Why do people often deceive in life and come across cunning scammers? Why do people lie? Secrets of psychology.

Every person encounters the concept of “lie” every day, because it is an integral phenomenon of communication.

Psychologists conducted an experiment, the results of which are simply amazing: during a conversation lasting about 10 minutes, 60% of people lie.

In the process of struggling with the truth, error exposes itself.
Karl Marx

Lie or delusion?

Children and adults, relatives, friends and strangers tell lies. The concept " lie" was first defined by Aristotle. According to the ancient scientist, if a statement unites what is in reality separated, or separates what is in reality connected, then it is false.

But can all information that is not true be considered a lie? By definition, a lie is a distortion of known truth, which is committed consciously and for a specific purpose. The key concept here, according to scientists, is “conscious action.”

What's worse, a lie or a delusion?

A person can assert something that does not correspond to the real state of affairs. In one situation, such behavior is interpreted as deception, and in another – as delusion. What is the difference between these concepts?

Delusion is the content of consciousness that does not correspond to reality, but is perceived by the individual as true. The man really believes in his words. He has no intention of misleading others. He believes that everything he said is true.
Delusion differs from lies and disinformation in that such a statement cannot be considered false, since it does not have a specific motive.

Psychologists determine lie as a verbal psychosociological act of influencing another person, with the help of which an attempt is made to instill in the interlocutor information that does not correspond to the truth.

The main signs of lying are:

  • presence of intention to deceive the interlocutor;
  • full awareness that the information expressed is not true;
  • there must be expediency of the action being performed: the desire to avoid undesirable consequences or receive a certain benefit due to the fact that the interlocutor believes in what is said.

Lying is always a volitional action. In the mind of a person who tells a lie, there are true and false ideas. There is a struggle between them, as a result of which the individual, pursuing his own goals, chooses deception rather than the truth.

Read more about why all people lie.

Psychology of modern lies

Despite the fact that from childhood everyone is taught that lying is bad, starting from the age of three, a person begins to tell lies. Small child Thus, he tries to avoid punishment. In adulthood, lying is often used to achieve one's goals.

The choice is always yours. The main thing is to realize why you make the choice you do. And this is possible only if there is an understanding of what a lie is, what it can be and what it really brings.

Perhaps he really has a crunch at work. Or he was shocked by the news about the coming global warming - so he lost sleep. Although it is possible that his coldness and irritability are explained by... falling in love. Alas, I’m no longer into you.

1 He suddenly became unusually (one might say indecently) attentive to your desires and requests. It would be nice if he behaved like this from the first day we met, then there would be no doubts. But no: before, it took six months to persuade him to visit your parents or go for a walk - there were always excuses. And now he suddenly started sending flowers and compliments more often. Family psychologists explain this behavior by a sense of guilt that gnaws at a man from the inside. Excessive attention is also an attempt to dull the attention of your loved one. A red herring, so to speak.

2 The man began to shower you with gifts. Big amount gifts. To your bewilderment: “Why?” - He, smiling widely, answers: “I made the deal of the century, I received a luxurious percentage. Can I pamper my beloved?” In fact, he is not pampering, but trying to pay off as if. If the deception is ever discovered, he will have a compelling argument: “Yes, I cheated on you, but you didn’t feel deprived of attention!” And if the secret remains a secret, he will begin to reassure himself: “Yes, he changed it. But the moral damage was fully compensated. That mink coat..."

3 IN Lately on the contrary, he became very hot-tempered and inattentive. Any remark you make seems to him an insult, and every disagreement ends in a huge scandal, at the end of which the door loudly slams. Of course he leaves. In fact, the scenes are played out for a reason. The scandal allows him, hiding behind resentment, to escape from home. And you can turn off your mobile phone. And coming home at 4 o’clock in the morning seems to be permissible. And to answer your question “Where have you been?” with indifferent silence or sharply: “What difference does it make to you?” He won’t say directly that he was specifically looking for a reason for a quarrel in order to sneak away on a date...

