Preparations from maclura. Maclura tincture: use in “shock” doses

Applications, recipes and properties of medicinal maclura (Adam's apple).

Adam's apple- Maclura- this is a real storehouse for the body healing properties. Maclura It is used quite widely and mainly in folk medicine.

Macluroy is being treated oncological diseases, various viruses, wounds, and nerves.

Properties of this medicinal plant exotic with a name Adam's apple, or Maclure's apple have been studied seriously to this day by specialists ranging from medicine. And they all agree that the main value of this fruit is the flavonoid compounds contained in it. Flavonoids, in turn, natural antioxidants are considered to have a fairly wide spectrum of action. The most important advantage of this plant is its ability to have pronounced effects. provide antitumor and antisclerotic effects.

Maclura. Benefit and harm. Video

How to apply maclura in home treatment?

INDICATIONS FOR USE OF ADAM'S APPLE (MACLURA). Berry - fruit of maclura It is a spherical round fruit of green color with rough skin and orange pulp. It is used for quite a few diseases in folk medicine: polyarthritis, radiculitis, eczema, mastopathy and oncological diseases.

Besides, Maclura tincture has an immune-stimulating effect and successfully fights against viruses, relieves intoxication, strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system, has an analgesic, regenerating and calming effect, and also heals wounds.

Where to buy maclura tincture? In pharmacies or prepare it yourself.

MACLURE FOR TONSILLITIS. For making tincture fresh maclura fruits necessary. 250 gr. Maclura fruits cut ones must be diluted with 250 grams of alcohol. The pulp of the fruit quickly oxidizes in the air, and the berries must be cut very carefully, keeping them closed and immediately dipped into alcohol. Infuse the liquid in a tightly closed container for 21 days. When taking the medicine, you need to add three drops of this to one tablespoon of water. tinctures. Use the tincture every seven days, one tablespoon. per day, in the second week a couple of tbsp. spoons, and in the third week - three tablespoons, respectively. medicines. In the fourth week, again a couple of tablespoons of tbsp. for the fifth - one tablespoon tbsp. This will complete the course of treatment. You can repeat the course after seven months.

Sore spots should be rubbed three times a day, and then insulated for ten minutes. For osteochondrosis or radiculitis pour tinctures some amount to the sore spot and rub it in until it becomes warm and slightly red, and then you need to wrap yourself up. It is recommended to do this at night.

Treatment with maclura ointment. When nasal diseases -, sinusitis- bury the heated ointment in the nose in the morning and evening for 21 days.

For purulent diseases, boils, wrinkles, boils, - rub the ointment into the sore areas at night.

For mastopathy from macluraointment apply at night, applying to or burdock. Place a piece of cotton fabric on top and wrap it with a scarf. Recommended course of treatment: 60 - 90 days.

Ointment must be warmed up before use.

Ointment preparation from maclura without cake.

Ointment prepared from maclura is used for lupus, diseases of the lymph nodes (including cancer).


RECIPE FOR MACLURA OINTMENT. To prepare the ointment necessary fresh pork lard o take it and melt it into lard. Ready lard Place in a one and a half cm layer on the bottom of the container. Place slices on top chopped maclura fruits one and a half cm thick. Then lay another layer lard one and then a layer of fruit. And so lay until the entire container is filled. Place on top, on the last layer lard. Seal the container with dough and put it in the oven or in a water bath for a day. Important! It shouldn't boil! The contents must be strained into another container, so that there is no air on top. The container must be closed tightly. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Pass the pulp through a meat grinder and place in the freezer for storage. You can lubricate them bones on the legs, for burns, wounds, and are inserted into the rectum for rectal cancer and hemorrhoids.

Need to do lotions for mastopathy, wetting the folded bandage three times and applying it to the chest (without applying a compress).

MACLURA TINCTURES. INTERNAL APPLICATION. Take internally at sight various diseases oncological Tincture you need to drink according to the following scheme:

In the initial first week - 1 time per day, a few drops per half tbsp. water before meals twenty minutes;

In the second week - a couple of times a day - do the same;

In the third week - three times a day - do the same;

In the fourth week and all subsequent weeks - add one drop at a time and drink three times in one day;

The intake should be increased to seven drops three times a day, and then reduced by one drop three times a day.

Use only 3 courses of this treatment with a break of thirty days.

Making tincture from maclura for medicinal purposes. In production tincture based on alcohol from fresh maclura fruits at 70 gr. alcohol, in a ratio: one to one. Infuse for a period of thirty days to a year in a dark place.

