Why did my teeth become sensitive? What should I do? Additional enamel protection products

Hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of teeth) worries more than 40% of the world's inhabitants. It is expressed in painful sensations during cleansing, eating sour, salty, spicy foods, and drinking hot drinks. The pain is short-lived, but causes serious discomfort and prompts you to give up your favorite foods and personal habits.

Hyperesthesia can be an independent pathology or a symptom of a specific dental problem. A dentist will help you find out its cause and give recommendations on how to get rid of sensitivity (see also:). Modern medicine knows many ways to solve a problem. Additionally, there are many effective methods, which are easy to use at home.

Causes of hyperesthesia

Painful sensations occur when the tissues of sensitive teeth are exposed to external factors(temperature, mechanical, chemical type). The pain appears unexpectedly and gradually subsides after the stimulus is removed. Increased tooth sensitivity is caused by:

  • sour and spicy dishes, juices;
  • cold air currents;
  • hard food when bitten;
  • routine teeth cleaning;
  • food hot, very cold.

Studying the structure of teeth will help us understand the cause of sensitivity. They are covered with enamel, under which dentoid bone tissue is located. Inside the dentin, thin tubules containing liquid pass to the deeper layer (pulp). An integral system is formed that connects the nerve cells of the pulp and the enamel. Under the influence of an irritant nerve fibers dentinal tubules give off a painful reaction.

Dentists identify several main causes of hyperesthesia:

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity

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The main sign of hyperesthesia is pain on certain type irritant. It not only interferes with normal brushing of teeth and eating, but also becomes an obstacle to dental interventions. In total, there are 3 degrees of hyperesthesia:

  • initial – characterized by discomfort when eating dishes whose temperature is significantly higher or lower than 30-36 degrees;
  • medium – the reaction to temperature is accompanied by pain when acidic or sweet substances come into contact with the enamel;
  • severe - sharp pain occurs when inhaling cold air, moving the tongue, opening the mouth.

Hyperesthesia can manifest itself locally (in the area of ​​one or several teeth) or impair the sensitivity of the entire dentition. If it is not associated with dental problems, an examination is carried out for the presence of chronic and systemic diseases.


During the examination, the doctor immediately determines the cause and stage of the disease, based on the symptoms, condition oral cavity, x-ray. Hyperesthesia is differentiated from the following diseases:

A common examination method for diagnosing hyperesthesia is electroodontometry or EDI. During the procedure, the current strength required to transmit impulses through the dental pulp is determined. The higher the EDI reading, the more worse condition there are neurovascular bundles of dental tissue. A value of 2 µA corresponds to healthy teeth, 100 µA indicates tissue necrosis.

Dental care

Depending on the cause of its occurrence, increased sensitivity of teeth is treated in dental office and at home. Doctors have a modern arsenal of tools to eliminate unpleasant pain:

Traditional methods

What can help at home with tooth sensitivity?

Methods that have been tried and tested over the years also help relieve tooth sensitivity:

  • use during rinsing rose oil(1-2 drops per glass of warm water);
  • sesame oil is used in pure form for toothache and hypersensitivity (a few drops are applied to a tampon and applied to the source of the problem);
  • Warm milk helps relieve sensitivity; to do this, keep it in your mouth for 15 seconds.

If traditional methods do not give positive result, you should make an appointment with a dentist and treat the problem according to his recommendations. Therapy may need to be supplemented modern methods and drugs.

How to eliminate sensitivity after whitening?

Bleaching changes the color of teeth enamel, which can be unsafe for their health. Chemicals in the composition modern drugs for whitening can thin the enamel and irritate nerve endings. To avoid this, dentists recommend:

  • on the first day after the procedure, you should avoid foods that may cause discomfort (hot tea, ice water, juices, fruits);
  • for cleaning, choose a soft brush that does not destroy weakened enamel;
  • use pastes and gels with fluoride (it closes pores and accelerates enamel regeneration).

What pastes should I use in daily care?

To combat hypersensitivity, dentists recommend desensitizer pastes. Their use is justified in the absence of caries, wedge-shaped defects and other pathologies (see also.

Many people have experienced tooth sensitivity. I bit into a sour apple or, for example, took a sip of sweet hot tea - and my jaw cramps from a sharp pain. The most annoying thing is that careful oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are not insurance against misfortune.

What is tooth sensitivity

Doctors call this type of sharp pain hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity) of teeth. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the tooth enamel that becomes sensitive, but the looser layer underneath it - dentin.

Dentin is literally permeated with the finest microtubes in which nerve endings lie. As long as these microtubes are closed and sealed with enamel, there is no discomfort. But if the enamel becomes seriously thin or chipped, the nerve endings become exposed. Any irritant causes sharp pain.

