Rules for the provision and registration of additional leave for harmful working conditions. Additional leave for hazardous working conditions

There are many jobs in which a person is exposed to real risks to his life and health. To compensate for the harm caused and minimize the consequences of overwork, the legislation provides for special privileges and social guarantees provided for citizens employed in such industries.

Additional leave provided for hazardous working conditions is one of these measures to support employees. The obligation of employers to provide such benefits is established at the level of federal legislation.

The right to receive leave for harmful working conditions at work, as well as the employer’s obligation to provide such rest time, are established by Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The latest changes to the Labor Code regarding the procedure for granting such additional leave were made in 2014. Because of this, in most organizations such rest time is given only based on the results of a special assessment.

Hazard classes of working conditions

During a special assessment, the possibility of using the right to rest for a particular category of employees at the enterprise is checked. Contrary to existing opinion, this benefit can be taken advantage of not only by employees whose work involves a danger to health and life at the moment.

Providing such a right to a second leave is also possible for employees who are likely to develop a disease or mental health disorder in the future.

In particular, such work that involves a potential risk of developing a serious illness in the future includes:

  1. Works related to X-ray studies;
  2. Working with mercury or other harmful factors.

Other work, which is associated with the severity of their implementation, is assessed according to hazard classes. To determine the class for a specific workplace in an enterprise, each legal entity must undergo a timely assessment. During such an inspection, specialists, using special equipment, determine whether there are harmful factors at the enterprise that may affect the work of employees.

Based on the results of such a study, each individual workplace in the organization is assigned its own hazard class. The first two classes assume that no dangers are foreseen for workers when performing work activities.

And starting from the third grade, there is every reason to believe that working conditions are dangerous to the health and life of the worker. In this case, the employer must provide the employee with benefits, including additional leave for. In 2018, the procedure for granting such a privilege will not change.

Who is entitled to additional leave?

The list of citizens who are entitled to additional paid leave for hazardous work is determined at the state level. Rest time for days worked in hazardous conditions is provided:

  1. Health workers;
  2. Citizens employed in underground, mining, and chemical production;
  3. Electric and gas welder, as well as other persons engaged in work in this area;
  4. Cooks employed in hazardous industries;
  5. To specialists in the field of radiology, due to the threat of radiation exposure;
  6. Other employees, information about which is in the relevant regulations.

For certain categories of workers, special legislative acts may be adopted to provide leave for working time spent in hazardous working conditions. The main thing is that legal acts do not contradict the norms of labor legislation. At the moment, certain federal laws grant employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the right to receive this type of additional rest.

Additional leave for hazardous work is provided not only to employees who directly carry out activities in such hazardous production, but also to all service personnel. Thus, drivers, cleaners, and cloakroom attendants in chemical and other industries can also count on receiving additional rest time.

Duration of leave for harmful activities

The total duration of leave for work in harmful and dangerous conditions at work is not determined by legislative acts. Within the framework of labor legislation, the minimum duration of the number of such vacation days is established - at the moment it is 7 days in one calendar year.

The maximum duration of such rest time can be determined by special regulations for each type of work separately, and by local documents of the employer.

According to Russian labor legislation, the duration of such additional leave is calculated based on the total number of days worked by the citizen in harmful or dangerous conditions. That is, the employee will not be able to take, for example, 10 days of vacation at the beginning of the year, since this rest time is not provided in advance.

The total duration of such vacation days is calculated based on documents recording the fact that the employee is working in a hazardous position.

Design features

Leave for hazardous working conditions is granted on the basis of an application received from the employee. Registration of such rest time, as well as determination of the duration of such additional rest period, is carried out on the basis of the order of the manager.

As with any other leave, the employee must notify his immediate supervisor of his desire to exercise his right to rest 14 days before the selected date. Funds must be transferred 3 days before the start of the vacation.

According to labor legislation, this rest period must be included in the vacation schedule, as well as all other similar periods of time. This document immediately indicates the maximum number of vacation days of this type that each individual employee can receive.

However, before the start of the vacation, an additional calculation is made, during which the personnel service employee determines how many days of vacation the employee can actually receive.

