Causes of poor digestion of food. How does digestion happen? Digestion begins in the head

Does diarrhea change to constipation? Do you experience heartburn and bloating after every meal? Symptoms indicate problems with the intestines or stomach. Constant stress and snacks on the go, sedentary image life and reception medicines weaken digestive organs and impair their performance. To get rid of drowsiness, headaches and problem skin, you will have to give up your usual lifestyle and begin to restore intestinal and stomach motility.

Bad habits

The main enemy of poor digestion is food instant cooking. Sausage sandwiches and hot dogs are high in fat and low in fiber. Fast food clogs your intestines, slowing down digestion. Stale food begins to rot and ferment, causing bloating and constipation.

Chips, cakes, fried, smoked and pickled foods are consumed in limited quantities or completely excluded from the diet. Minimum sugar and chocolate, mayonnaise and margarine. More fiber, complex carbohydrates and proper protein.

To drink or not to drink
Water is good for intestinal function. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, but only in between meals. Do not mix food and sweet or carbonated drinks. You cannot wash down sandwiches with mineral water or compote.

Any liquid, even still water or unsweetened herbal infusion, dilutes gastric juices. The number of enzymes capable of digesting food decreases, and it enters the intestines “raw”. Breakdown of eaten foods into useful material and waste slows down, gases form, and either diarrhea or constipation begins.

Water should be drunk 40 minutes before breakfast or dinner and 1.5–2 hours after. Then the functioning of the digestive organs and skin condition will improve, energy will appear, and fatigue will disappear.

Enjoy your food
You cannot satisfy your hunger on the go by swallowing huge pieces of unchewed sandwich or apple. Teeth are given to humans for grinding food, making it easier for the stomach to digest food. Insufficiently processed food slows down the digestive processes and injures the walls of the stomach and intestines. Each spoonful of porridge or piece of meat should be chewed at least 40 times so that the food becomes liquid and mixes with saliva.

You should set aside at least 10–15 minutes for lunch and dinner, when you don’t have to rush anywhere. It is advisable not to read books, talk or be distracted by the computer while eating, but simply enjoy the process of absorbing food.

Overeating and late-night snacking

Late dinners harm not only your figure, but also your stomach. The body digests light dishes of vegetables and fruits in 40–60 minutes, but it takes from 2 to 4 hours for meat, sweets and cereals. If the digestive organs do not have time to process food before bedtime, it stagnates and rots. Heaviness and flatulence occur, and intestinal motility worsens.

Dinner is not prohibited after 6 pm. Fasting harms the stomach no less than overeating. But the last portion of food should be consumed 3-4 hours before going to bed, so as not to suffer from heaviness and nausea in the morning.

The functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted due to systematic overeating. It doesn't matter how healthy the products are. When there is a lot of food, the body does not have time to secrete a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and bile to digest it. You should reduce portion sizes, and in order not to feel constant hunger, snack not three, but five or six times a day.

Bad habits
Cigarettes, like alcoholic drinks, contain chemical substances, which irritate the walls of the stomach and increase acidity. Alcohol and nicotine cause nausea, lead to loss of appetite and interfere with the absorption of beneficial components from food.

Only enzyme preparations like Mezim are more dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol. The pill removes heaviness caused by overeating and bloating, but uncontrolled medication use contributes to the development of lazy bowel syndrome. When medicines perform the work of the digestive organs, the latter “relax” and stop producing secretions for breaking down food.

Important: The tablets are beneficial, but only a gastroenterologist should prescribe any medications. Consequences of abuse enzyme preparations have to be treated for years or a lifetime.

Top 7 useful products

Intestinal motility will be started by water and light foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Instead of fried meat and sandwiches with butter, large quantities of fruit, cereals and dietary meat are recommended. Vegetables and fish, fermented milk drinks are useful: kefir, curdled milk and natural yogurt. Digestion will be normalized in a matter of weeks if you enrich your diet with dishes from seven unusual and tasty foods.

Red root vegetable salads are served for breakfast or dinner. Beets are indicated for regular constipation and stagnation of food in the intestines. The vegetable is rich in fiber, which absorbs toxins and stimulates the release of gastric enzymes. Beets are boiled, served raw or added to vegetable stew. Mix with carrots and garlic, season with olive oil.

