Healthy fast food: types, types, recipes. Healthy fast food dishes Healthy fast food business idea

On TV, all our ears were buzzing about the harmfulness of fast food (it’s both harmful and fattening). In reality, this business is blooming and smelling. Because it’s convenient for people. I took a sausage in dough (pie, cheburek, ...) and moved on (you go and eat).

And rightly so. There is no time to waste time on food. And how convenient it is when they hand it ready-made right into your hands, all you have to do is open your mouth and chew.

Without fast food - nowhere

To be honest, sometimes this is the only way you can eat when you step off the train into the territory of a foreign city. You still need to find a taxi, it takes a long time to get to the place and get settled there, but you want to eat now.

I found myself in a similar situation when, after work, I ran to study at an evening institute. I didn’t have enough time to travel, and even less so to eat properly. The house is on one side, the institute is on the other, no cafes along the way. And even if there were, eating in 15 minutes is unrealistic (you need to stand in line, pay for food, find a free table. There will be no time left to chew). (How can you study with your head empty from hunger?)

So what do you think is better? Stay hungry or eat unhealthy fast food.

Fast food can be healthy food

On the one hand, I want to eat healthy; on the other side - healthly food either expensive (in some specialized restaurants), or very time-consuming (if you buy food yourself and prepare healthy food from it in your kitchen).

Why not come up with fast food that is healthy food?

Prepare it correctly from natural products. And design it in a fast food style (in a box, cup) so you can take a spoon and eat on the go.

By the way, we ate this way at work in Soviet times. Let's make a salad at home, put it in a jar, and eat it at work for lunch. Also a kind of fast food (only not quite fast - I had to wash the jar every time and make the salad myself).

Judging by the realities of today (when people are increasingly pressed for time), we will not escape fast food. Just let it not be harmful, but healthy fast food. And the entrepreneur who comes up with such food and introduces it into our lives will become rich.

Real successful business selling healthy fast food

I have no doubt about the success of such a business. This confirms the success of a similar Irish company, which came up with ice cream made entirely from natural ingredients: coconut milk, avocado juice, honey, nuts, cocoa, lemon juice and vanilla extract.

The ingredients (depending on the chosen recipe) are mixed in small jars with a lid and frozen (in my opinion, the technology is not very complicated):

According to the founders of the business (, Rachel and Brian Nolan (this married couple), they make all their ice cream in small batches by hand (that is, you could say, at home).

Such ice cream food can be sold like regular ice cream at any crossroads in the city (in crowded places):

(the colored caps of this ice cream are great way attract the attention of passersby)

Some will buy them as original ice cream, others - as a way to snack healthy food y.

You can simply buy such a jar and eat it on the way:

And it will be satisfying and not harmful to the body!

Ordinary Irish people liked this food so much that in just a year, the couple increased production 6 times (if previously they ordered ingredients in bags of 20 kilograms, now they are delivered to them in pallets).

This "healthy ice cream food" is sold all over Ireland (and the business only started in December 2013):

Their cups are on the shelves of many stores:

IN next year entrepreneurs are going to export their fast food (nearby is the huge UK with its 64 million inhabitants).

Healthy fast food - in Russia?

It seems to me that if you come up with similar healthy food, it will find the same high demand in our country.

Especially if it’s not just sweet ice cream made from natural ingredients, but also something more similar to regular food (moderately salty, filling, protein-rich) to not only please your stomach, but also fill you up.

Some frozen strawberry pieces in sour cream (I don’t know why the Irish are so up in arms about plain milk?); roasted peanuts with small pieces of boiled chicken and fresh cucumber, filled with thick meat jelly (like jellied meat). Or something else.

But perhaps you need to start the same way as the Irish couple - with ice cream. It's always delicious, always understandable to everyone. Such food, once frozen without harm to its quality, can be transported over long distances (which is especially important for Russia).

And then you can add something new. Monitor demand. Do trial new products. And either develop a new product line, or change it to something else that is more suitable for consumers.

By the way, the above-mentioned Irish entrepreneurs said in confidence in one interview that they are now developing a new line of their healthy products. And it won't be ice cream. So keep an eye on their website, they will tell you in which direction to move next.