This symptom should be taken seriously. Otherwise, you can soon find yourself with rapidly developing caries. In addition, tooth sensitivity can be a symptom of serious health problems.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

Caries, periodontal disease Dentin hypersensitivity, chips on tooth enamel - these reasons are on the surface, everything is clear with them. However, it happens that hyperesthesia also occurs with absolutely intact, strong,... Why? There are many options.

1. You use mouthwash too much

Of course, fresh breath is important. But by overusing rinses, you risk thinning tooth enamel. The point is that similar hygiene products often contain acids Dentin hypersensitivity. If you cannot live without rinsing, ask your dentist to choose the most neutral product for you.

2. You love treats with a noticeable sourness.

No, we're not even talking about snacking on lemons and limes. Often it is enough to be a lover of lemonade, tangerines, citrus juices, candies and other seemingly harmless delicacies that contain a dose of the acids already mentioned above.

The thickness of tooth enamel and the sensitivity of nerve endings are individual factors. And if you personally are unlucky enough to have armor on your teeth and nerves, hyperesthesia may come to you sooner than you think.

3. You whitened your teeth

This procedure has wide range, and it should only be carried out by a truly experienced physician. But often, in the pursuit of a white-toothed smile, these theses are neglected. The consequences, alas, are quite painful.

4. You have an incorrect bite

In childhood and adolescence, this factor may not cause problems. But with age, malocclusion causes accelerated tooth wear. The enamel becomes thinner, and hyperesthesia becomes more and more likely. Therefore, the bite must be corrected as soon as possible.

5. You have certain bad habits

For example, or grind your teeth. All this leads to the formation of microcracks on the enamel, opening to various stimuli access to dentin.

6. You have gum problems

With age, not only your teeth, but also your gums wear out. What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?: They recede from the teeth, exposing their roots. The roots do not have a strong layer of enamel, so they are much more sensitive than the outer part of the teeth. Gums may also recede due to tartar or smoking.

7. You have serious health problems

If not one tooth, but several at once, shows increased sensitivity, this may be a sign of diabetes Diabetes and Your Smile.

Some formulations for sensitive teeth may reduce the production of thyroid hormones. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to exclude endocrine diseases.

Hyperesthesia is also a common symptom of diseases such as reflux esophagitis. 6 Silent Signs of Acid Reflux You Might Be Ignoring accompanied by heartburn and acid belching, or bulimia.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity

If hypersensitivity in your case has already outgrown the stage of “rarely, rarely, but it happens” and has become the cause of regular discomfort, you should not rely on your grandmother’s recipes. Neither the method of crushed eggshells, no mouth rinse saline solution Damaged enamel will not be restored.

Mouth rinse warm milk or chamomile decoction can reduce pain by covering microcracks in the enamel with a film. But this protection will last until you brush your teeth or drink water for the first time.

So don't waste your time and go to the dentist. This specialist is qualified to identify or rule out the underlying causes of hyperesthesia. Depending on the results of the examination, your dentist will recommend one or more of the following procedures.

1. Cover your teeth with dental varnish

The varnish will close microcracks in the enamel and voids in the dentinal tubules, blocking the access of irritants to the nerve endings. Such varnishes are made on the basis of fluorides that strengthen tooth enamel, and the procedure is called fluoridation.

2. Apply sealants and fillers

These are preparations that are denser than varnish. They are used to cover exposed tooth roots.

3. Use special dental veneers

They will help if you are at night. The dentist will make a model of your teeth (a kind of “false jaw”) that you can wear at night. This will reduce pressure on the enamel and ultimately reduce sensitivity.

4. Switch to toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Such products contain special substances that not only strengthen tooth enamel, but also reduce the sensitivity of dentin. Your dentist will advise you which brand of toothpaste you prefer. By the way, pay attention to desensitizing toothpastes - they can be used without a brush.

And, of course, be gentle with your teeth. You should not overuse hard brushes, vigorous scrubbing and whitening pastes: they contain abrasive elements that wear away such important enamel.

Increased sensitivity teeth is one of the most common dental problems modern society- more than 57% of the adult population of Russia experiences pain when brushing teeth, when eating sweet, sour, hot, cold foods and drinks, when inhaling cold air.

— Why does dental hypersensitivity occur?
- How can you get rid of this problem?

Why do my teeth have sensitive teeth?

In Russia, more than 57% of the adult population suffer from increased sensitivity of teeth. You are probably also familiar with this picture: you sipped with pleasure hot coffee- and the friend felt a sharp pain; or you eat an apple, grapes and at the same time experience unpleasant painful sensations; you cannot brush your teeth properly because... any touch of a toothbrush causes sharp pain.

Why does increased tooth sensitivity occur?