At the request of the employee, he may be provided with compensation instead of vacation. These funds are accrued upon application.

Some categories of workers under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 117) are entitled to additional leave for hazardous working conditions in 2019. This rule applies as before. It is often called rest “for harmfulness.” Who is guaranteed additional leave for harmful activities by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? What is needed to complete it? Let's figure it out.

Who is entitled to

The legislation establishes four levels of harmful factors. And working in unfavorable conditions of degrees 2, 3 and 4 means that employees receive additional rest. Employees of hazardous industries have the right to annual payment.

The negativity of labor in an enterprise or workplace is established in one of the following ways:

  1. carrying out certification (results obtained no later than 01/01/2014 are taken into account);
  2. carrying out a special assessment.

The head of the organization must familiarize employees with the results of the audit no later than one month after its conduct.

In some institutions, additional leave for hazardous working conditions is provided in accordance with adopted regulations. These documents contain information about positions in which a person faces disadvantage. Such organizations include, for example, law enforcement agencies.

Who is entitled to leave for harmful activities in 2019?

For employees who are busy:

  • in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, confirmed by workplace certification carried out before January 1, 2014;
  • in hazardous working conditions of 2, 3 or 4 degrees or in hazardous working conditions confirmed by a special assessment of working conditions carried out after January 1, 2014.

Harmful conditions usually mean activities where hygienic standards are significantly violated and the employee is forced to work in such conditions, after which he may develop serious occupational diseases or lose his ability to work.

Duration of rest

The question often arises, how long can vacation “for harmfulness” last? The Labor Code established the minimum duration of leave for hazardous working conditions - seven calendar days for each year.

The exact number of days allotted to an employee may be determined by:

  • employment contract (the duration is determined based on an agreement within one industry or between several industries);
  • collective agreement (when determining the duration, the assessment of jobs at the enterprise is taken into account);
  • Soviet list (if, according to the new rules, the assessment of places was not carried out, and the enterprise still takes into account the results of certification).

Rest for employees of temporary detention facilities and other categories

The Labor Code limits the minimum number of vacation days. The employer has the right to increase their number if the company has enough money to pay for rest days in excess of the norm.

The manager can change the number of vacation days upward:

  1. by issuing a special internal act on the organization;
  2. by setting out the terms in the collective agreement.

Organizations operating in the same industry can draw up and accept an agreement to increase the number of vacation days for hazardous working conditions for a number of categories of employees. When establishing a specific period of rest, the harmful labor factors of specific specialties are assessed.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs issued an order with a list of specialists who receive additional days of rest “for harmful conditions” - order No. 549 dated June 30, 2014. Thus, temporary detention center employees have additional leave for harmful working conditions equal to 10 days a year. The rule applies to a number of positions named in this document.

Types of days

An important nuance is the fact that the main leave is counted in calendar days, and the “harmful” leave is counted in working days. The Ministry of Labor for calculating additional rest is based on a six-day working week.


Let’s say an employee decides to take a basic vacation of 14 calendar days and additional days of 10 working days starting from 07/04/2018.

Therefore, the main vacation will end on July 17, 2018, and the additional vacation will end on July 30, 2018. Explanation: July 22nd and 29th are excluded from the extra. holidays as they fall on Sunday.
The total duration of rest will in fact be not 24, but 26 calendar days.

How much has been accumulated?

The amount of additional leave “for harmfulness” depends on the amount of time worked. The accountant must calculate:

  • the number of days actually worked in difficult conditions;
  • the number of whole months of work in difficult conditions;
  • the duration of the additional leave due.

If an employee has worked for at least 11 months in difficult conditions, then he is entitled to take off all the days provided for by law for the year.

Please note: An employee cannot receive vacation “for harmfulness” in advance!

After the calculation, the accountant must remember to convert the vacation received from working days to calendar days.


When drawing up a vacation schedule in advance, the HR employee must calculate the number of days not only of the main vacation, but also of additional vacations. The duration is determined on the basis of Art. 120 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Vacation days are summed up and recorded. If during the previous period the employee had unused vacation days, they are taken into account in the new rest schedule.

