Understand that it is uterine cancer. From timely diagnosis to successful treatment

Uterine cancer is one of the most common types of this pathology, affecting female body. Today, statistics show that cancer is detected mainly in women aged 35–50 years.

The disease is characterized by the severity of symptoms, which is why it is often diagnosed on early stages of its development.

Uterine cancer is a malignant formation that affects the muscle tissue of the uterus, which is replaced by fibrous tissue. The tumor is characterized by early and extensive symptoms. In most cases, the pathology is prone to rapid development And involvement of adjacent organs and tissues.

In the initial stages, cancer develops only in the endometrium of the uterine cavity.


This pathology is characterized by four stages of development from the moment of tumor formation to the active phase of metastasis:

  • Stage 1. It is characterized by the development of a tumor in the endometrium, which gradually covers part of the muscle layer. Upon external examination, the tumor resembles a fibroid;
  • Stage 2. At this stage of development, growth of the formation outside the uterine cavity is noted. An additional area of ​​localization is the neck of the organ;
  • Stage 3. The pathology takes on a more pronounced form, affecting the vagina. Also, growth may occur in lymph nodes located in the lumbar or pelvic region;
  • Stage 4. The very last stage, characterized by the active phase of metastasis. Secondary formations are localized mainly in the lymph nodes of the groin, lungs and liver.

Detection of pathology in the early stages, which includes the first and second degrees, almost 100% guarantees complete relief of the pathology.

It is not always possible to detect cancer on your own during this period, since symptoms most often wear general character , standard for many diseases of the female reproductive system. To prevent the development of pathology, it is necessary to know exactly the symptoms initial stages.

First symptoms

IN isolated cases, the development of stage 1 cancer is completely asymptomatic. But more often than not, even a small pathological change in the tissues of the uterus, leads to the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of leucorrhoea. The formation of a tumor in the endometrium leads to its partial rejection, which affects the appearance of the discharge. Dead epithelium gives them a whitish tint.
  2. The consistency of the discharge changes. They become denser and more viscous. They resemble mucus in appearance.
  3. As the size of the formation increases, discharge may show blood impurities in the form of strings. This is due to overstretching of the endometrium, the tissues of which are partially injured and the vessels are ruptured.

    As a result, they begin to bleed. But since at this stage of development the uterus is still capable of actively contracting and recovering, bleeding is minor and short-term. The condition of the tumor can be judged by the amount of blood impurities.

    Their increase in secretions signals an increase in education. Most often, blood is detected after sexual intercourse or physical activity.

    Painful and uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the pain is mild and aching in nature. Most often, it is observed during menstruation, after sexual intercourse and other processes associated with contraction of the uterus.

    The rest of the time, there is minor discomfort in the uterine area, which manifests itself as tightness or excessive tension in the abdomen.

  4. The nature of discharge during menstruation changes. They become abundant and last longer than usual.
  5. Accession accompanying pathologies infectious nature. The presence of a foreign formation in the uterus leads to its weakening protective functions. The bacteria present in this organ, in in good condition are blocked by internal immunity, and when it decreases, they attack the uterus.

    When infectious disease purulent discharge appears yellow color. Most characteristic pathologies with uterine cancer there is colpitis and cervicitis.

  6. Change menstrual cycle, which can be several times a month.
  7. General deterioration of the body, manifested by weight loss, fever, excessive weakness. These signs develop against the background of intoxication of the body from the breakdown of tissues affected by cancer.

Second degree manifestation

The symptoms of the second stage are characterized by severity and high intensity of manifestation. The progress of the pathology can be judged by the appearance or intensification of certain symptoms:

  1. The appearance of frequent dull ache throughout the pelvic region and in the area of ​​the lower spine. As the tumor grows, it affects the parametrial layer of fiber, where the nerve plexus is located. Constant pressure on them and leads to pain. The intensity of its manifestation will depend on the size of the growth.
  2. Swelling. More often, this symptom typical for more late stages, but can also appear early. The appearance of edema is facilitated by an increase in the tumor, which compresses the main blood and lymphatic vessels located in the sacral region. As a result, the normal outflow of fluids is disrupted, which provokes swelling.
  3. The appearance of blood menstrual cycle. A growing tumor leads to numerous ruptures of blood vessels, which is the cause of abundant bloody discharge. Bleeding may recur several times a month or not stop at all.

