A dog has a purulent wound: how to help your pet? Pyoderma in dogs or purulent skin lesions.

An abscess in dogs develops as a result of a disruption in the functioning of organs or systems, but most often an injury that cannot be ignored. The sooner it is detected, respectively, the sooner treatment is started, the smaller dog will suffer.

What is an abscess like?

People often call abscesses “ulcers,” but this is quite general concept, because ulcers are different. An abscess in a dog can occur under the skin, in which case it will be called superficial, or located inside the body, such abscesses are called deep. Their size also varies. They can be small or the size of a chicken egg. Characteristic This process is a clear boundary between inflamed and healthy tissue.

An abscess may result from necrosis caused by microorganisms (aseptic abscess). Sometimes it develops as a result of a heart attack or tissue necrosis resulting from intoxication when poison gets under the skin, then it is called aseptic.

As a result of incorrectly administered injections or vaccinations, swelling appears on the skin; they look like red, elastic tubercles filled with thick pus. Such an abscess is called benign. Red bumps containing liquid pus are a manifestation of a malignant abscess. The inflamed area may have different temperatures.

« Hot“when the temperature of the swelling itself is higher than the temperature of the whole body, and the place itself is painful. The process develops rapidly, the swelling can increase very quickly, and often the abscess opens on its own.

« Cold"when the abscess develops very slowly. It is difficult to identify, since there are no clear signs. The help of a veterinarian is needed, since the abscess itself cannot open. Most often this happens in old animals whose immunity is weakened.

Abscesses and their causes

The area of ​​spread rapidly increases due to the disintegration of abscess tissue and the formation of new microorganisms. The latter enter the blood, thus the lesion becomes larger and larger, very quickly its area increases significantly.

Often, superficial abscesses appear as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin, wounds and injuries. The dog was scratched, someone bit him, he hit himself, or he was given an injection. The place where the wound appeared turns out to be infected, dirt and infection get there, which means an abscess develops. Most often, dogs have ulcers on their paws. Factors contributing to abscesses:

  • lack of proper care and hygiene rules, when the animal’s fur and paws are constantly dirty;
  • the aggressive nature of the dog, he conflicts with other dogs, loves to fight;
  • accidents, human cruelty;
  • females in a “gust of passion” can bite the male who has chosen them, or males arrange fights for the right to choose a female;
  • The veterinarian did not follow the recommendations when preparing for the injection and after it.

There are quite a few “secluded corners” in the animal’s body where there are favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. And if leukocytes are not able to cope with microorganisms, then a dangerous and insidious abscess occurs. The body, as it were, protects the animal by covering the abscess with walls, so identifying it in a timely manner is not easy even for an attentive owner. An abscess can appear anywhere - on the jaw, on the ears or on the paws.

Symptoms of hot and cold abscess

The first symptom is a small, painful bump on the skin, for example, on the ear or on the withers, swelling and redness appear. If the abscess is “hot,” then the site of the lump will also be hot. After a couple of days, the lump may become loose, heterogeneous, it will seem that the abscess is about to burst any minute, and most likely this will happen.

It is much more difficult to detect a deep abscess. A change in the dog's condition should cause alarm. He will become lethargic, may refuse to eat, and may develop a fever. The dog needs to see a doctor, he will do an ultrasound and determine the cause of the poor health.

Sometimes abscesses are confused with hematomas and hernias, but an abscess has a difference - the presence of walls. Hernias occur most often in the groin and peritoneum. A blood test and puncture will help the veterinarian decide; if the contents of the formation are blood, then it is a hematoma, if there is pus, then it is an abscess, and if there is none, then it is a tumor. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is advisable to do an MRI or ultrasound.

If the animal is lethargic, gloomy, its body is hot, it refuses to eat, does not want to walk, the skin around anus it is inflamed, purulent ulcers are visible, it hurts to touch the body, which means it is an abscess of the paraanal gland. Most often this happens in old dogs who are no longer able to lick themselves. These pathologies are caused by old inflammatory processes that renew under the influence of internal or external factors.

