Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia): symptoms, causes, treatment. Description of the disease hypoglycemia

A sharp decrease in plasma glucose levels provokes a hypoglycemic state. In a healthy person, the glucose level is always within the normal range, but if the body experiences dangerous pathologies, an attack of hypoglycemia may occur, which is dangerous for a person, because it starves the cells of the brain and internal organs, which leads to disruption of their functioning.

What are the reasons?

The etiology of this disorder is an increase in the hormone insulin in the blood, which eliminates glucose at an accelerated pace, and sugar levels drop sharply. This pathology more often develops in patients diabetes mellitus, but healthy people can sometimes experience symptoms of hypoglycemia. In type 1 diabetes, as well as type 2 diabetes, the causes of hypoglycemia are as follows:

  • non-compliance determined by the doctor dosages when the hormone insulin was administered more than prescribed;
  • if a person, at his own discretion, uses medications that affect the reduction of sugar;
  • when a person takes long breaks between meals.

Causes of illness in a healthy person

Hypoglycemia can occur not only in patients with diabetes. This condition occurs in completely healthy people, but is no less dangerous, since unpredictable consequences can develop. In adults who have not had any health problems, sugar levels may drop for the following reasons:

  • Endocrine pathologies. If thyroid fails, hypoglycemia may occur.
  • Chronic pathology of the digestive organs. Low sugar in plasma may be a consequence of a disruption in the normal process of food absorption, then the patient experiences severe hypoglycemia, the symptoms of which should not be ignored.
  • Frequent deliberate hunger strikes. Such situations are mainly observed in women with eating disorders.
  • Impaired functioning of vital internal organs:
    • liver;
    • hearts;
    • kidney
  • Pancreatic tumors. Neoplasms lead to hyperfunction of the gland, which will immediately affect the sugar level and lead to its decrease.
  • Physiological hypoglycemia. More often this is a congenital pathology, which is characterized by insufficient glucose production.
  • Dehydration. Hypoglycemic disease can develop due to non-compliance water-salt balance in organism. As a result, vital glucose, micro- and macroelements leave the body along with sweat, while their balance is not replenished.

What are the symptoms?

Dehydration of the body can trigger the development of hypoglycemia.

The main symptoms of hypoglycemia appear quickly. To prevent possible complications When a person gets worse, it is important to identify the disorder in time and treat it correctly. Developing signs hypoglycemia are as follows:

  • night excessive sweating;
  • weakness before and feeling better after eating;
  • frequent fainting and deterioration in general health;
  • increased appetite;
  • irritability;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • muscle spasms.

If it is not possible to determine the mechanism of development of hypoglycemia, diabetics and people periodically suffering from the disease may develop irreversible processes in which the functioning of not only internal organs is disrupted. With frequent attacks, brain cells starve, and this leads to disturbances in the central nervous system, the patient may become disabled.

Features during pregnancy

It is important for pregnant women to follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid a pathological condition.

Hypoglycemic syndrome can occur in pregnant women, and they do not necessarily have to be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This condition can negatively affect the condition of the unborn child. With hyperfunction of the pancreas in a pregnant woman, the growth and development of the fetus stops, its internal organs do not receive the necessary nutrients, which is why they lag behind in development. If a pregnant woman has type 2 diabetes, it is important to strictly monitor her condition and do everything that the doctor advised. By adhering to strict recommendations, you can avoid severe consequences for yourself and your unborn child.

Degrees and danger

The degrees of hypoglycemia are presented in the table:

First aid for hypoglycemia

Blood pressure drops sharply during hypoglycemia, so it is also important to monitor its behavior.

A diabetic should always have glucose tablets with him.

First aid for relieving hypoglycemia is to normalize the condition and eliminate dangerous consequences. Every patient with diabetes should have glucose tablets with them, which should be taken immediately as soon as a deterioration is felt. It is important to take the drug according to a certain dosage, otherwise, due to a sharp increase in plasma sugar, hypoglycemia will change to something else, no less dangerous condition, which is called hyperglycemia. After taking a glucose-containing product, it is important to measure your sugar level; if a person feels very bad, you should call “ ambulance».