    Hemostatic drugs provide only a short-term effect. Especially often, bleeding is observed after sexual intercourse, since the pathological process changes the structure of the cervix, which begins to bleed with minor exposure.

  4. Enlarged regional lymph nodes, since in the second stage the cancer affects the entire lymphatic system adjacent to this body. The nodes enlarge several times and become painful.


To treat uterine cancer, all well-known methods used for various types of this disease: radiation and chemotherapy, surgery. The choice of method will depend only on the stage of the disease:

  1. For treatment first stage microinvasive cancer method is used intracavitary irradiation, after which they carry out complete removal uterus along with appendages. In isolated cases, these methods are changed in order, and first the removal is carried out, and only then the exposure to gamma rays is carried out remotely.
  2. When cancer is detected second stage development, the main treatment method is radiation therapy. Surgical intervention is allowed in in rare cases, mainly with limited localization of the tumor. In this case, not only the uterus and appendages are removed, but also the lymph nodes involved in the pathological process.
  3. At third stage Surgical treatment is not allowed at all. Typically, treatment is carried out using combinations of radiation and chemotherapy. For irradiation, a wider field is indicated, covering the entire pelvic region and the sacral region.
  4. For treatment fourth stage cancer, as well as for the third, Surgery is strictly contraindicated. Used to stop cancer palliative radiation.

    Chemotherapy is also present among the methods used to treat the final stages, but it is only supportive in nature, since at this stage it is already ineffective. They also complement the main therapy with symptomatic treatment.

This video describes one of the treatment methods:


According to statistics, the majority of women who underwent treatment in the early stages of cancer development had positive results with complete regression.

After removal of the uterus with a stage 1 tumor, the survival rate was almost 90%, from the second – 75%.

Over the past ten years, these figures have only increased, which cannot be said about the later stages. At the third stage, survival rate was only 35%. For the fourth, these figures decreased several times and amounted to 7% of the total number of cases women.

The frequency of relapses is higher in the last stages of the disease. It ranges from 7 to 10%. Of these patients, only 30% survive.

If left untreated, the tumor begins develop rapidly. As a rule, it only takes a few months to move from one stage to another. Only in isolated cases is a sluggish process of tumor development observed, which can last for many years. Active phase The formation of metastases takes approximately 2 to 6 months.

Without treatment death observed in 100% of cases.


High mortality rate with relapses of this disease requires patients to adhere to certain rules. Oncologists include the following among the main ones:

  • do not miss scheduled examinations aimed at studying the dynamics of controlled pathology;
  • timely treatment systemic diseases and first of all, the female reproductive system;
  • apply supportive hormonal and immunotherapy, which should be prescribed only by the attending physician;
  • stick to healthy image life With correct mode and a balanced diet;
  • if symptoms indicating a relapse appear, as soon as possible see a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Among all oncological diseases Cervical cancer ranks fifth; among gynecological oncological pathologies, the disease ranks second after breast cancer. Signs of uterine cancer in women in the initial stages are mild, making diagnosis difficult. In Russia, 17 women out of every hundred thousand suffer from the disease. Survival prognosis depends directly on the stage at which the patient is diagnosed.

The internal cavity of the organ is lined with a special epithelial layer− endometrium. Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor process that develops from the endometrium. As a rule, the pathology affects women after 45 years of age, but in last years the number of cases is growing (up to 40%) among women more than young. There are two types of uterine oncology: autonomous (in which the etiology is unknown, accounting for a third of all cases of uterine oncology) and hormonal (characterized by endocrine metabolic disorders).

The autonomous variety develops as a result of increased estrogen synthesis - the hormone acts on the endometrium, causing increased cell proliferation, changes in their size and properties (hyperplasia). Hormonal type of oncology is often combined with diseases endocrine systems s. Wherein malignant lesion develops gradually and has a more favorable prognosis.

Endometrial cancer is considered a “disease of civilization”; the exact causes of the tumor are unknown. The following risk factors exist:

  • late menopause at the age of 55 years;
  • lack of ovulation for a long time;
  • late menarche (first menstruation);
  • hormonal infertility;
  • diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • long-term treatment estrogen-based drugs (without gestagen) or anti-estrogenic medicines;
  • lack of pregnancy experience;
  • heredity.

