Puberty of girls. Puberty of teenage girls

Features of the development of girls and what mothers need to remember and know

We know a lot about babies, we argue about diapers, swaddling and vaccinations, but our daughters are growing up, the period of puberty begins, when a young maiden blossoms from an angular girl in one year. What kind of puberty is this, what is its peculiarity in girls, and what do mothers need to remember and know about?

Puberty is a complex of physical changes in a girl’s body combined with psychological changes; they occur gradually and are manifested by the beginning of menstruation. Typically, this event occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 years, but can occur somewhat earlier or later, with an average range of 10 to 15 years. Each girl has her own menstrual cycle, the duration of menstruation will be from 3-4 to 7 days, in the first year menstruation will be irregular and there is no need to be afraid of this.

What will menstruation depend on?
The reproductive function of a girl will depend on the girl’s health and her compliance with personal hygiene rules. In healthy and seasoned girls who play sports, periods usually pass easily. But weakened, overtired or frequently ill girls may experience malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, headaches and aching in the lower back during menstruation. A healthy girl may also have slight weakness, but this usually does not interfere with her normal lifestyle, she just needs to slow down the pace of training and activities.

Girls can lead a normal life during their periods; they are not contraindicated from going to school or doing physical education; they only need to stop jumping, carrying heavy objects, or cycling. During menstruation, you should eat less salt and hot spices; they can increase the flow of blood during menstruation. Teach your daughter to keep a menstruation calendar, it will be calmer for both you and her - remember, sexual activity begins in teenagers without asking our permission, and if you have periods, pregnancy is always possible. While, unfortunately, her mother will have to think for the girl, the girls have wind in their heads. In a calendar, let him mark the start and end date of menstruation, its duration and abundance, this will also help note health problems if they arise. Regular menstruation indicates puberty - that is, the ability to conceive a child, but this is far from the maturation of a girl as a person.

About the menstrual cycle.
Tell the girl about the menstrual cycle - this knowledge will help her be more careful in matters of her health and possible children. Menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and not its end, as many people think. The cycle is calculated from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next. They follow each other continuously due to the cyclical nature of hormonal processes in the body, regulated by the girl’s maturing brain. On average, the cycle can be from 22 to 24 days, less often longer. Menstruation itself lasts 3-7 days. The entire cycle can be divided into several phases during which special changes in the body occur.

First period or menstrual bleeding– this is the first day of the cycle, during which the endometrium and its vessels are rejected, coming out with bloody discharge. This is a mixture of blood, mucus and mucous membrane cells; in one cycle, up to 30-100 ml of blood is lost, but if it is much more, immediately go with your daughter to the doctor. The first days of menstruation are more abundant, in the subsequent days they are scanty.

Second phase– this is follicular, during this period, under the influence of hormones, one follicle begins to mature in each cycle in one of the ovaries. Under the influence of estrogen, the inner layer of the uterus begins to grow, the follicle reaches 20-25 mm. Follicles are taken from ready-made buds; by the time a girl is born, there are about 400 thousand of them in the ovaries; about 500 will mature during her life.

Third phase– this is ovulation, it is at this time that the egg is released and it is during this time that women become pregnant. It is important to know this so that the girl understands the essence of protection against premature pregnancy. During ovulation, the follicle bursts and the egg enters the fallopian tube and moves along it. In the fourth stage, the egg moves through the tube, and if there is no pregnancy, the endometrium thickens and loosens, and the egg dies. A decrease in hormone levels and again a transition to the first stage of the cycle - endometrial rejection. If a girl becomes pregnant, her menstruation will stop - the absence of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy, although they may be absent for other reasons.

What does menstruation depend on?
The correctness and regularity of a girl’s cycle depends on her sexual and hormonal health. The main gland in menstruation is the hypothalamus; after an equal amount of time it will send a command to the pituitary gland to release hormones that affect the ovaries and the entire reproductive system of the girl. The ovary, in response to these signals, produces estrogens and progesterone, which will allow the follicle to mature and prepare for a purely theoretical conception. If a malfunction occurs at any of the links in this chain, this leads to disruption in the development of menstrual function and requires the participation of a doctor. For the first two years, irregular menstruation is allowed, but by the age of 16-18, all menstrual functions should be clearly established, the cycle should become regular and not cause much discomfort. If this does not happen, this is a reason to contact a teenage gynecologist.

