Medicines against bloating and gas formation. Drugs for the treatment of flatulence in children

pharmachologic effect the most common sorbent, which is Activated carbon, is based on the porous structure of this substance, which absorbs and binds foreign particles (including toxins) that are found in the stomach and small intestine.

Enterosorbent agent White coal (which refers to dietary supplements, not pharmacological drugs) combines silicon dioxide (dioxide) and MCC. Silicon dioxide has long been used as an additive E551, which prevents the formation of lumps in food products, and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is hydrophilic food additive E460. So there is no coal in this additive, and what is called aerosil in advertising is silicon dioxide, only very finely crushed. By the way, it is used as a thickener and stabilizer in many industries. This is a good sorbent, and when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it binds those in biological fluids foreign and toxic particles (by attracting molecules with polar functional groups), which are then excreted from the body.

In the descriptions of White Coal tablets there is no information about microcellulose, of which each tablet contains almost the same amount (208 mg) as silica (210 mg). MCC is a non-digestible hydrophilic fibrous substance (obtained from cotton fluff), which, when it enters the stomach, absorbs water and swells (at the same time absorbing everything that is there in the gastrointestinal tract). It is also not explained how both components interact with each other.

But the intestinal adsorbent Polyphepan contains fine organic non-carbohydrate wood fibers - hydrolytic lignin, which does not dissolve in water and does not decompose under the action of intestinal enzymes. Lignin acts similarly to activated carbon.

In addition to hydrolytic lignin tablets for bloating and constipation Laktofiltrum contain an osmotic laxative in the form of a synthetic stereoisomer of lactose (milk sugar) - lactulose. The laxative effect of lactulose is due to the fact that it is not absorbed in the intestine, which causes an increase in osmotic pressure, at which water passes into the lumen of the colon, increasing the volume of feces and diluting them. In addition, the intestinal microbiota is normalized, since obligate microorganisms, absorbing lactulose, contribute to the creation of an acidic environment - unfavorable for decay and the growth of opportunistic bacteria.

Used for diarrhea and intestinal dysbiosis Linux(in capsules) refers to eubiotics and contains lyophilisilates of living lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are part of the intestinal microflora. Beneficial microorganisms in the intestines begin to function, contributing not only to its full-time work, but also suppression of the activity of pathogenic microbes.

Therapeutic effects of capsules Espumisan provided by simethicone, an organosilicon polymer with high surface activity. By reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles, simethicone promotes their rupture and the free release of intestinal gases without bloating.

Pharmacodynamics combination drug Gazospazam is based on the same simethicone, as well as on the antispasmodic dicycloverine hydrochloride, which relieves muscle spasms intestines, blocking M-cholinergic receptors.

Pancreatin (Creon, Mezim-forte, Mikrasim etc.) replenishes the body with pancreatic enzymes - pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease, which leads to a significant improvement in digestive functions and more complete absorption necessary for the body substances obtained from food.

Bloating or flatulence- excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, developing due to increased gas formation, malabsorption or insufficient excretion.

Symptoms. Increased gas formation is manifested:

  • feeling of distension and fullness in the abdomen;
  • discomfort;
  • rumbling;
  • flatulence - the release of gases from the lower intestines, which may be accompanied by sounds of varying volumes.
In addition, belching may occur, bad taste in the mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, burning in the heart area, general weakness, sleep and mood disturbances.
Index Norm What does this indicate?
Leukocytes 4-9x10 9 Promotion the number of leukocytes may indicate an infectious disease or inflammatory process in any organ.
Increase the number of band neutrophils, the appearance of metamyelocytes (young) and myelocytes are called shift leukocyte formula left. It may indicate various pathologies: acute infectious diseases, intoxication, malignant tumors etc.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR 2-15 mm/h Increasing ESR can cause any inflammatory processes and infections, malignant tumors, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, Crohn's disease.