Early symptoms

In most cases, there are no symptoms when a tumor forms. Signs of uterine cancer in the early stages include uterine bleeding that is in no way related to menstrual bleeding. This symptom is observed in most women. Young girls may be bothered by light leucorrhoea. It should be noted that discharge is not always a symptom of cancer; it accompanies many pathologies of the genital area. This significantly affects the diagnosis of the disease. The following discharge is observed:

  • plentiful;
  • scanty;
  • one-time;
  • repetitive;
  • periodic.

Symptoms of early stage uterine cancer are usually mild. Pain in the lower abdomen may be observed, mucous (or watery) discharge bothers elderly patients. If the damage affects bladder, pain may occur when urinating.

Signs in later stages

Some signs of uterine oncology in women are not accompanied by bright clinical picture, but without special research discovered during a gynecological examination. Highlight:

Oncological diseases of the uterus are today among the most common pathologies in women; according to statistics, doctors record about 600 thousand new cases every year in the world. Most often the disease is diagnosed in age group 35-55 years, later - in very rare cases. Malignant processes of this localization have a high mortality rate, so all women should know the symptoms and signs of uterine cancer, this will allow timely action to be taken and avoid irreparable consequences.

Uterus and development of malignant process

The uterus is the most important component of the reproductive system. It is a hollow smooth muscle organ, unpaired, pear-shaped, in women of childbearing age with an average length of 5 to 9 cm. According to its structure, the uterus itself is divided into sections: the cervix, body and fundus; and its wall consists of three layers: perimetry, myometrium and endometrium (internal mucous membrane of the organ).

The appearance of symptoms and signs of uterine cancer occurs as a result of mutation of endometrial cells that begin uncontrolled abnormal division, leading to the appearance of a tumor. Along with the growth of the tumor, the process of spreading of malignant cells begins, first through the lymph nodes, then through the blood vessels into the vital important organs(kidneys, liver, lungs).

Symptoms and signs of cancer depend on the degree pathological disease. Conventionally, according to the size of the tumor and the affected area, the process is divided into four stages:

Damage to other organs leads to disruption of their work and the vital functions of the entire organism, because malignant cells displace healthy ones, but, due to their immaturity, are not able to perform their functions. Development malignant process irreversibly leads to death if not detected in a timely manner characteristic of cancer uterus first signs and symptoms, and do not begin special treatment.

Manifestation of the disease in the initial stages

The oncological process is characterized by a long asymptomatic course, so signs of uterine cancer in the early stages are observed infrequently, all of them are subtle and erased. The growth of the tumor leads to the appearance of certain changes in the body, which should signal the need for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

The first symptoms of early stage uterine cancer include vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). They can be watery, white, mucous, interspersed with blood, odorless or, conversely, foul-smelling. The retention of leucorrhoea in the vagina leads to the development of inflammatory processes and the addition of infections, which manifests itself in the appearance purulent discharge with a characteristic odor.

A woman should be alerted to the appearance of contact bleeding. They can appear during sex, after intercourse, during douching, after lifting weights. Particular attention should be paid if spotting appears during menopause. An abnormal phenomenon is considered heavy bleeding single or multiple, lasting 10-12 days, painful, especially when it comes to bleeding in postmenopause.

The development of cancer may be indicated by the appearance of discomfort, irritation (not related to allergic reactions), manifestation of changes in skin labia and itching. Besides, tumor processes in the organ lead to the appearance painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

In number initial signs and symptoms of uterine cancer include worsening general condition, the appearance of weakness, decreased performance.

Manifestation of the disease in late stages

The signs of uterine cancer become more pronounced in the later stages of the oncological process. The transition of malignant cells to nearby lymph nodes is accompanied by an increase in their size and the appearance of pain in their area.

Severe pain in the affected area appears already at the 4th stage of the process, because there is practically no direct presence in the organ nerve endings. The process of metastasis affects nerve plexuses sacral region, accompanied by back pain.

Defeat urinary system manifests itself as a disturbance in urination (frequency or difficulty emptying), as well as pain and the appearance of blood in the urine. Violation often leads to ascites (formation of dropsy in the abdominal cavity) and an increase in the volume of the abdomen. Fluid retention in the body and compression of the pelvic lymph nodes leads to swelling of the lower extremities.