Teenage girls today have poor nutrition, often girls 15-18 years old are either obese or excessively thin, many live in constant stress from exams, unrequited love or family problems, all this unbalances hormones and the nervous system. These factors are inextricably linked with sexual function and its development.

Normal ovarian function is possible at a certain weight - this is usually when a girl reaches a weight of 43-47 kg; in girls who are on a diet or are exhausted, menstruation often disappears or occurs much later. Very low weight women are infertile due to their weight alone. Even if a girl had a normal weight and she loses more than 10-15%, this can lead to amenorrhea. This happens due to disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, and then it is difficult to recover - so, if you want to become grandmothers, watch your daughter’s diet! But without diligence, the opposite state is no less dangerous. Fat chicks begin to menstruate earlier than usual, forming puberty earlier. This is due to an increase in estrogen due to the deposition of excess fat, which leads to earlier maturity.

Not only the quantity, but also the quality of food is important - alcohol, fatty, salty and spicy foods with excess meat lead to earlier ripening. If a girl, in pursuit of fashion, limits herself to some elements of nutrition or goes on a diet, this will affect her sexual functions, and sometimes this can be irreversible. Deficiency of vitamin A, zinc and iodine is especially dangerous; this is the exclusion of meat, fish and eggs from the diet.

Other factors.
There are also external factors that influence the onset of puberty - climate and geography of residence. Girls from mountain latitudes and southern women menstruate earlier, but girls from lowland latitudes and northern regions menstruate later. On average, the timing of the arrival of menstruation varies by no more than 6-12 months. The timing of the onset of menstruation also depends on the social wealth in the family and the quality of life; in stable times and good families, puberty in girls occurs a little earlier.

The onset of menstruation will also be influenced by physical activity; girls in adolescence do not have very pronounced physical strength and endurance. Professional sport is a difficult test for them - it greatly affects the health of the sexual sphere and general health. Stress in sports or ballet inhibits the development of the sexual sphere and is combined with delays in growth and development in general. Look at the gymnasts and acrobats - they are all small and childish at 16-17 years old. In addition, female athletes during puberty may show signs of androgenization - the voice becomes rougher, the secretion of sebum increases, and menstruation is disrupted. This depends on strength training and muscle development - this happens among swimmers and rowers; half of the female athletes with medals have very serious problems as women. Therefore, think about what is more important to you: your daughter’s sporting achievements and medals, or the presence of grandchildren in the family.

Another significant problem is bad habits among girls. Our subculture and teenage parties instill in them the wrong styles of behavior - they try smoking as early as 12-14 years old, try alcohol secretly from their mothers, and even begin sexual activity long before adulthood. This leads to negative consequences - not only does health in general suffer, but the formation of menstrual function is also disrupted. Such girls with bad habits are more likely to develop acne and a pale complexion, and their voice becomes rougher - this is due to androgen hormones. They also affect the menstrual cycle - it becomes irregular and painful.

And bad habits also damage eggs so much that many years later, when a girl, having played enough, stops drinking and smoking, she will have a high probability of giving birth to a sick baby from an egg damaged by nicotine and alcohol.

Naturally, adolescence is a difficult test for a girl, but she has her main assistant - her mother. Dear mothers, help your daughter succeed as a woman, and in a few years she will help you succeed as a grandmother!

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Puberty is a period of serious changes in the body related to physiology and the emotional sphere. Often this process begins a little earlier for girls than for guys.

Average data indicate ages from 10 to 15 years, taking into account possible deviations up or down. Every year, accelerators are becoming more and more common in society. There are cases when, already at 8-9 years old, a girl’s breasts are actively growing or hair appears on her body.

It also happens that parents think that this process began too early in their daughter, although the girl has no health problems; this is rather a psychological factor that prevents adults from realizing the irreversibility of their children’s maturation. How the process of puberty occurs in girls, and what stages it includes, we will consider below.