To use the internal tincture, this is how it is done. Whole clean fruits(no need to cut) place in a saucepan and pour vodka So, so that the vodka covers all the fruits. Cover the pan and seal the edges with tape. Place a date sticker on the pan.

Infuse the tincture up to a year. The tincture can be stored for up to ten years.

Be healthy!

Maclura, maclura treatment. Video

Adam's apple. Be careful, it's poisonous!

I heard about this miracle in the program “Tablet”. I decided to make this tincture for my son’s back. They said that you can use it after 2 weeks of infusion. But it’s best to insist for at least six months.



Orange or apple-bearing maclura (lat. Maclura pomifera) is a species of fruit trees of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Folk names Maclures - Adam's apple, false orange, Chinese orange, god tree.
Deciduous, dioecious tree, up to 20 m tall, with a highly branched, dense, spreading crown. With a slender trunk covered with dark brown, fissured bark.
Maclura orange

The branches are geniculate-curved, the shoots are strongly spiny (have a spineless shape, inermis), spines up to 2.5 cm long are located in the axils of the leaves. Leaves are 12 x 7.5 cm, alternate, ovate, with a sharp apex, entire, dark green, shiny, lighter on the underside. In autumn the leaves turn golden yellow.

Maclura orange

The flowers are small, light green: staminate - collected in earrings, pistillate - in compact spherical heads.
Maclura orange

It is spectacular during the fruiting period, when large, up to 15 cm in diameter, wrinkled orange or yellow-green fruit, resembling an orange in shape and color, abundantly decorate the tree. The collected fruits have a long shelf life (about six months). Grows quickly.

Maclura orange

The tree comes from North America, from the mulberry (mulberry) family. The fruits are wrinkled, orange-shaped, 7-15 cm in diameter, light green in color, ripen in October. Introduced plantings are found in the south of Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia.
The tree is light-loving, drought-resistant and heat-resistant. Scientists have identified 12 types of maclura, none of them are edible, but the plant is used quite often as a medicine.

Maclura orange

IN official medicine the tree has not been studied enough, but is mentioned as a source of valuable useful substances. When cut with a knife, a sticky liquid is released - this is a milky sap with which all parts of the plant are literally saturated. Maclura milky juice contains many cyclic triterpene alcohols in the form of esters fatty acids. To this class biologically active substances, widespread in flora, include sterols, bile acids, saponins. The total content of triterpenoids in maclura infructescences during the period of milky ripeness reaches 4%. The chemical composition of the fruit is very diverse, but there are many similar substances as in mulberry. However, the fruits of maclura are inedible.
Maclura orange

There is a lot of sugar in the fruits, pectin substances up to 10%, in the leaves almost 13% citric acid. Seeds - small nuts located inside the fruit, contain almost 30% fatty acids. But most valuable substances Maclures can be considered flavonoid compounds. This group of substances is similar in structure to P-vitamin. In fact, these are powerful antioxidants that have anti-sclerotic and anti-carcinogenic properties, which are so needed modern people. IN the greatest number flavonols contain kaempferol - up to 1.2%. It is these substances that have a yellow-orange (orange) color. IN large quantities(about 6%) also contain isomeric flavonoid compounds - isoflavones. Of them most of accounts for the share of osain. Like many polyphenols with P-vitamin activity, they strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. Moreover, osain is much more effective than the well-known rutin. It is not surprising that a flavonoid preparation isolated from maclura fruits can be widely used as an effective cardiovascular drug. Unfortunately, there are still no enthusiasts to create, test and organize the production of maclura preparations.
I would like to draw attention to polyphenolic substances, which are last years are increasingly considered not only as anti-sclerotic, but also anti-carcinogenic. The class of these substances is very diverse, but among them there are also those that are tens and hundreds of times higher than the activity of vitamin P (rutin), vitamins E and C, that is, powerful antioxidants. Many antioxidants also have good preventive anti-cancer properties. However, many researchers believe that among these substances it is possible to find and isolate particularly active substances that would have not only preventive, but also therapeutic properties for cancer.
Use in folk medicine

Maclura orange

Maclura slowly but surely resolves various neoplasms, including malignant ones. Maclura is usually taken in the form of an alcohol tincture for a long time, usually about a year or more. Only like this long-term use allows you to completely get rid of any tumors, including metastases. At the same time, they conduct body cleansing courses, therapeutic fasting on juices according to R. Breuss, or better yet, a therapeutic raw food diet.