Many people experience constant fatigue, nausea and headaches. And sometimes, when visiting a doctor with such symptoms, the patient hears the diagnosis: “hypoglycemia.” This disease mainly occurs in diabetics, but it can also lead to unpleasant consequences. This is due to the fact that it is very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and especially for the functioning of the brain. And hypoglycemia is a decrease this level below normal. IN last years because of poor nutrition, hobbies for various diets and alcoholic drinks this condition is becoming more common.

Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?

All organs need energy to function, which they can get from breaking down sugar. And most of all, the brain needs it. An increased need for glucose is also observed during heavy physical and mental stress. With a lack of sugar in the blood, there is a deterioration in memory, vision, slower reactions and loss of coordination. IN severe cases irreversible death of brain cells occurs, leading to the death of a person. And the body can only get glucose from food when breaking down sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore, hypoglycemia very often occurs due to poor nutrition. Metabolism in the body is designed in such a way that unspent glucose is stored in the liver and muscles and is used as needed. This mechanism is evidence of how important it is for normal life.

Causes of hypoglycemia

All metabolic processes in humans occur with the participation of hormones. And for the normal absorption of carbohydrates and their conversion into glucose, insulin is very important. Hypoglycemia occurs most often in cases where too much of this substance is produced. Most often this happens in diabetes mellitus due to intake special drugs. But hypoglycemia can also occur in other cases:

  • at incorrect exchange substances and pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • with impaired liver function, cirrhosis or abnormal enzyme production;
  • after a long fast;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • during severe infectious diseases;
  • with poor nutrition excess consumption carbohydrate food, because of which the body gets used to producing a lot of insulin;
  • after intense physical exertion, for example, when playing sports;
  • when abusing alcoholic beverages, which also require a lot of insulin for their absorption;
  • after taking certain medications. Except special means for the treatment of diabetes, salicylates, quinine and sulfur preparations can cause hypoglycemia syndrome;
  • with the development of a tumor or other anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus

If people who do not need to control their blood sugar levels rarely associate their ailments with low blood sugar levels, then people with diabetes should know what hypoglycemia is. They may develop this condition over a short time and quickly lead to and even death. Therefore, it is very important for them to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and the exact dosage of medications. After all sharp decline sugar levels most often occur in those diagnosed with

Hypoglycemia in this case is a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications or non-compliance with the diet. If this happens often, then you need to consult your doctor about changing your treatment regimen. But it happens that hypoglycemia develops in type 2 diabetes. This can happen with an overdose hypoglycemic drugs, in case of non-compliance with diet or increased physical activity. Patients with impaired renal function may also experience a sharp drop in sugar levels.

What drugs can cause hypoglycemia?

Sometimes this condition is a consequence of not only poor nutrition, but also the use of certain medicines in large doses. What drugs can lead to a drop in sugar levels?

  • insulin injections;
  • sulfonamides;
  • salicylates in higher doses, for example, “Aspirin”;
  • sometimes hypoglycemia can be side effect after taking drugs such as Diabinez, Amaryl, Glucotro, Pranin, Januvia and others.

What people with diabetes need to know

Diabetics must strictly follow all doctor's recommendations. You need to know that hypoglycemia develops very quickly, and sometimes its first symptoms may not be noticed. A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels is very dangerous for the body and can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. This condition occurs especially often in people who exceed doses of insulin medications. Patients should also remember not to skip meals, eat very little, and subject themselves to intense physical activity on an empty stomach. Diabetics should always carry foods that can quickly raise their sugar levels, or glucose tablets. And when the first symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, you need to eat a couple of caramels, 2-3 pieces of sugar, a spoonful of honey, drink half a glass of fruit juice or any sweet drink. You should regularly measure your blood sugar levels and, when leaving home, take a bracelet or card with medical information about your illness and necessary medications. After all, the symptoms of a hypoglycemic coma are not known to everyone, and help in this case must be provided immediately.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Each person's symptoms may be different. This depends on the state of health, the reasons for the decrease in sugar and the degree of development of hypoglycemia. Usually when mild form a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • profuse sweating;
  • strong feeling of hunger;
  • tingling or numbness in the lips and fingertips;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle weakness or tremors of the limbs;
  • paleness of the face.

