Allowance for caring for a disabled child. Instructions for registration, benefit amounts

Raising a baby with limited abilities becomes a difficult test for the whole family. The costs of medical care and rehabilitation of children in society are increasing. To solve this problem, the Russian government is providing benefits to disabled children and their parents in 2018. Volumes and types social assistance regulated by federal and regional legislation.

Who are disabled children?

This category includes minors with severe physical, sensory, mental or mental disabilities. They may be congenital or caused by a disease. In 2018, disabled children and their parents can take advantage of benefits after official recognition of disability by an authorized medical institution.

Conditions for recognizing disability in childhood

In government regulatory documents contains criteria for recognizing a child as partially or completely incompetent. Parents or guardians are required to contact the nearest medical institution at the place of registration for passage medical and social examination. Recognition of disability is carried out if the child’s health condition meets 2 conditions out of 3. Criteria for recognition as a disabled person:

  1. Dysfunction of certain organs or systems due to birth defects, severe illness, or injury.
  2. Limitation of life activity. The minor partially or completely loses the ability to self-care, has problems with controlling behavior, moving independently, communicating, etc.
  3. Strong need for social support and rehabilitation.

Documents for obtaining status for a disabled child

You can’t just go for a medical and social examination. It is necessary to obtain a referral from an organization providing medical and preventive care to the baby. It doesn't matter whether it is public or private. At the place of registration, a referral can be issued by an employee of the social protection agency or pension fund. Assignment of disabled person status is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • referrals from the attending physician;
  • certificates confirming the presence of health problems in the minor;
  • birth certificate.

Medical and social examination

The event can be held at home, if the minor cannot be brought to the bureau for health reasons, in a hospital where the child is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the bureau specialists. The pension is assigned after passing a medical and social examination. During the procedure, a protocol is drawn up, which describes in detail the citizen’s condition. The act contains the following information:

  • conclusion about the types and severity functional disorders;
  • cause of disability;
  • information about the documents that parents will receive after completion of the examination;
  • data on the documents that served as the basis for making the decision;
  • consultants' opinions.

Bureau specialists make decisions based on the submitted documents and a visual assessment of the patient’s condition. An extract from the medical history along with examination results must be present. Specialists may suspend the medical and social examination. This happens if additional examination of the minor is necessary to issue a conclusion. At positive decision an extract from the socio-medical examination report.

Regulatory framework

Benefits are provided in accordance with Federal Law (FZ) No. 181. It covers key points social protection of people with disabilities, the procedure for conducting a medical and social examination, features of the development of individual rehabilitation programs and the provision outpatient care. The amount of payments is regulated by Federal Law No. 178, 213, 388.

What is a disabled child entitled to from the state?

The government pays the maximum social pension to minors with disabilities. After reaching 18 years of age, a disability group is established, so the amount of payments changes. Regional authorities can provide children with disabilities with additional financial and social assistance. The following benefits are provided at the federal level:

Payment name


Size in rubles


  • 1478,09 + 4.1%;
  • if you refuse a set of social services, it will be 2527.06 + 4.1%.

Drugs and medical supplies


To purchase vouchers for a holiday in a sanatorium


Free travel on any type of transport


Social pension


Social pension

From 2018, the amount of monthly payments will increase to 12,557 rubles. When calculating the social pension, the territorial coefficient is taken into account. The maximum value of this parameter is 2, and the minimum is 1.15. After filling out the declaration, the social pension is accrued either until the citizen reaches the age of majority, or until the expiration of the disability, if the status was assigned for 2-3 years.

Monthly cash payment (MAP)

The amount of this benefit is determined by whether the guardian decided to maintain the set of social services or refused it. The minimum value of EDV is 1,478.09 rubles, and the maximum is 2,527.06 rubles. If you retain the right to free travel on railway transport, the benefit will be 2402 rubles. If the parents of a disabled person do not refuse medications, the EDV will be 1,719 rubles.

Medicines and medical supplies

Benefits are provided for the purchase of certain medications that may be required for prosthetics or routine treatment of minor patients. By order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 117, on a first-come, first-served basis, guardians will be able to receive free strollers and some prosthetic and orthopedic products for their wards.