If you find an abscess on your tailed friend, consult a doctor immediately. Remember that an abscess of the paraanal gland in a dog cannot be treated on its own; you should immediately contact a veterinarian. You can't waste time, it could cost you to the faithful dog life.

Correct treatment for abscess in a dog

If the abscess is closed, it is often opened and cleaned, but this must be done by a doctor. To treat small benign abscesses, absorbable ointments are used; they are applied to the formation, the integrity of which is not compromised. If the abscess has opened, it is treated with an antiseptic solution, and antiseptic ointments are placed in the narrow and deep canals of the wounds.

The wound is washed with a syringe, inserting it deeply, but everything must be done to make the shaggy patient feel as comfortable as possible. Light rinsing can be fraught with consequences - healing will appear on the outside, but on the inside it will continue inflammatory process. If the abscess is malignant, then the purulent sac must be removed, and this must be done as quickly as possible in order to preserve the adjacent tissue. Next, use the general and local therapy and antibacterial drugs.

How to treat an abscess in a dog if the paraanal gland is affected? Of course, only in conditions specialized clinic. The doctor will assess the area of ​​the lesion and prescribe drug treatment Warm compresses help a lot. Most often, the abscess is opened and treated; if there is a lot of pus, drains are inserted. In such cases good effect gives use strong antibiotics, rectal suppositories and local processing.

Prevention of purulent bumps

The problem is easier to prevent; treating purulent bumps is difficult. What is needed for this:

  1. Carefully follow the rules of hygiene;
  2. Regularly examine the dog, promptly identify problem areas;
  3. Treat even the smallest wounds;
  4. Recommendations for caring for animals must be followed;
  5. Bring your dog to the clinic for examination regularly.

It is naive to believe that the abscess will resolve on its own. Behind a short time your pet's body may be infected, and if it is not treated timely assistance, blood poisoning can be fatal.

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An abscess - otherwise a purulent abscess - can occur in dogs various reasons, incl. due to infections entering an open wound or internal inflammation.

An abscess can appear on any part of the body and requires treatment and care. Purulent abscess in dogs it often provokes further spread of infection and worsening general health pet.

What is an abscess in a dog, clinical picture

In other words - an abscess. This big seal in the skin or deeper in the tissues, which contains microorganisms, secretions (liquid-nutrient medium). Some types of abscess can be confused with a lipoma - a fatty pimple that reaches large sizes.

The latter does not rupture, does not differ in temperature, is often mobile and not painful. However, it has great growth potential and can interfere with the life of the pet.

Types of abscesses

The first difference between abscesses is their depth. Superficial is formed in loose tissue within the skin. Deep occurs under the mucous membranes and in internal organs. It is clear that diagnosing the latter is much more difficult.
There are also abscesses:

  • Benign. Swelling with redness, slight bumps resembling normal purulent pimple. They occur at the site of injections or small wounds.
  • Malignant. Watery, not elastic, “watery” inside. They contain pus and pathogenic bacteria inside.
  • “Hot” - rapid swelling and maturation of the flora, soreness, redness. They often open on their own.
  • “Cold” - proceeds slowly, does not cause redness, does not differ in temperature. It almost never resolves on its own and requires surgical removal.


A superficial abscess is identified by a bump under the skin. It tends to grow quickly and heat up. After a few days, the structure changes from elastic to loose, and the abscess often opens.
A deep abscess is diagnosed using an x-ray or ultrasound. A foreign structure in the body causes different symptoms, but in general, lethargy, restlessness, anxiety, poor appetite, impaired vision, hearing, digestion or mobility are observed - depending on the location of the abscess.

Purulent abscess on a dog's paw

Extremities are a potential risk area. Even a small open wound could get bacteria from the skin or from the outside during a walk. There are several localizations of an abscess.

