Proper nutrition for a 3 month old boy kitten. What to feed a kitten from three months: diet, regimen

A cat's childhood is much more fleeting than that of a human, because the life expectancy of furry pets is also much shorter. Sometimes the owner who adopted a kitten from a shelter or from harsh street conditions cannot accurately determine the age of the little family member. This creates certain inconveniences because proper care, providing treatment and entertainment for a pet often depends on the degree of its natural development.

Fortunately, most owners of tailed babies know when they were born and even opened their eyes. Experts advise taking into account the age of the kitten both when organizing nutrition and necessary medical procedures, and when training pets. If a small family member is developmentally behind the generally accepted age standards, this may indicate various pathologies and diseases.

Let's consider the features of kitten development in different weeks their lives.

First week

Many people think this short period the most touching thing in a baby's life. The kitten is born completely helpless: it is blind, does not hear anything and navigates the new world only by smells. By the way, studies have shown that among thousands of other fragrances small cat or a cat has ways to smell its mother, who at that moment in life for the kitten is not only the closest creature, but also a source of nutrition and care. The kitten does not yet know how to eat on its own, so usually the animal stays with its brothers and sisters. breastfeeding Mom.

The babies also don’t go to the toilet yet - the cat licks them. The kitten's fur is thin, so it often gets cold and needs to be warmed near its mother. The bones are also not yet strong, so it is not recommended to pick up, hug, or actively play with very small pets. A newborn cat baby weighs only about 100 grams and reaches a length of up to 10 centimeters. Like human babies, feline heirs mostly eat and sleep in early childhood, during which time time occurs. active development their body, including the nervous system.

At the age of three days, the kitten loses its umbilical cord, and at five days the baby can already hear the world . Very small pets do not yet stand on their legs, but can already crawl around the room for short distances.

At the age of two weeks, the kitten already weighs up to two hundred grams, it develops good hearing, but it is still difficult for the animal to determine the source of the sound. During the same period, the baby’s eyes open, but he still sees vaguely and cannot navigate in space based on the information received by vision. The kitten's fur becomes thicker and thermoregulation improves. Walk small pet is not yet capable, but he spends much more time in a state of wakefulness.

Third week

The kitten grows and gets better, its bones become stronger, its vision improves, although the baby still cannot see like adult cats. It is still difficult to stand firmly on its paws, but the little family member is making more and more attempts to move in space not by crawling, but at least with short and timid steps. At this age, a kitten can already survive without its mother, if a person provides a growing animal necessary care. The baby's first teeth begin to appear.

Fourth week

By the end of the first month after birth, the kitten has acquired a sufficient number of baby teeth to begin complementary feeding. At first, food should be added in doses, in small portions. The baby should also be given constant access to water.

During this period of its development, a small family member already actively plays with other kittens, copies the behavior of an adult cat and interacts with humans. The pet’s gait is still unsteady, but he is running around the apartment with all his might and exploring the world. At this age, the kitten can already be trained to use a litter box; it is advisable to place it close to the place where the cat lives with her young offspring. At this time, helminthization can already be carried out.

After a month, babies are often separated from their mother and given to new owners, although experts recommend waiting a little longer so that the kitten spends more time with adult and formed good habits and habits. At this age, the pet is usually transferred to dry food, canned food and natural food. True, when creating a menu, you still need to take into account that pet He is still very young and not everything that is acceptable for adult animals suits him. By the fifth week, the cat practically stops breastfeeding her kittens., basically leaving only night meals of this nature. Little pets at this time still sleep a lot compared to their waking hours, but during their active time the kittens run around the apartment like clockwork, playing and playing pranks, not knowing peace and rest. Family members need to get used to caution and prudence, otherwise there is a risk of crushing the young mischief-maker.

A kitten’s eyes at this age transform from pale blue to green, gray or other, but it will be possible to finally name the color of the iris only after reaching one year old. At the same time, the baby’s coat also changes: it acquires recognizable features of the breed or becomes similar to the parent’s.

Sixth to eighth week

At one and a half months, the little animal already successfully repeats the daily routine procedures of adults in everything. The baby washes himself, goes to the litter box, plays, and can also eat solid food if it was gradually introduced into the diet earlier. However, the growing cat still has a lot to learn from his mother. For example, hunting skills, which throughout evolution were needed by animals in the wild. Alas, such strong instincts also manifest themselves in a city apartment, so there is no need to let your guard down.