Vouchers for spa treatment

In 2018, the list of benefits for incapacitated people and their parents included discounts on the purchase of health tours. The standard duration of sanatorium-resort treatment for incompetent minors is 21 days. If a citizen has become disabled due to spinal cord or brain injuries, the duration of therapy increases to 24-42 days.

Free travel on public transport

Minors with disabilities can receive a 50% discount on the cost of travel on water, air, rail, and road intercity transport once a year. A disabled person will be able to ride city buses, minibuses, and trolleybuses for free. A similar right is granted to the parents or official guardians of the minor accompanying him.

Benefits when entering a university or college

If a child with a disability passes the exam well, he is enrolled out of competition in educational institution. He will have to go to school with other students, unless the rules of the institution provide otherwise. The preference is granted once, so the future student is required to weigh all the pros and cons of the chosen organization and evaluate the academic load before submitting documents for admission there. Benefits that you can take advantage of upon admission:

  • admission to the faculty without entrance exams;
  • when calculating the same number of points, applicants with disabilities;
  • If the exams are passed successfully, the person is accepted according to the existing quota.

Allowance for caring for a disabled child

Guardians of a disabled minor often cannot go to work: they need constant care, which can be provided by a non-working parent or caregiver. There are often not enough funds for professional medical staff, so one of the family members begins to care for the incapacitated person. In order to support such people, the government decided to add a care allowance to the existing benefits. A citizen must apply to the pension fund (PFR) with the following documents:

  • a certificate from a socio-medical examination, which is proof of disability;
  • written application for benefits;
  • a photocopy of a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • a written statement with consent to provide care for the incapacitated person;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of additional payments;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming your unemployed status.

The basic benefit amount is 5,500 rubles. According to the schedule, it is paid once a month. If another person is caring for a minor, the state transfers him 1,200 rubles per month. If the child recovers partially or completely or the parent goes back to work, payments stop. In some regions, benefits are compared with the subsistence level. For example, in Moscow, instead of 5,500 rubles, they pay 12,000 rubles.

Who is eligible to receive

Contact for financial assistance Parents, official guardians and adoptive parents of a disabled person can. The recipient of the benefit must be fully able to work. If he receives a category III disability pension, then he will not be paid a care allowance. Benefits are not provided to grandparents who are the sole guardians of a minor, receive a pension and do not belong to the category of the working population.

One-time cash payment in 2018

The amount of this benefit changes every year in April. Payments are made by the Pension Fund. Considering that children are considered disabled, one of their parents or guardians can collect the payment. According to preliminary forecasts, the amount will be increased by 4%, but the exact percentage for each category of disability will be announced by the Pension Fund of Russia immediately before indexation. When the status of a disabled person changes, the amount of EDV is automatically recalculated.

Benefits for mothers of disabled children

An employer cannot fire a woman who independently cares for a disabled person under 18 years of age. Until the disabled person reaches the age of majority, the mother can apply for up to 4 paid days off every month, regardless of whether she was previously in maternity leave or not. This ordinance is in effect in the city. Residents of villages will be able to receive only 1 unpaid day off. A woman has the right to receive alimony for a disabled person when he reaches 18 years of age, and to spend part of the money from maternity capital on treatment or adaptation of the baby.

Alimony for disabled adult children

Upon divorce, a permanent payment of funds is provided in favor of disabled children who, upon reaching 18 years of age, are assigned category I disability. The amount of alimony is regulated by a joint agreement between the parties or by decision of a judicial authority. Biological parents will not be able to refuse to provide financial assistance to the child. Money is paid in favor of one of the spouses caring for a disabled person of group I according to following reasons:

  • health problems that prevent a citizen from finding a job;
  • lack of opportunities to receive money in other ways.

Maternity capital for social adaptation and integration in society

Benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2018 apply to existing programs to support the population's fertility. Since 2016, the law has come into legal force and it has become possible to use money that is part of maternity capital for the rehabilitation of minors with disabilities. The parent must first purchase goods or services, keeping cash receipts, receipts or payment agreements, and then obtain an inspection report for the purchased products from the social security authority. To receive compensation you will need the following documents:

  • statement on behalf of the certificate owner;
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the certificate holder;
  • cash/sales receipts and other payment documents confirming the purchase of goods/services;
  • individual program rehabilitation (IPRA) of a minor with a disability;
  • act of checking purchased goods or services;
  • bank account details.

