Proper diets for feeding one-month-old puppies. How and what to feed a child after one year and up to one and a half years, nutritional features, sample menu What do kittens eat

What to feed one month old puppy- one of the expense items for a dog owner and the most essential factor success of breeding work. You absolutely cannot skimp on food. The quality of the litter and the survival rate of puppies depends on the nutrition of the bitch during whelping and lactation. The health and fertility of an adult dog, the learning ability and performance of teenage puppies is largely determined by the correct feeding of the pups.

What to feed a one-month-old puppy

For the first 14 days of life, puppies eat exclusively mother's milk. The main emphasis at this time should be on the caloric content and nutritional value of the lactating bitch's food. If she does not have enough milk, the puppies can be placed with another nursing bitch. The lack of milk is indicated by the anxiety of the litter: the puppies sleep poorly and little, crawl, squeak and whine. Well-fed cubs fall asleep immediately after eating and sleep soundly and for a long time. An indicator of the sufficiency of milk in a bitch is also a constant increase in their weight. After birth, the cubs must receive colostrum from their mother, otherwise there is a high risk of death of the litter.

In the absence of a wet nurse, puppies are fed using a bitch's milk replacer purchased from veterinary clinic or in a pet store, from a bottle with a nipple. If the bitch is kept with the litter, then the puppies always have the opportunity to suckle when they get hungry. If the bitch is separated from the litter for some reason, or the puppies are being fed by another, milkier bitch, then they need to be placed on the nipples at least 12 times a day.

First feeding

In the third week of life, puppies suckle their mother or nurse at least 8 times, and in the fourth week - at least 6 times a day. At this time, complementary foods should be introduced. If the litter is large - more than 8 cubs - or the bitch has little milk and the puppies are fed by a nurse or artificially - with a milk replacer from a bottle - then complementary feeding is introduced at 7-10 days, when the puppies begin to see the light.

The first food is warmed goat or sheep milk. Add a fresh egg to it and stir well. Eggs must be checked for pathogenic bacteria. Milk is first offered to puppies from a bottle with a nipple, and when they taste it, it is poured into a saucer. The cubs begin to lick it, poke their faces into the food, gradually learning to lap it. After feeding, each muzzle needs to be wiped. When they learn to eat, you need to offer them liquid porridge with milk from oatmeal or ground oatmeal. 1-2 eggs for the entire litter are beaten into the porridge.

It is also necessary to introduce calcined cottage cheese to prevent rickets. It is prepared as follows: pour 4 tablespoons into a liter of boiling milk. calcium chloride and mix. The cottage cheese is discarded, then kneaded and diluted with whey to a liquid porridge. The whey remaining after making the cottage cheese is fed to the nursing bitch.

From 2 weeks, raw frozen and thawed meat is introduced: veal, turkey or rabbit. The meat is ground into mince and given after the puppies have suckled their mother or nurse.

Feeding at 1 month

By this age, the cubs are accustomed to milk, porridge, cottage cheese and meat. They are placed next to the bitch 4-5 times a day, and they are offered other food the same number of times. In a month, the food should already be combined: cottage cheese at one feeding, meat at another, milk and egg at the third, porridge at the fourth. New products are gradually being introduced. Here's something else you can feed a month-old puppy: kefir, natural yogurt, boiled egg yolk, congee, meat broth from meat familiar to the cubs, boiled meat, meat soup in broth with carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, sweet peppers, rice or oatmeal, seasoned with very finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, young nettle).

By one and a half months, the puppies suckle their mother 3-4 times a day and prepare for weaning. Weaning ends by 2 months. The RKF allows the sale of dogs from 45 days of age, so by this time the puppy must be fully accustomed to food, and the bitch’s milk must become an additional element of its nutrition plan, which it can easily do without.

Feeding at 1.5 - 2 months

This is the age at which cubs are weaned from their mother and can be sold. IN new family A place, bowls, and toys have been prepared for the baby. And the owner always wonders what to feed a two-month-old puppy. His diet should be designed so that it resembles the breeder’s diet: meat, dairy products, cereals, soups. At this age, you can offer boiled and boned lean fish a couple of times a week, washed and sliced ​​fruits (apples, pears, bananas) and vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes). A puppy accustomed to them from childhood will eat them with pleasure when he grows up.