Now is also the time to think about a scratching post., which will save furniture and wallpaper from the merciless attacks of a growing predator. By this age, the baby’s vision has reached a fairly good quality, coordination is also close to that of an adult, but some uncertainty in movements still sometimes manifests itself.

A kitten of this age still needs to be fed frequently—five times a day. The menu should be balanced and contain different components from which you can get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful things. It is advisable to take the little inhabitant of the house to veterinary clinic for the first inspection.

Two month

An older pet can already get everything it needs from non-dairy food, but out of habit, the kitten still attaches itself to its mother’s breast. This calms the baby. He can already show his excellent mood by rumbling.

This period of life becomes very active for the kitten - he gets into any unlocked door, plays with every trinket accidentally left on the floor or on the table. It is necessary to tightly lock the entrance and balcony doors, since the desire to explore the world can sometimes lead to dire consequences.

Three months

A three-month-old kitten is already a fully formed member of animal society, with its own advantages and disadvantages. Experts believe that by this age the animal’s character has developed and it will be quite difficult to influence its behavior and habits.

The animal is already freely oriented in its home, can, if desired, find the mother, the tray, and also the feeding place. Many kittens respond to nicknames. The animal can now be relocated to new owners.

Four to seven months

The kitten is already growing more slowly, its length and weight may vary depending on the breed. The young pet is more reminiscent adult cat and a cat, not a helpless baby. Milk teeth are replaced by molars. At the age of seven months the animal reaches sexual maturity. The boys are marking their territory. Girls may go into heat, but sometimes this happens later.

Eight months to a year

Such an animal can no longer be called a baby - it is a full-fledged individual, ready to adult life. Although cats and kittens at this age already experience strong sexual desire, mating of such young pets is undesirable, there is a risk of unhealthy offspring.

The activity of pets is declining, although games and cognition environment continue. By the age of one year, the animal’s body is absolutely ready for adult food.

This article contains basic information that relates to compiling a kitten menu for a certain period of time, as well as this information general on choosing optimal nutrition.

Menu for a kitten for every day

Basic rules for feeding a kitten:
- Always a clean bowl.
— The kitten is fed up to 5-6 times a day and at night for up to six months, then up to 4 times a day.
— It’s better to feed at the same time every time.
- Do not allow snacks between feedings.

Kittens are fed premium food specially designed for small animals.

If selected natural diet nutrition, it should include lean meat (at least 50 grams per day), offal (3 times a week), fish (1 time a week), egg yolk(2 times a week), vegetables (daily), porridge (daily), vitamin complexes, water.

Sample kitten menu for every day:
1. Breakfast: egg, cream, vitamins, sprouted cereals.
2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese with kefir and vitamins.
3. Lunch: chicken (50 gr.)
4. Afternoon snack: beef meat (30g), vegetable puree (30g).
5. Dinner: buckwheat with meat (10g).

Menu for a cat with a diseased liver

If a cat has a diseased liver, the diet should be dietary. Avoid fatty meat, cream, and sour cream. The diet consists of porridge (rolled oats, buckwheat), congee. They add minced chicken or lean beef.

If the animal is not vomiting, give boiled potatoes and carrots.

You can transfer the animal to a special medicinal food for cats with a diseased liver.

Menu of British kittens up to a year

From three weeks of age, kittens require complementary feeding. It is introduced gradually, starting from 30 grams. per 1 kg. Animal weight (50g per day)

When the kitten is one month old, cottage cheese is added to the diet. Starting from 2-3 months, the animal is switched to special food for kittens or canned meat for children.

From 4-5 months, the diet is gradually replaced with dry food. By the age of six months, kittens are fed 3 times a day and include lean meat. By the age of one year, kittens are completely weaned off milk.

Natural food for kittens weekly menu

Breakfast 2 breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Cottage cheese, kefir, vitamins Offal 40g. with greens Buckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
Tuesday Egg, kefir, vitamins Chicken 40g. with greens Rice porridge with meat 10g.
Wednesday Ryazhenka cheese, vitamins By-products 40g with greens Semolina porridge with meat 10g.
Thursday Cottage cheese, kefir, vitamins Chicken with greens 40g Vegetable puree, chicken meat 30g. Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
Friday Egg, cream, vitamins Rabbit 40 gr. with greens Vegetable puree, beef meat 30g. Buckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
Saturday Cottage cheese, kefir, vitamins Offal 40g. with greens Vegetable puree, rabbit meat 30g. Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
Sunday Cottage cheese, cream vitamins Chicken 40g with greens Vegetable puree, chicken meat 30g. Rice porridge with meat 10g.