Most people suffering from flatulence general analysis blood without changes.
Index Norm Deviations that may be detected
Form Decorated Liquid or mushy stool occurs with dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, poisoning, inflammatory bowel diseases, colitis, Crohn's disease, colon tumors, food allergies.
Color Yellow-brown A whitish color indicates liver pathology: hepatitis, cholelithiasis.
Black color and tar-like consistency may be a sign of bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer.
Smell Fecal unsharp Cutting putrid smell indicates a deficiency digestive enzymes and a sharp increase in the number of putrefactive bacteria.
Reaction Neutral An alkaline reaction is the result of protein putrefaction in the small intestine due to a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.
The acid reaction is the result of the fermentation of carbohydrates in the colon during a carbohydrate diet.
Muscle fibers are indigestible Not detected Undigested elements of meat food are present in feces with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, chronic pancreatitis.
Connective tissue Not found The presence of connective tissue particles from food is possible with chronic atrophic gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which are accompanied by a deficiency of digestive enzymes.
hidden blood Not found The presence of blood cells may indicate bleeding gums, peptic ulcers, polyps of the stomach or intestines, tumors digestive tract, helminthic infestation, hemorrhoids.
Slime Not detectable by the naked eye Increased secretion mucus is observed in inflammatory diseases of the colon (colitis) and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as salmonellosis and dysentery.
Indigestible fiber In moderation Fiber in large quantities indicates a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and diseases of the pancreas, if they are accompanied by diarrhea.
Neutral fat Not found The presence of fat is caused by a lack of lipase secreted by the pancreas. Occurs mainly in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Fatty acid Not detected The presence of fat indicates a pathology of the pancreas.
Extracellular starch grains Not detected The presence of starch in feces may indicate malabsorption in the small intestine and pancreatitis.
Leukocytes Not detected or 0-2 in view A significant number of leukocytes responsible for fighting infection are characteristic of inflammatory bowel diseases: colitis, intestinal infections.
Helminth eggs (worms) Not detected The presence of eggs or larvae of worms indicates infection with helminths.
Yeast fungus Less than 10 3 An increase in fungus confirms dysbiosis.
Iodophilic bacteria (cocci, rods) Not detected High level bacteria indicates deterioration of digestion in the stomach, deficiency of pancreatic enzymes and increased fermentation processes.
Protozoa (amoeba, balantidia, lamblia) Not detected The presence of protozoa indicates a decrease local immunity(in the absence of symptoms) or infection with intestinal zooprotonoses (giardiasis, leishmaniasis).
Stercobilin and stercobilinogen
75-350 mg/day Absent in case of blockage of the bile ducts.
Less than normal for parenchymal hepatitis, cholangitis, dysbacteriosis.
Exceeding the norm is possible with hemolytic anemia.
Bilirubin Not detected in children over one year of age and adults It is found during dysbacteriosis, rapid evacuation of food through the intestines.
Fecal calprotectin less than 50 mcg/g in adults and children over 4 years of age An increase in concentration indicates food allergies, celiac disease, diverticulitis, cystic fibrosis, and intestinal infections of various origins.

Stool culture for intestinal group and dysbacteriosis

Bakposev is a study of bacteria contained in feces, allowing one to assess the ratio of “normal” and opportunistic microorganisms and identify pathogens.

Normal indicators

Type of microorganisms Children Adults
Bifidobacteria 10 9 - 10 11 10 9 - 10 10
Lactobacilli 10 6 - 10 8 10 6 - 10 8
Bacteroides 10 7 - 10 8 10 7 - 10 8
Peptostreptococci 10 3 - 10 6 10 5 - 10 6
Escherichia (Escherichia coli) 10 6 - 10 8 10 6 - 10 8
Saprophytic staphylococci ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Enterococci 10 5 - 10 8 10 5 - 10 8
Clostridia ≤10 3 ≤10 5
Candida ≤10 3 ≤10 4
Klebsiella ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Pathogenic enterobacteria - -
Pathogenic staphylococci - -

Significant deviations from the norm indicate the development of dysbiosis.
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity

    Gas bubbles in the intestines confirm flatulence. Other gastrointestinal pathologies are indicated by the following disorders:

    • changes in the size, shape and structure of the organs of the digestive system;
    • the presence of infiltrates and foci of inflammation;
    • cysts;
    • tumors;
    • adhesions;
    • free fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • X-ray contrast examination of the intestine

    An X-ray examination of the intestines is performed after taking barium sulfate preparations. It, being a radiopaque substance, settles on inner wall intestines and allows you to study its features.