Abscess on a dog's finger

Quite obvious during diagnosis, can be easily palpated. The organ becomes less mobile, the touch is painful. The pet begins to limp or even tighten one of its paws.

Purulent inflammation between the toes of a dog

This space is a favorable environment for the development of fungi and bacteria, so abscesses between the fingers are dangerous for infection. The symptoms are the same as with the previous localization. To avoid superficial abscesses, the animal’s paws are washed after a walk, incl. and in hard-to-reach places.

Infectious boils on the dog's body

No less common case. The danger of opening an abscess on the face or body is that the pet can spread the disease throughout the body and cause infection of other wounds.

What to do if your dog has an abscess on his face

Besides what it is aesthetic problem, it is also unpleasant for health. It is important not to open an abscess without preparation, so it is recommended to put a funnel on the pet’s head and prepare the necessary tools.

Treating an abscess on a dog's neck

Wounds on the neck appear for many reasons: from rubbing with a collar to fights with other pets, to insect bites. If the abscess is under the collar, it is removed and the animal's access area is closed.

A dog has an abscess on its tail: signs

In thick wool initial stage just don't notice. Additionally, in the later stages, the fur falls out or sticks together due to the released pus. After opening, the wound must be treated as quickly as possible.

In all parts of the body, you need to wait for the abscess to become “loose” and show it to the veterinarian. He will tell you how to properly treat the wound or open the abscess himself. If treated properly, the infection or bacteria will not spread further.

It is best to treat an abscess under the supervision of a veterinarian. But if the owner is sure of the type of abscess (that it is superficial and will burst soon), then he can remove it himself.

How to treat an abscess at home: materials and tools


  • Alcohol, peroxide, antibacterial powder.
  • Clean bandages.
  • Fixing bandage (for moving parts of the body).
  • Large sharp needle.
  • Cotton wool.

You should not open immobile or too large abscesses - this requires sedation. Tools are treated in alcohol. The area with the abscess is disinfected. Next, the loose abscess is pierced with the tip of the needle. The liquid is wiped off with a clean bandage. Open wound fill (do not wipe) with peroxide. Next, sprinkle with streptocide and apply a breathable, non-tight bandage.

Treatment of abscesses in dogs - rules of care and treatment

If the abscess was noticed in the early stages, then warm compresses are applied to it for 5-10 minutes. After opening, bandage the wound, clean it of pus with peroxide, and treat it again with streptocide. The veterinarian will sometimes prescribe antibiotics to prevent the wound from becoming infected again and to heal quickly. Then they leave the area open, but protect it from dirt and pet saliva.

Prevention of abscesses in dogs

If the abscess is closed or not obvious, is in the growth stage or does not change its structure at all, you should contact a veterinary clinic. Tumors and other neoplasms hide under it. Also wake-up call- repeated or regular formation of ulcers. As a diagnostic method, a sample of fluid or tissue is taken from the abscess - this allows the disease to be identified and effective treatment to be prescribed.

Prevention measures:

  • Avoid infection of wounds.
  • Monitor your pet's hygiene.
  • Support immunity.
  • Inspect the body for inflammation.

Injuries, cuts, damage skin– frequent companions of four-legged pets. Often the inflammatory process progresses to a purulent stage and requires competent assistance from the owner of the injured animal. In some cases, treatment of a purulent wound cannot be done without surgically opening the inflamed area and using antibacterial agents due to the increased threat of developing sepsis in the body.

Read in this article

How to treat a dog's wound yourself

If an injury is detected in a furry pet, the owner must provide emergency assistance. Veterinary experts recommend performing the following independent manipulations:

Use for wound treatment alcohol solutions iodine or brilliant green is not recommended. These drugs can cause dryness and even skin. For the same reason, alcohol, vodka and other alcohol-containing liquids should not be used to treat damage.