Maclura can not only counteract the growth of tumors, but also strengthen the immune system along with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, relieve fatigue, kill dangerous viruses. Its milky juice is used to treat various skin diseases such as eczema, skin cancer, dermatitis, as well as in the treatment of hypertension, radiculitis, rheumatism and polyarthritis.
Maclura orange

Preparation of Maclura tincture.

To prepare the tincture, the fruits are picked from the trees in October-November. The fruits should be yellow.

It is necessary to insist for at least six months. Medicinal tincture becomes full-fledged after it acquires the color of rich black tea. The shelf life of the healing properties of maclure tincture is at least 5 years. The preparation of the tincture itself is not a quick process. Maclura fruits should be cut into slices and placed in a jar to the very edge, filled with 50° alcohol. Insist for six months to a year. You can start taking the tincture 6-10 days after the maclura is filled with alcohol. It will turn out to be slightly orange or tea-colored. The bottled tincture should be stored so that there is no air in it to avoid oxidation.

After draining the liquid part from the container, do not throw away the fruit! It is ground through a meat grinder and beaten with a mixer with olive oil. Add just enough oil to make a thick ointment. The ointment is applied to the skin for pain in the joints, spine, gout, osteoporosis, arthrosis, rheumatism, various neoplasms on the skin and fungi.
Application of Maclura tincture

Maclura tincture is used externally in the treatment of the following diseases: Polyarthritis, gout, salt deposits, radiculitis, spurs - rub in at night, insulate sore spot woolen scarf. Osteochondrosis, vertebral, inguinal, articular and other types of hernias - rub the tincture 2-3 times a day, do this at night, then wrap yourself in a woolen scarf.

Mastopathy - tincture is used for lotions and compresses.

Maclura tincture is taken orally for cancer prostate gland, lungs, throat, lips, for other tumors. For bone cancer, blood cancer, and joint diseases, it is better to take maclura tincture together with comfrey tincture (larkspur). Maclura tincture is considered strong remedy for resorption of both malignant and benign tumors(mastopathy, fibroids, fibroids, etc.). Take maclura tincture orally when malignant tumors for a long time, and for benign ones - for 3 months (sometimes more). Her reception at complex treatment will help get rid of the tumor, including metastases. It is necessary to conduct body cleansing courses. The tincture strengthens the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular system, relieves intoxication, kills viruses.
During treatment with tincture, you should avoid taking poisonous tinctures, alcoholic beverages and antibiotics. The result of maclura treatment will be enhanced if you combine it with decoctions, antitumor tinctures, herbal teas and vegetable juices (carrot, beetroot, cabbage).

It must be remembered that maclura is poisonous plant. That's why when we're talking about As for oral use, we can only talk about drops. The highest dose is 30 drops, and you need to go back down (slide). But it is better, if you are not very sure, not to take it internally, but only externally.
And when you take it orally, it acts as an immunostimulant. Those. raises defenses.

Maclure tincture is taken daily without breaks. If there is a break in taking drops, then you need to go back to at least 7 drops and go up again, then back. But, if someone has allergic reactions, then you need to stop and immediately go back. Those. here you need accuracy and caution, and always minimal doses.

To be treated with maclura, you need to have a fair amount of patience: its alcohol tincture is taken daily for a long time, about a year or more. They say that such long-term use completely eliminates any tumors, as well as their metastases.

In folk medicine, Adam's apple tincture is used to heal wounds. The use of tincture from maclura is also known for joint diseases. Externally, you can use the tincture as compresses at night for mastopathy and prostate adenoma (on the perineal area).
For polyps in the sinuses, mix 1 teaspoon of tincture with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Make turundas from cotton wool, moisten them in the resulting mixture and put them in your nose for half an hour, take a break for 2 hours and repeat again. Carry out treatment until polyps are eliminated.
External use of maclura tincture

Externally, maclura tincture should be used in the form of rubbing and compresses. If you have a cold, rub your chest and shoulder blades. For radiculitis, osteochondrosis and rheumatism, rub and apply lotions for 10-15 minutes. Pour a little tincture onto your back and rub until warm. After this, wrap your back for 15-20 minutes. It’s better to do it at night (be sure to wash your hands). The course of treatment is 1-2 months, 2 times a year. At the same time, it is recommended to drink 2 drops of maclura tincture. for 1 tsp. water once a day before meals. Course 30 days.
For vertebral, inguinal, articular and other types of hernias, rub the tincture 3 times a day, without pressing too hard. Also wrap yourself up for 5-10 minutes. During the treatment period, alcoholic drinks, antibiotics and poisonous tinctures are prohibited!
Internal use maclura tinctures

