Wormwood from damage. Wormwood fields

In Europe and Asia, wormwood is recognized as one of the most powerful magical plants, allowing one to resist evil spirits and establish contact with the subtle world. U different nations This discreet herb is very popular and therefore has received many names: Chernobyl, sea tobacco, artemisia (Artemis's grass), witch's or criminal herb.

House signs

To perform magical rituals, wormwood is used only by experienced sorcerers who are not afraid of communicating with otherworldly entities, and unprepared ordinary people can experience its “talents” at the everyday level.

  • If you want to protect your home from the penetration of ill-wishers and dark entities, then just hang a bunch of twigs above the entrance to your home or put a few blades of grass under the threshold.
  • A wreath of witch grass, woven on the night of Ivan Kupala, will protect the family from quarrels and various sorrows, you just have to fasten it above the door. If the product suddenly falls apart without apparent reason, then the sign means that a big disaster is approaching the family.
  • To clear your home of negative energy and protect from fire, it is useful to fumigate rooms with Chernobyl before Christmas, but it is safer to simply place fragrant branches in the corners of the room. After all, sensitive people in a magical haze can see creatures of the subtle world, which is sometimes not safe for the psyche.
  • If your home has been robbed by swindlers, then to quickly detect them it is useful to burn a bunch of artemisia on the threshold. This ritual will make it easier for law enforcement agencies to catch criminals and return the stolen property.
  • It is important to remember that the plant collected during the waning moon on August 28 (on the Assumption) has special mystical abilities. You should pluck off the parts that have the greatest strength - the very tops of the shoots, covered with buds.

Wormwood and man

Witch's grass is useful not only for protecting homes, but also as a talisman for people. It protects from various evil entities, gives strength and reveals the talent of clairvoyance.

  • Wormwood “works” most effectively against the evil spirits of reservoirs: mermaids, kikimoras, merman and devils. Before swimming, our ancestors always dipped a sprig of artemisia into the water so that otherworldly underwater inhabitants would not drag them to the bottom. This ritual was especially relevant during Trinity Week, when these creatures are most active.
  • Chernobyl is indispensable for people going on a long journey. Placed in shoes, the leaves of the plant will give strength and endurance. If you store them in your bosom, then you will be protected from attacks by wild animals, bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, and you will overcome them without any problems. dangerous places, you will not suffer from an accident or other accident.
  • Those suffering from unrequited love must touch the object of their passion with grass, and then mutual attraction will awaken in him. In addition, such an amulet helps to inflame passion in women and enhances male abilities.
  • Peasants in Europe used wormwood to protect livestock and crops from witchcraft. To do this, artemisia was placed in small stacks around the allotment or animal walking area. Nowadays, with the help of a bright aroma, herbs repel rodents and insect pests.
  • Magic properties Wormwood smoke is used for treatment by fumigating a sick person with it. It is believed that essential oils Chernobyl effectively kills pathogenic microbes, its aroma increases immunity and vitality, fights depression and fatigue, accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Anyone who sleeps on a pillow made of sea tobacco will definitely have a great night's rest, and in addition, will definitely see prophetic dreams. After all, the ability of artemisia to open the “third eye” has long been recognized by leading adherents of magical art.

Wormwood - herbaceous perennial. It reaches a height of 1 m, has a strong, unique smell, and develops into several flowering and leafy stems.

The rhizome is short, with a branched root. The stems and leaves have a silvery-grayish color due to the abundance of silky hairs. The flowers of the plant are small, yellow, collected in spherical baskets. Wormwood blooms in July - August and has a bitter taste.

This herb is often used in magic. It has the ability to restore the harmony of man with nature. Usually, it is used when fumigating premises or any things and performing rituals, religious activities, consecrating magical instruments, as well as for making amulets, potions, and amulets. It is believed that the strong concentration of smoke when burning wormwood allows especially sensitive people to perceive beings of the subtle world. In this regard, it should be used only by those who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts. This amazing plant capable of driving away evil spirits, protecting against damage, various troubles and increasing fertility. To write various spells, it is recommended to use large sheets For this, you can buy A4 paper.

The magical properties of wormwood

The main purpose of wormwood is to protect. Devilry afraid of the bitter wormwood smell. Although it is used mainly in the form of smoking, it is quite safe to hang a small bunch of it at the entrance of your home.

Wormwood is also used in fortune telling. Ritual wreaths were made from it on the night of Ivan Kupala and they were used to tell fortunes about future fate. You can have prophetic dreams if you sleep on a pillow stuffed with wormwood. For predictions, drink tincture of wormwood with honey.

Wormwood, collected for the Assumption at the end of August, was considered the most healing. Although wormwood collected in summer is suitable for medicinal purposes.

To protect your home

  • wormwood added to the bath cleanses of any negativity;
  • burning wormwood drives away evil forces, protects the house from spirits and elves. For this purpose, in China it is hung above the door;
  • protects children in the home;

For good health

To avoid fatigue during a long walk, put wormwood leaves in your shoes. This herb is carried with them when they want to protect themselves from poisoning, animal attacks, back pain, madness, and male impotence.

