After removal of the gallstone, the ribs on the right side hurt. Pain after gallbladder removal: causes, symptoms, doctor’s consultation and treatment

Laparoscopic technology for gallbladder removal is considered the most effective and safe. After its implementation, a minimal number of complications are recorded compared to “open” operations. This is largely due to the fact that the intervention is carried out through small punctures in abdominal cavity with minimal tissue trauma. should not exceed 38.3° for the first 4 days. Its further growth may indicate complications, which is why it is so important to monitor this parameter.

But any technology for cholecystectomy ( surgical removal gallbladder) cannot protect the patient from the effects of a specific postoperative syndrome. There are several methods to improve your health and eliminate pain.

Postcholecystectomy syndrome

Surgery to remove the gallbladder will relieve the patient from cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, but will not be able to optimize metabolic disorders, changes in the chemical composition of bile, which underlie the disease. Due to the loss of the physiological function of the organ that was responsible for the concentration of bile in the interdigestive space and its entry into duodenum during meals, and there is a disruption of its outflow, the digestion process, and liver function. work becomes destabilized neighboring organs, systemic pain after removal of the gallbladder in the side, back, abdomen. Experts consider the main manifestation of the syndrome to be a violation of the contractile function of the sphincter of Oddi (the muscle on inner surface duodenum), which occurs in 40-45% of patients.

Advice: If you are worried about whether you will feel pain, then you should not worry. Everything will take 1-2 hours (depending on the tasks) under general anesthesia. The pain syndrome completely goes away after 1-2 days.

This is what triggers the mechanism of postcholecystectomy syndrome, preventing bile and pancreatic secretions from the pancreas from flowing out fully, which provokes the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms:

  • violation of the outflow and concentration of bile;
  • reduction in the amount of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the duodenum (duodenitis), large (colitis) and small intestine (enteritis);
  • development or exacerbation of concomitant diseases ( peptic ulcer, chronic inflammation pancreas, liver);
  • painful attacks, colic in the upper abdomen, side, hypochondrium;
  • increased levels of liver enzymes in the blood;

The location where the pain occurs (back, abdomen, left or right hypochondrium) depends on the type of damage to the sphincter of Oddi: structural or functional. The attack lasts on average 20 minutes and repeats for about 3 months. It often occurs at night, after eating and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Diagnostic methods

Experts use methods to find out the real reason postcholecystectomy syndrome in each specific case and eliminate pain. Conduct laboratory research(level of bilirubin - the main component of bile, alkaline phosphatase - a group of enzymes in all types of tissues, etc.), ultrasound.

A separate role in establishing the causes and extent of biliary tract disorders is played by instrumental methods examinations: video esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the mucous membrane upper sections digestive tract using an endoscope), contrast-enhanced computed tomography (a special non-ionic iodine-containing drug is used), radionuclide scanning of the bile ducts.

It is important to remember that tests should be done no later than 6 hours after the cessation of pain and in the dynamics of attacks. A dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi will be indicated by an increase in liver and pancreatic enzymes.

Sometimes pain returns not because of postoperative syndrome, but because of the appearance of stones in bile ducts(choledocholithiasis), which is diagnosed in 30% of patients after removal of the gallbladder.


In most cases it helps patients conservative treatment. Special drugs should normalize chemical composition bile, pancreatic secretion, improve its outflow into the duodenum, help in the treatment of concomitant diseases of the digestive system. Doctors also prescribe antispasmodics to reduce tension. smooth muscle intestines, relieve the cause of pain in the side, abdomen. If an increase in the number is noticed pathogenic bacteria, treatment will include antibacterial agents, probiotics (contain live microorganisms and improve microflora).

To reduce the likelihood of pain in the side, back, and abdomen (as the main symptom of postcholecystectomy syndrome), you must follow several rules:

  1. Strictly follow the diet in the early postoperative period.
  2. Eat small meals at least 6 times a day. Why? This helps the digestion process, accelerates the outflow of bile and intestinal motility.
  3. The amount of fat consumed should be limited to 60-70 g per 24 hours.
  4. If the pancreas is working normally, over time the diet can be expanded with carbohydrates (up to 500 g), and if overweight no more than 200 g.
  5. Prefer boiled, baked dishes, soups, lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.
  6. Avoid eating foods that contain:
  • essential oils (radish, garlic, onion);
  • spices, seasonings, cholesterol (pork, liver);
  • fried food;
  • chocolate, nuts, alcohol, sparkling water.