There are two main stages of the process

  1. First is marked by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in a girl. It lasts about five years, starting at about 10-12 years of age. What happens during these years? The girl grows significantly in length, her weight increases and her figure changes, her mammary glands enlarge and hair appears on her body. Approximately, the stage ends with the first menstruation.
  2. Second stage implies the completion of the maturation process, it indicates the physiological readiness of the female body for the process of conceiving and bearing a child, its range ranges from 14 to 18 years. At this time, the menstrual cycle adjusts and the growth process slows down.

The main signs of the presexual (first) stage

Noticeable growth spurt

Such jumps are especially characteristic of the first years of a child’s life; after that the process proceeds more smoothly. Between ten and eleven years of age, girls again experience a significant increase in height.

During these twelve months it can become much higher. The girl's height increases by 10-15 cm per year.

Many people noticed at school how often girls are significantly taller than their peers, boys, who are somewhat behind in this process.

If this sign is not observed, there may be abnormalities in the production of growth hormone; to identify this, you should contact an endocrinologist.

Weight and body transformation

Along with growth, the overall weight gain will also increase significantly; per year it can reach up to 5–6 kilograms instead of the usual 2–3 kilograms for parents, but this is not particularly noticeable. Weight gain occurs harmoniously, balanced throughout the body.

The waist and hip lines become more distinct in the figure. The awkward, boyish silhouette takes on a feminine, rounded shape.

If during puberty a girl suddenly begins to gain excess weight, this may be caused by a hormonal imbalance and is a reason to consult a doctor.

Changes in the appearance of the breast and its size occur in stages, starting with the shape and color of the nipple halos, at first the shape of the breast resembles a cone, gradually its outlines smooth out and become round.

The age from 10 to 14.15 years is the period of maximum breast enlargement in a girl, and the year from 14 to 15 years is usually the peak year, when the mammary glands can increase in size in a couple of months.

Problem skin

Hormonal changes make themselves felt in the form of acne on the face; they can be either isolated or on almost all areas. This problem also causes excessive oiliness in the hair; the scalp is also subject to changes.

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the appearance of blackheads and white pimples; naturally, this does not please the girl and, during a rather difficult period emotionally, seriously affects self-esteem.

If the problem remains after the age of 17-18, it is necessary to seek a solution to the problem from specialists such as a dermatologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. Perhaps the process of puberty has been delayed, or there are certain hormonal disruptions; an external examination and tests will help get rid of the problem.


The period of maturation is accompanied by profuse sweating of the armpits, feet, groin area and even palms.

Hygiene should be daily; it is better to shower in the morning and evening; to avoid unpleasant odors, you must use special antiperspirants and deodorants.

Hair growth in intimate areas

Almost immediately with the growth of the breasts, the first hair in girls begins to appear in the labia area, at first they are quite thin and sparse, gradually their number increases and they cover the entire surface of the pubis, after which light hair begins to appear in the axillary area. Normally, pubic hair appears between the ages of 9 and 14 years.

The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 years or their absence in a girl over 15 years old is a reason to consult a doctor.

Girls of oriental appearance have darker and coarser hair, while fair-haired girls of Slavic appearance have lighter, thinner hair, and the surface of their appearance is smaller.

If, in addition to the listed parts, the appearance of black coarse hair on the arms, beard or other parts of the face becomes noticeable, you should immediately see a doctor. The complete absence of hair on a teenager’s body is also a reason to go to the clinic and check hormone levels.

Start of the cycle

The first menstruation - most often begins at the age of about 13-14 years, this does not mean that from this moment the cycle is completely adjusted, the first years there are often failures, after the first menstruation there may not be up to two months, they can also be excessively heavy or spotting brownish .

There is nothing dangerous about such irregular periods; every girl faces this, but teenagers mistake them for pregnancy after their first sexual intercourse.

Unstable emotional state

The instability of the menstrual cycle is directly related to the irregular production of the sex hormone estrogen in the body, which is what provokes sudden mood swings in adolescence, sometimes outbursts of joy, sometimes anger or tearfulness.

Hormones in the human body play an important role in the behavioral process; they influence reactions, decision-making and emotional state, and the sudden changes to which a girl’s body is subject during the years of maturation only further increase psychological instability.

Teenagers can become especially conflicted and react sharply to criticism or remarks.

All of the above changes regarding appearance are quite difficult to quickly and easily accept. The teenager does not keep up emotionally with changes in physiology.