4 During quarrels, he does not even try to be gentle and correct. And if earlier he was often the first to seek reconciliation, now he often offers:“Since everything is so bad, let’s go our separate ways!” It is no less suspicious when, in moments of calm and external well-being, he casually asks you: “If we suddenly break up, can we remain friends?”, philosophizes: “Do you believe that love can last forever?” or thinks: “True love is also forgiveness...” What is hidden behind such statements? Firstly, is he trying to shift the responsibility for making decisions to you?
And at the same time he is testing the waters: will he be able to return if he does leave. Why not the argument: “You promised to love me forever!”

5 Either he is gentle and attentive, or he is cold and gloomy. Sometimes he returns home in high spirits, sometimes depressed. Of course, men also have “critical days” and the phase of the moon plays an important role. But only in the case of an affair on the side, it is much easier to find an explanation for mood swings. Any problems that happen in one relationship also affect the other. Law of life. And beer slogans have nothing to do with it.

6 He stopped talking to you. No, of course, he says the usual phrases, but avoids heart-to-heart conversations. He no longer cares about your experiences and emotions. And he himself stopped sharing with you. Until recently, you knew that he cared about what projects he was preparing for. And now I find myself in an information vacuum. An unfaithful man subconsciously closes down, moves away... The same thing happens with household chores. He avoids everyday chores. He no longer talks about possible repairs or makes vacation plans.

7 However, it closes not only figuratively, but also literally. Goes to make calls on work issues on the balcony or in another room. He also started closing the bathroom door with a latch. Previously, you could easily go in for tonic or cream. Now you have to wait for the end of the water procedures, and when you knock, you hear an irritated “Can’t you wait five minutes?” Psychologists assure: opened door to the bathroom - an unconscious manifestation of trust. When a person has something to hide, he builds walls around himself: both psychological and completely material.

8 He tries not to be alone with you. Either he invites noisy friends to visit, or he himself is in a hurry to go to the bachelor party. On weekends, he always has urgent matters in the office. Staying at home, he prefers to delve into a book, turn on the TV or go to bed early. Communication is minimal.
And if conversations still cannot be avoided, he tries to talk about friends, events in the world, a new online game, but not about you.

9 He began to look after himself with zeal. I bought new clothes. I chose a new perfume. Did stylish haircut. Signed up for the gym. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual.

10 It’s even nice when a man is smart, neat and clean-shaven. One thing confuses me: why did the image change happen overnight? And important negotiations (at which you need to look your best) are now almost every day? The style of his sms suddenly changed. He had never used punctuation marks or emoticons before.

11 Now his messages sparkle with brackets and periods. In conversation, he uses unfamiliar jokes and sayings: “Okie-pokie,” “Hello, Dolly.” And new gestures! True, if a man recently changed jobs, perhaps he picked up all the new words and signs there.
Musical and film tastes have also changed. Previously, he listened exclusively to Bi-2 and watched pure fantasy. Now the stars of the 80s sound in the car, and on the screen he prefers to see the creations of Almodóvar. And you didn’t even suspect how worried he was about the life’s ups and downs of the ABBA quartet and information about the great Spaniard Don Pedro. Maybe he was so influenced by the musical Mamma Mia! or recent visit friendly party

12 movie buffs? Or maybe the whole point is that the girl he is currently attracted to listens to this particular music and loves this particular movie? During the period of falling in love, the exchange of interests and hobbies occurs extremely easily. Remember how you yourself, following him, “got hooked” on rock and became a football fan. Now people are increasingly grumbling irritably about how much you spend on care products. Once upon a time, in response to your exclamation, “I think I’ve gained weight,” he grabbed you in his arms and whispered: “You are the most beautiful in the world! My Donut!” And yesterday he just shrugged his shoulders indifferently: “Really, the gym wouldn’t hurt.” Finally, he began to find fault with his food: “Lots of mayonnaise. Everything is overcooked." When there is someone to compare with, willy-nilly someone has to be in the minus. If he has an affair, it is obvious who will end up “in the Antarctic zone.”