If the information about additional leave is not indicated in the schedule accurately (there is no specific date, but only a month) or the employee decides to take the due time off outside of it, then he must write an application addressed to the head of the organization, indicating:

  • information about yourself - position and full name;
  • basis – the right to leave for harmful working conditions (Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • number of rest days and start date;
  • day of application.

The employee must sign at the bottom of the document. The finished application is accepted by HR specialists.

The same procedure is provided for those who started working in the organization after the vacation schedule was drawn up, but have the right to rest “for harm.”

Information about additional rest is also entered into the working time sheet. The following codes are provided for such days:

  • alphabetic – “OD”;
  • digital – “10”.

If non-working holidays occur during the period of additional leave, they are not included in the leave itself and are marked with the letter “B” or the number “26”.

Monetary equivalent

Primary documents allow an HR employee or accountant to calculate vacation pay due to employees “for harm.”

The employee is required to take a minimum period of 7 days off. A period in excess of the norm can be converted into a monetary equivalent. Please note that not all enterprises allow you to take an additional 7 days off work, so not everyone actually has the right to receive compensation.

If the employee is entitled to 14 additional days. leave for harmful working conditions, then he will be required to take one half off, and the second can be received in the form of a sum of money.

An employer cannot force an employee to give up allotted leave in favor of compensation. The procedure is possible only with the consent of the employee himself. The conditions for replacing vacation days with money are prescribed in collective agreements or agreements. The ideal option is to make an agreement attached to the employment contract with the employee.

Reasons for deprivation of rest “for harmfulness”

The only reason for deprivation of such additional leave may be the absence of unfavorable conditions. A conclusion on impact factors is usually made once every five years during a special assessment.

Even if the employer has improved working conditions, but this has not yet been documented, he is still obliged to provide days “for harmfulness”. He will have to wait for a new check to cancel the need to give leave longer than the main one. Moreover, this may apply to all jobs at once, as well as to individual specialties. Thus, the right to leave for harmful working conditions remains unshakable.

In what amount (in full or in proportion to the time actually worked in hazardous working conditions) are annual paid additional leaves related to hazardous working conditions provided? In our situation, the main leave is provided in advance: for some employees - for the first year of work, for others - for the second and subsequent years of work.

According to Art. 92, 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in connection with their employment in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the state guarantees the establishment of:

1) reduced working hours;

2) the minimum duration of annual additional paid leave.


Currently in force is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 No. 870 “On the establishment of reduced working hours, annual additional paid leave, increased wages for workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 870), according to which compensation for workers in harmful or dangerous working conditions is established only based on workplace certification results. In particular, such employees are entitled to additional annual paid leave of at least seven calendar days. When providing additional leave to employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the employer can be guided by the following documents :

  • A list of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day (approved by the Resolution of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 25, 1974 No. 298/P-22, as amended on May 29. 1991; hereinafter referred to as List);
  • Instructions on the procedure for applying the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day (approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated November 21, 1975 No. 273/P-20; hereinafter referred to as the Instructions on the application of the List);
  • Model regulations on the assessment of working conditions in workplaces and the procedure for applying sectoral lists of work for which additional payments to workers for working conditions can be established (approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 3, 1986 No. 387/22-78);
  • other current regulatory legal acts establishing the appropriate amounts of compensation, to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Note! Resolution No. 870 takes precedence over the Instructions on the application of the List, since the normative acts of the USSR are applied only to the extent that does not contradict current legislation.

The specified normative acts of the USSR are valid until a decision is made regarding them on the merits. This issue was specifically considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which explained that Resolution No. 870 does not exclude the use of regulatory legal acts of the USSR establishing lists of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, since there is currently no other regulatory legal act, replacing these acts of the USSR.

Please note that in the List the duration of additional leave is set in working days. Depending on the profession, position held and type of production, an employee may be granted additional leave lasting from 6 to 36 working days. However, the document provides for a six-day working week schedule; accordingly, an additional leave of six working days actually corresponds to the seven calendar days specified in Resolution No. 870.