It is important for the patient to understand that it must begin directly with a change in diet and eating style. This is to a large extent a guarantee not only wellness, and the absence of complications.

Advice: When creating your diet, you need to focus on the components of diet No. 5.

A thorough and timely examination of patients suffering from postcholecystectomy syndrome will allow for adequate treatment and effective correction anatomical, functional disorders that develop after removal of the gallbladder.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

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Questions and answers on: pain after gallbladder removal

2015-04-08 07:48:43

Svetlana asks:

Hello! I have the following problem: after the removal of the gallbladder, there was still pain in the area of ​​removal, after two weeks vomiting appeared, bitterness in the mouth, pain when walking and breathing, when you put on a belt in the area of ​​removal it began to hurt. After 3 weeks, bilirubin 37.7 after another two weeks 55. After an MRI with contrast, it was revealed that “the shape, position of the liver is not changed, the size right lobe somewhat enlarged, smooth, clear contours. The structure of the parenchyma is homogeneous, its density is 61, inside and into the non-hepatic bile ducts are not expanded. Between the anterior surface of the liver and the anterior abdominal wall, the pancreas, calcification is determined up to 10 mm. The bladder is absent in the bed, 2 metal brackets are determined t figuratively located, one of the brackets is closely adjacent to the initial part of the cholidochus, expanded throughout its entire length to 14 mm" Ways to solve the problem???

Answers Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

It is important which direct or indirect bilirubin is increased. All liver test parameters are important. It is important to know what the liver tests were before removal.

2015-02-26 10:15:33

Dilya asks:

Hello, After removal of my gallbladder, I have slight pain in my left hypochondrium. What are these pains from?

2014-09-29 11:03:50

Svetlana asks:

Good afternoon After removal of the gallbladder (laproscopic), severe girdling pain, similar to the pain before the operation, recurs from time to time. The doctor advised me to take 2 Mezim Forte tablets, suggesting inflammation of the pancreas. How long should you take the pills?

Answers Bulik Ivan Ivanovich:

Svetlana, good afternoon! In your case, it is not worth giving advice virtually. You need to be thoroughly examined. Call me at tel. 0677736605 Ivan Ivanovich.

2014-08-22 13:46:01

Inna asks:

Good afternoon. Please help me with advice. I'm 25 weeks pregnant. Today I had an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract (I get checked every six months after my gallbladder is removed). Results: the liver at the edge of the costal arch does not protrude, the thickness of the left lobe is 6.0 cm, the CCR is 6.2 cm (not increased), the thickness of the right lobe is 11.8 cm (not increased), the angles are sharp, the contour is smooth, echogenicity is not changed, echostructure is medium-grained, homogeneous, the vascular pattern is not changed, the walls are somewhat compacted, the lower vena cava 1.3 cm, hepatic vein 0.6 cm, portal vein 1.0 cm, intrahepatic ducts not dilated, common bile duct 0.6 cm, not dilated; the pancreas has smooth, fuzzy contours, the echostructure is homogeneous, the echogenicity is diffusely increased, the head is 1.9 cm, the body is 1.2 cm, the tail is 1.4 cm, splenic vein 0.5 cm; spleen 11.0*4.3 cm b/o. The ultrasound doctor said that in general everything was fine, that he would not even diagnose me with pancreatitis, as they always did for me after surgery, since there was no obvious pancreatitis, according to him. I was calmed down, and then I saw that the tail of the pancreas was much smaller than on the ultrasound a year ago. A year ago they wrote to me that the tail size is 21 mm. That is, a reduction of 7 mm... True, these are different ultrasound machines, different doctors, even different cities.. But the difference is 7 mm... Of course, I read on the Internet that a decrease in the tail of the pancreas may indicate a tumor of the head and similar fears...
Tell me, please, is it possible to have such a range of sizes on different ultrasound machines? Could it be due to pregnancy and compression of organs by the baby? Is it possible to miss a head tumor during an ultrasound? I don’t have any particular complaints, although sometimes it’s weak Blunt pain in the back, in the upper right corner, somewhere under the shoulder blade, but this is something not disturbing, but rather just in the background... And these sensations began only during pregnancy... Please tell me the main question: could Did the ultrasound doctor not notice the changes in the head, or is it impossible not to see their presence?