Feeding Scottish kittens menu

Diet Scottish kitten consists of meat (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey), vegetables (up to 40% of the diet), cereals (15%), offal (liver), eggs, fish (once a week).

A feature of feeding this breed is control over the amount of calcium received.

When feeding dry food, choose premium or holistic food designed specifically for this breed of cat, then the owner will know for sure that his pet is receiving proper, balanced nutrition.

Approximate daily menu for Scottish kittens:
1. Breakfast: yolk, kefir, vitamins.
2. Second breakfast: chicken 40 gr., greens.
3. Lunch: beef 30g, vegetable puree
4. Afternoon snack: rice porridge with meat
5. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with meat.

Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail kitten menu by month

When feeding the Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail with natural food, take into account following needs animal: food should be warm, fresh, finely chopped. Complementary feeding begins at 3 weeks of age.

Start feeding with 1 teaspoon per meal. This may be special cat food or baby food. At 4 weeks canned food is added, it is possible for baby food. By 6 weeks, the feeding rate for 1 dose is 3-4 teaspoons, with five meals a day. The diet includes beef or minced chicken, canned meat, vegetable purees, offal.

Every day you can give a kitten 30 grams of raw beef, milk for up to 3 months, then kefir, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, porridge (rolled semolina, rice).

Several times a week they give boiled chicken and fish, egg yolk, cereals, vegetable purees, and herbs.

Kittens up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, can be fed with special food for kittens, both dry and canned.

Diet of Maine Coon kittens

The diet of Maine Coon kittens from 1.5 months to a year is no different, only the volume of food increases and the frequency of feeding decreases.

Kittens that are less than a month old need large quantities milk. It is purchased in special stores. You can feed goat milk, first diluting it with water, then whole. The animal is fed 6 times a day.

Kittens over 1 month old are given milk porridge, meat and vegetables in their diet. Up to 4 months, kittens are fed 5 times a day.

The animal is 4-6 months old and needs to be fed four times a day. Proper nutrition must necessarily include chopped poultry giblets, vegetables, cottage cheese and whey.

From six months, the animal is transferred to ready-made food or seafood is added to the diet, fermented milk products- kefir and fermented baked milk.
Any new product is introduced gradually, in small portions.

When a kitten appears in the house, it is not only great joy and tenderness for all family members, but also significant troubles. The hassle is associated with caring for the baby, in particular with feeding the little kitten. What to feed a kitten at 3 months and what products should be the basis of its diet, because it is at this age that active growth kitten and its development?

Kitten nutrition and health

Food and quality products are the basis for the full development and growth of the kitten. It should be balanced and sufficient, but at the same time it is very important not to overfeed the animal, which will negatively affect its activity and even the health of the kitten. Choice certain products at this age of the animal also depends on what the animal ate before this age. It is clear that his main diet was the milk of his mother cat, but still, by this age, additional products, as a rule, are introduced and among them, the owners always gave the cat meat to try.

A sudden change in diet can lead to irreversible consequences, so when buying a cat it is very important to check with the nursery workers or its owner what the kitten was fed and what food was preferred. As a rule, all animal food is divided into natural and dry. What food to choose depends not only on the desires and capabilities of the cat’s owner, but also on his preferences, because not all cats eat dry food, and there are also those who do not accept food of natural origin.

It is very important to know that a kitten can only feed one type of food, i.e. either dry or natural. It is not recommended to combine them with each other, just like mixing dry store-bought food with wet food, i.e. canned food This can not only disrupt the functioning of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract, but also disrupt it full development like an animal, and even lead to irreversible consequences.

Diet and daily food intake for a kitten

Before understanding the diet of a kitten at three months, you should find out what standards are acceptable for the animal, as well as the amount of food that the animal will consume during the day.

So, for a kitten aged 3 months, 200-240 g of food per day will be enough, and all food must be divided into 3-4 meals and preferably at equal intervals.

The daily amount of meat is about 35-40 g. It is very important that there is always a bowl of fresh drinking water next to the food bowl. For a kitten at this age, this is very important, just like the fact that the water in the bowl is changed regularly.