    X-rays of the abdominal cavity reveal signs of various pathologies accompanied by flatulence:

    • intestinal loops swollen with gas during flatulence;
    • narrowing of the intestinal lumen caused by spasm, feces for constipation, adhesions, etc.
    • swollen pearls small intestine for chronic pancreatitis;
    • radiopaque gallstones that interfere with the flow of bile;
    • fecal stones;
    • round formations on the intestinal wall may be tumors;
    • liquid and gas in the lumen of the blind and ileum they talk about appendicitis;
    • signs of intestinal obstruction - the radiopaque substance does not spread into lower sections intestines;
    • in the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, the image looks blurry - a “frosted glass” effect.

  • Treatment for bloating

    First aid for bloating

    Group of drugs Mechanism therapeutic effect Representatives Mode of application
    Adsorbents Drug particles actively adsorb various substances on their surface. They trap gases and remove them from the body. Activated carbon Use 1 hour before meals at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to crush (chew) the tablets and drink ½ glass of water.
    Polyphepan 1 tbsp. l of the drug is dissolved in a glass warm water. Consume before meals 3-4 times a day.
    Polysorb 1 heaping tablespoon of powder is dissolved in ½ glass of water. Take 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals or taking other medications.
    Smecta The contents of 1 sachet are dissolved in ½ glass of water. Take before meals 3 times a day.
    Defoamers Surfactants destroy finely bubbled foam containing gas, reduce its volume and reduce pressure on the intestinal walls. Espumisan Take 2 tsp or 2 capsules. The frequency of administration is 3-5 times a day.
    Kolykid Take 1 tablet 3-5 times a day during or after meals.
    Prokinetics Helps enhance intestinal motility and eliminate gases. Strengthen motility, accelerate the evacuation of intestinal contents. They have an antiemetic effect. Motilium Fast dissolving lingual tablets. 1 tablet is placed under the tongue, where it quickly dissolves, after which the drug is swallowed without washing down.
    Passazhiks Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
    Gastric juice Increases the acidity of gastric juice with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid. Facilitates the digestion of food, reduces putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines. Natural gastric juice 1-2 tablespoons during or after each meal.
    Enzyme preparations Contains pancreatic enzymes and auxiliary components. Promotes the breakdown of fats and vegetable fiber as well as nutrient absorption. Pancreatin Take 150,000 units/day. Tablets or capsules are swallowed without chewing during meals, washed down with 1 glass of non-alkaline liquid (water, juices).
    Creon Consume 20,000-75,000 units of EP lipase during each meal.
    Festal 1-2 tablets immediately after meals, not washed down big amount water.
    Antispasmodics Relax smooth muscle intestinal wall, eliminating spasm. Reduce pain caused by bloating. Papaverine 40-60 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-4 times a day.
    No-shpa 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
    Phytotherapy Infusions of medicinal herbs normalize intestinal motility and promote rapid elimination of gases. They also eliminate spasms and reduce pain due to gas accumulation.
    Also medicinal herbs stimulate the production of food enzymes
    Camomile tea Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
    Infusion of dill, fennel, caraway Pour 2 teaspoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 2 hours. Take ¼ cup every hour.
    Mint infusion Brew 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

    Attention: doses are indicated for adults. For children, drugs are available in the form of suspensions. The doctor selects the dosage based on the weight and age of the child.

    Gas outlet pipe can only be used as last resort for infants and bedridden patients. Its frequent use, especially in children, can lead to addiction - the child will not be able to get rid of gases on his own. In addition, if administered carelessly, there is a risk of damaging the intestinal walls and causing bleeding.

    Should I call an ambulance if I have bloating?

    Bloating is not a life-threatening condition. Taking adsorbents and antispasmodics improves your well-being within 20-40 minutes. Pain from flatulence goes away immediately after bowel movement or passing of gas.