The documents listed above must be taken to the pension fund office at your place of residence. After consideration of the application, funds will be transferred to the account of the certificate holder within 2 months from the date of submission of the application. You can reduce the document verification period to 1 month if you submit an application on the official website Pension Fund through your Personal Area.

Benefits for parents of disabled children in 2018

Social assistance can be received not only by a small disabled citizen, but also by his family. In 2018, benefits for disabled people and their parents are provided upon presentation of documents confirming the presence of health problems in the child. They affect labor activity adults, help solve the housing problem and reduce rent costs.

Labor benefits

Persons raising a disabled minor are entitled by law to refuse night shifts, business trips and overtime. A parent can be fired only if the institution is completely liquidated or if he or she has expressed a desire to change organization. The employee's working hours must be specified in the contract. The government has prepared the following for families with disabilities: labor benefits:

  • provision of additional days off (4 days) per month,
  • part-time or part-time work;
  • impossibility of firing a working mother.

Early retirement

The rights of the parents of an incompetent person are outlined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to Article 1 of Federal Law No. 440 “On Insurance Pensions”, persons who have raised a citizen with disabilities since childhood can take advantage of preferential pensions, receiving an allowance for length of service and other labor achievements. One of the parents or adoptive parents will be able to receive old-age payments earlier than the generally established age:

  • father after reaching 55 years of age with at least 20 years of official work experience;
  • mother after reaching 50 years of age with at least 15 years of official work experience.

There are only 2 decisive factors for early retirement. The first is recognition as a disabled person before the age of 18 or after reaching adulthood with the mark “disabled from childhood.” The length of time you have been on disability does not matter. The second is to raise a child until he reaches 8 years of age. Those parents whose children were assigned disability for 1-2 years, but then it was lifted due to remission of the disease or improvement in the child’s health, can apply for an early pension.

Tax deduction for personal income tax

In 2018, citizens can take advantage of benefits for disabled children and their parents after paying taxes. According to Article No. 27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, persons raising an incapacitated citizen can receive a tax deduction equal to 12,000 rubles. A similar tax benefit applies to parents whose children are studying full-time at a university until the age of 24 and have a Group I or II disability.

If guardians are involved in raising minors, then the amount of the personal income tax deduction is reduced to 6,000 rubles. The benefit cannot be used if the income of the parent or adoptive parent is more than 350,000 rubles. Only one citizen raising a minor can receive the deduction. Families with several disabled children receive money for each ward.

The right to improve living conditions

Benefits for families with disabled children include receiving housing from the state. Preference is given to adults raising a child with severe chronic diseases and the officially established need to improve living conditions. The area standard is established by the legislation of the region where the family lives. Children with the following ailments can receive an additional 10 m2:

  • multiple skin lesions With heavy discharge pus;
  • leprosy;
  • HIV infection;
  • rehabilitation period after bone marrow transplantation or internal organs;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system with persistent dysfunction lower limbs or complete absence of legs, requiring permanent use wheelchairs;
  • mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar disorder individuals, etc.) requiring mandatory dispensary observation;
  • severe kidney damage;
  • active forms of tuberculosis of any organ;
  • tracheostomy temporary or lifelong to eliminate obstruction respiratory tract;
  • fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas;
  • lifelong use of a catheter for artificial removal of urine from the body;
  • cavities in bladder, uncorrectable surgical urinary incontinence, unnatural anus;
  • neuromuscular malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions;
  • damage to the nervous system caused by injuries to the spine/brain, the formation of cavities in spinal cord, vascular sclerosis.

Priority right to receive land

The property issue is very acute for families raising a disabled minor. Even babies with verbal comprehension problems need special care. In order to improve the living conditions of such families, the government has developed a bill allowing them to receive land plots out of turn. Citizens can use them for building a house or gardening.

Compensation for housing and communal services and major repairs

In 2018, disabled children and their parents will be able to take advantage of benefits when paying utilities. At the initiative of the government, such families will be returned 50% of the payment made. When the rate for utilities increases, the amount paid from the budget is automatically indexed. The duration of the compensation period is 12 months, and then you need to submit documents again.

