Rules and procedure for obtaining a quota for a free operation. How to get a quota for a free operation - tips on getting quotas for different groups of the population What operations are performed under a quota list

Modern medicine is extremely expensive, especially surgical interventions, dental procedures and treatment of serious and fatal diseases. Despite the existing system in Russia health insurance, you often have to pay for treatment yourself, since the policy does not cover even part of the costs. In this regard, residents of the country have the right to count on a quota for operations, which require modern equipment, which is not available in regional hospitals. The number of quotas and the scope of their application are reviewed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation annually. Procedures for providing free treatment the completion of examinations and medical procedures at the patient’s place of permanent residence, and only sometimes it is possible to get the opportunity to get an operation in the capital. Let's figure out how to get a quota for surgery in Moscow for nonresidents in 2019.

Types of quotas for treatment and operations

The law guarantees any citizen of the country to receive a quota if the need for treatment or surgical intervention arises. Social status, financial situation and age are not important. Distinguish the following types quotas:

  • to carry out the operation (organizing the necessary surgical intervention citizens in need of financial support at the expense of federal budget);
  • for the treatment of the disease ( free provision all necessary for the treatment of the patient medicines);
  • for IVF or in vitro fertilization ( free carrying out procedures artificial insemination);
  • for high-tech medical care or high-tech medical care (provided to patients whose candidacy was approved by the commission of the Ministry of Health).

In what cases can you get a quota?

Everyone cannot get a quota, otherwise the queues would be so long that the patients who need help most would not wait for surgery. Therefore, the Russian Ministry of Health has developed a closed list of diseases, if identified, you can receive a quota for treatment. The main types of diseases and surgical interventions include:

  • complex surgical operations, requiring high professionalism of the doctor, extensive experience of the specialist, high-tech equipment (including operations on the eyes, spine);
  • serious illnesses inherited, leukemia (bleeding);
  • neurosurgical operations to detect a brain tumor;
  • installation of a prosthesis hip joint(for dysplasia) or another type of prosthesis (endoprosthetics only);
  • transplantation internal organs(priority is heart, liver, kidney transplantation);
  • nursing firstborns during the first days of life;
  • operations carried out on open heart(including repeated ones).

In total, the list includes 140 diseases and types of operations, the identification of which is subject to a quota for treatment in Moscow.

Each medical institution capital receives a certain number of quotas and undertakes to organize treatment or surgery only if medical center there is an appropriate specialist with experience, as well as all the required equipment. The clinic must meet the requirements and standards.

How to get medical care in Moscow for nonresidents

Residents of many Russian cities believe that it would be fair to receive medical care in the capital as soon as the need arises, since, unlike small cities, Moscow has a huge number of clinics that have equipment that has no analogues in any other locality. That is, the capital has the opportunity to provide medical care to all Russians, however, the number of quotas is still limited.

At the legislative level, it is determined that the quota is allocated exclusively at the place of registration, since their number for each city is limited. And since in major cities

There are waiting lists for operations; quotas for out-of-towners would force patients to wait for treatment for years.

To obtain a quota in Moscow, you must receive a referral from the Ministry of Health or the regional health authority, and you must also provide all documentary evidence of the diagnosis.

You can get a quota for an operation in Moscow only if there is no suitable specialist or equipment in the patient’s city of residence. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get a referral to the capital.

Conditions for obtaining a quota for surgery in Moscow Exists a certain order

  1. The patient must receive a referral for surgery signed by the head physician of the clinic at the place of registration. You will also need an extract from the medical history, which will be studied by a commission authorized to refer patients for surgery.
  2. The commission, if the application is approved, issues a coupon for hospitalization in a regional clinic located in the region of registration of the applicant. There, the papers will be examined by a second commission for no more than 10 days, after which they will be sent to a clinic specializing in this disease, located in any city in the country. That is, first the patient is examined in a local hospital, then in a regional one, and only then in a specialized one.
  3. Specialized clinic will independently decide through the third commission whether it is possible to carry out the operation. If the decision is made in favor of the patient, he will receive a notification indicating the timing of his appearance.

The procedure for obtaining a quota for an operation in Moscow, the necessary documents

In order for you to be allocated a quota to conduct medical procedures or operation, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the attending physician at the clinic at your place of registration, ask him to draw up an individual examination plan for you.
  2. Take the examination, even if it is paid (no one will compensate for its cost, even if the quota is not received in the end).
  3. Collect all the required documents (the list will be discussed below), send the papers to the local medical commission.
  4. Wait for the commission’s decision (you won’t have to wait more than 3 days).
  5. If the commission approves your candidacy, you will have to wait about 10 more days while the papers are reviewed by the regional commission.
  6. If the second commission confirms the need to allocate a quota, your documents will be sent to a specialized clinic, where you will undergo treatment or wait for surgery.


