5-14 days. The disease usually begins with a prolonged fever, body temperature rises by 0.5-1°C above normal, increasing coughing and sneezing, serous discharge from the nose and eyes, signs of tonsillitis, conjunctivitis (), swelling lymph nodes. Submandibular and parotid lymph nodes enlarged, inactive. The surface of the tonsils and velum is often reddened. Some dogs develop swelling in the neck area accompanied by minor hemorrhages; in puppies adenovirus can be complicated by organ damage digestive tract and liver with characteristic clinical signs(loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, pain on palpation).

Treatment and prevention in the article -.

From viral diseases Diseases such as: and others can lead to the appearance of a dry nose in a dog.

Infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:, and others.

Non-communicable diseases- gastritis, hepatitis, hepatosis (), pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, diseases endocrine system, jade, etc.

Allergy. Allergies in dogs, especially in spring, are often caused by flowering plants and objects household chemicals, Food (). It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of a dog’s allergies. Initially, dog owners need to clean the room where the dog lives without using chemicals. Wet cleaning should be carried out as often as possible; food utensils should be washed daily, without using household chemicals.

When walking in the warm season, try to avoid places where grasses and shrubs bloom.

For more precise definition causes of allergies in dogs, you should contact your veterinary clinic.

Poisoning, especially when accompanied severe vomiting() and diarrhea (), causing severe dehydration in the dog.

For which symptoms should owners immediately contact a veterinary clinic?.

  • A sharp increase in body temperature to 40 degrees and above (normal body temperature in a dog: 37.7-39 ° C);
  • Vomit.
  • Intestinal upset accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Cloudy nasal discharge with unpleasant smell, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing.
  • Loss of consciousness.

First aid for a dog at home

At home, the owner, when detecting a dry and hot nose in a dog, should first of all exclude physiological reasons of this phenomenon. For this purpose, it is necessary to carefully monitor his condition. In the case when the dog retains its appetite and is active, then it is necessary to wait until the temperature and humidity of the nose returns to normal.

If your dog has other symptoms besides a dry nose: additional symptoms(diarrhea, vomiting, cough, watery eyes, etc.) You need to immediately contact your veterinary clinic.


When installed pathological cause your dog has a dry nose, a veterinary specialist after clinical examination and diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a dog’s dry nose indicates illness. In a sense, this is true, although it is not an absolute truth.

However, it is important to take this symptom into account when diagnosing various diseases.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

One of the most common causes of a dry, hot nose in a puppy. It can often occur on low-quality plastic, for example, from which toys are made. small pet or his food and water bowls.

An allergic reaction may also occur to plant pollen, dust, chemical substances(For example, detergents). Also, in some breeds (usually decorative) there is allergic reaction for some food products. A dry nose can also signal... And then she may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • hoarseness,
  • cough.

In addition, the nose can dry out when it is injured. Then you can notice swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers on it. A dog can also develop an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus.

It's normal for a dog to have a dry nose in some cases.

Before you panic about your pet's dry nose, it's worth finding out in what situations this is completely normal. For example, a dog’s nose becomes dry and hot during sleep, from overwork (for example, after running for a walk), during nervous excitement or stress.

For example, a puppy may be frightened by an encounter with an aggressive adult dog. The weather also affects the condition of the nose and it becomes dry both in very hot climates and in extreme cold. During hot weather, the dog should be given enough to drink, and his nose should be lubricated with aloe juice after a walk. After a walk in cold weather, the dog's nose is wiped with warm water.

The most important determination of a dog's health is its nose. If your dog is wet and cold nose, then the dog is completely healthy. But if it is dry and hot, then this is the first sign of a dog’s illness, and in this case you need to contact a veterinarian.

Basically all mammals have it wet. And only humans and a couple of primates do not have this property.

In dogs, it is covered with mucus, which is produced by the glands lining the nose. Her mucus is a kind of gas-liquid chromatograph. Only thanks to this mucus, the dog detects the slightest movement of air. And that is why they identify different odors.

But not all veterinarians agree that with these symptoms the dog is sick; they often say that it is hot and dry. maybe from various reasons . For example, a dog has just woken up and is dry, then this is completely normal. It can also be dry and hot after physical activity, in the heat or in extreme cold. If the dog’s nose does not become wet during the period of its calm, then you need to pay diligent attention to this; this may be a signal of the onset of some disease.

Changes in the environment and other stresses immediately affect the entire body of the animal. All the emotions experienced also cause dryness.

Why does my dog ​​have a dry and hot nose?

Very often the cause of a dry and hot nose is an allergy. In this case, it manifests itself on plastic - this is usually the dishes from which the dog is fed. Also Allergy may occur to dust, pollen, chemicals and detergents, as well as some products.