Heavy vaginal discharge remains a characteristic symptom of uterine cancer, but in the later stages it is accompanied by a fetid, putrid odor.

In advanced stages of oncology of this localization, changes in the condition of the breast are often observed (the mammary gland is part of the reproductive system and reacts to pathological processes in its other organs). A woman may notice changes in shape, soreness, and discharge from the nipples during the non-lactation period.

Symptoms and signs last stage uterine cancer are the following changes:

  • causeless weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • indigestion (constipation, diarrhea);
  • development of anemia.

Carefully! Often women, even with third-stage uterine cancer, retain an absolutely healthy, blooming appearance (this is noticeable in the photos of many patients); serious changes begin to progress at the very last, fourth stage.

Dangerous disease and causes of its occurrence

Most women today are concerned with the question of what reasons can cause the development of an abnormal, life-threatening process? This problem is being actively studied by doctors all over the world; there is no final conclusion about the causes of cell mutation, but the most likely and dangerous factors that can lead to the disease are:

  • infertility;
  • too early onset of the first menstruation;
  • late onset of menopause;
  • absence of childbirth;
  • tumor processes in the ovaries that produce estrogen;
  • previous endometrial hyperplasia;
  • obesity ( adipose tissue provoke estrogen synthesis);
  • consequences of hormone therapy in the treatment of breast cancer;
  • metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • precancerous conditions (ulcers, scars, polyps, endocervicitis, condylomas, etc.);
  • Lynch syndrome (formerly known as nonpolyposis colon cancer). This is a hereditary pathology that increases the risk of developing cancer in other organs, including the uterus.

Diagnostic examination methods

Diagnose this pathology and the attending physician will be able to determine which treatment methods will be most effective based on the results comprehensive survey, including:

Also held lab tests(smear, blood, urine), depending on the patient’s condition, consultation with specialized specialists may be necessary to select a treatment method.

Disease treatment program

If a localized malignant tumor is detected at an early stage of the disease, patients are prescribed hysterectomy (organ resection). If the neoplasm has begun to grow and has affected adjacent tissues, then the fallopian tubes, ovaries, upper part of the vagina, and nearby lymph nodes are removed. To increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the risk of relapse, patients are prescribed: radiotherapy before surgery, chemotherapy after.

The inclusion of hormone therapy (Tamoxifen, Progestin) in the treatment program is due to the need to suppress the activity of estrogen and progesterone, which promote growth cancerous tumor. If surgery is contraindicated for the patient, a treatment program is drawn up by combining radiotherapy with a course of hormone therapy.

In Israel today they use the latest cancer treatment method - targeted therapy. It differs from chemotherapy and radiotherapy in that it affects only mutated, malignant cells, stopping their growth and development, and does not cause negative influence on healthy tissues and organs. Judging by the reviews of patients on the forums, this treatment method is easier to tolerate and has virtually no side effects.

Attention! Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases, stop him folk remedies impossible! Only special medical techniques can help.

It is difficult to speak definitively about how long cancer survivors live. All prognosis for recovery depend on the stage of the disease, the chosen technique and the general condition of the woman’s body. After treatment of oncology in the early stages with tumor removal, the five-year survival rate exceeds 80%; if the process progresses to the fourth stage, the favorable prognosis decreases to 10-15%, but there are still chances.

Cancer of the uterine body (endometrial cancer) is a malignant tumor caused by the growth of abnormal cells of the endometrium, the lining that lines the inside of the uterus. This disease is also called uterine cancer or endometrial cancer. In approximately 8% of cases, a rare type of uterine tumor is detected - uterine sarcoma. It occurs when a tumor appears in the myometrium, muscle tissue organ.

In the last decade, uterine cancer has taken a leading position among cancers of the female genital organs. In more than 80% of cases, it is diagnosed in peri- and postmenopausal patients, but it also occurs in women under 40 years of age.

Risk factors for endometrial cancer

Most patients with tumors of the uterine body suffer metabolic disorders, diseases of cardio-vascular system, high blood pressure.

Main risk factors for developing uterine cancer:

  • increased body weight (obesity)
  • no pregnancies
  • late menopause
  • diabetes
  • hormone replacement therapy.

However, despite the complexity pathogenetic mechanism development of a malignant process, uterine cancer is detected in the early stages thanks to accessible modern methods research.