13 Lately he has been constantly criticizing some acquaintance. Let's say a colleague. How poorly she gave a presentation. What a stupid way to dress for lunch. How loudly he speaks on the phone, interfering with everyone’s work. Most likely, everything is fine with style and negotiations, he’s just trying his best to convince you that this girl certainly cannot interest him. This technique is often used by teenagers - they hide sympathy under criticism and aggression. But, it should be noted, the technique also works in adulthood.

14 You hardly have sex. He is completely tired and the only thing he dreams of is getting some sleep... When, thanks to your passionate persistence, intimacy does happen (a rare case!), he is distant or rude. He doesn’t even remember your orgasm. But as soon as you try to talk about this problem, it immediately closes down. Or he even declares defiantly: “I don’t know about you, but personally I have no problems with sex.”

15 He became jealous! Demonstratively looks through your SMS and incoming calls. Leafing through the diary.
Requires a report on your business meetings: with whom, when, why. As soon as you mention the name of a colleague, a whole story is inflated from this: “And he is no longer Alexey, but just Lesha. Well, come on, tell me about your Leshechka. I’m all attention...” The saying “jealous means he loves” is in the past. The proof of love is trust and respect. Suspecting unfoundedly of treason, he tries to shift his feelings of guilt onto you.

16 He is annoyed by your care and attention. Everything you do is bad. You call to find out how you are doing - “Stop checking on me.” You come as a surprise to him at work - “Are you following me?” She gave me a sweater - “Are you sucking up?” He already feels guilty and a traitor, and the evidence of your love is only in Once again remind him of this. That's why he gets so angry.

17 In the first minutes of awakening, he seems dazed and confused. But very little time passes and he becomes aloof. "Baby, you bad dream did you dream?” - "Something like that". Of course, dreams have nothing to do with it. He just didn’t immediately understand whose bed he woke up in. When a man leads a double life, he is in a state of constant stress: do not mix up names, do not make the wrong number, do not blurt out too much. Enormous psychological stress, which often results in sudden weight loss, emotional exhaustion, deep depression and nightmares.

18 More and more often, friends and family carefully ask you: “Are you okay?”- “Everything is fine, he’s just
“I’ve been working a lot lately and I’m tired.” Although in your heart you don’t believe yourself. Something worries and confuses you too. But, fearing pain and disappointment, you drive away such thoughts from yourself and look for familiar explanations for what is happening. Family psychologists testify that many who survived the betrayal of a loved one later confessed: “Everyone around me kept telling me that something was wrong. I was the only one who didn’t notice.” Or maybe she just didn’t want to notice. It is also true that from the outside, tension and disagreements in relationships are always obvious.

19 He no longer talks about your future together. When you try to plan something, he cuts you off: “We’ll see.”

20 And most importantly, you no longer remember the last time he said: “I love you!”

P.S. Having familiarized yourself with all the signs and having found at least one match, do not rush to angrily denounce your loved one. Maybe it really is all about fatigue and stress. But if intuition does not just whisper doubts, but screams about them, there is reason to think. And at the same time, honestly answer what you will do if the betrayal is suddenly confirmed.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

You can fool a few people all the time, or all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

You can fool a few people all the time, or all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

From English: You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.

Words of the 16th President of the United States (1861 - 1865) Abraham Lincoln(1809- 1865).

Quoted as a warning to politicians who build their careers on deception, impossible promises, etc.

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Have you ever caught people lying? How often do you notice that people tell you lies?

Fortunately, there are certain ways to detect lies. Pay attention to how your interlocutor behaves. Psychologists and analysts have studied body language and gestures for years. Naturally, before claiming that someone is lying, you need to know how this person usually behaves. In any case, be careful and don’t judge anyone unnecessarily!

1. Frequently touching your face
According to Dr. Phil, people tend to touch their face, especially their nose, if they are lying.

