Proper nutrition for psoriasis is one of the rules for successful therapy. What is psoriasis afraid of?

Hello, dear readers! Diet is an important point in treatment. To eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, you need to know what you can’t eat with psoriasis, and what you can. Harmful foods should be completely eliminated from your diet to avoid negative consequences and further relapses.

The most popular method of proper nutrition was presented. He highlighted a whole list of foods that should not be eaten if you have psoriatic rashes, as they can cause exacerbations of the disease. Patients who have this information can create a diet taking into account the individual characteristics of their body.

Book by John Pegano“Treatment of psoriasis. Natural way"

The ban applies to the following products:


This is a strong allergen that can activate skin pathology. Such ingredients in dishes provoke burning, inflammation, and can lead to complications. The greatest amount of spices is in Indian and Chinese dishes.

Spicy substances are mostly found in the stems, buds and flowers of plants. There are not very many of them in the roots and leaves. People with psoriasis are allowed to eat horseradish, garlic cloves, and onions, but in minimal quantities. It is important to closely monitor your well-being and exclude these foods at the first sign of exacerbation.


This is the strongest allergen. Patients with psoriasis should avoid both whole nuts and foods containing them, as well as peanut butter. Reactions to pistachios and pine nuts occur much less frequently than to other types, so they can be eaten in small quantities.

Spicy, smoked, salty food

Such dishes do not allow beneficial substances, medicinal components and external agents to be completely absorbed. As a result, a person suffering from psoriasis receives an almost instantaneous reaction on the body in the form of rashes, burning, and itching.


Citrus fruits are allowed in small quantities, but they must be eaten without the skin, since it contains a lot of essential oils. The consumption of natural citrus juices should be completely avoided, since in production they are obtained from squeezing unpeeled fruits.

Even if you just peel an orange or tangerine, a skin reaction may occur on your hands.

Also prohibited are cosmetics and perfumes that contain citrus extract and essential oils.

For psoriasis of the scalp, use hypoallergenic ones without additional additives.

Make an appointment with an experienced dermatologist:

Red foods

Intolerance to bright fruits and vegetables may occur, which is the main factor in the development of psoriasis. You should exclude from your diet:

  • strawberries;
  • grenades;
  • tomatoes;
  • red pepper;
  • raspberries;
  • watermelons;
  • beets;
  • cherry;
  • red grapes.

Fatty meats

Pig meat contains arachidonic acid, which can cause a severe inflammatory reaction in a person with skin lesions.

If you have psoriasis, you can eat rabbit, poultry, veal, boiled, stewed or steamed.


Alcoholic drinks and psoriasis are incompatible. Even a small dose of alcohol will worsen the functioning of the liver, which will negatively affect the cleansing function. The products of ethanol metabolism in the body linger for about a month and are toxic to cells throughout this time.

With psoriasis, internal metabolic reactions suffer, and an additional load of alcohol will only aggravate the patient’s condition. Of all drinks, dry white wine is more or less allowed in the amount of 150-200 ml every three days (not more often). This drink is hypoallergenic and does not affect metabolism.

Also, once every three days, a person who cannot give up alcohol but suffers from psoriasis can drink 50 ml of pure, high-quality vodka. It contains no unnecessary harmful substances that could worsen the patient's condition.

Sweets and flour

Eliminate white sugar from your diet forever. Its excessive consumption leads to depression of all internal organs. If you continue to eat without limiting this product, no medications for psoriasis will help. It is also important to exclude:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • bakery products made from premium and first grade flour;
  • pastries, cakes, biscuits with cream;
  • chocolate;
  • food starch;
  • honey (if you are allergic to it).

Sweets should be replaced with dried fruits or natural fruits. They not only compensate for the need for sugar, but also saturate the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins. Sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt will help soothe your sweet tooth.

If you can’t avoid sweet foods at all, add brown sugar or natural sweeteners to your dishes: honey, stevia.