Feeding a 3-5 month old puppy

What to feed a 3 month old puppy and older? The young dog's menu remains the same. It is based on meat and dairy products as the main sources of essential animal protein. Protein is also obtained from fish, but it is not recommended to give it too often. Cereals, fruits, vegetables and herbs are sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. Additionally, the puppy is accustomed to fats (sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin seed oil, fish oil) and food additives(blood meal, meat and bone meal, fish meal). Among the new products that the pet is introduced to are boiled liver, boiled lungs, tripe, and large marrow bones to strengthen the teeth (they are allowed to be chewed after changing teeth). New types of meat are being introduced - beef, chicken.

How often should you feed your puppy?

A dog should develop a diet from childhood. Feed her preferably in equal portions at regular intervals. Violation of the regime provokes dogs to wander in search of food. At 1.5-2 months, the cubs are fed 6-8 times, depending on the caloric content and nutritional value of the food. From 2 months, feeding is reduced to 5-6 times. At 3 months, puppies eat 4-5 times.

How many times to feed a 4-month-old puppy depends on its growth activity and the quality of food. Typically, 3 meals a day are sufficient for well-growing dogs. In the evening, you can give them some warm porridge or milk for a more restful night's sleep.

The question of how many times to feed a 5-month-old puppy is solved by owners in different ways: some repeat the feeding pattern for the previous month, others gradually transfer it to the adult dog regimen and feed it twice a day. If the dog is trained on positive reinforcement in the form of food and receives treats throughout the day in the form of dried or dried meat dog treats and vegetables, then this regime is considered normal. If the puppy does not receive any food or treats between main meals, then this regime is not suitable for him. In this case, he must eat at least 3 times a day. The “adult” two-a-day diet is optimal for dogs from 8 months.

All products to be fed to a dog must be High Quality and fresh. The portion should be calculated according to the weight and age of the dog. Overeating should not be allowed, but underfeeding is also very harmful. Feeding with industrial feed is considered ideal. They are completely ready and balanced. There is food for puppies from 3 weeks and special food for preparing for weaning from a bitch. Dry food is diluted with water and kneaded into a paste. There is no need to dilute pates and wet food.

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8369 votes

When a cat appears in the house, the question arises: what to feed it, and what food will be most beneficial for it? Often, owners begin to give their pet the same food that they eat themselves, but this is not always true. When an animal's diet is not balanced, it can cause serious harm to its health. To provide the cat long life and excellent health, it is necessary to correctly compose her diet.

Food from our table will not always be healthy for your pet. A person consumes a lot of unhealthy food, which is harmful not only to his health, but can also have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal.

Forbidden food for domestic cat There will be products such as:

  • Fried.
  • Salted and pickled.
  • Sweet.
  • Baked and floury.
  • Food that contains various spices and seasonings.

It is important to know that what is “delicious” for a person will be harmful for a cat.

Veterinarian advice regarding pet nutrition is generally similar.

It is forbidden to feed the animal pork, it is too fatty food. Prohibited meat also includes pork liver, it can cause and .

Video about feeding a cat natural food from an old-school veterinarian

Fish as a basis for natural food

Properly cooked fish is very healthy for cats

All our pets, without a doubt, love fish.

Flour foods and diabetes

If the cat eats pasta and flour products, then there is a high risk of constipation

Cats that love to eat pasta, bread or other flour products are often obese and... And any products containing bones can cause obstruction in the stomach and injuries in the intestines. Sweets, cakes and chocolates can lead to diabetes mellitus And .

Foods that contain a lot of salt and spices can cause the disorder. Milk is only good for kittens; it causes diarrhea in adult cats.

How to feed your cat properly with natural food

Which of these do you think will be beneficial for the cat?

The basis of the animal's diet should be meat. Doctors advise feeding your pets the following meat products:

  • Beef and veal.
  • Chicken and turkey.
  • Rabbit meat.
  • Sea fish is not oily.
  • Meat purees with vegetables for children.

The meat must be boiled and contain no bones. Feeding fish is allowed no more than once a week. Baby purees are good for small kittens, or for adults with stomach problems.

Some cats love boiled vegetables. It is very useful.

Vegetables are also good for animals. It’s true that not all cats love them, but if you introduce them into your pet’s food correctly, he won’t even notice that they are there. Among the most healthy vegetables, highlight:

  • Carrots and beets.
  • Cauliflower and salad.
  • Zucchini and pumpkin.