Social support measures for disabled children

Representatives of the administration of different cities of Russia, together with the country's parliament, regularly allocate a certain amount of funds from the budget to provide financial assistance to minor citizens who have received disabilities. Measures social support can be federal and regional. The former operate throughout the country, while the latter are developed for a specific area. Federal social support measures include:

  • free visits to kindergartens;
  • free meals in schools;
  • homeschooling if the minor is unable to attend school;
  • priority for available places in kindergartens;
  • individual regime for passing unified state exams.

Regional benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2018 in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Orenburg, Murmansk and other cities of the Russian Federation. Thanks to them, caregivers will be able to receive free technical rehabilitation equipment, corrective glasses for vision problems, financial assistance for the purchase of children's orthopedic suits and partially reimburse the costs of purchasing low-protein food products for phenylketonuria.


Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Children with disabilities in the Russian Federation require special care. The state has taken upon itself the responsibility to create comfortable conditions for normal life this category of citizens. It is under these conditions that new bills are adopted in State Duma, as well as local officials at the regional level.

Disabled child
  1. The child must be in poor health. Children's body cannot function normally due to injuries, illnesses and various defects from birth.
  2. A disabled child partially or completely loses the ability to care for himself. He has problems with movement, communication with peers, family and friends. Such children need significant help in organizing educational process. Some children's behavior needs to be controlled. There may be problems with employment in the future.
  3. Disabled children need social protection. They also often need rehabilitation measures.
    To obtain disability, the two above conditions must be met. Recognition as a person with disabilities based only on one of the points is not carried out.

Under the same conditions, they can be received to care for a disabled child in 2018. Promotion social adaptation will help ensure and maintain the health of disabled children and provide assistance in preventive measures.

Amount of child care payments

How the state supports disabled children

What parents of disabled children can count on are specified in Russian legislation. They are conditionally divided into several groups. For example, there are disability services; a range of social services are provided at the local level. Some people are entitled to Social Security. A certain category of citizens can count on money to care for a disabled child.

Support for people with disabilities comes from both the state budget and the budget at the local level.

Payments for caring for a disabled child in 2018 may include the following support for people with disabilities:

  • payment for housing and communal services;
  • providing disabled children and their parents with land plots and apartments;
  • children with disabilities have significant advantages when entering higher education
  • educational institution in front of their peers;
  • this category of citizens can count on discounted travel V public transport.

An increase in disability this year may occur due to inflation. At the moment it is about 3%. An increase in the size of social subsidies may occur in the next few months.

Disabled and very elderly people cannot take care of themselves even in ordinary everyday situations. In this connection, one of the relatives must leave his job and help him, which is why he himself is not able to receive the proper income. The state has provided for this possibility and, in order to provide assistance, has appointed a benefit for caring for a disabled child or an adult of the 1st group.

Conditions for applying for benefits in 2017

The allowance for caring for a disabled person in 2017 is assigned under certain conditions:

  • The caregiver must be able to work. He must not be a disabled person of any category, a pensioner or very elderly (over 80 years old).
  • The person does not have a job and is not a member of the employment fund.
  • He is over 16 years old.
  • The subsidy is given to only one person, even if several help the disabled person.
  • Must live in the same city or locality. Living together is not a mandatory requirement.
  • A disabled person must be recognized as disabled by a commission or by age (if the citizen is over 80 years old).
  • Family ties in this situation do not play a role.

Not long ago the list was expanded with a separate normative act 2013, allowing parents to receive care allowance if the child is disabled. It is provided only to one and only to the non-working person.

It is also worth noting that state subsidies apply only to those who have completely lost the ability to care for themselves. Therefore, today, for example, caring for a disabled person of group 2 does not include benefits due to only a partial limitation of this category in their abilities.