This phenomenon occurs due to weakened tooth enamel, which exposes the surface of the dentin and opens the dentinal tubules, which contain the nerve fibers of the pulp.

Under the influence of temperature, chemical, mechanical factors (this can be cold or hot food, touching with a toothbrush, sour, sweet foods, etc.), fluid shifts in the dentinal tubule, which leads to irritation of nerve endings and the emergence of pain impulses in pulp.

I love hot coffee so much - should I really give it up forever?

Due to increased tooth sensitivity, many people give up their favorite foods and drinks for a long time; in winter they try to breathe only with closed mouth; They don’t brush their teeth well, because... cannot touch the tooth surface with a toothbrush. They suffer from frequent pain and are trying to find any way to get rid of this problem.

Here's what forum visitors say:

Hello! I used whitening toothpaste constantly for some time (I didn’t know that I shouldn’t do this), after which I noticed that my teeth became much more sensitive and a little transparent at the tips. Now sometimes I even feel cramping after eating warm or cold, or hurt after eating something sour (I rarely eat), not to mention cold and hot. Please advise what to do to restore them.

Hello! I have a question. The teeth are fine, there are no fillings (t-t-t). There is a problem that has tormented me since childhood. I cannot eat fruits containing acid, vitamin C (apples, lemons, oranges, grapefruits... also some other foods) in any quantity at all. My teeth immediately begin to ache wildly, and then I can’t eat regular food for a long time, because when I rub regular food with my teeth, I feel something wildly unpleasant and painful. So it's impossible to even bite. Dentists said that my enamel was very sensitive and advised me to brush my teeth with fluoride paste. But after so many years the picture has not improved one bit. Maybe you can tell me something. Thank you.

Tell me what can be done to treat or reduce high sensitivity teeth? There is pain when I eat chocolate, while brushing my teeth, after eating fruit and less pronounced when I drink cold or hot water(tea).

First of all, you need to install cause of tooth sensitivity.

It could be:

  • weak by nature or due to mechanical influences, chemical factors tooth enamel;
  • enamel cracks;
  • caries;
  • wedge-shaped defects;
  • exposure of the root or neck of the tooth due to periodontal disease or atrophic gingivitis.

After eliminating the cause of the disease, you need to apply remedies to help get rid of for tooth sensitivity:

  • preparations containing potassium salts;
  • professional varnishes, gels that contain fluoride;
  • mineral complexes that eliminate tooth demineralization (which occurs, for example, after whitening);
  • remotherapy;
  • desensitizers containing the amino acid arginine;
  • polymer sealants;
  • ultrasound.
  • As maintenance therapy at home you can use pastes that reduce tooth sensitivity such as Lacalut Sensitive, Sensodyne, but this should be done only after visiting the dentist, eliminating the main cause of tooth sensitivity and professional therapy.

If you have sensitive teeth- do not tolerate pain - contact your dentist. A seemingly small problem may be hiding serious illness which needs to be treated. Take care of your health now - and it will repay you handsomely.


Why does enamel become sensitive?

It's all about the structure of the tooth. On the outside it is covered with enamel, and under it there is dentin - tissue similar to bone, in which there are thin tubules with liquid that come from nerve cells, lying in the pulp of the tooth, to the enamel. In addition to fluid, the dentinal tubules contain nerve endings - these are the ones that, when the enamel is thinning, react so painfully to all sorts of irritants - hard toothbrush, sour fruits and drinks, sweets and other small “joys of life”.

What is the cause of hyperesthesia?

Each of us knows the common truth - it is necessary to treat not the effect, but the cause. Let's figure out why from 40 to 60% of the population know firsthand about the hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.

As it turned out, this could be due to many reasons, among which the most common are the following:

  • usage long time whitening toothpastes;
  • professional teeth whitening and cleaning at the dentist;
  • frequent consumption of “sour” foods (juices, fruits, wine, etc.),
  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • functional or infectious diseases;
  • lack of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

Therefore, before you start fighting tooth sensitivity at home, be sure to visit the dentist and get examined! After all, if the cause of hyperesthesia is caries, periodontal diseases and other dental pathologies, you must first undergo treatment at the dentist, and in the case somatic diseases– from relevant specialists.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home?

If you do not need treatment from a doctor, you can alleviate your condition on your own.

So, if you have sensitive teeth, what can you do at home?

Let's eat right!

Review your diet and eating habits. Do you like piping hot coffee with ice-cold ice cream? I'll have to forget about it sharp changes temperatures are the main enemy of enamel!

Under the guise of friends, nuts, seeds and crackers, so beloved by many, are also disguised, as well as citrus juices and juice-containing soda. The former are capable of causing damage to enamel mechanical damage(microscopic cracks and chips), the second - insidiously affects the tooth with acid.