In a cat's diet tomatoes and eggplants should be missing , since they contain harmful substances for your pet's body. If your pet doesn’t mind simple vegetables, then you can give them raw and add a little vegetable oil. If you refuse them, vegetables are added to meat foods.

Dairy products

Caught in the act!

These are very beneficial for a cat’s stomach. dairy products, How:

  • Kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Yogurt.
  • Not fatty cottage cheese.
  • Hard cheese without additives.
  • Semolina, oatmeal.

Not all cats like cottage cheese, so you can mix it with fermented baked milk or kefir and add a little egg yolk. It is recommended to give cheese to pets no more than once a week.

Other products for a healthy diet

Cat and egg yolk

Other products are useful for the pet and necessary for proper operation his body:

  • Egg yolk.
  • Rice, oatmeal, wheat porridge, mixed with boiled or frozen meat or fish.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, oats, wheat).
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Purified or boiled water.

The egg yolk must be boiled. It can be given either separately or as an additive to cottage cheese and porridge, but not more than twice a week. Porridge for a cat should be prepared based on a ratio of 1 to 2, that is, one part of porridge and two parts of meat. You can add finely chopped dill or parsley to the same porridges. You can buy oats and wheat at a pet store or grow your own.

Never give your cat grass that you picked outside. Such greens can be contaminated with poisons and toxins, which will cause serious harm to the health of the animal.

When feeding natural food Don't forget about vitamins

Vegetable oil can be added to your pet's food no more than 2 teaspoons per day. Vitamins are sold in pet stores in the form of tablets or various goodies; they must be given to the cat every day.

Water is one of the main elements a cat needs to normal functioning her stomach. The drink in the bowl should always be clean, and it should be changed as soon as it gets dirty.

You should not give your cat meat and dairy products at the same time. This may cause.

Natural menu for cats for every day

Each cat requires its own personal approach based on its individual characteristics. Therefore, the owner can change the menu a little, adapting to the pet. For the full functioning of the body adult cat Two meals a day, properly balanced meals are enough.

Morning : upon waking up, the cat will happily eat something not very heavy. This could be cottage cheese with yolk, yogurt with cereals, or liquid milk porridge.

For a cat's morning meal, you can't find anything better!

Dinner : fermented baked milk or fortified treats from a pet store are suitable as feeding.

Evening : Before going to bed, your cat needs to have a good meal. Suitable for this meat porridge or meat with added vegetables. Alternatively, you can simply give boiled chopped meat.

A few days ahead

Cat food can be prepared several days ahead and placed in the refrigerator for storage. This is very convenient if you work and return home late. Upon returning home, you just need to get the cat food, warm it up and feed your pet

Recipes for cats

Your cat will really like these dishes!

Meat with vegetables and grains


  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 500 gr. vegetables that your pet prefers;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 5 cereals.


  1. It is necessary to boil the meat until cooked, then remove it and leave to cool.
  2. Boil the vegetables in the resulting broth until half cooked.
  3. Pour the broth over the flakes and let it brew.
  4. When the grains are ready, place them and the vegetables in a blender and blend well.
  5. Cut the meat into small, uniform pieces that are convenient for your cat to eat.
  6. Mix the resulting mass from the blender and chopped meat, add 300 ml broth .

Our dish is ready! It can be immediately divided into small portions for your cat to eat and frozen in the freezer.

Lazy dumplings


  • 1 glass of purified water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 gr. wheat or corn flour;
  • 300 gr. chicken liver.


  1. Grind the raw liver in a blender or grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix water, eggs, flour and the resulting liver mixture.
  3. Mix the dough.
  4. The consistency of the mixture should be very soft.
  5. Roll out a long sausage and cut into small pieces that look like cherries.
  6. Next, we place our pieces in boiling water, and as soon as they float to the surface, they can be removed.

It is better to cook for 1-2 servings. The rest of the mixture can be placed in the refrigerator. Received lazy dumplings Cool, and when warm, serve to the cat.

Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats

Sterilized cat suffering from obesity due to malnutrition

After sterilization, a cat loses interest in animals of the opposite sex and is replaced by a lost interest in food. Therefore very often Sterilized animals are obese , so try not to overfeed your pet.

