Benefits and benefits for disabled children and their families. Last news

The pension for a disabled child in 2019, the amount, and the expected calculation of payments are regulated at the state level. Such families receive every month state aid for rehabilitation in the form of a pension and a certain monthly amount.

Payments made by the state in relation to such families are decisive for social and physical rehabilitation, the child’s ability to develop harmoniously among other healthy people.

Parents or legal representatives of such children immediately apply for the due payments by personally contacting the public services department of their district. The child’s personal presence is not necessary, only documentation must be submitted to Pension Fund, also in each region, interest is paid in addition to the principal amount regarding payments.

For example, in the Tyumen region, children with disabilities receive 2,300 rubles in addition to the main benefit.

The state takes care of disabled children who were adopted and sent to the family; in this case, they pay a one-time assistance to the family in a fixed amount of 124,929.83 rubles. This amount is divided and paid depending on how the child is raised. In this case, payments are made:

  • If the child has acquired a disability:
    • When caring and raising a direct relative, it does not exceed 19,930.57 rubles.
    • If the child is being raised by a legal representative, it does not exceed RUB 15,630.57.
  • If the child was already born disabled:
    • Group I:
      • When caring and raising a direct relative, it does not exceed 20,942.03 rubles.
      • If education is carried out by a legal representative, does not exceed 16,642.03 rubles.
    • Group II - does not exceed RUB 12,446.79.
    • Group III - does not exceed 6,238.84 rubles.

Who receives preferential payments?

First of all, you must personally submit an application to the authorized body at your residence address. MSEC checks the indications on medical parcels and decides whether a person can be issued with a disability certificate, which is needed to receive social assistance.

You can also go to the official website of government services, which describes the procedure for establishing and completing the necessary documentation.

A child is recognized as disabled under certain provisions:

  • Physiological prerequisites, serious pathologies or injuries that led to consequences.
  • Problems with vital functions, restrictions in movement, development.
  • The need for rehabilitation and outside support.
Children are not classified according to disability groups, unlike adults. Such a person, before reaching adulthood, receives the status of a disabled person in general. When a person becomes an adult, he automatically moves to the stage of childhood disability, and then according to group criteria.

Registration is entrusted to the one who is raising the child, this can be the mother and father, guardians or adoptive parents. Once you become disabled, you can apply for payments at any time. As soon as the documents are submitted, the payment is already calculated, and you can receive it the next month.

Relative to the current year

Every child, regardless of the doctor’s diagnosis, but with a certificate of disability, can receive a pension.

Its payments will continue until the person reaches 18 years of age or is declared healthy. If a child reaches the age of majority, he can receive government payments if he is unable to work for health reasons, and seniority is not credited.
  • For the current year, the monthly payment for a disabled child is 11,903.51 rubles.
  • The amount also changes according to the groups:
    • RUB 11,903.51 if this is the first group;
    • 9,919.73 rubles, if the second;
    • 4,215.90 rubles if this is the third.

To obtain assistance for a child, you must take the following documents:

Parents must submit a number of documents and certificates to the Russian Pension Fund, which are checked, and a decision is made on the transfer of funds to the account of the guardian or the minor himself:

  • A well-formatted request.
  • A copy of your birth certificate or passport details.
  • Confirmation that the child is recognized as disabled.
  • Passport details with the citizenship of the parents who are submitting the application.
An application form can be obtained from the Pension Fund or on the website Government services. If documents are submitted incorrectly, payments will not be awarded.

How are payments made each month?

Disabled children besides mandatory payments receive benefits and services. This helps to undergo rehabilitation and lead a normal life. Receipt is possible both in material and in kind; the size of the pension is taken into account when spending money in whole or in part.

For the current year, changes have been made to the payment, indexation and recalculation have occurred, and the rate for each child is 2,527.06 rubles. In this case, the minimum rate for a child is set at RUB 1,478.09.

These amounts change every year depending on the economic state situation. In this case, the minor receives benefits in relation to medical and social services, has the right to fully use them at any time.

To receive additional payments to the basic pension, it must also be issued. Registration is also carried out at the Pension Fund of Russia upon attachment to the place of residence. The following information must be provided:

  • Request for additional payments in the designated form.
  • Passport details of the parent, guardian, adoptive parent.
  • Confirmation that the child has a disability.
  • Refusal of services provided in relation to pension.