The rapid growth of breasts and its obvious increase in volume may please the owner, but for some this may become a reason for ridicule and jokes.

At this age, even obvious advantages can be ridiculed in an offensive manner. What can we say if the girl suddenly became the tallest in the class, while her figure is still not feminine enough, angular and her whole face is covered with acne. Of course, this is a difficult period and parents need to come to terms with some manifestations of aggression and conflict, and accept this period as inevitable.

Of course, if the family is dysfunctional, the girl knows absolutely nothing about what is happening to her and is afraid to ask someone; menstruation or the appearance of body hair will shock her.

A girl whose family has developed a warm, trusting relationship with her older sister or mother will find it much easier to endure the difficulties of puberty in a psychological sense.

If signs of puberty are noticed at too early an age, or there are psychological changes, but the girl has no physiological changes, you need to contact an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

When does a girl turn from an ugly duckling into a swan? Remember, how often this happens, at first she was awkward, she was teased at school, and then the transformation began. And by the end of high school, the girl becomes a real princess. Why is this happening? And the “fault” for everything (although this is not a fault, but rather a merit) is puberty in girls.

Parents need to know that it doesn't happen suddenly in a year or two. According to experts, puberty in girls extends over a period of 8-10 years and ends constantly.

The first period is 7-8 years. No, girls’ puberty in the first period is not visible to the eye, and the triggers begin to work gradually. Changes occur not externally, but internally. The uterus and ovaries begin to grow, but of course they are still far from appearing.

During this period, psychological transformation is more important than physical transformation. The main thing is to prepare the girl for her future role - the role of a feminine lady, and, possibly, the mother of the family. Of course, such preparation is not carried out through tedious lectures on sexual development and the role of women in society. It is important to do this through play, that is, in a playful way. Read fairy tales to the girl and let her fantasize, associate herself with the princess, or encourage her interest in her mother’s life, for example, the choice of clothes, shoes, cosmetics. Girls can also buy cosmetics. But, of course, a special children's room. Something like "Little Fairy" with vitaminized lip gloss. That is, it is necessary to introduce signs of gender roles into the girl’s consciousness.

The next period, characterizing puberty in girls, begins at the age of 10 years. More precisely, from this age and continues until 12-13 years. This is a time of slow, but nevertheless changes in appearance. The mammary glands begin to enlarge slightly. Even if it just looks like a slight swelling that is almost invisible to the eye, it is present. The labia also enlarge and change, but pubic and armpit hair does not appear. But for girls during this period it is closely related to growth. Bones grow excessively and disproportionately. Moreover, the speed of this process is different. First of all, the limbs and bones of the face grow, and only then the torso. What happens because of this? The girl becomes like an angular awkward doll, figuratively speaking. This is where the expression about the ugly duckling comes from. In addition, the skin becomes oily due to hormonal changes. The skin does not grow as quickly as the limbs, therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of skin cracks and stretch marks, they actively begin to work on making it oily. On the one hand, this is a blessing, since everything is thought out by nature, but purely aesthetically it does not look very attractive. In such cases, it is better to treat the skin with special creams and lotions for teenage skin, rather than washing with soap and water.

Please note that the sexual development of children - boys and girls - occurs unevenly. Girls gain height faster, but boys remain short. But this is temporary. By the end of school, both boys and girls level off, but if girls practically do not grow after that, then this process continues for boys. Therefore, men are taller than women and, if you compare graduates after 3-5 years, the difference in height will already be obvious.

And the third stage, which characterizes the puberty of girls, is the period from 13 to 17 years. It is at this time that the breasts begin to actively grow, pubic and armpit hair appears. In fact, during this period the formation of the girl is completed and she turns into a swan. It is believed that by the age of 18 she has reached puberty and is ready to reproduce. Therefore, marriages are allowed from this age.

The period of puberty in girls is quite long - about ten years. It is characterized by the presence of several stages in the development of a girl’s puberty.

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight to nine years, which is characterized by accelerated growth in girls.

The appearance of further signs of puberty - enlargement of the mammary glands, growth of pubic hair - begins at approximately ten to twelve years of age.

On average, two years after the above external transformations, the first menstruation appears.