If you decide to feed your pet yourself homemade food, then remember that the basis of the diet is the same as that of regular cats there must be meat food. As meat products Beef, chicken, chicken hearts, livers or ventricles are suitable.

In this case, it is better to give up fish completely.

In addition, sterilized cats should be given cereals, vegetables and various fermented milk products. But it is better to avoid fish completely, since fish contains phosphorus and magnesium, which are harmful to sterilized animals.

Thus, the diet of sterilized and unsterilized cats is similar. The only difference will be the fish. Veterinarians advise buying special vitamins for sterilized pets. They contain all the necessary microelements for such animals.

Video about how to feed your cat natural food and not get worms


If you decide to feed your cat homemade food, then strictly follow all the above points. You should not leave feeding your cat to chance, and give it the same food that you eat yourself.

Carefully monitor your pet's behavior, as this or that product may not be suitable for the cat, and you will have to replace it with something else. So make your pet happy delicious food prepared by your own hands, and your gratitude will be long and healthy life your cat.

The dog belongs to the predatory animals. This should never be forgotten. Predators, when killing other animals, devour not only meat and bones, but also entrails and stomach contents.

They often eat until they vomit, and then devour what they vomit again. They return to their inedible prey even when it becomes stinking carrion. If your dog does the same or worse, it's not bad habit, but only the manifesting instinct of a predatory beast.

Many predators eat more than just meat. Badgers, foxes, bears and others happily eat grass, berries, and fruits. This mixed nutrition This is also true for dogs. This must be taken into account when feeding her. Raw food is healthier for a dog than boiled food, as it is best absorbed by the dog’s body. However, if you give your dog too much raw food, then it has a specific smell.

In this case, she should be fed boiled meat. The dog does not have a refined taste. She, like many other animals, can be content with the same food every day. But if you accustom her to various foods, she will become picky and picky.

Dogs' food should consist of 2/3 meat and 1/3 plant products. The dog can be fed innards such as:

  • heart,
  • stomach,
  • liver,
  • lungs,
  • kidneys

Horse meat, beef, lamb, goat meat and mammal heads are also suitable for her. Dogs love to eat various veins and everything that is cut and removed when preparing dinner for people.

Then sea fish, but not salted. Large fish bones should be deleted. Lean, slightly stale meat is more easily absorbed by the dog’s body. Plant products- rye, oats, semolina, millet, as well as fruits and vegetables. Dog food should be prepared as follows:

  1. cut the meat into small pieces or pass through a coarse meat grinder,
  2. cut the bones into pieces of such size that the dog can easily handle them.
  3. Meat of questionable origin should be cooked for at least an hour.
  4. The resulting broth is given to the dog along with the meat.
  5. Flour products - cereals, oat or barley flakes, bran - must be soaked in water for several hours and then scalded.
  6. Rice must either be boiled or steamed.
  7. Vegetables should be given pureed or finely chopped raw, with animal fats.

What you should not feed your dog: important dietary rules

  • Under no circumstances should you feed vegetable tops or cabbage.
  • Fruits should be chopped and pitted if necessary.
  • Dog food should be warm and mushy in appearance. A thermometer can be your finger. The mushy state of food is obtained by itself when it is well mixed.

Fish is very good for dogs healthy food. As a rule, heads and bones present no difficulty or danger to the dog. U big fish It is recommended, however, to first remove the upper fin and the strong and sharp lower front and rear fins.

Dog biscuits are a complete food for dogs. They contain the most important nutrients, necessary to strengthen and maintain the body in proper condition, lime and fish oil. However, biscuits should only be an addition to the dog’s food and not part of its diet. Bones contain lime, protein and other substances necessary for the body. In addition, chewing bones is good for teeth and gums.

You should not give bones to puppies between 4 and 6 months of age. The most useful are the bones of young animals with big amount cartilage and leftover meat, such as ribs. Boiled bones are not suitable for food; raw bones are dangerous because they are fragile and produce fragments that can injure the throat and esophagus so much that immediate veterinary intervention is required.

Raw and sharp bones Birds should be burned, but never thrown into compost. When the dog turns 4-5 years old, it is necessary to reduce daily ration bones. Eating bones contributes to the creation of a “hard stomach,” i.e., the formation of dry feces.

By observing the feces, you can determine whether the composition of your dog's food needs to be changed. Potatoes, legumes and maize are not suitable for feeding a dog. Pods and maize (corn) often cause nausea. Potatoes are thrown away by the dog's body without any benefit.