2. Fake smile
Do you know the difference between a sincere and a fake smile? It is important to remember that when you are sincere, sparkles light up in a person’s eyes, which are reflected on the whole face. A fake smile, in turn, is simply a twitching of the corners of the mouth.

3. The person spreads his arms slightly
When someone lies, they often barely move their hands. Unlike a sincere gesture (which occurs in a sweeping manner with the whole body), a slight extension of the arms is a forced movement.

4. Shuffling
Remember: you are not at a dance, so the only reason that can justify shuffling is uncomfortable shoes. If everything is fine with the shoes, then when a person shuffles or shifts from foot to foot, this is an indicator that he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

5. Sudden movements head
When you ask a person a question, and he suddenly jerks his head back, nods, or tilts his head to the side, it is likely that the reason for this is a lie.

6. Look straight into the eyes
Many people have heard that when a person lies, he avoids looking the other person in the eye. In contrast, liars can look directly into the eyes, precisely in order to convince that they are not lying.

7. Aggressiveness and turning attention to you
People who tell lies are often hostile and defensive. In this way they try to show their imaginary advantage.

8. Excessive sweating
Liars do break into sweat. And all because lying is stress, which increases body temperature.

9. Abundance of gestures in conversation
Very often, people who tell lies make a lot of gestures. They believe that in this way they can distract your attention and you will not notice that they are lying.

10. Ducky lips
According to Dr. Phil, liars subconsciously want to look amazing. This can be broadly expressed open eyes or folding your lips like a duck.

11. Stuttering and indecisiveness
Many liars begin to stutter or speak very uncertainly. This is because they want to tell you a good and compelling story. Of course, it's hard to think rationally when you want to be believed.

12. A lot of unnecessary information
A person who lies can go into great detail (often fictitious!). This may indicate that he has something to hide. After all The best way defense - attack.

13. Defensive position
Those who lie are more likely to defend themselves in a dispute, while those who tell the truth take an offensive position.

14. Using questions or repeating what was said
Another technique that those who tell lies use: they either repeat word for word what was said to them, or answer a question with a question.

15. Avoids saying “I”
Liars don't use "I" statements. For example, instead of saying, “I believe you are wrong,” they will respond, “You are wrong.”

16. Exaggeration
Many liars tend to exaggerate details of a story.

17. Fencing off
Sometimes a person telling a lie unconsciously places various objects in front of him - books, coffee cups, a laptop. This is how he tries to protect himself from you during a conversation.

18. Verbal cues
Sometimes in a conversation you can catch phrases that should alert you. For example: “To be completely frank,” “To be honest,” “To be honest.” Listen carefully to your interlocutor and do not be deceived.

And one last little tactical trick. If you have the feeling that they want to deceive you, quickly and suddenly change the topic of conversation. Human, truth teller, will be embarrassed by what is happening, while the liar will definitely breathe a sigh of relief.

Lies... A constant companion in our lives! And does anyone think about how lying affects the person lying? No, not on interpersonal relationships, where once (and with great happiness, if not forever!) this phenomenon appeared, not on something shared with another person, but on the liar himself. Today I would like to pay attention to exactly how a lie affects the person who directly generates it.

Since here we are focusing specifically on the destructive characteristics of lies, let us immediately note the following point. Namely: any lie is negative in nature , and any lie is destructive in nature. Unfortunately, people are accustomed to deceiving each other, but a shameless lie is not a normal phenomenon, but an immoral act.

Why do people lie

Why do people lie several times a day? Everyday lies are not gross deception, but the concealment of insignificant information, this is a lie “in small things.” Everyone wants to appear better and does not want to spoil relationships with others.

A person who is dishonest with himself and others is forced to live in constant tension from the need to hide the truth. The truth will sooner or later be revealed, and the revealed deception will entail a lot of negative consequences.

Scientists have versions of why people deliberately lie, even when they understand that deception will not lead to anything good: Why does a person lie?