    If after these measures the patient continues to complain about severe pain in the stomach, this may indicate serious diseases:

    If these pathologies are suspected, it is imperative to call an ambulance team, which will take the patient to the surgical department.
    1. Full sleep. Chronic lack of sleep leads to disruption of everyone's work internal organs and slowing down intestinal motility. A healthy 8-hour sleep improves intestinal innervation and speeds up motility.
    2. Sufficient physical activity. Physical inactivity leads to retention of the contents of the digestive tract. Constipation disrupts the composition of microflora and causes flatulence. Walking and playing sports improve intestinal motility. Exercises that involve the abdominal muscles are especially useful: bicycle, scissors, torso bends.
    3. No stress. Nervous shocks disrupt the innervation of the intestine, which entails a slowdown in its motility and reabsorption of gases.
    4. Limit smoking especially during meals. In smokers, large amounts of air and smoke enter the stomach, which increases the volume of intestinal gas.
    Nutrition for bloating

    Eliminate foods that cause or enhance fermentation from the diet

    • hard-to-digest meats: goose, pork, lamb;
    • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils;
    • cereals: millet, pearl barley;
    • easily digestible carbohydrates: fresh baked goods, cookies, cakes and pastries, chocolate;
    • whole milk, cream, ice cream, milkshakes;
    • Borodino bread, bread with bran;
    • raw and pickled vegetables containing coarse fiber: cabbage of all types, radishes, tomatoes;
    • fruits and berries: grapes, dates, kiwi, pears, apples, gooseberries, raspberries;
    • greens: spinach, sorrel, green onions;
    • carbonated drinks, tea mushroom, kvass, beer;
    • mushrooms;
    • alcohol;
    • chewing gum.
    Include foods that improve intestinal motility in your diet
    • crumbly porridge from buckwheat and millet groats;
    • dairy products;
    • wheat flour bread coarse yesterday's baking;
    • boiled and baked vegetables and fruits.
    Prevention of “intestinal colic” in children under one year of age.

    Excessive formation of gases in the sections of the gastrointestinal tract's absorption organ is called flatulence. Quite often, this pathological disorder is neutralized with the help of traditional medicine. What are the reasons for the development of the above-mentioned ailment of the digestive system?

    Flatulence (gases) has several types. This gradation directly correlates with the reasons for its occurrence. The most common type is alimentary flatulence. The reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to the ingestion of air masses and the consumption of certain foods by a person is good reasons for the development of flatulence. The second most common reason is a significant lack of enzymes and problems with the circulation of bile structures. This form of manifestation in medicine is called digestive flatulence. As a result of this disease disruptions occur during the digestion of food, products are not fully broken down. Thus, decay elements and gases arise.

    The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract plays a key role in the digestion process. This serious reason for the onset of flatulence. The mechanism of action of this disorder is as follows. Microflora small intestine is available in excess, which provokes the process of breakdown of products in its upper sections. As a result, the processes of decay of decay products are activated, and gas formation increases significantly.

    Flatulence is also influenced by mechanical malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (functional disorders). These may be tumors, adhesions and stenoses various manifestations. In this case, flatulence is called “mechanical”. It is also worth noting that dynamic disturbances motor activity intestines are the root cause of peritonitis and intoxication. Getting rid of these ailments can sometimes be quite difficult. The abnormal structure of the absorption organ affects irritable bowel syndrome, impaired blood circulation (in the veins) affects flatulence. The causes of the pathological disorder are quite wide.

    Symptoms of the disorder

    Medicine identifies the fundamental symptoms of flatulence. A person with this diagnosis regularly experiences a feeling of heaviness and distension in the abdomen. Aching pain may alternate with severe attacks. Gas colic often resembles contractions, which are accompanied by noisy and intense release of gas accumulations. Patients quite often experience nausea, belching, diarrhea, prolonged constipation, a sharp decline loss of appetite and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

    People young often encounter various neuroses and psychological disorders of various types. This could be depression due to problems in the family, stress during exams and other situations. As a result, the functioning of the digestive organs may be impaired. Such people are familiar firsthand with increased heart rate, sleep disturbances, and pain in the muscle fibers, depressed mood, weakness and constant worry. General weakness in the body is accompanied by complete apathy to action. Intense and prolonged shortness of breath can reach significant levels. This factor dyspeptic asthma is quickly transformed. Her treatment has its own characteristics and subtleties. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a pathological disorder.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment of flatulence requires systemic and integrated approach. The intake of herbal infusions and pharmaceutical medications should be based on the parallel use of a balanced diet. Meals should be fractional and dosed (4-5 times a day). Food portions must be chewed thoroughly. This will have a positive effect on the digestion process and the normal formation of gases. Products must be fresh and of high quality.