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Inna! The fact is that various specialists on different devices they may give slightly different indicators in their conclusions. It is almost impossible not to notice a tumor of the head on ultrasound. If alarming symptoms occur, you can undergo a control ultrasound scan with the same specialist in a month.

2014-01-15 09:29:49

Elena asks:

Hello. 3 years ago I had my first attack during pregnancy, it turned out to be gallstones. There were no more very strong attacks. There were pains, both strong and aching. Yesterday I did an ultrasound and there were more stones, they themselves are 5-7 mm, 1/3 full. I’ve been eating almost nothing for a month now, and as soon as I eat something, even a basic boiled potato, I can get sick, of course not very much, but very sensitively. Tell me is it necessary surgical intervention, or you need to examine everything first. Thank you. Tell me. After removal of the gallbladder during pregnancy, there may be any complications, pain... that is, how the pregnancy will proceed after removal of the gallbladder. Thank you.

Answers Bulik Ivan Ivanovich:

shown to you surgical treatment By absolute indications after further examination. The cholecystectomy operation will not affect the course of subsequent pregnancy in any way. It is most dangerous if you enter into pregnancy with an unsanitized gallbladder.

2013-10-22 08:26:31

Lydia asks:

Good afternoon. I really need advice. After the removal of the gallbladder, two months have passed, I try to eat as they said on a diet. It’s just of little use. I donated blood on October 17, 2013. Bilirubin connected 10 free 65 total 75 And as before the operation, the right side hurts under the ribs - you can see the liver and right shoulder blade It hurts a lot when I stand or cook for myself. I have to lie down and time passes, everything calms down. The ultrasound showed nothing, everything was normal. What to drink from medicines. The therapist prescribed ALAHOL 1t x 3r and Noshpa 1t x 2r, and the surgeon who operated on the phone told me to take Ursosan 1t x 3r or Urdox. Before the operation, my bilirubin was 32 connected 5 free 27. After the operation, the next day - 60 connected 5 free 55 And now even more, what could be the reason. Help. Good afternoon, what is the reason that Bilirubin connected 10 free 65 total 75. After all, I’ve been on a diet for almost 2 months and only now I started eating a little doctor’s sausage and then a piece. And everything is boiled and steamed. What can affect bilirubin and why is it so high? I was told it was due to liver pathology. What does pathology mean? And why does total bilirubin rise so much? And what is the best way to examine your back? thoracic Spine X-ray or MRI? It hurts when I stand, cook or sit at the computer to work. I do - right the shoulder blade and goes sideways under the arm to the level of the shoulder blade; the back hurts. It's worth lying down and it quiets down. I'll get up to cook again, it hurts again. I thought I had a small pebble that was removed gallbladder, had a massage from a strong massage therapist and everything continues again. And this pain has followed me for 2-3 years. The main thing is that they appeared all over the body a long time ago as wen. I went to the surgeon, he looked and said it was a wen. It only hurts if you touch them. I don’t know which doctor to go to.

Answers Gonchar Alexey Vladimirovich:

Hello, Lydia. I'll try to answer point by point.
1) An increase in predominantly free bilirubin indicates increased destruction of red blood cells - which in general analysis blood, what's wrong with the spleen on ultrasound?
2) If you are bothered by spastic pain, you can take no-shpu or mebeverine; Of the hepatoprotectors, I would give preference to UDCA.
3) Pathology = not normal. 4) MRI is more informative, but more expensive.
4) No massage therapists while there is pain!
5) If you have fatty spots, you can also see a dermatologist.
Sincerely, Alexey Vladimirovich Gonchar

2013-03-06 06:38:42

Natalya, 59 years old, asks:

Good afternoon A year has passed since the removal of the gallbladder; I have been suffering from pain for about six months. right side more radiating to the back. I had an MRI and an ultrasound - everything was fine, but the pain did not go away. Could it be the intestines? Or osteochondrosis - I have it in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Please help, because I live in a small town in the Tver region. There are no specialists.