  • defensive reaction from shame and awkward situation;
  • personal benefit;
  • protection from punishment;
  • desire to help another person;
  • desire to maintain relationships.

If we understand by mechanism what prompts a person to lie, then everything is not so complicated: a person lies in situations where reality does not suit him. And then he seems to “correct” it. The reasons can be different: in one case a person is ashamed of something, he experiences fear, guilt and is overwhelmed with emotions, in another - the person lying, on the contrary, lacks the emotional “charge” of the situation, and he seeks to embellish it by resorting to lies.

Any of us can easily remember how, in distant childhood, we tried to hide from adults, for example, a fat D in our diary, or how we told our friends with genuine enthusiasm about the unprecedented facts of our biography. Meanwhile, children turn into adults, and the mechanism of lying remains the same - “there is a situation that does not suit me in some way, and by distorting it, I bring this situation into line with how good it would be for me.” In other words, this is a need, a desire to “adjust” the situation and circumstances to suit oneself.

Often in a lie you can see something similar to the instinct of self-preservation - a person is driven by fear, and he seems to defend himself with a lie, trying to protect himself - at least from a negative assessment of the person he is lying to, from negative feelings, in connection with which he cannot reveal the truth (usually this is the triad of fear-shame-guilt). It seems to him that it is a lie safer than the truth, but is it?

Is the ability to lie an innate or acquired quality?

Really interest Ask because it's controversial. Today there are studies that suggest that lying and deceitfulness are an innate quality. More precisely, from birth a person may have a greater or lesser predisposition to lie.

At the same time, no one doubts that lying as a habit - if you resort to it constantly (especially with a positive outcome for the liar) becomes more and more entrenched in a person’s behavior. And this, undoubtedly, indicates the ability to lie as a quality that is formed throughout life. I think the most accurate answer would be this: the ability to lie is innate, but the “degree of mastery” is acquired during one’s lifetime. Moreover, human behavior is not just innate instincts; Every time a person faces a choice - to lie or not to lie, and depending on moral principles(which, by the way, are clearly acquired and not innate!) this choice is made.

What mechanisms does a lie trigger in a person’s head? Are they always harmless?

If speak about physiological mechanisms, then, as was said above, a powerful jump in electromagnetic impulses occurs in the brain, and processes corresponding to stress are launched. It would seem like a harmless lie - be it embellishment for your own pleasure, or, on the contrary, hiding/distorting something, but in the end... headaches! This is precisely the conclusion reached by American scientists from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana: as a result of the experiment, it was revealed that people who lie are four times (!) more likely to complain of headaches and three times more likely to have psychological discomfort.

A person who lies is anxious, but often the nature of this anxiety is completely incomprehensible to him and is not realized by him. He shows increased irritability, constantly experiencing discomfort. But why does a person not notice the nature of his uncomfortable anxious state?

It's all about overlaying multiple sources

Firstly, since a person resorted to lying, it means that the situation itself (which he hides or distorts) does not suit him in some way - this is the first thing about which he feels dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction. For some reason, he cannot afford to present something as it is - perhaps this “something” causes him a feeling of shame and guilt. This alone is more than enough to stop feeling relaxed and “smooth.”

Secondly, the liar is worried that he will be caught in a lie, that the truth will “come out” to the surface. When thinking about this, the feelings caused by the real situation (shame, guilt) intensify.

Thirdly, if the person lying is ashamed of his lies, additional corresponding moral experiences are layered and the person suffers over the very fact of lying. As a result, the person is in, let’s say, “mixed” anxiety. As it generalizes, it ceases to be tied to something specific, and the person is left with a feeling of anxiety, but he is not aware of what exactly it is connected with? As a result, the following chain operates in his head: he disguised an undesirable situation with a lie, which means that it seems to not exist; since there is no “sort of” situation, then there should be no feelings associated with it (guilt, shame).

Thus, generalized anxiety becomes cut off from its sources, but, naturally, without disappearing, continues to exist.