    Concentrate on eating foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates (fish, seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, rice). Avoid eating fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods.

    With optimal nutritional balance, the symptoms of flatulence are eliminated. If you experience bloating long time, then in in this case it is necessary to use traditional medicine. Decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs can be easily prepared at home. This treatment has proven to be quite effective in practical conditions.

    Recipe based on dill

    Dill is quite common and effective means, which is used for flatulence. The universal plant productively promotes the rapid removal of gas from the human body. This garden-type green is used as an important salad ingredient. It allows you to get rid of a number of disorders. Thus, the products acquire an additional taste effect. There are a large number of recipes for preparing useful infusions and herbal decoctions:

    1. infusion dill water. The mechanism for preparing the healing liquid is quite simple. You should take 0.5 liters of boiling water + 1 tbsp. dill seeds This composition is kept strictly under the lid of the jar for at least 3 hours. The dose of infusion for an adult should be 150-180 ml. Take three times a day, just before meals. For children, fluid intake is 3-4 times a day;
    2. preparing dill infusion (water). To do this, you will need to bring 1 tsp to a boil. seeds per 250 ml of water. The action is carried out over low heat for no more than 15 minutes. Decoction after thermal effects Cool evenly and consume in small sips. This decoction should be taken in the morning and evening;
    3. production of dill oil. Folk remedies have a large number of options for preparing them at home. Option 1 includes: 7 drops of oil + 1 piece of refined sugar. 2nd option: honey mixture. The dosage regimen is 2 ml of oil + 1 tbsp. honey (every 8 hours). 3rd option: 1 tsp. dill oil + 50 ml of clean water. The mixture is consumed 15 ml every 8 hours;
    4. If you have a long-term manifestation of gases, then a tandem of dill seeds and dried thyme will effectively help. 1 tsp of these herbal ingredients should be diluted with 250 ml of boiling water. The settled liquid is then boiled over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. The infusion should be consumed every 1 hour, exactly 30 ml. Storage of the resulting product in the refrigerator should not exceed 12 hours.

    Alternative plants

    The plant world has a large number of useful substances and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Humanity has formed a whole system of knowledge that can be successfully used in everyday life:

    • dandelion roots. 2 tbsp. crushed plants are poured hot water and infused for 24 hours. After straining, you should consume an infusion of dandelion roots four times a day;
    • carrot seeds should be thoroughly crushed in a coffee grinder and consumed a teaspoon three times a day, filled with water;
    • mint (2) + fennel (1) + valerian (1). For 250 ml of boiling water, take 2 teaspoons of dried collection. The infusion is placed under the lid of the container for about 20 minutes. The filtering process is taken in a dosage of 125 ml in the morning and evening;
    • ginger should be dissolved in the mouth immediately after each meal. This remedy helps activate the stages of digestion. The person experiences relief in the body. The feeling of overeating is completely eliminated, the effect of pathogenic microflora is minimized and the breath is qualitatively freshened;
    • tea based on chamomile flowers effectively calms nervous activity and strengthens the functionality of the whole immune system. This healing drink helps with flatulence. 1 tbsp. raw materials + 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion is kept in a closed container for no more than 15 minutes. The person takes it every 5 hours (if there are gases);
    • potato juice. This liquid should be drunk 130 ml in the morning. The juice must be fresh and without any impurities. The course of treatment should be up to 10 days. Treatment can be repeated after a week. But before restoring the intestines, it is necessary to know the causes of flatulence.

    Taking herbal remedies at home should be combined with regular physical activity. Elementary walks in the fresh air and quality food products productively contribute to the overall strengthening of the body. The operation of all systems is completely stabilized.

    Treatment of flatulence folk remedies should be in accordance with the recommendations of a qualified professional. Examination by a gastroenterologist is an important component of the path to recovery and elimination possible pathologies Gastrointestinal tract.

    Recipe based medicinal plants designed to reduce the inflammatory process in the body and quickly remove toxic substances and pathogenic structures from it. The patient must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen.