But products containing large quantities calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, on the contrary, help strengthen tooth enamel. So eat cheese, cottage cheese, sea fish, liver and seafood!))


This is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to reduce enamel sensitivity. Thanks to its composition, which includes plant extracts, antiseptics, sodium fluoride and potassium nitride, these drugs strengthen enamel and effectively reduce tooth sensitivity, and at the same time eliminate gum inflammation and successfully fight plaque-causing microorganisms.

It is necessary to use mouthwash after every meal.


Using special toothpastes for sensitive teeth is the most popular way to reduce the hypersensitivity of tooth enamel. As part of such medicinal pastes there is potassium chloride or nitrate, hydroxyapatite, sodium fluoride (or amino fluoride), strontium acetate or chloride. These components block the tubules in dentin and reduce the sensitivity of exposed nerve endings, and also restore the level of enamel mineralization.

It is most advisable to use toothpastes for sensitive teeth after a whitening procedure, as a result of which the top layer of tooth enamel is often damaged and nerve endings are exposed.

You should not constantly use medicated pastes: they are low abrasive, and, as a result, they do not clean teeth of plaque as well as regular pastes. The optimal “course of treatment” is 1-1.5 months. On average, you can notice the effect of using the paste already on days 4-9, but there are pastes that have an immediate effect, more about them below.

Paste for sensitive teeth - which is better?

This question arises for everyone who goes to a store or pharmacy to buy toothpaste. There are many manufacturers offering medicinal pastes. Which one should you choose so that it “makes sense”?

The most popular today are toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Sensodyne” and “Lakalut Sensitive”.

"Lakalut Sensitive"

The German Lakalut sensitive toothpaste, according to dentists, has a somewhat delayed effect, since it reduces enamel hypersensitivity only due to mineralization, but does not affect nerve endings. This paste is the predecessor of “LACALUT Extra Sensitive”, which contains amino fluoride, which creates a film on the teeth from which fluoride penetrates into the enamel not only during, but also after brushing the teeth. In addition, Extra Sensitive contains components that dull the sensitivity of nerve endings.

I completely agree with the opinion of dentists: yes, the paste reduces sensitivity, but for this you need certain time. Therefore, I recommend using it only in cases of not too acute pain or after the main symptoms have been relieved to consolidate the result and mineralize the enamel.

My rating: 4/5.


Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth has numerous good feedback, which I also join.

The British brand offers several varieties of medicated pastes, among which the most popular are toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant Effect” and “Sensodyne Restoration and Protection”. Reviews indicate that these pastes effectively and quickly reduce enamel hypersensitivity.

Both pastes form on the tooth surface protective barrier, which eliminates the impact of irritating factors. At the same time, “Restoration and Protection” helps restore tooth enamel and at the same time fights caries, plaque and tartar, and the “Instant Effect” paste is even used to relieve acute pain!

I tried both, and liked both. And “Instant Effect” turned out to be just a lifesaver for me. When you couldn’t touch your teeth even with a toothbrush, I applied a small amount of toothpaste to the teeth and rubbed in where the enamel was especially sensitive, surprisingly, it helped the first time.

Another toothpaste that I really liked and I also recommend it to those with sensitive enamel is in the article “Innova Sensitive, the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth.”

Faberlic Mineral Cocktail toothpaste, review

I will leave my review about this tested paste, but rather so that you do not buy it. Although I like Faberlic products for the most part, this pasta is a definite minus.

I also didn’t like the effect, which was rather vague and weak, and most importantly, I didn’t like the composition. Among the ingredients of the paste there is sodium lauryl sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate), a substance whose content is undesirable even in shampoos and cleansers, let alone toothpaste

My rating: 2/5.

Drugs to reduce tooth sensitivity


In addition to the use of medicated pastes and rinses at home, other means to reduce tooth sensitivity have long been successfully used. One of the most popular “home” procedures is coating teeth with “Fluorovarnish”. What is it, what is the essence of the procedure?

“Fluorovarnish” is a viscous substance with the aroma of pine needles, which is applied to the surface of the teeth. As a result of the interaction of fluoride contained in the preparation and the surface layer of enamel, a kind of protective film is formed on the teeth.

Fluoride, penetrating inside the enamel, prevents microorganisms “living” in plaque on the teeth from absorbing glucose and, accordingly, producing acid that destroys the enamel. In addition, fluoride helps restore the mineral structure of the enamel and improve the health of the gums, which means it eliminates several causes of hyperesthesia at once. And most importantly, it effectively relieves the painful sensitivity of hard dental tissues.

The procedure for coating teeth with Fluoride Lacquer can be performed on both adults and children. The price of “Ftorlak” is quite affordable, and the complexity of this procedure is no more difficult than applying nail polish. Repeat it 3 times with an interval of 2-4 days, while the varnish does not affect the taste of food in any way.