Candies, cookies and chocolate, as well as other treats should not be given in large quantities. Dogs love all this very much, but their excess prevents us from controlling the amount of food. The dog becomes excessively fat. It is absolutely necessary to add fish oil and fish oil to your food from time to time.

However, this should only be done in consultation with a veterinarian. Fish fat Always useful for puppies and young dogs. The remains of dinner, even if it is slightly spiced or sour, spoiled food, etc., should not be given to the dog.

Anything that your dog shouldn't or shouldn't eat, don't throw it into your garden compost pile. A dog running freely around the garden, out of curiosity, may begin to rummage through this pile and eat something that is not suitable for it. At the same time, we lose control over nutrition.

How many times should you feed a dog: norms and meal times

The dog's daily diet should correspond to the energy it expends, breed, and age.

  • Large dogs eat more, but the caloric content of the food may be lower.
  • Puppies and young dogs whose growth has not stopped require food almost three times more than indicated in the given standards.
  • Dogs that have to run a lot or work hard (hunting, sled dogs, etc.), of course, should receive more food than dogs that primarily stay at home. A cleanly licked bowl is an indicator that the amount of food is sufficient.
  • There should be nothing left uneaten in the bowl. If the dog, after eating, looks at you with a pleading look and barks at the same time, the next day the amount of food should be increased slightly.

If the dog begins to gain weight, the amount of food should be reduced. This reduction, however, must be done gradually, but firmly and persistently and for as long as possible until the dog is in proper shape. It is very difficult or even impossible to apply this method to dogs accustomed to receiving various tidbits at the table.

Feeding hours should be observed as accurately as possible. Puppy up three months feed every 4 hours (for example, at 7, 11, 15, 19 hours), a young dog until seven one month old- three times a day (for example, at 8, 14, 18 o'clock), then twice a day, and for an adult dog - once a day.

The dog quickly gets used to this regime and knows it down to the clock. A break of 24 hours between two feedings is most beneficial for proper digestion. One day of complete fasting a week is only good for the dog, and if he fasts a little more, it will not harm him either.

A predatory animal does not get food for itself every day and at times is forced to abstain from it for even longer periods of time. But, having killed an animal, he eats to his fill.

Features of feeding puppies and young dogs

Puppies and young dogs should always be given the best food possible. The more nutritious the food, the more it meets the standards, the better the bones and muscles are strengthened. This is achieved not by quantity, but by the composition of food. The food of a puppy or young dog should consist of raw meat, vegetables, milk and bread.

It is better to grate the puppy meat, fry the bun, and finely chop the vegetables. From six months onwards, a young dog should be given meat in small pieces, and instead of a toasted bun Rye bread. You can feed dog biscuits at the same time.

To prevent milk from curdling in the stomach, it is useful to add a tablespoon of honey to a cup of milk. Milk should be given regularly, but not too much. Feeding a puppy should be accompanied by its upbringing. A young dog always wants to eat tasty food and is not averse to begging. Her nose unmistakably tells her what is happening in the dining room, what is happening in the kitchen, at the table during meals.

If we give in to her even once, we will lose control over the observance of a single diet. Whether we feed the dog correctly can be judged by its feces. With proper nutrition, stool is soft, sausage-shaped, and brown or light brown in color. Hard stool white or light yellow color shows that we are giving the dog too many bones. Almost black feces - too much meat. mushy, shapeless feces- food is not nutritious enough.

What else do you need to know to feed your dog correctly?

When a dog eats, there is no need to disturb it. She should not be stroked or called to you, since in this case her ancient instinct is aroused - to protect her prey. Therefore, it happens that she grumbles even at her owner. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Let the dog continue his lunch calmly. After lunch, the dog should rest quietly for 1 - 2 hours. This is necessary for the body to fully absorb the food taken and is especially important for a young dog.

With increased movement, not all the food eaten is absorbed by the body. The attraction to carrion is not a vice, but only an innate property of a wild animal. If a dog buries a meat-covered bone in the ground and a day later pulls it out again, already smelling and green, he is doing what many predators do, who return to their prey even when it has already significantly decomposed.

Meat that has been stale or has begun to deteriorate is especially easy to digest. Predators are not susceptible to the so-called corpse poison. You should not prevent your dog from burying the remains of his lunch in the ground. This is an ancient instinct that forces the animal to create reserves for itself. In most cases, the dog is not interested in what is buried in the future.