Maclura tincture taken internally is used to treat neoplasms. The tincture is used by increasing the dose. The first week starts with 3 drops at a time, 1 time per day before meals. Second week - 2 times a day. Third week - 3 times a day. Then every week increase in one dose by 1 drop. Usually, by week 30, the dose is increased to 30 drops per dose, 3 times a day. This is the maximum dose for people 30 years of age and older. For younger people, the maximum number of drops is equal to age.
Then the dose is reduced every week by 1 drop at a time. Thus, go down to 3 drops 3 times a day. This full course= 1 year and 2 months. After this, take a break for up to 1-2 months. If everything goes well, then go to prophylactic appointment. If the tumor has not yet completely resolved, then after 1-2 weeks, start a second course. But usually the course is enough.

Maclura treatment can be combined with any other treatment. When treating joints (deposits, arthritis, arthrosis, ruptures), first (about a month) treat the leg or other organ with walnut extract on kerosene, freeing it as much as possible from old deposits, then apply Maclura tincture externally. Let it work for about a month, rub it in often and keep it warm, especially at night (loose bandage). Blood should circulate freely in this place! After treatment with Maclura, take a break for one week and continue treatment with kerosene extract.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus.
Maclura ointment

Maclura ointment is effective in the treatment of lymph nodes, mastopathy, erysipelas, intervertebral hernias, lupus, skin and rectal cancer. An ointment is made from ripe yellow-orange maclura fruits. 1. They are crushed, mixed with fresh internal pork fat (5:1) and simmered in the oven over low heat for 1-2 days (the pot is “sealed” with dough) or kept in a steam bath over low heat for 2 days.
2. Take a fireproof glass dish and put melted butter, in a layer of about a centimeter. And carefully place a layer of maclure here. We start with oil and end with a layer of oil - two layers of maclura, three layers of oil. Place in the oven overnight on the lowest heat. It all should melt and become soft. We do this for sore joints. We put these melted pieces of maclura on the gauze, take out the bones, and put the ointment on top. And this is for the sore joint.
For mastopathy and fibromastopathy, it is better to apply the ointment at night on a cabbage or burdock leaf. Dip a cabbage leaf into boiling water 2-3 times and remove. Beat a little to release the juice, spread thin layer macular ointment and apply to the chest. Place a piece of cotton fabric on top and secure tightly with a scarf, woolen or down scarf. In a week or two they may go purulent discharge with blood - it shouldn't be scary.

Treatment is carried out for 2-3 months. When treating mastopathy and fibromastopathy, you should drink one of the following tinctures: alocasia, black walnut, chaste vitex, agrimony roots, you also need to take herbal infusions, but their preparations are better (oregano, sage, rose hips, St. John's wort, aniseed lofanthus, calendula, white acacia) .

Also cabbage leaf with maclura is applied to swollen lymph nodes, resorption occurs quite quickly. Do this until healing.

For rectal cancer, candles 2 cm long and 1 cm thick are made from the ointment, cooling the ointment in the refrigerator. Candles are placed at night every other day for 1-2 months.

For intervertebral hernia, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the tissue and applied to the hernia site overnight or for 4-5 hours. Place parchment paper on top, then a woolen scarf or handkerchief. Do this procedure every other day for 2-3 months.

Rub the ointment in front of everyone purulent diseases, boils, boils, abscesses - it acts as an antibiotic. The ointment is also rubbed in, but with the addition of vitamin A and fish oil, into the spine when the vertebrae wear out and disc hernias. Rub this ointment with vitamin A and fish oil on the chest and back for metastases in the lungs, necrosis and tumors.

Maclura ointment is very effective in the treatment of skin cancer, lupus, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, long-lasting wounds. It should be applied to the sore spot. The ointment does not irritate wounds.
Maclura oil

Place maclura fruits, cut into strips, in a jar and pour in vegetable oil. After a week, drain the oil and squeeze out the remainder vigorously. The cake can be filled with alcohol (1:1) and left for another week. Use for nasal polyps and adenomas. Turunda with maclura oil is placed in the nose.

This oil can be used for eczema, dermatitis and lichen, as well as some types of psoriasis. At the same time, you can add calendula and chamomile flowers, birch leaves and St. John's wort to the oil for infusion.

For rectal cancer or fissures, you must first do a cleansing enema, and then a microenema from the maclura, for which 1 tbsp. Infuse a spoonful of maclura in a thermos in 1 cup of boiling water for about 12 hours.