At chronic form The disease may develop depression, irritability, anxiety and sleep disturbances. A person experiences constant fatigue, feeling of fear, often yawns. His blood pressure may rise, headaches and angina attacks may occur. In severe cases of hypoglycemia, the patient's behavior changes, confusion of speech, impaired coordination of movements and visual disturbances may occur.

Symptoms of hypoglycemic coma

With a sharp decrease in sugar, as well as in cases where a person does not take any measures when the first symptoms of the disease appear, heavy defeat brain. Convulsions appear, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. His friends and relatives should know the signs of this condition so that emergency assistance can be provided on time. How can you tell if a person who has lost consciousness has fallen into a hypoglycemic coma?

  • he has increased sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat and tachycardia;
  • body temperature and blood pressure decrease;
  • the patient loses sensitivity to external stimuli, even to pain;
  • he is very pale;
  • Convulsions may also occur.

Urgent Care

If this occurs, those around you should immediately call an ambulance.

If possible, it is advisable to inject glucose or glycogen, a hormone that quickly increases sugar levels. You can turn the patient on his side and carefully place a little honey or glucose gel behind the cheek. Even if the diagnosis is inaccurate, it will not cause as much harm as low blood glucose. If the patient is conscious, then help with hypoglycemia is to give him something sweet to eat along with complex carbohydrates, which will prevent the sugar from dropping in the future. For mild cases, a couple of sweets or a little fruit juice are enough. It is undesirable to use sweet carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they contain sweeteners. Typically, diabetic patients carry a few sugar cubes or glucose tablets with them.

Prevention of hypoglycemia

To prevent this condition from occurring, you must follow correct mode nutrition, don't get carried away low-calorie diets and avoid overexertion and stress. Patients with diabetes should know that hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition caused by low blood sugar, and constantly use a glucometer.

They must follow a special diet, for example, “table 9”. If you have diabetes, it is very important not to skip meals and be sure to eat something after exercise and taking insulin. Such people who are at risk for hypoglycemia should always carry glucose tablets or a few lumps of sugar with them. Must be present in the diet complex carbohydrates, for example, cereals, fruits or grain bread. Only they can ensure regular normal level blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia in children

Most often this condition is associated with congenital deficiency liver enzymes or endocrine disorders. Low sugar levels are very dangerous for a child's health, as it causes mental and mental slowdown. physical development and can lead to death. It is especially difficult to diagnose the disease in infants.

Hypoglycemia in a newborn can occur for many reasons. Most often this congenital anomalies gastrointestinal tract, tumors or hormonal imbalance. If the mother is diabetic and took insulin during pregnancy, this can also cause hypoglycemia in the baby after birth. This condition often occurs in premature babies. It is very important to provide your child with timely medical care. And parents of older children with hypoglycemia need to carefully monitor their diet: it is necessary to exclude animal proteins and starch, the diet should contain a lot of fruits and whole grains, and the baby should eat food as often as possible, in small portions.

Hypoglycemia is called acute condition patient, which is caused sharp decline blood sugar concentrations. This pathology characterized general malaise, and if not provided timely assistance can lead to serious consequences, even death. Let's take a closer look at why hypoglycemia occurs, symptoms and first aid for exacerbations, prevention and treatment of the disease using traditional and traditional medicine.

Causes of hypoglycemia

  • insulin overdose in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • untimely appointment food after an insulin injection;
  • nutritional deficiency with increased brain activity, stress, mental overload, caused by insufficient consumption carbohydrate foods containing optimal doses of glucose;
  • a disease called insulinoma - a tumor of the pancreas.