You can also seek advice from the authorized body or read legislative acts on the government services portal. The child is paid benefits until he reaches adulthood.

    Currently, a disabled person of the third group in the Russian Federation is entitled to a pension in the amount of 50% of the age pension. In Moscow, the Social Pension for disabled people of the third group will be only 3,675.20 rubles in 2015.

    There will also be indexation - pensions for disabled people of group 3 will be 437.34 rubles.

    According to published data in Rossiyskaya newspaper the amount of the basic fixed payment to the insurance pension received for disability for persons recognized as group 3 disabled should increase in 2015 by 224 rubles 30 kopecks and amount to 2191 rubles 80 kopecks. The increase is planned from February 1.

    According to other data, the increase in the disability pension of group 3 in Moscow should be 437 rubles 34 kopecks, the daily allowance - 93 rubles 51 kopecks.

    The average social pension, which is paid in 2015, is 6 thousand 169 rubles, I emphasize that this is the average amount throughout the country. Different regions have different premiums.

    In these figures, the fixed payment in the amount of 1 thousand 481 rubles is the same for all disabled people of group 3. and the size of the pension of disabled people depends on the working conditions, where they were injured at work or worked the most years and on the number of dependents. If a disabled person has one child, then they pay one amount, if they have two children, then another. But you need to find out the size of the regional supplement from your social security agency, because the Moscow pension supplement for group 3 disabled people in Moscow is different for everyone.

    On the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation it is clearly written that the size of the fixed payment for disabled people Group III without dependents from February 1 is 2191 rubles 80 kopecks.

    The amount of this payment may increase if the disabled person has 1, 2 or 3 dependents in his care, as well as if the person worked for some time in the Far North.

    The size of the pension in Moscow is slightly higher than in the country as a whole (3,675 rubles), this is explained, first of all, by more high prices for products and services.

    There are three types of disability pensions in the Russian Federation:

    • This is a labor disability pension
    • This is the Social Security Disability Pension.
    • This is the State Disability Pension

    Social pension for disabled people in 2015 will be:

    Disabled people III groups will receive 3675.20 rubles per month plus approximate height from April 1 437.34 rubles

    Group III disabled people will receive 1,700.23 rubles per month, plus an approximate increase of 93.51 rubles from April 1

    What is the pension for a disabled person (disabled since childhood) of group 3?

    Website for disabled people Door to the world

    On January 26, 2015, the government of the Russian Federation approved the so-called anti-crisis plan, according to one of the points of which the insurance part of the pension will be increased. All categories of citizens with an insurance pension will receive an increase in payments.

    Other details can be found here. All these innovations will also affect Moscow disabled people of group III, in addition, in Moscow disabled people enjoy certain privileges ( free pass V public transport according to the so-called Muscovite card, significant discounts when paying utilities etc.) and receive additional payments, the amount of which may vary.

    Social pension for disabled people of the third group in 2015 is 3675.20 rubles.

    The indexation of pensions for disabled people of group 3 will be 437.34 rubles.

    The indexation of the UD for disabled people of group 3 will be 93.51 rubles.

    In addition, Moscow disabled people of group 3 enjoy privileges. This is a Muscovite card, discounts on utility bills, and free travel on public transport.

    According to the government decision, from January 2015, disabled people of the third group will receive a pension in the amount of 3,675 rubles 20 kopecks. And in April of this year, indexation of pensions, in as a result of which the pension was increased by about 10 percent. And now disabled people of the third group will receive 4053 rubles 74 kopecks.

    It is also worth considering that this pension is paid as long as the disability is valid, that is, its period has not expired.

    More information about all payments to disabled people can be found here.

    Group 3 disabled people will receive a social pension of 3,675.20 rubles per month in 2015; indexation is expected from April 1 social pensions and the pension should increase by 437.34 rubles.

    Also, disabled people of group 3 are entitled to an EDV in 2015 of 1,700.23 rubles per month, and from April 1 it should increase by 93.51 rubles.

    Disability is the condition of a person who has obstacles or limitations in activities due to mental, physical and mental abnormalities. There are three disability groups - 1st; 2nd; 3rd.

