The benefits and importance of lysine for the human body. Why is lysine needed, the use of l-lysine as a dietary supplement Where is lysine

Lysine is a building block for protein. It is an essential amino acid because the body cannot create it and must be obtained from food.
It is important for normal muscle growth and is used to form carnitine, a substance found in most cells in your body. Moreover, it helps transport fats into cells to burn energy.

L-lysine is a form of lysine that the human body can use. It is naturally found in foods and used in supplements.

Why take lysine

L-lysine, its uses and health properties

1. Can prevent and treat herpes virus by blocking arginine

A cold or fever is a symptom of a herpes viral infection and often appears on the lips or in the corners of the mouth.

They appear as bubbles filled with liquid. And they can cause discomfort in the form of tingling, pain and itching. In addition, they can make you feel embarrassed and not even leave the house with “herpes” on your lips.

The sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which may be lurking in your spine. During times of stress or if your immune system is weakened, HSV-1 can trigger the development of a cold.

The most well-known property for which lysine is needed is its ability to fight herpes. L-lysine supplements may help prevent recurrence of HSV-1 and reduce the duration of colds. Lysine is thought to block another amino acid called arginine, which HSV-1 needs to reproduce ( , , ).

One study found that a daily supplement of 1,000 mg of lysine resulted in fewer breakouts in 26 people who were prone to recurring cold sores. It is interesting to note that in the study there was a reduction in cold pain when a person's lysine value was kept above 165 nmol/L. When blood levels dropped below this level, cold symptoms of herpes increased ().

Another study of 30 people found that using a cream with lysine, herbs, vitamins, and zinc reduced cold sores in 40% of people by day three and in 87% by day six. Although this study is promising, it did not indicate the amount of lysine or other ingredients used in the cream.

Additionally, not all studies show that lysine is effective in reducing the incidence or duration of the disease. One review found insufficient evidence to recommend it for the treatment of herpes ().

Some studies suggest that L-lysine may reduce the duration and severity of herpes, but the evidence is conflicting.

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2. May Reduce Anxiety by Blocking Stress Response Receptors

Lysine may play a role in reducing anxiety.

One study found that it blocks receptors involved in the stress response. The researchers noted that rats given lysine had reduced rates of stress-induced loose bowel movements ().

A one-week study in 50 healthy people found that supplementation with 2.64 grams of lysine and arginine reduced stress-induced anxiety and reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol ().

Similarly, supplementation with 4.2 g of lysine per kilogram of wheat flour in deprived villages in Syria helped reduce anxiety scores in men with very high levels of stress (). After three months, consuming lysine-fortified flour also helped reduce cortisol levels in women.

Lysine may also help people with schizophrenia, a mental disorder that disrupts a person's perception of the outside world, often resulting in an inability to understand reality. Although research is still in its early stages, lysine may have the potential to improve symptoms of schizophrenia when combined with a prescribed medication ().

Lysine may help reduce anxiety and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in some people. Early research suggests it may even help improve symptoms in people with schizophrenia.

3. May improve calcium absorption and retention

Lysine can help your body retain calcium ().

Lysine is thought to increase calcium absorption in the intestines and help the kidneys retain the mineral ().

A study in 30 women, 15 healthy and 15 with osteoporosis, found that supplementing with calcium and lysine reduced urinary calcium loss. Women who received only 3 grams of calcium had a progressive increase in the amount of calcium in their urine. However, women who also received 400 mg of lysine lost less calcium through their urine ().

Lysine protects bones and may also play a role in controlling where calcium is transported in your body. For example, it has been shown to prevent calcium buildup in the blood vessels of rats. This type of buildup is a risk factor for heart disease.

Additionally, one test tube study found that cells that were grown without lysine had increased calcium movement out of the cell. This increase was not observed in cells with lysine ().

Lysine may help the body absorb more calcium and reduce calcium loss in urine. It may also reduce the risk of calcium buildup in blood vessels.

4. May Promote Wound Healing by Helping Create Collagen

Another reason why the body needs lysine is its ability to improve wound healing.

In animal tissues, lysine becomes more active at the site of the wound and helps speed up the recovery process ().

Lysine is essential for the formation of collagen, a protein that acts as a scaffold and helps support and give structure to skin and bones ().

Lysine itself can also act as a binding agent, thereby increasing the number of new cells in a wound. It may even promote the formation of new blood vessels ().

In one animal study, a combination of the amino acids lysine and arginine helped speed up and improve the healing process of fractures ().