The dog can react to the weather - to cold, strong wind or, conversely, to heat. When it's cold, her nose becomes hot, because the immune system is in action and begins to fight with health threatening consequences of the weather. At this time, your beloved pet should be fed with multivitamins, which are sold at any pharmacy.

If the dog has a cold nose and not a hot one, then this is Can mean colds and then she will have completely different symptoms. For example:

  1. Sneezing.
  2. Cough.
  3. Hoarseness.

A dog's dry nose is the first sign of illness

If your dog has been dry and hot for a long time, the cause may be:

Allergy. Maybe for anything from the bowl from which the dog eats food to the bird cherry blossom. There may be an allergy if consumed certain products. It is best to keep a diary where you need to mark the foods you feed her. And we need to do this to eliminate all allergens from her life.

Cold. If she has signs of infection, then in addition to a dry nose, she should have other symptoms - coughing, sneezing, etc. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian, he will prescribe treatment. And as soon as the dog is healthy, it will have a cold nose again.

Nose injury. It can be detected independently by severe injury, you need to take your dog to the veterinary clinic right away.

Pemphigus. This disease is manifested by the formation of blisters on the nose, which then burst and a crust forms on the nose. It should be taken into account that bubbles can be located throughout the body. It is necessary to do histology and only then will it be possible to confirm the disease.

What to do if your dog has a dry nose?

It is imperative to ensure that your pet there was always fresh water. The bowl should be washed every day, and it is better to pour fresh water after meals. Because your beloved pet always drinks a lot of water after eating and becomes too dirty. If he drinks little water, he may become dehydrated. In this case, the first sign will immediately be dryness.

Dry nose occurs in animals when they are injured. In these cases, swelling, ulcers, or some kind of swelling can be found on the animal’s body.

The most important thing is that you need pay attention to behavior his pupil, and not on his nose, because by his behavior he will tell his master about his illness. This can be determined very simply: a sick dog stops playing, becomes less mobile, and does not respond when called. And it is her habits that immediately signal her condition.

Now you can know exactly how to help your pet at the first signs of illness.

Many people know that a dog has wet, cool nose - an indicator of the dog’s normal well-being, but what to do if the dog has a dry, warm nose and does this correspond normal state animal. In this article we will try to figure out when this condition is normal and when it is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian.

A dog's nose is dry and warm under normal conditions.

Dogs' noses are usually wet and cold due to cells located on the lining of the nose that secrete their secretion - mucus, which moisturizes the nose and plays a major role in dogs' recognition of odors.

A sleeping dog's nose is dry and warm.

Dry, warm nose normal conditions in dogs it happens when:

  • the pet is sleeping, recently woke up;
  • tired from walking;
  • at home in winter, with dry air;
  • in summer, spring - a simple reaction to the heat.

It is normal for a pet to have a dry nose, as long as the animal remains mobile, good appetite, playfulness, good mood.

As a sign of pain

If an animal’s nose remains dry and warm for a long time, one may suspect:

  1. Nose injury.
  2. Pemphigus.

The nose remains dry for a long time if the dog has a cold.

This most common reasons , which may cause the problem of dry nose. To understand what needs to be done in such situations, we will consider each separately.


Are you sure your pet has allergies? The first step is to find out the root cause.

To begin with, determine whether this has happened before; if this is the first time, think about what has changed in Lately in the life of a pet.

If it happened before, think about it, maybe this seasonal allergies on plants. In other cases, we can advise changing the bowl from plastic to steel, periodically changing the food, and monitoring the results. It is quite possible that favorite dish, which is used to pamper a pet, is a dog’s worst enemy.

Dogs may have seasonal allergies to plants.


In addition to a dry, warm nose, a cold is indicated by:

  • sneezing;

A cough indicates a cold in dogs.

When the virus comes out, the pet will regain mobility, appetite, good mood, wet and cold nose.

But it is worth remembering that if the animal only has a dry, warm olfactory organ and, this may be the cause serious illness and under such conditions, it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Nose injury

Injury to the olfactory organ can be easily determined by the soreness of the organ.

If you have never encountered such a problem, it is better to visit a veterinarian, and if you have experience and confidence behind you, go for it, but do not forget that we are talking about the health of the animal.

If your nose is injured, you should definitely visit a veterinarian.


Pemphigus – a common disease in dogs that causes blisters on the nose. Over time, the blisters burst, covering the nose with a crust. The disease is accompanied by a dry, warm nose. Characteristic sign diseases - the appearance of blisters on other parts of the body.

Pemphigus in a dog.

Signs accompanying dry nose in diseases

Have you noticed that your pet has a dry, warm nose? Look at:

  • the animal’s appetite, as a rule, does not change without reason;
  • activity, because if a pet is sick, his desire to have fun disappears;
  • aggressiveness, which is a similar trait for sick people and dogs, as both will show aggression;
  • temperature, which will help identify the disease;
  • pressure - will help further narrow the circle of suspicion, because this parameter deviates from the norm only in certain diseases.