According to experts, the invisible film will last you six months. I tried this procedure on myself, in principle I liked everything, except for the discrepancies with the assurances of specialists about the duration of action. The fluoride varnish did not last more than two weeks, perhaps because I applied it in summer time, the menu had a lot of vegetables and fruits, because of the acidity of which the “varnish” dissolved very quickly, so I did not repeat the procedure.

In terms of price, three procedures cost about $10, I won’t say that the price is high, but not for just two weeks of protection.

"Fluocal gel"

Successful treatment of tooth sensitivity at home is also possible with the help of Fluocal Gel.

Reviews from both dentists and consumers indicate its effectiveness and ease of use. Active ingredients, as in the case of “Fluorovarnish”, are active fluorine compounds. They also strengthen tooth enamel by forming a protective mineral layer on the surface of the teeth, which prevents the enamel from being exposed to external irritants and reduces the risk of the occurrence (or development) of caries.

The technology for applying “Fluocal-gel” is also similar: after thoroughly brushing your teeth, apply the drug with a cotton swab (for 4 minutes), then you need to spit out the remaining gel, and refrain from eating and drinking for 0.5 hours. It is enough to carry out this procedure 1-2 times a year.

Unfortunately, I haven’t tried this procedure myself; it’s not so easy to buy a quality product from us, but by this time, fortunately, a virtuoso dentist was found who was able to fill the necks of the teeth that were causing inconvenience.

Remodent, a powder for teeth, also knows how to treat tooth sensitivity at home. It can be used both for applications, soaking cotton swabs with it (course - 10 procedures lasting 15-20 minutes), and for rinsing (in the form of a 3% solution).

This new generation drug contains many microelements: calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper, etc. “Remodent”, according to reviews, copes well with superficial sensitivity in the area of ​​​​the necks of teeth, with enamel erosion, as well as with pathological abrasion. Along the way, he treats caries and enamel necrosis in initial stage, reduces bleeding gums and relieves inflammation in periodontal diseases.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity with folk remedies

Is traditional medicine effective in treating tooth sensitivity, how to relieve hyperesthesia folk remedies?

In the piggy bank folk recipes for sensitive enamel there are many different means. Here are some of them:

  1. Oil tea tree(3 drops per 1 cup of warm water). Rinse 3-4 times a day. You can add the same amount to the tea tree essential oil eucalyptus.
  2. Oak bark (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp. boiled water). Leave for 5-10 minutes or keep on fire for the same time.
  3. Chamomile and burdock (or lemon balm). 1 tsp. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave to rinse for 1 hour.
  4. An “emergency remedy” is warm boiled milk (preferably homemade). Hold in mouth to reduce painful sensitivity for 10-15 seconds.

Such products will definitely come in handy if you don’t have toothpaste or other preparations for sensitive enamel on hand.


Why are teeth sensitive?

The thing is that tooth sensitivity occurs due to weakening of the enamel. As a result, the surface of the dentin is exposed and the dentinal tubules open, inside which are the nerve fibers of the pulp.

Under the influence of temperature (hot-cold), mechanical (touch of a brush or solid food) or chemical (sour, sweet, salty, spicy) influences, fluid shifts in the dentinal tubules, which leads to irritation of nerve endings and the occurrence of pain impulses in the pulp.

Someone will ask why tooth enamel weakens, as a result of which you suddenly have to limit yourself to certain pleasures in food?

There may be several reasons for weakening tooth enamel:

  • hereditary factor (naturally weak tooth enamel - it is possible that one or even both of your parents have the same problem);
  • improper dental care (too much friction during brushing, hard bristles of the brush);
  • mechanical impact (impact, fall, tight clamping of the jaws, grinding of teeth, dental straightening of teeth);
  • chemical exposure (frequent consumption of carbonated drinks, teeth whitening procedures or the use of whitening pastes, rinses);
  • caries (in its initial stage it may be invisible or located in an inconvenient place for inspection);
  • exposure of the neck or root of the tooth (due to periodontal disease or atrophic gingivitis);
  • enamel cracks (can occur as a result of a quick change of hot and cold food - for example, drinking hot tea after cold ice cream or vice versa);
  • wedge-shaped defects (non-carious lesions that occur on hard tissues teeth);
  • Availability bad habits(for example, smoking, sucking candy, or cracking seeds and nuts with your teeth).

How to be or what to do?

The best thing to do in this matter is to visit the dentist. He will be the one to install the real reason your ailments (we have already listed them) and will select an adequate solution to this problem.