Symptoms and first signs of uterine cancer

One of the main manifestations of endometrial cancer is discharge from the genital tract mixed with blood, nagging pain lower abdomen. However, most patients feel healthy. It is important to understand that after menopause, any bloody discharge from the genital tract is considered a pathology.

Before the onset of menopause, it is possible to suspect the disease if menstruation has become more profuse or there is bleeding during the intermenstrual period. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist-oncologist. Only a gynecological oncologist will be able, after a qualified examination, to prescribe the necessary research methods for diagnosing uterine cancer.

Diagnosis of endometrial cancer

During a gynecological examination, the doctor can determine changes in the shape, density, size of the uterus and suspect a disease. More precise method Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs is considered. When identifying pathology of the uterine cavity, it is necessary to perform an endometrial biopsy.

After the biopsy is performed, the resulting material is sent for histological examination. If tumor cells are detected, then it is necessary to carry out additional examination to stage uterine cancer and determine individual treatment tactics.

The following examinations are necessary:

  • X-rays of the chest organs
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic organs
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the abdominal organs

The study of cancer markers in blood serum is not a reliable way to diagnose uterine cancer, although the level of the CA-125 marker may increase.

Based on the examination, the clinical stage of the disease is determined (Figure 1):

Rice. 1. Stages of uterine cancer (FIGO CANCER REPORT 2012)

There are 4 stages of endometrial cancer:

  • Stage I: The tumor is limited to the body of the uterus.
  • Stage II: The tumor has spread to the cervix but has not spread beyond the uterus.
  • Stage III: The tumor extends beyond the uterus, affecting the uterine appendages/vagina/periuterine tissue and/or pelvic lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV: The tumor grows into nearby organs: bladder and/or rectum. Or cancer cells, forming metastases, affect organs located outside the pelvis - the liver, lungs or bones.

Treatment of uterine cancer

Surgical method

Leading and effective method Treatment for uterine cancer is surgical. The volume of intervention is determined for each patient individually in accordance with the stage of the disease. The operation includes removal of the uterus and appendages ( the fallopian tubes and ovaries) and regional lymph nodes. (Figure 2).

This volume surgical treatment is absolutely radical.

From a clinical point of view, the volume of surgical interventions performed in gynecological oncology is not comparable with operations for benign diseases, and require very high qualifications and experience of the surgeon. However, in the leading oncology clinics of our country, laparoscopic operations are not uncommon.

At the gynecological oncology department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrov" laparoscopic operations are performed using the latest video endoscopic equipment. Using 3 manipulators and an endoscope inserted into the abdominal cavity, adequate visualization is achieved with inspection of the abdominal and pelvic organs for assessment distant metastases, which also allows you to effectively perform all stages of the operation (Figure 3).

Rice. 3 – position of trocars when performing laparoscopic intervention for uterine cancer.

Figure 4 shows a view of the removed uterus with appendages and regional pelvic lymph nodes. A tumor is detected in the uterus, occupying almost its entire cavity.

Fig. 4 surgical gross specimen (uterus with right and left appendages, right and left iliac lymph nodes).

Laparoscopic surgeries can be performed on patients of any age and are preferable to women with increased weight bodies, because the cosmetic effect after videoendoscopic interventions allows you to avoid many complications from the side of the postoperative wound.

Laparoscopy has a significantly low incidence postoperative complications, which is extremely important for patients with serious concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrine systems. Thanks to this, the length of stay of patients in the hospital is reduced. The quality of life of patients after laparoscopic interventions is significantly higher, which is due to fast recovery after surgery, good cosmetic effect.

Laparoscopic operations performed on patients with uterine cancer do not limit the indications for performing the necessary postoperative treatment radiation therapy and help reduce the time before it begins, which is extremely important for effective combination treatment of this disease.

Other treatments

Radiotherapy- application ionizing radiation in the treatment of malignant processes. It is used as part of a combination treatment primary tumor, as well as in the treatment of disease relapses. Radiation therapy is carried out in two ways: internal (brachytherapy) and external (external beam irradiation). It is also possible to combine both methods of internal and external irradiation at the same time.

When conducting radiation treatment possible complications associated with exposure to the radiation zone related bodies: bladder and large intestine.

