Wormwood above the front door. Village magic: wormwood

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, dedicate this article to the spirits who protect the house. About the ancient origin of house spirits, their importance and certain place in the lives of people is evidenced by the fact that peoples living in different places on the planet have very similar ideas about these inhabitants of the invisible world.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will also tell you how to put a talisman on a house, how to surround its inhabitants with magical protection. And this protection would be such that the house itself would become like a talisman. Protective magical plants will help with this, as well as a talisman in the form of a figurine of a house spirit.

About how to protect the house, what is necessary, what actions to take and at what time (after all magical protection it is put not when it pleases, but on certain days), it is generally useful to know. Conjuring people are well versed in this matter. But ordinary people have a lot to learn.

The brownie spirit is an ancient amulet for your home

It is interesting that Slavic house spirits are related to a number of entities, whose description can be found in mythology different nations.

Aitvaras is the Lithuanian spirit that protects the home. He loves to braid the manes of horses and can bring great wealth into the house, but he is capable of sending difficult nightmares to his household.

Chur and Pek are ancient Belarusian house spirits. The meaning of the brownie amulet is obvious, and remarkably reflects the essence of these ancient brownie gods. Chur and Pek - these spirits protect the house and land, people living in the house, and animals. A home guardian can make the owner of the house rich, because he has an irreplaceable gold ruble (“pavarotny rubel”), which always returns to the owner.

Brownie is a Scottish entity that lives alongside humans. Brownies, unlike Russian brownies, whose amulet figurine can be bought in almost any souvenir shop, do not live with people, but settle nearby. They can do any housework. They love you, especially if they are asked to do so. But they are incredibly touchy, and, having become offended, they begin to cause mischief and harm. Therefore, you need to appease the brownie so that he will protect and not be harmful. Housewives leave milk and sweets in a special corner for brownies.

Wigta is a Celtic brownie. A mischievous spirit, capable of petty mischief. However, he is a good assistant and does not shy away from any homework, he is a nanny, a cleaner, and a caretaker for livestock. If you want to have figurines of not only Slavic house spirits in your home, then you can make a house amulet of Celtic origin with your own hands. And I'll tell you what it looks like. Vigta is a small man in old, worn peasant clothes, with thin legs, big belly, a long gray beard and small sly eyes.

Buy a brownie amulet and protect your home from enemies and ill-wishers

What do old beliefs tell us about the house spirit? It is believed that the brownie is the progenitor of the clan living in the house. This spirit is undoubtedly endowed magical power and supernatural powers. He uses both to help the family living in the house. And also for morals, lessons and instructions. The house spirit is dexterous and playful, but can be capricious and insidious. It is believed that the brownie is the best amulet for the home. This is why stylized brownie amulets dolls are so popular.

The house spirit is often called the Housewife, the Housewife.

And, like a true housewife, he is on the alert, knows about everything that is happening in his domain, regardless of whether it is day or night. The spirit of the house knows many recipes for how to protect against theft and damage. He strives to improve the home, makes sure that the harvests are good and the offspring of livestock are plentiful, so that the family does not lack anything.

But only hardworking and zealous owners will have such a kind and diligent Housewife. For those who are clumsy, lazy, who love to fornicate and get drunk, the brownie cannot be a helper for such households; it ceases to be the spirit that protects the house, and becomes evil, capable of causing harm, hiding things, and causing nightmares.

What is the best amulet for the home - house helpers

Online stores with an esoteric assortment and numerous offline stores and souvenir shops offer you to buy Domovyat amulets. Such stylized protective dolls will decorate the interior and make your home more comfortable.

Of course, if you wish and have the proper skill, you can always make a brownie amulet with your own hands. However, if needlework is not your path, and sewing, knitting and weaving are alien to you, from the many options for house amulets offered by online stores, you can always choose the most suitable one both in meaning and in appearance. You can find any type of doll made from a variety of natural materials.