If a dog is sick, it will not be active.

It is worth noting that if an animal suffers from any disease, it tries to find a secluded place, enduring suffering in this place.

Dog temperature

It deserves special attention and this sign is easy to identify the disease if the dog has a dry, warm nose. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the values normal temperature for dogs of different ages and size:

  • For dogs small breeds – 38.6-39.3, 38.5–39 for puppies and adults, respectively;
  • For medium breed dogs – 38.3–39.1 for puppies, 37.5–39 for adults;
  • For dogs large breeds – 38.2–39 and 37.4–38.3 for small and adult individuals.

The normal temperature for small dog breeds is from 38.5 to 39.

In dogs of some breeds, the temperature can vary to other values; if you see deviations, it is better to visit a veterinarian, who, in case of illness, will cure, and in case of normality, will inform about the characteristics of the dog’s breed regarding this parameter.

Dependence of temperature on dog behavior

And also, you should not take into account the increase in temperature of a dog that is experiencing a feeling of fear, is worried, or has recently returned from a walk.

If you see that your pet has been inactive lately and has a dry and warm nose, use an electronic or mercury thermometer to measure the animal’s temperature. This is not difficult, but you need to behave correctly with your pet so that it reacts calmly to the procedure. Measurement is carried out rectally; before measurement, reduce the temperature to a minimum and treat the end with Vaseline.

It is better to use an electronic thermometer to measure temperature.

When taking measurements, you need the pet to lie on its side. It is worth holding the animal. After inserting the thermometer, wait one to two minutes if you are measuring with an electronic thermometer, or four to five minutes if you are measuring mercury thermometer, after which the latter can be removed, it will show the dog’s exact body temperature.


Your pet has a dry, warm nose, after checking everything, measuring the temperature, you’re not sure if he’s sick?

You can try measuring the dog's blood pressure level, which is done using a special veterinary tonometer.

Veterinary tonometer for measuring blood pressure.

You can use the device that you use yourself, if you don’t have a special one, but you should choose a cuff for children. The pressure on the paw or tail of the animal is measured.

To find out the normal blood pressure for dogs of the same breed and size, you should turn to the Internet for help.

Though this indicator is not considered an accurate reflection of the disease in the dog, since the pet is often restless, but in combination with other signs it can give a more accurate picture, pointing to the original source of the appearance of a dry and hot nose in a dog.

What to do if your dog has a dry and warm nose

If you find that your pet has a dry, warm olfactory organ, do not panic. Look at the animal’s habits, what has changed, whether the pet has diarrhea, whether the breathing rate is normal. Knowing how your dog usually behaves will help you understand how he is feeling. If there are no external signs of disease, it is worth measuring the pet’s temperature and, if possible, measuring blood pressure.

The best thing for your pet is not to put unnecessary stress on him by calling the veterinarian to your home, losing a little money, although it is worth it. At low temperature You need to take your dog to the vet wrapped in a warm blanket, or wrap the dog in something.

If the temperature is low, the dog should be wrapped in a blanket and taken to the veterinarian.

If you are sure that the dog has a dry, warm nose due to infection infectious disease, the best option will call a veterinarian to your home. You should not infect other animals in the veterinary office.

First aid

Personally, you can do the following for your pet:

  • replace the bowl with a stainless steel one;
  • in summer and spring, walk away from flowering plants;
  • for prevention purposes, you can lubricate your nose with ointment with calendula extract, or aloe juice;
  • in winter, use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to wipe your nose;
  • Regardless of the disease, he makes sure that the dog’s water is always fresh and clean.

For prevention, the dog’s nose can be lubricated with aloe juice.

If the animal has, in addition to dry, warm olfactory organ external ones are present, or internal signs that you have noticed, you need to contact your veterinarian. Before visiting, you should not give your pet medications or pills; this may complicate the process of diagnosing the disease.


If you take good care of your pet, you can easily detect illness or illness without touching the nose. It is better to be attentive, giving your pets a lot of attention and love.

You need to treat your dog carefully and be sure to love it!

Video about dry nose in dogs

Whenever a pet feels unwell, we immediately touch his nose, and this is partly true - the nasal mucosa is a kind of indicator of the dog’s well-being. A dog’s wet and cold nose is an indicator excellent health, but what does a dry and hot organ indicate?