    The accumulation of gases in the intestines is not the most difficult situation, but in addition to unpleasant sensations, it also brings a lot of psychological discomfort, which makes it especially acute. Increased gas formation is accompanied by noticeable bloating, painful cramps, rumbling and active release of gases. This is rarely a separate problem; in most cases, bloating is a symptom of another, more complex disease. When treating a problem, it is important to understand what is causing it, because for effective elimination increased gas formation, it is important not only to temporarily neutralize this symptom, but also to prevent its occurrence in the future by eliminating the root cause.

    What causes bloating and flatulence: causes

    Digestive system healthy person has gases in moderate quantities - some of them come with food, a large proportion is produced by intestinal bacteria in the process of their life. If there are no health problems, then the formed masses naturally are removed from the body. In certain situations, they can be delayed or form more actively, which leads to their accumulation and bloating. there may be several:

    • quickly eating food or talking while eating (leads to swallowing air with food in large volumes);
    • drinking carbonated drinks;
    • passion for products that lead to increased gas formation (butter bakery products, legumes, potatoes, various types of cabbage, etc.);
    • frequent use of soda as a remedy for heartburn - the reaction with hydrochloric acid leads to the formation of gas;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • psychological factors (in adults, problems with the digestive system are often psychosomatic);
    • pregnancy period (an enlarged uterus can press on intestinal loops, making it difficult for gases to pass through);
    • impaired intestinal motility;
    • defects anatomical structure nasopharynx, etc.

    Features of treating the problem at home

    The first step in treating bloating is diet. It is necessary to at least temporarily eliminate from the diet all foods that contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines, and completely eliminate carbonated drinks as a source of additional gases. The second step is to review the food culture itself, that is, while eating, you should not have a conversation or rush too much - all this leads to getting into trouble. excess air into the stomach.

    Some drugs for bloating are absolutely safe and are taken even for the purpose of prevention, so there will be no worsening from their use. But in order to fully solve the problem once and for all, you should seek help from a doctor who can make a diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

    What medications will help get rid of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen?

    One of the most famous drugs for eliminating bloating is Motilium, but there are many other drugs that are no less effective in solving this problem. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular means from increased gas formation and its consequences.

    Activated carbon is an inexpensive remedy

    Activated carbon belongs to the group of enterosorbents, and when it enters the digestive system, it absorbs alkaloids, toxins, poisons, and salts heavy metals, and what is most important for flatulence is gases. Available in different forms, but the simplest and most accessible are regular tablets. The dosage for taking this drug is known to everyone - 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight, and the drug must be taken at least an hour before meals or any other medications. You should stop taking charcoal if you have a stomach ulcer, hypersensitivity or open bleeding in the digestive system.

    Mezim Forte tablets

    This product is classified as enzymatic, that is, it contains digestive enzymes (obtained from the pancreas of large horned animals). Due to this, Mezim helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and improve absorption processes in it. Tablets are prescribed if there are abnormalities in the functioning of organs, which is accompanied by bloating, changes in stool and digestive disorders in general. They can be taken as a remedy for bloating and abdominal discomfort only if the conditions are a consequence of the diseases described in the indications for use.

    An effective drug Pancreatin

    The tableted drug also works on the basis of enzymes isolated from the pancreas of animals, providing approximately the same effect as Mezim. There are many indications for its use, but the main ones are still disturbances in the patient’s pancreas. A remedy for bloating will only help if the cause of this condition is included in the spectrum positive influence drug.

    Available in several forms: there are regular tablets, dragees, and capsules. They are taken either in accordance with the instructions based on their age, or according to the doctor’s indications.

    Espumisan will relieve increased gas formation in the intestines

    The drug is presented in capsule form and in the form of drops, which are used for children. Active substance simethicone acts, thanks to which gases from digestive system either excreted naturally or absorbed into the bloodstream. The product prevents the formation of new gas bubbles in the mucus in the digestive tract. The drug itself is not absorbed and is excreted unchanged from the body. Thus, Espumisan is a narrowly targeted agent that is used exclusively in situations with increased gas formation (flatulence, postoperative period, poisoning, cleansing the body before tests).