And online amulets stores offer Domovyat dolls of really different types:

  • and with a spoon raking in wealth
  • and with a broom to keep the house tidy
  • and with coins, so that the owner always has money
  • and a pot of porridge so that the family can live well
  • and with a bag of happiness for success and good luck
  • and with a bouquet of wormwood to defend against evil spirits

This is exactly the wormwood herb as a talisman for the home, I would like to devote the magician Sergei Artgrom Special attention. Wormwood has long been known as a witchcraft herb that cleanses and protects from magical negativity - from damage, curses, from the dead, from evil spirits sent by the word of a sorcerer or witch.

About how to do amulets to protect the apartment with wormwood, as well as what rituals should be carried out so that the house itself becomes like a talisman, where the family would be under constant protection, I will tell the magician Sergei Artgrom a little later. And now briefly about how to set up a brownie doll, and how to make the protective figurine begin to fulfill its functions.

How to charge the brownie amulet and how to activate its protective functions

So that the brownie amulet you bought does not remain an ordinary souvenir, decoration of the living room or kitchen, but actually becomes a magical item, you need to configure it to protect your home and its inhabitants. But first, the home talisman is always cleaned. We need to remove extraneous energy.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And they cleanse the amulets to protect the house, and usually activate them with the energy of the great Elements. Energy of Water and Fire. Energy of Earth and Air. Attunement with the bearer of the amulet, if it is a personal amulet, can be done using its bio-bindings - saliva, blood. Activated by the breath of its owner. That is, how the item of Power will be activated depends entirely on the witchcraft ritual being performed. And there are actually many independent rituals. But, now the amulet is cleansed by the energies of the Elements.

Let's say, how to make a talisman for your home in the form of a good house spirit - a brownie?

Where to begin? Of course, with cleaning.

  • To remove someone else’s energy with elemental Fire, just take an object and circle it counterclockwise over the candle flame. Some magicians who work with nature spirits prefer a fire in a secluded, open place to candles. In the field, for example.
  • To cleanse the amulet to protect your home with the energy of Water, just put it in running water. Let's say, into a clear stream. Water will wash away everything you don't need.
  • The earth can also remove all negativity, or anything that could harm you in one way or another. This is the energy of this Element - reliable, calm, positive.
  • The mighty energy of the wind will wash your magical object and cleanse it. So, before you put a talisman on your house, entrust its cleansing to the element of Air. To do this, just leave the item in a place with good air circulation for a day.

In the process of cleansing amulets of protection for the home, conspiracies are not always read.

However, this is at the discretion of the magician, it all depends on his practice, on how he is used to casting spells. But during activation, they read conspiracies to protect the brownie. It is the word spoken by the sorcerer that sets the very program within which the magical object will work.

Magic herb wormwood as a strong amulet for the home

Wormwood has long been used in magical practices as a talisman to protect an apartment, and is considered one of the most powerful cleansing and protective herbs, along with

  • thistle
  • St. John's wort
  • nettle
  • verbena

This is truly a powerful magical plant. And its buds have the greatest power. Wormwood is excellent as a talisman for the home. Its strong bitter smell drives out harmful entities from the house and serves as a source of power, including magical power.

Regularly come into contact with demonic entities. Some conversations take place according to a person’s aspiration; demons incline immature, weak natures to other contacts. The magical properties of wormwood will help you evade negativity and maintain physical and mental health. And the tannic and resinous components in the herb will contribute to this.

Seven wormwood practices

Carved silver-green leaves remove evil spirits and create a magical cocoon around a person. Use magical properties Wormwood can be used in seven different ways:

  1. Amulet in the form of a dry bouquet.
  2. Fumigating your home with native weed instead of “Indian incense.”
  3. A bath with wormwood infusion to remove traces of negative contacts from the body.
  4. Skin massage using wormwood oil.
  5. Fill cotton pads with dry wormwood and place them in the linen closet.
  6. Add an infusion of wormwood leaves to a container for wet cleaning of the house.
  7. Mix a drop and a teaspoon of honey and drink slowly.

Waning moon herbs

The grass does not have its own zodiac sign. But the power of the plant is great even without distant stellar support. The all-conquering ruler of the world - the Sun, as well as three planets - Mars, Saturn, Neptune - endowed the grass with strength. Dry grass preserves the magical properties of wormwood from negatives. Spring calls to life, summer fills with strength, autumn gathers supplies - all in order to protect itself on long winter evenings from bitter frosts, endless winter twilight, demons of fear and loneliness.