The employer has the right to increase the duration of the additional leave provided, enshrining this in labor, collective agreements or local regulations (for example, in the regulations on remuneration, regulations on the procedure for granting vacations in the organization, orders, instructions).


Of particular relevance in practice are the issues of calculating length of service for obtaining additional leave. The length of service that gives the right to annual additional leave for work under harmful and (or) dangerous conditions includes only the time actually worked under these conditions(Part 3 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but only those days when the employee actually worked under these conditions should be taken into account at least half a working day established for employees of a given production, workshop, profession or position (clause 12 of the Instructions on the use of the List). Full additional leave provided to workers, engineering and technical workers and employees if they actually worked in production, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions during the working year at least 11 months(clauses 8, 9 of the Instructions for using the List) (example 1).

Example 1

The employee has been working for the organization for a long time. Currently, he is granted basic leave in advance. Let’s assume that the annual basic leave is 28 calendar days, additional leave for harmful working conditions is 14 calendar days. The employee worked the pay period in full; the employee was not provided with regular leave during the pay period. In this case, the employee worked in hazardous working conditions for more than 11 months, so the number of calendar days of vacation will be 42 calendar days (28 + 14).

In the event that the period of work in harmful conditions was interrupted, the duration of additional leave should be determined in proportion to the time actually worked under the specified conditions (example 2). It should be taken into account that when calculating compensation for unused vacation, rounding of the number of calendar days of such vacation is not provided for by law. Therefore, if an organization decides to round, for example, to whole days, then such rounding, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, should be done not according to the rules of arithmetic, but in favor of the employee (see example 2).

Example 2

Let's calculate the duration of additional leave for two employees who have worked for different amounts of time. Let’s say that the full additional leave for harmful working conditions is 14 calendar days, and the annual basic paid leave is 28 calendar days.

1. The hired employee worked in hazardous conditions for 7 months. He is granted basic leave in full. The additional leave will be.

An annual additional paid vacation is required. Its minimum duration is 7 calendar days per year.

Since 2014, it is no longer available to employees whose working conditions are classified as Level 1. According to this rule, employees whose working conditions are recognized as harmful or dangerous (grade 2, 3 or 4) can count on additional days of leave for harmful working conditions.

The harmfulness/danger of working conditions is established based on the results or results of work carried out before 01/01/2014.

The list of professions classified as hazardous was approved by Resolution No. 298/P-22 of October 25, 1974 of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Registration of additional rest

Additional leave for hazardous working conditions is provided to the employee after the employer receives a corresponding application.

If the employee wishes, it can be combined with the main rest. By providing it, the employer signs the order. To complete it, you can use the unified form T-6.

Duration of rest

The duration of additional rest “for harmfulness”, according to Art. 117 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must be at least 7 days.

If the company has set its amount to be larger, then the employee has the right to ask for monetary compensation instead of rest, but only for that part that exceeds 7 days.

Calculation of additional leave for harmful working conditions

It is due only for the days that the employee worked in production that poses a potential danger to his health. There is an indication of this in Art. 121 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For citizens whose part of the working day is spent in hazardous conditions, and part in those that do not cause harm to health, the rule is as follows: in order for the time spent in hazardous work to be counted, you must work at least half of the working time.

If an employee was absent from work without a valid reason, was suspended from work due to his own fault, or was on maternity leave, such days will not be counted toward the vacation period for hazardous work.

But if he was absent from work for a good reason, then his length of service for the purpose of determining the duration of rest for hazardous work is not interrupted.

To make the calculation, you need to sum up the days worked in hazardous work and determine the number of months fully worked in hazardous conditions. This can be done using the formula:

Kotr.m = Dnotr / (Kdn per year / 12),


Kotr.m - the number of full months that the specialist worked in an occupation hazardous to health;

Dnotr - the number of days during which the specialist performed hazardous work;

Kdn per year - the number of working days in the accounting year.

If the result is 11 months, then the specialist should receive rest as for a fully worked year.

Prot = Kotr.m × Day per year / 12 - Disp,


Prot - duration of vacation;

Day per year - number of additional days. rest per year, which the enterprise, by virtue of the provisions of the labor (collective) agreement, provides for harmfulness;

Disp - extra days rest that the employee has already used.