Why is lying dangerous? No joke!

Already from the above we can conclude that lying harms the physical and psychological health. And we haven’t yet mentioned that lies leave an imprint on cognitive processes person - memory, attention, thinking (I touched on this in more detail here) It is much more difficult for a liar to be collected, focused on some task, since he is constantly under tension due to the fact that he always needs to ensure that all subsequent information emanating from him - converged with the information that he had already passed off as valid. It is clear that this is very energy-consuming for the brain, because a lie concerns a situation that has already been passed, and a person is faced with more and more new tasks that require paying attention to himself as the day goes on (what can we say about a longer period).

Thus, lying is harmful to health, reduces cognitive functions, causes psychological discomfort, and threatens the collapse of interpersonal relationships for the liar. But most of all, lying is still dangerous because a person gets used to it very quickly. Yes, he experiences enormous stress while the lie floats on the surface, but the incredible relief with which he exhales “fuuuuh, it’s gone!” (if it happened, of course) - it’s still very captivating to lie again. To disguise the inconsistencies caused by lies, a person lies again and again, entangling himself in an immense tangle of untruths. So lying becomes a habitual act for the liar.

As A.P. said Chekhov: “Lies are the same as alcoholism. Liars lie even when they die.”

If people lie all the time, how does this affect their psyche?

If a person lies constantly, then it is appropriate to talk about him here as “pathological lies.” But it should immediately be noted that this is only an everyday concept, in clinical diagnostics there is no such term. Indeed, there are no “norms of lies”, formal boundaries, scales by which it would be possible to quantitatively measure the untruths produced by a person. Therefore, despite the obvious fact that some people resort to lies in emergency, some lie more often, and some just lie all the time, we cannot say about a person who constantly lies that he is mentally ill. Typically, pathological deceit is viewed as something that complements clinical picture, and not as an independent deviation.

But does “24-hour lies” have any effect on the psyche? Of course it does!

Speaking in simple language, the psyche is what allows us to reflect the world, build your picture of this world and, based on it, regulate your behavior. So, it turns out that in a person who lies, all the functions of the psyche - reflection, perception, regulation, one might say, to some extent lose their independence and spontaneity. Now all information coming from the outside world, everything perceived has to be correlated, first of all, with the “false yesterday and the day before yesterday.” That is, a liar must, as it were, bring everything new into conformity with what is already distorted - this is how his picture of the world is built. extreme point, when a person is so entangled in a lie, he has endowed it with such a degree of persuasiveness that he already believes in his own words. In addition, characteristics such as decreased self-criticism and impulsivity correspond to a pathological liar.

Who lies most often?

Statistics say that men lie more often than women, and also that than socially more active person, the more he lies. But such studies do not stand up to criticism very well, since such conclusions are too unambiguous and averaged.

For example, in some areas, women, on the contrary, are much more successful than men in lying (the most vivid example is about the cost of purchases); women are more prone to embellishment, while men are more prone to hiding information.

Therefore, without referring to statistics, I would say this: most often the one who lies is the one who is not satisfied with reality. Tough, but that's how it is.

By resorting to lies, a person tries to “redefine the situation,” change circumstances, and be different in someone else’s (probably including his own) eyes. A person is trying to “reshape” reality, because the situation, circumstances, some moments of life - for some reason do not suit him, he cannot afford the truth.

7 Phrases People Use When They Blatantly Lie

In fact, it is not very easy to understand that they are lying to you. There are people who do this too openly, and it will not be difficult for you to understand that there is no truth in their words.

However, there are also real masters of deception who are quite difficult to figure out.

So how can you spot those very masters of lies? The best thing to do is analyze what they say and compare it to what they do.

Pay close attention to the words or phrases they use to dismiss any doubts about their lies.

Here you will find 7 common phrases that liars use so that no one can detect the lies in their words.

How to understand that a person is lying

1. “This cannot be proven.”