Safety precautions

Wormwood can cause allergies. Exceeding the dose of drugs based on it can cause vomiting, convulsions, fainting, frustration nervous system. These medications should not be given to pregnant women or children.

The magical properties of wormwood are recognized and used by many peoples. It is used as a universal protective magical remedy.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, dedicate this article to the spirits who protect the house. About the ancient origin of house spirits, their importance and certain place in the lives of people is evidenced by the fact that peoples living in different places on the planet have very similar ideas about these inhabitants of the invisible world.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will also tell you how to put a talisman on a house, how to surround its inhabitants with magical protection. And this protection would be such that the house itself would become like a talisman. Protective magical plants will help with this, as well as a talisman in the form of a figurine of a house spirit.

About how to protect the house, what is necessary, what actions to take and at what time (after all magical protection it is put not when it pleases, but on certain days), it is generally useful to know. Conjuring people are well versed in this matter. But ordinary people have a lot to learn.

Brownie spirit - an ancient amulet for your home

It is interesting that Slavic house spirits are related to a number of entities, whose descriptions can be found in the mythology of different peoples.

Aitvaras is the Lithuanian spirit that protects the home. He loves to braid the manes of horses and can bring great wealth into the house, but he is capable of sending difficult nightmares to his household.

Chur and Pek are ancient Belarusian house spirits. The meaning of the brownie amulet is obvious, and remarkably reflects the essence of these ancient brownie gods. Chur and Pek - these spirits protect the house and land, people living in the house, and animals. A home guardian can make the owner of the house rich, because he has an irreplaceable gold ruble (“pavarotny rubel”), which always returns to the owner.

Brownie is a Scottish entity that lives alongside humans. Brownies, unlike Russian brownies, whose amulet figurine can be bought in almost any souvenir shop, do not live with people, but settle nearby. They can do any housework. They love you, especially if they are asked to do so. But they are incredibly touchy, and, having become offended, they begin to cause mischief and harm. Therefore, you need to appease the brownie so that he will protect and not be harmful. Housewives leave milk and sweets in a special corner for brownies.

Wigta is a Celtic brownie. A mischievous spirit, capable of petty mischief. However, he is a good assistant and does not shy away from any homework, he is a nanny, a cleaner, and a caretaker for livestock. If you want to have figurines of not only Slavic house spirits in your home, then you can make a house amulet of Celtic origin with your own hands. And I'll tell you what it looks like. Vigta is a small man in old, worn peasant clothes, with thin legs, big belly, a long gray beard and small sly eyes.

Buy a brownie amulet and protect your home from enemies and ill-wishers

What do old beliefs tell us about the house spirit? It is believed that the brownie is the progenitor of the clan living in the house. This spirit is undoubtedly endowed magical power and supernatural powers. He uses both to help the family living in the house. And also for morals, lessons and instructions. The house spirit is dexterous and playful, but can be capricious and insidious. It is believed that the brownie is the best amulet for the home. This is why stylized brownie amulets dolls are so popular.

The house spirit is often called the Housewife, the Mistress.

And, like a true housewife, he is on the alert, knows about everything that is happening in his domain, regardless of whether it is day or night. The spirit of the house knows many recipes for how to protect against theft and damage. He strives to improve the home, makes sure that the harvests are good and the offspring of livestock are plentiful, so that the family does not lack anything.

But only hardworking and zealous owners will have such a kind and diligent Housewife. For those who are clumsy, lazy, who love to fornicate and get drunk, the brownie cannot be a helper for such households; it ceases to be the spirit that protects the house, and becomes evil, capable of causing harm, hiding things, and causing nightmares.

What is the best amulet for the home - house helpers

Online stores with an esoteric assortment and numerous offline stores and souvenir shops offer you to buy Domovyat amulets. Such stylized protective dolls will decorate the interior and make your home more comfortable.

Of course, if you wish and have the proper skill, you can always make a brownie amulet with your own hands. However, if needlework is not your path, and sewing, knitting and weaving are alien to you, from the many options for house amulets offered by online stores, you can always choose the most suitable one both in meaning and in appearance. You can find any type of doll made from a variety of natural materials.

And online amulets stores offer Domovyat dolls of really different types:

  • and with a spoon raking in wealth
  • and with a broom to keep the house tidy
  • and with coins, so that the owner always has money
  • and a pot of porridge so that the family can live well
  • and with a bag of happiness for success and good luck
  • and with a bouquet of wormwood to defend against evil spirits

This is exactly the wormwood herb as a talisman for the home, I would like to devote the magician Sergei Artgrom Special attention. Wormwood has long been known as a witchcraft herb that cleanses and protects from magical negativity - from damage, curses, from the dead, from evil spirits sent by the word of a sorcerer or witch.

About how to do amulets to protect the apartment with wormwood, as well as what rituals should be carried out so that the house itself becomes like a talisman, where the family would be under constant protection, I will tell the magician Sergei Artgrom a little later. And now briefly about how to set up a brownie doll, and how to make the protective figurine begin to fulfill its functions.