Many fans prefer purchased feed, which are already balanced in composition and quantity useful substances, minerals and vitamins. The transition to ready-made food after weaning the kitten from its mother’s milk should be gradual, and as food it is very important to choose high-quality food that has proven itself on the market. That is why the owner of kittens is recommended to immediately determine the kitten’s nutrition - natural food or food.

Dry and canned food includes not only meat, fish and poultry, but also vegetables, liver and other useful ingredients for a kitten’s nutrition.

If natural food was chosen, then the animal’s diet must include:

Chicken breast, which should be soft and served in portions;
- chicken stomachs;
- fish without bones;
- liver;
- dairy products, including low-fat kefir and fermented baked milk; milk should not be fatty, so it is recommended to dilute homemade milk with water;
- vegetables boiled without salt.

Meat and fish are not acceptable for a kitten in its raw form; they should be boiled without salt or any other additives, and before serving, all solid foods at this age are ground either in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.

As you can see, preparing food for a kitten is quite a troublesome task, so you need to be prepared in advance for such subtleties in caring for an animal.

How to feed

Regardless of the kitten’s chosen diet, it is very important to spend some time after feeding the animal, in particular its activity. Movement will help relieve the kitten from regurgitation and discomfort. Also, you cannot feed the animal only meat or fish, so storing food for future use is no longer necessary. Food must be fresh and well prepared.

Water is the key good nutrition animal, as mentioned above. Products in an animal’s diet should be grouped by type, i.e. per day the animal is given separately 3-4 different products- milk, meat, vegetables, fish or liver.

An interesting and useful video about kitten nutrition on the topic: “What to feed a kitten at 3 months and rules for caring for the baby?”:

WITH early childhood. “We will feed you from the table” or “Keeping a cat does not require material costs” - statements of people with extreme ignorance and irresponsibility towards animals. The first thing you need to understand is that a kitten is a child who needs complete and high-quality nutrition. So that the statements do not seem unfounded, let’s consider how to properly feed a kitten and the animal’s primary needs.


Although not the basis of the diet, it is still an important part of it. Buckwheat and rice groats are suitable for preparing porridge. Wheat, corn, and even more so semolina Not suitable for feeding cats.


At the request of the cat, add grated raw or boiled vegetables. Be prepared for the fact that after eating vegetables, the animal’s stool will be softer than the “standard” - plant food It is not completely digested, but serves as a source of vitamins. Read the composition of ready-made feeds, avoid feeding corn, peas and other legumes. Potatoes, enough controversial product, is a source of starch, but is not recommended by many breeders and veterinarians due to possible problems with digestion.

When a pet appears in the house, all attention immediately turns to it. And even more so if it little kitty of an imperturbable, majestic breed - a Briton. The owners want their little friend the best and be afraid of doing something wrong, because a tiny creature is a huge responsibility. The very first question that owners of a British kitten ask concerns its nutrition.

How to feed this cute animal without harming it?

Like any other small kitten, the British kitten from birth has a need for quality balanced diet. First, the baby receives everything it needs from cat's mother's milk, including proteins and vitamins. It is this food that lays the foundation for the animal’s immunity and health, but subsequent feedings fall on the shoulders of the owners.

Everyone knows that a cat is a miniature tiger, and tigers are predators. In nature, representatives of the cat family feed on live prey, from where they get everything necessary for the body substances. It is worth noting that cats need twice as much protein as dogs.

They also require more fats, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, that is, they need to select food for a cat more carefully than for a promiscuous dog.

Forget about feeding your pet human food. A bowl of fresh water should always be in free access kitten Filtered, settled or boiled water. Since cats don't like it when there is not enough water, make sure that the water bowl is always full.

Little kittens can feed on their own from two months old, but? At first, you will have to feed the baby up to 6 times a day, reducing the number of feedings to 3 when the Briton turns six months old.

After eight months you can switch to two meals a day. You should not be afraid of such frequent feeding of the baby, because a small kitten is not able to overeat.

Remember that food should be at a temperature similar to mother's milk and be a little warm. Feeding hot or too cold food is unacceptable.

Feeding with prepared food

Ready food industrial production– a convenient type of food. Such food has a balanced composition with all the necessary microelements. Moreover, eating dry food reduces the risk of dental problems.

For food british kitten Suitable ready-made premium foods such as Purina Pro Plan, Hills, Canin Eagle, Pack Nutra Gold, Iams Royal, Nutro Choice. Food is also divided according to the age of the kitten.