The bouquet of bitter wormwood forever preserves the aromas of a fertile summer. You just need to collect the grass correctly - in dry weather on the waning moon, in a clean bag made of natural fibers. Magic herbs do not tolerate plastic bags. Remember dear readers, how uncomfortable the body is in polyester clothes. So the herbs are just as stuffy and dreary in PVC chambers. You should not pull out the plant by the roots or try to break off the stem at the very base. Such manipulations kill wormwood. Carefully cut the grass about one-third from the top; later the stem will sprout side shoots.

How to dry a bouquet? You need to tie seven stems with leaves with thread and hang them on a nail with the cuts facing up in a well-ventilated area. Magical herbs must be handled politely and carefully. British scientists have found that a high concentration of wormwood aromas causes strong headache and a strange emotional shift. If dry grass is to be brewed, the bouquet should be wrapped in gauze to protect it from excess dust. There is always dust in the air, even in the operating room.

Smoke rises up

The author regularly works with his favorite focus group of traders. These heroic people are trying to discover the Grail of financial and commodity assets. A variety of techniques are used to analyze the market conditions of stocks, precious metals, oil and gas. Trader forecasting is akin to clairvoyance and divination. Mathematical statistics, Tarot cards, weather forecast, coffee grounds, absinthe and Marlboro - that's far from full list miraculous tools of stock exchange witchcraft.

And until now, bitter wormwood has not been found in the assortment. But in vain. Wormwood not only drives away demons of doubt. The weightless smoke of smoldering wormwood grass allows you to reject worldly vanity, come into contact with subtle essences, and find with them mutual language, feel the vector of movement, trend, trend. The magical properties of wormwood for attracting money are well known to North American stockbrokers.

Actually, such contacts are good not only for business people, but also for housewives dying under the yoke of insoluble everyday misfortunes. Place a pinch of crushed dry herb in a ceramic hookah for incense intended for relaxation and forecasting. A light whitish smoke will restore clarity of thought.

It is necessary to dose the incense and take breaks from practice in the “two every two weeks” mode. Otherwise, according to Colombian scientists, a disorder is possible nervous system, hallucinations, seizures and convulsions. Only guru high category, who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts, are free to choose the volatility of taking wormwood.

Wash off scale

Contacts in society are inevitable, even in the absence of verbal intervention. Someone else's gaze, someone else's touch can reward you with a bad mood and feeling unwell. It is not for nothing that the expressions “to jinx” and “to cause damage” have taken root in folklore. The negative should be left outside the doorstep of the house, and the remnants of the impact should be washed away.

The magical properties in relieving negativity and fatigue are confirmed by the experience of Greek doctors. The help of a bath with the addition of wormwood infusion or decoction is invaluable. It’s not for nothing that the name of the herb is translated from Greek as “giving health.” One drop carries the calming aroma of luxurious summer. Try not to let anyone distract you from the procedure. Take a shower with a neutral-scented gel, fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, add a glass of wormwood infusion, and soak for 12 minutes, mentally sending the signal “away, demons, away.” Israeli specialists medical profile They believe that you should not take a bath longer than 15 minutes, so as not to overheat the body.

Mermaids have no place here

In Rus', wormwood was considered a talisman against the machinations of mermaids. The aromas of grass are intolerable to water evil spirits. Mermaids are cunning creatures. They can torture horses, they can tickle people to death. When driving out evil spirits, the Slavs hung wormwood brooms around the house and burned wormwood fires. To this day, Prussian farmers stack stacks of wormwood at the gates of the estate. Fire inspectors now prohibit the lighting of fires in residential areas. And environmental legislation imposes fines for air pollution. Therefore, to combine goals (fighting mermaids and preserving a healthy environment), wormwood oil was invented.

Rubbing a few drops of a bitter oily liquid into the skin will reliably protect against the encroachment of demons without interrupting harmony with nature. Since the power of wormwood is inversely proportional to the size of the visible fragment of the earth’s satellite, such procedures are especially effective at driving away demons during a waning moon. While rubbing the body, you should whisper “beware of me, unclean, perish.”