Another study in 40 rabbits found that 47 mg/kg lysine and 50 mg/kg arginine significantly improved blood flow and overall bone healing. In fact, rabbits given lysine and arginine had a 2-week reduction in healing time compared to the control group ().

Wound healing is a complex process that requires various minerals, vitamins and other factors. Lysine appears to play an invaluable role, and without its use, wound healing may be impaired ().

One study found that applying a gel containing lysine to a wound resulted in less infection and faster healing than without the gel ().

Lysine is needed for the formation of collagen, an essential protein that affects wound healing. Animal studies show that lysine can speed up wound healing and shorten recovery time.

What else is L-lysine useful for?

Lysine—like all amino acids—is used as a building block for protein in your body. These proteins help produce hormones, immune cells, and enzymes.

Lysine may have several benefits in addition to those discussed previously.

Here are other areas where lysine may benefit your health:

  • Cancer: One animal study found that lysine, when combined with the antioxidant catechin, reduced the growth of cancer cells in mice ().
  • Eye health: A study in diabetic rats found that lysine supplements may prevent the development of cataracts ().
  • Diabetes: One study found that lysine may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. However, the relationship is still unclear ().
  • Blood pressure: A study in 50 adults with lysine deficiency and high blood pressure found that lysine supplements significantly lowered blood pressure ()

Lysine is essential for maintaining normal health, and taking L-lysine supplements will benefit certain people and under certain conditions.

Research on lysine is promising as some evidence suggests it may have anti-cancer effects, help lower blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure.

The best sources of lysine in food and nutritional supplements (dietary supplements)

Lysine is found in high protein foods, especially meat and dairy products, and in small amounts in plant foods.

Lysine in food

Meat: beef, chicken and lamb
Seafood: mussels, shrimp and oysters
Fish: salmon, cod and tuna
Dairy: milk, cheese and yogurt
Vegetables: potatoes, peppers and leeks
Fruits: avocado, dried apricots and pears
Legumes: soybeans, beans and chickpeas
Nuts and seeds: macadamia, pumpkin seeds and cashews

Cereals are generally a poor source of lysine. However, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat contain decent amounts of lysine.

L-Lysine Supplements

The dietary supplements in the store are of excellent quality. We recommend the following L-Lysine options:

Now Foods, L-Lysine, 1000 mg, 100 tablets (good dosage-price ratio)

Jarrow Formulas, L-Lysine, 500 mg, 100 capsules (trusted manufacturer)

Thorne Research, L-Lysine, 60 Vegetable Capsules (Reputable Manufacturer, Always Quality Supplements)

If you are prone to herpes, take 1 gram of lysine daily during the cold season or use a lysine-containing gel. However, remember that it is best to talk to your doctor first.


Are common
Systematic name 2,6-diaminohexanoic acid
Abbreviations Liz, Lys, K
Chemical formula HO 2 CCH(NH 2)(CH 2) 4 NH 2
Empirical formula C6H14N2O2
Physical properties
Molar mass 146.19 g/mol
Thermal properties

Lysine(2,6-diaminohexanoic acid) is an aliphatic amino acid with pronounced base properties; essential amino acid.

Chemical formula: C 6 H 14 N 2 O 2

Lysine is an essential amino acid, part of almost any protein, necessary for growth, tissue repair, production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, albumins.

Medicines: Cardonate (contains 50 mg lysine).

This amino acid has an antiviral effect, especially against viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections.

Animal studies have shown that lysine deficiency causes immunodeficiency.

Lysine maintains energy levels and keeps the heart healthy thanks to the carnitine that the body produces from it. Studies have shown that a single dose of 5000 mg of lysine increases carnitine levels by 6 times. For this to happen, vitamins C, thiamine (B1) and iron must be present in sufficient quantities.

Lysine is involved in collagen formation and tissue repair. It is used during the recovery period after operations and sports injuries.

The combined intake of lysine and arginine (1-2 g per day) increases the body's immune response, in particular, the number and activity of neutrophils. Lysine enhances the effect of arginine.

Synthetic lysine is used to enrich feed and food products.


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    See what "Lysine" is in other dictionaries: LYSINE 20% - Bioconcentrate Composition. Lysine 20%; filler up to 100%. Action. Lysine, together with methionine and tryptophan, is an essential amino acid in feed for pigs and poultry. It is necessary for the assimilation of plant proteins, and is itself involved...