    In 2015, the size of the disability pension of the 3rd group in Moscow will be: 3675.20 rubles per month. But there is good news: indexation will be carried out in April, and the average monthly payment will increase by 437.34 rubles. And also disabled people of the 3rd group receive EDV (Monthly Cash Payments), which amount to 1,700.23 rubles per month, which will also increase by 93.51 rubles from April.

Regional public Charitable organization disabled people “Promoting the protection of the rights of people with disabilities with consequences of childhood cerebral palsy» reports that it has begun the procedure for voluntary liquidation of the organization due to the lack of funds to rent premises to continue its activities.
Information published in "Bulletin" state registration» No. 48 (506) from 09.12.2015
Disabled people with consequences of cerebral palsy and parents of disabled children can seek advice from e-mail: [email protected]

About indexation of pensions
On January 1, 2015, the pension reform came into force in Russia - pensions will be calculated based on individual points, and will depend on the level of salary, length of service and retirement age.

Indexation of the size of labor pensions– increasing the size of labor pensions on the basis of the relevant resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to improve the standard of living of pensioners. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for indexation of the size of the insurance portion labor pension old age, disability labor pension and survivor's labor pension (including the fixed basic amount of these pensions) due to rising prices and average monthly wages in the Russian Federation.
Monthly cash payments from April 1 will be indexed by 5.5 percent.
In August, the traditional recalculation of labor pensions of working pensioners will take place.
At the same time, during the year the minimum level of pension provision for Russians will continue to be no lower than living wage pensioner in the region where he lives. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, is below the subsistence level, then a social supplement will be established for him.
In accordance with the Pension Fund budget, the average pension during 2015 will increase by no less than 846 rubles: to 11,783 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2015 from 10,937 thousand rubles as of January 1, 2015. From February 1, 2015, the monthly cash payment will be indexed by 5.5%. The amount of maternity capital from January 1, 2015 will be 453.026 thousand rubles, which is 23.6 thousand rubles more than in 2014 (according to
It is worth noting that only labor pensions established in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” are subject to indexation. The next increase in labor pensions, as well as the indexation of social pensions (and, accordingly, state pensions established according to the norms of the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”), is expected from April 1 of this year.

On indexation of pensions from February 1, 2015
According to the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation ( indexing with February 1, 2015 years of the size of insurance pensions for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner, as well as fixed payments to them, will increase the level of pension provision for almost 39 million people receiving insurance pensions at the date of recalculation, as well as about 0.69 million people from among military pensioners who receive, along with the state pension, an old-age insurance pension (with the exception of a fixed payment to it).
As a result of indexation from February 1, 2015, the average size insurance pension will increase by 1,265 rubles and amount to 12,464 rubles, wherein insurance pension old age will increase by 1,313 rubles and amount to 12,930 rubles, insurance pension on disabilityby 818 rubles and will amount to 7,994 rubles, accidental insurance pension survivor's lossby 822 rubles and will amount to 8,040 rubles.
However, the average size fixed payment to insurance pension (taking into account the increases established for it) from February 1 will increase by 522 rubles and after indexation will be 5,104 rubles.

Pensioner category

The average size pensions

before increasing


Including growth

fixed payment

insurance pension

Recipients of insurance pensions

old age

on disability

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

Recipients of two pensions

disabled due to war trauma

participants of the Great Patriotic War

widows of fallen servicemen

disabled people awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”

From April 1, 2015 indexation of state pensions and monthly cash payments federal beneficiaries, based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous year (including the monthly allowance - by 5.5%).