Thai scientists have developed a massage technique using wormwood oil and successfully use it in spa salons. Tourists are surprised by the blue color of the essential oil. But magic potions have colors in exactly this range: blue, ultramarine, violet.

Bedroom atmosphere

Thrifty housewives fold bed sheets into the closet, well dried and ironed, relying on the power of the fire. But small evil spirits can hide in cracks for the time being, and then bloom in full bloom, endowing the bed with musty odors and creating the preconditions for disharmony in relationships. To ensure peace and love reign in the bedroom, demons in the form of fungus and dust mites are expelled with a simple device using the magical power of wormwood to attract love.

You should definitely sew your own pads from cotton or linen. A rectangular pad measuring 10 by 15 centimeters must be filled with dry leaves of wormwood. Japanese design masters advise making a bag with a drawstring.

The prepared bags and pads should be smoothly placed in the corners of the linen closet, quietly saying “shoo, demons, shoo.” The fact is that subtle entities do not hear sounds at low frequencies and with high amplitude. Pillowcases soaked in the scent of wormwood will bring peace and prophetic dreams. Just don’t discuss the dream with anyone, otherwise it won’t come true. Try to sew firmly and neatly. If the pillow rips, then this is the machinations of evil demons.

Karmic grass near the house

A wonderful combination of internal and external cleanliness and protection from evil spirits is provided by wet cleaning of the house using a decoction of wormwood. German housewives found that wiping mirrors and glass interior elements with a solution containing wormwood in a ratio of 1:7 protects the house from the invasion of demons. In any case, not a single case of foreign entities entering the home has been recorded.

Finally, the house is sparkling clean, the bed is made with fresh linen, dry bitter wormwood is smoldering in the hookah, the skin exudes a bitter aroma. Something is missing. It's time non-traditional applications magical properties of wormwood. Let's remember what other names there are for bitter wormwood: absinthe, vermouth, Swiss tea. Brew fireweed tea, add a teaspoon of honey and one drop of thick wormwood oil. Stir thoroughly, sit in front of the mirror, drink in small sips and begin to communicate with subtle entities.

Dosage and common sense

When starting to practice with silvery (fragrant) wormwood, we remember the contraindications:

  • Do not put it in your nose.
  • Do not put it in your ears.
  • Do not use in any form during pregnancy.

Very often, magicians use various meadow grass. Among plants that have witchcraft properties, wormwood occupies a special place, as it can ward off evil and strengthen love. A love spell on wormwood has long been among the rituals actively practiced by sorcerers to help cope with unrequited feelings.

Endowed with witchcraft, wormwood grass is mentioned in ancient books about witches and sorcerers. She is always at hand when they want to bewitch, take over the heart, heal from loneliness.

Professionals in the field of magic recommend collecting wormwood for love spells before the sun appears in the sky and the moon is in its waxing phase. When plucking witchcraft grass in a meadow or field, they say the following charming words:

“...I pick wormwood to gain strength...”

For love spells on wormwood, you can use the plant either dried or freshly picked. Witch grass is dried in the sun where its direct rays fall.

Wormwood can drive away evil forces from you and strengthen the effect of love spells. At independently conducting When casting a love spell on wormwood, one should not forget about the need to protect oneself and one’s home, however, a ransom to carry out a ritual with witchcraft grass is not required.

The magical effect of wormwood

In modern love spells, wormwood is used less often than in the good old days. But if they take it as an attribute for committing love ritual, then they do it according to certain rules.

  • Wormwood grass is used in love spells in the form of smoking. This restriction is due to the fact that the witch plant is considered very a powerful tool Due to its strength, it can be used internally only in fairly small doses, so love spells with a lining when using wormwood are not carried out or are performed, but with extreme caution, so as not to harm the health of your loved one.
  • When casting love spells on wormwood in the form of drink spells, you need to remember that the witchcraft herb aqueous solutions loses some of its magical properties, which may affect the results of the ritual.
  • Wormwood knows how to establish contact between man and nature, ensuring harmonious relationships, but with strong concentration it causes the ability to discern the inhabitants of the subtle world. This is another reason why grass is rarely used. Professional magicians who speak on a first-name basis with the other world are not afraid to use it for help.