Instructions for registration, benefit amounts

The registration process is quite complicated and requires collecting some confirmation. Detailed instructions regarding actions look like this:

  • You should first visit the Pension Fund. Here you need to explain your situation and request a list of necessary certificates for the appointment. Due to individual characteristics Difficulties may arise if you follow the standard scenario. So a preliminary consultation will not be superfluous.
  • Visit the Employment Center and ask for a certificate of no unemployment payments for a disabled person.
  • In the institution where the group was registered, you need to request a separate certificate stating that the ward needs help from an outsider in services and everyday life.
  • The Pension Fund should request confirmation of the absence of pension payments to the applicant.
  • Writing an application and transferring the collected papers to the Pension Fund.

After all points have been completed, the amount of benefits for caring for a disabled person is assigned. But there is no particular disagreement here, since the value is approved at a general level and is the same for everyone. Today it is 1200 rubles. The only exception concerns regions with difficult conditions, e.g. Far North. Here a special coefficient is applied to the generally accepted size, due to which it grows somewhat.

The allowance for caring for a disabled child for a non-working parent will be many times larger – 6,000 rubles. But if another relative plays his role (for example, if both spouses work and can neither care for nor receive payments for it), then he receives the norm - 1,500 rubles. These values ​​are subject to indexation in accordance with the decision of the Government, i.e. gradually increase according to the inflation rate.

Payments to families with disabled children (first number - for 2017, second - for 2018 - for Moscow)

The allowance for caring for a disabled person is, of course, small. This is due, first of all, to its legal justification. In particular, the subsidy is intended to compensate for part of the income that a citizen does not receive due to the inability to work due to providing assistance to a person in need. Completely cover it possible wages the state does not have the ability.

Documents and design features

So, a benefit for caring for a disabled child in 2018 is issued if the following documents are available:

  • Applicant's passport. The registration must correspond to the PF to which he is applying.
  • Application from the ward. It is written jointly, with the disabled person certifying his request and confirming that the applicant, with his consent, is helping him. If he cannot write the paper himself, it is permissible for an employee of the Pension Fund to do this, where he is assigned payments.
  • Data from the ITU, expert opinion, certificate of a disabled person of group I.
  • A certificate stating that a senior citizen needs help due to his age.
  • Work book to certify the fact of absence of work.
  • A certificate from the tax office confirming that the applicant has no additional sources of income.
  • Work record book of a disabled person under his charge (if available).
  • An extract from the Employment Center confirming that the applicant is not on the registration list.
  • A paper from the Pension Fund stating that the applicant does not have his own pension.


To receive benefits for caring for a disabled child, you will need a certificate of registration at birth from the registry office and a document from a school or university when studying there. If the child is over 14 years old, an application is also required from him.

Documents for applying for benefits for caring for a disabled person in 2018

The decision is made by the commission after 10 days for each case. Sometimes additional consultation or confirmation may be required. For example, if the trustee and the ward live in different cities or villages. In this case, the commission makes a decision individually, because they must be sure that the applicant will be able to physically perform all mandatory daily procedures: care, feeding, taking medications, delivering groceries, hygiene procedures and so on. It is believed that he must carry out these actions more than once a day, i.e. The optimal situation is when the applicant and the disabled person live together.

Termination of payments - conditions, consequences

There are situations when benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1 or a child cease to be accrued. The main thing is, of course, the assistant’s official employment at permanent job. In addition, payments will be suspended in the following situations:

  • Death of a ward.
  • Death of an assistant.
  • Reaching retirement age and receiving a pension by the applicant.
  • Registration of a person serving a disabled person in the employment fund.
  • Placement of a ward under state support in an appropriate institution for the duration of the group.
  • Relocation of a disabled person to another region or city that is served by another pension fund.

And, of course, at the mutual desire of the applicant and the disabled person, they can terminate their relationship. For example, receiving benefits to care for disabled parents, one of the children gets a job, and the second or another relative takes care of it. This is accompanied by a statement from the ward himself for each situation and the transfer of income to a second person. If a citizen simply refuses this obligation, he also provides a statement.

If your circumstances change, you must inform us as soon as possible. For example, after employment, a person has only 5 days to apply to suspend transfers.

If a situation arises where a citizen, for example, works unofficially or receives additional income from entrepreneurial or other activities, he will be forced to reimburse all previously transferred funds. This is an administrative violation and is punished accordingly. But if employees discover malicious intent and the use of fraudulent means to obtain government assistance, they turn to the prosecutor's office and similar authorities to resolve the issue.