The orange pulp helps digest proteins and regulates acidity levels. Papaya is recommended for frequent heartburn, gastritis and for the prevention of inflammation in the digestive organs. The fruit destroys infections and improves the absorption of beneficial components.

Dried fruits are sources of fiber. Figs, dried apricots, raisins and, of course, prunes supply the body with coarse fibers necessary to cleanse the intestines of undigested food residues. A dried plums is a natural laxative that works gently but effectively.

In the evening, dried fruits are soaked in water, and in the morning they are added to porridge or eaten instead of breakfast.

The aromatic fruits contain a lot of soluble fiber and pectin, as well as vitamins. Peaches soothe the inflamed gastric mucosa and speed up metabolism. Helps with constipation and frequent bloating. Fruits are consumed before breakfast to wake up the stomach.

Wheat bran
The supplement contains a lot of coarse fiber. Alimentary fiber promote fecal masses to the exit, while simultaneously clearing particles of undigested products from the intestinal walls. From wheat bran and kefir or natural yogurt prepare a nutritious and healthy cocktail that triggers gastric motility and helps you lose weight.

Start with a tablespoon of the supplement, otherwise the fiber will simply clog the intestines. Gradually increase to 3-4 spoons per day and stop. Be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.

Cocktail of flaxseeds and natural yogurt colonizes the intestines beneficial bacteria. This dish contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and oils, which normalize fat metabolism and the functioning of the gallbladder.

A glass will start intestinal motility warm water With lemon juice or honey. Drink before breakfast and have a snack oatmeal slimy consistency. Protein, which is contained in chicken breast, cottage cheese, sea fish.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with ulcers and gastritis, and honey with walnuts normalizes liver function. For frequent diarrhea, a decoction of barley is recommended: steam 50 g of grain in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave the product for 6 hours, and when the dry component swells, put the product on low heat and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the drink for half an hour to cool down. Drink 100–150 ml of barley broth three times a day.

Red wine medicine improves intestinal motility. You will need:

  • aloe – 1 part;
  • honey – 2 parts;
  • red wine, for example Cahors – 2 parts.

Grind the aloe and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Beat to form a homogeneous mass and eat a spoonful of the medicine an hour before meals.

Constipation is relieved by porridge made from pumpkin and millet. Add a little honey to the finished dish. A delicate problem Celery infusion will also solve:

  • Peel and chop the root of the plant.
  • Pour 1-2 tbsp. l. Prepare 1 liter of water.
  • Leave overnight and strain in the morning.

Drink 30–40 ml of herbal medicine per day. Healthy and freshly squeezed celery juice, as well as a decoction from the seeds of the plant.

For digestive problems, coffee and regular tea are replaced herbal decoctions. Medicinal drinks are prepared from:

  • peppermint;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm;
  • viburnum bark;
  • dill;
  • licorice.

Intestinal motility is improved by a special massage done in the morning before breakfast. You should stroke your belly for a few minutes. The hand moves clockwise, do not press or rub too hard.

  1. The intestines become sluggish due to lack of movement. Daily morning work-out wakes up the digestive organs and starts metabolism.
  2. You cannot eat more than two dishes at a time. It is difficult for the stomach to digest the mixture of soup, meat and dessert, so it stagnates.
  3. You should not eat porridge or a sandwich with fruit. They are digested faster, but remain in the stomach, causing fermentation and a feeling of heaviness. Apples and oranges are eaten before the main meal or instead of an afternoon snack or second breakfast.
  4. Stress also affects intestinal function. For some, severe anxiety causes diarrhea or constipation. In order for the digestive organs to function correctly, it should be after a rich working day meditate, do yoga or take a relaxing bath.

Digestion of food is a delicate process, depending on many factors. The stomach and intestines will work without failures if you eat right, give up bad habits and move a lot. Peristalsis can be normalized folk remedies and optimism. If all options fail, you should see a gastroenterologist, who will find the cause of the failure and suggest methods to eliminate it.

Video: 3 simple exercises to improve digestion

It is felt by us not only by some sensations in the epigastric area, but also by color, appearance and smell feces. Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, since the feces of a newborn are significant indicator baby's health status. But adults should also pay attention to the fact that there is undigested food in the stool.

Is this a pathology or a variant of the norm?