Fast food

This is a very harmful food that leads to failures of all systems and organs. All dishes of this kind contain a lot of sugar, fat, and calories. They do not contain minerals, beneficial microelements, and therefore there is no benefit. With regular consumption of such food, a person will suffer from obesity, problems with joints and skin.

Replace fast food with homemade food, fruits, vegetables. This will lead to excess weight loss and normalization of metabolism, which will only have a positive effect on the skin.

You will see more clearly what you should not eat if you have psoriasis in a special table.

Dietary rules for psoriasis

In acute pathology, it is important to maintain the acid-base balance. This can be achieved by eliminating foods that should not be eaten with psoriasis and adding acid-forming foods (one quarter) and alkaline foods (three quarters) to the diet.

There are also certain dietary features that will help eliminate the acute symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Give more preference to plant-based foods.
  • All products must be hypoallergenic.
  • You must stop smoking.
  • You need to eat often (every 2.5-3 hours) in small portions.
  • You should drink 2.5-3 liters of pure still water per day.
  • Dishes should be boiled or stewed (cooked in a double boiler/multi-cooker/oven).
  • Fermented milk (ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese) is very useful.
  • For rashes on the head and other parts of the body, use hypoallergenic body products, tar soap or gels with a neutral pH level.

If you know what you can’t eat with psoriasis, and what is allowed, you can significantly reduce the time of illness and achieve stable remission. And such a diet will have to be followed constantly so that there is no risk of relapse.

This is all the information for today. If the article was useful to you, share it on social networks. Be healthy!

– a dermatological disease that becomes chronic over a short period of time. The success of its treatment largely depends on the person himself and his lifestyle. Plays the main role in this. That's what we'll talk about now.

There are many options for therapeutic diets that are recommended to be followed when treating psoriasis, for example,. Now we will not describe each of them, but will highlight the basic principles of nutrition that contribute to the improvement of the skin and the improvement of the patient’s well-being.

Remember, the main thing is to prevent acute infectious diseases from becoming chronic. This has a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the course of psoriasis as well.

It is important to stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect metabolic processes, which leads to poor nutrition of the skin. As a result, the disease begins to progress.

Today, various methods for cleansing the body are promoted on the Internet. Of course, they have benefits, but if you have psoriasis, you shouldn’t get carried away with them. After all, during cleansing, the body loses not only harmful, but also beneficial substances, including vitamins and minerals. And with psoriasis, it is very important to preserve them and prevent their deficiency.

There is an opinion that to improve the condition of the skin with psoriasis, it is useful to take sunbathing. They give positive results very quickly, but do not last long. Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the skin, and even if the manifestations of psoriasis have decreased, they will soon become even stronger.

This happens due to the fact that the sun's rays seem to “drive” psoriasis deep under the skin, as a result of which after a while it begins to “push out” out. Sunbathing can only be done in the autumn-winter period, when the effects of ultraviolet radiation are not so strong.

In addition, an important point in the treatment of psoriasis is the use of hormonal drugs. They are usually prescribed to patients at their first appointment. You cannot refuse them. In combination with other therapeutic measures, they provide a good therapeutic effect.

With psoriasis, the main thing is nutrition. It must be dietary, but at the same time physiologically complete in terms of energy value, fat, protein and carbohydrate content. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • citrus fruit;
  • chocolate;
  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • Bee Honey;
  • red fruits and vegetables.

Even after the exacerbation period has passed, these products should be consumed in minimal quantities. Moreover, regardless of what phase the disease is in, the patient should forget once and for all about sour, spicy and fatty foods, as well as smoked meats and various sweets.

Many foods contain allergens, which can also negatively affect the course of the disease. Their consumption should also be minimized or completely eliminated from the diet.

In addition, the important point is not what a patient with psoriasis eats, but how much and how. You need to eat small portions up to 6 times a day. In this case, all dishes must be boiled, stewed or baked.