Witchcraft herb is good for getting rid of evil spirits coming from water. Mermaids do not favor wormwood, so to protect against their spell, the grass is hung inside, and near houses it is burned on fires.

Short-lived wormwood love spell

For a quick-acting but short-lasting (less than three months) love spell on wormwood, prepare the following items:

  • paper sheet,
  • saucer,
  • wax candle,
  • writing stationery,
  • wormwood grass,
  • a photograph of your chosen one.

How to remove a love spell yourself / Remove the consequences of an energy strike

Love spell with Alena Polyn / Conference review

Use a lit candle to smoke wormwood. Mentally imagining the image of your loved one, outline it in detail on a piece of paper appearance, including name, number of years, height. Fold a piece of paper twice, insert a photograph of your chosen one into it and place it on a plate.

Having imagined your lover before your eyes, placing a saucer with a photograph and paper on right hand, make seven turns clockwise with your left hand. Returning the saucer to the table, light its contents from the candle flame. After waiting until everything burns down to ashes, place the saucer again on your right palm and with your left hand make seven more clockwise rotations, also clearly imagining the image of your lover in front of you and pronouncing the desire to be close.

Blow the ashes from the saucer into open window: if a stream of wind brought it back to your face, then the love spell was unsuccessful, it can be performed again in a couple of days. If the wind picks up the ashes and carries them away, wait for your loved one to come to you.

Love spell with wormwood for twelve nights

This one is tied love spell on wormwood to the number 12:

  • it takes place over twelve nights in a row,
  • repeated once a month for twelve months in a row,
  • valid for twelve years.

On the day of the planned love spell, you can only leave bread, vegetables and fruits in your diet; everything else will have to be excluded for a day. For a love spell, prepare 12 new candles, wormwood grass, and a bottle in advance alcoholic drink, 12 handfuls of grain, a clay pot, a personal item of your chosen one or his photograph.

When night falls, about 12 candles are placed on the table and the chosen one’s thing or his photograph is placed in front of them. With candles lit, imagine the eyes of your lover or fix your gaze on his eyes in a photograph and read love words that are easy to find in practical advice professional magicians. They begin with the words:

“on the sea-ocean...”

After reading half of the plot, they light a bunch of wormwood grass and the smoke passes through the entire house and a photograph or personal item. Then they continue to read the love spell on wormwood. At the end, photographs of the chosen one or an item belonging to him are placed in a clay container along with the remains of wormwood, sprinkled with grain cereals on top and the container is closed with a lid. With all the contents, taking the wine with them, they head to the center of the intersection, where they scatter grains and wormwood ash on all four sides. Only a photograph or personal item should remain in the pot. They splash wine in four directions and return home without looking back, hiding the clay pot from prying eyes upon arrival.

Love spell with wormwood on the grave

They do it on the waxing moon. Arriving at the churchyard, you need to find a grave with a name like the person you want to bewitch. To the chosen grave you need to bring a photograph of your chosen one or his personal item, as well as a bunch of wormwood tied with a red thread:

“..wormwood, cling not to mine, but to the body and soul of (name), be his body, his soul...”.

Three aspen splinters are set on fire at the grave, allowing them to burn well. Having extinguished the splinters, you need to fumigate with their smoke a thing or a photograph, as well as a bunch of wormwood:

“... in this grave the deceased lies, named..., knew people’s desires, there was love in the midst of those desires, and it still burns, neither day nor night does it fade. This love will go from the chest of the deceased (name) to the heart of the living (name) will come, through the person of the same name. Just as you never rise from the grave, so (name)’s heart will never stop burning with love for me.”

Aspen splinters are thrown onto the grave, and the love spell is read twice more, after which the splinters are stuck into the ground:

“three from aspen and one love... (object name).”

A bunch of wormwood, a personal item or a photograph should be hidden at home.

In Europe and Asia, wormwood is recognized as one of the most powerful magical plants allowing to resist evil spirits and establish contact with the subtle world. This inconspicuous herb is very popular among different peoples and therefore has received many names: Chernobyl, sea tobacco, artemisia (Artemis's grass), witch's or criminal herb.