Each of us knows firsthand about changes in the color, smell and consistency of stool, because everyone experiences indigestion, infections, and constipation at least once in their lives. But undigested food fragments can cause real panic in some. At normal conditions the feces do not contain any inclusions, lumps, pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc. Very small white inclusions can be present in both children's and adults' feces - this is the norm. Residues of undigested food in the stool do not always indicate bad work gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently digested food can be a consequence infectious diseases, constipation or stomach upset. In most cases, the appearance of undigested food fragments does not mean that a person is sick. Just some foods or parts thereof are gastrointestinal intestinal tract cannot digest a person. Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to know at least a little about what happens to products when they pass through digestive tract.

What food should remain undigested?

Plant foods contain two types of fiber: digestible and indigestible. The first type should not remain in the feces in the form of fragments. If this does happen, it indicates that the stomach is producing hydrochloric acid in insufficient quantities. The same can be said if the excrement contains almost whole pieces of vegetables and fruits. But the bran, peel, seeds, partitions, and stem fibers contain indigestible fiber. It is found in the coarsest parts of plants, covered with a double shell and consisting of cellulose and lignin and incapable of digestion in the human stomach.

So the detection of fragmentary remains of indigestible fiber in the stool does not indicate pathology, it is a physiological phenomenon.

When overeating

In addition, there is, so to speak, a limit on the amount of food that our stomach and intestines can handle at one time. If you overeat, then the body simply cannot produce as many enzymes and enzymes, so some of the food will remain undigested. This process is also quite normal and is not considered a pathology. Digestive process may violate physical activity immediately after a large meal, as well as eating during illness or stress. Eating should be done in a calm environment and normal mode. After the meal, you need to take a short break in your activities. In this situation, the body directs the right amount of resources to digestion, and the food is completely digested. If you notice undigested food in your stool systematically, this indicates that the pancreas, stomach or small intestine are working abnormally and need some help. It is these organs that are responsible for breaking down foods into proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What are the reasons?

Undigested food in the stool (linentery) in adults is most often found due to the presence chronic inflammation in the stomach (gastritis) or pancreas (pancreatitis). It is necessary to begin treatment for these diseases as quickly as possible, since the inflammation will worsen over time, which will ultimately lead to tissue death.

And over time, ulcers may develop, diabetes, oncology. Considering all these factors, you should be very careful about the presence of undigested food fragments in the stool. To find out what pathology is causing this, it is necessary to undergo an examination. In this case, it will make the diagnosis easier to know what type of food remains undigested: carbohydrate or protein. In order to break down proteins and carbohydrates, the body produces different enzymes. In addition, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are digested in different parts of the digestive tract. This provides information and allows you to analyze the results of the examination and draw a conclusion about which organ or system is functioning poorly.

So, a person has pieces of undigested food in his stool.

If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. IN in this case therapy is a combination of drugs antibacterial action, enzymes and anti-inflammatory drugs. When treating any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, you should follow a diet.

Principles of proper nutrition

Common to all types of diets are the following principles power supply:

  • products must be carefully processed: remove rough parts, films, seeds, peels, stalks;
  • It is necessary to prepare food only in a certain way: steamed, boiled, baked or stewed (in no case should it be fried);
  • eliminate alcohol and smoking;
  • a large amount is introduced into the diet fermented milk products, enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • You need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

All of the above measures help eliminate the causes of undigested food in the feces of adults.

Indigestion in children

If abnormalities of this kind are detected in a child, this may alert parents. In fact, it all depends on age. During the first year of life, food may not be completely digested due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not fully formed. This is precisely the reason for the incomplete digestion of food even by very young children who eat exclusively milk and formula. With the introduction of a new product into the diet, the likelihood of undigested food appearing in the child’s stool increases.

Age features of the structure

In addition, a child’s gastrointestinal tract is much shorter than that of an adult and food stays in it for less time and simply does not have time to be completely digested. Pieces of food in your baby's stool may be visible to the naked eye. These can be whole vegetables, fruits, etc. And in other cases, such fragments are discovered only in laboratory conditions, during research. For example, this is how lactose deficiency is detected, in which undigested carbohydrates and lactose are found in the feces of children. The detection of whole pieces of food in a child’s stool should alert you if this is accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • bloating;
  • intestinal colic;
  • impurities in feces (mucus, etc.).

Why there is undigested food in feces is interesting to many.