    Imported veterinary drugs CH2(NH2)(CH2)3CH(NH2)COOH, an aliphatic amino acid with pronounced base properties. Part of proteins. Essential amino acid. Synthetic lysine is used to enrich feed and food products...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary- LYSINE, a, s diaminocaproic acid: HaN. CH2. CH2. CH2. CH2. CH (NH2). COOH; natural d lysine [a]fj° = + 14° to 15.5° for a 2 5% solution of hydrochloric acid salt. Free L. is not obtained in crystalline form. It's easy... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    - (H2N(CH2).4CH(NH2).COOH), a soluble essential AMINO ACID contained in proteins... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    - (abbr. Lys, Lys), L a, g diami nocapronic acid, an essential amino acid. It is part of almost all proteins of animal, plant, and microbial origin (a large amount is found in histones and protamines, a small amount in cereal proteins), participates... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Diaminomonocarboxylic acid, an essential amino acid. It is part of almost all proteins, including microbial ones. The limited content of L. in proteins of plant origin significantly reduces their nutritional and feed value. For… … Dictionary of microbiology

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 amino acid (36) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    lysine- a, m. lysine, German. Lysin gr. lysis dissolution. chemical, biol. One of the amino acids present in almost all proteins. Krysin 1998. Lex. SIS 1954: lysins... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    CH2(NH2)(CH2)3CH(NH2)COOH, an aliphatic amino acid with pronounced base properties. Part of proteins. Essential amino acid. Synthetic lysine is used to enrich feed and food products. * * * LYSINE LYSINE,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Lysine is a diaminohexanoic acid that plays a vital role in human life. L-lysine (also called lysine) is an essential amino acid that has become very popular for its amazing health benefits. Lysine occurs naturally in many protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

More and more people are using L-Lysine supplements because of their enormous role in maintaining a healthy immune system, treating colds, and lowering cholesterol levels. Lysine helps manage stress, improves athletic performance, and improves hair health.

The body cannot produce lysine. The only way to get enough of this important amino acid is through a nutritious diet. However, many vegetarians cannot get enough lysine because grains contain low levels of protein containing lysine. Additionally, some cooking methods reduce the lysine content of the final dish.

Although lysine is generally safe to use as a dietary supplement, it may have some side effects on the digestive system. Especially if you neglect the norms and take too much.

Some of the adverse reactions of lysine are abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea. However, according to clinical trials, no serious safety problems have been reported. Additives are recommended for widespread use.

This article discusses the key health benefits of L-Lysine and the role this essential amino acid plays in building a strong immune system and a healthy body.

What is L-lysine (lysine)?

L-Lysine is one of the 9 essential amino acids that the body needs for growth, tissue repair, and other body functions. Lysine is the same amino acid without which the formation of carnitine, collagen and the absorption of calcium is practically impossible. Essential amino acids such as lysine must be obtained from food or supplements to provide the body with sufficient protein and energy.

For medical reasons, lysine can be dosed from 1 to 3 grams per day, within this range the amino acid is absolutely safe for use in adults. A higher dose may be used in cases of herpes simplex breakouts.

In general, the instructions for use recommend taking lysine on an empty stomach, 30–35 minutes before meals. If you have eaten, it is better to take the supplement after waiting about 2 hours. If this is a supplement in tablets, then the daily intake is prescribed as 1000 mg. For patients whose osteochondral tissues are affected, the daily norm is doubled.

In simple words, 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day between meals. During the period of remission of herpes infection - 1250 mg daily. For relapses – 2,000 – 3,000 mg/day. For intense training, the recommendation is approximately 12 mg per kilogram of weight.

Do not be afraid of long-term use of L-Lysine supplements. The amino acid does not accumulate and does not have a toxic effect on humans. Lysine acts as an energy source, and any excess is eliminated through urination.

Symptoms of Lysine Deficiency

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Excessive hair loss;
  • Overstimulation, lack of attention;
  • Fatigue;
  • Stress, mood swings;
  • Bloodshot eyes;
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Anemia;
  • Stunted growth;
  • Nausea, dizziness;
  • Reproductive disorders.

Requirements and dosages of lysine

  • Toddlers (3-4 months): 103 mg/kg per day
  • Children (2 years): 64 mg/kg per day
  • School-age children: 58 mg/kg per day
  • Adults: 30 – 35 mg/kg per day

Lysine intake in a typical diet is 40-180 mg/kg per day, with the upper limit being 300-400 mg/kg per day.