House signs

To perform magical rituals, wormwood is used only by experienced sorcerers who are not afraid of communicating with otherworldly entities, and unprepared ordinary people can experience its “talents” at the everyday level.

  • If you want to protect your home from the penetration of ill-wishers and dark entities, then just hang a bunch of twigs above the entrance to your home or put a few blades of grass under the threshold.
  • A wreath of witch grass, woven on the night of Ivan Kupala, will protect the family from quarrels and various sorrows, you just have to fasten it above the door. If the product suddenly falls apart without apparent reason, then the sign means that a big disaster is approaching the family.
  • To clear your home of negative energy and protect from fire, it is useful to fumigate rooms with Chernobyl before Christmas, but it is safer to simply place fragrant branches in the corners of the room. After all, sensitive people in a magical haze can see creatures of the subtle world, which is sometimes not safe for the psyche.
  • If your home has been robbed by swindlers, then to quickly detect them it is useful to burn a bunch of artemisia on the threshold. This ritual will make it easier for law enforcement agencies to catch criminals and return the stolen property.
  • It is important to remember that the plant collected during the waning moon on August 28 (on the Assumption) has special mystical abilities. You should pluck off the parts that have the greatest strength - the very tops of the shoots, covered with buds.

Wormwood and man

Witch's grass is useful not only for protecting the home, but also as a talisman for people. It protects from various evil entities, gives strength and reveals the talent of clairvoyance.

  • Wormwood “works” most effectively against the evil spirits of reservoirs: mermaids, kikimoras, merman and devils. Before swimming, our ancestors always dipped a sprig of artemisia into the water so that otherworldly underwater inhabitants would not drag them to the bottom. This ritual was especially relevant during Trinity Week, when these creatures are most active.
  • Chernobyl is indispensable for people going on a long journey. Placed in shoes, the leaves of the plant will give strength and endurance. If you store them in your bosom, then you will be protected from attacks by wild animals, bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, and you will overcome them without any problems. dangerous places, you will not suffer from an accident or other accident.
  • Those suffering from unrequited love must touch the object of their passion with grass, and then mutual attraction will awaken in him. In addition, such an amulet helps to inflame passion in women and enhances male abilities.
  • Peasants in Europe used wormwood to protect livestock and crops from witchcraft. To do this, artemisia was placed in small stacks around the allotment or animal walking area. Nowadays, with the help of a bright aroma, herbs repel rodents and insect pests.
  • The magical properties of wormwood smoke are used for treatment by fumigating a sick person with it. It is believed that essential oils Chernobyl effectively kills pathogenic microbes, its aroma increases immunity and vitality, fights depression and fatigue, accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Anyone who sleeps on a pillow made of sea tobacco will definitely have a great rest at night, and in addition, will definitely see prophetic dreams. After all, the ability of artemisia to open the “third eye” has long been recognized by leading adherents of magical art.

Kira Stoletova

Magic rituals and rituals have long been performed to improve life. To enhance the effect, sorcerers use herbal ingredients. Wormwood in magic is a popular herb, it is famous for its protective properties, it is used to obtain answers and attract higher powers to your side.

Description of the herb

Wormwood - famous perennial. Its other name is artemisia, which means “healthy”.

Our ancestors used magic herb for different purposes:

  • prepared medicinal decoctions;
  • hung to protect housing;
  • carried with them as a talisman;
  • They performed rituals with her participation to get what they wanted.

There are more than 400 varieties of the mysterious plant; the most popular and effective in magic is wormwood.

Finding grass is easy, just learn the description:

  • height – up to 1.5 m;
  • straight stem;
  • the foliage resembles parsley and decreases towards the top, has a silvery fluffy coating;
  • the flowers look like yellow tubes collected in a sphere.

It differs in smell and taste with notes of bitterness. It is credited with an intoxicating effect, which explains its use in magic. The magical properties of bitter wormwood are most activated during the waning moon.

Protection from evil spirits

In ancient times, the grass was used as a talisman against evil forces:

  1. Most of all they are afraid of the water evil spirits. Hanging bunches of wormwood around the room during the mermaid week allows you not to be afraid of a visit mythical creatures. The entrances to the house are guarded by fires located around the perimeter of the home; several branches of a plant are thrown into them.
  2. The herb will help ward off not only water evil spirits, but also ordinary spirits, elves, and demons. The branches are hidden in secluded places and hung above the door and windows. Such protection will prevent evil creatures from settling in the premises or taking possession of the resident’s soul.