The final stage of puberty in girls is considered to be the age that occurs four to six years after the onset of the first menstrual bleeding. Typically, this occurs between the ages of seventeen and eighteen.

However, there are groups of girls who, due to their developmental characteristics, may begin puberty at the age of nine years. This means not only the accelerated growth of the body and its limbs, but the formation of secondary sexual characteristics - the development of the mammary glands and so on. It happens that absolutely healthy girls begin to enter puberty at the age of seven or eight years, which is associated with the genetic characteristics of their development.

Also, the onset of puberty in some categories of girls may be delayed until thirteen to fifteen years of age. At the same time, girls are healthy and developing normally, and such delays in maturation are caused by hereditary factors.

Onset of puberty in girls

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight to nine years. This stage is characterized by a strong jump in the growth of girls, which can reach about ten centimeters per year. It happens that girls at this time are ahead of their male peers in height.

During this period of puberty, the skeletal system, muscular system and nerve endings grow at different rates. Therefore, outwardly, girls who have entered puberty may appear clumsy and awkward, somewhat angular.

Often, such changes in the figure cause girls suffering and fear that they will remain forever like funny grasshoppers. Parents need to reassure girls by telling them that their figures will soon undergo positive transformations.

Later, around the age of eleven to thirteen, secondary sexual characteristics begin to change rapidly - the mammary glands grow, the waist decreases, body shapes become rounded, and so on.

Age of puberty in girls

The age of puberty in girls is as follows:

  1. The onset of puberty occurs around eleven to thirteen years of age.
  2. The end of puberty occurs at the age of seventeen to eighteen years.

There are several categories of teenagers who do not mature at the same rate. Some girls begin to enter puberty earlier and, accordingly, end puberty earlier. Such teenagers are called accelerators. In them, the onset of puberty in the form of enlarged mammary glands is observed at the age of nine – ten to eleven years. And the growth spurt occurs approximately a year before. Accordingly, the appearance of the first menstruation in the above girls occurs at ten to eleven years.

In another category of adolescents, the onset of puberty is delayed until thirteen - fourteen - fifteen years. This manifests itself in growth retardation and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The first menstruation appears in these categories of girls at thirteen, fourteen or fifteen years. Accordingly, puberty ends at a later age, at eighteen years. Such teenagers are called retardants, that is, they are slow in their development, which is absolutely normal and genetically determined.

However, certain developmental anomalies and hormonal disorders occur in girls, which cause delayed puberty and the appearance of menstruation. Therefore, if there are no signs of puberty at fourteen to fifteen years of age and menstruation has not begun by the age of fifteen, it is recommended to show the girl to a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Signs of puberty in girls

Signs of puberty in girls include the following:

  • A sharp growth spurt - a girl can grow up to ten centimeters per year. At the same time, girls grow faster than their male peers. Differences in height are equalized at the age of seventeen to eighteen, that is, by the end of puberty in girls. At this time, girls stop growing, while boys continue to grow.
  • Changes in the figure of a teenage girl in the initial stage of puberty - an increase in the length of the limbs compared to the length of the body. Because of this, a change in the proportions of the body occurs, which leads to a visual impression of its awkwardness.
  • Subsequently, secondary female sexual characteristics begin to form. First of all, the mammary glands begin to enlarge. Then, after some time, smooth pubic hair appears on the pubic area. After a short time, pubic hair begins to change in structure - it becomes wavy. The next changes in the girl’s body concern the appearance of axillary hair.
  • The labia minora and labia majora increase in size.
  • Soon the first menstruation occurs - menarche.
  • Changes in the girl's appearance continue - the volume of her hips increases, her waist becomes thinner, her shoulders narrower, and her figure acquires rounded, smooth outlines characteristic of the female body.
  • The amount of hair on the girl’s arms and legs increases, and they become darker.
  • Hormonal changes occur in the girl’s body, as a result of which the appearance of her skin and hair changes. The activation of the sebaceous glands located in the skin begins. Therefore, the skin and hair take on an oilier appearance; The girl's face, neck and back begin to become covered with red pimples and blackheads.
  • The overall percentage of body fat in a girl increases, and fat deposits are noticed mainly in the pelvic area, on the abdomen and thighs.