Overeating with psoriasis is unacceptable. They lead to increased stress on the digestive organs. As a result of this, the body devotes all its energy to digesting food, and at this time the disease only progresses.

The patient's diet should be completely free of spices, seasonings, spicy and smoked foods, strong meat, fish and mushroom broths. In this case, all dishes consumed should be under-salted. High salt consumption negatively affects the general condition of the patient.

It must be complex and largely depend on the factors that contributed to the development and exacerbation of the disease, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

What diet should you have for psoriasis?

A diet for psoriasis should be balanced and correct. It must contain the required amount of minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates for the normal functioning of the body.


Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in foods of plant origin. Their entry into the body ensures the synthesis of prostaglandins, which have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help restore cell membranes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regulate metabolism.

Fiber is required for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With its lack in the diet, patients often suffer from constipation, and this leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the skin.

In addition, fiber also takes an active part in metabolic processes and helps maintain the balance of minerals in the body. All this together has a beneficial effect on the skin and promotes its rapid recovery.


During the treatment of psoriasis, a very important point is to provide the body with vitamins belonging to the group of antioxidants, which play an important role in maintaining healthy nails and skin.

Such vitamins help neutralize free radicals, which have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, as they lead to depletion of vascular walls and reduce collagen synthesis.

An example of such vitamins are B vitamins. They take part in all processes occurring in skin cells. It is also worth saying that B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is especially important for psoriasis.

In addition to these elements, the patient’s diet must include vitamins E, C, D and A.

They are especially abundant in products such as:

  • rose hip;
  • bell pepper;
  • vegetable oils;
  • offal;
  • butter;
  • currant;
  • beef;
  • buckwheat;
  • Fish and seafood.


Calcium is a very important element that takes part in the construction of bone tissue, teeth, nails and skin. It has an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect on the body.

Sources of calcium are all dairy and fermented milk products. But with psoriasis, it is very important to eat foods with minimal fat content.

Zinc also plays an important role in the human body. It promotes the synthesis of protein, which is required for the rapid restoration of damage to the skin. In addition, this mineral boosts immunity and provides antioxidant protection.

With psoriasis, it is important to provide the body with adequate nutrition. Absolutely all vitamins and minerals are required by a patient with this disease. If it is not possible to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, for example, in winter, you can resort to the help of pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes.

They must only be prescribed individually by a doctor. Taking them independently can cause hypervitaminosis, which can also lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
To understand what you can eat, what you can’t, and what you should limit, you can use the following table.

Table of foods for psoriasis

Beef, rabbit, turkey (meat of adult animals) Canned food Meat or bone soups
broths, young meat
poultry, veal, offal
(liver, brains, kidneys);
smoking, marinades
Sea fish, brown and green algae Herring, salted fish, caviar,
canned fish,
Soups with fish broth,
crayfish, river fish
(except pike perch,
Soups with vegetable broth, potatoes, beets, carrots,
cucumbers, zucchini,
white cabbage, onion,
radishes, lettuce, dill.
Soups using
tomatoes, cauliflower,
radish, legumes
Mushroom broth soups, green borscht, tomatoes,
eggplants, sweet peppers, mushrooms, spinach, sorrel,
parsley, rhubarb, ketchup, adjika, mayonnaise
Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn; crackers,
savory cookies, marmalade, jelly, caramel
Pasta, sponge cake, cupcake Baked goods, puff pastry, chips,
confectionery with
cream, chocolate
Non-acidic apples, pears,
sweet berries, grapes
peaches, apricots, cherries
Bananas, kiwi, dates, figs, tangerines All sour fruits
Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk,
cottage cheese, feta cheese
(with reduced
fat content)
Sour cream, low-fat cheese Full-fat cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt
Dried fruit compote, berry fruit drinks, juices with pulp, green tea Rose hip decoction,
black tea, coffee,
carbonated drinks,
concentrated juices.

Is it possible to eat honey if you have psoriasis?