Labor monthly cash benefits

Russians receiving monthly labor benefits (for disability, when women reach 55 years old and 60 for men, in case of loss of a breadwinner) from April 1 can expect an additional indexed benefit. [Note: indexation is carried out taking into account the income growth index of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (calculation per one Russian citizen receiving a pension is taken into account)].
In addition, according to the Russian Pension Fund, since 2014, pensioners have received the right to recalculate their labor pension, taking into account the increased period of child care taken into account when calculating the insurance part of the labor pension.
This became possible thanks to the entry into force federal law, according to which, when assigning and recalculating a pension, a citizen has the right to increase the insurance period due to the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but no more four and a half years old in total, that is, the maximum amount of leave now counted towards the length of service is to care for three children - one and a half years for each. Previously, the total duration of such a non-insurance period was limited to three years, that is, periods of leave to care for each of two children.
The new rules will work both for current pensioners and for those who are yet to retire.
Recalculation of pensions current pensioners is carried out without a declaration on the basis of documents that are at the disposal of the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. In this case, citizens have the right to contact the Pension Fund office at their place of residence with a corresponding application, attaching the child’s birth certificate and documents confirming that the applicant is on leave to care for this child.
In any case, the recalculation of the amount of the labor pension was carried out from January 1, 2014, regardless of the date the citizen submitted the corresponding application to the Pension Fund (but not earlier than the date the pension was assigned).
Maternity capital will not be canceled, as previously expected, in 2016: the program will be extended at least until 2017. Specific dates are still being determined.
In 2015 the amount of maternity capital will increase by 23,600 rubles and amount to 453,026 rubles. The funds can still be used to improve living conditions, educate children, or increase the mother’s pension.

Disabled since childhood, like any other category of people with disabilities, I am interested in the question of the benefits they are entitled to. After all, be that as it may, social protection authorities usually do not independently convey information to disabled people about what they are entitled to, and the person has to look for it himself.

Firstly, I would like to say that a person whose disability occurred before he reached the age of sixteen is considered; for students this threshold is 18 years. That is, a person disabled since childhood is a person who received a disability before it began. labor activity. You should also know that being disabled since childhood is not the same thing. As a rule, a group is not assigned to disabled children, and their limitations are recognized according to the testimony of medical institutions. In addition, a person who has been disabled since childhood is the reason for receiving disability, not a category. In this case, disability itself is established upon reaching the age of 18 years.

Benefits for disabled children from childhood and their parents

Children with disabilities since childhood and their parents are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Disabled children are prescribed from childhood;
  • According to the doctor's prescription, they are given all the necessary medications and medications free of charge;
  • Priority places are provided in pre-school, health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions;
  • For able-bodied citizens caring for a disabled child under 16 years of age, compensation is paid in the amount of 60% of;
  • Mothers who are raising disabled children over 8 years of age are granted a pension upon reaching 50 years of age. In this case, the mother’s work experience should not be less than 15 years;
  • In cases where, according to the indications of a medical institution, a disabled child requires constant care, the period of time of this care is counted in the work experience of the caregiver;
  • A disabled child and one accompanying person are entitled to free travel on public transport;
  • Families, 50% discount for using radio and telephone;
  • For families, a 50% discount on rent and utility bills, regardless of whether the building belongs to any of the Housing Funds;
  • Free provision of medical services for disabled children;
  • Treatment in a sanatorium according to the IPR;
  • Based on the conclusion, a wheelchair and life-making aids (handrails, bathroom and toilet facilities) are provided free of charge;

Benefits under labor legislation

According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, working disabled people have been provided with the following benefits since childhood:

  • Ban on labor discrimination. Speaking in simple words, a disabled person since childhood does not have the right to refuse employment or assign him to a type of work that would cause him harm;
  • Abbreviated work week, the duration of which should not exceed 35 hours, while wage is preserved in full;
  • The length of the working day should not exceed the time established in;
  • Involvement in night work is carried out only with the written consent of the disabled person;
  • Purpose overtime can also be carried out only with the written consent of the disabled person;
  • Attracting to work on weekends and holidays can be carried out only on the condition that this is not contraindicated in the IPR;
  • Annual paid leave of at least 30 days;
  • Annual unpaid leave of up to 60 days, provided according to the application of a disabled person since childhood.

Tax benefits

Persons with disabilities since childhood have the following list of tax benefits:

  • The following are not subject to personal income tax: state pensions, benefits, payments, compensation, cost of travel vouchers, one-time financial aid, material aid in the amount of 4,000 rubles for an employee who retired as a result of disability, compensation paid by the employer in the amount of 4,000 rubles for medications;
  • One of the parents who is supporting a disabled child is provided with an income tax benefit;
  • Property tax individuals disabled people have not been paid since childhood. To receive this benefit, you must write an application to tax service at your place of residence and submit an ITU certificate;
  • A reduced tax base for land tax is provided in the amount of 10,000 rubles for one taxpayer regarding a plot of land;
  • A special transport tax benefit is provided. cars for disabled people and cars with a power not exceeding 100 hp. With.