Also contribute to the occurrence of hypoglycemia the following factors:

  • dehydration;
  • diet abuse;
  • infectious and chronic diseases;
  • menstruation period;
  • abuse of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • tumors;
  • sepsis;
  • insufficient function of organs, in particular the liver, kidneys, heart.

Hypoglycemia - symptoms

Symptoms of hypoglycemia are pronounced and include the following:

  • sharp feeling of hunger, increased appetite;
  • weakness, weakness, drowsiness, trembling in the limbs (tremor);
  • increased sweating;
  • dilated pupils;
  • numbness of the tongue and lips;
  • pallor skin;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • seizures (in some situations);
  • problems with the speech apparatus;
  • manifestation of aggression by the patient;
  • attacks of unmotivated fear, panic;
  • memory loss;
  • fainting.

First aid for hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia attacks are extremely serious. Brain cells are the most susceptible to destruction, and with frequent attacks, mental abilities may deteriorate. This is why diabetics should carefully monitor their diet and the medications prescribed by their doctor.

The most reliable sign Diagnosis of this pathology is to measure blood sugar levels. A blood test should be done both routinely and as a necessary measure - at the first symptoms of hypoglycemia.

The conscious patient is offered to drink sweet tea or any drink with added sugar, eat candy, or a piece of chocolate. To prevent a recurrent attack, a bowl of porridge, potatoes or bread with butter, honey or jam is well suited - products containing complex carbohydrates, which the body takes longer to process than fast carbohydrates.

If the patient’s condition worsens, there is loss of consciousness and an increase in symptoms, then you should immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital. Before doctors arrive, be sure to place the patient on a horizontal plane and monitor pulse and breathing. When a person is unconscious, 1 ml of glucagon is injected intramuscularly. In case of cardiac arrest and circulatory impairment, immediate resuscitation measures(heart massage, etc.).

Treatment of hypoglycemia

In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes full examination and receives therapy according to a strictly individual plan, the basis of which is the mandatory cleansing of the body from toxic substances and decomposition products. The underlying disease that caused the decrease in blood sugar levels is treated.

Foods that reduce the risk of a recurrent episode of hypoglycemia:

  1. Dietary meat (turkey, rabbit, lean veal), cooked or steamed, sea ​​fish(herring, salmon, tuna, sardine), vegetable oils cold pressed (flaxseed, pumpkin, corn, grape seeds, walnut, soy), natural butter, eggs, cheeses.
  2. Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, corn, barley, oats, pearl barley, wheat), legumes (lentils, beans, peas), whole grain bread, bran, pasta from durum wheat.
  3. Green fruits, leafy greens, tomatoes, mushrooms, lemons, fresh fruits no added sugar.
  4. Dairy and lactic acid products (whole milk, kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, sour cream, curdled milk, fermented baked milk), dark chocolate (cocoa bean content of at least 72%) and cocoa, cane sugar, fructose, stevia.

Prevention of hypoglycemia

Patients with diabetes mellitus are required to strictly follow a diet, follow doctor's prescriptions, systematically engage in simple exercises, constantly monitor blood glucose levels using an individual glucometer and monitor the manifestation of symptoms of hypoglycemia. Persons with diabetes should always carry with them any food containing quickly digestible carbohydrates, such as candy, chocolate, glucose tablets, sweet juice, in order to stop the attack at the first sign of malaise.

Patients prone to nutritional hypoglycemia should organize their diet in such a way as to eat small portions 5-6 times a day, and the food should contain small amounts simple carbohydrates and high doses of protein, fat and dietary fiber. Be sure to inform others about your health problems so that they can promptly help you or call an ambulance.

It is unacceptable to violate the diet, in particular, you cannot leave the house on an empty stomach or adhere to diets aimed at weight loss, especially low-carbohydrate diets or mono-diets.

Patients taking insulin require strict adherence to their medication regimen. Traditional medicine recipes are also used to prevent and treat hypoglycemia.