Answers Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Natalya, pain can be caused by problems with the spine, it can be either osteochondrosis or tumor diseases vertebrae It is also necessary to exclude organic pathology of the colon; for this, colonoscopy is usually recommended. It is best to see a proctologist for an in-person examination, then, after performing an examination of the colon, see a neurosurgeon (or neurologist), it is advisable to perform at least an x-ray of the spine in 2 projections of the lower thoracic and lumbar regions.

2012-11-12 17:11:46

Elena asks:

8 months have passed since the removal of the gallbladder, and I am experiencing pain in the right hypochondrium. An ultrasound was diagnosed with liver hemangioma, but they said that it should not cause any problems. I decided to drink Panzinorm and Chofitol. I don’t know, you can take hofitol, since the bladder has been removed, tell me, what other drugs can I take to support the liver?

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

First, you need to establish a diagnosis, and then begin treatment. I recommend the following examinations: CT scan of the abdominal cavity, fecal elastase, coprogram, FEGDS.

2015-09-29 12:09:26

Julia asks:

Hello! I started having attacks of pain in the solar plexus, probably in the pancreas. Previously there was acute pancreatitis and after surgery to remove the gallbladder, 3 months have passed. What do you tell me, maybe I should drink something.

The gallbladder is an elongated sac that is located under the liver. It is necessary for the accumulation of bile and the regulation of its flow into the ducts. Its capacity reaches 50 ml. Increased bile formation is observed after eating fatty foods.

Given the direct connection with the liver, the inflammatory process from the bladder (cholecystitis) quickly spreads to the gland, causing hepatitis. The gallbladder has the following main functions:

  • accumulative, due to which the bile becomes concentrated;
  • excretory in response to the entry of food into the digestive tract.

In turn, bile:

  1. has antibacterial properties;
  2. helps in the breakdown of fats;
  3. neutralizes the acidity of the food bolus that comes from the stomach;
  4. stimulates peristalsis;
  5. increases the production of hormones (cholecystokinin, secretin) that activate digestive enzymes;
  6. removes toxins, bilirubin, and cholesterol.

Bile, produced in liver cells, enters the ducts and accumulates in the bladder, where it gets rid of water and becomes more concentrated. It contains acids, salts, pigments, cholesterol, protein structures and phospholipids. After food enters the digestive tract, the bile duct contracts, pushing the contents into the common bile duct ( common duct) and duodenum.

What is cholecystectomy

The operation is carried out after a thorough examination of the patient. Its indications include stone formation, malignant lesion, empyema or gangrene of the gallbladder. Cholecystectomy can be performed openly or using laparoscopic instruments. The latter technique is characterized by fewer complications, more short period rehabilitation and good aesthetic effect.

During the patient’s conversation with the anesthesiologist, the doctor talks about the features of anesthesia and, if necessary, prescribes additional examination(coagulogram, blood glucose).

If the patient is taking anticoagulants (drugs that inhibit the coagulation system), they must be discontinued 3-7 days before surgery.

12 hours before cholecystectomy, the patient is prohibited from eating and drinking.

Contraindications include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. acute infectious diseases;
  3. severe blood diseases;
  4. decompensated cardiovascular, respiratory or renal failure.

Why does my liver hurt after gallbladder removal?

There are several groups of reasons why after removal of the gallbladder:

  • diseases of the hepatobiliary tract;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • reasons directly related to cholecystectomy.

Diseases of the hepatobiliary system

This group of causes includes infectious and inflammatory diseases of the liver, biliary tract and bladder. Among them it is worth noting:

Concomitant diseases

This group of reasons includes pathological conditions, not associated with damage to the hepatobiliary system. The appearance of liver pain can be a consequence of:

  1. stenosing papillitis, in which duodenal papilla narrows against the background of an infectious-inflammatory process. Thus, the passage of bile and pancreatic juice in the duodenum is disrupted and hypertension (increased pressure) develops in the ductal system;
  2. complete obstruction of Vater's nipple;
  3. chronic pancreatitis;
  4. ulcerative lesions of the duodenal mucosa;
  5. reflux of contents from the duodenum into the stomach;
  6. persistent pericholedochal lymphadenitis, when in the postoperative period long time inflammation of nearby lymph nodes persists;
  7. duodenitis ( inflammatory lesion duodenal mucosa);
  8. irritable bowel syndrome, when in the absence of structural disorders, functional failure of the organ is observed.