Receiving set size benefits for caring for a disabled child, the parent is offered another option state support. It is expressed in the ability to include in your own money spent on care.

But this rule applies only if the citizen was employed before the benefit was issued and at the end of its payments. The duration of the “working” periods is not specified by law; a minimum of one month is sufficient. According to a similar procedure, this time is taken into account in the length of service for a person helping a disabled person of group I.

Assistance to children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood is regulated at the state level. Such families are entitled to various monthly payments(pension and benefits), as well as several types of labor, monetary and social benefits.

All these types of support from the state are designed to provide the disabled child, his parents and guardians with the most necessary things, assist his social adaptation, maintain health and create opportunities that correspond to the capabilities of other citizens.

Cash payments for disabled children are processed by application through departments Russian Pension Fund(PFR) or multifunctional cents(MFC). Each of them will require independent registration and submission. the required package documents.

Set of social services (NSS) for disabled children

Disabled children and persons with disabilities since childhood who receive a monthly cash payment are also automatically provided with a monthly set of social services by law. in kind. It consists of three main blocks and can be paid in a specified monetary equivalent.

The recipient of the NSO or his parents (guardians) may refuse from receiving social services in kind, fully or partially, receiving monetary compensation instead. You can change the order in which you receive a set of services only from January 1 each subsequent year, provided that the corresponding application to the Pension Fund is submitted before October 1 of the current year.

Amount of NSO from 02/01/2017, rub.

Note: A child with a disability, as well as a group I disabled person since childhood, who can only travel with an escort, has the right to receive a second trip to the resort for an accompanying person, as well as to be provided with free tickets when traveling to the place of treatment and back.

Since the NSO is part of the EDV, to obtain it you do not need to go to the Pension Fund and write a separate application! When prescribing EDV, a disabled child immediately automatically develops right to NSO in kind, about which the Pension Fund issues a corresponding certificate.

This help contains the following information:

  • category of beneficiary (disabled child or disabled since childhood);
  • for what period is the EDV established;
  • what social services within the NSO a citizen is entitled to in a particular year.

Based on this certificate, presented to medical, preventive institutions or railway ticket offices throughout the country, appropriate social services can be provided.

A citizen also has the right to refuse to receive NSU in kind, receiving instead monetary equivalent as part of the EDV. Relevant statement of refusal from NSO it is enough to submit no later than October 1 of the current year to the territorial body of the Pension Fund - then it will be valid from January 1 of the next year on an ongoing basis until the recipient changes his decision.

Allowance for caring for a disabled child for a non-working parent

If an able-bodied parent (guardian or other person) is caring for a child who requires constant supervision and is unable to work for this reason, he can count on. For the provision of care, each disabled child or disabled child of group I is entitled to a payment in the amount of:

  • 5500 rub.- if care is provided by a parent, adoptive parent or guardian
  • 1200 rub.- if another person is caring for you).

For II and III disability groups for a child after 18 years of age, this benefit not allowed. Below are some other features of its purpose:

  • when applying for payment, parents (guardians) will need to document that the child needs constant care;
  • the payment is transferred together with;
  • benefits are due able-bodied non-working citizens, carrying out, and is not paid to pensioners or recipients of unemployment benefits through the employment service (PES).

Unlike other payments from the Pension Fund, the amount of this benefit is not subject to annual indexation . Moreover, until 2013, the payment amount was uniform and amounted to 1,200 rubles. regardless of who provides care, and now an increased amount of 5,500 rubles has been established. for parents and guardians.

To apply for benefits, you will need to contact the Pension Fund with the following: set of documents:

  • identity card and work record of the caregiver;
  • 2 statements:
    • on the assignment of benefits from a non-working able-bodied citizen caring for a child, indicating the start date;
    • about consent to provide care from a parent, guardian or other legal representative of a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of group 1 (not required if care is provided by these persons themselves);
  • 2 certificates for the caregiver:
    • from the pension fund at the place of residence of the caregiver that he is not being paid a pension;
    • from the employment service about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled child by the ITU (sent to the Pension Fund independently through interdepartmental interaction channels).