Traditional methods of treating hypoglycemia

Jerusalem artichoke. The tubers of the earthen pear contain inulin, a substance similar to insulin, which regulates all types of metabolism in the body, including carbohydrates. Jerusalem artichoke normalizes blood glucose levels, leads to optimization of body weight, and ensures timely cleansing of the body from toxins and waste. The root vegetable is consumed daily raw, dried, boiled, baked, fried in unlimited quantities.

Cinnamon. Aromatic spice normalizes blood glucose levels and the body's ability to adequately respond to insulin. You should consume 1 coffee spoon of cinnamon powder per day ( better product grind in a stick coffee grinder). It should be added to tea along with bee honey or in desserts and fruit salads.

Liquid extract Leuzea. Prevents the development of hypoglycemia when insulin is administered, increases the body's resistance to various negative factors, relieves fatigue, and improves cognitive functions of the brain. Leuzea extract is prescribed 25-30 drops added to a tablespoon drinking water, 2-3 times a day during meals.

Medicinal collection with hypoglycemia. Mix 1 g each of dry wormwood and licorice and 2 g each burnets, St. John's wort, chamomile, leaves

One of the most important substances in the human body is glucose. It is the main source of energy for the functioning of the brain and all organs, and is involved in the production of some amino acids and vitamins. If there is not enough glucose in the blood, hypoglycemia develops. This pathological condition, in which energy starvation of the body is observed. It can lead to serious health consequences. The condition of hypoglycemia most often occurs in patients with diabetes due to the fact that their process of glucose absorption is impaired. But it can also occur in healthy people under the influence of various reasons.

Blood Sugar Level

The vital functions of the body are maintained through metabolic processes. This is a metabolism that ensures that all necessary microelements and energy enter the cells, as well as the removal of cell waste products. For the functioning of the brain and all organs, glucose is primarily needed. It is supplied to the body only with food. But not only sugars are a source of glucose. It is also produced from any carbohydrates. They are all processed at different rates.

In order for glucose to be absorbed by cells, insulin is a special hormone. As soon as sugar enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, this substance begins to be intensively produced by the pancreas. Insulin helps cells use incoming sugar, converting it into energy. In healthy people, it is produced exactly as much as is needed to absorb the glucose supplied with food. In addition, there are reserves of glucose in the body in the form of glycogen, which is located in the liver. And excess carbohydrates are also stored in fat.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain normal blood glucose levels at all times. Increasing it can lead to obesity or diabetes, and with low sugar levels hypoglycemia develops. Insulin processes glucose from the blood, so this condition often occurs when diabetics take the wrong dosage of the drug. But it can also develop in healthy people with an unbalanced diet.

What is hypoglycemia

The normal level of glucose in the blood of a healthy person ranges from 3.8 to 6.5 mmol/l. If this indicator drops to 3.3 or even lower, hypoglycemia develops. This is a pathological condition that can threaten the patient's life if it is not stopped. Most often, a sharp drop in glucose levels occurs in patients with diabetes who inject themselves too much. large doses insulin or do not follow the diet recommended by the doctor. But hypoglycemia is a condition that can occur in absolutely healthy people. Insufficient intake glucose from food, high energy expenditure, stress, or taking certain medications can cause this pathology.

Stages of development

Signs of hypoglycemia vary depending on the severity of the disease. There are three stages: mild, moderate and severe. At mild degree hypoglycemia, the sugar level decreases below 3.8 mmol/l. A person may experience hunger or, conversely, nausea, he becomes cold, and his heartbeat may increase. Feels like unexplained anxiety, irritability. Healthy people rarely associate these first signs of hypoglycemia with a decrease in sugar levels. This attitude leads to a worsening of the condition and a further decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood.