Do enemas for two and a half months, then take a break.

We must remember: during treatment with maclura, antibiotics, alcoholic drinks and poisonous tinctures are prohibited!
Maclura - oncology treatment

Maclura - Adam's apple, has an excellent ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For this purpose, you need to prepare a tincture that can be used both externally and internally. For one Adam's apple, take half a liter of vodka. Place the whole maklura fruit in a glass jar, without cutting it, and fill it with vodka. Close the jar with a tight lid and leave for two months until the fruit is completely soaked. Of course, you can reduce the infusion time of the plant to two weeks by cutting it into pieces, but then the Adam's apple will oxidize and the tincture will be less effective. For cancer internal organs The tincture is taken starting with 2 drops 3 times a day before meals. Daily adding 2 drops of tincture per day, bring the dose of medication to 30 drops at a time. Before taking, the tincture should be diluted with water: up to 10 drops - 1 tablespoon, up to 20 drops - two spoons, up to 30 drops - diluted with 50 ml of water. Having reached 30 drops, we reduce the dosage per reverse order, every day reducing 2 drops of medicine. We bring the norm to two drops per dose. Afterwards you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again. Continue treatment for at least six months. In particular advanced cases, start taking maclura tincture with 3 drops, adding 3 drops every day, and increase the intake of the mixture to 40 drops at a time. Then reduce the dosage in the reverse order.

In case of problems with the ovaries and uterus, take the tincture 2-3 drops per tablespoon of water 4-5 times a day for a month. After a week's break, repeat the course.

You can also prepare an ointment from maclura, which is effective in treating inflamed lymph nodes, sprained muscles and joints, and osteochondrosis. To do this, mix the finished tincture with melted pork fat at the rate of 0.5 liters. tinctures 1 kg of interior fat. Stir the mixture well, place in a glass or enamel bowl, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator. Before use, keep for some time at room temperature so that the ointment softens slightly. The ointment can be applied as applications to the affected area, applying a small amount to the tissue. You can use the ointment as a rub on the damaged area. After rubbing the ointment, the patient should be covered with a warm blanket.

However, it should be remembered that the maclura plant is poisonous and should be used with caution. If symptoms of poisoning appear: shortness of breath, nausea, weakness, dizziness, treatment with this drug should be discontinued.

I would also like to emphasize that there is not much experience in using the Adam’s apple in medicine, as well as proven folk recipes using this fruit. So, for example, I think the advice to instill oil infused with Adam’s apple into the ear should be treated with greater caution. Pregnant women and nursing mothers with pathological stagnation of milk in the mammary glands are strictly prohibited from using this drug neither internally nor externally. Do not self-medicate, always consult a doctor and use proven folk recipes.
Be healthy.


Information from here.

Maclura (Adam's apple) is an unusual, interesting fruit, which is credited with multiple beneficial properties. And first of all, this poisonous plant fights very effectively various kinds neoplasms, including malignant ones. Therefore, many are interested in preparing maclura tincture.

Useful properties of the plant

This tree can reach a height of up to 20 m. Its branches are curved and its shoots have numerous spines. The tree is most impressive during fruiting, when orange wrinkled fruits appear on it, resembling oranges in appearance. Fruits collected from a tree that have the most valuable qualities, can be stored for up to 6 months. At their core, they are the strongest antioxidants, which in addition have anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effects.

The fruits also contain isoflavones, which have a positive effect on blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening them. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used as an effective cardiovascular remedy.

Indications and contraindications for use

Alcohol tincture and maclura-based ointments can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • radiculitis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • gout,
  • mastopathy,
  • polyarthritis,
  • eczema, dermatitis,
  • spurs on the heels,
  • hernia,
  • oncological diseases.

If you take the drug orally, you can:

  1. Strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. Get rid of viruses.
  4. Stimulate the immune system.

Maclura products are also credited with soothing, analgesic, and wound-healing properties.

Since the plant itself and its fruits are poisonous and have a strong effect on the liver, you need to know how to take medications from it.

Those who suffer from liver disorders should, at the same time as taking the drug for joints or for other reasons, take drugs that help cleanse the liver. It is impossible to treat maclura with drugs for those who are sick diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating women. Well, those who use maclura tincture should stop taking it for this time alcoholic drinks, antibiotics, as well as tinctures from poisonous plants.

Cooking at home

Preparations from maclura can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also made independently at home. And for this, of course, you need to follow the proposed recipe exactly.