If such instillation occurs regularly, it means that we are overfeeding the dog, and its diet should be reduced. Hunting dogs they should not be allowed to bury food, as they may then bury the shot game instead of bringing it to the owner. They say about such dogs that they become “grave diggers.”

If a dog eats feces it finds, it cannot be punished for it. In most cases, predatory animals first tear the peritoneum of the prey they kill and devour the entrails with all their contents. This content, as well as feces, contain substances that are useful or even necessary for predators. The same applies to our dogs.

There should be a water bowl next to the food bowl, always filled with fresh water. Although the dog takes it with food a large number of liquid, she should be given the opportunity to quench her thirst at will. If adult dog give milk, it also reduces water consumption.

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What to feed a puppy

It was already noted above that the health of the puppy and his normal development largely depend on how balanced his diet is. Your pet's diet must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Proteins come into the dog's body from animal products. The puppy can be fed either boiled or raw meat, however, raw is preferable, as it is much better absorbed and contains more vitamins.

Meat can be given to a puppy from the age of one month, preferably in scraped form (meat is scraped off a thick, lean piece with the edge of a spoon). You can give your pet up to 2 months raw beef and boiled rabbit and chicken meat.

Regular minced meat sticks together in the puppy's stomach into lumps and is poorly digested, since gastric juice affects only the surface of the food.

The daily amount of meat should be divided into 3-4 doses.

By-products (heart, liver, etc.) can be given to a puppy no earlier than he is 4 months old. Liver can only be present in a pet's diet in boiled form, as it may contain germs of worms. The heart, lungs and udder are given raw from 6 months, after being crushed. It is useful to feed brains to a puppy if he has a lipid metabolism. By-products cannot replace meat for your pet, so you can give them no more than 2-3 times a week, increasing the norm in relation to meat by 1.5 times.

From 1.5 to 5 months, you need to give your baby large raw beef bones. The puppy will chew them, although he will not be able to chew them. Later, when baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones, these bones will need to be excluded from the diet, since the dog can chew them, and swallowed fragments can injure the stomach and intestines.

You can give your puppy raw beef bones from time to time.

From 4 months can be introduced into the puppy’s diet sea ​​fish, 1-2 times a week replacing meat with it. A serving of fish should be 1.5 times larger than a serving of meat. It is impossible to give fish more often, since an increase in the concentration of substances contained in fish in the dog’s body leads to the destruction of B vitamins, and this is fraught with growth retardation, the appearance of dandruff and indigestion. You can give your puppy raw or cooked fish fillets.

Feed the pet river fish It is possible only by first boiling it, since it often contains worm larvae.

Raw eggs are poorly digestible by the dog’s body, and raw protein even causes the destruction of biotin (vitamin H), which can lead to skin diseases. Raw yolk can be given with milk, and egg white need to be boiled and chopped. Eggs are also easily digestible by the puppy in the form of a milk omelet. Your pet needs cottage cheese in its diet, which is a source of well-absorbed calcium. Cottage cheese prepared at home is better suited for feeding a puppy.

1st method. Mix kefir and milk in a 1:1 ratio, let the mixture sour, put it on cheesecloth and strain off the whey, which the puppy can drink.

2nd method. To prepare calcined cottage cheese, you need to add 3-4 tbsp to 1 liter of hot milk. spoons of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, and then strain the mixture through cheesecloth. This kind of cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, so it is prepared immediately before feeding the puppy.

Whole cow or goat milk is an essential component in a puppy’s diet. Milk should be given unboiled, and part of the milk should be used for preparing porridge. Dairy products should be fed to your pet daily.

Fats of various origins(animal, vegetable, dairy) must be present in the dog’s food.

When preparing lean food for your pet, add butter or beef fat.

Milk fats and vegetable oils contain essential vitamins and fatty acid, promoting the growth of a healthy puppy and increasing its immunity to various infections.

If your pet's diet lacks fat, this will have a negative impact on the condition of its skin and coat. Excess fat is also harmful because it leads to intestinal dysfunction and general lethargy of the body.

Carbohydrates can sometimes replace fats in a dog's diet. Sugar, starch, and vegetable fiber are sources of carbohydrates that provide large percentage energy for a growing puppy and stimulates intestinal function.