How to charge the brownie amulet and how to activate its protective functions

So that the brownie amulet you bought does not remain an ordinary souvenir, decoration of the living room or kitchen, but actually becomes a magical item, you need to configure it to protect your home and its inhabitants. But first, the home talisman is always cleaned. We need to remove extraneous energy.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And they cleanse the amulets to protect the house, and usually activate them with the energy of the great Elements. Energy of Water and Fire. Energy of Earth and Air. Attunement with the bearer of the amulet, if it is a personal amulet, can be done using its bio-bindings - saliva, blood. Activated by the breath of its owner. That is, how the item of Power will be activated depends entirely on the witchcraft ritual being performed. And there are actually many independent rituals. But, now the amulet is cleansed by the energies of the Elements.

Let's say, how to make a talisman for your home in the form of a good house spirit - a brownie?

Where to begin? Of course, with cleaning.

  • To remove someone else’s energy with elemental Fire, just take an object and circle it counterclockwise over the candle flame. Some magicians who work with nature spirits prefer a fire in a secluded, open place to candles. In the field, for example.
  • To cleanse the amulet to protect your home with the energy of Water, just put it in running water. Let's say, into a clear stream. Water will wash away everything you don't need.
  • The earth can also remove all negativity, or anything that could harm you in one way or another. This is the energy of this Element - reliable, calm, positive.
  • The mighty energy of the wind will wash your magical object and cleanse it. So, before you put a talisman on your house, entrust its cleansing to the element of Air. To do this, just leave the item in a place with good air circulation for a day.

In the process of cleansing amulets of protection for the home, conspiracies are not always read.

However, this is at the discretion of the magician, it all depends on his practice, on how he is used to casting spells. But during activation, they read conspiracies to protect the brownie. It is the word spoken by the sorcerer that sets the very program within which the magical object will work.

Magic herb wormwood as a strong amulet for the home

Wormwood has long been used in magical practices as a talisman to protect an apartment, and is considered one of the most powerful cleansing and protective herbs, along with

  • thistle
  • St. John's wort
  • nettle
  • verbena

It's truly powerful magical plant. And its buds have the greatest power. Wormwood is excellent as a talisman for the home. Its strong bitter smell drives out harmful entities from the house and serves as a source of power, including magical power.

Wormwood thickets near the path to the lake. Photo – Doris Ershova

In ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits
* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes
* promotes fertility.

Thickets of wormwood. Photo – Doris Ershova

In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities.

The magical properties of wormwood

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet.

They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?”
If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her.
If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!”

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Always answer the mermaid: “Wormwood” 😉 Wormwood among the herbs and reeds by the lake. Photo – Doris Ershova

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

A dry bunch of wormwood in the bedroom. Photo – Doris Ershova

Absolutely safe method Its application is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess their future fate.

A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Very bad omen It was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn, this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.

There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes. We did this at the end of August on Assumption.

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect your home

* a bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse you of all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, the plant is hung above the door for this purpose.

* wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protects children in the house

* wormwood amulets will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return

For health and healing

* to gain strength during long walk or while jogging, put wormwood leaves in your shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the person sleeping on it prophetic dreams

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not be poisoned, you will not be attacked by wild animals, you will not get sunstroke

* Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

* from madness

* wear it to arouse passion and enhance potency.

For home magic

* the plant is used in predictions; for this, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions

* Chernobyl wormwood is burned along with sandalwood during the awakening ritual psychic powers

* for successful work, wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror

* in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to spell the spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl.

* wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral projection

* Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divination instruments, especially those made of silver

* Wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so magicians use an infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean rag using a circular, rotating motion. Adherents of various faiths - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can say a daily mantra or prayer.

* Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.

Common wormwood.
Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887


However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled reception large doses Preparations containing wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and lead to nervous system disorders!

Do not use wormwood preparations during pregnancy and do not give them to small children!

Remember that wormwood is an allergen for some people.

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Is this why almost no one uses this wonderful and powerful plant in their work now?

Wormwood today is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, and shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits
* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes
* promotes fertility.m

In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities.

The magical properties of wormwood

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet.

They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?”

If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her.
If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!”
Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.

There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes. We did this at the end of August on Assumption.

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect your home

* a bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse you of all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, the plant is hung above the door for this purpose.

* wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protects children in the house

* wormwood amulets will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return

For health and healing

* to gain strength during a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the person sleeping on it prophetic dreams

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not get poisoned, be attacked by wild animals, or get sunstroke

* Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

* from madness

* wear it to arouse passion and enhance potency.

For home magic

* the plant is used in predictions; for this, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions

* Chernobyl wormwood is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers

* for successful work, wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror

* in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to spell the spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl.

* wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral projection

* Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divination instruments, especially those made of silver

* Wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so magicians use an infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean rag using a circular, rotating motion. Adherents of various faiths - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can say a daily mantra or prayer.

* Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.


However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled use of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, causing convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and leading to nervous system disorders.

Do not use wormwood preparations during pregnancy and do not give them to small children.

For some people, wormwood is an allergen.