When a dry nose is normal

A dog's dry nose is not always a symptom of infection, although it is most often considered a sign of disease. Let's figure out when you shouldn't panic, let's look at the normal options for this condition:

  • Age. At certain periods of a dog’s life, due to its physiological state, it has a dry nose. This is typical for puppies, which are very active, for older dogs - due to suppressed immunity, for bitches during pregnancy and lactation - all liquid flows for feeding and growth of offspring.
  • Breed Features. The more unique the breed, the more features it has. Only “wild” dogs in urban environments are able to “keep vigil”, which means the skill wet nose is simply necessary to identify the enemy. And here decorative dogs- this is not necessary, they are beautiful in themselves and they do not need to defend their right to “be”.
  • State after sleep. After waking up, the body just wakes up and begins to function; perhaps your pet just warmed up in the bed.
  • Stress. Fear, new circumstances, people, events can put the animal into a state of stress, and as a result you will get a dry nose in the dog.
  • Overwork. Young animals are very active, and with movements they lose a lot of fluid.
  • Thermal damage. Both hypothermia and overheating will dry out your pet's nose. A cold, dry nose in combination with cold tips of the ears will be clear signs of a long stay in the cold, and an elevated temperature with heat will be overheating.
  • Poor nutrition. Review your pet's diet; digestive disorders can cause diarrhea or vomiting, and as a result, a dry nose. And be sure to check the bowl of water, perhaps the liquid has simply run out and your dog is thirsty.

Even a very dry nose in dogs cannot serve as a danger signal, but if additional symptoms appear, check to see if it’s time to sound the alarm?

When a dry nose is a sign of illness

If a dry nose is more often the norm than a pathology, then you will still have to go to the clinic if your pet exhibits other symptoms of the disease:

  • Changes in skin condition. The nose is cracked, peeling, in this case there is a reason to consult a specialist for a diagnosis.
  • Abnormal body temperature. Normally, a dog’s body temperature is 37.8-39.0 degrees, but strong decline or an increase in thermometer readings can serve as a danger signal.
  • Abnormal behavior. Deviations in the form of photophobia, apathy, aggression, lethargy, loss of appetite are also symptoms of pathology.
  • Wool condition. Ideally, the coat should be smooth and even, but unkempt, dull hair indicates serious metabolic disorders in the animal.
  • Airway condition. Sneezing, coughing, rhinitis are signs of an airborne infection.
  • Indigestion. Severe diarrhea, vomiting, strange behavior of the dog - can also be signs of infection in the animal.
  • Edema. Swelling, scabs, and scratches indicate injury to your pet.

What pathologies may a dry nose indicate?

If your dog has the above symptoms added to his dry skin, do not ask why, but try to show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible. Very often, a complex of symptoms can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Allergy. The most common reason pet illnesses. A cold, dry nose in a dog that constantly itches, flakes, cracks - main feature the presence of an allergen in the animal’s blood.
  • Pemphigus. Autoimmune disease, when a dog’s dry nose cracks, due to small blisters that regularly burst, forming a dense crust. Only a specialist can diagnose this disease.
  • Cold. In this case, the sign of a hot and dry nose in a dog is the cause elevated temperature, most often you can additionally observe coughing and sneezing in the animal. The disease is dangerous due to its complications; with a decrease in immunity, a simple cold can turn into pneumonia or pneumonia.
  • Injury. Another cause of a dry nose in a dog may be traumatic injury, due to an encounter with an obstacle, a fight or a fall. If you notice scabs, scratches, ulcers or wounds, consult a specialist to avoid blood poisoning. You cannot treat wounds with brilliant green or iodine, as this can damage the mucous membrane and deprive your pet of his sense of smell.
  • Worm infestations. When a dog's dry nose is accompanied by lethargy, intoxication, temperature changes, and bulging of the peritoneum, then most likely your dog is a carrier of worms. But this rare case, since regular deworming should be a habit for dog owners.
  • Infectious diseases. The most dangerous of them is rabies. Everyone should know the symptoms of these diseases. In this case, the dog does not eat, the nose is dry, there is photophobia, diarrhea and vomiting with foam, pallor of the mucous membranes. If you notice these symptoms, take your animal to the vet immediately.

If your dog has a warm and dry nose, and additional symptoms are added to them, try not to self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat dry nose

What to do if your dog has a dry nose - the main thing is not to panic, you must first decide whether this is normal or a possible pathology.

If you are considering the option of pathology, but don’t be lazy and take the animal to the clinic, and if the option is normal, you can help your pet in the following way:

  • If you suspect an allergy, remove all synthetic materials from the animal’s field of activity, carry out wet cleaning, and review the diet in favor of avoiding highly allergenic foods.
  • If your dog drinks a lot and his nose remains dry, there may be a reason climatic conditions, the animal simply cannot cope with the heat. Make sure that a bowl of water is always available to the animal.
  • Physiological and age-related characteristics of the dog dry nose, lubricate it vegetable oil or Vaseline, this will ease the animal’s condition and allow him to continue to enjoy life.

It is impossible to say exactly what a dry nose in a dog means; it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis and clarify additional symptoms. Monitor your pet closely to keep him healthy even if his nose is dry.