Feed plant origin– cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina, barley), flour products (rye and wheat bread, crackers) and vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets) – must be included in the puppy’s food, as they are main source of carbohydrates.

Porridge must be included in the puppy’s diet.

From 1.5 months, the baby can be given rye bread soaked in low-fat bone broth. White bread It is acceptable only in the form of crackers, since in a fresh state it complicates digestion.

You can give your puppy any kind of porridge, the only exception being semolina, since dogs digest it differently. After observing your pet, you can decide whether to feed him this porridge. Up to 2 months, the baby should be given liquid porridge made from cereal ground with a coffee grinder.

Whole “Hercules” can be used for cooking porridge only when the puppy is six months old. This porridge should not be fed to the dog too often, as it can cause inflammation of the anal glands.

Very useful for little puppy vitamin flour, which is preferably added to food. It is prepared as follows: wheat or oats should be spread between two layers of gauze and moistened with water at room temperature until the sprouts hatch. The sprouted grain needs to be ground. The puppy's body does not digest legumes well, so it is better to exclude peas, lentils and beans from his diet. You can sometimes add ground soybeans to your baby's food, as it is a light and very nutritious product.

Puppies can eat almost all vegetables and fruits. It is useful for them to give pureed carrots and apples with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Berries that the pet likes are fed after removing the seeds.

Both puppies and adult dogs need tomatoes, especially in winter. Tomato improves coat color and cleanses the dog's teeth of plaque and stones. Periodically you should give your pet a crushed clove of garlic, which is an excellent prophylactic from worms, and in winter - valuable source vitamins

Vegetables can be fed to your puppy either raw or cooked, with the exception of potatoes, which are best given only raw as a treat. Hulled pumpkin seeds are also good anthelmintic, and boiled pumpkin and beets should be added to the porridge.

Herbs, both cultivated and wild, will become a good vitamin supplement for your baby in early spring. Small amounts of chopped parsley, spinach, green onions, lettuce, radish tops, dandelion leaves or nettles can be added to the food.

Mineral supplements are needed daily for your puppy and should be added to their food 2-3 times a day. To improve the structure of the coat, the baby should be given pharmaceutical sulfur on the tip of a knife along with the meat. Raw seaweed has a positive effect on your pet’s color and also contains iodine and many trace elements. This supplement also stimulates the dog's intestines. Crushed eggshellgood source calcium, which strengthens the bones and cartilage of a small puppy. From 1.5 months it should be introduced into the food, starting with 0.5 teaspoons per day and gradually increasing the amount to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day by 4 months.

A good feed is meat and bone meal made from discarded carcasses and offal. It should be added to the puppy’s soup 2 times a week. The older pet is given bone meal in a separate bowl so that he can eat it whenever he wants.

Water for a puppy must meet the same requirements as for humans: it must be clean and fresh. It is necessary to boil water only if it has to be taken from questionable sources. When taking your dog out into the countryside or on a long hike, you need to make sure that you have enough supplies. drinking water it was enough for her.

From 2 months of age, puppies can be fed mushy soups. This food should be prepared as follows: meat broth soup is made from vegetables and 2-3 types of cereals. Then the vegetables are kneaded and finely chopped or minced greens (1 teaspoon per serving) are added to the cooled soup, which are first washed or doused with boiling water. Boiled meat is also finely crumbled into the soup. The serving size is determined depending on the breed of the puppy and gradually increases as it grows.

The water in your puppy's bowl should always be clean and fresh.

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What should you feed your puppy so that he feels good, is active, and develops properly? This question arises from the first day when a pet appears in the house. Exist different variants rations, but they are all compiled taking into account age characteristics animal.

Which diet option to choose

A puppy, like an adult dog, can eat ready-made food or natural food. Each option has its pros and cons.

Diet option



Natural nutrition

  • You know exactly what kind of meat the puppy gets. This is especially important if you have allergies.
  • You are always confident in the freshness and quality of food.
  • You can choose the piece you like for your pet, while the base ready-made feed often constitute by-products of the meat industry.
  • You can give the meat raw, mix it with cereals or vegetables, cook it, that is, cook it according to your pet’s preferences.
  • Natural products spoil quickly.
  • Preparing food for your puppy takes time.
  • IN raw foods may be pathogens.
  • Special knowledge is required to create a balanced diet.
  • Difficult to pick proper nutrition if the dog has certain diseases.