Honey is a very healthy biological product, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. But it also contains plenty of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are contraindicated for psoriasis.

In addition, honey belongs to the group of food products that often provoke the development of allergies. And exposure to allergens on the body can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, despite the fact that honey is a healthy food product, it should not be consumed if you have psoriasis.

Dietary restrictions for this disease are individual in each case. They depend on the course of the disease and other diseases the patient has. Therefore, a diet for psoriasis is prescribed only by a doctor after a complete examination.

Video about nutrition for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that arises as a result of a severe metabolic disorder, manifested by rapid division and death of the epidermis. Scaly multi-layered itchy plaques rise above the skin level. If you remove such a plaque, pink, delicate skin is visible. Nutritionist John Pegano studied this disease for a long time and came to the conclusion that psoriasis is afraid of only one product and its treatment must begin with a diet.

About the Pegano method

To enhance the effectiveness of the external agents used, it is necessary to cleanse the body. This can be done with a fruit diet for 3 or 5 days and a colon cleansing procedure. After cleansing, begin your diet. Gradually, the disease stops progressing, and the signs of psoriasis that interfere with normal life disappear.

Basic principles of nutrition

  • The consumption of alkali-forming foods should be 80% of the entire menu.
  • Moderate food intake. Overeating is unacceptable.
  • Mandatory consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, vegetable oils, bran and fermented milk products.
  • Providing the body with B vitamins.
  • Drinking 8 glasses of purified water every day helps flush out toxins and allergens from the infected body.

You can't eat together:

  • cereal or dairy products with dried fruits, juices and citrus fruits;
  • bananas, melons, raw apples with other products;
  • fruits with products made from premium flour.

To the question “what product is psoriasis afraid of?” We can answer unequivocally that the disease is afraid of foods that provide an alkaline level in the body.”

List of products that work to increase alkaline balance:

  • Juices from onions, celery, spinach, parsley, beets and carrots.
  • Juices from grapefruit, orange, papaya, pineapple, mango, apricot, pear, grapes.
  • Fresh and stewed fruits.
  • Lemon juice diluted with water.
  • Fish, mostly sea, various preparations except frying.
  • Sesame seeds, flax, sunflower, pumpkin.
  • Porridge from sprouted wheat, bran.

It is advisable to take vitamins for psoriasis to help the skin cleanse and recover as quickly as possible. Taking lecithin is simply necessary. It is advisable to take good quality lecithin. In addition to the diet, you need to take B vitamins and vitamin C. Drinking mineral alkaline waters: Borjomi, Donat, Smirnovskaya and Yesentuki-4 will significantly increase the effect of the diets used.

It is prohibited to eat:

  • peppers, potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes - the nightshade family;
  • corn;
  • lentils and beans;
  • peas and legumes;
  • strawberries, strawberries;
  • alcoholic drinks.

No smoking. Smoke, settling in the capillaries, increases the acid balance.

The consumption of mushrooms, beets, grapes, spinach, and meat is allowed in limited quantities.

What other worst enemies of psoriasis are there and what is he afraid of? Positive emotions, active mental and physical activity, a diet with a minimum content of foods that increase stomach acidity. After just a few weeks of eating according to the Pegano method, the skin will clear up significantly, your health will become much better, and psoriasis will begin to subside.

Dietary food for each patient is selected individually according to his tolerance to certain foods.

Compliance with the principles of dietary nutrition for psoriasis will improve metabolic processes and reduce pathological symptoms, especially during exacerbations. Within a week after starting the diet, positive changes in the patient’s condition are observed. After all, it must be comprehensive; drug therapy alone is not enough. Every patient should know what can and cannot be consumed for this disease. Fatty and spicy foods, alcohol are excluded, priority is fermented milk products, porridges from various cereals: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, rice (for psoriasis, it is advisable to eat brown rice, not white).