Consequences of surgery

If your liver hurts after gallbladder removal, it may be due to complications from the surgery. They are related to:

  • partial removal of stones. A “forgotten” stone in the duct can cause pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • cicatricial narrowing of the common bile duct (common bile duct);
  • adhesive process caused by fusion of injured tissues in the area of ​​cholecystectomy;
  • long stump syndrome. Sometimes the liver without the gallbladder hurts due to the lengthening of the remaining part of the duct due to hypertension. As a result, it becomes the site of new stone formation, which causes pain;
  • damage to the bile ducts;
  • improper placement of drains that do not provide a complete outflow of serous-hemorrhagic fluid;
  • failure of sutures in the ducts;
  • wound infection and abscess formation.

Do not forget that pain is a companion to all surgical interventions, as the body’s response to tissue trauma. However, you need to pay attention to its intensity and duration. Normal expression pain gradually fades away, after which they completely stop bothering the patient.

To predisposing factors postoperative period that increase the risk of pain in the right hypochondrium include:

  1. poor nutrition;
  2. great physical activity;
  3. inadequate pain relief;
  4. damage to surrounding organs during surgery.


Before surgery, the first thing you need to do is find out what hurts: the liver or the gallbladder. Depends on therapeutic tactics and prognosis for life. Diagnostic measures include laboratory and instrumental studies, which allow you to confirm the pathology of the bladder and make a decision on surgical intervention.

The clinical symptoms of postcholecystectomy syndrome are quite varied.

Pain after gallbladder removal is observed in 70% of cases.

Let's look in more detail at the nature of the pain:

  1. the attack lasts about a quarter of an hour, and nausea and even one-time vomiting may occur;
  2. intensity pain syndrome increases at night and after eating;
  3. pancreatic pain is located in the left hypochondrium, radiates to the back, and decreases in intensity when bending forward;
  4. biliary pain is localized in the hepatic region and spreads to the area of ​​the right scapula.

In addition, the patient is concerned about:

  • frequent diarrhea, which is caused by changes in the concentration and composition of bile, which leads to impaired digestion of food (malabsorption syndrome);
  • bloating;
  • rumbling;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • weight loss;
  • foul-smelling stool;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • malaise;
  • drowsiness.

Hyperthermia and mild signs of jaundice may also be recorded.


Before starting to treat postcholecystectomy syndrome, it is necessary to establish the cause of its development. Digestive disorders respond well to drug correction, so the gastroenterologist may limit himself to prescribing drugs to normalize bile flow.

If the cause of pain is surgical error and other complications of cholecystectomy, it is necessary reoperation.

Regardless of treatment tactics, the patient must adhere to dietary nutrition throughout life.

Medication assistance

For relax general condition patient and pain relief, the doctor may prescribe the following groups of drugs:


Complications of the operation may be associated with insufficient examination of the patient before cholecystectomy, low qualifications of the doctor, or incorrect choice of surgical method.

For laparoscopic and open method removal of the bladder there are certain indications and contraindications, without taking into account which increases the risk of developing severe complications in the postoperative period.

In addition, there are causes of pain that are not related to these factors. This concerns adhesive process, whose activity is not possible to control. Even if all medical recommendations to prevent the formation of adhesions, there is still a risk of narrowing of the ducts against the background of improper fusion of damaged tissues.

For elimination surgical reason pain syndrome requires repeated surgery to remove remaining stones, dissect adhesions and scars in order to restore bile outflow.

If pain is caused by Oddi dysfunction, sphincteroplasty is performed using endoscopic instruments.