Stages of puberty in girls

The stages of puberty in girls are correlated with the appearance of each sign of puberty.

  • A sharp jump in growth - in a normally developing girl, this increase in height occurs at approximately eleven years of age. If before this period, at approximately seven to eight years old, girls gain in height by five to six centimeters per year, then entering the age of puberty is marked by a growth of eight to ten centimeters per year. At this time, the child grows out of recently purchased clothes and shoes so quickly that it surprises not only his parents, but also the girl herself.

At this time, the annual weight gain reaches four to nine kilograms, although before this period the usual weight gain averaged two and a half to three and a half kilograms.

An increase in growth affects the child’s appetite and the amount of food eaten, because such transformations require an increased flow of energy and building materials.

  • Such changes can appear earlier, at about nine years of age in girls who develop earlier than their peers.
  • Subsequently, the size of the pelvis and hips increases, which refers to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. It happens that such changes occur at the age of nine years.
  • Further changes in the girl’s body are manifested in the enlargement of the mammary glands. First of all, the nipple and areola around the nipple are enlarged. After six months to a year, the mammary glands become like small cones. At this time, it is not recommended to use a bra, which can stop the formation of mammary glands.
  • Approximately, around the beginning of the first menstruation, the entire mammary gland increases in size and becomes round in shape, like the mammary glands of adult women. This usually occurs during the first period. It is at this time that it is worth putting on the first bras, which will facilitate the girl’s movement.
  • At the age of twelve to thirteen, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics continues: hair grows in the pubic area and a waist is formed, characteristic of the structure of the female body. Primary sexual characteristics also develop - an increase in the external genitalia (labia minora and majora) occurs.
  • Various skin changes occur due to the activation of sebum secretion. Such “innovations” are due to the process of hormonal and physical changes in the girl’s body. An increase in the amount of sebum provokes the appearance of red pimples on the girl’s skin and blackheads, and also causes increased oiliness in the hair.

Such changes do not at all please older girls, who are very worried about the deterioration in appearance that has occurred. Parents need to consult with hairdressers and cosmetologists about purchasing special shampoos and cosmetics for the skin, with the help of which they can maintain good condition of the skin of the body and hair, as well as maintain the external attractiveness of the girl. It would be a good idea to undergo special skin cleansing cosmetic procedures in a cosmetologist’s office. In addition, a mature girl must be taught the rules of careful personal hygiene so as not to provoke deterioration of the condition of her skin and hair.

  • The appearance of the first menstruation, called menarche. This fact means that the girl is already sexually mature, that is, capable of reproductive function. At first - for two years - the menstrual cycle is most often unsteady. This is manifested in an unknown rhythm of bleeding, as well as in its strength and duration. After menstruation becomes cyclical, we can say that the girl is ready to conceive and give birth to a child (but only from a physiological point of view, and not psychological and social).

As noted above, in the first two years, menstruation in girls has an undefined cycle, that is, deviations of a different nature appear. These features are not a violation of the girl’s normal development, but are considered fluctuations that do not go beyond the normal physiological stages of puberty. First of all, this concerns irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, which has two phases. During the period when menstrual bleeding has just begun, the primary eggs may not mature to the end, and therefore the separation of mature eggs from the ovaries does not occur. In this case, the formation of the corpus luteum either does not occur at all, or is underdeveloped, which does not stimulate the production of increased levels of progesterone in the girl’s blood.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle leads to increased growth of the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which occurs under the influence of estrogens. This provokes the appearance of uncomfortable and prolonged uterine bleeding, called juvenile bleeding. Approximately five to ten percent of girls experience similar manifestations.

Sometimes, periods may not occur every month, but at intervals of two to three months. Other disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation may also occur, but such deviations, as already mentioned, disappear after a couple of years.

It is very important to prepare the girl for periodic bleeding before the onset of menstruation. It is necessary to tell the girl about hormonal changes in her body, that her body is already ready for reproductive functions. Such a conversation can be conducted by the girl’s mother and/or gynecologist. It is worth preparing the girl to accept the fact that menstruation is a common occurrence in a woman’s life. But if bleeding is accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations that can disturb the girl and cause her inconvenience, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

It is also necessary to have a conversation with the girl about the dangers of early sexual activity and possible pregnancy in this case, which leads to tragic consequences at this age.