The above symptoms indicate an imbalance intestinal microflora. It is impossible to ignore dysbiosis (it will go away on its own), it must be treated, otherwise the disorders will worsen more and more, and be complicated by the addition of other diseases. In addition to an imbalance of microflora, the cause of dyspepsia can be intestinal infection or improperly selected nutrition. In order to prevent such phenomena, new products are introduced into the child’s menu gradually, one at a time. Naturally, all products must be fresh. Eggs need to be boiled for a long time, and milk should be boiled.

Meat and fish products must be pureed, this reduces the content muscle fibers in a child's excrement. Vegetables and fruits should be washed and rinsed with boiling water. Products plant origin should not have any damage: darkening or soft areas. If, despite carefully observing all these rules, food particles are still found in the child’s stool, then the pediatrician must be informed about this. He will assess the degree of danger and, based on associated symptoms, will determine further actions.

How to treat the disease so that undigested food remains no longer appear in the stool.


First of all, as we have already said, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon. If it is errors in nutrition, and there are no symptoms of inflammation (fever, chills, blood in the stool), then treatment comes down to correction eating behavior and drinking a lot of water. Other reasons why undigested pieces of food are found in the stool of a child and an adult can be understood from the coprogram. Such a detailed analysis can reveal the presence of protozoa and bacteria, which cause the infectious process. In this case, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the data obtained during the examination.

If the stomach does not digest food, then this process stops, and discomfort. In this article we'll talk about why food is not digested in the stomach, and how to solve the problem.

There is only one reason - the antrum of the stomach is its Bottom part where food always resides. It is in this section that its accumulation occurs, as well as the maximum accumulation of enzymes. The food itself is digested much worse, which leads to weakening of the body.

And now I’m over forty, food is no longer digested as before. IN in good condition feces should not contain any inclusions, lumps or pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc. Such fiber is found in the feces of an adult constantly, depending on the diet. In this case, the inclusion of such food is accompanied by diarrhea. Poor chewing food can impair digestion and reduce the efficiency of other digestive processes.

Inefficiently digested food is poorly absorbed, so much of it remains in the intestines and is not transported in the blood to the body's cells for energy production. Vitamins and minerals, which are vital for us, must be supplied with food, therefore, if digestion and absorption are impaired, there is a high probability of developing a deficiency of these substances. There is an insufficient amount of the enzyme pepsin in the stomach (hence the name dyspepsia).

Why doesn't the stomach digest food and what to do about it?

This is the place for digestion of food, which is located on the left side of the abdomen. This one begins difficult process still in the mouth, when the teeth are crushed and saliva dissolves the food. Then in the stomach it is affected by gastric juices and acid. You should start eating only in a good mood.

But when a person starts to eat and after a while everything comes back, this is a more serious situation. Now, as in our last article about the causes of burning, let's look at each item listed. Also, this is due to the fact that the secretory gland, which is responsible for the production of juice, is impaired.

Therefore, self-medication is also contraindicated, since it is quite difficult, although possible, to establish why food is not digested as it should. This leads to serious disturbances not only of the mucous membrane, but also throws the entire gastrointestinal tract and digestion out of balance. It is this department that is quite often exposed to damage and disease. And, very often, it is in the antrum that ulcers, tumors, erosions, etc. begin to form.

At the same time, the entire mucous membrane begins to weaken, which gives rise to the development of bacteria and damage in it. The reasons for digestion stopping are listed here, but I have a question about one of them. The reasons for these reasons... In short, which of these reasons is caused by taking amphetamine (meth-). What you wrote here is all la-la! Without you, we know that we should go to the doctors so that they can poke around in my stomach until the dust comes out from under their hooves! Your story didn’t give me anything useful. Blah blah blah!

Poor digestion

Hello! I have this problem, after I eat I feel dizzy, terrible weakness, and lump substrate, and constant feeling It's like my stomach is full of air. But before, I ate as much as I wanted and didn’t feel anything bad. But they should also be abandoned in the future. For those who want to get rid of gastritis and ulcers, there is only one way - separate nutrition. If a person feels well, then undigested particles in the stool of an adult should not cause any alarm and do not require specific treatment.

Heaviness in the stomach after eating

There are two types of fiber that can be found in the stool of an adult - digestible and indigestible. It should be noted that both species can be found in the stool of an adult. U healthy person Digestible fiber is not detected in feces. Indigestible fiber is precisely those particles of grains, legumes, skins of vegetables and fruits, hairs and vessels of plants that are often found in the feces of adults.