The raw materials for the tincture are fruits that are removed from the tree between October and November. At the time of removal they have a yellowish tint. Prepare a tincture based on 90% alcohol (or vodka) in a 1:1 ratio.

The fruits are cut into slices and placed in a jar, after which they are poured with alcohol so that the liquid completely covers them. The infusion process of the solution lasts 0.5–1 year, but you can start taking the drug after 7–10 days. Throughout the infusion time, the maclure gradually changes color. At first it has an orange, tea-like hue, but gradually the color becomes more saturated, approaching the shade of black tea. When the tincture is ready, it can be bottled and tightly closed to prevent the oxidation process.

Used Adam's apple fruits are never thrown away, but are used to prepare an ointment. First, the slices are ground in a meat grinder, after which they are added olive oil and beat with a mixer. The result should be a thick ointment. It can be used to treat joints, fungal diseases, neoplasms of various nature, for arthrosis, gout, and a number of other diseases.

Internal use

Maclura tincture is used to treat neoplasms, using the method of increasing doses:

  • 1 week – 3 drops before meals (1 time per day);
  • Week 2 – 3 drops before meals (2 times);
  • Week 3 – 3 drops before meals (3 times);
  • in subsequent weeks, increase the number of drops per dose, bringing it to 30.

After taking the peak dosage, it begins to gradually decrease, going down to 3 drops (3 times a day). The full course of treatment usually takes 1.2 years, after which a two-month break is taken. If the tumor has not completely resolved, then the course is repeated again.

External use

According to reviews, the tincture also works great when used externally (compresses, rubbing, lotions). The prepared tincture of maclura is used to treat osteochondrosis, radiculitis, colds. To do this, a small amount of the solution is poured onto the back, after which it is rubbed intensively until warmth appears. To warm up, wrap your back for 15–20 minutes. The best thing this procedure perform in the evening, before bed. After use, wash your hands thoroughly or use special gloves for rubbing. It is also recommended to drink the tincture once a day, 2 drops (before meals) for 1 month.

and called bad conditions residence, hard physical labor, lack of nutrients in the body. And the elderly were susceptible to them. But today even young people involved in sports and leading are not immune from such diseases. active image life. Unfortunately, the destruction of joints, bone and cartilage tissue cannot be stopped, but a large number of medicines, among which - . One of these effective ways Treatment is considered to be a tincture of maclura fruits.

Maclura, lady's tree and false orange

Tinctures and ointments from Adam's apple have been used since ancient times in folk recipes for the treatment of liver, spleen, nervous system, diseases of bones and joints: arthrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, gout.

Beneficial features Maclures successfully used in folk medicine:

  • relieves inflammation in all types of joint diseases;
  • destroys viral infections;
  • stimulates the liver and cardiovascular system;
  • tones the body;
  • prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • increases immunity.

Due to its lack of knowledge, treatment with this plant is not used in modern medicine. It should be used carefully and only externally. Adam's apple is contraindicated for people with allergic diseases, diabetes and pregnancy.

Types of tinctures

Healing tinctures, oils and oils are prepared from the Adam's apple, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently. For these purposes, only ripe fruits with intact peel are used.


To prepare, you need half a kilogram of fruit, 50% alcohol or vodka without artificial colors and additives, and a liter jar. Heat the jar in the oven for two minutes. Cut the fruit into small pieces and place in a jar. Fill to the top with alcohol, making sure there are no small bubbles left. Close the lid tightly and leave for 2-3 weeks. After the expiration date, use it as a compress: moisten a gauze cloth, wrap it in a scarf, and leave for 20-30 minutes. Rub on sore joints twice a week for 7-14 days. Shake well before use.

Ointment for rubbing joints

You will need an Adam's apple and pork fat. If you don't have it, you can use vegetable oil, mixed with beeswax. Cut the fruit into small pieces, mix with fat (5:1) and place in an airtight container. It needs to be covered with dough on top. Melt the mixture in a water bath or in the oven. Transfer the resulting mixture to another jar. Keep in the refrigerator. Use every other day, as an ointment or compress, for 1.5-2 months. Warm up before use.

Maclura not only treats diseased joints, but is also useful for various other pathologies:

  1. If you have problems with the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures), make an Adam's apple from the chilled ointment rectal suppositories and insert it every night.
  2. To treat mastopathy, take a cabbage or plantain leaf, beat it, scald it with boiling water, apply ointment to it and apply it to your chest (preferably overnight).
  3. For nasal congestion (sinusitis, sinusitis), bring the ointment to a liquid state. Apply 2-3 drops twice a day. This treatment will help remove pus and mucus from your sinuses. The course is 20 days, then a break of 7-10 days.
  4. Fish oil in the ointment will help speed up the treatment of osteochondrosis, cervical hernia or arthritis and prevent the destruction of intervertebral discs.