Chemotherapy method means the use of chemotherapy drugs in the treatment of a disease. The chemotherapy method can be carried out in the composition complex treatment, i.e. complement the surgical and radiation stages. Most often this concerns stages 3-4 of the disease. It can also be used independently, mainly for relapses of the malignant process.

During chemotherapy, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and weakness are possible.

Hormone therapy. Certain types Cancers of the uterine body are hormone-dependent, i.e. tumor cells carry receptors for hormones on their surface: estrogens and/or progesterone. In this case, the introduction of a hormonal drug has therapeutic effect. This method usually used in the early stages of uterine cancer in young women who have not fulfilled their reproductive function or when terminal stages diseases, as well as during relapses. Hormone treatment may cause nausea, muscle cramps, and weight gain.

Disease prognosis and follow-up

Malignant tumors of the uterine body in the initial stages can be classified as diseases with a relatively favorable prognosis. According to hospital registries, the overall 5-year survival rate of patients with uterine cancer who received treatment in the world's leading clinics reaches almost 80% (Figure 5).

Rice. 5. Overall 5-year survival rate of patients with endometrial cancer (Annual report on the Results of Treatment in Gynecological Cancer FIGO, 2006)

After completion of treatment, the patient needs follow-up visits to the oncologist-gynecologist and regular examinations to exclude the return of the disease.

Cancer of the female reproductive system is far from common in modern oncology. malignant disease. In the first place is noted, in the second - ovarian tumor and in third place - malignancy body of the uterus.

The causes of the occurrence and spread of cancer in the internal genital organs of women are varied, but rather they can be called predisposing factors. More often, postmenopausal women suffer from cancer of the ovaries, cervix and uterine body, but the manifestation of this pathology is also observed in reproductive age of the fair sex.

Etiology and risk factors for cancer of the internal female genitalia

Cancer of the uterine body is especially evident in postmenopausal women, that is, during the period when hypothalamic dysfunction is determined and ovarian function completely fades. Postmenopause occurs between sixty and seventy years of a woman’s life, and menstruation does not occur for more than a year. If symptoms of bloody discharge from the genital tract appear during the postmenopausal period, then such a woman is in a background condition with suspected uterine cancer.

The main precancerous conditions of the uterine body, which can be more or less pronounced, are:

  1. Focal endometrial adenomatosis;
  2. Adenomatous polyp of the inner layer of the uterus;
  3. Atypical endometrial hyperplasia.

Symptoms of precancer, both in postmenopause and in reproductive period women, are bleeding from the vagina, which can occur without cyclicity.

The occurrence of cancer of the uterine body is often observed in the area of ​​its corners and bottom. The endometrium in these sections degenerates into the form of a polyp. This type of uterine tumor is called limited. In the case of damage to the entire endometrial layer by a malignant process, they speak of diffuse form cancer of the uterine body. The proliferation of the neoplasm occurs from the cells of the glandular epithelium of the surface layer of the endometrium. Based on the histological structure of atypical cells, three degrees of uterine cancer are determined:

  1. Glandular cancer of mature stage;
  2. Glandular - solid tumor;
  3. Poorly differentiated cancer (solid).

Clinical signs of uterine cancer

The specific symptoms of cancer of the uterus and ovaries are poorly expressed, therefore, women may not contact a gynecologist for years, which leads to the neglect of the malignant process. According to patient reviews, early symptom cancer of the uterus and ovaries are liquid whitish discharge from the genital tract. When a tumor develops, bloody streaks are added to the leucorrhoea, and if an infection joins the process, the discharge becomes yellow or green color With unpleasant smell and cause itching in the perineum and labia majora.

In almost all patients with uterine cancer, the main symptom is uterine bleeding. If a woman is of childbearing age, this may manifest itself in the form of prolonged uterine bleeding(metrorrhagia). During menopause, bleeding occurs as a spot with an acyclic course. In postmenopause, the discharge takes on the color of meat slop with a putrid odor.

The symptom of pain is not present in all cancer patients with uterine and ovarian cancer. With infiltrative tumor growth, the affected endometrium fills the uterine cavity, and it begins to contract. This process is accompanied by a symptom of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the sacrum and perineum. Pain relief occurs after the uterus has emptied. Dumb and constant pain appears in the lower abdomen when compressed by a tumor or metastatic lymph nodes nerve trunks, as well as during the germination of cancer of the uterine walls.