Some patients may require chronic use at higher doses. For example, patients with herpes can take up to 9 grams per day, especially during a flare-up.

Foods that contain L-lysine

With the help of a properly selected diet, you can get a sufficient amount of the daily requirement of lysine. However, since the main food sources for lysine are meat and dairy products, this may not be applicable for everyone.

According to the Institute of Nutrition, here is a list of the best foods that contain the amino acid lysine:

  • Chicken.
  • Turkey.
  • Fish, including tuna, cod and pike.
  • Beef product.
  • Pork.
  • Game meat.
  • All milk.

Other foods containing lysine include cheeses, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes.

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of L-Lysine

Let's now look at how lysine helps support health and how you can use L-lysine supplements to improve your health. The knowledge will come in handy if you suffer from herpes, acne, shingles and need to improve your athletic performance.

1. L-Lysine in Foods May Help Cure Herpes

L-lysine is one of the best supplements for treating colds. Cold sores, always untimely, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). This virus causes small, painful blisters to form around the mouth. The blisters fill with liquid and burst, resulting in painful sores on the face.

The study showed that L-lysine helps cure the HSV-1 virus, and most importantly, the treatment of herpes occurs naturally. The experimental group showed that within 3 days, L-lysine completely cleared herpes symptoms in 40% of participants. Almost 90% of them found that within 6 days they no longer had herpes symptoms.

For this purpose, you can use lysine cream. It is enough to apply the cream to the ulcers during the day and especially at night to cure herpes and speed up the healing of symptoms.

With the herpes virus, it is very important to establish proper nutrition. The diet should be rich in foods that contain a predominance of lysine and virtually no arginine.

For example, if you consume only 150-200 g of chicken products, you can fully obtain the daily requirement of lysine. If you rely on fish or shrimp, then 200 g is enough. You can saturate your body with lysine with regular milk. But for this you will have to drink up to 5 glasses a day.

2. L-lysine supplement for treating herpes virus

L-lysine supplements are also effective in treating herpes virus outbreaks. Herpes can also affect the genital area and cause blisters in the private parts. Muscle pain and burning sensation when urinating are possible.

They gave participants who had genital herpes, with ulcer blisters and sores, a dose of 1 gram of lysine supplement per day. As a result, it was found that lysine helped get rid of herpes blisters in less than 5 days. As a result, lysine is recognized as an “effective treatment for herpes infection.”

A diet rich in lysine or taking 1 gram of L-lysine supplement daily may help prevent outbreaks of herpes viral infection and improve symptoms more quickly. Pay especially attention to this in winter.

The beneficial properties of lysine and its effect on the body are not limited to helping with herpes. Adding lysine to the diet becomes an excellent assistant in the fight against ARVI.

A number of other beneficial properties adjust our body to life without depression. L-Lysine is credited with the ability to reduce anxiety and irritability. While taking lysine, migraine headaches noticeably decrease or completely disappear. Note that lysine does not cause drowsiness, does not affect performance, and is not addictive.

3. Lysine Helps Treat Shingles

L-lysine also helps treat and prevent shingles. This painful skin condition is caused by the chickenpox virus and is associated with the herpes virus. Shingles causes a painful skin rash, as well as itching and blisters. Lysine can help cells repair. Thus, L-lysine helps treat the symptoms of skin rashes associated with severe pain.

Lysine was shown to be effective in treating herpes zoster in a 2016 study. Studying the results of the work, lysine clusters were found in the restored skin cells. This proves that lysine helps prevent the spread of the virus.

In addition to taking L-lysine supplements to relieve shingles symptoms, you can also use honey and clover. They are equally effective in treating a herpes zoster outbreak. If you are looking for more effective ways to treat an illness, then try using medications:

  • acyclovir 800 mg 5 times a day. Every 4 hours (no need at night) 7-10 days;
  • famciclovir 500-750 mg 3 times a day orally for 7 days;
  • paracetamol, diclofenac - if acute pain is observed;
  • silver sulfadiazine - topical application if there is suppuration and rash;
  • idoxuridine - eye drops if the rash appears around the eyelids.

4. L-Lysine May Enhance Athletic Performance

Together with the amino acid L-arginine, L-lysine may help improve athletic performance. Many athletes and gymnasts take L-lysine and L-arginine together to boost their growth hormone levels. By the way, this helps muscles recover faster after training.

The reason L-Lysine can improve athletic performance is because the supplement converts fatty acids into energy and is an essential amino acid for promoting muscle growth.