Most of the foods consumed per day should be alkaline-forming (fresh vegetables, fruits), and the rest should be acid-forming (potatoes, meat, grains, etc.). No less important is the drinking regime, which involves increased intake of purified still water.

Basic principles of nutrition

There are many different diets designed specifically for people suffering from chronic psoriasis. They are all different from each other, but they all have the same basis.

Nutritional features for psoriasis:

  1. All products consumed must be hypoallergenic.
  2. It is necessary to reduce salt intake.
  3. Plant foods should predominate in the diet.
  4. You need to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco.
  5. All products containing preservatives, dyes, various chemical additives and stabilizers must be completely excluded from the diet.
  6. You should limit your consumption of sweets.
  7. If you are prone to constipation, you need to increase your fiber intake.
  8. involves a regimen of fractional meals (small portions at least five times a day).
  9. You should include porridge and salads from fresh vegetables in your daily menu.
  10. Fermented milk products are very useful for psoriasis, for example, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  11. Do not eat citrus fruits.
  12. It is recommended to eat foods that have undergone the most gentle culinary processing (steaming, boiling, baking).

Why do you need a diet?

Proper nutrition is an integral part of psoriasis treatment. There is no single diet that would suit all patients without exception, but there are general nutritional rules indicated above, the observance of which is mandatory for all patients. During remission, it is recommended to test individual products to identify those that cause the most harm to the body and contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. This can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Dietary restrictions for psoriasis are important for a number of reasons:

  • The condition of the epidermis improves.
  • Digestive function improves.
  • The body is cleansed of waste and toxins.
  • Metabolic processes are restored.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The extra pounds are gone.
  • The body is saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  • The load on the skin, which suffers under the influence of hormonal and other medications used to treat severe psoriasis, is reduced.

The attending physician should develop a diet for each patient; this should not be done independently. After all, such significant changes in diet are not allowed for everyone. Contraindications to following the diet are pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, neurological disorders. Patients diagnosed with such diseases in combination with exacerbation of psoriasis need to adjust their diet in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body and the course of concomitant diseases.

What can you eat if you have psoriasis?

There is a list of foods that you can and even need to eat if you have psoriasis in order to speed up the healing process. These are mainly plant foods, lean meats, dairy and fermented milk products, fish, etc.



Vegetables and greens: carrots, celery, zucchini, green beans, cabbage, beets, bell peppers, pumpkin, dill, parsley, cucumbers.

Reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and normalize digestive function.

Fruits and berries: cherries, mangoes, grapes, lingonberries, figs, peaches, pineapples, plums, persimmons, apricots, dates, blueberries, etc.

Lean meat: beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey.

Contains a lot of protein.

Lean fish.

Contains large amounts of Omega3.

Dairy and fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Eliminate inflammatory processes and provide the body with calcium.

Sunflower seeds, flaxseed, nuts.

Vegetable oils: sunflower, flaxseed, olive, corn.

Restore metabolism and participate in regeneration processes.

Cereals: oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, rice, corn grits.

They have an antioxidant effect and provide the body with fiber.

Stimulate intestinal motility, improve digestive function.

What can you drink if you have psoriasis?

Equally important is the correct choice of drinks for psoriatic disease.

  • Chicory normalizes metabolic processes and promotes regeneration.
  • Natural fruit juices.
  • Natural vegetable juices.
  • Fruit drinks.
  • Compotes.
  • Kefir.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Still mineral water.
  • Weak tea with milk or cream.
  • Decoction of rose hips.
  • A decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • A decoction of strawberry leaves.
  • Barley drink.

List of prohibited drinks for psoriasis:

  • Alcohol.
  • Instant coffee.
  • Strongly brewed black tea.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Kvass.
  • Carbonated drinks.

What foods should you not eat if you have psoriasis?

It is very important to read the information about what is strongly recommended not to eat if you have psoriasis. Refusal of certain foods and dishes will help improve metabolism, restore digestion, and improve skin condition.