Such a phrase may imply that the liar made a mistake, but since there is no evidence of his words, he does not admit to lying.

2. “In principle, that’s all.”

When someone is deliberately hiding any information, he will be careful in his words. If you hear someone using this phrase, know that they may be lying or hiding something from you.

3. “I don’t remember that.”

Memory lapses are very common among pathological liars. You've probably heard that for such a person it is extremely difficult to follow the chain of what was said so that the lie was reliable.

If you manage to catch such a person in a lie, he will simply begin to complain that he simply does not remember that he said or did something. This helps them to deceive. Quite convenient, isn't it?

4. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

This is a direct denial. If liars deny something, they try to do it to the maximum. You know that they understand perfectly well what you are talking about, but they will not renounce their own lies. It is extremely difficult to convince such people to accept the fact that they are lying.

5. “Are you accusing me of something?”

What an innocent expression appears on the face of liars who say this short phrase! Their mocking smile is simply unbearable. They use this phrase to make you look like a fool who is suspicious of them. It's theirs defense mechanism, which helps you switch from the purpose of the conversation. Don't fall for it!

6. “Why do I need this?”

Instead of answering your questions or comments, they start answering your question with a question. This is how they try to get out of the situation so that they don’t have to answer your leading questions. If they start asking you questions like this, they are definitely lying. They will try to avoid as much as possible the opportunity to penetrate into the depth of the issue.

7. “Youyou thinkIoncapable of this(on)?”

Again, the whole burden of the argument shifts to you after such a question. The liar is trying to turn himself into a victim, and this time he is using this phrase to make you feel guilty about something you didn't even do. In some cases it works, no matter how much we hate to admit it.

Liars will go to great lengths to hide their lies. They never admit their mistakes. Trying to force them to do this is almost always futile. If someone says these phrases to you, you need to know how to react.

For example, if someone says they don't remember doing or saying something (point 3), you can ask them what it is they remember. An honest person will answer you without hesitation, while a liar will hesitate, thereby preparing a new fictitious story.

We can all lie sometimes at one time or another in our lives. I believe this is true. I know I can lie when the need arises to protect those I love or when I feel I am in danger.

But there are people who lie as easily as they breathe. In fact, if they couldn't lie, I think they would be torn apart.

Liars sometimes believe their own lies. Lies become a part of their life and are mixed with the true facts they say. It's amazing to watch a liar at work, and if you know such a person, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Types of Liars in Your Life

Now let's talk about people who lie like no other. People who lie as easily as they breathe are usually a certain type. They often suffer from mental or personality disorders.

But there are also those who hide their illnesses and do it very well. It may take years to understand the extent of their inappropriate behavior and the number of lies they tell. These are the people who are more likely to lead double lives.


Psychopathy - psychopathological syndrome, manifested as callousness towards others, a reduced ability to empathize, an inability to sincerely repent of harming others, deceit, self-centeredness and superficial emotional reactions.

Do you know anyone who has psychosis? You may not know this for sure. A psychopath is not necessarily a cruel person. He can be cute and lively in appearance normal life. If you don't communicate closely with him, you may not even suspect that there is something wrong with his head, but it's just the opposite.

Psychopaths are some of the biggest liars because everything they do is based on deception.

They lack empathy and work on their charm to get everything they want at the expense of your safety or feelings. Lying is second nature to a psychopath who would rather lie to gain gain than tell the truth to help others.


For an extrovert, it is important that people around him pay attention to him and perceive him in the way he needs. He's in much better to a greater extent dependent on the opinions of others. Think about it: When you hang out with extroverts, you run the risk of hearing more lies.

Some extroverts, when in their usual environment, will begin to lie as easily as they breathe, and after a while they will even begin to believe the lies they tell. It's all about status and pressure from others. All this can turn people into real monsters who just want to have more friends. It's a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.