It is now absolutely known that when taking 1200 mg of L-lysine and 1200 mg of L-arginine, human growth hormones increase 8 times.

However, medical professionals mention that high levels of arginine can reduce lysine levels in the body, so talk to your doctor before taking L-lysine and L-arginine together.

5. L-Lysine May Help Reduce Acne Outbreaks

L-lysine supplements may help reduce the severity and frequency of acne outbreaks. Although no scientific studies have proven a direct link between the amino acid lysine and acne, many acne sufferers find lysine quite beneficial.

The reason why lysine may help some people with acne is that it helps the skin repair itself. Lysine is fundamental in the formation of collagen. Fibrillar protein, which forms the basis of the body's connective tissue, is especially necessary to maintain elasticity and protect the skin from damage.

Does lysine help with acne? Can L-lysine supplement rid your face of acne? Most likely there will be improvements, but only if you had a lysine deficiency before taking the supplement.

A more promising method to get rid of acne is to increase collagen production. A person can independently synthesize the required amount of collagen by consuming healthy foods. Lysine is designed to strengthen the collagen structure. By increasing the lysine content in your body, you can give your skin additional strength and density.

A decrease in collagen is observed already when the barrier is reached at 25 years. Because of this, the first signs of skin aging appear. Definitely, extra lysine will be an ally in the fight for youth.

6. Lysine fights hair loss

You need to make sure you have enough lysine in your diet. This is a natural and reliable way to reduce hair loss. Healthy hair must have the required amount of amino acids to grow and be strong. Lysine deficiency is the number one cause associated with hair loss in women.

Clinical and experimental dermatology states a fact: women with low levels of lysine suffer from hair loss. Research shows that taking L-lysine and iron supplements can effectively prevent and reverse the effects of hair thinning and hair loss.

There are many other supplements that can help combat hair loss and thinning. Some of them are: biotin, vitamin D and saw palmetto. You can also try natural methods to stimulate hair growth such as:

  • peppermint essential oil;
  • rosemary squeeze;

7. Lysine Helps Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety can negatively impact our lives. Although we can't always eliminate the root cause of stress, there are still herbal supplements that can help you deal with stress faster. If you suffer from anxiety, L-lysine supplements may be a natural remedy to better treat stress and chronic anxiety.

The combination of L-lysine with the amino acid L-arginine effectively reduces stress levels in healthy people. When under extreme stress, take 2,600 mg per day of both L-lysine and L-arginine. After a week, your baseline stress level and anxiety will decrease significantly.

In addition, L-lysine supplements may help improve the effectiveness of antidepressants such as diazepam. A set of measures can reduce anxiety by blocking stress response receptors.

Summary. Replenishing cellular reserves with Lysine reduces feelings of anxiety and reduces the level of cortisol - popularly called the stress hormone. The addition of L-lysine to the diet of patients with schizophrenia softens the symptoms of the disease.

8. Lysine May Lower Cholesterol Levels

Using L-Lysine along with other natural ingredients can help lower blood cholesterol levels naturally.

If a man with high cholesterol begins to treat himself with L-lysine supplements, he will likely be able to curb his cholesterol levels. When L-lysine was combined with garlic supplements, cholesterol levels dropped by 25 points. Doctors confirm: - lysine helps prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels.

Make sure yours is rich in L-lysine and fiber. This is a great way to lower cholesterol levels and prevent negative processes in the heart muscle.

9. Lysine Reduces Some Complications of Type 2 Diabetes

Another undeniable benefit that L-lysine can boast and improve your health is that it can prevent some of the symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes.

L-lysine has a positive effect on blood sugar levels and works together with other enzymes to prevent harmful reactions (such as glycation) in the blood.

L-Lysine has definitely been proven to prevent glycation. Amino acid researchers concluded that L-lysine is “an effective therapeutic supplement for type 2 diabetes and reduces the risk of infection in these patients.”

10. Lysine in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease

There is some research suggesting that L-lysine may help prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and prevent dementia.

Researchers have found that the HSV-1 virus is associated with dementia. Most likely, this is one of the factors contributing to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Currently, there have not been enough clinical trials to establish a definitive link between L-lysine supplementation and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. However, the researchers concluded their study by stating that "adequate doses of lysine may prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease"

Side effects of L-Lysine

L-Lysine supplements are considered safe to take, but you should always stick to the recommended dose. You should also remember that a proportion of lysine is present in many of the foods we eat. Therefore, if you turn your attention to proper nutrition, you will not experience L-lysine deficiency.