If its level reaches 2.8 mmol/l, hypoglycemia develops medium degree gravity. At the same time, all symptoms intensify: irritability, anxiety, impaired consciousness and memory. The patient's vision deteriorates, pain and dizziness. Developing severe weakness, coordination of movements may be impaired. If help is not provided in time for moderate hypoglycemia, it turns into last stage. Moreover, the deterioration of the condition can develop very quickly. In just 20-30 minutes, hypoglycemia reaches its most severe stage.

The glucose level reaches 2.2 mmol/l and drops below. The patient experiences overexcitement and may become aggressive. Body temperature drops significantly and sweating increases. Tonic spasms often occur, in which the muscles long time cannot relax, hand tremors. The patient may lose consciousness. In this state, he is no longer able to help himself, so he must be taken to a medical facility. When the sugar level is below 2 mmol/l, a hypoglycemic coma occurs, which can result in death.

Hypoglycemia: causes

In patients with diabetes mellitus, this pathology may occur due to improper treatment or non-compliance with diet. Why does hypoglycemia develop in healthy people? It can be caused by various factors:

Diseases that cause hypoglycemia

Often, low blood sugar levels develop due to various health problems. What diseases cause hypoglycemia?

  • Diabetes.
  • Hypothyroidism, adrenal gland dysfunction.
  • Insulinoma is a tumor on the pancreas.
  • Liver diseases, especially cirrhosis and viral hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract leading to impaired absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Sepsis.
  • Congenital pathologies of insulin secretion and glucose uptake.

Hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus

Most often, this condition occurs if a person insulin dependent diabetes. Hypoglycemia develops when a patient injects himself with a larger dose of insulin than is required to process the glucose present in the blood. After all, diabetics do not have large glycogen reserves; they are forced to control the level of carbohydrates entering the body. With this disease it is necessary to observe strict diet, calculating how much glucose you need to consume (it is calculated in XE - grain units) depending on physical activity. But errors are possible initial stages illness, as well as in case of violation of the daily routine or nutrition. In diabetes, an attack of hypoglycemia is caused by the following reasons:

  • incorrect insulin dosage;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • prolonged fasting, often even skipping one meal leads to a decrease in glucose levels;
  • low level carbohydrates in food;
  • the use of drugs that enhance the effect of insulin, for example, Aspirin, Warfarin, Glinase and others.

In addition to a pathological decrease in glucose levels, symptomatic hypoglycemia occurs in diabetes mellitus. The patient feels all the signs of pathology when sugar drops sharply from high to normal indicators. To avoid problems, people with diabetes need to follow a strict diet, follow all doctor's recommendations and check their blood for sugar several times a day.

Hypoglycemia syndrome

Blood sugar levels may gradually decrease, or they may drop sharply to critical levels. In the second case, they talk about an attack of hypoglycemia, during which the patient may fall into a coma. But a gradual decrease in glucose and its constantly low level is also dangerous. In this case, a special symptom complex develops that characterizes hypoglycemic syndrome. In patients with this pathology, memory and intellectual functions deteriorate, concentration is impaired, and they often experience pain and dizziness. Paresthesia or numbness of the extremities is possible. The patient's skin is pale, he experiences chills and excessive sweating.

But the main symptom of hypoglycemia syndrome is chronic fatigue and severe weakness. After all, due to low glucose levels, energy is constantly lacking. The patient feels irritability, anxiety, and drowsiness. He feels tired already in the morning, just getting out of bed. In addition, the patient constantly experiences severe hunger. He notices that drinking something sweet, such as fruit juice, soda, or candy, makes him feel better. But the relief does not last long. Sharp increase glucose levels caused by fast carbohydrates lead to increased production of insulin, which quickly processes it. Therefore, the patient’s condition gradually worsens without treatment.

Signs of a hypoglycemia attack

Symptoms of low sugar levels do not always appear gradually. Sometimes there may be a sharp drop, when coma sets in within half an hour. Therefore, it is very important to know how an attack of hypoglycemia develops in order to provide help in time. It is necessary to take action if the following symptoms appear:

  • sudden weakness, drowsiness;
  • severe hunger;
  • nausea;
  • sweating, chills;
  • hand trembling;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of fear;
  • double vision, circles before the eyes;
  • confusion of speech and consciousness.