Adam's apple oil

Place pieces of fruit in a jar. Fill completely with oil (olive, orange or jojoba). Leave for two months in a dark place. Use for massage, rubbing damaged joints.

Tincture for internal use

There are several options for preparing tinctures to improve joint function and treat pathologies.

  1. A tincture is prepared, just like a compress. Fill the Adam's apple, grated or grinded, with a 50% alcohol solution and place in a dark, warm room for two weeks.
  2. For this recipe you need at least 8-10 fruits. Without chopping, cut the maclura, put it in a jar and fill it with vodka. In this case, the volume of the fruit should be equal to the volume of liquid. You can use the tincture after two months. By this time all of it will begin to appear. medicinal properties. And if time permits, it is better to leave it for six months.
  3. Finely grind the fruit. Fill with a bottle of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then separate the thick part and use the remaining liquid for treatment.

To prepare tinctures, take only ripe fruits collected in October-November.

The infused tincture will have the color of strong black tea. Also try to prevent the solution from oxidizing - screw the lid of the jar tightly. Used fruits also heal well - they can be twisted and applied to sore spots.

How to take the tincture

For radiculitis, arthrosis,

To enhance the effect, you can take maclura orally, but this must be done very carefully and only after consulting a doctor, since the fruit of the Chinese orange is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

The course of treatment lasts 1 month, frequency - 2 times a year. The tincture is drunk 15 minutes before meals according to the following scheme:

  1. 1 week – 3 drops once a day.
  2. Week 2 – 3 drops twice a day.
  3. Week 3 – 3 drops 3 times a day.

Then every week you should increase the intake of tincture by 1 drop until it is equal to your age. If you are 25 years old, the maximum number of drops should be 25. This rule applies up to 30 drops. You cannot use more than this norm. After a week of maximum dosage, reduce the number of drops in the reverse order.

Taking the tincture orally has beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system, treats sore joints. However, despite its effectiveness, maclura fruits cannot replace a full-fledged drug treatment. Also, before use, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the plant has a number of contraindications and side effects.

The healing gifts of nature are perceived by man as a blessing sent from heaven. “God’s tree” has long been called a representative of the mulberry family, with a spreading crown and a long trunk. The well-known name for its spherical, green or yellowish fruits is Adam's apples.

The medicinal properties of the plant were known in times Ancient East. The fruits could heal, but if used carelessly, they caused vomiting in humans due to the content of toxic substances.

There is evidence that the tree was named "orange maclura" in honor of William Maclure, who gave it a description.

Each Adam's apple is a fruit, including many seeds. The peel, vaguely similar to an orange peel, has numerous raised wrinkles that create an ornate pattern. The surface of the skin is sticky, the flesh is hard, rough, soaked in milky juice.

Maclura fruits came to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Trees began to be planted as decorative fencing for plots; their durable, beautiful wood was valued. Later it started active use fruits in herbal medicine.

The inedible fruit Adam's apple turned out to be suitable for making medicinal drugs, the effectiveness of which was proven by traditional medicine in the 20th century.

The main healing effect of maclura is due to the presence large quantity useful and biologically active substances, including:

  • fatty acid esters: in pulp – 4%, in seeds – up to 30%,
  • pectins – 10%,
  • citric acid – 13%,
  • flavonoids – 7%.

Modern folk medicine is well known for the medicinal properties of maclura (Adam's apple), recipes general use have been tested, there are numerous positive results of use. Natural flavonoids from fruits have high antioxidant activity, heal the heart and blood vessels, and lead to normal metabolism.

Diseases that help overcome the Adam's apple fruit include:

  • hypertension,
  • asthenia,
  • mastopathy,
  • neoplasms of any origin,
  • skin diseases,
  • infectious processes (as part of complex treatment),
  • violations musculoskeletal functions: gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

You can read more about what the Adam's apple cures in the literature on traditional medicine and on specialized Internet sites. There are three forms of fruit-based composition:

  1. ointment for external use,
  2. alcohol tincture for rubbing and ingestion,
  3. oil extracts.

Particularly recognized is the tincture of Adam's apple (maclura), the use of which reduces the likelihood of tumors and helps heal cancer patients. The effect is associated with plant antioxidants that can:

  • prevent metastases, stop the growth of affected cells,
  • help to postpone the course of aggressive therapy,
  • cure cancer in its early stages.