However, an overdose of L-lysine is possible, although very rare. The most common side effects of L-lysine have been observed to be:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal pain.

According to the Medical Health Center, L-lysine may increase calcium absorption. You need to be careful when taking in large amounts of calcium if you take lysine supplements.

Also, excessive doses can cause the formation of gallstones. If you have liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, or are taking any medications, you should consult your doctor before purchasing and starting to take L-Lysine supplements.

Where to Buy L-Lysine Supplements

L-Lysine supplements can be purchased at many medical stores, pharmacies, and health food centers. You can also buy the supplement at a good price in online stores.

The amino acid l-lysine is mainly known as a remedy against herpes, and also as an anabolic steroid for athletes, increasing muscle mass. It is needed for the synthesis of muscle fibers and promotes the formation of muscle tissue. This drug is also used for the synthesis of the amino acid Carnitine. L lysine has excellent properties that protect against viruses. This drug takes part in the breakdown of fats, which provides a lot of energy for the body. Fat is used for the needs of the body and acts as “fuel” for it. L Lysine is an excellent supplement that helps maintain a high nitrogen balance while creating an anabolic environment in the body.

The amino acid lysine is extremely necessary for human life. It is part of proteins and performs a number of functions necessary to ensure normal human life, which undoubtedly brings great benefits to people. Humans need it like oxygen. They make up hair, muscles, and bones. All biochemical processes, as well as the immune system, work smoothly thanks to these small substances.

The amino acid lysine is essential for human life.

This amino acid is not synthesized in the human body, so it must be constantly supplied with food. Sources of this amino acid are often found in nature. These are all dairy products, pork, fish, soy products, wheat germ, potatoes, meat proteins and egg whites.

Importance of amino acids for humans

The benefits of lysine for humans are obvious and enormous:

  • Medical studies conducted on animals have confirmed that due to a lack of lysine, an immunodeficiency state appears in the body, and thanks to this amino acid, antibodies begin to form. Protection against viruses is the main function of lysine.
  • Lysine is an ideal assistant for a person who wants to lose weight, as the fat layer is broken down faster.
  • Lysine is indispensable in the treatment of various types of injuries. Thanks to this amino acid, calcium accumulates in the body, which prevents diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • Because of amino acids, muscles grow faster and muscle mass increases. This, of course, attracts athletes.
  • Lysine dilates blood vessels, so it is very useful for the cardiovascular system.

Lysine dilates blood vessels, therefore it is very useful for the cardiovascular system

Also, this amino acid enhances female libido, improves memory, stops the development of genital herpes, prevents atherosclerosis, strengthens hair and makes it thicker. The benefits of l lysine are also obvious for anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cataracts, and growth retardation.

However, along with the benefits, there is almost always harm. Since lysine is used to build muscle mass, the harm is obvious: after taking this supplement ends, the muscles return to their former, flabby forms. However, this is not the main thing.

The greatest harm occurs due to the fact that as a result of easy digestion, a large load falls on the kidneys, which must remove all easily digestible protein that is not completely absorbed in the muscles.

Everything needs to be done in moderation, and not everyone can say “stop” at the right time. The supplement can cause great harm to pregnant women, as there is a danger that it inhibits the development of the fetus.

The supplement can cause great harm to pregnant women, as there is a danger that it inhibits the development of the fetus

Benefits of lysine for athletes

Sports nutrition are certain supplements that can help people achieve high performance in a short period of time. Sports supplements are special substances that our body needs when it is in a state of constant stress. They usually use vitamins that all people need.

L-lysine is a sports nutrition for athletes, so it is somewhat different from ordinary vitamins, since they use vitamin substances for the athlete’s body. Such supplements are made with minerals to obtain a strong effect, this brings additional benefits to the person.

If you choose I lysine, you must first consult with a specialist whether they are suitable for you, so as not to harm the body. In general, sports nutrition is selected individually and to choose the supplements that are right for you, you need to consult with a specialist. It is very important to choose the right sports nutrition so that it can improve the tone of the body.

Lysine is great for many people, unlike methane. Methane has good properties, but it has a bad effect on the human body and can cause irreparable harm to the body. These include: increased load on the kidneys and liver. Methane also has a very unpleasant property; if you stop taking it, the opposite effect will begin, that is, muscle mass will begin to decrease.