Narcissistic people

It's no surprise that narcissistic people are more likely to lie. If we look at their personality traits, we see a desire for attention, lies, a lack of empathy and an eternal search for the culprit - the character of a narcissistic person is created in order to preserve a certain individuality. The reason a narcissist uses this weapon is because of emptiness within.

The narcissist's true personality is buried so deep inside that he creates a false life around himself that he desperately wants to turn into truth.

They compete for attention to maintain this false individuality, lying and withholding empathy for others. When others begin to see through this façade, the narcissist becomes angry and begins to lie even more. Unfortunately, most of narcissists never change, and they remain liars forever.


This is a man with real psychological problem who does not know how to live properly in society. He does not comply with laws and decency, does not worry about the opinions of others, easily oversteps other people's interests, causing harm and pain. An inquisitive, sophisticated mind suggests a sociopath a lot of tricks and tricks for successfully manipulating people. He does not engage in “soul-searching”, analyze his actions, and does not experience pangs of conscience. He is confident that he is right and does not see anything wrong in his behavior.

A sociopath is not a closed person who hides from people. All his actions are aimed only at personal gain. Whether he is capable of sincere deep feelings (love, friendly affection) is a controversial issue. A sociopath does not need close connections; he keeps people close to him only as long as they can be beneficial to him in some way.

A sociopath's lies are easier to spot, but that makes them even more cunning. If you make them angry, you will be deceived. They live and breathe lies for as long as they can maintain a calm demeanor. Otherwise, their pathological lies will lose meaning, and this will benefit others.

Pathological liars

Sometimes you don't have to be psychotic or in love to live a life of endless lies. Pathological liars seem as normal as everyone else until you catch them lying. But no matter how hard you try, a pathological liar will not admit to lying, and if you think he is single case, think again.

Pathological liars deny lying until their last breath, and with the same zeal they lie to everyone and about everything.

Even when there is no reason to lie, they do it for fun. They really enjoy it and find it incredibly difficult to tell the truth.

The youth

Did you know that young people tend to lie in incredible quantities? If you think about it, you will understand the meaning. For the most part, students tend to lie easily—and to lie about things that don't even matter.

Statistics show that the older you get, the less likely you are to lie, which also supports this theory.

So who are they lying to? Young people may lie to their friends, but more lies are told to their families and loved ones. They usually use lies to get what they want in times of great need, or to stay out of an issue that makes sense. The older you get, the more independence you have and the less need to lie.


This is easy for most of us to understand, but let me put it into perspective for you. I worked in sales for many years, selling beauty products, health care products, and other products. I was taught to lie all the time to sell products. My bosses made me say things like “The product is the best”, “Its effects are proven” and so on. I was also made to lie that I used this product and absolutely loved it, which in most cases was very far from the truth.

As a salesperson, I lied every day. I lied about why the prices were so high and why the shipping was so expensive. I lied and lied and lied until I began to believe everything that came out of my mouth. I ended up quitting that job because I just couldn't lie anymore. Salespeople do lie, sometimes almost like psychopaths, and sometimes they themselves become disordered.

Do you know people who lie?

Well, of course you know. I bet that if you are not that prone to lying, you see a liar every day. You might see them at the gym, at the market or even in your office.

Everyone lies, but people who lie as easily as they breathe are dangerous, and you should definitely be aware of their presence. Because if they can lie so easily, then your feelings and well-being will not be a concern for them.

Don't let these liars go, but remain an honest and loyal person. You will be proud that you did it.

A lie is just a “distortion of actual information”, in fact, a lie distorts the usual ways of behavior of a liar, his normal emotional condition, his way of thinking. This is distortion, destruction of the liar himself.

A lie lowers a person: he cannot allow himself to be present, to be in the present without distorting it - he is below it(no irony: cannot be in the present - cannot reach the present - below).

But if you at least try to honestly answer your question - “Why am I lying?”(of course, thinking about specific situation), - then it happens that the desire to lie suddenly disappears. Because it is at this moment that we turn inward and begin to see what we had previously assiduously ignored... or simply gently ignored.

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