  • Since the onset of menstruation, a girl’s height does not increase at an accelerated pace. At this age, on average, by the age of thirteen, the growth rate is reduced to one and a half to two and a half centimeters per year.
  • At the age of fourteen to sixteen, a girl’s figure begins to take on feminine contours - in addition to the already grown breasts and thinning waist, the hips begin to round, the pelvis begins to grow, the shape of the legs changes, and so on. Hair appears in the armpit area. Menstruation becomes rhythmic. The development of the skeletal system and bone growth stops.

To maintain a girl's hygiene, it is necessary to teach her how to use a razor for women to shave hair in the armpit area. Pubic hair should not be removed, since at this age it is not at all necessary.

Early puberty in girls

Early sexual development is considered to be the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the appearance of menstruation (in some cases) in girls around ten years of age. Such manifestations in development, which are slightly ahead of the norm, are not considered a deviation or violation. Therefore, we can say that for some girls a slight advance in development is a variant of the norm. Such developmental features are observed in accelerated girls, who differ from their peers in early physical, sexual, psychological and emotional development.

Early puberty in girls should not worry parents. But in these cases, it is recommended to conduct special conversations that can explain to the girl the changes in her own body and teach her personal hygiene skills.

Premature puberty in girls

Precocious puberty is characterized by the appearance of a full set of secondary sexual characteristics (or some of them) in girls under eight years of age. Sometimes at this age the appearance of menarche - the first menstruation - is observed. There are several forms of premature puberty in girls:

  1. True premature sexual development. This form of premature development is considered cerebral, that is, arising due to processes occurring in the brain. The early onset of puberty is caused by the early onset of activity of the hypothalamus or adenohypophysis, which are responsible for reproductive functions. The activity of these glands stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Activation of LH leads to the production of estrogen in the girl’s body, which leads to changes in her body due to puberty. The activity of FSH leads to the onset of growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

True premature puberty has a number of features:

  • isosexual in nature, that is, correlated with the female sex genetically and by gonadal characteristics;
  • complete in its manifestations, that is, it is characterized by the presence of thelarche (growth of the mammary glands), adrenarche (appearance of pubic and axillary hair) and an acceleration in the rate of body growth.
  • completed, that is, characterized by the premature appearance of menarche.

The causes of the cerebral form of true precocious puberty can be infections that were suffered by a girl under the age of one year. Such manifestations are also caused by organic damage to the brain, which puts pressure on the hypothalamus, as well as certain problems that arose during maternal pregnancy.

There is not only a cerebral form of true precocious puberty, but also a constitutional form. The latter form of deviation in puberty is more rare and is hereditary.

False precocious puberty

This type of premature maturation occurs due to the increased secretion of estrogens in the adrenal glands or ovaries. The use of drugs containing estrogens or gonadotropic hormones in the treatment of girls also provokes the appearance of false puberty.

The false type of premature development is characterized, like the true one, by the accelerated rate of growth of the girl. But false development is always incomplete, which is manifested in the absence of premature menarche. Also, false development can occur in both isosexual and heterosexual types.

Characteristics of the false isosexual type of development (female type):

  • fast growth rate;
  • mammary glands enlarge;
  • hair growth occurs in the pubis, groin areas and armpits.

Characteristics of the false heterosexual type of development (male type):

  • up to the age of eight, the clitoris enlarges, which begins to resemble the shape of a penis;
  • hair shafts appear in the area of ​​the upper lip and chin;
  • bones grow faster than in girls developing according to the isosexual type;
  • the fat layer is distributed according to the male type.

It should be noted that the heterosexual type of development is quite rare and is caused by hormonal disorders in the body of girls who were administered androgen hormone drugs. If a timely visit to specialists occurs, deviations in the girl’s development can be reversed into a feminine direction. The use of the correct treatment method, which is carried out over a long period of time, can completely restore the correct sexual development of the girl. The mammary glands will form in due time, the menstrual cycle will be established on time. In the future, the reproductive functions of the cured girl will be preserved, she will be able to conceive and bear a child well, and also give birth normally. If treatment is neglected, then female-type development in such girls will not occur at all.