Maternity capital for social adaptation and integration into society

Funds from maternity capital can be spent on purchase of goods and payment for services, aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of a disabled child (any of the children in the family, and not the obligatory one who has given the right to a certificate) in the form of compensation money already spent on it.

Invest in payment for medical services, rehabilitation and purchase of medicines not allowed! In practice, it became possible to use money from maternity capital for disabled children only after the release of Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016, approving the list of relevant goods and services (48 items).

Documents that need to be submitted to the Pension Fund for the transfer of maternity capital funds:

  • statement from the mother;
  • passport and SNILS of the applicant;
  • individual program of rehabilitation (habilitation) for a child (IPR, IPRA);
  • documents confirming the purchase of goods and services for social services. adaptation and integration;
  • a social security act confirming the availability and compliance of the purchased product with the needs of the child (if the product was purchased and not a service);
  • applicant's bank account details.

Benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2018

Besides cash payments, children with disabilities and their parents are provided with many benefits designed to improve their standard of living.

The state assumes the obligation to support families in which family members have special needs, based on the principle categoricality. That is, assistance is provided for each disabled child whose family has grounds for receiving benefits and payments, and not. Those. all these types of assistance are prescribed regardless of financial situation families, and the state has no plans to revise this principle in the near future.

Tax deduction for a disabled child in 2018 (personal income tax benefit)

For everyone of disabled children under 18 years of age (or for a full-time student, graduate student with group 1 or 2 disabilities up to 24 years of age), a personal income tax benefit is provided, which is due both parents(adoptive parents, guardians) of a disabled child.

Land plot and the right to additional living space

In Art. 17 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 stipulates benefits for families with disabled children regarding living space and the right to improve living conditions. Among them:

  • The opportunity to obtain residential premises as a property or under a social tenancy agreement if there is a need to improve living conditions (for those registered as needing to improve living conditions). At the same time, the area of ​​the premises under the social tenancy agreement must exceed the standards per person, but not more than twice.
  • Priority acquisition of a plot of land for the construction of a residential private house, farming or gardening.
  • Compensation 50%:
    • to pay for housing and utilities (according to standards);
    • to pay a contribution for major housing repairs.

Right to additional living space (a separate room or an additional 10 sq. m.) is provided to families in which children suffer from mental disorders, central nervous system lesions with severe consequences and there is a need to use wheelchairs.

Benefits when a child enrolls in college or university

Provided that the child is disabled or has been disabled since childhood passed the entrance examination in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, he must be enrolled without competition without taking into account the data of the certificate. But only on the condition that studying at a particular institution is not contraindicated based on the results of the medical examination.

When entering a university under a bachelor's or specialist's degree program, a disabled child or a person with disabilities from childhood of groups 1, 2, 3 is provided with the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to enroll without entrance exams on a budget;
  • admission within the quota upon successful passing of exams;
  • preferential right to admission (if an applicant without benefits and a disabled person have the same number of points, preference is given to the latter);
  • free education in the preparatory department, if the child has no contraindications to study in this institution.

These benefits can be used just one time Therefore, you should choose your educational institution and future specialty very carefully.

When submitting an application to an educational institution, you must provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • confirmation of the applicant’s special rights (certificate of disability);
  • conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  • conclusion about the absence of contraindications to study in this institution.

Other social support measures for disabled children

Children with special needs can count on such additional types social assistance:

  • priority admission of preschoolers to kindergartens, free attendance;
  • opportunity to study school curriculum at home (if the inability to attend school is confirmed by a medical certificate);
  • free school meals;
  • gentle regime for passing the Unified State Exam;
  • assistance from social services in rehabilitation (social, psychological).


Unfortunately, on the way to maximum social adaptation of children and disabled people from childhood, in order to create opportunities for them to live a full life, Russian society still needs to overcome many obstacles. However, the state assumes the responsibility to support disabled children and their families. Support is provided both monetary ( and , ) and (providing travel, spa treatment and provision of medicines).

Families are also offered directly to parents or guardians (,) and children (admission to universities under special conditions). Social preferences and assistance are provided to disabled children and persons with disabilities since childhood.

The year 2016 was marked by several legislative changes relating to children with disabilities. For example, they allowed spending and integration into society (purchase of goods and services). Also 2-4 times larger in size tax deduction for a disabled child.