L-lysine is a sports nutrition for athletes, so it is somewhat different from regular vitamins,

L Lysine contains a carefully selected food group. This sports nutrition will help the body absorb 100% of the beneficial elements from foods. This will help muscle growth and give you extra energy. This supplement is great for improving your physical stamina and endurance, helping you improve your health, lose weight, and strengthen your bones. Once you stop taking lysine, there will be no reverse effect.

How to take l lysine correctly

l lysine is available in 500 mg capsules. Use it before eating orally, with plenty of water. It is not recommended to take the supplement for children under 12 years of age, and for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults to take 1 capsule 3-4 times a day. For certain indications, it is possible to increase the dosage to 2 capsules per day. For acute manifestations of herpes - 3.6 capsules per day. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Many athletes and sports nutritionists believe that it is better to take amino acids before or immediately after training. You can also take sports nutrition at night, in the morning or after sleep.

It is necessary to take l lysine within a certain time frame:

    • After training and in the morning, the body and muscles need more protein. During this period, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives a rapid supply of amino acids, which will help the body quickly gain tone.
    • If you start taking Leasing before training, you will get good energy potential and increased muscle performance.
    • Taking sports nutrition before bed will help the body recover and provide noticeable muscle growth.

Where to buy L lysine

You can buy L-lysine on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which L lysine suits you best, then it can be found on.

Also, if you liked the lysine that is listed in the article, you can simply click on the desired link and immediately get to iherb.

Lysine is an amino acid isolated in 1889 by E. Drexel from casein and is essential for our body.

Lysine is one of the three most important essential amino acids that our body can only obtain from food. It is the basis for building proteins in our body. Lysine is the first of the limiting amino acids necessary for the absorption of food proteins: if there is a shortage of it, no matter how much protein there is in the food, they will still not be absorbed. Our body only uses L-lysine to build proteins.

Lysine(from which carnicine is produced) is often used as a means for the prevention and treatment of herpes (this amino acid has the opposite effect of another amino acid - arginine, which activates and aggravates the symptoms of herpes).

You need to provide your body with enough lysine if you suffer from herpes, get tired easily, and cannot concentrate. You may have a lysine deficiency if you have bloodshot eyes or frequent nausea, dizziness, hair loss, or anemia.

With a lack of lysine, the entire protein metabolism is disrupted. Lysine is used to build muscle proteins and collagen, a component of connective tissue. The strength and elasticity of ligaments and tendons, as well as bones, depend on it, as it promotes the absorption of calcium and its incorporation into bone tissue. It accelerates the restoration of bone tissue after injuries and operations, prevents osteoporosis, disorders of fat metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis, preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Lack of lysine in men can lead to impotence. In athletes, especially long-distance runners, lysine deficiency can lead to chronic tendon inflammation and muscle wasting. A lack of lysine in food can also lead to impaired hematopoiesis and a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.

Lysine: Some Important Facts

1. Lysine stops the development of herpes

In 1950, it was discovered that certain amino acids found in foods can stimulate or stop the growth of the herpes virus. Thus, the amino acid arginine accelerates the growth of the virus, and lysine, on the contrary, lengthens the period of remission in labial herpes (on the lips) and genital herpes, and prevents relapses.

Although lysine does not kill the virus, it does prevent the appearance of active symptoms, especially blisters on the lips or around the genitals. Its effect is manifested in the fact that it prevents the herpes virus from absorbing its favorite food - the amino acid arginine.

Interclinical studies conducted throughout the world were devoted to studying the effect of L-arginine. Their results were published in 1978 in the journal Dermatologica, in 1981 in the Journal of Chemotherapy, and in 1983 in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: It was found that viral reproduction was suppressed by lysine supplementation with simultaneous arginine deficiency.

When treating herpes, you should eat a diet high in lysine and low in arginine and take additional lysine in the form of supplements. The dose of lysine to prevent relapse of the disease should be 1250 mg daily (on an empty stomach).

Cheeses and other lactic acid products have the highest lysine/arginine ratio. The lowest ratios are most nuts and some fruit juices.

Severe stress quickly depletes cellular lysine reserves, and the herpes virus “wakes up.” Therefore, people who live “on nerves” more often have attacks of herpes. The herpes virus can also cause stomatitis, and here, too, lysine can be used for treatment.

When treating herpes, taking lysine is well complemented by a sugar-free diet and taking supplements of vitamins A, C and bioflavonoids. Lysine's antiviral properties may also help treat chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, and HIV.