Incomplete precocious sexual development

This type of premature puberty is caused by the appearance of an excess of gonadotropic hormones in the girl’s body. A strong increase in estrogen can also lead to similar deviations in sexual development.

Characteristics of incomplete precocious puberty:

  • not accompanied by accelerated growth rates;
  • only the mammary glands are formed, without the appearance of other secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Only hair growth appears in the groin, pubis and armpits without the formation of other secondary sexual characteristics.

Diseases of various types that provoke the appearance of premature sexual development. Such diseases include:

  • the occurrence of follicular ovarian cysts,
  • presence of ovarian tumors,
  • the appearance of primary hypothyroidism,
  • McCune-Albright syndrome,
  • Russell-Silver syndrome.

Such diseases are characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge that resembles menstrual bleeding. But secondary sexual characteristics do not develop.

Movies about girls' puberty

It is recommended to watch films about girls’ puberty together with their mother or another adult woman who can explain to the girl any incomprehensible or confusing moments. Parents are recommended to watch the film themselves before watching it with their child to make sure it is beneficial and does not include footage or information that, in the opinion of mom or dad, is premature for their daughter. You should start watching such films at the age when the first signs of puberty appear in a girl, as well as when she develops an interest in such issues.

Films about girls' puberty are represented by the following documentaries and cartoons:

  • A film about the formation and protection of the reproductive functions of girls “When a girl grows up...”, which won the main prize in the “Applied Animation” category at the Open Suzdal Festival in the city of Suzdal in 2003. The film was created with the support of the Russian Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical company Gedeon-Richter.
  • Documentary "Girl Power" from the Discovery Channel.
  • Documentary film produced in Great Britain in 1998 “The Human Body. Puberty."
  • Documentary film created in 2008, “About Sex - Puberty.”

Most parents believe that a girl’s sexual development begins with the onset of adolescence, at about 12-14 years old; this is a widespread misconception. In reality, sexual development begins much earlier. At an early age, the concept of sexual development first of all needs to include the child’s gender identification, which includes issues of a psychological rather than a physiological nature.

Puberty in girls begins at approximately 8-9 years of age. Puberty includes several stages and lasts 9-10 years. By the age of 17-18, the process of puberty should be completely completed.

The first stage is prepubertal. It is characterized by a growth spurt, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and further development of the genital organs. The first stage of puberty ends with the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche).

The second stage begins with the onset of menarche. During the second stage, the development of secondary sexual characteristics is completed, growth slows down, and ovulatory cycles appear. With the completion of this stage, sexual and somatic development ends and the body becomes capable of childbearing.

Let's look at the main signs of puberty in girls.


Growth during the onset of puberty accelerates significantly and makes a sharp jump towards the beginning of the first menstruation. The first menstruation occurs when growth has already slowed down. Most growth is determined by genetic factors, but according to modern research, each subsequent generation is, on average, several centimeters higher than the previous one.

The sharp increase in height is the reason for the disproportion and awkwardness of teenage girls. This is due to the fact that bones do not grow synchronously; different bones have different growth rates. Due to the increase in bones, the skin stretches and, in order to avoid cracks, sebaceous oils are activated, as a result, the skin and hair become oilier, and acne appears.

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

Simultaneously with the acceleration of growth in girls, the phase of growth and maturation of the mammary glands begins.

First, the size of the nipple and areola increases, and then the mammary gland as a whole begins to grow. Breast growth continues for a long time. Breasts reach their final size only after feeding the child, and the penultimate stage of growth is completed at approximately 16 years of age.

Along with breast growth, pubic hair begins to grow. Sometimes pubic hair can appear before age 10. From about 13 years old, girls begin to develop hair on their legs and under their arms.

Due to the deposition of subcutaneous fatty tissue and expansion of the pelvis, the figure changes and the girl acquires a characteristic feminine silhouette.


The first menstruation usually appears at 12-15 years of age. The appearance of the first menstruation before the age of 10, as well as the absence of menstruation before the age of 16, is a deviation from the norm; in this case, you should consult a doctor.

A regular menstrual cycle is established somewhere within a year, but even with irregular periods a girl can become pregnant. It should be noted that a recently established cycle can easily be disrupted under the influence of factors such as stress, climate change, overwork, etc.