Undigested food in the stool of an adult is a consequence low acidity gastric juice, diseases of the pancreas, as well as accelerated evacuation of food from the intestines. In all other cases, temporary inclusions of undigested food are considered normal. Not enough chewing thoroughly food, which occurs when we eat too quickly.

Too much hearty food. The digestive system is designed to handle a certain amount of food. The more you eat, the less able your digestive system is to process everything properly. Stress. It is well known that stress impairs the digestion process.

What to do ■ Chew your food thoroughly. For each portion of food in the mouth there should be 20-30 chewing movements. Eat little and often. Since eating a large meal overloads the digestive system, you should avoid eating too much food at one time. ■ Make your dishes appetizing.

Don't drink while eating. Quench your thirst between meals, and drink no more than one small glass of liquid during meals. Do not take over-the-counter indigestion medications unless your doctor tells you to do so. Antacids (acid reducers) can reduce the efficiency of digestion. Make mealtimes stress-free by not being distracted by reading or watching TV while eating. ■ Don't eat in a hurry.

If the stomach does not digest food, separate nutrition will help normalize the condition. But undigested food in an adult’s stool can cause real panic for some. If the stomach does not digest food, you can use proven folk recipes to normalize the condition.

To digest foods, the human body spends different amounts of time. The duration is affected by the type of food, its texture, composition and the way it is combined with other substances. Easily digestible food provides a person with quick energy; digested slowly - a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Unconsciously choosing unsuccessful combinations of products complicates the work of the stomach, which can provoke complications.

How does digestion happen?

Digestion of nutrients - important process. With its help, the necessary microelements and vitamins enter the body. When food is digested, the necessary energy is released. The digestion process includes the following stages:

  1. In the mouth, food is crushed by the teeth. Saliva is released, which begins the breakdown of nutrients.
  2. The crushed food enters the pharynx, then the esophagus, and then into the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The human stomach continues to break down nutrients. By using muscle walls food is retained in the stomach, then the gastric muscles push some of the food into the intestine.
  4. The glands of the mucous membrane secrete gastric juice that processes foods. The processed parts of substances pass from the stomach to the area of ​​​​the small intestine, which forms loops in abdominal cavity. The first loop is the duodenum, connected to the liver, which secretes bile, and the pancreas, which produces pancreatic juice.
  5. Food elements are broken down in the cavity of the small intestine. There, the breakdown products are absorbed into the blood.
  6. The undigested part of the food moves from the thin to the colon, where it first accumulates and then is disposed of from the body.

Duration of absorption

Each type of product has its own digestion time. Knowing this time is important to keep your health in good shape.

Carbohydrate foods are absorbed most quickly.

With the help of knowledge you can prepare useful and delicious dishes. Nutritionists divide foods according to digestion time into the following 4 groups:

  • Carbohydrates. They have the fastest digestion speed - up to 45 minutes.
  • Protein. It takes about 2 hours to digest them.
  • A combination of fats and proteins. Absorption takes longer - up to 3 hours.
  • Food that is poorly digested and takes a long time - from 3 hours, or does not dissolve at all and passes through the body in “transit”.

Nutrition rules

  • There is no need to mix foods that take different times to digest.
  • Food should be chewed, crushed and treated with salivary enzymes.
  • It is important what temperature the food is. The gastrointestinal tract processes cold food faster, absorption is impaired, and hunger appears faster.
  • When adding fats and oils, the duration of digestion increases by 2.5-3 hours.
  • Boiled and fried products lose some of their beneficial features, the stomach works 1.5 times longer.
  • If the food has not yet been digested, adding liquid reduces the content of gastric juice.
  • When drinking water on an empty stomach, it immediately enters the intestines.
  • At night, the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, rests, so evening foods are digested in the morning.

What foods are not digestible or are poorly digested?

If you wash down your food with coffee, it will not be absorbed.

Often the stomach does not digest food at all. Indigestion occurs when consuming foods such as:

  • water;
  • black tea;
  • any coffee, including with milk;
  • paper;
  • starch;
  • gelatin;
  • yeast.

The food indicated in the table takes a long time to digest:

Reasons why food is poorly digested in adults and children

The digestion time of food increases if it is pre-heated.

Products dissolve easily and quickly if there is no heat treatment and no sugar or fats are added. Reasons for indigestion or prolonged absorption:

  • simultaneous consumption of food, the processing of which requires different amounts of time;
  • adding fats or oils.