As a rule, with cancer in the uterus, the tubes and ovaries are affected, which greatly increase in size. Metastases when a tumor infiltrates into the uterus spread by implantation, through the blood and lymphatic channels. In invasive mature uterine cancer, metastases often progress through the lymphogenous route. When the tumor is localized in the lower segment of the uterine organ, metastatic The lymph nodes in the iliac region, and metastasis of the para-aortic nodes of the lymphatic system is observed in cancer upper sections meters. Through the bloodstream, metastases can be directed to bone, lung and liver tissue.

Because female genitalia are considered visual organs, then diagnosing possible pathologies does not present any particular difficulties. Gynecological examination genital organs consists of examination, palpation of the reproductive organs, as well as the use of hardware and surgical examination. Diagnosis of the inner layer of the uterus can be carried out using hysterography, ultrasound and curettage of the uterine cavity followed by cytology. If we consider the morphological structure of the endometrium with a uterine tumor on different phases menstrual cycle, the following changes can be noted:

In the first phase, a thin and smooth endometrium, without visible blood vessels, is determined;

In the second phase, the inner layer of the uterus becomes red, swollen and thickened with folds (endometrial hyperplasia).

Histological examination of the contents of the uterine cavity during curettage or after a biopsy of an area of ​​the endometrium or a polyp, for example, in 90% of cases determines the cause of the pathological symptoms that have arisen.

The uterine organ consists of introducing a hardware instrument into the uterus, which serves as a diagnostic and biopsy internal cavity organ.

When malignant cells are detected in a histological analysis, the woman’s diagnosis is supplemented with an X-ray of the lungs and ultrasound examination liver to track uterine cancer metastases.

Video on the topic

Stages of development and treatment of endometrial tumor

Classify malignant tumor uterus according to its shape, invasion and metastasis. There are international systems for determining the stage of endometrial carcinoma:

  • Stage 1 – pronounced solid cancer or poorly differentiated carcinoma, limited to the endometrium or involving half of the myometrial layer, uterine enlargement of more than eight centimeters;
  • Stage 2 – damage to the body and cervix with invasion of the endocervical glands and cervical stroma;
  • Stage 3 - the malignant process is transferred to the tubes and ovaries, to the parametric tissue of the pelvis. Determination of metastases in the para-aortic nodes of the lymphatic system and in the vagina;
  • Stage 4 – tumor growth into nearby organs and tissues: intestines, bladder, and also outside the pelvis. The presence of affected lymph nodes in the groin and peritoneum.

The treatment tactics for endometrial carcinoma depend on the patient’s age, the stage of the pathology, and the body’s sensitivity to therapy.

In most cases, treatment for uterine cancer is carried out surgically and a combination therapy complex. Radical intervention is expressed by complete amputation of the reproductive organ. According to diagnostic and prognostic data, the appropriate methods of tumor removal are selected:

  • Removal of the uterine organ without a neck (subtotal amputation);
  • Removal of the uterus and cervix (total amputation);
  • Amputation of the uterus along with tubes and ovaries (radical extirpation);
  • Removal of the uterus along with tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes and top part vagina (hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy).

Almost always used after surgery radiation therapy, and sometimes irradiation begins before surgical intervention to stop and reduce proliferation cancer cells. Radiation treatment is also used intracavitarily to monitor the spread of cancer from the uterus to the cervix. If there are contraindications and the tumor is inoperable, irradiation is carried out as an independent treatment.

Exposure to rays improves hormonal drugs, namely progestins, which are taken in long-term regimens.

Rehabilitation measures for uterine cancer are carried out in stages. First, the woman is checked for the presence of complex endocrine, nervous and other pathologies that can serve as both an obstacle to the treatment process and a complication in postoperative period. Therefore, such conditions of the body need to be monitored in postoperative life. Depending on the stage and histological structure of uterine carcinoma, after treatment, a further prognosis for the life and professional activities of the woman is determined, who must be registered with cancer center, with inspection every six months.

Preventive measures for the occurrence of a malignant process in reproductive organs, should be aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially postmenopausal women with annual preventive medical examinations And timely appeal contact specialists in case of pathological conditions. Modern diagnostics allows you to quickly and informatively identify possible pathology, the main thing is to do it on time.

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