Where to get it

Photocopy of Russian passport (for adult patients)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Child's birth certificate (for children under 14 years old)

Civil registry offices
Photocopy medical policy

Insurance Company

Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS)

Pension Fund
Photocopy of insurance account


Extract from the medical history (signed by the chief physician of the local clinic)

At the place of observation of the course of the disease
Original certificates with the results of examinations and analyzes

Medical laboratory

If you plan to receive a free travel voucher to the clinic, please also prepare:

Original referral for surgery or treatment under the allocated quota

Medical commission
A document indicating the existence of rights to such a benefit (conclusion medical and social examination for disabled people, pension certificate for pensioners, veteran’s certificate and so on)

USZN and others government agencies, depending on the type of certificate

A quota for IVF can be obtained by completing following instructions:

  1. Contact your local gynecologist or antenatal clinic.
  2. Complete the assigned medical examination(payment for procedures and tests is made at the expense of the patient).
  3. Collect all the necessary documents (the list will be presented below), send the papers for review medical commission.
  4. Wait first for the decision of the regional commission, then the regional one (in total no more than 2 weeks).
  5. If the decision is positive, you will receive a quota for IVF in a specialized clinic.

You will need to prepare the following documents:

  • statement about the need for IVF under a quota;
  • photocopy of Russian passport;
  • social security card;
  • original extract from the medical history (signed by the chief physician);
  • original certificates of medical examination and laboratory tests.

You will need

  • To receive a quota:
  • - statement of treatment performed;
  • - results of clinical diagnostic tests;
  • - written appeal;
  • - a copy of a passport or birth certificate, for children a copy of the passport of one of the parents or legal representative;
  • - a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • - a copy of the pension insurance policy;
  • - a copy of the insurance number of the individual personal account.
  • To receive a coupon for free travel to the place of treatment:
  • - pension insurance certificate;
  • - compulsory health insurance policy;
  • - copies of the first page and the registration page of your passport;
  • - a document confirming the right to the benefit;
  • - direction from medical institution signed by the city’s chief specialist in this profile.


Quotas are allocated for the most major operations. The list of diseases eligible for the quota was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Although the number of quotas is increasing, it will still not be possible to avoid paperwork. You will have to spend some time going through the authorities, but there is no other way out.

Contact the clinic to which you are assigned at your place of residence. The local physician or specialist treating you will conduct the necessary medical examination. Based on the data obtained as a result of the examination and clinical diagnostic tests, the doctor will decide on the direction of all necessary documents for consideration by the commission of the health care management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The documentation must include information about the procedure and the patient’s health status. The extract must be accompanied by a written request from the patient, a copy of his passport or birth certificate, a copy of the passport of one of the parents or legal representative, a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy, a copy of the pension insurance policy and a copy of the insurance number of the individual personal account.

The commission of the health authority will review your documents and send them to the chief specialist in your disease in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The specialist will also give an opinion on the need for surgery.

Then the commission meeting itself will take place. It will review the opinions of your attending physician and chief specialist. The commission will decide which medical institution at the regional or federal level to send you to receive medical care.

After a favorable decision is made, the health authority commission will transfer all your medical documents to a specialized medical institution. There, specialists will confirm the indications for surgery and set a date for hospitalization. You will need to report to the treatment facility within the specified time frame. You must have the originals of all medical documents and examination results with you. Information about the progress of document review and the date of hospitalization can be found on the portal

A patient is sent for treatment abroad only if necessary technologies there is not in Russia. You will have to prove the feasibility of treatment abroad not to one, but to several commissions. Their composition is approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. If you are denied an operation abroad, you will definitely be offered treatment in a specialized clinic in Russian Federation, including according to quota.

If you have the right to receive state social assistance, the territorial Social Insurance Fund will give you a coupon for which you can receive documents for free travel to the place of hospitalization and back. To do this, you must provide the Fund with a pension insurance certificate, a compulsory health insurance policy, copies of the first page and page of your passport, a document confirming your right to benefits and a referral from a medical institution signed by the city’s chief specialist in this profile.

Video on the topic


  • Procedure for citizens to receive high-tech medical care
  • what documents for quota

Over the past decades the level medical equipment has grown sharply. Leading clinics in the country use modern equipment based on the latest materials, technology and physical principles.