Replacement of additional leave with financial compensation

Additional rest provided to citizens working in hazardous production can be replaced by monetary compensation only as noted in Part 4 Art. 117 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, on the basis of an industry (inter-industry) agreement and collective agreements, as well as the written consent of the employee, drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the contract, part of the annual additional paid leave exceeding 7 days can be replaced by monetary compensation in the manner, amount and amount conditions determined by industry (inter-industry) agreement and collective agreements.

Deprivation of additional leave

The reason why an employee may be denied additional leave “for harmfulness” may be the absence of such conditions at work. A conclusion about the harmfulness of conditions is made once every five years during a special certification.

The employee is required to take additional leave for harm along with the main one, however, the accounting will show the main one first and the additional one the next day after its end. Despite the fact that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 120 states that all basic and additional leave must be paid in calendar days; in calculating additional leave for harmful activities, some deviations from this rule of law are possible.

Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Calculation of the duration of annual paid leave

The duration of the annual main and additional paid leaves of employees is calculated in calendar days and is not limited to a maximum limit. Non-working holidays falling during the period of annual main or annual additional paid leave are not included in the number of calendar days of leave.

When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional paid leave is added to the annual main paid leave.

Compensation amounts

Calculating the amount of additional leave for harmful and dangerous working conditions is slightly different from paying for annual vacation.

Reference. However, the enterprise should pay attention that days of this type of leave are given only for exits when the employee was engaged in hazardous work.

When calculating the average daily wage for leave for hazardous work, the following indicators are taken into account:

  1. The taxpayer's total salary for the 12 months before the leave was granted - regardless of whether he worked in hazardous conditions all year or not.
  2. The presence of various distractions from work during the billing period (business trips, sick leave, paid certificates) - such payments are not included in the calculation of average earnings.
  3. Payment during the billing period for financial assistance, one-time benefits and other bonuses that are one-time in nature - they are also not taken into account.

When determining the amount for additional leave, you need to pay attention to the fact that the days when calculating the daily average will differ from the days of the compensation itself. So, for example, when calculating the average daily salary, the work schedule for a six-day work week should be taken into account, and when determining how many days an employee is entitled to for a certain period, we take into account the actual time worked in hazardous production.

For example, for days of sick leave or for the period when the employee was temporarily transferred to another safer area of ​​work, additional leave will not be accrued. This requirement is stated in Instruction No. 273 / P - 20 dated November 21, 1975.

If in the last year before the provision of such leave the employee worked completely (in fact, more than 11 months were worked in hazardous work), then the employee is entitled to the number of days that is prescribed in the law, the collective agreement or the employment agreement. In another case, it is necessary to calculate exactly how many days of additional vacation the taxpayer earned.

Required formulas

To determine the amount of rest for harmful activities

KPM = DVR / (RDG / 12),

  • where KPM is the number of full months of work in hazardous conditions;
  • DWR - the number of working days per year when the employee was engaged in hazardous work;
  • RDG – the total number of working days in a year.

The next step is calculation of the number of days when the employee will be on legal rest due to harmful conditions:

DDO = KPM x DOG / 12 – DOI,

  • where DDO – days of additional leave that are subject to payment;
  • DOG – days of additional rest that an employee is entitled to for a full year of work;
  • DOI - days of leave for harmful working conditions, which he has already used this year.

It should be noted that the KPM value does not have to be an integer, in contrast to the DDO value, it is impossible to send an employee to sit at home for 6.73 days. This indicator, in accordance with Letter of the Ministry of Labor No. 14 - 2 / B - 1045 dated October 18, 2016, must be rounded in favor of the employee.

For dangerous work

If additional leave for hazardous conditions is accrued in working days, it is calculated based on a six-day working week, as stated in Letter of the Ministry of Labor No. 625-BB ​​dated 02/01/2002. In this case, the amount of the average daily benefit should also be calculated based on a six-day working week. For this calculation, it is best to use the production calendar.