  • For disinfection of the wound channel antiseptic solutions It is convenient to use gauze napkins or a rolled bandage. IN field conditions You can use a clean scarf or piece of cotton fabric.
  • It is necessary to inject into the wound using a syringe without a needle. a large number of anti-inflammatory ointment. For this purpose, chloramphenicol or streptomycin ointment, Levomekol, is suitable.
  • The wound can be sprinkled with streptocide powder.
  • After processing wound surface must be covered with a gauze napkin. This will help reduce the risk of infection and promote longer retention. medicines in the pathological focus.
  • The dog should not be allowed to lick or injure the wound with its limbs. For this purpose, a bandage is applied or a special one is put on the animal’s neck to prevent the pet from harming itself.

Self-treatment of a wound does not in any way exclude a visit to a specialized institution with your furry pet.

Treatment of inflamed formation

Therapy for a purulent wound requires professional intervention, since infection increases the risk of developing sepsis in a sick animal.

IN mandatory You should contact a veterinarian if the dog refuses to eat, is lethargic, or has an elevated body temperature.

Therapeutic measures include surgical cleansing of the wound from purulent exudate, the use of antiseptics, antibacterial and restorative drugs, installation of drainage. Sutures are not used for symptoms of purulent inflammation.

Cleansing the wound

An important condition for successful treatment A wound with a purulent process is its cleansing. For this purpose, in conditions veterinary clinic The animal undergoes surgery. Under local anesthesia The wound channel is opened, necrotic tissue is excised, and purulent exudate is removed.

During the procedure, the purulent pockets are opened and cleansed. Manipulation, as a rule, is accompanied by infiltration anesthesia with a solution of novocaine with an antibiotic.

After surgical cleaning of the wound, the veterinarian treats the tissue with antiseptic solutions. For this purpose, use a 3% solution of potassium permanganate and a 0.1% solution of Rivanol, similar to hydrogen peroxide. An effective remedy For antiseptic treatment purulent wounds is a 2% solution of Chloramine and 0.5% solution of Chlorhexidine.

Hypertonic antiseptics are often used in veterinary practice to remove purulent contents.

After cleansing and processing disinfectants antimicrobial ointments are used. Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment, Lincomycin ointment, Tyrosur, Baktroban, Olive liquid have a good therapeutic effect.

To learn how to treat a purulent wound for a dog, watch this video:


In veterinary practice, drainage is used to treat deep purulent wounds.

After surgical cleansing of the pathological focus from necrotic tissue and purulent exudate, special tubes are inserted into the wound cavity (passive drainage). The devices are made of rubber or vinyl chloride. Thanks to drainage, pus is removed from the wound. To prevent the tubes from falling out of the wound cavity, they are securely fixed, sewn with rare stitches to the skin of the animal.

Drainage in the wound

The catheter is left in the wound until complete healing. This period can be 5 - 10 days, during which the owner should treat the drained area with antiseptic solutions of Furacilin, potassium permanganate or Chlorhexidine.

Often in therapy purulent process veterinary specialists resort to active drainage using turundas. A narrow gauze swab (a bandage rolled into a napkin) is soaked in antimicrobial ointment and inserted into the wound cavity. Due to its hygroscopic properties, such a simple device absorbs purulent exudate. Turundas are placed for 1 - 2 days, after which passive drainage is used using special catheters.

The use of enzyme preparations in the treatment of purulent foci has a good effect. Most often, chymotrypsin, ribonuclease, and bromelain are used for this purpose in veterinary surgery. Medicine soak gauze wipes for active phase drainage of the wound.

The use of proteolytic enzymes reduces inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration processes. The drugs lyse dead tissue, effectively and quickly cleanse purulent foci.

After the purulent process has been stopped, veterinarian can stitch up the wound. This is done, as a rule, if the damage was torn or, during the development of inflammation, the surgeon had to excise a large amount of tissue. Closure of the damage is carried out strictly after the relief of purulent inflammation, in the presence of signs of granulation of healthy tissue.