The list of prohibited foods and their harm to the body with psoriasis is presented in the table below.

Products and dishes

Harm to the body

Fast food, fried, smoked, fatty.

They slow down metabolic processes and contribute to the gain of extra pounds.

Rafinated sugar.

Leads to skin rashes and stimulates inflammation.

Flour of the highest grade.

Leads to weight gain.

Fatty meats.

Promotes the appearance of inflammation on the skin.

Citruses and exotic fruits.

They are strong allergens.

Products containing various chemicals such as preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc.

They negatively affect the activity of the entire body, cause digestive problems, have a toxic effect on the body, and provoke allergic reactions.

Spices and seasonings

Promote the development of psoriasis and other skin pathologies.

Trans fats

They disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity.

Causes allergies.

Brightly colored vegetables (tomatoes), strawberries.

Cause allergies.

What sweets are possible for psoriasis?

Sweets negatively affect the condition of the skin, increase cholesterol levels in the blood, lead to edema, promote increased gas formation in the intestines, and cause dysbacteriosis. All these factors can negatively affect the condition of a patient with psoriasis. But there are sweet foods that benefit the body during this disease.

Treats from the following list are allowed:

  • A small amount of honey, provided there are no allergic reactions to bee products.
  • Dried fruits are not only possible, but also necessary, as they normalize digestive function and support liver function.
  • Berry jelly.
  • Marshmallow is white.
  • Paste.
  • Marmalade.
  • Brown sugar.
  • Chocolate.
  • Delicious baked goods.
  • Various cakes.
  • Ice cream.
  • Candies.
  • Cookie.

Is it possible to use soy sauce for psoriasis?

There are many connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine in Russia. Sushi and rolls are usually consumed with soy sauce. This product is very beneficial for the body, but only if it is properly prepared and stored in a glass container. Soy sauce is a natural antioxidant and contains no sugar or fat. But not all manufacturers of this product are conscientious; many of them add artificial ingredients to this seasoning, which significantly reduces the benefits of soy sauce for the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for psoriasis, especially during periods of exacerbation.

Is it possible to eat eggs if you have psoriasis?

Eggs are a very healthy product, quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Their use for psoriasis helps improve metabolism and speed up recovery. However, it should be remembered that chicken eggs are also a highly allergenic product, so you should not abuse them. It is enough to eat no more than three to five pieces per week.

Beneficial features:

  • Promotes rapid regeneration of the epidermis due to its high protein content.
  • They are absorbed within several hours, saturating the body with useful substances.
  • Contains the amino acid leucine, which directly affects skin healing processes.

Many people believe that it is better to eat eggs raw. This is not always the case, as there is a high risk of contracting salmonella.

Abuse of eggs can worsen psoriasis for the following reasons:

  • Risk of allergic reactions.
  • The presence of antibiotics, hormonal substances, growth stimulants, since these are the components that enrich the feed for laying hens in factories.
  • The yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, so if you have psoriasis, you need to limit your egg consumption.

What fruits can you eat if you have psoriasis?

A diet for psoriasis involves the introduction of many restrictions, which also apply to fruits. It is not recommended to eat citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, as they often cause allergies, which can aggravate the condition of psoriatic plaques.

You can eat fruits from the following list:

  • Kiwi.
  • Apples preferably baked.
  • Dates.
  • Persimmon.
  • Feijoa.
  • Figs
  • Apricots.
  • Prunes.
  • Melon.

What fish can you eat if you have psoriasis?

Fish must be present on the menu of a patient with psoriasis. Preference should be given to low-fat varieties, for example, cod, haddock, pike perch, flounder, etc. Fish contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the skin. It is not recommended to eat it fried, and you should also exclude smoked fish, various canned foods and semi-finished products, etc. Dishes made from this product should be boiled or baked in order to retain maximum nutrients and not cause harm to health.