In these cases, the body cannot digest normally nutrients. Fats create a film that repels gastric juice and prolongs the time it takes to process food. The person feels heaviness in the stomach and has no appetite. A simple combination of products according to heat treatment time and restriction in fats and oils helps to improve overall well-being.

An important point is the age of the person. Basically, in an adult, food is digested from 15 minutes to several hours, in children infancy The stomach is still poorly developed; it can only absorb milk - breast milk or artificial milk from the formula. Digestion in the gastrointestinal tract in a child under one year of age lasts up to 3 hours. This explains the need for frequent feeding.

Some people experience diarrhea after eating. They assimilate food, but it is not digested. This dangerous symptom for the body. When diarrhea is a consequence of consumption stale food, it passes in 2 days. If symptoms persist, you should discuss this with your doctor, as loose stools Severe dehydration may occur.

Olives bring many benefits to the body.

Olives or olives with pits are very useful. In them high content vitamins, microelements, antioxidants. It is recommended to eat 10 fruits on an empty stomach, as well as olive pits. This helps to get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Eating olives normalizes metabolic processes. Regular olive food (fruits and oil) has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

The body of an omnivorous person absorbs only 5% of what he eats, and 95% is not absorbed. The body only takes in grains. Hungry cells of the body demand more and more.

Why do we assimilate 5% and not everything?