“Fast food” - what do you remember when you hear this word? We bet the first thing that comes to mind is the famous establishments with the yellow letter "M" on the sign, huge burgers dripping with cheese sauce and ketchup, and fried in... large quantities butter potatoes. But in reality, fast food can be completely different. For example, Japanese sushi, which is completely devoid of oil in its composition, is also fast food. After all, they are prepared in a matter of minutes. The same goes for fresh salads, diet turkey sandwiches and many other dishes, in a word, healthy food.

Healthy eating is a real trend today

It’s no longer fashionable to overeat on shawarma and wash it down with cola, but posting a photo on Instagram with a green smoothie in your hands is sacred. So why not make money on the fashion craze? Moreover, in Western practice many people are already doing this successfully.

To open your own healthy fast food, you need to pay attention great attention quality of products. Not every fresh tomato is a healthy food. You never know what kind of pesticides they sprayed on it? Therefore, you first need to find suppliers of truly useful products.

Please note that fresh and healthy food- not a plastic burger, it will not be stored for three years. Lettuce leaves wither literally within a few hours after cutting, and chicken breast is rapidly winding down. Therefore, the ingredients in your kitchen will have to be constantly updated, and substandard ones will have to be written off. At the same time, you cannot use frozen and canned ingredients, because there is nothing healthy in them.

In the case of fast food, even healthy ones, presentation is important. Fast food is often consumed literally on the run, which means the dish should be such that it can be eaten without the help of cutlery. Take care of functional and beautiful packaging that will allow you to eat without getting your hands dirty, and that you can throw away in the nearest trash bin without regret. By the way, biodegradable packaging is especially chic, because among those who monitor nutrition, there are many people who care about Mother Nature.

Compose healthy menu for your fast food establishment and finding suppliers is half the battle.

Don’t forget, fast food requires fast service, which means a certain level of professionalism from the employees. Even at the launch stage, it is worth considering the issue of their training and control.

Another important criterion for the success of an establishment is its good location. You should not only get to a place with good pedestrian traffic, but also to your target audience- office employees, students, mobile workers (for example, drivers). In a word, those for whom every minute counts.

In this regard, suitable places for healthy fast food are located near universities and institutes, office centers, etc. Well, the usual food courts in shopping centers, premises near exits from metro stations and bus stops public transport It’s also not worth writing off.

As you can see, the healthy fast food business is not so simple, and, frankly speaking, it is quite expensive - good products and renting suitable premises is not cheap. In addition, product design, staff training and staff turnover add a fly in the ointment.

Nevertheless, it is interesting to work in such an area. And if you have some experience in running a business in general and in the catering industry in particular, have a couple of million rubles to start with and are willing to wait for a return on investment, this is the activity for you. Please note that healthy fast food will be in greatest demand in major cities, and not in small villages.

We all know how harmful it is to abuse fast food products. However, most of us continue to be regular customers of the establishments fast food. It's all about convenience. The daily bustle of life often forces us to eat on the go. There is practically no time for gatherings. Therefore, in between work and household responsibilities, raising children, caring for pets, we often allow ourselves to look into a fast food cafe. The result is a problem excess weight, diabetes, vital disorders important systems body, etc. But even such scary facts are not a reason for the loss of profitability of business ideas related to fast food. It’s convenient for people to buy a sausage roll and a glass of coffee on the way to the store. Having had a snack in this way, you can continue to calmly do your business.

The question arises, why don’t people take healthy food with them for snacking? After all, this will relieve a number of health problems arising from the daily abuse of fast food. The answer is lack of time. That is, you can’t go anywhere without fast food. This means that there is and will always continue to be a demand for supply. The main reason is lack of time. Not only is the majority of the population endlessly busy at work, but it’s also not always possible to find a suitable cafe near their offices or home that offers healthy, and ideally also diet menu. So why not offer your clients the right to choose between healthy products fast food and useless, or worse, harmful human health? Even if such an offer is somewhat more expensive than the traditional cost of fast food products, adherents healthy image in life it will be of little importance. Firstly, they are not used to saving on their health, and secondly, even when trying to find a suitable canteen for a snack, they will have to spend much more Money– travel expenses, loss of working time.