Your doctor may offer you one or more treatment options to help relieve tooth sensitivity:

  • Professional varnishes, gels that contain fluoride (can be used at home).
  • Preparations containing potassium salts.
  • Mineral complexes that eliminate tooth demineralization, which occurs, for example, after teeth whitening.
  • Polymer sealants.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Remotherapy is a technique that allows you to cope with minor defects in tooth enamel resulting from their demineralization.
  • Desensitizers containing the amino acid arginine are materials that reduce tooth sensitivity by sealing the dentinal tubules.
  • The use of toothpaste that reduces tooth sensitivity (“Lacalut”, “Sensitive”, “Sensodyne”) is used as maintenance therapy after the doctor has eliminated the underlying cause.

Important (for those who are afraid of dentists): there is no point in enduring pain - consult a doctor, because a seemingly small problem may hide a serious disease that needs to be treated. Solve the problem in a timely manner!

There are cases when treatment as such is not necessary for the teeth (for example, if sensitivity appears as a result of an injury and does not appear constantly, but from time to time), and then you just need to give time to recover from the injury.

If pain occurs constantly with pressure, then this may be due to the fact that the tooth is rotten, and the problem cannot be dealt with without the participation of a doctor.

Sometimes tooth sensitivity is so severe that treatment may take weeks or even months.

What can be done at home to improve the condition?

First of all, choose the right toothpaste (check with your doctor about this) that will reduce tooth sensitivity, as well as a brush (with softer bristles). When brushing your teeth, do not use too much force.

At home, you can also use special desensitizing pastes that are applied at night (they do not need to be washed off, and sensitivity decreases over time). If, after two weeks of using this paste, your teeth still remain sensitive, this is a reason to visit the dentist.

If the reason lies in frequent teeth whitening, then you will have to forget about this procedure for a while and instead take a course of minerals that will strengthen tooth enamel. Having felt after a while that the problem has disappeared, from now on carry out whitening procedures as rarely as possible or even abandon them altogether.

You should also pay attention to the presence of bad habits and proper nutrition. If you like to chew seeds or nuts with your teeth, if you like to constantly suck candy or smoke, you will have to give up these pleasures. In addition, pay due attention to rational and proper nutrition- it must be balanced and necessarily include the necessary microelements, vitamins and nutrients beneficial for teeth.

If the cause of increased sensitivity is the mouthwash, then change it to one that contains fluoride (you can buy it at the pharmacy without a prescription).

Recipes can help traditional medicine, which can easily replace purchased rinse aids:

  1. Oak bark is widely known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A prepared decoction of oak bark will successfully replace mouthwash for sensitive teeth: 1 tbsp. pour a glass of water over the bark and put on low heat, boil for 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Cool, strain, apply the broth warm 3 times a day.
  2. Sage is very often used to treat sensitive teeth and other dental problems. To make a decoction, take 1 tbsp. sage, pour 1 glass of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let it brew for 30-50 minutes, strain and use 4 times a day.
  3. Heat milk (it’s better to take homemade milk) and drink in small sips, but do not swallow immediately, but keep each sip in your mouth for up to 15 seconds.
  4. Salt (salt solution) will reduce sensitivity and strengthen enamel: 1 tsp. dissolve salt in 1 glass warm water- rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
  5. Eggshells are very necessary for teeth, especially sensitive ones, because they contain a lot of calcium. Wash the shells thoroughly (or even boil for 10 minutes), dry and thoroughly grind into dust. This powder can be added to food and drinks. Daily norm- 1.5 g.
  6. Tea tree oil will provide several benefits at once: it will not only cope with increased sensitivity of teeth, but at the same time freshen breath, eliminate harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, and at the same time slightly whiten teeth. And for all this, you need to drop a few drops of emulsifier into a glass of warm water ( pure oil pre-dissolve in baking soda- use this substance to prepare a mouthwash). Rinsing can be done at least 3 times a day.

These are not all the recipes of traditional medicine that can help teeth become less sensitive or even make them “indifferent” performers of the mission assigned to them by nature - grinding food.

If the increased sensitivity of teeth after using the listed methods and remedies does not stop bothering you, then you will have to overcome your fear of dentists, find time in your busy schedule and go to the doctor. It's necessary. Moreover, treating tooth sensitivity does not involve drilling them.

Be healthy!


Why do teeth become sensitive?

When gums recede, dentin is no longer protected. Its porous structure can transfer heat, cold, sweetness and pungency directly to the dental pulp (nerve center). Gums may recede various reasons. These include: loosening, wear, toothbrush damage, chewing, disease, tooth damage, tartar, acid-forming foods, dental treatment, age, and even whitening. Rinsing your mouth for a long time also leads to the development of tooth sensitivity. Some of these factors cause sensitivity only for a a short time, and others for a long time.