For treatment and remission, the correct diet for psoriasis is simply necessary, since it is very important to know what you can and cannot eat with psoriasis, and a diet table for psoriasis, which lists the necessary foods and vitamins for nutrition, will help us with this.

The basis of your diet is to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. Moreover, the alkaline reaction should be much greater than the acidic one.

Therefore, the daily diet products for psoriasis should consist of 65-75% alkali-forming and 25-35% acid-forming. Vegetables and fruits are primarily alkali-forming. Acid-forming foods include foods containing starch proteins, fats and oils - meat products, grains, cream, cheese, potatoes.

First of all, it means drinking a lot of water; you need to drink 7-10 glasses of it per day. It's even better to drink only purified distilled water and freshly squeezed juices.

Diet for psoriasis: food table

Of the numerous recipes and diets planned and selected in the process of studying this disease, the most understandable and easy to understand remains diet for psoriasis food table and drawing up a proper nutritional diet that fully satisfies the needs of the eater.

All tables with different diets are at the bottom of the page, try it and decide which diet for psoriasis suits you best.

Diet and nutrition for psoriasis

  1. It is necessary that the daily diet consists of three parts of fresh vegetables and fruits. First of all, these are salads made from beets, carrots and cabbage. Also, celery root, onion, garlic, cumin, dill, cucumbers, etc. should be added to the diet.
  2. Another part of the diet must consist of proteins (seeds, raw nuts, egg whites, lean meat).
  3. And the last part of the daily diet for psoriasis is buckwheat, pearl barley, peas and beans. A plus will be the consumption of natural sweets - dates, raisins, dried apricots.

What not to eat if you have psoriasis

First of all, the diet for psoriasis should be without citrus fruits, chocolate, and whole milk with high fat content. You should not eat large quantities of honey and foods that contain red pigment, such as tomatoes, peppers, strawberries and others - these are the foods that what not to eat if you have psoriasis in no case.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis is the key to good skin condition, so it is so necessary to eliminate the consumption of sour, spicy, smoked, and sweet foods. You should also pay attention to your salt intake and try to reduce your consumption of salt and other salty foods.

Prohibited foods for psoriasis are those that can cause allergic reactions, which are highly undesirable in the treatment of psoriasis. It is worth paying special attention to, its use must be sharply limited.

What can you eat if you have psoriasis?

The most useful in nutrition for psoriasis This is the use of vegetable oils with polyunsaturated acids in their composition. These acids are necessary to ensure anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic processes in the body.

To support liver function, it is necessary to eat foods with sufficient fiber. Fiber is also the key to regular bowel movements, maintaining mineral balance and ensuring normal metabolism.

That's why important foods for psoriasis There will be various salads with vegetable oil, buckwheat and oat porridge, vinaigrette, beef liver, cheese, cottage cheese.

To maintain the strength of the walls of blood vessels, healthy skin, nails, and the body, vitamins are always needed, and with psoriasis, their need increases significantly.

The diet for patients with psoriasis should also include vitamins A, B and D. In addition to maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin, the state of the nervous system is tidied up.

Beets must be included in the diet for psoriasis. It contains B vitamins, provitamin A and a large amount of organic sodium, iodine, zinc, manganese, a lot of iron, magnesium, etc.

Fasting for psoriasis

The diet for psoriasis includes mandatory cleansing of the body, and in this we fasting helps with psoriasis(approximately 20 or 30 hours of fasting per week). Try to set aside one day during which you will not eat or drink anything except distilled water. After a day of fasting, in the morning you can eat a salad of beets, carrots and cabbage, drink, and then go back to your diet schedule.

The result after fasting and following a diet for psoriasis will be colossal, and after 2-3 weeks you can feel an improvement in the body’s condition. Please remember that alcohol is not permitted.

In behavior where the diet for psoriasis you can notice how the condition of the skin will change and there will be no more inconveniences that interfere with a free, calm life without clearly visible traces of psoriasis.

Diet and nutrition tables in detail (click to enlarge)