Some people eat everything in a row, turning their stomach and body into a trash can. Many products do not combine with each other in terms of digestion environment. Some foods require acidic enzymes to break down, others alkaline ones. In addition, the products contain individual enzymes. In this case, enzymes. The so-called programs, thanks to which the body determines what kind of product it is and what to do with it.
The separation of products according to the digestion environment lays the foundation for the so-called separate nutrition.
1. Protein products include mushrooms, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, MASH), eggplants, nuts, seeds. Protein products acidic enzymes are required for breakdown.
2. carbohydrates/starch products include bread, cereals, sugar, jam, honey, potatoes. Requires alkaline enzymes for breakdown.
Milk doesn't go well with anything. Fruits and berries not only do not go well with anything, but they also do not go well with themselves. It is advisable to eat one type of fruit or berry at a time. Vegetables and greens go well with both protein and carbohydrates.
The result of a mixed diet.
Let's say you mixed potatoes with mushrooms. Mushrooms require acidic enzymes to break down, potatoes are alkaline. Once they meet, acid and alkaline enzymes are neutralized! The food was not digested. Mushrooms continue to require acid, potatoes - alkali. For re-synthesis of enzymes, all organs internal secretion start working with the maximum possible (~ 100-fold) overload! In this case, the energy potential of the body is depleted. An indicator of this phenomenon is the desire to sleep after eating and sleepy state. Then the acid and alkali enter again and again the chemical reaction mutual neutralization. The products have been “fermented” for as long as possible and are further pushed through without being digested duodenum. And there they need to be broken down into nutrients. Why break it down, they haven’t been completely digested. The body squeezed out what it could and then pushed the food into the small intestine. There, nutrients are absorbed into the blood. There's nothing to suck in. The products were not digested or split! And there the moisture is removed from these products. They become dehydrated and turn into fecal stones. These fecal stones then enter the large intestine and remain there for an indefinite period of time, perhaps for years. And we constantly clog the intestines with new deposits, poisoning our body with waste emissions. So, day after day, our body becomes resistance to energy flows. It's getting smaller vital energy misses. As a result, concentration and brain activity decreases.
"Separate nutrition is more justified than mixed nutrition. When contamination occurs with toxins of the body, this also happens at the cellular level. And when a cell is in a dirty environment, it cannot develop normally. In a dirty environment, cells are forced to become selfish cells in order to survive. Cell an egoist is, practically, cancer cell, which begins to multiply intensively. And a person, without suspecting it, feeds and grows such a tumor in himself poor nutrition". (V. Nicheporuk, Head of the Rehabilitation Department of the Ukrainian Center for Sports Medicine.
This is where those only 5% of the absorption of nutrients come from, of their total amount. As a result, the blood does not receive enough nutrients, the body becomes over-weary and polluted! With separate meals, food absorption increases.
Mixed nutrition causes all kinds of illnesses, fatigue, laziness, weakness, short life, mental disorder, excess weight, the need for long sleep, vitamins and nutrients. A person uses various cleanses for his body. Herbs, diets, enemas, fasting. Trying to regain my figure, youth and health. But it’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!
As Professor Zhdanov said. G., mixed nutrition- this is working on illnesses and the toilet.
As a result of separate nutrition, the digestibility of food increases. The body begins to absorb not 5%, but 30 percent. As a result, the mass of food required for saturation decreases. And a person, for example, no longer needs 500 grams of food, but 150 grams. However, such a result can only be achieved after cleansing and restructuring the body.
Why is food not completely digested? separate meals? What criteria must food meet?
Live food.
To understand the issues raised, let's start with the structure of the digestive system. Most people view the digestive system as a tube filled with gastric juice, and the digestion process as the dissolution of food by this juice. The idea that gastric juice dissolves any food that a person throws into it is very far from what actually happens! The secretion of juice is not yet digestion, it is protective function digestive system. The stomach is not a food digestion factory, but a research laboratory. He must determine what is included in the product and provide necessary food environment (acidic or alkaline. Digestion occurs in two stages:
1. autolysis - self-dissolution of food in the stomach.
2. and symbiont digestion - dissolution of food by intestinal microflora. From the word symbiosis. In this case, it is a symbiosis of microorganisms that make up the microflora of our body.
After we have eaten food, chewed it and swallowed it, it enters the stomach. Where food self-dissolution occurs is autolysis. For a clear understanding of this phenomenon of digestion, let’s consider an example demonstrated by the Soviet academician A. Uglev. M.
We pour the gastric juice of the predator into two vessels and place a live frog in one vessel and a boiled frog in the other.
The result was unexpected. The first frog (live) dissolved and disappeared without a trace, along with the bones. And the second (boiled) only changed superficially.
If food was dissolved by stomach acid, the result would be the same in both cases. However, this did not happen! Under the influence of gastric juice in food, the self-dissolution mechanism is activated. Why did a living frog completely dissolve? What does it have that is not in the boiled version? The body of a living frog is dissolved by its own enzymes! Living food itself dissolves in the stomach and small intestine The body can only absorb the decomposed nutrients. Like a boa constrictor, which, having swallowed a rabbit, does not digest it, but waits for it to dissolve itself and then absorbs nutrients, practically without spending its own vital energy.
The same thing happens with plant foods. All plant foods are filled with enzymes for their self-dissolution. In any seed, nut, or fruit, nature provides a mechanism for processing complex substances into simple ones to feed the sprout. As soon as the seed finds itself in suitable conditions (temperature and humidity), enzymes come into action. And the fruit dissolves itself, giving life to a new plant. Our stomach is the most suitable place for this dissolution. And if in nature this happens rather slowly, then in the gastrointestinal tract food dissolves quickly. This is the first criterion for assessing the food that a person needs. Food must contain enzymes and be raw! Then it will dissolve itself. Enzymes are destroyed by heat treatment (boiling, boiling, frying, stewing, baking. Anything that heats food above 43 degrees Celsius destroys enzymes.
When we use raw apple, it lingers in the stomach for about 30 minutes. Only if this apple is baked will it linger in the stomach for 4 hours.
Further food from the stomach to small intestine hits. Where the process of self-dissolution continues and processed nutrients are absorbed into the blood. Everything that remains after self-dissolution and absorption ends up in the large intestine.
The microorganisms that inhabit our intestines weigh approximately 2.5 kg and have the right to be called an independent brain. These microorganisms are vegetarians. They feed exclusively on plant fiber. Any other food suppresses them. For microbes, everything is simple; their numbers double every 20 minutes. And whoever has food multiplies. In the event that food of non-plant origin predominates, then microbes - gravediggers - multiply. The product of their vital activity is toxins and is not suitable for humans. And if plant fiber predominates, then our relatives flourish! Their excretion products are vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Those same essential amino acids that, as previously thought, could only be obtained from meat! The beneficial activity of our internal (probiotic) microflora has been proven by many scientists from different countries.
Huge herbivores gain weight and height by eating exclusively plant foods. Our microflora uses vegetable fiber, as a building element, bricks for the entire table chemical elements- building.
This is the second criterion that our food must meet. It must contain plant fiber.
1. criterion - food must be raw! 2. criterion - food must be plant-based and rich in fiber! Putting the two criteria together, our body needs raw plant foods.

Learn more about the basics of healthy eating