Devices such as tomographs began to appear in hospitals not only in regional and regional centers, but even in district centers. However, with increasing equipment state-of-the-art technology And effective technologies inevitably come at a cost, and many people simply cannot afford modern high-tech medical care.

In our country high-tech assistance dated by the state at the expense of the federal budget, and everyone in need can receive a quota for.

To obtain a quota for high-tech medical care, the Ministry of Health and social development recommends:

  1. First of all, contact your local clinic. It was carried out here, and if its results require high-tech medical care, then your medical documents will be sent to the commission of the regional health authority.

  2. The commission will forward the received documents for consideration to the region’s chief specialist in this disease, what he will give his conclusion.

  3. At the next meeting of the commission, the conclusion of the chief specialist of the region and documents sent from the clinic will be considered, after which the commission will decide whether high-tech medical care can, necessary for the patient, be provided by regional medical institutions, or it is required to refer him to a federal clinic. The documents are sent to the appropriate medical institution.

  4. A regional or federal medical institution receives and reviews documents, confirms the availability necessary indications to provide high-tech medical care and sets a date for hospitalization.

  5. The commission may also issue the patient a coupon to receive documents for free travel to and from the place of treatment, if the patient has the right to receive social assistance from the state. Travel documents are issued by the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund.

Video on the topic


  • How to get a quota for an operation - useful tips specialists

Regardless of the type of activity that a particular company is engaged in, its management faces a choice: who to hire. Entrepreneurs often hire foreign workers, which can be explained by several factors. Firstly, a foreign employee may have much best level preparation. Secondly, many foreigners are simply cheap labor.


In order to attract foreign workers, obtain the appropriate permit. This is stipulated in paragraph 4 of article 13 Federal Law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal situation in the Russian Federation.”

The only exceptions are those for which a visa is not required for entry into Russia.
Before permission to carry out labor activity foreign persons, you will be subject to a quota, if one is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in paragraph 6 of article 13.1 of the above-mentioned law.

To receive a quota and determine its size, write an application in which you describe your need to attract foreign labor. Serve this document to executive bodies state power. About all the powers vested in this body, written in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22 No. 783.

If the MVK has decided to allocate a quota to your enterprise, after about two weeks you have the right to receive an extract from its decision from the Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on Kolokolnikov Lane.

Based positive decision MVK you submit to the FMS (Grafov Lane) a package of documents for permission and attraction of foreign labor. And after 5 weeks, the FMS issues you the appropriate permit, while you must not lose contact with the Employment Centers and confirm that the necessary specialists from them are among Russian citizens not received. Only after this can you hire foreign labor.

Please note that a firm that orders no more than 20 and has a good case for its bid has a better chance of success. For more places in the International Exhibition Committee, letters from the Moscow Prefecture, documents confirming tenders won and the availability of government orders are also provided. In addition, there are a number of countries that are not subject to quotas. These include the position general director, Information Security, Automation Engineer, Director.


  • labor quota
  • Quotas for foreign workers in 2013-2014

If your organization or enterprise employs foreign workers, then you are obliged annually from January 1 to May 1 of the current year to submit an application to the employment service for a labor quota for the next year.


Please note: the absence of a labor quota does not give you the right to attract foreign specialists and will not allow you to obtain a work permit for them.

Submit the following documents to the employment service: - a certified copy of the registration certificate (OGRN);
- a certified copy of the TIN;
- a certified copy of the document on registration with the tax authorities;
- a certified copy of the passport;
- Bank details;
- documents establishing the amount of wages and regulating social guarantees;
- , the number, professions and positions of foreign citizens you want to hire.

Carefully and accurately fill out the application using the form provided. Corrections and blots in the application are not allowed.

Indicate the name of your enterprise in column 1, and the types of activities in column 2 (in accordance with OKVED codes). The 3rd column is intended for the list of blue-collar professions and employees for which they are involved. In the 4th column, indicate OKPR codes by profession and position.

Column 5 indicates the number of foreign citizens recruited by profession. This figure must coincide with the figure that you indicate in column 10. Columns 6-11 are intended to indicate: - the total number of employees in the enterprise;
- the number of foreign citizens working at your enterprise;
- the number of foreign citizens who will continue to work in next year(in accordance with those concluded earlier);
- additional needs for Russian and foreign workers.

The provision of medical care in Russia is organized under a compulsory or voluntary health insurance policy. Any policy contains a list of medical procedures that are carried out in accordance with it.

For all types of medical care that go beyond this list, it is necessary to receive additional funding, in other words, a quota for treatment is needed. These are expensive operations and high-tech examinations that, due to technical capabilities, cannot be carried out in your city, district, or region.