To feed kittens, you can use canned food such as Gimpet and Royal Canin. Do not forget that food intended for adult cats is not suitable for small kittens and you cannot feed this food to babies. The same applies in the opposite case - adult cats should not be given kitten food.

Their quality is low, and their content mineral salts is off scale. Eating this type of food does not replenish the supply. essential vitamins, but only leads to a number of diseases. A much more reasonable option would be to replace low-grade industrial feed natural food.

For castrated cats, there is ready-made food with special composition, which will serve as a prevention of urolithiasis. The advantage of dry food is that it can be poured into the bowl in advance. This is very convenient for busy people who are often away from home. Canned food is given in the amount of one meal.

The share of dry food in the British diet is 50-75%, and canned food – 25-50%. Many breeders and veterinarians as vitamin supplement They recommend the Gimpet Baby Tabs complex, which must be taken in courses, since the food already contains micronutrient supplements. When feeding ready-made food the dose to be taken should be significantly less than when feeding natural.

In nature wild cats They feed on birds and rodents, which saturate their bodies with important substances. The absence of mouse hair in the British diet is compensated for by the drug Sherstovit and feed sulfur.

Feeding natural food

Feeding natural food is actually much more difficult than it seems and will require much more time and labor. Don't forget that the kitten's dishes should always be clean, and uneaten food should be put away in the refrigerator until the next feeding. There is a list of products that can fully satisfy the needs of a kitten.


The meat will have to be minced and kept in the freezer for three days, after which it should be given raw in the amount of 30 g per day.


Chicken meat should only be given boiled and without bones three times a week. Little kitten You can give minced boiled chicken, adding broth to it for juiciness.


It is better to choose sea fish, served boiled without bones. This dish is allowed for cats up to 2 times a week, but for cats once every 1.5 weeks. It is generally not recommended for castrated individuals, since eating fish increases the risk of urolithiasis.


Beef lungs, liver and heart are given raw (after freezing) or boiled, and chicken - only boiled three times a week. Liver consumption is limited to once a week.

Egg yolk.

Protein should not be given. Chicken yolk is given boiled and mashed with porridge or milk 1-2 times a week. Yolk from quail eggs allowed to be eaten raw.

Dairy products.

You need to choose non-acidic cottage cheese, mix it with sour cream, you can add raw quail yolk or a little honey and give it 3-4 times a week. They also offer kefir, fermented baked milk, and a little cream. All products must be chosen with medium fat content.


It is given only to small kittens under three months of age.


Under no circumstances should this be grass from the street. You can grow oats, wheat, or give sprouted grains on the windowsill.


They are given both raw and processed. Carrots or cabbage should be grated or given boiled with meat or fish. Vegetables, as a rule, alternate with cereals.


Semolina, oatmeal, rice porridge boiled in milk and without salt or sugar and added to the food of kittens up to three months.

Vegetable oil.

A few drops are added to food every two days.

Brewer's yeast.

This excellent remedy for getting shiny wool. Dry yeast is added to the diet up to 4 times a week.

Mixing ready-made feed with natural – a very common occurrence among cat owners. However, veterinarians advise sticking to one feeding strategy and not mixing natural food into the feed. Eating like this can upset you. digestive system animal. When feeding one way or another, do not forget to give vitamins.

Products prohibited for British kittens

There is a long list of foods that should not be given to a kitten. These tips should not be neglected if you do not want your pet to acquire various diseases and problems with gastrointestinal tract. So be sure to check out the following list.

  1. Pork, lamb, poultry meat (except chicken) are difficult to digest by the animal’s body. Use raw meat can lead to various infectious diseases.
  2. Eating chicken and fish bones can cause intestinal blockages and these foods can cause injury. oral cavity, esophagus and stomach.
  3. Fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, sausages and canned food cause dysbiosis and disorders.
  4. Sweets in best case scenario cause problems with teeth and coat. Can lead to serious digestive disorders and poisoning. The most dangerous food for kittens is chocolate; it contains theobromine, which can be fatal.
  5. Legumes cause fermentation and bloating.
  6. Potatoes contain starch, which a cat's stomach cannot digest.
  7. Enriching food with salt and spices will not make your pet happy, but will only add problems.
  8. Vitamins and medicines intended for humans are not suitable for animals; they contain a completely inappropriate set of active ingredients.

By following the above rules, you will be able to raise a handsome, noble Briton with whom you will not be ashamed to appear at competitions. It is known that the British are famous for their friendliness and gentle nature. And the most important reward for your work will be good mood and longevity of your pet.