There are several things you can do at home to control tooth sensitivity:

You can also undergo dental procedures such as:

  • Dental filling;
  • Fluorine varnish coating;
  • Root canal filling;
  • Surgical gum grafting;
  • Depulpation of the tooth.

If your teeth are bothering you, visit the dentist. He will help you find the cause of the sensitivity and prescribe a suitable treatment plan.


Why are teeth sensitive?

Why does such a condition as hypersensitivity appear? Perhaps the enamel is damaged, or the nerve canaliculi are enlarged, which means that the destructive effects must be eliminated. Enamel can be destroyed due to inappropriate toothpaste or brushing, due to excessive indulgence in sweets, soda, black coffee and tea, due to smoking, or due to the habit of grinding teeth; sometimes a person grinds his teeth in his sleep, and then you need to contact a specialist - perhaps this is nervous disease. In general, it is better to be examined according to full program": tooth sensitivity can be caused by disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, endocrine disorders, infectious diseases etc.

Dental procedures can also make teeth overly sensitive, sometimes after teeth whitening or after scaling. Too thin tooth enamel can also cause increased sensitivity.

What to do if your teeth are sensitive

Of course, if you feel something like this, you need to contact your dentist to take a course special treatment. Dentists will do everything to close the nerve canaliculi: for this they have special drugs– remineralizing, that is, restoring tooth enamel, special varnishes, electrophoresis and other procedures. When the tubules close, sensitivity decreases, and tooth enamel becomes thicker and stronger.

Remedies for reducing tooth sensitivity

At home, you can also reduce tooth sensitivity by using rinses with fluoride, potassium and calcium, and using special toothpastes. For example, there is a paste with potassium chloride - Sensodyne F, which quickly reduces tooth sensitivity - the longer it is used, the stronger effect. You can use it constantly, or at least 8-9 months a year, alternating with other similar pastes. You need to buy such pastes in a reliable store or pharmacy - there are a lot of fakes today. But whitening toothpastes often cause increased sensitivity, as they can thin out tooth enamel - unfortunately, many of these toothpastes still use aggressive ingredients.

Diplene therapeutic films are also easy to use at home. They are impregnated with medicines, and they are glued to the teeth - for several hours in a row, the medicine is released and penetrates into the tooth enamel; It is not necessary to remove the remaining film - it will dissolve on its own.

Traditional medicine has now accumulated many remedies that reduce tooth sensitivity, but their use still does not eliminate the cause of the problem. That's why balanced diet and lifestyle are the first steps to restoring and strengthening tooth enamel. If your teeth and gums are sensitive, you need to stop eating sugar and foods containing it, and start eating more natural dairy products, cheese, carrots, and fresh eggs; promotes the restoration of teeth, liver and sea ​​fish. The substances that these products are rich in restore dental tissue, and their sensitivity returns to normal. If your teeth are sensitive and your gums become inflamed, you should try to eat wild berries: cloudberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries - now you can buy them frozen even in winter. You don’t need to eat anything too cold or hot, and don’t do it at the same time - for example, washing down ice cream with hot coffee: this seems ridiculous, but many people do it. In order for tooth enamel to be preserved, you will have to get used to the fact that the temperature of food and drink should not be higher than 40°C.

Black streaks on teeth

Bustle modern megacities, regular stress at work, poor eating habits - all these factors cause the acutely common problem of increased tooth sensitivity. According to statistics, it affects more than half of the adult population in the world, and in Russia, 62% of people aged 30 to 59 years suffer from this disease 1. The consequences can be completely different - ranging from slight irritation while eating ice cream to severe cutting pain significantly affecting life.

What is dentin hypersensitivity?

Dentin hypersensitivity, or in other words, tooth sensitivity, is a short, sharp pain that occurs when the enamel is thinned by certain stimuli and the tooth becomes vulnerable to heat, cold, brushing and other irritants. Hidden under the enamel hard part tooth, which is called dentin. Dentin differs from enamel in that it is penetrated by numerous tubes - dentinal tubules, associated with nerve center tooth When the enamel is destroyed and thinned or when the tooth root is exposed, the dentinal tubules open, transmitting a pain impulse to the nerve center, which is why unpleasant sensations arise.

Which toothpaste should you choose?

At any stage of advanced tooth sensitivity, even the most initial stage, you should consult a dentist. Only a professional will be able to study in detail the causes of the problem and tell you about solution methods. Most of Treatment approaches are only available in the dentist's office, but there are also methods that can be implemented even at home.

At home, you can reduce sensitivity using the process of “desensitization” of nerve endings. Desensitization literally means “deprivation of sensitivity.” It is achieved by using toothpaste with potassium ions, which “discharge” the nerve endings. According to studies, the effect becomes noticeable within two weeks from the moment you start using such toothpastes 2.