The formula for calculating the amount of leave for harmful activities will look like this:

O = SDP x KDO,

  • where O is the amount of vacation accrued to the employee;
  • SDZ – the amount of the average daily wage for calculating rest for harmful activities;
  • KDO - the number of vacation days granted to the employee.

In this case it will be different average daily earnings in working days:


  • where ZPG is wages for actually worked outputs for the year before the start of the vacation;
  • CODE - the number of days worked in a six-day working week.

When calculating the value of KOD and ZPG, sick days and various financial assistance should not be taken into account and everything for which insurance premiums are not charged, as well as various distractions from the work process (donating blood, business trips, participation in competitions). If these payments are accrued in calendar days, they must be converted into working days during a six-day period in accordance with the production calendar.


How to calculate days and their number? Let's look at the example of calculating rest days. Employee Vinokur V.V. from 02/05/2017 was transferred to a workshop with hazardous working conditions. In this profession and in this workshop, he is entitled to 11 days of additional leave for harmful activities. However, from June 22 to July 3, Vinokur was ill. Let's calculate how many days of additional leave he is entitled to as of 01/01/2018.

Let's calculate V.V. Vinokura number of shifts worked by him for the billing period from January to December 2017. They will be:

Let's calculate the working days according to the schedule for his last 12 months of work (see table above).
Let us now calculate the KPM:

  • KPM = 219 / (247/12) = 10.64;
  • DDO = 10.64 x 11 / 12 – 0 = 9.75.

Thus, employee Vinokur V.V. as of 01/01/2018 can count on 10 days of additional rest for harmful and dangerous working conditions.

Cash refund

Let's say employee V.S. Tikhmanov. going to rest. He writes an application to be granted basic leave from March 1 to March 20, 2017 and an additional one for harmful activities for 8 working days. Employee Tikhmanov has been working in production of the 3rd degree of harm for 3 years and annually uses his right to this type of rest in full; he is entitled to 10 calendar days of additional leave per year.

For the last calendar year, he received a salary in the amount of 620,300.00 rubles, including sick leave from January 18 to 27 in the amount of 10,700.00 rubles, a business trip from November 29 to December 2, 2016. in the amount of 7,700.00 and financial assistance for treatment in the amount of 20,000.00 rubles.

Let's calculate the compensation i.e. the amount that the company is obliged to pay him for additional leave:

  1. To calculate, we take the salary of V.S. Tikhmanov. over the last 12 months: from March 2016 to February 2017. The salary for calculating vacation pay will be:

    620,300.00 – 10,700.00 – 7,700.00 – 20,000.00 = 581,900.00 rub.

  2. Let's calculate working hours according to the schedule for the billing period for a six-day week. Based on the production calendar for 2016, it turns out that from March 1 to December 31, 2016 there were 257 working days on schedule with a six-day period, taking into account holidays.
  3. Let's find out the taxpayer's hours worked for the same period. If several years were affected, the values ​​are summed up. Since Tikhmanov was on a business trip in 2016, we subtract 4 days and, in fact, with a six-day period, 253 days were worked.

    In 2017, according to the schedule, with a six-day working week from January to February 2017, there are 42 days. Because the employee was on sick leave - we are taking off these days. A six-day employee was sick for 9 days. The days worked by him in 2017 are: The total number of days worked by Tikhmanov, transferred to a six-day working regime, will be:

  4. Next, we calculate the average earnings for vacation amounts. The average daily benefit amount will be:

    RUB 581,900.00 / 286 = 2,034.62 rubles.

  5. We calculate the amount that the employee will receive during the recovery of his health: additional leave for harmful working conditions will be provided to Tikhmanov from March 21 to March 29 for 8 working days in the amount of:

    2,034.62 x 8 = 16,276.96 rub.

Useful video

How to calculate additional leave when working in harmful (dangerous) working conditions:


The calculation of additional leave in connection with work with harmful and/or dangerous working conditions is slightly different from the main payment. It requires more attention, since it can be provided not only in calendar days, but in working days.

Also, special attention should be paid to the fact that this type of accrual should be calculated exclusively for the days when the employee was actually in hazardous work. If you know all these nuances, then you will not have any difficulties with this type of vacation.