Recipes for preparing Adam's apple and methods for treating diseases

You can prepare medicine from maclura yourself. Ripe and slightly unripe fruits are considered suitable. Places to buy Adam's apple in fresh, – Krasnodar region, Abkhazia, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia.

There are two options for alcohol tincture: based on cut or whole fruits. The process of separation into parts requires special efficiency, since it leads to rapid oxidation of the mass.

  1. Whole Adam's apples are large in size. One fruit is placed in the jar. It is filled with vodka entirely, kept under a lid, in a dark place, at room temperature for 3-6 months.
  2. The cut fruits are placed in a jar, completely filled with vodka or alcohol with a strength of 50 0, and quickly sealed. The infusion process lasts at least 6 months.

After the liquid has been drained, you can grind the remains with a blender, add vegetable oil to the jar in a 1:1 ratio and after a couple of months get a new healing agent in the form of an ointment for external use.

The oil composition can be prepared from fresh crushed maclura fruits. Suitable bases include almond, olive, grape oil, which is poured over fruit slices tightly packed in a glass jar. Keep for about 20 weeks, drain.

To make the ointment, you need internal animal fat and a ready-made alcohol tincture of maclura in the ratio: 2 parts fat to 1 part liquid. The product should have a thick consistency that is easy to rub in.

Existing methods of treatment with Adam's apple and recipes for preparing compositions are simple and accessible, but require compliance with the rules. Maximum extraction of useful components occurs after long-term aging of the composition.

There are opinions in the literature that part of the product can be used before the end full term, but its effectiveness will be lower. Premature uncorking of the vessel may damage the future medicine.

The use of maclura in folk medicine in the form of tincture, oil and ointment is recommended according to different schemes.

  1. The tincture is taken orally three times a day, on an empty stomach, starting with 2 drops diluted in a spoonful of water. Every day, two more drops are added to the dose until the volume reaches 30 drops. The amount of water is also gradually increased to 50 ml. Then the doses are reduced to the original ones. A two-week break follows, and the course begins again. Treatment should take place over a long period of time: from 6 to 12 months. At severe oncology start with 3 drops, end with 40 drops per dose. The tincture will help increase immunity, speed up tissue regeneration, and cleanse the body of affected cells.
  2. Maclura ointment and oil are used in the form of rubbing and applications:
    • for pain in joints, back,
    • for skin inflammations,
    • when recovering from injuries,
    • for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bedsores,
    • when performing a general massage.

The described recipes for preparing maclura and methods for treating diseases must be used carefully and carefully, trying to preserve the natural potential of the plant. In places where the tree grows, external use of live milky sap is possible. It destroys nail and skin fungus, removes warts, and heals minor injuries.

The use of maclura as a medicinal plant falls entirely within the realm of alternative treatment.

Official science is not yet studying chemical composition fruits and the effects of their components on humans.

The widespread use of Adam's apple in folk medicine stimulated the production dosage forms private firms and entrepreneurs.

The drugs do not undergo pharmacological certification, but are worthy of patients’ trust because they have no side effects. Contraindications for use include allergies, pregnancy, lactation, and diabetes.

It has become possible to buy macular ointment, balms and gels at the pharmacy in convenient packaging, with instructions and recommendations from specialists. You can find offers on websites. The buyer is advised to carefully consider the purchase and give preference to bona fide manufacturers of herbal medicines.

The price of an Adam's apple on the market in the southern regions ranges from 100 to 250 rubles. The fruit harvesting season begins at the end of August and lasts until the end of October. At this time he healing power reaches its maximum.

Maclyura - reviews from doctors

The opinion of a specialist about the effectiveness of the medicine is important for the patient. This fully applies to natural remedies. Is maclura useful? Doctors’ reviews of this plant are very restrained. An experienced homeopath or herbalist is the specialist to whom the patient can ask questions.

An inquisitive patient can easily find a recipe for Adam's apple tincture that is effective for joints, including recipes indicating dosage and treatment methods on the Internet.

At an appointment at a clinic, you are more likely to hear skeptical reviews about Adam’s apple from doctors than recommendations for its use. This phenomenon is explained by the lack of scientific data on the composition and active ingredients Adam's apple.

IN medical practice There are not isolated cases when the experience of patients served as an incentive to study the properties of plants, for their subsequent introduction into pharmacological production. One can only hope that the tree of God will soon come under the close attention of science.


And now a video about this fruit.