In the last few years, dentists have increasingly recommended another method of preventing and treating hypersensitivity - closing, or obturation, those same dentinal tubules associated with the nerve center of the tooth. In fact, obturation restores fluid circulation inside the tubule, which ensures the elimination of painful sensations. In this case, to maintain normal condition it is necessary to use a paste with an obturating component.

The most effective component is calcium hydroxyapatite. Calcium hydroxyapatite is the main building element of the enamel and bone tissue of the body, which also contributes to natural process remineralization of enamel and dentin and clogging of dentinal tubules. Some manufacturers use special kind hydroxyapatite, presented in the form of nano-sized particles. In its usual form, hydroxyapatite is also effective, but its nanoparticle form ensures deeper penetration of the dentinal tubules and their persistent clogging. In addition, studies of some Russian companies prove 3 that oral care products with nanohydroxyapatite reduce tooth sensitivity after the first use.

Various ways dentin treatments for the treatment of hypersensitivity. a) Tooth after treatment with 17% EDTA, dentinal tubules are open. b) Treatment with 2% sodium fluoride, partial closure of the dentinal tubules. c) Tooth after treatment with nano-hydroxyapatite, d) the combination of nano-hydroxyapatite and 2% sodium fluoride creates complete closure of the tubules and the formation of a layer on the dentin surface.

Kunam D. Evaluation of dental tubule occlusion and depth of penetration of nano-hydroxyapatite derived from chicken eggshell powder with and without addition of sodium fluoride: An in vitro study. 2016; 19(3): 239-244

"IN Lately my teeth began to react sharply to cold and heat. Why? Doesn't this indicate some kind of disease?" Svetlana Chizhova, Tula

Dentist consults CEO Moscow dental center "Denta-Al" Artur Mikhailovich Adamyan. Increased sensitivity of teeth, or, as doctors call it, hyperesthesia, is not such a rare phenomenon. Usually, as happened with the reader, sudden sharp pains when taken cold, sweet and sour food, inhalation of cold air, and sometimes with mechanical impact on the teeth.

- Why does this disease occur?

The reasons can be very different. Firstly, even in childhood, metabolic disorders in the body could lead to underdevelopment of hard dental tissues. The enamel layer in such cases is very thin. Secondly, it is no secret for doctors that about 30% of people have at least one tooth with exposed roots, and after 25 years, 40% of the population necessarily acquire at least one tooth with a reduced gingival margin. Thirdly, some people already experience increased tooth wear by the age of 20. Most often this happens due to.

And finally to this unpleasant condition may cause some severe infectious, neuropsychic and endocrine disorders, as well as toxicosis of pregnant women, menopause, pathological conditions associated with changes in phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body.

- Is it possible to get rid of increased tooth sensitivity?

It is possible, but to do this you first need to identify the reason why it arose. In any case, only a doctor should do this. Malocclusion, for example, will be eliminated by an orthodontist. If necessary, the shape of worn teeth can be shaped. You can alleviate the condition somewhat on your own. For those who need it, I can give several specific recommendations.

Are you brushing your teeth correctly? Indeed, sometimes, in a laudable effort to clean them as best as possible, we imperceptibly remove the enamel or gum tissue from the tooth, exposing the sensitive root areas. This happens for two reasons: because the brush is too hard and toothpastes with increased abrasiveness.

You don't need to have the stiffest toothbrush to properly clean your teeth. With the right cleaning skills and enough time good result you can achieve even the most soft brush with rounded bristles.

The now popular ones, as well as special pastes for removing dental plaque, have increased abrasiveness. If you have sensitive teeth, avoid these toothpastes.

The same problems often arise when using pastes whose composition is more similar to hodgepodge - with soda, peroxide, pyrophosphates and other similar components. Even ordinary ones strong teeth, not to mention sensitive ones, do not tolerate acids and alkalis.

- What pastes are best for people with sensitive teeth?

Good effect they give the most common and well-known ones - “New Pearl”, “Lesnaya”, “Ftorodent”, “32”, German “Lacalut”. They contain additives that can reduce tooth sensitivity. Special pastes are also sold: when buying them, pay attention to the label “For teeth with hypersensitivity.”

Some of them also have the ability to resist tartar deposits and whiten teeth with the same effect as special whitening pastes. You will feel relief within 3-4 weeks. Fluoridated mouth rinses and dental elixirs, of which there are also a lot now, can also help.

- How can food affect tooth sensitivity?

The most direct. For example, when frequent use products with increased content acids - the same citrus fruits - a gradual “dissolution” of the enamel may occur. Therefore, if your teeth are prone to sensitivity, habits such as eating lemons like apples will have to be abandoned. It goes without saying that you should avoid very cold and hot food and drinks.