Diet and lifestyle correction

Diet is an integral part of therapy. The patient is assigned to table No. 5, which helps restore the functioning of the hepatobiliary tract and prevent further stone formation. Here are the basic principles of nutrition:

The so-called “liver” diet helps not only to ease digestion, but also to relieve the gland, which is why it is often prescribed for hepatitis and cirrhosis. So, you are allowed to use:

  1. low-fat milk, meat and fish products;
  2. weak green tea, compote, jelly;
  3. bran;
  4. vegetable fats;
  5. porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  6. non-acidic fruits;
  7. vegetables.

Excluded from the diet:

  1. fatty foods;
  2. sorrel, onion, radish, garlic and radish;
  3. spicy seasonings;
  4. coffee;
  5. sweets, including ice cream and cream products;
  6. fresh baked goods;
  7. semi-finished products;
  8. smoked meats;
  9. canned food

In addition to following a dietary regimen, a person must limit the influence of stress and control physical activity.

Prevention of pain includes balanced diet, healthy image life, taking vitamins, and frequent examination from a gastroenterologist, which allows you to promptly identify complications of the operation and begin treatment. Particularly important regular checkups for patients with concomitant diseases digestive tract (pancreatitis, colitis or peptic ulcer).

Cholecystectomy - surgery to complete removal gallbladder, is carried out in a number of cases when the gallbladder is practically “turned off”. Interestingly, after removal of the gallbladder, sometimes the right side still hurts, and this can continue for several months. Why does this happen if the diseased organ, in fact, no longer exists?


The main indication for cholecystectomy is blockage of the bile duct with stones. Its diameter is 6 millimeters. If a stone larger than this size gets stuck in the duct, it literally “turns off” the gallbladder and blocks its normal functioning.

This condition cannot be ignored, since as a result of blockage of the duct, inflammation and even suppuration can begin in it. This leads to the formation of purulent tumors called phlegmon.

The operation is being carried out different ways. At classical way the usual, so-called abdominal surgery. IN Lately Low-traumatic intervention, which is performed using laparoscopic equipment, is becoming increasingly popular.

Whatever type of operation is performed, after it the patient may experience the so-called post-cholecystectomy syndrome. This phrase is precisely the name for pain in the right side, which is observed in an operated patient after the removal of this organ.

Postcholecystectomy syndrome

There are several reasons why a person may have pain from a missing gallbladder:

  1. After removal of the bladder, the body may appear functional disorders associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the entire system.
  2. Various problems in the remaining parts of the removed gallbladder: inflammation or stones in the remaining part of the bile duct, adhesions, etc.
  3. “Neighboring” diseases: pancreatitis, hepatitis, intestinal irritation, etc.

What happens after surgery

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, a person may experience various complications caused precisely by the absence of this important body. In addition to pain in the right side, the operated patient may be bothered by problems with the digestive system.

Abnormal bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation) and bloating occur very often, especially after a person has indulged in fatty or too spicy foods.

Since the organ is missing, there will not be enough bile to properly digest such food. Underdigested foods will go directly into the intestines and irritate its walls. Therefore, after cholecystectomy, the patient is required to adhere to a strict diet.

Patients often complain of pain in the side after gallbladder removal surgery - these symptoms indicate serious problems with the liver or about inflammation in the bile ducts.

According to statistics, operations to remove the gallbladder, when the organ is completely excised, are tolerated normally in most cases. But, like any other surgical intervention, this procedure plunges human body into a stressful state. Because of this, many patients seen by doctors often complained that their right side hurt under the ribs after removal of the gallbladder. The symptom is often accompanied by a feeling of nausea, sometimes patients have back pain, often feel heaviness in the abdomen, and may even experience biliary dysfunction and decreased appetite.

The digestive organs and the gallbladder are connected and “interact” with each other. That's why it's time to recover. For most patients, the adaptation period ends after a year. But there are also temporary disturbances in the functioning of most organs, as a result of which patients often have abdominal pain, stomach pain, and stabbing pain under the ribs on the side.

After removal of the gallbladder, many patients experience pain on the right side, even though the operation was successful and subsequent treatment was also very effective.

Against the background of the ongoing process, the concentration of bile that enters the intestines may change, which causes pain. But sometimes pain in the right side after surgery can indicate inflammatory processes, and also indicate that there are stones in the unoperated ducts. Often such symptoms indicate liver disease.