    The active ingredient of the drug is silicon dioxide. The product is available in plastic jars of 12, 25 and 50 grams and is a lightweight White powder to prepare the suspension. Belongs to the group of enterosorbents (like Smecta), when entering the body, it binds toxic substances, pathogenic bacteria, salts of heavy metals, alcohol and removes them without being absorbed from the digestive tract. Helps against bloating if this symptom accompanies food or toxic poisoning. It is very simple to prepare a suspension from it - you just need to dilute the amount of the drug indicated in the instructions (according to age) in 50-100 ml of water.

    Hilak Forte

    The drug is presented in drops for internal use; it contains aqueous substrates of metabolic products of bacteria included in the composition normal microflora human intestines. Positioned as a remedy against diarrhea and is used in any situations associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora. (due to antibiotic therapy, radiation, surgery, poor nutrition, polluted water, climate change, etc.). The drug is considered safe and can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The only contraindication is individual intolerance components of the composition.


    Linex capsules contain lacto-, bifidobacteria and enterococci, designed to normalize disturbed intestinal microflora. Thus, the direct indication for the use of the drug is the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis, which is manifested by stool disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and increased gas formation. The drug is safe even during pregnancy and breastfeeding; if necessary, it can be given to a newborn baby.


    Antispasmodic drug, available in tablet form in different options packages - 6, 24, 20, 60 and 100 pieces. The active ingredient is drotaverine. Apply this remedy at different types spasms, including intestinal colic, when due to large accumulations of gases the intestines spasm and provoke pronounced discomfort. These tablets should not be used in children under 6 years of age; they are also contraindicated for heart, kidney and liver failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

    What to drink for bloating and gas during pregnancy?

    Bloating quite often becomes a companion for expectant mothers due to the fact that the growing uterus begins to put pressure on other abdominal organs, including the intestines. There are other reasons for this condition, so the right decision will seek advice from the hospital. The treatment should primarily be nutritional correction, and the doctor can also prescribe drugs that are safe for the fetus that can neutralize the causes of gas problems (Linex, Hilak Forte, Activated Carbon, etc.).

    What should you do if your stomach suddenly begins to gurgle and gases begin to form? This problem will be dealt with as quickly as possible pharmaceutical drugs. You will learn from the following article which medications will save you from increased gas formation.

    What causes flatulence?

    Flatulence is a condition characterized by the accumulation of gases in the intestines as a result of increased fermentation or prolonged constipation. This condition is accompanied by severe painful sensations in the abdomen due to stretching of the intestinal walls, bloating, discomfort and characteristic rumbling. Many people mistake flatulence for a disease, however, this is not the case. Increased gas formation in the intestines is just one of the manifestations caused by various inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive canal or a normal diet violation.

    Often increased bloating abdominal pain affects babies under 1 year of age. It's not due to maturity gastrointestinal tract and a lack of production of certain digestive enzymes. Often one of the causes of flatulence in infants is swallowing air during feeding due to improper latching of the mother's nipple or bottle.

    Doctors identify the most common types of increased gas formation in people:

      Alimentary – characterized by dietary disturbances, abuse of foods that cause increased fermentation in the intestines, resulting in the formation of gases (cabbage, brown bread, baked goods, legumes, potatoes).

      Increased gas formation due to disruption of the digestive canal - insufficient production of digestive enzymes, intestinal dysbiosis.

      Dynamic flatulence is caused by disruption of the intestinal muscles (for example, when the body is exposed to toxic substances due to food poisoning).

      Mechanical flatulence - characterized by an obstacle to the passage of gases (for example, during a tumor process in the intestines).

      Psychogenic flatulence - develops against the background of severe nervous shock, stress, and hysterical states. Happens rarely.

      Circulatory flatulence - characterized by impaired blood circulation in the intestinal wall (often observed with progressive cirrhosis of the liver).

    With increased gas formation in the intestines, patients experience periodic cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which disappears after the gases pass, as well as a characteristic feeling of abdominal distension.

    Regardless of what reason caused the increased formation of gases in the intestines, the patient is recommended to consult a doctor. This condition may indicate serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since flatulence is very uncomfortable and unpleasant condition, the patient is allowed to take some medications sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Treatment of flatulence depending on the cause

    The basis for treating increased gas formation in the intestines is to eliminate the cause that led to the development this state and prescribing medications to relieve discomfort. Remedies for flatulence not only eliminate bloating, but also facilitate the passage of gas.