Some people think that a quota is needed for any complex operation, but that's not true. Many labor-intensive operations and medical procedures are included in the compulsory medical insurance register. For example, reimplantation subclavian artery the doctor will perform a carotid or stomach removal free of charge, although this will require considerable skill (unfortunately, the skill and efforts of doctors are not additionally paid). According to quota they carry out only high tech operations:

  • for implementation, which requires large expenses;
  • you need complex and expensive equipment.

That is, everything is logical: operations are expensive, they require additional money, this money is allocated by special order at the beginning of the year. Such high-tech operations can be provided by a limited number of clinics in the country. Today there are more than 150 of them and they are located not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in many large cities.

For the treatment of which diseases a quota is required, and which are treated according to compulsory medical insurance policy or VHI (voluntary insurance)? First of all, in order to count on providing you with such assistance, you must enter into federal program, that is, they must have a disability group (). Full list diseases, the treatment of which is carried out according to the quota, is available from the doctor. The list is very large, it can be found in the appendix to annual order Ministry of Health and Social Development (Appendix No. 4).

What to do if you need quota treatment?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that clinics receive permission to perform such operations different levels. If you do not have a group, you need to pass a special commission () which determines your disability. There are Moscow clinics, and there are regional ones. This situation can be compared to the distribution of grades among students in a class. Scores from “3” to “5” are considered “passing”, but the difference between an excellent student and a “C” student is significant. The level of medical care in different centers may differ, but it is not necessary to focus on the best and most famous clinic. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account various circumstances:

For example, a trip to a Moscow clinic will not be cheap: travel, accommodation for a relative or accompanying person.

  • Experience shows that treatment in Moscow takes much more money, and all the payments that have to be made are completely legal. Money in Moscow or St. Petersburg and in the periphery are different, so it may be difficult to pay for such treatment even taking into account the quota.
  • The presence of a quota does not guarantee the availability of free space in the selected clinic. In many famous clinics there are waiting lists for surgery. Whether to stand in line for surgery or have it done at a nearby hospital is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is necessary to take into account, first of all, the urgency of surgical intervention. If we're talking about about joint replacement or IVF, you can wait, but for cancer patients, every day of delay can irreparably change the situation for the worse. Therefore, whether to seek treatment in the capital or not must be decided on an individual basis.
  • The operation is performed by a doctor. He a real man with advantages and disadvantages. In large clinics there are more highly qualified professionals, but also more trainees. If you want a specific doctor to perform the operation, it is better to negotiate with him personally. It’s even better to interest him financially.

How to get a quota

There are two ways to do this. It all starts with diagnosis. Suppose that at an appointment with a local therapist, the doctor suspected a disease. He sends you to see a specialist, and he sends you to hospital with his conclusion. The assumption is confirmed: the patient needs expensive treatment under a quota.

Method 1

You must contact your local health department with the following documents:

  • passport,
  • compulsory medical insurance policy,
  • report from the hospital,
  • test results and expert opinions.

It is better to make a photocopy of all documents. It is necessary to provide the maximum amount of data for feedback: address, zip code, phone number. All documents are submitted to the department, and a request for a quota is submitted. The department's documents are reviewed by a commission that determines the justification of such a step. If this is proven, the patient is given a coupon to receive a quota, and his documents are sent to the clinic where the operation is supposed to be performed. There they are considered by the “quota committee” and a decision is made. When the quota is allocated, the patient is contacted by his department supervisor. The quota usually already indicates the clinic where the treatment will be carried out.

Method 2

If the patient wants to choose a clinic himself, then he goes there with all the documents. A “quota” committee meets at the clinic, reviews the patient’s papers and, possibly, examines the patient himself. After this, a decision is made stating that this clinic ready to accept this patient for treatment. After such a conclusion, the process of obtaining a quota is simplified and takes only a few days. You need to submit the same documents: insurance policy, passport, doctors’ reports.

Could quotas not be enough?

The Ministry of Health and Social Development annually allocates a large number of quotas, but still they may not be enough. If it turns out that there are no quotas, it is worth checking the situation at a neighboring clinic. For example, in a well-known clinic federal significance quotas run out much faster than in a city hospital. And this is quite understandable. It is quite possible that there are still places left in the city clinic and it is possible to operate. If there are no quotas at all, and the situation is urgent, it is worth filing a petition for the allocation of an additional quota. But usually all these are lengthy procedures, decisions are not made instantly. Therefore, in some cases, it is rational to perform the operation for a fee, and then try to return the money through the Ministry of Health.