The development of a purulent process in tissues is accompanied by deterioration general condition furry pet. Heat, loss of appetite, apathetic, lethargic state indicate the development of the body’s general response to inflammation. Successful therapy surgical disease is unthinkable without the use of modern antibacterial drugs. In veterinary practice, antibiotics of the penicillin, tetracycline and cephalosporin series are used.

Modern penicillins are widely used as antibiotics: Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Sinulox, Clamoxil. Doxycycline is effective as a tetracycline drug. Of cephalosporins high therapeutic effect possesses Cephalen, Cephalexin, Cefotaxime, Cephaperazone and others.

The course of treatment with antibacterial drugs is 10 - 14 days. Preference is given to intramuscular injections.


Other therapies

IN complex therapy For purulent wounds, restorative drugs are also used. Immunomodulators help speed up tissue regeneration: Roncoleukin, Gamavit, Ribotan, Glycopin, etc. Healing is accelerated therapeutic doses ascorbic acid, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin.

The use of physiotherapy promotes recovery. Ultraviolet irradiation, vaporization, paraffin treatment, irradiation with a Sollux lamp, used in the second phase of wound healing, significantly shorten the pet’s recovery time. Zinc and ichthyol ointment, the use of tissue therapy according to Filatov and autohemotherapy.

Infection of wounds received by a pet is not uncommon. Purulent inflammation requires the owner to competently provide first aid to the animal. A qualified specialist will perform surgical cleansing of the pathological focus, active and passive drainage.

The use of anti-inflammatory ointments, antibacterial drugs wide range actions, restoratives contribute quick withdrawal inflammation and regeneration of damaged tissues.

Useful video

For information on how and what to treat a wound, watch this video:

Purulent skin lesions in dogs, or pyoderma, are ubiquitous. Animals of all breeds are susceptible. However, the following dog breeds are most prone to pyoderma: Shar Pei, Mastino Neapolitan, Bullmastiff, Chow Chow Boxer, Pug, Chihuahua, English bulldog, French Bulldog. Pyoderma in dogs is a skin disease in the form of an accumulation of pus. In the superficial form, the outer layers and hair follicles are affected. The deep form of pyoderma is characterized by damage to the skin throughout its entire thickness. Sometimes they are amazed subcutaneous tissue and muscles.

Pyoderma in dogs - causes and development

Pyoderma is caused by several reasons. The main reason is a decrease in immunity. A fall protective forces organism occurs as a result of a change in housing conditions, feeding or movement. For example, a dog has been constantly kept indoors (apartment or house) and is sent to live outside. Or a dog that constantly lived in the courtyard of a private house is taken to live in an apartment. Changing feeding affects the immune system not only when reducing calories. The dog gets its main source of antibodies, protein, from meat. To save money, meat is often replaced with offal and entrails. Such a replacement even when saving energy value food reduces nutritional value and cannot meet the dog's needs. You should adhere to the recommended ratio of meat, offal and slaughterhouse waste, and cereals for the breed.

Switching adult dogs to dry or canned food exacerbates a number of chronic diseases that reduce immunity. After about one and a half to two months, these processes return to normal. Immunity is fully restored 4 months after switching to dry food.

It is necessary to take into account the relationship between movement and feeding. So, during training, a dog requires about 15 - 20% more food. During intensive work needs increase to 40%.

Lack of exercise is just as harmful for dogs as too much. If there is a lack of movement, the skin does not cleanse itself. Dust, dead pieces of skin, and various secretions accumulate in the wool, serving as food for microbes.

A secondary cause of pyoderma is considered to be a violation of the integrity of the skin. So, running through the meadows in the fall, puppies often injure the skin of their abdomen on dry grass. The short hair of Bulldogs, Bullmastiffs and Shar-Peis scratches the skin in the folds.