Home cleaning

There have long been rituals that cleanse the house of negativity. Women weave the plant into a broom and use it to sweep away litter from the room. A simple ritual allows you to renew the energy of your home. A sprig of grass is set on fire and every corner of the space is smoked, quietly reading the plot:

“Just as the smoke leaves my house, so do troubles, illnesses, failures, too.”

Mirrors, which accumulate negative energy, are periodically washed with a decoction of the plant.

In fortune telling

Most known method use of wormwood - weaving into a wreath on Ivan Kupala. The following magical herbs are added to it:

  • cornflowers;
  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • lovage;
  • hop.

Unmarried girls send bunches of wormwood to float down the river, and then determine the meaning of the result:

  1. Drowned herbs promise celibacy.
  2. If the plants unravel, the wreath floats back - she will not get married this year.
  3. The grasses have floated far away - an imminent wedding.

Kupala wreaths decorating the effigy are hung above the threshold, which promises protection from quarrels and failures. The threshold is sprinkled with salt. If the amulet falls, this is a sign of an attempt to cast a curse on the family.

Grass sewn into a pillow provides answers to troubling questions and allows you to see the future in a dream.

Amulet against damage and illnesses

The properties of the mysterious plant make it possible to escape from magical intervention:

  • a bunch of grass is always carried with you to protect against the evil eye;
  • travelers take a twig on the road, which promises a quick return home in full health;
  • a plant hung on the rearview mirror protects the driver from accidents;
  • a twig in your wallet will help protect you from thieves;
  • Wormwood in shoes gives strength and protects from injury.

The herb is also used as a medicinal product:

  1. Application fresh leaves to the wound will help it heal faster.
  2. For headaches, the plant is kept on the temples.
  3. The grass is chewed to cure the stomach.
  4. Adding leaves to food will help cope with depression, relieve pain and inflammation.

Attracting good luck

The herb has not only cleansing or protective properties:

  1. A banknote smoked with wormwood attracts material well-being.
  2. Regular bathing with herbs gives you the opportunity to gain confidence.

The plant helps girls bewitch their lover. Before performing the ritual prepare:

  • an image of a guy or an object that he often uses;
  • a bunch of grass;
  • matches;
  • three aspen chips;
  • red thread.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. The plant is tied with rope. A girl comes to the cemetery, looking for the burial of the deceased, whose name coincides with the name of her loved one. Having laid out all the ingredients on the grave, the fortuneteller whispers:

“Wormwood, cling not to mine, but to the body and soul of (name), be his body, his soul...”

She sets fire to the wood chips, fumigates the remaining ritual objects with smoke and reads three times:

“... in this grave the deceased lies, named after (name), knew people’s desires, there was love in the midst of those desires, and it still burns, neither day nor night does it fade away. This love will go from the chest of the deceased (name), into the heart of the living (name) will come, through the person of the same name. Just as you never rise from the grave, so (name)’s heart will never stop burning with love for me.”

The girl drives the remains of the aspen into the ground in the churchyard. At this moment she says:

“Three from aspen and one love (name).”

A photograph of the guy and a bunch of herbs are hidden in a secluded place at home.

Magic force wormwood - get rid of diseases and problems

#Herbal magic #Wormwood in black magic

Magical properties of Wormwood plants

Definition of Treason

The magical properties of wormwood will help wives determine the fidelity of their loved one. The ritual is performed while cooking. The woman, stirring the dish, says:

“Betrayal is like Wormwood, if you are unfaithful to me, you will no longer eat sweet, tasty things.”

During dinner, they get the result based on the husband’s reaction. If it tastes bad and bitter to him, there has been betrayal. In this case, it is recommended to bring your lover to a conversation.


Wormwood is a talisman against evil spirits; it will help you find love and learn the truth. The plant will cure ailments and respond to exciting questions. Using the herb will not bring any trouble and will fill your life with a wonderful aroma and bright emotions.