2. Lysine prevents the development of atherosclerosis

In 1996, Matthias Rath and Alexandra Nedwiecki clinically proved that in early atherosclerosis, increased intake of vitamin C (2700 mg per day), lysine (450 mg per day), proline (450 mg), in combination with a complex of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants slows down the development of atherosclerosis by an average of 50%, and in some cases leads to complete regression of atherosclerotic deposits.

Dr. Matthias Rath believes that lysine, together with proline and vitamin C, blocks the action of lipoprotein A, which leads to blockage of the arteries. Lysine intercepts Lp(a) and prevents it from depositing on the walls of the arteries, and at a sufficiently high concentration it is able to extract Lp(a) and other low-density lipoproteins from already formed atheromas.

Therefore, lysine can reduce high blood pressure, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes. Lysine also supports the energy potential of the heart muscle, as it serves as a source for the production of carnitine, an amino acid that provides muscle energy.

3. Lysine blocks the spread of metastases

Dr. Rath also discovered that lysine inhibits the action of collagenases, enzymes that dissolve the membrane of a cancerous tumor, which inhibits its metastasis. The most effective blocking occurs with the simultaneous intake of vitamin C, lysine, proline and epigall catechin gallate, a polyphenol found in green tea. Studies conducted in 2002 showed that this completely blocks the metastasis of cancer cells of various types.

Reports of the successful use of lysine derivatives for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer were published by Dr. Asted's research group (Lund University, Sweden) in 1977. In 1980, the treatment of inoperable ovarian cancer with metastases to the abdominal cavity was reported by Dr. Suma from Tokyo. And in this case, the process was stopped, and no relapses occurred during three years of observation.

Since the biological mechanism of metastasis is the same for all types of cancer, the use of lysine in combination with other similar substances can inhibit or completely block the process of spread of cancer of all types studied, and it is assumed that also AIDS.

4. Lysine Prevents Osteoporosis

There is a correlation between lysine deficiency and calcium deficiency in bone tissue. Currently, lysine is an integral part of the program for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. All postmenopausal women need at least 500 mg of lysine per day, and even more if they don't have enough animal protein in their diet. Lysine is necessary for the absorption of calcium from food and its incorporation into bone tissue. With lysine deficiency, the excretion of calcium in the urine increases. The complex containing lysine and vitamin C can be used for the prevention of osteoporosis, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, as well as in antitumor therapy.

5. Lysine accelerates growth

In 1981, M.D. A. Isidori and colleagues from the University of Rome showed that the combination of lysine + arginine was ten times more potent in promoting the release of growth hormone than arginine alone. The experiment involved young men aged 15 to 20 years.

Lysine in combination with arginine is also used by bodybuilders to achieve the combined effect of increasing muscle size and muscle strength.

6. Lysine strengthens hair

Compared to many other nutritional factors, how essential amino acids affect hair growth and hair loss is not yet well understood. However, scientists link L-lysine's role in iron and zinc absorption to its effect on hair growth. Taking lysine supplements reduces the rate of hair loss and makes hair thicker. This effect is more noticeable if you also take iron and zinc supplements along with L-lysine.

7. Lysine protects the eye lens from damage

High blood sugar levels in type I or II diabetes can cause damage to the lens of the eyes and the formation of cataracts. Along with taking chromium and zinc picolinate, taking 500 mg of L-lysine daily slows down this process.

8. Lysine improves immunity

Adequate supply of the body with essential amino acids is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the immune system. Particularly important is the normal supply of two amino acids - lysine and arginine. These amino acids are necessary for the production of a sufficient number of neutrophils, which are part of the body's strategic defense system against hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, chronic fatigue syndrome and any immunodeficiency conditions.

9. Lysine slows down aging

Research conducted in 1984 at the Mayo Clinic showed that lysine in combination with arginine can increase the secretion of thyroid hormones in older people, which also helps prevent senile immunodeficiency. This can be associated with increased production of growth hormone.

It should also be noted that lysine is important for efficient brain function; its deficiency can impair short-term memory and the ability to concentrate. The reproductive sphere also suffers from lysine deficiency - in women, deficiency can lead to loss of libido, in men - to weakened erectile function.

Useful facts about lysine

Our body's daily need for lysine is 3-5 grams

Food sources

Lysine is found in abundance in red meat, chicken, turkey, and dairy products such as yogurt and cottage cheese. But some grain products, such as wheat and corn, contain too little of it. Milling grains destroys the lysine it contains, so white flour and other refined foods contain very little of it. Lysine is also destroyed when protein foods are cooked with sugar.