    In order to choose the right drug, the doctor must determine the cause of flatulence. For example, this condition may be caused intestinal infection, dysbacteriosis, enzymatic deficiency, impaired intestinal motility and other pathologies.

    For flatulence caused by an intestinal infection, the patient is prescribed nitrofuran derivatives or antibiotics wide range actions.

    For flatulence against the background of intestinal dysbiosis, a course of bacteriophages and preparations of lacto and bifidobacteria is indicated.

    In case of enzymatic deficiency, flatulence is eliminated with the help of enzyme-containing drugs - Creon, Mezim, Pacreatin, Motilium.

    If flatulence is caused by the presence of tumors in the intestines, then surgery is indicated for the patient.

    It is easier to eliminate flatulence if its cause is known

    Medicines to relieve flatulence

    Flatulence, as a clinical symptom, can be eliminated by taking the following medications:

      Agents that prevent the formation of gases in the intestines. These include the so-called defoamers based on simethicone - espumizan, baby calm, dimethicone, disfagil, simikol, infacol and the like.

      Enterosorbents are drugs that absorb not only gas bubbles, but also toxic substances from the intestines. These include Activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel, phosphalugel, entorodes, carbulose, chitin, algisorb and many others.

      Drugs that enhance intestinal motility and thereby promote the natural elimination of gases - motilium, cerucal.

      Preparations based on natural ingredients - dill decoction, plantex tea, brewed dill seeds.

    If you suffer from increased gas formation in the intestines, then to eliminate this problem it is enough to reconsider your diet. Perhaps flatulence is caused by the abuse of some foods. If, even if you follow a diet, your symptoms of flatulence do not go away and you are worried about constant bloating abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. Persistent bloating may indicate the onset of serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract.

    Naturally, without application medicines, you can reduce the manifestations of flatulence by following simple rules:

      Drink enough clean water per day.

      While eating, try to chew your food thoroughly and slowly.

      Eliminate sweet carbonated drinks, chewing gum, and fresh baked goods from your diet.

    The most popular drugs for eliminating increased gas formation in the intestines, which are available in pharmacies without a prescription, are Motilium, Bobotik, Espumisan, activated carbon and Unienzyme.

    Often, increased gas formation is caused by poor diet.


    This drug is produced by a Belgian pharmaceutical company and is available in the form of tablets, suspensions and lozenges. The latter do not need to be washed down with water; they dissolve instantly, falling under the tongue. Motilium accelerates intestinal peristalsis, due to which gases pass naturally and the patient loses the feeling of abdominal distension and discomfort.


    This drug belongs to Indian enzymatic drugs that accelerate the digestion of food in the stomach.

    Activated carbon acts as an absorbent and absorbs toxins and air bubbles from the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to this effect, within 15-20 minutes after taking the drug, the patient’s feeling of fullness in the abdomen, rumbling, pain when passing gas, belching and nausea disappears.

    Preparations based on simethicone (espumisan, babycalm, infacol and others) destroy air bubbles in alimentary canal and prevent the formation of new ones. After taking the drug, the patient experiences relief in the passage of gases, rumbling and bloating disappear, nausea and discomfort disappear.


    This drug is produced by a Polish pharmaceutical company in the form of drops in 30 ml dark glass bottles. Bobotik is suitable for use in children from the first month of life to eliminate abdominal pain and intestinal colic in infants.

    Bobotik can also be used by adults, according to the instructions included with the drug. This drug can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, but it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

    This drug helps to destroy gas bubbles in the intestines and normalize intestinal motility. Thanks to these properties, re-bloating is not observed, and gases are eliminated from the body naturally.


    This drug is an excellent remedy to combat intestinal colic in children in the first days of life. Main active substance infacola is simethicone - it facilitates the passage of gases from the intestines and prevents their re-formation.

    The drug is available in the form of a sweet suspension in a convenient bottle with a pipette. This infacol packaging design allows you to accurately give your child the dose recommended by the pediatrician, without additional dilution with water. The duration of the course of therapy is strictly individual for each child.

    It is important to understand that, despite the abundance of medications in the pharmacy that help quickly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate flatulence, it is still worth consulting with a doctor before starting treatment. As mentioned above, flatulence may be the first symptom of the development of serious diseases of the digestive canal.