If the sugar level is not raised, loss of consciousness, coma and death follow. Therefore, the patient, while he is still able, needs to eat something sweet or drink fruit juice.

Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?

A strong sharp drop in blood sugar without timely help leads to the death of the patient, as cell death begins. The brain especially suffers from this, so when glucose levels are below 2 mmol/l, a hypoglycemic coma occurs. But its constantly low level can also be dangerous. First of all, because the death of small capillaries begins, which causes blindness or angiopathy of the vessels of the legs.

Serious health consequences occur only when hypoglycemia is moderate to severe or when low blood sugar levels persist for a long time. This leads to irreversible changes in nervous system patient. Not only vision is affected, changes affect speech, coordination of movements and all major sensory organs.

First aid for hypoglycemia

It is especially important to know how to help with hypoglycemia for people who are close to people with diabetes. With this disease, it is very important to stop the attack in a timely manner so that it does not turn into a coma. For the same reason, it is recommended that the patient always carry with him a card with information about his illness. After all, hypoglycemia is a condition that can strike a person at any time. When the first symptoms appear, you need to eat or drink something containing fast carbohydrates. Therefore, a diabetic patient should always have the following products on hand:

  • fruit juice;
  • candy or chocolate;
  • a piece of sugar;
  • cookie;
  • banana or dried apricots;
  • cheese or milk;
  • corn syrup;
  • glucose tablet.

After 15 minutes, it is advisable to measure your sugar level; if it does not rise above 3.8 mmol/l, you need to eat some of these foods again, but not much, since increased level glucose is no less dangerous. In severe cases, when the patient loses consciousness and cannot swallow, it is important to provide first aid in a timely manner. There is a glucose preparation in the form of a gel. They can be used to lubricate the oral cavity, where sugar will begin to be absorbed into the blood. As first aid can be done intramuscular injection 1 ml "Glucagon".

Treatment of hypoglycemia

Patients with diabetes should tell their doctor if they experience symptoms of hypoglycemia more than twice a week. This means that you need to adjust your diet and insulin dosage. People who do not suffer from diabetes also need to see a doctor in time. In any case, after providing first aid to the patient, treatment consists of eliminating the cause of low sugar. Therefore, a complete examination is necessary. It will help determine the presence endocrine diseases, violations hormonal levels and other diseases.

If the examination does not reveal any pathologies, the development of hypoglycemia may be due to other reasons. In this case, your doctor may recommend changing your diet. The patient must consume carbohydrates. Special attention you need to pay attention to sweets. Sugar, candy, honey - these products can help increase sugar levels during hypoglycemia. But in daily diet the so-called slow carbohydrates: porridge, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. They will help not only replenish energy reserves, but also create glycogen reserves. This will prevent your sugar levels from dropping in the future.

In case of a severe attack only in medical institution hypoglycemia can be treated. Medicines containing glucose can quickly raise blood sugar levels. Shown intravenous injections glucose, intramuscular - "Glucagon". In case of loss of consciousness, 1-2 ml of Adrenaline is injected subcutaneously.

Prevention of low sugar

In healthy people, hypoglycemia develops only in extreme conditions. To avoid this, you need to dose physical activity, avoid long periods fasting, eating right. It is very important that your diet contains as little as possible fast carbohydrates, but be sure to eat porridge, whole grain bread, legumes, vegetables and fruits every day. If you experience frequent attacks of hypoglycemia, you should always have a chocolate bar, juice or cookies with you. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this; it’s better to undergo an examination and find out the causes of this condition.

  • do not exceed the insulin dosage;
  • measure your sugar level several times a day;
  • avoid periods of prolonged fasting;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • maintain a diet;
  • Take any medications only after consulting your doctor.

Hypoglycemia is a condition that healthy people often ignored. But about its signs and possible consequences It is necessary to know not only for patients with diabetes, but for every person.