Reincarnation of the concept of harmful fast food

How to transform the traditional assortment of fast food from harmful to human health into neutral, or even into offering healthy food?

If fast food products are prepared from natural ingredients using the correct thermal processing technologies, fast food will cease to be harmful and turn into healthy eating habit. Such food can be consumed daily without fear or risk of harm to your health.

What food can replace traditional fast food?

In fact, any food prepared correctly and from natural products, folded in convenient disposable boxes, like those used in fast food cafeterias, will easily displace hamburgers and cheeseburgers from the list of regular snack foods.

Many office employees suffering due to regular abuse of fast food and malnutrition motor activity, will highly appreciate packaged fresh salads in a convenient paper or plastic container, broths with straws in cups for hot coffee and other similar offers.

Where to open a fast healthy food cafe?

In the past, most Soviet citizens took home-cooked food to work in small containers. Today, hardly anyone dares to undertake such feats, due to existing newfangled trends. And the majority busy people prefers to visit the cafes closest to his place of work. Therefore, a point with healthy fast food should be opened near business centers and large companies, universities and crowded places – shopping centers, train stations, etc. The profitability of a fast food enterprise in such places is ensured.

Positive experience

The experience of opening a business selling healthy fast food is already clearly demonstrated by entrepreneurs in many highly developed Western countries. The population of such countries is seriously concerned about their own health, therefore they actively use the services of fast restaurants, but at the same time healthy eating. Such enterprises try to formulate their offer with dishes prepared exclusively from natural products. Even ice cream can be consumed here without a twinge of conscience, without risks for own health. It is made from honey, nuts, cocoa beans, lemon or avocado juice, coconut milk and other foods that are healthy for humans.

Making such healthy ice cream is not difficult. To do this, just mix the necessary ingredients according to the chosen recipe (information can be found on the Internet), then put them into containers with a lid and freeze them. You can sell such healthy ice cream from a mobile freezer on any city street, in places with the greatest concentration of people.

In addition to ice cream, foreign entrepreneurs offer their clients natural juices and drinks, fresh salads, meat products, homemade cakes and other snack foods. All food should be satisfying and harmless to human body. This is the only way, according to Western organizers of healthy fast food, that we can count on an increase in customers representing different groups population. Some sell on the street, others create online stores for fast healthy food with delivery to your home or office, others distribute their products to retail outlets and food departments.

Opening a business selling healthy fast food in Russia

In Russia, many people are interested in the topic of healthy eating. Some people look after their health, others look after the beauty of their body, and others are simply accustomed to normal, healthy food. Therefore, the business of selling healthy fast food will definitely be in demand in the Russian state.

The range of offerings of such an enterprise should be varied so that customers can choose the dish that suits them. It can be not only ice cream, cocktails, fresh juices and brewed coffee, but also herbal teas, lemonades, as well as dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. For example, pancakes, porridge and even cabbage soup. That is, the offer should not only please the stomach, but also saturate the hungry body. You can also consider a vegan, vegetarian or sports protein-rich menu. Given the high popularity of such movements in modern society We can assume good demand for lean or protein-containing fast food dishes.

Starting your own business selling healthy fast food products in Russia does not necessarily involve renting a large premises and purchasing production equipment for preparing fast food. It is quite enough to organize a small outlet selling the same healthy ice cream made from natural ingredients. Such products will quickly begin to be in demand, as they are suitable both as a snack and as a regular treat.

If the business begins to develop, then it is worth thinking about expanding the range of products.

The taste preferences of the planet's inhabitants are changing at the speed of light. Humanity can be divided into two groups: adherents of healthy eating, and fast food lovers. Fast food significantly saves energy and time on its preparation. This is very convenient, especially if a person is in a hurry somewhere, and there is no time to wait for an exquisite dish in a restaurant. Often, such nutrition deteriorates the quality of life and health in general. Let's figure out what harm fast food brings. And can such food be useful?