Inflammatory processes begin due to disturbances in the functioning of the sphincter of Oddi. The membrane on the gallbladder promotes increased production of substances that lead to an increase in the tone of the sphincter that separates the bile ducts and the intestines. After the gallbladder is full, bile passes into the lumen of the duodenum.

However, pain after cholecystectomy may also indicate that the sphincter tone is reduced, and bile continuously leaks and penetrates the intestines. Bacteria that pass into the ducts infect the secretion, leading to inflammation. As a result, the person begins to complain about periodic pain after removal of the gallbladder (discomfort in the right hypochondrium), feeling of nausea, vomiting. Often patients are bothered by belching. Stitching pain occurs not only in the right, but also affects the left side, appears in the arm, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

TO inflammatory processes(cholangitis) can also be caused by stones that remain in the ducts. In such cases, the patient should be prescribed timely and effective treatment. If this is not done, then this condition may occur or peritonitis. The following symptoms indicate inflammation:

  • pain in the liver area;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • high body temperature;
  • change in skin color (often skin acquire a yellowish tint);
  • periodic loss of concentration.

If the stones are small, they may pass out of the body on their own. But if their size is large, they interfere with the complete excretion of bile, blocking the duct. As a result, inflammation affects the bile ducts, which provokes pain in the liver area.

How to diagnose pain after surgery

Pain after surgery is considered a relatively normal and understandable phenomenon, but the patient should report this to his doctor.

Specialists carry out diagnostics using the most different techniques, including ultrasound and laboratory tests.

If the patient complains of pain after surgical intervention, doctors perform an ultrasound of the liver. The patient also donates blood and feces for analysis, undergoes a study, the results of which will indicate the level of liver enzymes in the serum.

In order to put accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, you will need comprehensive examination. It includes not only tests and ultrasound, but also a full examination of the digestive system, computed tomography. Timely diagnosis plays a decisive role in the choice of treatment methods. So, the patient must donate blood for analysis either during an attack of pain or within six hours after it, otherwise the results will not be reliable.

It should be noted that pain after laparoscopy of the gallbladder also occurs quite often, although this method of surgery is considered more gentle. Unlike laparotomy, laparoscopy does not involve a complete opening of the abdominal cavity. The surgeon makes small incisions through which the removal procedure is performed using a special device.

Basic treatment methods

After the doctor has comprehensive diagnostics and established the exact cause of the pain, treatment will be prescribed. If the patient is tormented severe attacks, experts recommend a course of therapy based on taking antispasmodics. To eliminate microbial inflammation, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics. Reduce the load on digestive system and enzymes will help normalize its work.

To choose medicines must be approached with great caution, since the liver is a particularly vulnerable site of surgery. That is why self-medication in such cases is strictly prohibited, because the wrong way medications can make the situation even worse.

How to eat healthy

The nutritional system plays a big role in the process of recovery and recovery, so your daily diet greater attention needs to be paid. Patients who have undergone surgery should make their diet as healthy as possible. This means eating only fresh food, large quantity fruits and vegetables, lean meat products and steamed fish.

To digestive organs after the operation you didn’t get sick, you need to consume as much as possible fermented milk products. You need to eat as you would on a diet prescribed for liver disease: regularly, but in small portions.

To ensure that the body recovers as quickly as possible and the patient does not need several years to fully adapt, doctors usually prescribe special drugs which are consumed before meals. These are, first of all, antispasmodics and polyenzymes - they significantly reduce the load on the digestive system.

You can place a small bet on funds traditional medicine, but before you start taking various decoctions and infusions, you will need to consult a specialist.


Patients often ask why pain in the abdominal area is so common after gallbladder removal. There are no operations after which the body does not need to recover and the person is not bothered by unpleasant sensations.

It is a serious stress for the body and, as a rule, the patient fully recovers after the procedure (laparoscopic or laparotomy) within a year. But in order to reduce the likelihood of a painful attack, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, as well as undergo a comprehensive postoperative examination. If the cause of pain indicates inflammation or serious liver dysfunction, it must be detected and effective treatment prescribed.