Microbes that normally live in the dog’s body instantly rush to the site of damage. When paws are damaged, fungi from the soil also enter the wound. 3 - 5 days after entering the wound, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly and acquire pathogenic properties, the skin becomes inflamed. Severe itching occurs. By combing the affected areas, the dog rubs microorganisms into the hair follicles. Claws scratch the skin, and microbes settle in the scratches.

Severe itching occurs. By combing the affected areas, the dog rubs microorganisms into the hair follicles.

A few days after the appearance severe itching Red and yellowish blisters are visible on the skin. When pierced, they release liquid with unpleasant smell. Over time, the dog's hair falls out. The affected areas become bald, and the blisters merge into shapeless areas. When animals scratch, the blisters can burst, spreading an unpleasant odor and germs. This is how the superficial form of pyoderma manifests itself.

After a few days, the pus eats away the layers of skin underneath. hair follicles. Along with the flow of pus, microbes settle in the lower layers of the skin.

The body of a sick dog tries to respond to the development of microbes. The production of antibodies increases, macrophages are sent to the sites of microbial development. But the dog’s body cannot cope with the infection in the skin. Germs spread throughout the body and can cause inflammation different organs. Over time, the pustules merge into large boils that can open at any point on the dog’s skin. Purulent fistulas appear, large dogs up to 7 cm deep. This is how the deep form of pyoderma manifests itself.

The disease can last for years; Without qualified help, the abscesses unite into large cavities, slowly poisoning the dog with their contents.

Pyoderma in dogs - treatment

It is carried out only in a veterinary clinic. Symptoms similar to pyoderma appear when completely various diseases. For example, distemper, ingestion of extraintestinal heartworms. Purulent skin lesions are complicated by attacks by microscopic mites, such as demodicosis.

Effective treatment pyoderma is carried out in several directions:

  • fight against microorganisms that have developed pathogenic properties;
  • increasing immunity;
  • removing pus from the dog’s body;
  • Elimination of itching and healing of skin lesions.

The fight against microorganisms begins after a special analysis, bacterial culture. The type of microbe that has developed pathogenic properties and its sensitivity to antibiotics are determined. Animals do not like the procedure for selecting material for analysis, and the result will have to wait 3-5 days. Therefore sometimes early stages development of pyoderma, bacterial culture can be excluded. But on late stages disease analysis is required.

A few days after the onset of severe itching, red and yellowish blisters are visible on the skin

Antibiotics are prescribed to fight germs. Basically, the choice depends on the type of microorganism that caused the disease and its sensitivity to drugs. When prescribing antibiotics, the doctor takes into account the sensitivity of microorganisms, the condition of the animal and, if any, other diseases.

Improving immunity begins with optimizing the dog’s feeding and exercise. During treatment and recovery, quiet walks and a minimum of training are recommended.

Immunity-boosting drugs are usually prescribed 2-4 days after optimizing feeding and exercise. Depending on the complexity of the disease, preparations from human placenta can be used, vitreous, catozal and others.

Removal of pus is usually combined with healing of skin lesions. But surgery may also be necessary.

Healing skin lesions comes down to special treatment of ulcers and adjacent areas. Aluspray and similar aerosols are widely used to neutralize microbes on the surface of wounds, including purulent ones. For deep pyoderma, absorbable agents are used. They contain chlorophyllipt, iodine, and other antimicrobial drugs.

At severe course pyoderma may require medications to alleviate the dog's condition. So, with large accumulations of pus, many toxins enter the body. To effectively neutralize toxins in the liver, karsil is prescribed. Increased elimination of poisons through the kidneys and maintenance of heart function may be required. Then you will need to put the dog on a drip and administer riboxin or cocarboxylase.

After treatment, pyoderma leaves a deep mark on the body and greatly undermines the dog’s health. To avoid serious illness, contact your veterinarian the first time your dog becomes itchy or restless.