Types of fast food

The production of semi-finished products and fast foods is actively expanding. There is a restaurant in every microdistrict of every city Catering, where the menu is widely represented this product. And store shelves are full of frozen semi-finished products. Distinguish the following types such provisions:

  • Semi-finished meat product. Such fast food includes meatballs, cutlets, and minced meat. In general, these are all products whose main component is chopped meat. Such a product must be frozen in the future.
  • Fish fast food. It can be minced fish, fish sticks or cutlets.
  • Semi-finished seafood product. This includes everyone's favorite crab sticks.
  • Fruit and vegetable fast foods. This includes processed, peeled and frozen berries, fruits and vegetables.
  • Combined fast food. Few people know that these are hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fries, and pizza, beloved by many children and adults.
  • Fast food bakery. These are airy burger buns, ready-made dough.
  • Fast food dairy. This includes dried milk and infant formula.

In general, a semi-finished product or fast food is a food product that requires minimal manipulation in preparation. The simplest example of a classic semi-finished product is a sandwich. Here we use ready-made sausage and bread. You just need to chop these ingredients.

Fast foods also include various concentrates and packaged soups. Such a concentrated product carries considerable danger. This includes vermicelli instant cooking, ground puree powder in bags. But semi-finished products are not always harmful to health. You need to approach the choice and consumption of the product itself wisely.

The main harm of fast food to the human body

Why is fast food so harmful? Of course, its high energy value. The semi-finished product cannot be included in the list dietary products. It contains too high quantity fats, calories and carbohydrates. And even with active image life, fast carbohydrates may lead to weight gain. In addition, fast carbohydrates are processed very quickly, and a feeling of hunger will appear within the first hour after eating.

What does regular consumption of fast food lead to?

Absence useful substances in such products - not the worst moment. The consequences that lead to regular use fast food is a powerful reason to think about the quality of food and life in general. First of all, the digestive system suffers. Every fast snack lover develops the following pathologies:

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Colitis.

Surely suffers endocrine system. Obesity actively develops from burgers and is disrupted hormonal background person. Due to the high load on the pancreas, it stops producing the hormone insulin in full. This is how it appears incurable disease- diabetes.

How do you spend your every day? lunch break? Do you take snacks with you, go to a cafe/canteen, or use the services of fast food manufacturers?

What is so convenient about such unhealthy fast food? No need to waste time preparing food, collecting homemade food, you don’t even have to eat in a strictly designated place. Fast food is handed to you already prepared - you just take it and put it in your mouth.

Even if you never eat fast food in ordinary life, then when traveling to another city, the first source of food right at the station will be a grandmother with pies/chebureks or another McDuck.

What to do?

It turns out that in many countries there are already analogues of fast food, but healthy ones. For those who want to eat quickly, but also not eat extra calories, it was invented healthy alternative to fast food.

This fast food is prepared from natural, quality products, and is packaged in a convenient and stylish package that allows you to take a disposable spoon and eat on the go.

The faster businessmen can come up with an analogue of “high-calorie and unhealthy fast foods” and implement them in life, the more money he will be able to earn money.

As an example, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the success story of a small company from Ireland, which came up with a special ice cream consisting exclusively of natural ingredients: coconut milk, avocado juice and puree, honey, nuts, cocoa, lemon juice and vanilla extract.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article we revealed the most current methods obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

These ingredients are placed in certain proportions in small neat jars, kneaded, frozen and delivered to customers.

The brand's creators, Rachel and Brian Nolan, say that they make all their ice cream themselves and sell it through a network of ice cream carts located at every intersection.

Within just one year, this married couple was able to increase production volumes more than 6 times.

These colorful and beautiful cups can now be easily found throughout Ireland. In stores, on the streets - everywhere you can find these bright caps on glasses of ice cream.

This year, 2016, the Nolan family plans to enter the UK market, where 64 million residents will be able to appreciate delicious and healthy fast food desserts.

Is healthy fast food possible in Russia?

We are confident that such food will also find its buyers in our country.

It is possible to develop fast food that is not necessarily sweet. You can start selling various bean dishes, salads from fresh vegetables, small portions with jellied meat and nuts, whole grain buns with fresh salads and fresh burgers. The main thing in this matter is to closely monitor consumer demand.

By the way, the Irish couple is also worth keeping an eye on - they are now planning to launch a new line of healthy street products. It definitely won’t be ice cream, but the composition of the dish is still kept secret.