Ready-made feed

  • You open the package and pour in the food instead of wasting time preparing food.
  • The composition of the finished product is already balanced; there is no need to select a diet.
  • Dry food is stored for a long time and can be purchased for future use.
  • A large selection of flavors and compositions allows you to find an option for almost any animal.
  • If your puppy has diseases, you can choose a special food with the optimal composition.
  • Super premium food is quite expensive.
  • When purchasing a finished product, there is no way to accurately control the quality of the food.
  • It is important to follow the puppy's feeding standards to prevent overeating. The animal may have a desire to eat more than it needs.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the composition if the puppy is allergic to certain products.
  • If the animal does not drink enough, dry food can lead to the development of certain diseases.

How to feed your puppy natural foods

From 3 weeks

Enzymes that break down meat protein appear in puppies from about the 18th day of life. From 3 weeks of age, small portions of meat can be introduced as complementary foods. Raw lean beef in the form of minced meat is suitable for this. In addition to meat, you can add homemade cottage cheese and baby kefir to your diet. But whole milk can cause stool upset in an animal. How much should I feed my puppy? At this age, babies feed every 3–4 hours (5–6 times a day).

From 1.5–2 months

From this age, chopped vegetables are introduced into the diet in small quantities. Sometimes as an additional source vegetable fiber you can give oat, wheat or rye bran. From 2 months, poultry and offal are added to the diet. You can sometimes give your puppy raw or boiled eggs. To massage growing teeth, you can add soft cartilage to your diet. They should be large enough for your baby to chew on rather than swallow them whole. Pay attention to one of the most important rules feeding the puppy. Bones, especially tubular ones, should not be included in the diet of babies. If the puppy is average or large breed If you want to chew on something, you can give him a sugar bone without splinters or a pressed bone from veins, which are sold in pet stores. From 2 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 3-4 per day.

From 4–5 months

From this age, the dog can be given occasionally boiled fish. Before feeding the puppy, it should be cleaned of bones. It is advisable to choose sea fish. At 4–5 months, the diet is no longer much different from that of an adult dog. How much to feed your puppy per day depends on the age and breed. Closer to six months, the number of feedings is usually reduced to twice a day.

Since it is difficult to determine the exact balance of bioactive substances with natural nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplements should be added to the feed.

How to feed a puppy with ready-made food

From 3 weeks

Feeding a small puppy begins with wet food. It is soft and easy to swallow, so your baby will not damage his gums with prolonged chewing. Wet food less calorie than dry, and quickly causes a feeling of fullness. Therefore, the puppy will eat it often and little by little, which corresponds to age requirements.

From 1 month

From the moment the puppy cuts its first teeth, you can offer dry food. At this age, the gums are still tender, so it is recommended to select a product with a texture suitable for chewing by baby teeth. Dry food can be mixed with wet food first or moistened with warm water.

From 9–10 weeks

From this age, puppies of any breed can be completely switched to dry food. It is important to ensure that your dog always has access to fresh and pure water. When feeding dry food, it is necessary that the puppy does not lack fluid.

Is it possible to combine dry and wet food?

You can feed your puppy both dry and wet food. This allows you to combine the benefits of each type of food and diversify your diet. Puppies that are fed foods of different textures often grow up to be picky eaters. When combined different types It is recommended to choose products of the same brand.

  • In the first days, the puppy should be given the food recommended by the breeder.
  • Translation to new food should be gradual. So, on the first day they give 90% of the usual food and 10% of the new one, on the next day - 80 and 20%, etc.
  • If you plan to feed the puppy natural food, as the animal grows, you need to gradually increase the portion size and reduce the number of feedings.
  • Perishable foods should not be left in the animal's bowl for later.

What not to feed a puppy

A puppy of any age, like an adult dog, should not be given very hot or, conversely, cold food. There is also a list of foods that should not be in an animal’s diet. Here's what you shouldn't feed your puppy:

  • sausages, sausages, semi-finished meat products;
  • sugar and sweets, chocolate is especially prohibited;
  • bakery products, baking;
  • legumes, cabbage, grapes and other vegetables and fruits that cause fermentation;
  • spices, herbs and any products containing them;
  • salted fish, over-salted meat;
  • fried and smoked products;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • fast food (crackers, chips, etc.).

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